OLD "Report a Bug" Thread -Being closed in a few days.



  • kitfox
    kitfox Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    bunny wrote: »
    You know what really annoyed me?

    I was a WF and like, whenever you would stop, the pet would go right inside of you. It was really annoying and it was hard to click on items dropped.

    It would be awesome if the pet wouldn't have to be literally on top of you whenever you stop. Like it could at least be a few feet away.

    Could be worse.

    Wait... It is...

    Some pets do that cheek-scratching animation every once in a while. The problem is that if you are looking from the side opposite their scratching foot, you can't actually tell they are scratching their cheek with their hind foot.

    Real Life conversation when showing somebody PW:

    "This is a werefox. They have pets. See?"
    "Ooo. Giant weasel!"
    "And I can turn into a fox."
    "Cool. The weasel seems to really like you. He always stands over... OH MY GOD, what was that?!"
    "Okay, that weasel likes you too much. He was just humping you and growling. Yeah, no way I'm playing something that weird."
  • ragingwind
    ragingwind Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    kitfox wrote: »
    Could be worse.

    Wait... It is...

    Some pets do that cheek-scratching animation every once in a while. The problem is that if you are looking from the side opposite their scratching foot, you can't actually tell they are scratching their cheek with their hind foot.

    Real Life conversation when showing somebody PW:

    "This is a werefox. They have pets. See?"
    "Ooo. Giant weasel!"
    "And I can turn into a fox."
    "Cool. The weasel seems to really like you. He always stands over... OH MY GOD, what was that?!"
    "Okay, that weasel likes you too much. He was just humping you and growling. Yeah, no way I'm playing something that weird."
    Awesome. I actually LOLed at that for like a minute. Great stuff.
  • rufus
    rufus Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    i want a weasel now..:p
  • ragingwind
    ragingwind Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    rufus wrote: »
    i want a weasel now..:p
    Actually, I think it looks funkier with cats. XD
  • sigoh
    sigoh Posts: 341 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Its not a big deal... but when going South of EtherSword (I'm sorry I dont remember the specific place) right before you hit the level 22 monsters, theres this really tall mountain. And as you climb the mountain jumping, you get to a certain point when you stay in jumping position, and it is awemost as if your gliding
    Chaotic Oblivion~Fated Twilight~Eternal Sorrow~Corrupted Fidelity
  • azure
    azure Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    lipe124 wrote: »
    This is probably not the place but I'm kinda sick of reading about these WF bugs/cheats. 99% of you complainers are going to rely on a WF buddy to kill those mobs because we all know they are REALLY REALLY hard at the level we get their quests.

    There is no gain for the wf or anyone else by doing that in terms of exp/money/items so why is this even mentioned? There is no loss of gameplay or any form of degrading the game experience of others either.

    If they "fix" this "bug" then I want gouf's atk to be 1/4'ed. As far as is remember hes fb49/59 and even a lvl70 WB needs constant healspam or hes isntantly killed.

    lol ya why are we reporting this bugs they are the good 1s and stuff :p
  • kitfox
    kitfox Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    ragingwind wrote: »
    Actually, I think it looks funkier with cats. XD

    It's just proof that our pets truly love us.




    (Though it's technically an Ermine, but he thought it was a weasel.)
  • tharn
    tharn Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I don't see how using an EA to kill darkeye is a glitch or bug.....just being smarter than the boss.

    Dunno if this is an issue or was by design but the lvl 81 flame/frost pearl mission requires you to
    kill each boss twice with someone who has opposite pearl requirement and trade pearls back and forth.

    Lastly, if housing is not included in any free versions and mystery items are specifically for that purpose,
    how about eliminating them from world missions. They just clutter up the bank space for us packrats.
    Anybody seen my axes.....[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
  • elchi
    elchi Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Something really annoying for French people and other non American keyboard users is the fact that the WASD system isn't well placed for us.

    On an AZERTY keyboard the top left keys are

    and not

    So for us WASD would be ZQSD...
    As a result, the WASD system is not usable unless I tell Windows that my keyboard is an American one, but then I have trouble when I use the chat since I have to remember where are the letters (I'm used to it now) but the big problem is for the punctuation, I never remember where are those.
    PWI - Heavens Tears : 3x Archer
    PW My - Delphi: 4x WF (Veno)
    Rappelz - Lydian : 122 Soul Breeder
    Knight Online : 6x Buffer
    Conquer Online : 11x Archer
  • karmelia
    karmelia Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    tharn wrote: »
    I don't see how using an EA to kill darkeye is a glitch or bug.....just being smarter than the boss.

    You cannot be "smarter" than the boss. You can find glitches in the game the programmers did not thought about.
    Frankieraye said : "we can promise that we will work to improve all facets of community, engineering, and customer service to ensure that something like this doesn't happen again."

    (We are still waiting to see any improvements or changes beign implemented. More empty promises from PWI?)
  • kias
    kias Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    The thing that bothered me the most was the fact that we could not resize the interface.
    It may have been a great interface for chinese, thay can cram a lot of information in a few characters, but in English it makes a lot of text overflow and float outside the windows (Bosses' names and such).
  • kelo
    kelo Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Chat filter:
    In PW-MY, the chat filter really bad. First of all, it is case sensitive, which is stupid. Let's say they wanted to censor "insertbadword", you'd have to type "insertBadword", and the censorship would be avoided (yes, just by adding one cap). The censorship is also very annoying when appearing in normal words. Here are a few examples. On MY-EN, the word "nake" (for naked I guess), is filtered. On chat, you want to say that you want an ancient snake skin. But the filter will mess up snake because it contains "nake". Heck, in HH1-2, a boss has "snake" in his name, and when he shouted something at us (in Chinese, because they never translated mobs messages), his name was even censored in chat window xD Another example: they filtered off "gm" (meaning everybody writes GM to avoid filter xD ), but you can't say any word containing "gm" in it (I hate those elements fraGments you have to collect).

    People wanting to say bad words only have to add one cap, so they don't get filtered off. However normal people doing random chatting have to watch out when writing mobs and items name :S You definitively have to work into improving chat filter (if you want one, that is), because on MY-EN, it's much more annoying than useful.

    Text display:
    (example included xD )
    In MY-EN, whenever you talk to a N
    PC, the message is often cut right i
    n the middle of a word at the end of
    lines, which (combined with the bad
    translation) is a reason why nobody
    ever read texts on MY-EN. Please f
    ix that for Perfect World Internationa

    Pets movement:

    Some people already talked about it. It's ok that the pet follows it's owner. But why does it always need to step on him xD It hinders vision with golem or any big pet. With a bee, it's horrible as it looks like the bee is eating it's owner's head :S

    Another issue with pet movement is the fact that flying pets only move in a straight line, no matter what. Look at that picture, drawn by a skilled artist:
    In the picture, you want to send flying pet to attack the mob over that huge 3ft hill. However, the pet will try to move in a straight line, and get stuck in the anthill, while the bad evil mob spams spells on it xD this looks pretty ridiculous, and it's really annoying when trying to level up a flying pet ^^;; It happens pretty often, especially since the pet is always trying to aim for mobs' feet. Ground pets don't have that problem: they just walk over it, and flying pets should just fly over it too ^^;

    Pet healing
    After a duel, the pet cannot be healed until you leave the current area. The Venomancer does the chanting, casts the spell and... nothing happens. You gain vigor as usual, but pet don't regain HP xD Even if you try to unsummon/summon/switch pet, you can't heal it after a duel. This is another annoying bug, especially when you are having fun doing duels in a town (you need to leave town and re-enter after every duel).
    ~ Through the darkest of night, we shall shine brightly, revealing the path to both friendship and glory ~
    Kelovar, Radiance executor
  • lipe124
    lipe124 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Hahah Kelo!! Awesome post!
    I looveed your illustration of flying pets getting stuck and in general very good points!

    3 cheers for Kelo!!
    Higurashi no Naku Koro ni - Go watch it alone ;)
  • lena
    lena Posts: 243 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Same here Kelo 3 cheers for you but you know whats the screwed up thing though you can say the word B.itch but cant say Sexy the My version has a screwed up way of what you can and cant say the snake one is annoying as hell

    I was just wondering would it be possible for BladeKnights to give chars another buff like speed and wish that skill lasts longer than it does and for CL the buffs be way better lol the BB has one of the best buffs *increases HP* dont know name of that skill though another thing POTs be instant instead of over time this the only game Ive played that the pots were over time instead of instant
    You Were Never Meant To Arrive In Hell Looking Like A Fashion Plate...Rather To Slide In Backwards..Glass Of Wine In Hand..Hair In Disarray..Totally Exhausted.... Screaming man what a ride !!!!!!!
  • tofu
    tofu Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    kelo wrote: »

    Another issue with pet movement is the fact that flying pets only move in a straight line, no matter what. Look at that picture, drawn by a skilled artist:
    In the picture, you want to send flying pet to attack the mob over that huge 3ft hill. However, the pet will try to move in a straight line, and get stuck in the anthill, while the bad evil mob spams spells on it xD

    very beautiful picture =))
    pwns mona lisa anyday!!! >;0!!
  • bunny
    bunny Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I'm glad other people know how annoying it is to have pets in side of you. D:<
  • ayrwyn
    ayrwyn Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    not sure if this is what u are looking for but i was killing Mardock for someone and noticed he was still in the room yet i was out in the hall. Lol gotta admit it was an easy kill without the guards bothering me. But I was able to attack him through the wall.

    also i have gotten stuck in couple of places with no way out except town scroll. which is highly inconvenient considering u can only use it once an hour. This happened to me specifically in FB59 when coming up out of the pit in one of the areas and to someone else at the north gate of ADC. he was stuck with half his body in the ground...lol funny site to btw
  • dubhreul
    dubhreul Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    ALT+TAB -> Desktop
    ALT + TAB again -> PW doesn't recognize mouse clicks anymore and falls back to desktop after any click as if i would have pressed ALT + TAB again. Keyboard input on the other hand works still fine.
  • kazuma
    kazuma Posts: 193 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I'm saying here my return to the PW-INT Forums.

    While I was gone, I downloaded PW-MY...

    I noticed on the Character Customization screen something very VERY strange.

    Well, im not sure if it was a normal glitch or anythig, but I saw ANOTHER character, not mine, not mine at all. He was actually running around, like ingame....


    Yeah that was it.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]If only deathnote was that simple...
  • acrimony
    acrimony Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Surprised no one mentioned this cause I've been hainvg it happen loads of times (altho I haven't played for a while and maybe it got fixed?)

    Sometimes, after sitting down, or rather, as soon as I get up, I'm unable to do anything at all within the game, not even access the menus or use the skills or whatever - the only course of action being to forcefully close the game and log back on.
  • haseo
    haseo Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Monsters attacking through walls
    not being able to pick up my own loot that mobs drop
    too much lag
  • foolrunning
    foolrunning Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Surprised no one mentioned this cause I've been hainvg it happen loads of times (altho I haven't played for a while and maybe it got fixed?)

    Sometimes, after sitting down, or rather, as soon as I get up, I'm unable to do anything at all within the game, not even access the menus or use the skills or whatever - the only course of action being to forcefully close the game and log back on.
    Actually, I was about to mention this. This is called "retreat state." Its one of the most annoying "features" in the game (I think its meant to help you escape from monsters when you are sitting and they attack you). Its very unclear how you get into retreat state or how you get out of it again.
  • kelo
    kelo Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Actually, that never happened to me o.O

    A common bug is the "endless fall" one. When you walk a slope which is too sleep, you fall...
    then tou teleport back from where you fell...
    then you fall...
    then tou teleport back from where you fell...
    then you fall...
    then tou teleport back from where you fell...
    then you fall...
    then tou teleport back from where you fell...
    then maybe you can move or try to jump to escape the bug xD
    ~ Through the darkest of night, we shall shine brightly, revealing the path to both friendship and glory ~
    Kelovar, Radiance executor
  • faruxue
    faruxue Posts: 243 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    kelo wrote: »
    Actually, that never happened to me o.O

    A common bug is the "endless fall" one. When you walk a slope which is too sleep, you fall...
    then tou teleport back from where you fell...
    then you fall...
    then tou teleport back from where you fell...
    then you fall...
    then tou teleport back from where you fell...
    then you fall...
    then tou teleport back from where you fell...
    then maybe you can move or try to jump to escape the bug xD
    Or you can just hit the fly button
    If you're a human/beast under 30 then just hit the log out button, wait 5 seconds, click OK on the character selection screen again to get back in.

    Some "bugs" mentioned in the post aren't bugs at all, like the unable to heal your opponent after a duel.
    The game mechanics was designed so that you cannot heal/buff a player with pk mode on, AKA "swords beside their name", while you're inside the safezone. Right after a duel, both players will have those swords unless you've never attacked your opponent. So you will be unable to heal/buff you opponent inside safezone.
    This is designed so that in a pk situation, your EP friend cannot sit in safezone and heal you while you're out there pwning people because stacked whist heals practically gives you invincibility.
    Same thing applies to pet heals.
    See 3 RQ get owned by 1 WB
    copy and paste onto your web link
  • tofu
    tofu Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    hhahaha i love that glitch^_^ with the endless falling
    well not rly..
    buts its funny...
    yet annoying
    u no!! u get the point ;)
  • wookie69
    wookie69 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    This is not a bug and could be related to lag or maybe I am just spoiled.
    The mechanics of the battle system ie, select monster wait attack wait attack get hit 3 times while waiting for the launch of your skill that is .5 seconds to initialize, after the mob is dead the one, two and sometimes three hits you take after it's death
    On the support characters once you select another character to heal you have a 50/50 chance you will heal them or yourself, if you do heal them it will be cast twice.
    And please add the ability to use the TAB button to toggle thru and switch mobs, it is completely impossible to pick out a mob in a pile.
  • acrimony
    acrimony Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    wookie69 wrote: »
    This is not a bug and could be related to lag or maybe I am just spoiled. [...]

    I've experienced this as well, but I *think* the "input lag" is tied into actual connection lag whereas the server didn't get to be told that you've actually selected a new target, or it didn't get the message you were attacking another target - but if it's something you can fix, that would be great!
  • synapticmisfire
    synapticmisfire Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I can't think of good examples of all the times this has happened to me, but a few are as follows:
    -Kill a mob get a drop. Then join a party, and can't pick up the drop (or something similar to that, can't remember offhand)
    -In a party that kills a bunch of stuff, then the party disbands. After it has disbanded you can't pick up the drops until the "wait time" on the items has expired.

    Maybe the above aren't glitches, but just how the game treats items, but it can get annoying at times.

    An EA fighting a mob (in or out of a party) then he flies to drop hate and the mob full heals.

    Am I just crazy or does it seem that you run slower not only going up a hill but down also?

    Oh, and a personal annoyance of mine. You can jump so high in the game (as a human for example) but lets say you jump off a hill, WAY over an aggro mob, and it still aggro's you. Not only that but it hits you mid air. Could the game be made to differentiate between walking over a mob, and jumping over one? It just seems silly to me that a mob with, say a 3 foot attack range, can not only notice you but hit you as you jump 25 feet over him.

    And I agree PLEASE include some sort of a 'tab to nearest mob' feature in this game. please...

    whether or not these are glitches I don't know, but either way, just thought I'd mention them :D
  • harle
    harle Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    - sometimes after a duel is finished, you will still not be able to buff your opponent in any way, only relog helps
    this is due to the pk swords on the right side of your name.
    players are unable to heal/buff other players in pk status inside safezones.
    dueling also turns these on.
    Bugging Belial in HH : never saw it done, but I know people did it with the help of an archer.
    ape and elf can be glitched like this as well, but i'm unfamiliar on how to reproduce the method with those two. dumb luck i guess.
    belial's near impossible to kill normally, and insanely hard on your hieros. EAs are used since they can trigger his AI responses based off HP very quickly, in this case, buffing himself.
    I encountered this bug often with EP.. when i cast heal on myself, when the heal is done and i change target to tank for example, it heals me again.. Same type of bug ive had with plume quill/cyclone, I cast plume first and after that i hit cyclone but it casts plume again for some reason, happened many times :x
    due to packetloss, thank our beloved ISP TMNet.
    repeatedly spamming a key (flooding packets) of a different skill directly after usually averts double-cast.

    one bug with hoist cuddle, which may or may not be related to lag:
    when you're running and the guy asks you to cuddle, but his character isn't on screen, or he's targeting an "older" instance of your character, the game'll treat it as if you're beside him. If you accept, your screen completely freezes. You can still chat normally, be affected by debuffs, monster damage, but the game surroundings around you don't unfreeze until he releases the cuddle.
  • ragingwind
    ragingwind Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    And I agree PLEASE include some sort of a 'tab to nearest mob' feature in this game. please...
    They'll never include that (hopefully) because it makes botting too easy. Botting is a big enough problem without the game helping hackers to do it. If selecting mobs with a mouse becomes a big annoyance, then maybe you need a break from the game. :rolleyes:
This discussion has been closed.