Refugees of Rohan and Atlantica Online



  • resin
    resin Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Patch notes say they are keeping stamina. Just fixing other bugs and making Brutal Will drop again.
  • kuronue
    kuronue Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Oh I know I read the patch notes. I was simply making a statement on how something will happen that prevents them from even adding in the new Stamina updates to make the game more "enjoyable".
  • starelf
    starelf Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    figures, ah well...not that I expected otherwise really by this point, they were just trailing us along anyhow
  • starelf
    starelf Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Try going to this link and see if you can post or not, just wanna see if we can get into a better viewable forums, hehe
    This is ok otherwise tho I guess
  • resin
    resin Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    btw... when are PWI servers up? Website keeps refreshing so I cant read it and I refuse to use IE. TY in advance.
  • starelf
    starelf Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    on the 19th, not sure of the time yet tho
  • starelf
    starelf Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    kinda amazing how the forum users shot up to 400 when that announcement came out, lol
  • deadlypeanut
    deadlypeanut Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Yea atlantica hit the crapper when they added stamina and Ndoors flushed the game down with the last patch i hope there game fails they deserve too
  • starelf
    starelf Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I wanted them to pull it out and make it work, sadly they just refused, I loved the game to begin with it was perfect, they shoulda just left it alone and gone straight live after CB1
  • deadlypeanut
    deadlypeanut Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I know CB1 was great they coulda tweaked it SMALL tweaks and gone to an open beta but no they just needed there stamina :(
  • kuronue
    kuronue Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    We can has that lynching session now? :p But anyways, as one of your theories stated. Chances are it was just to see how the community would react and based on that to add or hold off on the system in the Korean version.
  • starelf
    starelf Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    yep, and if it's for cash reasons it will fail, well it fails for every reason, but it's useless for cash considering the tiny number who will play it that way
  • starelf
    starelf Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    yah, I am pretty sure that's all this was, testing to see what they can get away with on their successful games, it's almost blatant they didn't even try to make it last
  • deadlypeanut
    deadlypeanut Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    why would they go threw all that just to test they must have had some thought that there game might succeed in the US all that for a test seems weird is the game even that popular in KR
  • starelf
    starelf Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    The game has been running in several asian versions I believe for some years. And it's really not that much to do really. They port a copy, get it translated, load it on a server, send it over here, get a company to host it for them, advertise a beta to draw tons of hungry american gamers, test, get the data they need, then bail out.
  • kaiya
    kaiya Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Such ashame. I had so much fun in CB1, the only thing that annoyed me was having the 1 day deletion rule which I don't understand for a beta testing. That and I'd have liked to have more character aesthetic choices then what was available. I don't know about anyone else, but to be completely honest, I didn't really like any of the facial or hair choices available really. It really seems to me that at least lately, the male characters have become better looking then the females.

    Anyone from Rohan remember the assassin chick (Dhan) hairstyle with a big affro and low pigtails? lol. I never once saw that hairstyle ingame.

    Oh on a different note, one of the greatest things Rohan ever implemented was the **** emote. There was nothing better when you go afk and you come back to see your char still standing there and a guy sitting down under you typing the typical lame sexual references. Then one hits the **** emote and the dress actually flies up and green mist pops out..utterly priceless.

    Yes..yes I did.
  • deadlypeanut
    deadlypeanut Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    i cant update my PW-I client keeps saying cant connect to update server is do i have to wait till the 18th for that ?
  • starelf
    starelf Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    yah, the customize was pretty sucky in both Rohan and Atlantica compared to some games, it's top notch in PW tho, second only to some of NCsofts p2p games. (GW and the City of Heroes/Villans). On the update thing, yes, gotta wait for 18th same as on Atlantica and Rohan was
  • starelf
    starelf Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Err sorry, the 19th actually
  • deadlypeanut
    deadlypeanut Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    kk im hoping this games combat is a little more then ur standared WoW combat im getting sick of those
  • kaiya
    kaiya Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    starelf wrote: »
    yah, the customize was pretty sucky in both Rohan and Atlantica compared to some games, it's top notch in PW tho, second only to some of NCsofts p2p games. (GW and the City of Heroes/Villans). On the update thing, yes, gotta wait for 18th same as on Atlantica and Rohan was

    Oh yah PW customisation is wonderful. However, it's both a dream and a curse to a chicky like me. I'm on of those that take FOREVER to choose her facial/hairstyle etc.. and I have literally taken days of editing/creating characters before finally settling on one that I like. The good thing about PW was that they give you 48 hours to edit all aspects of your characters looks after creating it. The annoying part is that it takes 7 days for the deletion process, so make sure to not forget that. However you do have quite a few slots for character creation, I think it's 10 or something to that effect. I do understand why that 7 day rule is there, but it still can get annoying nonetheless.
  • starelf
    starelf Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    It's decent, at least I always thought so. PW-MY was the only F2P game that I have kept for several years now, all others failed pretty much, so it's got some guts...mostly I started looking elsewhere cuz alot of the chat in MY version is asian and I had no friends in there, it's really not suited to solo style at all times...I went through almost all of it but you cannot upgrade without doing some of the dungeons and that takes grouping gotta upgrade every 10 lvls which gives access to better skills and such. Not all the upgrades take dungeon about every 2nd or 3rd, so a dungeon around every 20 or 30 lvls...those I did do were with pickup groups and those can go either way really
  • starelf
    starelf Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    OK, well my guild in PW-MY was called simply "StarLight" so I would prolly do that again here. I have some screencaps of my chars there wonder if we can post images in here...
  • kaiya
    kaiya Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Yeah I am not too fond of pick up groups, I've had more then my fair share of horrible experiences in my years of gaming when it comes to that.

    Oh yah the FB dungeons, I forgot about those. I remember when I did my first FB 19, however I diidn't really get to check it out as it was more of a rush job to get it out of the way as I wen't with my guild at the time. The good thing is one could find a higher level or same level group for those dungeons really easy and many even advertise and offered to take others in them due to the exp amount they receive for being in those dungeons.
  • starelf
    starelf Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    yah, you also get alot of high lvls offering/joining the lower FBs to get the crystals....I forget the stat, it lets you get the military equipment...
  • kaiya
    kaiya Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    That name for the guild would be fine with me. I can't stand guild names that are like the typical AOL l33t speak that so many make.

    I too have many screenshots from PW/MY, so if possible and if any others wish to see any, I could check them around and post some up here.

    Oh about pics, for some reason my signature won't load at all and it was uploaded and showing correctly in the User CP, so I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong there.
  • starelf
    starelf Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    once you get it showing you hafta click the "add signature" button or something until it says something in brackets in the top box (sig)(/nosig) but brackets or something
  • starelf
    starelf Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I will likely use that forum site I linked for the guild then as the title still fits
  • kaiya
    kaiya Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    starelf wrote: »
    once you get it showing you hafta click the "add signature" button or something until it says something in brackets in the top box (sig)(/nosig) but brackets or something

    Yah I did that and it sitll won't show, but it shows my sig as my current sig hmm. Am I supposed to enter something inbetween the sig/no sig thingy, because I assumed I didn't have to enter a link as I uploaded it directly from my drive.

    Edit: lol now the bloddy thing works haha, nvm. I had a feeling as soon as I wrote this post that it would suddenly show up hehe.