June 6th pwcn expansion: beast of homestead



  • blazerboy
    blazerboy Posts: 1,673 Arc User
    Kinda wish dusk ulti got a buffer like 40 seconds from 30 lmfao (joke at psys for those who didn't get it) xD
    105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
  • mymbarb
    mymbarb Posts: 60 Arc User
    jsxshadow wrote: »
    2. Sacrificial Slash...holy macaroni. if you are max endgame with around 200 def lvl as a seeker you can now debuff ppl by 120!!!!!! def lvl while increasing ur own att lvl by 72 in the same turn. That is a difference of 192 att/def lvl. If you get hit by that now you are pretty much 100% dead. The only bright side is that this also helps killing seeker faster. There are enough dumbo seeker out there that just cant use SS/QPQ carefully and will get stuck with -120 def lvl more often than not and will meet their end cause of it. Still. That skill is **** broken. InB4 seeker hit 400k+ on a barb.

    Don't forget this combined with getting 300% more weapon damage from their buffed ult then.^^

    Also it seems they try to make some classes counter the new passives, especially Sin and Seeker by just giving them more damage/better debuffs. Also giving archer a 20 second physical penetration on their ult, so might see them coming back for 20 seconds every 5 minutes? lol
  • blazerboy
    blazerboy Posts: 1,673 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    Idk I think seekers needed that given the fact it's hard as hell for them to bypass def charms in 1v1 in group then yeah seekers will be much more a factor with that insane ultimate boost hell 2 spark plus ulti will not be a joke lol good one ya seekers. The sin ulti yeah good game 3rd spark ulti knife throw or 3rd spark ulti elimination anything not HA ganna die funny if you ask me how long does it last 30 seconds?
    105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
  • jhktwentythree
    jhktwentythree Posts: 18 Arc User
    Hmm what's the point of them buffing Wizard's Elemental Invocation if the earth damage part doesn't ever work against player targets? Unless they changed it to make it work for all targets now but the CD is still 5 minutes right?

    Sacrificial Slash already got it's CD and channel/cast significantly reduced a couple of expansions ago and now they're increasing the effectiveness of the debuff and buff, wow. Just wow.
  • bangbang
    bangbang Posts: 127 Arc User
    mymbarb wrote: »
    Well here goes (only changes listed, the rest stays the same):

    • Flame Tsunami: 90% stun chance increased to 100% stun chance.
    • Farstrike: Weapon damage increased to 150% for demon and 210% for sage. When the target is within 10 meters, it will be dealt an additional base attack damage, but can not be a critical hit.
    • Spirit Chaser: Weapon damage increased to 100% from 80%. The next Farstrike within 6 seconds will be a guaranteed critical hit.
    • Valkyrie's Might (ult): Channeling time reduced to 0.1 seconds from 0.6 seconds.

    • Elemental Invocation: Deals base magic damage plus 150% of maximum mana as earth damage instead of only 150% of maximum mana.
    • Frozen Flame: Channeling time reduced to 1 second from 2 seconds.

    • Surf Impact: Increases threat (aggro) more.
    • Sunder: Increases threat (aggro) more.
    • Violent Triumph: Can now be used in tiger/panda form.
    • Cornered Beast: Can now be used in tiger/panda form.

    • Grudge Strike: Deals an additional 200% of weapon damage.
    • Dark Taboo: Deals an additional 200% of weapon damage. Heals by at least 2000HP, higher with higher Soulforce.
    • Malefic Crush: Deals an additional 400% weapon damage.
    • Stunning Blow: Deals an additional 200% weapon damage.
    • Ultimate Summoning (ult): Deals 2x base magic damage instead of 1x base magic damage. Amplify effect increases damage taken by 30% up from 20%.

    • Ataraxia: Channeling time reduced to 0.1 seconds down from 0.8 seconds.
    • Frost Splash: Casting time reduced to 1 second down from 2.5 seconds.
    • Feather Armageddon: Can knock back players as well now.
    • Blackwing Arrow (ult): Physical penetration time increased to 20 seconds up from 5 seconds. Either Quickshot can be cast with Q, Lightning Strike with E and Take Aim with R once after using Blackwing Arrow.

    • Guardian Light: Movement speed increased by 50% up from 30%.
    • Heaven's Wrath: Increases weapon attack by 200% up from 150%.

    • Deaden Nerves: Channeling time reduced to 0.4 seconds down from 1.5 seconds.
    • Knife Throw: Casting time reduced to 0.9 seconds down from 1 second.
    • Cursed Jail: Deals 2x base physical attack instead 1x base physical attack.
    • Master of Shadows (ult): When using skills while stealthed, they deal 50% more damage.

    • Soul of Silence: Seal chance and duration is now dependant on both attackers and defenders Soulforce. If the defender has higher Soulforce, it lasts longer and has a higher chance. If the attacker has higher Soulforce, it will last shorter and lower chance.
    • Spirit Phalanx: Channeling time reduced to 1 second from 2 seconds.
    • Shroud of Shadow: Chi cost reduced to 2 sparks down from 3 sparks.
    • Furious Ocean: Damage area increased to 10 meters from 8 meters.
    • Psionic Infusion (ult): Soulforce is reduced by 100% for 40 seconds instead of 30 seconds.

    • Sacrificial Slash: Reduces defense level by 60% (up from 40%) and increases attack level by 60% (up from 50%) of reduced defense level. Reduces defense level by at least 30 (up from 20).
    • Avatar of the Blade (ult): Increases weapon attack by 500% up from 200%.

    • Energy Leech: Instant channel and cast, down from 1 second channeling and 1 second casting time.
    • Nature's Barrier: Damage reduction increased to 70% up from 50%.
    • Sublime Transfusion: Absorbs 45% of healing (up from 30%) from enemies of your level. Up to 70% (up from 40%) from enemies of lower level.
    • Healing Herb: Sage and demon version. Both heal an additional 33% of casters weapon damage and have a 40% chance to take only 1 damage. Sage heals 100HP more, demon has a 50% chance to take only 1 damage.
    • Vital Herb: Sage and demon version. Both heal an additional 20% of casters weapon damage. Sage increases healing added each pulse, demon increases initial healing amount.
    • Warp Shield (Salvations third skill): Shield amount gets increased depending on weapon damage.

    • Night Howler: Increases area of affected allies to 30 meters up from 12 meters.
    • Umbral Stalker: Increases movement speed by 100% while active.

    • Monsoon: Sage deals an additional 20% of base magic damage (up from 10%). Demon has a 30% chance to get 50% damage reduction (up from 30%).
    • Call Lightning: Chi cost reduced to 60 down from 75.
    • Lunar Blessing: Channeling time reduced to 0.1 seconds down from 1 second.

    All classes
    • Passive: "Four Holy Noble Defense"(?): Reduces critical damage received. (No numbers given in the text so far.)
    • Passive: "Plus all the defense"(?): Increases defense level. (No numbers given in the text so far.)

    For statistics people: Time spent to translate and write this = about 2.5 hours. lol

    Passives are as follows:
    2 Defense levels per passive level
    4% less crit damage taken per level

    As for those QQing about the SS upgrade for seekers, do note everyone gets an additional 20 defense levels from the new passives... Same reasoning applies for all the skill updates, they updates the skills to try and balance out damage a bit more between classes. From the looks of it the skill upgrades are free, no additional items/bloods needed. They seem to just be immediate upgrades from what I can see at the moment. I don't see any way of making any new skill books other than the passives.

    I will get a detailed translated skill list when I have time. Unless someone beats me to it.
  • mymbarb
    mymbarb Posts: 60 Arc User
    Hmm what's the point of them buffing Wizard's Elemental Invocation if the earth damage part doesn't ever work against player targets? Unless they changed it to make it work for all targets now but the CD is still 5 minutes right?

    Yes the cooldown is still 5 minutes.

    And I haven't played my wizard for well over a year, but back then the earth damage worked like it should on Invocation. :o
  • maksim1995
    maksim1995 Posts: 123 Arc User
    @asterelle How many bloods we need for new passives, also, what about hp and charm cd passives, do we get lvl 5-10 ?
  • dingo488
    dingo488 Posts: 936 Arc User
    kk, they buffed 1 poleblade skill, and they buffed 1 sword skill...time to get +12 weapons so I can actually use them :D ye right
  • blazerboy
    blazerboy Posts: 1,673 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    When you said 20 more defense level that means you're saying its possibly 10 levels? As in crit is nerf by 40% from passives? That literally means someone fully buffed db 45% + 20 % rw pot + 40% from this ( if thats correct) yeah giving sins more damage and archers 20 seconds from 5 sec penetration is actually fair because thier crits are nerfed 105% well sins more like 85% consistantly and db 55% for 20 seconds only. Personally I'm shocked they didnt give duskblades more damage increases to accommodate this crit nerf but I guess the cc is what people looked at. Crits will literally be worth less than normal hits on just about any class in a full non purgeable buffed standpoint GG....o.o

    Really hope its 5 lvls max so that 4% is 20% cuz still very clutch for mag classes who depend on crits..
    105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
  • blazerboy
    blazerboy Posts: 1,673 Arc User
    Bleh still good luck killing tidal sins or jsod/full support duskblade with them having 24/7 65% crit nerf potted 85%.....
    105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
  • jsxshadow
    jsxshadow Posts: 1,414 Arc User
    This update kinda goes into the vast amount of dmg increase we possibly get from G17.

    Overall it also nerfs duskblades a bit for 1on1 since every other class will be more tanky. I like that alot :D
  • blazerboy
    blazerboy Posts: 1,673 Arc User
    Very true, but it makes duskblade more tanky aswell its like they exchange damage for longevity it will be esp useful agianst sins who hate target db in mass yeah I could get down with that I suppose. Means those who are full Deity can be a little more flexible overall
    105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
  • mymbarb
    mymbarb Posts: 60 Arc User
    superfedee wrote: »
    its 5 levels,
    also can we have the rest of duskblades skills, the text pasted was cut... egg-4.gif​​

    I only used the text files Asterelle provided and there were only those 2 DB skills, so it might be it's only those two?
  • blazerboy
    blazerboy Posts: 1,673 Arc User
    Still even trading damage fede the issue fighting sins for db wasnt damage it was more just be able to tank them until tidal was off now self buffed 1v1 vs sins yes the sins get more damage but if they dare to crit which they will 65% of that is gg nonfactor thats kinda like the troll tidal does to db cc lmfao
    105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
  • blazerboy
    blazerboy Posts: 1,673 Arc User
    @mymbarb perhaps you are correct but its mysterious dusk and seekers only two vs every other we have seen got 3+ so perhaps this is why he believes there may be atleast 1 more
    105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
  • mymbarb
    mymbarb Posts: 60 Arc User
    blazerboy wrote: »
    @mymbarb perhaps you are correct but its mysterious dusk and seekers only two vs every other we have seen got 3+ so perhaps this is why he believes there may be atleast 1 more

    Yes I know, but I dont datamine in chinese game files, so this is all I can use right now. xD

    And my main is a DB too, so I wouldn't mind getting some more buffs. B)
  • blazerboy
    blazerboy Posts: 1,673 Arc User
    @suzukmann has 0 chill lmfao also fede I think he said its just an update few post ago. Don't quote me on that though D:
    105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
  • demansfairy
    demansfairy Posts: 456 Arc User
    Omg I feel bad for psys, 2 skill downgrades and 2 minor upgrades to skills you shouldn't have/use jesus christ pwi. Kinda really glad I main a SB now.
    full +12 SB, currently lv 105 105 105
  • scruncy
    scruncy Posts: 458 Arc User
    barbs getting skill upgrade for pve ....yay, just what we needed........ :/
  • blazerboy
    blazerboy Posts: 1,673 Arc User
    I say psys got what they deserved engame +12 psys are extremely difficult to kill even by other +12 people in group or mass because of that annoy SoS its not in any way worthless now vs +12 psy but it hopefully will be manageable not every 3 skills used will grant 11-13 second seal to multi targets for 0 cost of effort hell even sins in tidal got caught in i because of their multi hit skills. Yeah no psys time to feel it xD
    105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
  • magiceffect
    magiceffect Posts: 162 Arc User
    How did u get to 11-13 second SEAL?
    Dawnglory - SpellStormer (105 x 3): http://mypers.pw/10/#435948
  • blazerboy
    blazerboy Posts: 1,673 Arc User
    Wasn't being literal was exaggerating to make a point. Havent looked at it in such a long time seeing as I dont play a psy anymore. But it does feel like that sometimes when you arent a sin but then you do 1 skill sealed 2 more sealed wasnt being literal probably should have said that @magiceffect
    105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
  • maksim1995
    maksim1995 Posts: 123 Arc User
    ok, so x80 primordial and x40 barbaric bloods for 1 lvl up, what about 2nd passive ?
  • freygin
    freygin Posts: 737 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    SoS should've been nerfed long time ago since all classes got soulforce too. It's really broken and they only realized it now ? What's wrong with Wanmei, they never even rebalance skill on some period basis or when it's needed, but always have to wait for a big patch to implement it that might take years in some regions.

    Zerkcrit was supposed to compensate melees because they need a bit of effort to 'catch' their target, but along the way they gave second life (cornered beast) to barbs so they don't die while being kited (I don't mind sin's deaden nerve but a tank ?), more crowd control for BMs so they can catch target easier (they're tanky, have marrow, original cc skills and some movement speed skill), then they invented new paralyze mechanic and gave it to them and some other classes, which is very likely is made to counter purify spell, then they release G17 weapon that puts every unique addon on the table and let us choose for ourselves because they probably can't stand more QQ, BUT where is my paralyze skill so I can catch purify barbs and bms later on ?

    What's the point of reducing crit damage if some dex classes get increased dmg from elsewhere, which also means their non crit damage will increase, all other classes that don't get dmg buff are the ones that are being nerfed here.

    Everything feels so messed up, the pattern is to make one thing to counter other thing but breaks another thing because they make yet another thing but didn't cancel the previous thing.

    wait a sec...
    Soul of Silence: Seal chance and duration is now dependant on both attackers and defenders Soulforce. If the defender has higher Soulforce, it lasts longer and has a higher chance. If the attacker has higher Soulforce, it will last shorter and lower chance.

    "If the defender has higher Soulforce, it lasts longer and has a higher chance"...
    , last longer and has a higher chance compared to what ? If the current state of SoS we're having now is equal to having the same soulforce, then if the psy has higher soulfoce, it'll last even longer and proc more often ? Then, only psys with lower soulforce are nerfed here, but buffed for psys with higher soulforce ? means no nerf when the soulforce of both attacker and defender are already equal ?
    Post edited by freygin on
  • chary
    chary Posts: 850 Arc User
    I sincerely hope they add in more ways to get blood then.​​
  • freygin
    freygin Posts: 737 Arc User
    Especially barbaric blood, 40 days for one level isn't funny. If there are 5 levels each, gonna need 400 days to max both skill.
  • asterelle
    asterelle Posts: 861 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    Defense level passive is 40 barbaric + 80 primordial blood per level (+2 def lev per level)
    The crit reduction passive is 15 barbaric + 60 primordial blood per level (-4% crit damage taken per level)

    There are 5 levels of each.

    You need a total of:
    40*5 + 15*5 = 275 barbaric bloods
    80*5 + 60*5 = 700 primordial bloods

    At which point you'd have +10 def lev and -20% crit damage reduction.

    Start saving!

    EDIT: You get about 60 barbaric bloods from the new quest chain.

    Also there is a little key icon near the minimap that brings up this window, anyone know what it is?

    Post edited by asterelle on
  • malegerson
    malegerson Posts: 22 Arc User
    dblazen1 wrote: »
    Before reading: note that those descriptions are for the MAX level of a skill, so it's either demon/sage OR omega/whatever the other sign is (forgot the name)
    blazerboy wrote: »
    Lets see bm and duskblade if anyone can

    * Flame tsunami: guaranteed to stun for 3 seconds (was 90% chance)

    * Farstrike: 150% weapon damage, if the target is WITHIN 10 meters, then it will deal some additional damage (i'm not sure how much, probably base damage?), but i can't crit.
    Note: it's WITHIN 10 meters, the original add of further than 10 meters, then it stuns 3 seconds remains the same.

    * Spirit chaser: 100% weapon damage (im sure about this), farstrike will crit if it's used within 6 seconds(not 100% sure about this, but i think it's correct, i'm not sure how this works with the WITHIN 10 meter thing on farstrike though, because it's said that won't crit...)

    * Valkyrie's might: Channel goes from 0.6 to 0..​​
    thanks for bm update, finally ulti something goood for bms :D

  • blazerboy
    blazerboy Posts: 1,673 Arc User
    Lmafo 40 and 80...... uch give barbaric blood plz lol...
    105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
  • asterelle
    asterelle Posts: 861 Arc User
    superfedee wrote: »
    aster can you retrieve the rest of duskblades skills egg-4.gif

    Maybe they didn't put in all the skill changes yet? I don't think I skipped anything that changed when I pruned the file but you can double check against the full thing if you want. https://www.diffchecker.com/jakpwxe2