Rollback... Yes or No???



  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    let's face it if we rollback people will qq for a week and mostly forget about it in a month if we don't peolple will qq for years just check goon ABUSE wich remind me taht with next update those who got to 105 that way will actully get rewarded..... and their small edge from teh extra levels is gonna become much bigger.
  • Posts: 263 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    No Rollback, I charged Zen yesterday.

    I need more competition, so let these people get their + 10 orbs and refine their gear up some.

    This can bring in revenue for Perfect World if they put +11 and +12 Orbs on sale next week.

    Perfect World Entertainment,

    Put + 11 Orbs on sale for 50 gold and +12 orbs on sale for say 100 gold.

    This will help your 4th quarter raise more revenue, and increase stock price some.

    Please don't rollback, and please put + 11, and + 12 orbs on sale in botique.

    Take the opportunity, and don't fuss about a problem that has already happened. Think of the new gains you can have from this!

    I upload a vid of a rank 9 3rd cast seeker fight, 90 views.
    I upload a vid of me in my boxers, 750 views.
    I know what the PWI community wants.

  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    The best way to get the highest approval rating among those who play the game would be to ban everyone who used the code.

    As you can see, right now it is a loose-loose situation.

    1. If you roll back, people will complain about having too many roll backs
    2. If you do not roll back, people will complain the code gave unfair advantages

    By banning everyone who used the code, it will not be necessary to roll back, making Group 1 happy. Additionally, no one will have an unfair advantage, making Group 2 happy.

    Thus, you managed to make both groups happy, and will get a 100% approval rating.

    As for the people who got banned, they are unable to play the game, and therefore cannot be a part of the statistics. Thus, your approval rating will still be 100%.

  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Yes ROLLBACK!!
    Its not fair for all of us that didnt got not even 1!!!

    hm.......yes and about the ppl that ..'.' are enjoyng the new refines...and ALL THE PACKS I OPENED AFTER THE CODE .......I WILL LOSE ALL OF IT!!!? WITH THE ROLLBACK !!!:?

    TRY TO THINK A LITTLE>>>......OK ROLLBACK...AND lets say u spent 5 hours frosting....all the xp u got after the code will be lost AS....IF I GOT A FKING +12 ORB....AFTER THE CODE...i WILL LOSE IT BECAUSE OF THE ROLLBACK ...SO THINK ...think if its really the real fair way.
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    The best way to get the highest approval rating among those who play the game would be to ban everyone who used the code.

    As you can see, right now it is a loose-loose situation.

    1. If you roll back, people will complain about having too many roll backs
    2. If you do not roll back, people will complain the code gave unfair advantages

    By banning everyone who used the code, it will not be necessary to roll back, making Group 1 happy. Additionally, no one will have an unfair advantage, making Group 2 happy.

    Thus, you managed to make both groups happy, and will get a 100% approval rating.

    As for the people who got banned, they are unable to play the game, and therefore cannot be a part of the statistics. Thus, your approval rating will still be 100%.

    Give him a beer b:victory
  • Posts: 314 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    The best way to get the highest approval rating among those who play the game would be to ban everyone who used the code.

    As you can see, right now it is a loose-loose situation.

    1. If you roll back, people will complain about having too many roll backs
    2. If you do not roll back, people will complain the code gave unfair advantages

    By banning everyone who used the code, it will not be necessary to roll back, making Group 1 happy. Additionally, no one will have an unfair advantage, making Group 2 happy.

    Thus, you managed to make both groups happy, and will get a 100% approval rating.

    As for the people who got banned, they are unable to play the game, and therefore cannot be a part of the statistics. Thus, your approval rating will still be 100%.

    this made me rofl b:laughb:laughb:laugh
  • Posts: 1,400 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    well if they wont roll it back

    then Welcome to PWI-Private server where u get +10orb and event gold and everything else an many as u want ;D
  • Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    No Rollback, I charged Zen yesterday.

    I need more competition, so let these people get their + 10 orbs and refine their gear up some.

    This can bring in revenue for Perfect World if they put +11 and +12 Orbs on sale next week.

    Perfect World Entertainment,

    Put + 11 Orbs on sale for 50 gold and +12 orbs on sale for say 100 gold.

    This will help your 4th quarter raise more revenue, and increase stock price some.

    Please don't rollback, and please put + 11, and + 12 orbs on sale in botique.

    Take the opportunity, and don't fuss about a problem that has already happened. Think of the new gains you can have from this!

    Yeah, OK FlyRanger
    You charged zen? Why? You're probably the BIGGEST merchant on DW. You have so much coin that I find it hard to believe you have any real need to use the boutique. IJS. >.>
  • Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Yes, private server if you don't rollback for sure.
  • Posts: 2,106 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    The best way to get the highest approval rating among those who play the game would be to ban everyone who used the code.

    As you can see, right now it is a loose-loose situation.

    1. If you roll back, people will complain about having too many roll backs
    2. If you do not roll back, people will complain the code gave unfair advantages

    By banning everyone who used the code, it will not be necessary to roll back, making Group 1 happy. Additionally, no one will have an unfair advantage, making Group 2 happy.

    Thus, you managed to make both groups happy, and will get a 100% approval rating.

    As for the people who got banned, they are unable to play the game, and therefore cannot be a part of the statistics. Thus, your approval rating will still be 100%.

    This but unfrounately I feel that banning them, might be hard to do, as the goon glitch proved to us that pwi does NOT have the ability to see who abused the glitch and how much they did, and personally I think a temporary ban would be ideal/removal of the excess orbs would be the best solution. (Though seeing how a lot of them probably already used the orbs that would be hard to track down.) (edit: after all who knows ho wmany ppl actually did abuse it.. .if it was indeed half the server population... we could lose that much... though I really doubt it was on that scale.)

    So perhaps a rollback is the best solution... though I would prefer your solution, unforunately it too has it's... flaws.

    In other words, they're ****ED regardless of what they do.
    Ah, Mistakes are so easily made. ~ laura resnick

    What kind of message are you sending when you insult my intelligence? ~ Me ~ 5/29/2015 (Yes it is possible someone said this before just no idea who/where.)
  • Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Rollback is bad idea, i were at arch and i lost a lot of thing, time and money etc etc... i started again, finally I brought what was lost.. that server is still not stabil... so i asked out my compensation codes at lost city server.. now will be there a rollbackl too..? and everywhere..? totaly bull****..

    I dont want another rollback, so sad, and was hard to get everything back... and i was lucky, cos my loss is minimal...but others not and hey stil not compensated with some orbs... but atleast this was a good idea...

    There was only 1 code ... They can check it who used them more than once.. they can give out the orbs from them... or bann them for a while .. better than rollback and does not punish the one who did not cheat...

    (sry i have broken english, but i hope you can understand what i tried to say)
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    You people stupid or what? rollback is a must and if u bought gold you will get it back just like last rollback but those items that was spammed is just too ridiculous to keep
  • Posts: 169 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I wouldn't agree with banning the people who abused the web, quite frankly if an opportunity like this ever came about, people will obviously not hesitate to take advantage thereof.

    I personally did not get an opportunity to redeem the code, i don't mined so much, heck maybe now there will be more PK in Raging Tide, but looking at it objectively if you conider The people who actually used PWI-ingame coins or Gold to buy Orbs, only that everyone els would shortly receive them completely free is rather unappealing, they would most definitely feel cheated , especially if they themselves did not get the opportunity to obtain any orbs.

    I vote for a rollback, perhaps it will most sufficient to apply it prier to the last update - or to the last date of character log in before this code was released.

    But hey, Evan if it doesn't get rolled back, this = more pk = more people for me to kill b:victory
    Am Awesome b:victory

  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Lets all remember that this is rewards weekend, so if you purchase now, it won't be there later. I vote for a roll back.
  • Posts: 99 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    no rollback we should not be punished because other ppl were bad or pwi didnt put proper restrictions :(
    Thanks Eutrepete for awesome siggy <3
  • Posts: 516 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    yes rollback
    ▂▄▅█████████▅▄▃▂ cause i can't make art, so i made
    ◥⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙◤this awesome tank.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 1 shot king. LV 150 FSP bosses hit for 3m. Top Player hit record: 652,656.
  • Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Everyone Please, think bout this, if they DOOOO a roll back, think bout HOOOWWW its gonna affect ppls progress since that last point!!! All they have to do, is lower the refine lvlz of ppl who used the d orbs from packs and get rid of the excess Dorbs, Would u want all u worked for in that time to just BE REset??? ppl who want roll backs think bout other and not just what UUUUU want. Sorry if I affended anyone but this had to be said.
  • Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    If we rollback we will restart from when ? wednesday maintenance?
  • Posts: 169 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    No Rollback, I charged Zen yesterday.

    I need more competition, so let these people get their + 10 orbs and refine their gear up some.

    This can bring in revenue for Perfect World if they put +11 and +12 Orbs on sale next week.

    Perfect World Entertainment,

    Put + 11 Orbs on sale for 50 gold and +12 orbs on sale for say 100 gold.

    This will help your 4th quarter raise more revenue, and increase stock price some.

    Please don't rollback, and please put + 11, and + 12 orbs on sale in botique.

    Take the opportunity, and don't fuss about a problem that has already happened. Think of the new gains you can have from this!

    Gosh what a twerk, this is not about the revenue of PWI, it about the players whom feel they have been cheated , as for your claim "that you've purchased Zen" that can easily be restored prier to transferring Zen to server.

    Also you don't want a rollback because "you purchased zen yesterday"?, well selfish much? what about the people who purchased zen and bough Orbs with gold? but of course think only of yourself.
    Am Awesome b:victory

  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Yes do the rollback
  • Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    If you RollBack Give me Back My 200Mil or else Dont RollBack Its Not Easy To Farm 200Mil . b:angryb:angryb:angry
  • Posts: 146 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    They cant reroll every server even if they wanted to. It would have to go all the way back to the last manitance and would take weeks and weeks to do so because they would have to backtrack all the gold zen purchaes for last 4 days on every server. 2ndly people have overblown the orb issue creating rumors and trolling to get people outraged. The code work as it was intended to, people were not allowed to get multiple orbs however for a short period of time everyone was redeaming at the same time and the system ggot laggy and some people did get multiple orbs but they certainly didnt get 30 or 50 orbs like people keep exagerating the orbs were only available for a short time about an hour and the whole redeam process was very laggy so it wouldnt even be possible for people to have gotten that many. It isnt fair that some got multiple orbs but you cant demand rolling back every server for entire week which would affect everybody, people who got items from packs, people who farmed, people who grinded, people who advanced on their meridans, made trades, got items from drops, upgraded armour etc just because a few people may have got 2 or extra orbs which can only be used on bound gear... PWI should just take the time to fix the code sysytem or figure out a better way to distribute the items so everybody at least gets it without anyone being able to get more whether thats mailing the items or issuing another code that wont get laggy and glitch. I think then most of these people screaming for rollbacks will calm down everyone will have gotten the code and wont cause more problems like a rollback and ruin everyones game for the last week which would efect EVERYONE not the handful who are effected now by getting a few extra codes. Futhermore in the next expansion better gear and weapons are coming out so there will be a new arm race anyway and these refines and gear people hav now wont be op then anyway. So in closing you guys are making a big deal out of a small issue and theres 100s of other ways of fixing it or compensating for it without screaming for rollback which isnt going to happen, you can punish people who got extra orbs etc. and theres far bigger problems everyday on pwi people botting missing title quests etc that are far more important issues which havent gotten the attention and outrage you all have overblown this to.
  • Posts: 155 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Best option is to roll back
    24 hours back in time
    give just 2 x for extended period ( if they cant fix the promo code dont bother ) b:chuckle

    yeah 1-2days rollback isnt so bad, just after give to everyone 1 pack to mail no need redeem with bugs again, and extend 2x event time. Ppl will be more happy than in situation right nowb:victory
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    wtf rollback lock momy that kid has beter toys then me is not fair ask god to rollback time so you can go and do some **** to an old men to buy me new toys this is you guy wining like some 5 year old child this is not abusers is marketing on archos token is runing with 21k so us low lv players cant buy ****s that wee need so wee use ower brains to get mony wee sell tings that others dont do becuse they scam us so stop wining like some ***** and go an play the fuking game ---> youb:cry
  • Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    yeah 1-2days rollback isnt so bad, just after give to everyone 1 pack to mail no need redeem with bugs again, and extend 2x event time. Ppl will be more happy than in situation right nowb:victory

    exactly, I just hope they refund the dark abyss mount tjhey finally gave me yesterday from the last charge rewards they messed up
  • Posts: 419 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    1000 Player say Yes to the Rollback, to clean the server! Too many players got more than 3 orb but 50+

    - Rollback the servers to the 20th, after maint
    - As compensation, make one of these page where we will chose a toon that will receive the gift (orbs, etc) by mail (ingame mail) and 1 time

    Only a rollback could save the servers
  • Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    any computer programmer can tell you they can roll back 24 hours. and to be honest they should roll it back 24 hours and do away with all codes dont give anyone anything for a thank for playing gift. that way all your cash players will be happy they are the ones that keep the game free for everyone else. i just wished i could roll back my life i wouldnt have made any mistakes then, but i am human just like your pwi programmers so give them a break they screwed it up just ask them to roll it back after all it is the simplest solution. if you made that much coin and stuff before this happened you can do it again after a rollback. just quit your crying seriously 196 pages of it.
  • Posts: 419 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    1000 Players say Yes to the Rollback, to clean the server! Too many players got more than 3 orb... they got 50+

    - Rollback the servers to the 20th, after maint
    - As compensation, make one of these page where we will chose a toon that will receive the gift (orbs, etc) by mail (ingame mail) and 1 time

    Only a rollback could save the servers
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    i lose too much in first rollback no want again never rollback b:angryb:angryb:angryb:angry
  • Posts: 215 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    metalmana wrote: »
    1000 Players say Yes to the Rollback, to clean the server! Too many players got more than 3 orb... they got 50+

    - Rollback the servers to the 20th, after maint
    - As compensation, make one of these page where we will chose a toon that will receive the gift (orbs, etc) by mail (ingame mail) and 1 time

    Only a rollback could save the servers

    nice idea


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