Refugees of Rohan and Atlantica Online



  • jesmona
    jesmona Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I have come from the failed world of atlantica and its horrid stamina phase -.- Played the CB1 and a few days of CB2 and I gave up. I played Rohan for a few hours and thought sod this and left lol and removed it from the desktop and hard drive forever
  • starelf
    starelf Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Sounds like you fit with us well then =) Welcome. We have been discussing various issues of the old games and waiting to get into PW in a couple days. I started a guild (well pre-emptively until it can be formed in game) it will be an easy-going and small type to start with and we have several (myself included) who have played the other asian versions of PW. Curently I am getting input whether everyone will prefer Xfire or my limited free site and AIM, Xfire seems like it might fit our needs better but I am waiting to get all opinions firstly.
    Anyhow, I am StellarStarElven on AIM and starelf on Xfire if you wish to chat =)
  • jesmona
    jesmona Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I played PW-MY(EN) oracle server and I had a lvl 56 WF .. I quit because the game was too laggy for my bf to play he had a lvl54 WB on same server. It became so bad he couldnt even move to a npc so we both decided to break away and lucky the INT version came out not long after. Hes happy as he loves the game but not the ping xD

    I have xfire too ^^ but I don't have AIM anymore.

    BTW I have seen you post on the Atlantica forums loads xD esp your countdown to the doomed CB2 and the stupid 5 min spam post prevention made u late for a time update lol
  • starelf
    starelf Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    hehe, yep, up until about two hours prior to launch it was all love for the game too, then we got the news on stamina, never had anything chill my spine quite as much as that did. Anyhow, add me on Xfire if you like =) And great having you with us here.
    I too played on oracle in PW-MY and was a 50+ WF. I also had a friend (who may join us in this one) who quit there due to lag issues, so can totally relate.
  • lockhart
    lockhart Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Heh Star seems like Im having trouble setting up an AIM account, for some reason whenever I make a viable screenname it gives me an error >.< So either AIm hates me or I have 347335 accounts by now, go figure =P
    Mihimaru ~ 4x Venomancer ~ Starlight ~ Heaven's Tear
    CB tester :D
  • starelf
    starelf Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Well, I am starting to lean toward Xfire for guild use now anyhow, my free site is limited to only 10 reply per thread which is quite annoying and the setup for the guild on Xfire looks/works very well so far. It has persistent chat room (already setup and tested it, works great) The AIM multi-chat feature is the main reason I suggested that and Xfire chat works even better. If you can or already do Xfire mine is starelf and pending one last person's input that is most likely what will be used for the guild.
  • starelf
    starelf Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    For those of you already joined up and those considering it, we will be going with Xfire for our guild site and I encourage those of you without it yet to get it, it's also free and looks to work much better for our needs. Below is the link for the guild page itself and you can get the download off the "home" tab from there.
    Looking forward to opening day =)
  • jenova
    jenova Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Hey, another refugee from Rohan here.

    I'm pretty sure I remember playing with your Starelf, weren't you a Warlock on Ahkma?

    My IGN was Baal.

    What is the grind like in this game compared to Rohan? I got to 73 in Rohan before I quit.
    (Quit mostly due to lack of higher level parties and the fact that the servers were empty)
  • starelf
    starelf Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I played alot of dif things in Rohan, most of the reason I left there was the xp did not allow me to fully try out all the classes the way I like to. I was not at all thrilled with the prospect of spending 12 months to level up past 50 on each of the 12 combos to see which I liked best. So it's certainly possible we crossed paths. Anyhow, the grind here will all depend on if it's the same as the asian versions. However if it remains at all like the existing ones it doesn't get noticable at all until up around 60+ (which is how Rohan should have been) The only grind that is at all attibutable to Rohan's rate is up in the 90+ range (again the way Rohan should have been) It has a similar TW system to what Rohan was trying for, tho better thought out and implemented IMO and you control an area not just a town. It's not gamble-fest of random chance like Rohan turned out to be. If you gather the mats and have the necessary skill level and try to make a weapon you actually make it without wondering if it will pass/fail on you.
    Of course the main attraction (at least for me) of PW has to be it's seamless full world map (except the instanced dungeons) and the ability to fly anywhere within it. All in all I would tell you that PW is what Rohan was trying to be and failed, without the flying and gambling of course.
  • kaiya
    kaiya Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Heya all!

    Star I just downloaded Xfire and sen't you a friend request thingy on that. I am on Aim and sen't you a message so I'll be around on both of those and checking up here throughout the evening. Oh an incase you haven't seen my messag yet, I do apologise for not being around the past couple days. I was looking forward to chatting conference with you and Peanut, then there was this huge 'boom' and we lost electricty for 4 hours..agh no a/c in this heat was soo aweful, I was seriously pissed to put it nicely.

    Anywho, I eventually fell asleep, not much else one can do when it's dark and you have like a minature candle for a whole apartment...yeah I know I so shoulda seen that coming..sigh..Anywho, had some health stuff going on for the past couple days, nothing bad and feeling pretty good now so I hope to chat with you guys shortly!

    Oh and only one more day until PW/I woot!..I so have my fingers crossed for this one, I mean c'mon we are totally due for a 'third try's the charm' bs aren't we?


    P.S Name on Xfire is kiyari and on Aim: Kiyari01 if anyone wan't to add me. ^^
  • merulz
    merulz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I'm from both :D

    I quit Rohan because of all the hackers and the cash shop being utterly ****. I quit Atlantica because of the stamina system.

    Perfect World IRC:
    Channel: #pwint
  • starelf
    starelf Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    welcome to the party merulz, grab a drink and have a seat, the fun will be starting soon, just 7 hours til open now =) Take a read through and message me if you like too
  • starelf
    starelf Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Welcome back Kiyari, was worried about you there the past few days....good to see all is well and will talk to you on Xfire =)
  • deadlypeanut
    deadlypeanut Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    What server are we joing? if i recall correctly its PvE East
  • starelf
    starelf Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    correct, Heaven's Tear
  • aviece
    aviece Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Any good Heavens Tears guilds starting?
  • starelf
    starelf Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    We are the one, we are using Xfire so if you have it or can get it, mine is starelf
  • aviece
    aviece Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I just got xfire, no idea how to use it.

    The guild name itself is RoR or that is just where the players are from
  • starelf
    starelf Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    just where we are from Rohan and Atlantica
    guild name is
  • jenova
    jenova Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Awww look's like I won't be seeing you in game. I'll be on the PvP server. Good luck with the game :)
  • starelf
    starelf Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    you too =)
  • xiahou
    xiahou Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Rohan Online

    Level 57
    Name: Xiahou
    Level:Workin on it
    Sever:Heaven's Tear
  • lockhart
    lockhart Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Wonder what the plans for the guild will be now since Heaven's Tear aint up :) Anyway nice to see this many refugee's here, feel free to gimme a shout in xfire if ye need help with PW, Im currently in the east PvP server ^_^ In xfire my name is merveill, ingame either Mihimaru or Lockhart
    Mihimaru ~ 4x Venomancer ~ Starlight ~ Heaven's Tear
    CB tester :D
  • starelf
    starelf Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    For the time being we are on Lost City and will switch to Heaven's Tear when it's available after the beta phase.
  • lockhart
    lockhart Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Good to know, I'll propably join you once I settle with one character as main =P
    Mihimaru ~ 4x Venomancer ~ Starlight ~ Heaven's Tear
    CB tester :D
  • gabriel2
    gabriel2 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Well, I tried PW today and i'm not impressed. It's got too much of a 'been there, done that' feeling for me. I promptly uninstalled. See you all in another game, another time.
  • moonstar
    moonstar Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    kuronue wrote: »
    Well, hopefully this won't fail as badly as Rohan or Atlantica. >.> And hopefully we get a nice chunk of people to join us.

    nothing can bee **** bad as Rohan (at least i hope so) i waited for half a year for it to come online and when i finaly got to play BIG DISAPPOINTMENT skill delays low rate CS(cashshop) overpowered and lots more i hope nothing can bee that bad any way there in OB(openbeta) and its allready a dying game thats all for now i had to say about this rohan failuare.
  • starelf
    starelf Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    yes, Rohan had potential and was very hyped, the opening day when they had to add 3 additional servers showed that. However failure to listen or care about the players and basically flat out greed killed that game cold some time ago. The only reason it wasn't a ghost town these past weeks/month is all the botts that flooded the game. As they are draining out the servers are down to 25 or less percent and dropping fast. when it empties of botts there will end up around maybe 5 percent actual players on each one, and even if they poured all the servers into one it's not enough to keep the game running. So yep, it's dead and died some time ago.
  • starelf
    starelf Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    For those in my group who have not noticed it yet, there has been an update regarding the duration of CB, it will now end on the 27th and enter open on Sept 2nd instead of the one month testing period previously described. So play around with your builds now while you can =)
  • starelf
    starelf Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Another update CB was extended until Sept 2nd so now there will only be 4 hours of downtime between CB and OB.