June 6th pwcn expansion: beast of homestead



  • dblazen1
    dblazen1 Posts: 1,177 Arc User
    Reminder that updates are made with CN's version in mind and not our power creep version.
    They won't have many (if at all) issues with these kind of updates because they don't have the gear for it to notice.​​
    The only fitting image for this forum.

  • freygin
    freygin Posts: 737 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    I come from a server more or less like CN where R9rr is still rare, and even if they're R9, most are not a full fledged r9rr with all the pieces and at 3rd stage. Mine is R9rr cleric minus the weapon. It's very noticeable and as a cleric I have to gear up above average to be able to survive. Yes they're squishy, but even a non r9 sin can still be devastating and land a kill with all the dmg amp.

    What I don't get is paralyze for combatting puri, with r9 costs a fortune on servers like CN, they should have less ppl with puri, and yet they invented paralyze. You'll want to ragequit playing on server like that lol.

    This upgraded Curse jail with double base damage is ridiculous. You know how hard it is to increase noticeable damage, but they just doubled it like it's nothing. Sins already have a lot of dmg multipliers just being sins, and yet they buff this. wtf.

  • dblazen1
    dblazen1 Posts: 1,177 Arc User
    freygin wrote: »
    I come from a server more or less like CN where R9rr is still rare, and even if they're R9, most are not a full fledged r9rr with all the pieces and at 3rd stage. Mine is R9rr cleric minus the weapon. It's very noticeable and as a cleric I have to gear up above average to be able to survive. Yes they're squishy, but even a non r9 sin can still be devastating and land a kill with all the dmg amp.

    What I don't get is paralyze for combatting puri, with r9 costs a fortune on servers like CN, they should have less ppl with puri, and yet they invented paralyze. You'll want to ragequit playing on server like that lol.

    A server more or less like CN is still not a CN server. Even R9 is rare in their servers. They are actually lucky to be able to farm a rank 8 recast.​​
    The only fitting image for this forum.

  • jsxshadow
    jsxshadow Posts: 1,414 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    superfedee wrote: »
    freygin wrote: »
    So..I would like to know, Cursed jail for sins will be dealing 2x base phy damage , does that mean if the assassins base phy damage is.. lets say 30000, the skill will be inflicting damage = to 60000 base phy damage ???? @_@

    Sounds about right, With 30k base, 2x base damage = 60,000, with zerk it's 120,000, with zerkcrit it's 240,000 with ZerkCrit+WolfEmblem = 288,000.

    Most sins will double spark from stealth to Curse Jail so that 30k base will be bumped to 50k, with zerkcrit+wolf emblem = 480,000.

    Throw in sage subsea + tangling mire, and deity sin. The result will be so devastating.


    stupid devs​​

    There are versions of this game in which Sins get nerfed and yet CN makes them hit harder and harder and harder but the worst thing has already happened. Why give them a stealth skill that cant be destealthed. That's absolute BS.

    They really should remove the CD from Destealth Potions completely.

    On the other sides...any Max geared class in this game (preferably defensive) has 0 problems fighting Sins. If you can tank the dmg than sins are a joke.

    In general, there shouldnt be things in this game that cannot be outplayed.
  • freygin
    freygin Posts: 737 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    dblazen1 wrote: »
    freygin wrote: »
    I come from a server more or less like CN where R9rr is still rare, and even if they're R9, most are not a full fledged r9rr with all the pieces and at 3rd stage. Mine is R9rr cleric minus the weapon. It's very noticeable and as a cleric I have to gear up above average to be able to survive. Yes they're squishy, but even a non r9 sin can still be devastating and land a kill with all the dmg amp.

    What I don't get is paralyze for combatting puri, with r9 costs a fortune on servers like CN, they should have less ppl with puri, and yet they invented paralyze. You'll want to ragequit playing on server like that lol.

    A server more or less like CN is still not a CN server. Even R9 is rare in their servers. They are actually lucky to be able to farm a rank 8 recast.​​

    What I want to say is endgame or not, no matter how small a change to a skill it will still be noticeable, and the example about puri with paralyze should also tell that it isn't even necessary for folks on CN server since r9 is rare and not many ppl with puri exist.

    later when g17 with at least 3rd stage can have purify, barbs and bms can have purify spell too and they got paralyze while other classes don't, and with tempting zerk to have for more damage proc, mag classes won't even have puri but barbs and bms can have it and they also got paralyze.

    Like I said earlier A is countered by Anti A.1 then they release Anti A.2 but Anti A.1 can be kept. Or they make one thing to counter other thing but breaks another thing because they make yet another thing but didn't cancel the previous thing.
  • jsxshadow
    jsxshadow Posts: 1,414 Arc User
    freygin wrote: »
    dblazen1 wrote: »
    freygin wrote: »
    I come from a server more or less like CN where R9rr is still rare, and even if they're R9, most are not a full fledged r9rr with all the pieces and at 3rd stage. Mine is R9rr cleric minus the weapon. It's very noticeable and as a cleric I have to gear up above average to be able to survive. Yes they're squishy, but even a non r9 sin can still be devastating and land a kill with all the dmg amp.

    What I don't get is paralyze for combatting puri, with r9 costs a fortune on servers like CN, they should have less ppl with puri, and yet they invented paralyze. You'll want to ragequit playing on server like that lol.

    A server more or less like CN is still not a CN server. Even R9 is rare in their servers. They are actually lucky to be able to farm a rank 8 recast.​​

    What I want to say is endgame or not, no matter how small a change to a skill it will still be noticeable, and the example about puri with paralyze should also tell that it isn't even necessary for folks on CN server since r9 is rare and not many ppl with puri exist.

    later when g17 with at least 3rd stage can have purify, barbs and bms can have purify spell too and they got paralyze while other classes don't, and with tempting zerk to have for more damage proc, mag classes won't even have puri but barbs and bms can have it and they also got paralyze.

    Like I said earlier A is countered by Anti A.1 then they release Anti A.2 but Anti A.1 can be kept. Or they make one thing to counter other thing but breaks another thing because they make yet another thing but didn't cancel the previous thing.

    Barbs and BMs are not broken, Not in the slightest. Facing them in a 1on1 there is no concern about paralyze. Barbs have a hard time killing endgame geared ppl if they cannot chain 1. Para with stun/Occult Ice and 2.Para. Same kinda goes for BMs. It's also very hard for them to kill something just within the Paralyze Time frame, especially when u have a genie designated to counter that. Barb gets fully countered by Fortify and BMs get fully coutnered by Fortify (to break out of the lock) and Evil Ward (cause lets face it. No bm kills endgame ppl without HF, unless being full deity, which would also lead to the untimely end of the bm).

    Things that can be outplayed do not need to be nerfed or taken away. The only class in the game that cant be fully countered is the Duskblade.
  • freygin
    freygin Posts: 737 Arc User
    It's not completely broken but they're given more utility, I bet if other classes' stun skill was changed to paralyze it wouldn't be broken but makes them more versatile.

    For example barbs, like most melees, barbs also have zerk, the point of zerk is to catch up with the damage dealt when melee finally catched its target, they even already have a chance to purge for occasional dmg spike, but it seemed the mechanic didn't work quite well and barbs got kited easily then barbs were given more utility skills like :
    - Berserker's Wrath so other classes won't flee by flying, it costs 3 spark but the damage could probably end up in a oneshot (zerkcrit + triple damage of 120% base physical damage = 120% base x 2 x 2 x 3 = 1440% base damage). Less ppl will try to flee from a barb by flying.
    - Blood Rush to further buff the damage when barbs catch its target.
    - Cornered Beast, this is like doubling barb's HP for 150 seconds, and will be in cooldown for the next 150seconds.
    as if those weren't enough, now barbs are also given paralyze, but barbs can keep all those previous added skills.

    With all those utility stacks and synergy with original skillset, barbs are more versatile than ever, it's so tanky with the second life buff, can deal massive dmg with zerkcrit and blood rush + purged. While being able to keep its target in range with paralyze.

    BMs, they have zerk and already got multiple stun skills, skills for movement speed, jump forward/backward. As if that werent enough a few more utility skills were added like Reel-in, blade hurl, reckless rush, an upgraded skill to stun from a range, all these should be enough for catching its target yet they still gave paralyze to bms.

    I bet all those skills were originally given because of purify spell.

    Mag classes say zerk is OP, melee classes say purfiy spell is OP, now with G17 we all will be able to choose as our hearts desire. Mag classes pick zerk because they said zerk is OP, melee classes pick purify spell because they said purify spell is OP. Barbs and BMs can have purify spell but they still get to keep all those previously given skills that were originally given to combat purify spell while that's not the case with the others, they were not given any skill to combat zerk and won't have purify because they pick zerkcrit.

    Barbs and BMs are not completely broken but they sure have a lot more advantage.
  • aradriel
    aradriel Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    jsxshadow wrote: »
    Barbs and BMs are not broken, Not in the slightest. Facing them in a 1on1 there is no concern about paralyze. Barbs have a hard time killing endgame geared ppl if they cannot chain 1. Para with stun/Occult Ice and 2.Para. Same kinda goes for BMs. It's also very hard for them to kill something just within the Paralyze Time frame, especially when u have a genie designated to counter that. Barb gets fully countered by Fortify and BMs get fully coutnered by Fortify (to break out of the lock) and Evil Ward (cause lets face it. No bm kills endgame ppl without HF, unless being full deity, which would also lead to the untimely end of the bm).

    Things that can be outplayed do not need to be nerfed or taken away. The only class in the game that cant be fully countered is the Duskblade.

    I don't play a BM, but my husband mains one, and I have to 100% agree with the above. BMs are nowhere near broken, and fall way behind on so many levels right now. Their ultimate is just a joke, and seems to not work at all after testing it. And judging by the skill translations noted in this thread... BMs still aren't getting the love they deserve to bring them in line with other classes. My husband's wish list is (1) better chi gain when using axes, (2) a rework to Will of the Bodhisattva to bring the CD/chi cost down -- or otherwise reduce how insanely CC-vulnerable they are. Of course genies can counter some things, for a quick fight, but extend a fight at all or wind up the target of multiple players, and your genie's on CD/drained pretty quick. And of course they do have their leaps and run skills, but even one cycle through these leaves them completely chi-depleted, with little means of getting that back while wielding axes.

    Of course CC in this game is just ridiculously out of hand and needs a complete overhaul imo. CC should be minimal in duration and require skilled play to use effectively to interrupt enemy attacks... but PWI just overloads every class with it so that facerolling the buttons just equals stun/immob/pull/seal for days on a target...

    I would love to see the devs take a hard look at CC skills across all classes and try a series of thoughtful balance reworks to start to drop down how overwhelmingly easily they can be applied. But yeah... not gonna hold my breath on that one. :/

    Raging Tides/Tideswell
    Arandelle | Cleric
    Aradriela | Wizard
    Not-so-perfect world'er since Jan. 2010.
  • freygin
    freygin Posts: 737 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    Yeah they should change how CC skill works, like if being stunned twice it will lower the duration of the first stun landed. It's global rule so doesn't need to try fixing A while breaking B and the pattern goes on. It will allow the person being cc'ed to at least breath and fight back a bit without being completely useless being perma stunned.


    Any info about Beast of Homestead ? What is it for exactly ?
    Post edited by freygin on
  • chary
    chary Posts: 850 Arc User
    lmao. BMs and barbs are fine. They don't need buffed.

    Also, psure the point of a BM is to use all of their weapons. ijs.​​
  • jsxshadow
    jsxshadow Posts: 1,414 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    chary wrote: »
    lmao. BMs and barbs are fine. They don't need buffed.

    Also, psure the point of a BM is to use all of their weapons. ijs.​​

    BMs are fine overall yes, but both Barbs and BMs could need finetuning. BMs really really need more accuracy or prefferably more skills that never miss or just a skill to increase their accu in general like Blood Bath on Barbs. Before people start lynching me...yes I think Barbs Mighty Swing should have a 100% chance to paralyze or be at least significantly higher than before. They could also make it Soulforce related...ranging from 60% min, 80% avg and 95% max.

    Like I said before, Barbs need to chain Paralyze with a Stun to be able to kill People. You will see it not very often that a Barb kills a max Endgame player without locking for 2 Paralyzes or more and breaking out of them is easy as cake (fortify). Why? Cause atm playing a barb is a luck game only. If all paras hit Barbs are nearly unkillable vs nub Players that dunno what Fortify is and are a good match for any good player. If all Paras fail then the barb will either not kill the target ever or even get killed since without that, Barbs nearly have no means of Counter-CC. Just saying :D The ulti surely helps with that already, but its still just a chance game.
    Post edited by jsxshadow on
  • chary
    chary Posts: 850 Arc User
    Fortify blocks incoming paralyze now?​​
  • aradriel
    aradriel Posts: 73 Arc User
    chary wrote: »
    lmao. BMs and barbs are fine. They don't need buffed.

    Also, psure the point of a BM is to use all of their weapons. ijs.​​

    It's... not exactly that simple. And of course all weapons are used. >_> I can't speak to barbs, but I can about BMs. It's not about "buffs" -- it's about actually examining the state of the core of the class -- and this goes for many of the old classes (pre-Tideborn). There's issues with cooldowns, secondary skill effects, and core skill damage that have just been ignored for 6+ years. This patch does seem like it will address a couple of problems, but nowhere near all of them.

    All I'm saying is that the current state of the game, with the current obscene level of CC, I think warrants a good look at all classes' access to CC'ing effects and some additional ways for classes who lack gtfo-type skills to actually be able to stunbreak (and ofc I know about genie skills. They'll work, briefly, then sit in recharge while you're unable to do anything to recover) rather than sit in a perma-stun chain until dead. There's just not enough balance work done by the devs; they tack on shiny new classes and skills without closely examining what this will do to old skills.

    Raging Tides/Tideswell
    Arandelle | Cleric
    Aradriela | Wizard
    Not-so-perfect world'er since Jan. 2010.
  • jsxshadow
    jsxshadow Posts: 1,414 Arc User
    chary wrote: »
    Fortify blocks incoming paralyze now?​​

    No, but it can be used to break free from a Lock from Barbs (always works) and BMs as well cause obviously they will try to stun after the first paralyze. Fortify stops that attempt and gives time to react.

    HEck Fortify is the one Staple skill ANYONE kinda has to use. there is no reason not to use it and is imho mandatory for any PvPer in this game since it helps vs nearly any class in this game...heck it helps vs any class since any class has stuns xD
  • keihan007#7641
    keihan007#7641 Posts: 1,190 Arc User
    jsxshadow wrote: »
    BMs are fine overall yes, but both Barbs and BMs could need finetuning. BMs really really need more accuracy or prefferably more skills that never miss or just a skill to increase their accu in general like Blood Bath on Barbs. Before people start lynching me...yes I think Barbs Mighty Swing should have a 100% chance to hit or be at least significantly higher than before. They could also make it Soulforce related...ranging from 60% min, 80% avg and 95% max.


    Didnt you main a barb, lmao?
    BlackList vs Frenzied 3/17

  • jsxshadow
    jsxshadow Posts: 1,414 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    saxroll wrote: »
    jsxshadow wrote: »
    BMs are fine overall yes, but both Barbs and BMs could need finetuning. BMs really really need more accuracy or prefferably more skills that never miss or just a skill to increase their accu in general like Blood Bath on Barbs. Before people start lynching me...yes I think Barbs Mighty Swing should have a 100% chance to hit or be at least significantly higher than before. They could also make it Soulforce related...ranging from 60% min, 80% avg and 95% max.


    Didnt you main a barb, lmao?

    Obviously, that is not what I meant. I was talking about the important thing. The chance of paralyze ofc.

    The whole skill revolves around the Paralyze, any other aspect is to no importance at all, so why bother?
  • keihan007#7641
    keihan007#7641 Posts: 1,190 Arc User
    jsxshadow wrote: »
    saxroll wrote: »
    jsxshadow wrote: »
    BMs are fine overall yes, but both Barbs and BMs could need finetuning. BMs really really need more accuracy or prefferably more skills that never miss or just a skill to increase their accu in general like Blood Bath on Barbs. Before people start lynching me...yes I think Barbs Mighty Swing should have a 100% chance to hit or be at least significantly higher than before. They could also make it Soulforce related...ranging from 60% min, 80% avg and 95% max.


    Didnt you main a barb, lmao?

    Obviously, that is not what I meant. I was talking about the important thing. The chance of paralyze ofc.

    The whole skill revolves around the Paralyze, any other aspect is to no importance at all, so why bother?

    Maybe you should start taking some English lessons then as there is no way anybody associates your statement to para chance after you speak of accuracy for BMs. But if you seriously feel already OP skill needs a buff, lol.
    BlackList vs Frenzied 3/17

  • jsxshadow
    jsxshadow Posts: 1,414 Arc User
    saxroll wrote: »
    jsxshadow wrote: »
    saxroll wrote: »
    jsxshadow wrote: »
    BMs are fine overall yes, but both Barbs and BMs could need finetuning. BMs really really need more accuracy or prefferably more skills that never miss or just a skill to increase their accu in general like Blood Bath on Barbs. Before people start lynching me...yes I think Barbs Mighty Swing should have a 100% chance to hit or be at least significantly higher than before. They could also make it Soulforce related...ranging from 60% min, 80% avg and 95% max.


    Didnt you main a barb, lmao?

    Obviously, that is not what I meant. I was talking about the important thing. The chance of paralyze ofc.

    The whole skill revolves around the Paralyze, any other aspect is to no importance at all, so why bother?

    Maybe you should start taking some English lessons then as there is no way anybody associates your statement to para chance after you speak of accuracy for BMs. But if you seriously feel already OP skill needs a buff, lol.

    How can a skill be OP that is purely Luck based when there are BMs and Duskblades that have a 100% Chance to paralyze (if they dont miss ofc).

    If a 60% chance Skill is OP what are the 7 skills of duskblades that are 100% on hit?! lol
  • keihan007#7641
    keihan007#7641 Posts: 1,190 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    jsxshadow wrote: »
    saxroll wrote: »
    jsxshadow wrote: »
    saxroll wrote: »
    jsxshadow wrote: »
    BMs are fine overall yes, but both Barbs and BMs could need finetuning. BMs really really need more accuracy or prefferably more skills that never miss or just a skill to increase their accu in general like Blood Bath on Barbs. Before people start lynching me...yes I think Barbs Mighty Swing should have a 100% chance to hit or be at least significantly higher than before. They could also make it Soulforce related...ranging from 60% min, 80% avg and 95% max.


    Didnt you main a barb, lmao?

    Obviously, that is not what I meant. I was talking about the important thing. The chance of paralyze ofc.

    The whole skill revolves around the Paralyze, any other aspect is to no importance at all, so why bother?

    Maybe you should start taking some English lessons then as there is no way anybody associates your statement to para chance after you speak of accuracy for BMs. But if you seriously feel already OP skill needs a buff, lol.

    How can a skill be OP that is purely Luck based when there are BMs and Duskblades that have a 100% Chance to paralyze (if they dont miss ofc).

    If a 60% chance Skill is OP what are the 7 skills of duskblades that are 100% on hit?! lol

    I nowhere commented on DB/BMs. Though BMs have decent CD on theirs iirc, it also costs a spark.

    Barbs skill cant miss, gives 15 chi, has extremely short CD and despite it being 60% chance for para it has 40% para uptime of CD. Yea, completely balanced, lol. Almost forgot, if you happen to miss para, it`ll still freeze you, gg wp.
    BlackList vs Frenzied 3/17

  • ballenato
    ballenato Posts: 240 Arc User
    saxroll wrote: »
    jsxshadow wrote: »
    saxroll wrote: »
    jsxshadow wrote: »
    saxroll wrote: »
    jsxshadow wrote: »
    BMs are fine overall yes, but both Barbs and BMs could need finetuning. BMs really really need more accuracy or prefferably more skills that never miss or just a skill to increase their accu in general like Blood Bath on Barbs. Before people start lynching me...yes I think Barbs Mighty Swing should have a 100% chance to hit or be at least significantly higher than before. They could also make it Soulforce related...ranging from 60% min, 80% avg and 95% max.


    Didnt you main a barb, lmao?

    Obviously, that is not what I meant. I was talking about the important thing. The chance of paralyze ofc.

    The whole skill revolves around the Paralyze, any other aspect is to no importance at all, so why bother?

    Maybe you should start taking some English lessons then as there is no way anybody associates your statement to para chance after you speak of accuracy for BMs. But if you seriously feel already OP skill needs a buff, lol.

    How can a skill be OP that is purely Luck based when there are BMs and Duskblades that have a 100% Chance to paralyze (if they dont miss ofc).

    If a 60% chance Skill is OP what are the 7 skills of duskblades that are 100% on hit?! lol

    I nowhere commented on DB/BMs. Though BMs have decent CD on theirs iirc, it also costs a spark.

    Barbs skill cant miss, gives 15 chi, has extremely short CD and despite it being 60% chance for para it has 40% para uptime of CD. Yea, completely balanced, lol. Almost forgot, if you happen to miss para, it`ll still freeze you, gg wp.

    If u miss para, it's prolly barbs attack proc Purify and the target runs away...
  • freygin
    freygin Posts: 737 Arc User
    Fortify is useless against barbs and against BMs, when we hit fortify they can use silence. If we run they can reel in, jump or whatever cc they have at disposal, it's all there.

    Once we messed up the use of fortify, there is nothing that can stop us for being permastunned for the next 30 seconds.

    1 Fortify with 30s cooldown to counter BMs multiple cc skills just isn't enough and they're buffed even more with Elysium, even when we succeeded using fortify, there is still disarm.

  • asterelle
    asterelle Posts: 861 Arc User
    Why do you people have to muddy the thread with PVP QQ/ePeen... just learn to ignore Joe.

    These are the new Homestead items that I noticed. The two residences are actually cash shop items. They have the same stats as a lvl 10 residence but you can make them with a lvl 1 workshop and for very few resources.


    Most of the stuff they added was lvl 10, including in slots that didn't have lvl 10 items before.
  • catgirldesu
    catgirldesu Posts: 993 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    I saw pork and fish dishes! They need to add more dishes though. We need more food!​​
  • blazerboy
    blazerboy Posts: 1,673 Arc User
    Bm has always been the most flexible class in this game. They do well for themselves in mass or 1v1 not sure what you guys are refering to. The only thing I will fully agree is yes that ultinis trash compared to classes like psy wiz dusk storm hell I personally thing the mystic ulti is dope but bm dont even have the speed to reach max damage and even if they try a random stun and ops ulti done or you lost enough time to not make a difference. Im sure bms would have prefered one that was more defensive other that offensive (****) ulti.
    But overall if I recall bm role is the vanguard soak damage dish it out and crowd control. So just a question how is that role not filled? Just trying to grasp the concept you guys are trying to put out
    105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
  • blazerboy
    blazerboy Posts: 1,673 Arc User
    Im kinda sad they give a crit nerf passive and only give duskblade a survival skill update which isnt extremely game changing (minus nw but who cares about that anymore) and a support skill which yes 30m from 12m squad buff givijg speed and anti silence for companions is cute but not necessary if you ask me. Sins get 2 new additions to circumvent this but not duskblade? Not trying to QQ but when it comes to updates between the two it feels like Sin > Duskblade for example sin PWCN r9 wep has 2.0 range but not the duskblade version? Most duskblades i know wont get that r9 because we lose that but Sins get to and more atk lvl? GG XD I've asked multiple duskblade intends to give up their 2.0 for the added attack level so far I havent gotten 1 yes because in truth it makes a pretty real difference now this skill update thing. Kinda makes me say huh lol xD
    105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
  • jsxshadow
    jsxshadow Posts: 1,414 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    freygin wrote: »
    Fortify is useless against barbs and against BMs, when we hit fortify they can use silence. If we run they can reel in, jump or whatever cc they have at disposal, it's all there.

    Once we messed up the use of fortify, there is nothing that can stop us for being permastunned for the next 30 seconds.

    1 Fortify with 30s cooldown to counter BMs multiple cc skills just isn't enough and they're buffed even more with Elysium, even when we succeeded using fortify, there is still disarm.

    OFC you have to analyze ur opponent and see how he fights and plays. True that BMs have other means to prevent Fortify from being usefull but Barbs don't with the exception of the Ulti now. Fortify is the Anticipation skill No. 1 and ofc it is possible to outplay Fortify as well. Thats the way it is supposed to be.
  • beast21g
    beast21g Posts: 631 Arc User
    Discussion is to far from the topic now you should continue in another threa thanks
  • blazerboy
    blazerboy Posts: 1,673 Arc User
    Eh I dont feel it has it first started as people feeling certain classes need an update another disagreed now they are both stating their POV why meh I don't think thats a big deal xD
    105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
  • angellicdeity
    angellicdeity Posts: 641 Arc User
    Maybe PW-CN should've enabled X-server NW with PWI.

    They maybe would better see first-hand how bad their idea of balance is.
  • dblazen1
    dblazen1 Posts: 1,177 Arc User
    Maybe PW-CN should've enabled X-server NW with PWI.

    They maybe would better see first-hand how bad their idea of balance is.

    Maybe you should realize that CN devs create the game with the CN audience in mind?
    They don't have our problems because our version is a messed up, pay to win, power creep version.
    The only fitting image for this forum.