June 6th pwcn expansion: beast of homestead



  • Posts: 1,673 Arc User
    Id happily take a duskblade sin ect nerf if we made fox form give like 1/3 what it does same with stone barrier hell increase duskblades blade CD if you want and make clerics lose half of their defenses make tidal 40% lets make everyone useless :3. When you people talk about nerf atleast introduce a actual concept not just remove it or make the classes effectiveness 0 agianst classes with more p.def than HA. Duskblades Sin:s Mystic have specific skills for a reason (except wiz fire proc why does it say 30% but 0 def me lmfao)
    105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
  • Posts: 1,414 Arc User
    A nerf should then be used when classes can be abused to be rediculously strong in the hands of expert players, giving the opponent little to no chance of winning whatsoever. That is the case with Duskblades. The only thing that needs to be nerfed on dusks is the amount of Things they can do to stay alive. As the only class in this game, Duskblades can counter EVERYTHING if done right.

    There is no problem with venos. Wait til they switch forms and kill them. There is no prob with wizards. They have limited saves. Just drain them, disarm, kill. Same goes for any other class in the game when paired against duskblades with the exception of sins. Tidal stops the "I-Counter-CC-To-Stay-Alive"-Thing of Duskblades nearly completely. Sins are still easy as hell if you are tanky enough as a DB. IF a sin can triple spark right next to you and you survive 3 hits approx without having to use something to stay alive the sin literally cant kill you. Wait til tidal is gone, drain Faith, kill the sin.

    Thats all pre-Ulti-Lvl2. That skill breaks it completely and I refuse to use it in 1on1s on my dusk simply cause its way way way way way way way way too strong to be considered even remotely fair.

    Clerics are very strong as well atm due to the rediculous amount of healing they can block atm. That also cant be outplayed depending on gears. Any other class is perfectly fine the way they are. Storms are nasty too, but also not that bad imho as you can clearly tell whats coming your way most of the time. Sins are only a threat to non-Endgame people. Again. If you can tank a sins dmg until tidal is off you have all chances you need to win. If not than the fault always lies within the respective player.
  • Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    what's the point of this expansion, when the bms will miss all even they have 330 dex idk why is that i have been using a barb and he never missed wtf.. he less dext.. when my bm has 250 dex so what's the points of a dg if u will miss, i dont think this expasion, make balance the game at least no for bms.
  • Posts: 1,673 Arc User
    Considering you have a more spamable aoe disarm and with a stun nah man bms are goood lol
    105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
  • Posts: 486 Arc User
    And aoe reel in. BMs got a bad ultimate but they are definitely not hurting from this expansion.
  • Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    blazerboy wrote: »
    Considering you have a more spamable aoe disarm and with a stun nah man bms are goood lol
    aoe stun disarm is good i wont lie but a bm will miss more than 1 barb i was in nw and i got miss in a sb LOL xD that was funny ulti skill of bms u cant reach to 100% as says , u need 10 skills 8 secs o 16 too low time lol , man db skill lvl 1 are 36 secs tanking any range dmg haha, lvl 2 more duration and reset skills....... xD

    about wiz skills im happy wiz have stealth for secs they needed that . in a jump the problem would be if they have moving casting like sb do, but im good at that wiz skill

    i want to say other anoying point, WTF with ULTI SB omg that's crazy >_> like they dont be tanky xD and now black storm with overpowered anti cata barbs pff xD

    if anyone have info about bm skills with new fixed funtions, i am happy to read it. i couldnt see any info

  • Posts: 240 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    Really, somebody QQing over bms? Dude aoe stun+disarm = game over.
    Purify wont proc. Vacuity or anti antistun is useless. U can only expect them to stun with the other skills, to run away. And even if u do

    Aoe reel in with 100% chance... GG

    BM ulti sucks, cause rest of your skills are EXTREMLY AWESOME. U cant have everything, sorry :v

    EDIT: Barbs have 100% accuracy skills cause, a proper STR or Vit barb wont have points on DEX(Only upto 60-80). AKA not enough accuracy for anything.
    And even so, we got Blood Bath that can increase our accuracy depends on our base one. And it reduces our max hp.

    BMs are supposed to wear dif type of weaps, wich req a lot of DEX... Wich means higher accuracy...

  • Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    "blazerboy wrote: »
    (except wiz fire proc why does it say 30% but 0 def me lmfao)

    Except that it doesn't. Fire combo doesn't do **** unless Genie-Spark is used in tandem with Undine Strike. Even then it doesn't 0 def anything & can be countered in a plethora of ways.

  • Posts: 1,673 Arc User
    When a wizard hits 40k w.o the use of spark skills yeah okay thats not basically 0 lol xD
    105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
  • Posts: 22 Arc User

    ballenato wrote: »
    Really, somebody QQing over bms? Dude aoe stun+disarm = game over.
    Purify wont proc. Vacuity or anti antistun is useless. U can only expect them to stun with the other skills, to run away. And even if u do

    Aoe reel in with 100% chance... GG

    BM ulti sucks, cause rest of your skills are EXTREMLY AWESOME. U cant have everything, sorry :v

    EDIT: Barbs have 100% accuracy skills cause, a proper STR or Vit barb wont have points on DEX(Only upto 60-80). AKA not enough accuracy for anything.
    And even so, we got Blood Bath that can increase our accuracy depends on our base one. And it reduces our max hp.

    BMs are supposed to wear dif type of weaps, wich req a lot of DEX... Wich means higher accuracy...


    lol xD man imnt QQing im trying to explain why bms are, i know bms have
    deficiencies and the big ones , but bm has low dmg a bm wont be a dd the rest of class can lol and i was asking about the new skills with new funtions to see what can be fixed near to fix 1 of the
    deficiencies >_>
  • Posts: 861 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    The patch is now available: http://w2i.wanmei.com/download/down_patch.htm Only 324 MB

    So we were wrong about these being new skills. They just changed existing skills.
    Here are all the skills with changes (unchanged skills removed).

    New Chinese Skill file: http://pastebin.com/raw/2YnXHQ8V
    Old Chinese Skill file: http://pastebin.com/raw/tua8uyrE
    Difference https://www.diffchecker.com/rifz6doy

    Mapping from Skill ID to English Name http://pastebin.com/raw/JyiXgRWR

    For Archer:

    Ataraxia: Channeling 0.8s -> 0.1s
    Frost Splash: Cast 2.5s -> 1.0s
    Feather Armageddon: Player knockback
    Blackwing Arrow: Phys penetration buff increased from 5s to 20s, Q=quickshot E=Lightning Strike R=Take Aim
  • Posts: 1,673 Arc User
    Wow archers got some nice stuff nice
    105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
  • Posts: 850 Arc User
    edited June 2016

    Guardian Light: 50% more m/s instead of 30%. ofc, no cd change.
    RB: Bonus wep attack damage to 200% from 150%.

    I see nothing for res.


    Energy Leech: Instacast.
    Nature's Barrier: Damage reduction up to 70% from 50%.
    Sublime Transfusion: 45% (was 30%) of healing is redirected from enemies
    of your level, 20% from higher-level enemies, and 70% (was 40%) from lower-level
    Healing Herb: Additional healing based off 33% wep attack power now. 40% chance to evade damage. Sage heals for like 100 points more (rofl) and demon has 50% chance to evade damage.
    Vital Herb: Additional healing based off 20% wep attack power now. Sage increased healing per second and demon increases the points of health healed to 200?

    idk, the healing plants still seem bleh.


    Soul of Silence: bleh.
    Spirit Phalanx: Channel time down to 1sec.
    Shroud of Shadow: Spark cost down to 2 sparks.
    Furious Ocean: 10m aoe range (up from 8).
    Psionic Infusion: Soulforce reduction to 40s (I don't have a psy with this skill so I cannot check the level 2) and increases matk for X sec. (does not give a value)​​
    Post edited by chary on
  • Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    Thanks Asterelle, from what I can deduce:

    For Wizards

    1) Frozen Flame: channeling time has been reduced to 1 second (Previously 2 seconds).
    2) Elemental Invocation: now deals damage = 150% x Maximum Mana + Base Damage (previously 150% x Maximum Mana).

    I'll see if I can find any more differences.

    Post edited by hawke1000 on
  • Posts: 737 Arc User
    Not much for cleric, no advantage for cleric itself.
  • Posts: 793 Arc User
    Can we get an update on Assassin skills OPKfOKi.png​​
    Assassin - SyntherosX - 105, 105, 105 Calc : https://mypers.pw/13/#654396
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  • Posts: 1,673 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    I couldnt understand the assassin duskblade seeker nor bm really hope sins get something fun xD

    Why even waste time with RB I see it less than SOT won from packs lol
    105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
  • Posts: 520 Arc User
    Would be interesting to see how much more OP they made veno fox form skills now....

  • Posts: 1,673 Arc User
    The sarcasm is strong in this one xD
    105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
  • Posts: 520 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    Uh huh however from what I read in earlier posts it's sad that a few will not interpret it as sarcasm though
  • Posts: 1,177 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    tek1nig wrote: »
    Can we get an update on Assassin skills OPKfOKi.png

    Sin, from as far as I can tell from the diff on asterelle's post: (it's coming from google translate as well, so don't hold me on this where description differ instead of numbers)
    (these are all demon/sage skills, and omega / whatever that other sign was called)
    * Deaden nerves: CHANNEL time went from 1.5 -> 0.4 sec. (cast time is still the same)

    * Knife throw: Cast time went from 1.0 -> 0.9 (how anyone would notice this effectively is beyond me)

    * Cursed jail: "Attack the enemy's pressure points with a flurry of precision attacks, stunning the target for 6 seconds and dealing base physical damage plus 750% of weapon damage plus 14994. Slows the target for 10 seconds, reducing speed by 60%."
    "Attack the enemy's pressure points with a flurry of precision attacks, stunning the target for 6 seconds and dealing 2x base physical damage plus 750% of weapon damage plus 14994. Slows the target for 10 seconds, reducing speed by 60%."

    * Master of shadows: When using a skill: skill damage increased by 50%

    p.s.: it's not that hard to use the links asterelle posted, use a **** translator and look up the ID's.
    The main differences are either changes in cast/channel times OR damage percentages added.​​
    Post edited by dblazen1 on
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  • Posts: 240 Arc User
    Somebody mind giving us info from barb ones ? :confounded:

  • Posts: 993 Arc User
    edited June 2016

    Grudge Strike: Deals base physical attack power plus 200% weapon damage plus 5055. Rest is the same.
    Basically they added % weapon damage to the skill.

    Dark Taboo: Deals Deals base physical attack power plus 200% weapon damage plus 6319. Heals HP based on Soulforce, minimum HP healed can be 2000. Rest is the same.
    They added % weapon damage and increased the HP healed. Minimum used to be 800, now it's 2000. We'll have to see what's the max HP you can heal back.

    Malefic Crush: Deals base physical attack power plus 400% weapon damage plus 9303. Rest is the same.
    They added % weapon damage.

    Stunning Blow: Deals Deals base physical attack power plus 200% weapon damage plus 5537. Rest is the same.
    They added % weapon damage.

    Ultimate Summoning: Deals 2x base magic attack along with all the other stuff. The Amplify debuff is 30% now.
    They added more damage to the skill and increase Amplify from 20% to 30%

    Maybe Fox form attacks will actually deal relevant damage now in PvP. Of course we'll have to try it out first (I'm not good with numbers ok). Damage in PvE for these skills should be good, but magic attacks will still be stronger if you're pure magic. It's ironic we're getting this when HA Venomancers are mostly extinct. It would have been interesting to see this a few years ago.

    Sad they didn't increase Malefic Crush's Paralyze by a second or decrease the long cooldown, but maybe the damage will be nice?
  • Posts: 22 Arc User
    update for bms please .i apreciate alot :blush: <30
  • Posts: 1,673 Arc User
    Ive never feared cursed jail as I did elimination or knife welp this is ganna hurt
    105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
  • Posts: 1,673 Arc User
    Lets see bm and duskblade if anyone can
    105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
  • Posts: 456 Arc User
    Someone do SB skills please.
    full +12 SB, currently lv 105 105 105
  • Posts: 1,177 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    Before reading: note that those descriptions are for the MAX level of a skill, so it's either demon/sage OR omega/whatever the other sign is (forgot the name)
    blazerboy wrote: »
    Lets see bm and duskblade if anyone can

    * Flame tsunami: guaranteed to stun for 3 seconds (was 90% chance)

    * Farstrike: 150% weapon damage, if the target is WITHIN 10 meters, then it will deal some additional damage (i'm not sure how much, probably base damage?), but i can't crit.
    Note: it's WITHIN 10 meters, the original add of further than 10 meters, then it stuns 3 seconds remains the same.

    * Spirit chaser: 100% weapon damage (im sure about this), farstrike will crit if it's used within 6 seconds(not 100% sure about this, but i think it's correct, i'm not sure how this works with the WITHIN 10 meter thing on farstrike though, because it's said that won't crit...)

    * Valkyrie's might: Channel goes from 0.6 to 0.1

    * Night Howler: radius is 30 meters instead of 12

    * Umbral stalker: extra add: either movement speed increases by 100% or movement speed decreases by 100%, I think it's INCREASES by 100%, but i'm not sure.
    Someone do SB skills please.
    * Monsoon: Sage: additional damage is 20% instead of 10%.
    Demon: 30% chance to reduce incoming damage for 50% after casting (50% was 30%)

    * Call lightning: costs 60 chi (was 75)

    * Lunar blessing: Channel time goes from 1.0 to 0.1

    those skills are at the end of the diff, under it are still some more skills, but i'm not sure what class they belong to.​​
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  • Posts: 1,673 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    30m jesus well wow still lovely for AA SV abusers now if they could just give squad members the damage reduction it would be perfect xD. Umbral makes sense to increase its movement by 100% but also I could see them decreasing it instead. Makes it easier to catch a duskblade even if he uses it and quite frankly if it increases than a jsod duskblade lol gl taking the flag from that atleast you can purge and cc invoke xD. But I only read two hope we see more like others

    Flame tsunami tbh if you didnt stun off just a 10% chance rate i feel sorry for you lmfao. Can you explain what you meant by the note in farstrike and the ulti errr thats cute i guess.

    Ugh as if lunar blessing wasnt bad enough from 1.0 to 0.1 for that annoying stun
    105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
  • Posts: 1,177 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    blazerboy wrote: »
    30m jesus well wow still lovely for AA SV abusers now if they could just give squad members the damage reduction it would be perfect xD. Umbral makes sense to increase its movement by 100% but also I could see them decreasing it instead. Makes it easier to catch a duskblade even if he uses it and quite frankly if it increases than a jsod duskblade lol gl taking the flag from that atleast you can purge and cc invoke xD. But I only read two hope we see more like others

    Flame tsunami tbh if you didnt stun off just a 10% chance rate i feel sorry for you lmfao. Can you explain what you meant by the note in farstrike and the ulti errr thats cute i guess.

    Ugh as if lunar blessing wasnt bad enough from 1.0 to 0.1 for that annoying stun

    about farstrike note: it's an extra add, at this moment in our version it only has the effect that if a target is > 10 meters away, it will stun it, that effect also stays in place.
    The addition is: OR if a target is < 10 meters away, it will do the other effect (extra damage, but can't crit)

    The problem with spirit chaser is that spirit chaser says that farstrike will crit if used within 6 seconds after using spirit chaser.
    I wonder if it will also crit then if it's < 10 meters.​​
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