NEW Suggestion Thread



  • Posts: 15 Arc User
    I got this idea about a new mage of stealth class of 1-hit-kill or die class.
    Please send many likes so that PWI will actually make it happen!!!
    Type: Tideborn
    Weapon: Scroll
    Warsoul Weapon Name: Cosmic Order

    Offensive skills of thunder and fire channel for 3-5 seconds and deal 200% magic damage +

    Other Skills:

    Fireholder: Cast on squad decreasing incomming damage by 20%.

    Thunderholder: Deal 20% incomming dammage back to attacker.

    Mystical Invisibility: Turns you invisible increasing Stealth Level by 10. Cost 14 MP per second.

    Thanks for reading guys!!!...
    Please do not forget to comment and like so that the devs will make it happen in our game!!!

  • Posts: 15 Arc User
    Other Skill: Critical Thinking: Charge for 10 seconds making your next attack critical.
  • Posts: 15 Arc User
    Update for the new class:

    Class Name: Wisdomholder
    Type: Tideborn
    Weapon: Scroll

    Scroll of Forgotten Lands
    Scroll of Bright Souls
    Majestic Papyrus
    Ancient Script Papyrus
    Symbolic Artifact Papyrus
    Scroll of Ultimate Apocalypse
    Warsoul Weapon Name: Cosmic Order Papyrus

    -Offensive skills of thunder and fire channel for 3-5 seconds and deal 200% magic damage +

    Flame Ring: Launch a ring of fire to your opponent dealing 150% magic damage as fire damage.
    Channel 3 seconds
    Cast 0.7 seconds
    Cooldown 3 seconds
    Cost 170 MP

    Lightning Ring: Launch a ring of thunder to your opponent dealing 150% magic damage as thunder damage.
    Channel 3 seconds
    Cast 1.3 seconds
    Cooldown 3 seconds
    Cost 130 MP

    Electroburn Fusion: Combine fire and thunder magic power to attack your foes. Deals 100% magic damage as fire damage and 100% magic damage as thunder damage.
    Cost 500 MP
    Cooldown 5 seconds
    Channel: 3 seconds
    Cast 1.5 seconds

    Thundercry: Summon the power of thunder to attack your enemies dealing basic magic damage plus 200% weapon damage plus 7447 to all enemies within 10 meters from the target. Has 45% chance to stun opponents for 5 seconds.
    Cost 1 Spark
    1 minute cooldown
    Channel 3 seconds
    Cast 1 second

    Fatal Inferno: Call the flames of Hades summoning Tartaros out. Deal 250% Magic damage to all targets in 7 meters range from you.
    Cost 2 Sparks
    2 minutes cooldown
    Channel 5 seconds
    Cast 2 seconds

    -Other Skills:

    Fireholder: Cast on squad decreasing incomming damage by 20%.

    Thunderholder: Deal 20% incomming dammage back to attacker.

    Mystical Invisibility: Turns you invisible increasing Stealth Level by 10. Cost 14 MP per second.

    Critical Thinking: Charge for 10 seconds making your next attack critical.

    Eyes of the Ocean: See invisible units 31 level above you.

    Focus: Use MP to charge 1 Spark.
    Cost 1000 MP
    10 seconds cooldown
  • Posts: 103 Arc User
    Not everyone is going Rank 8 in the game. Why are all of the rewards from our bounty hunter quests now Rank 8 mats? We need mats that everyone can use or at least make the rewards tradable. And I can't use holy pills or mystical pills or nuema or reflection shards or incomparable shards that can't be combined anymore because I am level 105/105/105, rank 9, full meridian, and full nuema but I keep getting these items that are totally useless to me. And there is no value for them (unless you consider 1 silver coin to be of any value for the effort required to do the quests!). I only do the bounty hunter quests when they are the ones that help keep the faction base open because the rewards are worthless for me. They don't even cover my repair costs.

    Could we get more vitae quests for the higher sky levels? For my level, there are only 2 quests that give vitae and the amount required to level up is massive.

    Packs purchased from the boutique should not include items that are obsolete and have no value!

    And finally, why do we keep getting events that are broken? Isn't anyone doing the tests to make sure they all work before they are added? The Christmas event has been broken for 2 years. The snow is just a lag fest and irritating since not even snowmen for 3 years. Half of the anniversary event was broken. We don't get the spring event with the wands anymore and that was a very popular event. No valentine event (except for a sale on wedding packs). As a matter of fact, the closest thing to events that actually works is cash sales in the boutique and occasionally log in events.

    So these are my ranting suggestions. Not that I really expect anyone on the development team to take notice.

    I appreciate what the GMs do and realize that your hands are pretty much tied as to getting things done. All you can do is direct the players' suggestions and complaints to the devs and I guess from there, they pretty much get placed in the "do not disturb" box on their desks! :D
  • Posts: 1,214 Community Moderator
    widowdee wrote: »
    Not everyone is going Rank 8 in the game. Why are all of the rewards from our bounty hunter quests now Rank 8 mats? We need mats that everyone can use or at least make the rewards tradable. And I can't use holy pills or mystical pills or nuema or reflection shards or incomparable shards that can't be combined anymore because I am level 105/105/105, rank 9, full meridian, and full nuema but I keep getting these items that are totally useless to me. And there is no value for them (unless you consider 1 silver coin to be of any value for the effort required to do the quests!). I only do the bounty hunter quests when they are the ones that help keep the faction base open because the rewards are worthless for me. They don't even cover my repair costs.

    Could we get more vitae quests for the higher sky levels? For my level, there are only 2 quests that give vitae and the amount required to level up is massive.

    Packs purchased from the boutique should not include items that are obsolete and have no value!

    And finally, why do we keep getting events that are broken? Isn't anyone doing the tests to make sure they all work before they are added? The Christmas event has been broken for 2 years. The snow is just a lag fest and irritating since not even snowmen for 3 years. Half of the anniversary event was broken. We don't get the spring event with the wands anymore and that was a very popular event. No valentine event (except for a sale on wedding packs). As a matter of fact, the closest thing to events that actually works is cash sales in the boutique and occasionally log in events.

    So these are my ranting suggestions. Not that I really expect anyone on the development team to take notice.

    I appreciate what the GMs do and realize that your hands are pretty much tied as to getting things done. All you can do is direct the players' suggestions and complaints to the devs and I guess from there, they pretty much get placed in the "do not disturb" box on their desks! :D

    For the rank 8 material thing, I believe this is due to the fact that other versions of the game don't have rank 9 third cast or g16 gear. So the commonly-used gear is probably rank 8 recast gear instead. It's an unfortunate byproduct of having PWI-exclusive things - it has to be continually maintained/balanced and PWCN doesn't appear to be too interested in doing that. As for the Bounty Hunter rewards, yeah I can agree that the rewards aren't great but I'm assuming that it's to combat people taking advantage of having many characters.

    I've tried notifying staff about the useless packs but haven't had much success. I do want to follow-up with them on that. Is it just the skill book packs that you're referring to, or are there other packs with obsolete items as well?

    I can agree that playtesting is needed on events before they are activated on the live server as it doesn't seem like this is happening. I can only really assume that we aren't getting many events because there aren't a lot of active staff for PWI. I guess having something like a CM would influence the amount (and type) of events ran in the game but without that we probably won't see them often or see much variety. I might ask staff about this so I have a better view of their reasoning.
    Roxxannae - Twilight Temple
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    Support Email:
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited July 2022
    First time here and if it's gaming related forum then why i haven't seen any post regarding
    Post edited by heerohex#3018 on
  • Posts: 4,887 Community Moderator
    First time here and if it's gaming related forum then why i haven't seen any post regarding

    Hi, Welcome.

    This forum is only for the game PWI. With this no other games not related to ARC should be talked over on here.

  • Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited July 2022
    PWI needs a legal basic auto clicker to open packs or click on stuff like conch and chip packs. Doesnt have to be fancy or multi effect. Just something to mimic a right click on one slot or a mass open option where u can set it to open 10/50/100 at once like how they made the chip pack mass open option

    Could even make it an npc where u set the pack/item in its window and it mass opens it all and you auto get whatever the rewards are.
  • Posts: 103 Arc User
    Just a thought since evidently not much is important here but sometimes graphics are a little, shall we say, unusual. I have the Golden Feather Dress and when my husband is carrying me, the front panel sticks straight up. When he saw it, he said, "Are you that happy to see me?" It just looks really strange and normal clothes would not do that. But again, I guess it isn't important like giving us who are R9 all the "rewards" for our 100 bounty hunters that are for R8 materials. They wouldn't be so terrible if there was more than 1 silver for npcing them or if we could sell or trade them.


  • Posts: 15 Arc User
    I got some new ideas for PWI those will help all type of players concerning monetary values and will improve gameplay and feelings while playing!
    Perfect World International Warlords

    --New Statuses:
    Territory Wars will take place every day and for having a territory for one day give a Ten Million Big Note.

    --Tomes: Traded for 10 Unwritten Papurus which cost 5 Gold each and the Tomes last for 30 days. Traded at Hermit Porfyrios in the Orthodox Church.

    -Lightspeed Fragment:
    PH Att + 10 000
    MAG Att + 10 000
    PH Def + 10 000
    MAG Def + 10 000
    HP + 10 000
    Def Lvl + 100
    Channeling -100%
    Interval -0.50

    -Ultimate Powerfull Force:
    PH Att + 10 000
    MAG Att + 10 000
    PH Def + 10 000
    MAG Def + 10 000
    HP + 10 000
    Def Lvl + 100
    Att Lvl + 100

    -Technical Extremists:
    PH Att + 10 000
    MAG Att + 10 000
    PH Def + 10 000
    MAG Def + 10 000
    HP + 10 000
    Def Lvl + 100
    Critical + 100%

    --Blessings: Traded for 10 Unwritten Papurus which cost 5 Gold each and the Blessings last for 30 days. Traded at Hermit Paisios in the Orthodox Church.

    -Stealth Blessing Active Skill:
    Stealth Lvl +31
    Consumes 7 MP per Second

    -Assault Blessing Passive Skill:
    +100 Atk Lvl
    +100 Def Lvl

    --Rings: Need Silver Fragment costing 10 gold and Precious Stone costing 20 gold to make at King's Personal Forger in the Orthodox Church, and the Rings last for 30 days.

    -Spiritual Inspiration Ring:
    Running Speed + 5.00
    EXP + 100 000 %

    -Fightcoder's Ring:
    Range + 5.0
    Evasion + 5000

    --Potions: No cooldown. Effects not lost upon death.
    Apocalypse Protection Potion: Become immune to debuffs for 1 hour. Cost 1 gold.
    Frenzied Rage Potion: Get Frenzied Rage status for 1 hour. Cost 1 gold.
    Sun, Moon and Stars Potion: Increase Magic by 1000 for 1 hour. Cost 1 gold.
    Key Trick Potion: Increases Rage by 200 for 1 hour. Cost 1 gold.
    Neurophilosopher's Potion: Increases Health by 100% for 1 hour. Cost 1 gold.
    Phoenix's Death Potion: Revive with full health after death and lose nothing. Lasts untill death. Cost 1 gold.
    Arcane Ruler Potion: Has 7% chance on hit to deal 10 times the damage. Lasts for 1 hour. Cost 1 gold.

    --Special Items:
    Angelic Aura Papyrus: Summon an angel of God to aid you. Increases Atk Lvl by 10 000 and become immune to damage for 1 hour. Cost 10 000 gold. No cooldown.
    Holy Spirit Grace: Can be inserted to weapon to activate Holy effect every time you attack. Cost 100 gold. Put in weapon 2 to double the effect!
    Omega Apocrypha Orazanal Papyrus: Offers you mystical knowledge about the universe. Jesus created man as Himself and gave to man His qualities and quantities. Man is like God in everything except the power to make miracles happen. Read upon your weapon and this Papyrus gives White Light Effect on weapon handle, and also, 100 000 to Max HP and MP as an eternal weapon buff increasing additionally MP and HP regeneration rates by 100 per second. Cost 1 000 000 gold. Can happen only once on each weapon. Use to apply the effect on your equipped weapon.
    Scroll of the Past: The love of God deletes the past! Forget, forgive and go forward! You start a new life every moment! Increases maximum Sparks to 10 for 10 days. Cost 10 gold.

    --Weapons: (G21 Cost 1 gold each in the Boutique and last for 30 days.)
    Will's Bravery
    Enigmatic Truth
    Apocalyptic Justice
    Flight's Freedom
    Heart's Love
    Total Peace
    Sacrificial Honour
    Massive Hope
    Powerfull Virtue
    Order Ethics
    Cooperative Morality
    Clear Faith
    Supportive Kindness
    Perfected Joy

    --New Instances:

    -Surpassed World:
    There are all world bosses to fight one by one and when you finish the quest you get 10 Ten Million Big Notes as reward.
    Can do the run once a day.
    The Quest Giver is The World King in City of 1 Thousand Streams.
    Need to be lvl 100+ to take the Quest!
    Can be done with squad or solo.

    -The Duty of Deus:
    Kill Wraiths to make Perfect World safer to travel in!
    Quest Giver: King Solus in the Shrine of the Tides.
    Daily Quest
    Defeat 10 any enemies to achieve victory!
    Quest reward is a Ten Million Big Note!

    -The Final Mission:
    Tired of the foolishness of the world Queen Fera is retreating to her Private Garden instance.
    Bring her any 3 herbs to make a salad with and you will be rewarded greatly!
    Daily Quest
    Arcane Warrior's Etherial Element: Use to apply effect on equipped weapon. Effect lasts for 24 hours. Increases Spirit by 1000. Not lost upon death.

    -Arcane Beauty:
    The Three Arcani Witches are in need of protection!
    Take your weapon and rise against evil!
    Your mission is to kill 10 Sadistic Bandits!
    Daily Quest
    Quest Giver: King Solon
    Quest Reward: 10 Arcane Ruler Potions

    -Godly Devotion:
    Your mission here is to pray for 10 minutes.
    The prayer is mental so you do not need to do anything more than waiting!
    Daily Quest
    Quest Giver: Queen Fera
    Quest Reward: 10 Apocalypse Protection Potions

    -Dusky Mood:
    Defeat 10 Satanic Wizards to clear the horizons from their filth!
    Daily Quest
    Quest Giver: The World King
    Quest Reward: 10 Neurophilosopher's Potions

    -Lost Skies:
    Kill 10 Flying Demons to free the possessed of Perfect World from them.
    Daily Quest
    Quest Giver: Iokasti the Jewel Protector who is in the center of Archosaur near Warsoul Spirit
    Quest Reward: 10 Key Trick Potions

    Thanks for reading, keep playing!!
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    My suggestion would be to turn the charge/spend promo on during the tax season. PWI would make a killing during that time more so with a promo going.

    My other suggestion would be a possible cross server account stash for people that have played on more than one server and want some of their stuff from the previous one.
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    Plain & Simple; start selling all the previous special edition mounts, raise money to keep the game going.
  • Posts: 4 Arc User
    lf events and updates
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    Any chance there can be two time slots for daily events? A time slot in the day for EU players and a time slot in the evening for US players. I don't know who thought merging US servers with EU servers was a good idea, but it leaves US players out of many daily events.
  • Posts: 4 Arc User
    I think that a revamp of characters could be made. I found an example of what I think a deer venomancer could be like, for example: Instead of making the HD models that you only see if HD mode is enabled, redo the regular characters. :)
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    I was wondering if we could lower the amount of completion during trials or extend the trial completions for one more week. New update needs 15 completions per trial that's 150 people total, considering you can only enter once and complete trial once per day, when previous trial you could complete all 10 with 40 people (geared as G16 or more, plus passives). We're currently struggling with the amount of people in Dawnglory server, and I feel this update was more for a chinese server population.

  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    Mystic pets should be made perm. out instead of temp timed ones, like it was before. And the Craig lord pet time should be extended for tanking bosses. Thank you.
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    pls pwi I would love to see the rage dragon fash, mount and flyers back in boutique. While I was searching for them alot of people wanted the flyers back to so pls bring them back.
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    G17 weapon mats - Faction Base

    Hello, not sure if anyone already suggested this, but was just wondering if it would be possible to add g17 wep mats to base merchant NPC for fund stones, the bosses in trails dropping them or somat along those lines, it would be a new way of people to do trials in their factions (small ones as well) as currently just seems like only big factions bother with trials nowadays
  • Posts: 13 Arc User
    Adjustments to Cross Territory War.


    Nowadays Cross Territory War is mostly a just Dragon Rush of any side with 400+ def level seeker and 400+ attack level Assasin.
    Dragon is dieing way to fast, especially if a tanky Barb is there, you can’t wipe them out of your base.

    So i suggest the following change:

    Make dragons immune to Damage until all Enemy Towers are destroyed. That would force factions to play the Map first, destroy tower and aswell focus on defending own towers to prevent a Dragonrush.

    With that small change Territory war would be more interesting again for Factions that not only care about Win and try to Dragon Rush over and over again.

    This change is important for the Playerbase.
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    These ideas by a pro who is me will help both PWI and gamers!

    Unable to be refined.
    Req Lvl 50
    Last for 10 days
    Cost 49 Ten Million Big Notes
    Ultimate costs 999 Ten Million Big Notes
    Note: Ten Million Big Notes are sold for 1 Gold each at the Boutique.

    Necklace of Inevitable Doom (Atk Lvl +1000)
    Necklace of Natural Coverage (Def Lvl +1000)
    Necklace of Healthy Veins (HP +50 000)
    Necklace of Indestructible Authority (Interval -0.80)
    Necklace of Noble Aiming (Range +10.00m)
    Necklace of Giant Wisdom (Channeling -99%)
    Ultimate Cross at Dusk Heart's Sacrifice (All previous stats)
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    - Tomes: (100 gold for 1 month or 1000 for a year, to keep people playing)

    Power of Temptation (strength +1000)
    7 Dark Rituals (magic +1000)
    The Divine Light (vitality +1000)
    Rich Ancestral Achievements (dexterity +1000)
    The Last Throne of Blood (all stats +250)
    Mystical Summoning (channelling -99%)
    Hastened Choices (interval -0.50)
    Strategist's Great Armament (atk + def lvl + 100)
    Fast Body, Sharp Mind (critical + 99% + rage damage +100)
    Lightspeed Armoury (movement speed +5.00m + range +7.00)
    Passion of the Flesh (hp and mp regeneration +200)
    True Patriot (all previous tomes stats together, traded with 100 Paranoia Capsules. The capsules are traded with 9999 Ten Million Big Notes each at NPC Sofonias the Keeper of Secrets who says: "Life is beautiful!")

    - Weapon Gems: (give 10000 elemental damage to attack skills)
    Infernal Enflame Gem
    Thundershok Ilectrismus Gem
    Frostal Icestrike Gem
    Virgin Lifewood Gem
    Earthal Endrock Gem

    - Other:
    Violent Form of Darkness
    Antisocial Egoist of Necrosis
    Force of Necessity Bloodlust
  • Posts: 7 Arc User
    Hello. I'm returning player level 103. I was expecting end of years an exp buff (around 10x) for a week or two. That made my xmas sad and made i pick the decision to keep not to back. You release features for level 105 to do, but dont give conditions for all players to evolve to level 105. *horizontal nod head*
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    Hi Everyone,

    I thought lets place some suggestions to see how that will go.

    As for PWI choose to turn into a chaotic game that looses more and more members every day (i think), which i realy do not like to see.

    This is a game with high potential when you see this game is started in 2008 and what the game is now. I more feel like they lost their way. sadly. while that has been said, i still have hope this game can be more than it shows now and that PWI can be a lovable game to play again.


    - Relive the dungeons again, from frostcover to delirium, scale these instances to level of the player. and reward the players to clear it in a certant time frame.

    - fix the little bugs that are in the game, such as the bridge in WS the part that the toons are actually touching the floor and not walking in the air.

    Just go back to the beginning and see what was good at that points and make that better. Thats what i'am trying to say here.

    Thank you for taking the time to read.

    See you all ingame :).




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