[Rollback - Archosaur Server] UPDATED 11.20.13



  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I did not get my codes too b:cryb:cry
  • Posts: 1,400 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    slamstone wrote: »
    this is true and you're right to be compensated. All is good from personal point of view. But now think about this:

    How would u feel if u played on Lost City or DW or HL, definetly not on Arch, and all of a sudden you see ppl on wc getting free +10 just because:
    1. They had a char on Arch (no matter what lvl what culti whatever...can be lvl 1)
    2. They logged at least once during the rollback period

    Ok, and 2 Dorbs sounds ok, but multiply those 2 orbs with a greater number of accounts, and send them to another server (lets say a player that keep alot of accounts as banks to store items).

    Put for example, that NW summons lets say 600 active ppl during NW...those 600 got 2 orbs...so at least a 1200 orbs dumped into the market (NO MATTER WHAT COINS OR ACTUALL FARMING STAGE THOSE CHARS WHERE AT).

    So what happens, those 1200 orbs are distributed to 600 players (that most like only a few could have afforded those orbs at current prices), those 1200 orbs can be dumped into any server available at player choice, actually crashing the market of +10 orbs for a few weeks, and more making alot more players than arch had frustated about this compensation.

    How would u feel if suddenly a rival of yours got 6 Orbs +10 on ANOTHER SERVER THAN ARCH, just cuz he had 3 accounts lvl 1 logged for 1 minute during the glitch period. Will you call that balanced?

    Guess what, he goes +10 on 2 or 3 items, while u stay back at +7-+8 and need to farm like 300m in coins just to make up for that difference he got for free.

    Now put yourself in this situation and ask yourself is that fair?

    Again i dont care about what u got in Arch, you could get +12 from my point of view, it's the option to dump them into other markets/servers that is frustating.

    You are right in some ways, yes, but I would think the amount of people that chose not to use the orbs on themselves isn't so high that it could impact markets on all servers. Even if everyone on Arch would chose to sell or use their orb on a different server, divide that with the number of current servers, I cannot see a market crash in the orb market. Give it a few days, and everything will settle.
    Is it fair? No, of course not. Was this game fair at any point in its existence? Not a chance! But you know what? People is what makes the game unfair 90% of the time. The team came up with a great compensation; what do players do? They sell their codes. Yes, they could have limited the codes to be used only on Arch, but what's done is done now.
    Some came up with the ridiculous solution so that everyone gets orbs, and that would be a really bad call. Because you know what? If everyone would have gotten the codes, you can bet that they would still sell those codes to others, and the influx of so many orbs would most definitely impact the market in a very bad way.
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    see the results of your work PWI GM ..... you just add to the clutter of your carelessness has done. congratulations for GM PWI. This would be a bad story for you.
  • Posts: 856 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    You are right in some ways, yes, but I would think the amount of people that chose not to use the orbs on themselves isn't so high that it could impact markets on all servers. Even if everyone on Arch would chose to sell or use their orb on a different server, divide that with the number of current servers, I cannot see a market crash in the orb market. Give it a few days, and everything will settle.
    Is it fair? No, of course not. Was this game fair at any point in its existence? Not a chance! But you know what? People is what makes the game unfair 90% of the time. The team came up with a great compensation; what do players do? They sell their codes. Yes, they could have limited the codes to be used only on Arch, but what's done is done now.
    Some came up with the ridiculous solution so that everyone gets orbs, and that would be a really bad call. Because you know what? If everyone would have gotten the codes, you can bet that they would still sell those codes to others, and the influx of so many orbs would most definitely impact the market in a very bad way.

    As I have already stated, this is the straw that broke the camel's back. If its not PWE breaking things, or compensating players with a means for something like orbs that were really meant for Arch only, and grant the ability to use them on other servers, where I might add I have had to BUY my orbs with real money, this game might actually be enjoyable. Yet over the course of the past year, the ineptitude of PWE do do anything right, or fix things that are broken or missing...solidified my opinion the game is no longer worth playing. A game with so much promise early on destroyed by a total disregard to its playerbase, and an inability to make things work properly,...yeah, I am no longer a fool spending money to line their pockets, nor am I willing to play the game any longer.

    It feels good to retire from PWI especially when there are other great games out there.
    WeBeKinky Leader - lvl 10x psychic

    If you don't like my attitude, you should realize I don't care.

    It's strange what desire will make foolish people do.
  • Posts: 1,400 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    As I have already stated, this is the straw that broke the camel's back. If its not PWE breaking things, or compensating players with a means for something like orbs that were really meant for Arch only, and grant the ability to use them on other servers, where I might add I have had to BUY my orbs with real money, this game might actually be enjoyable. Yet over the course of the past year, the ineptitude of PWE do do anything right, or fix things that are broken or missing...solidified my opinion the game is no longer worth playing. A game with so much promise early on destroyed by a total disregard to its playerbase, and an inability to make things work properly,...yeah, I am no longer a fool spending money to line their pockets, nor am I willing to play the game any longer.

    It feels good to retire from PWI especially when there are other great games out there.

    Completely agree with your decision. All the best !
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    hello sir.. i am also included to those char who rollback..and i lost my 80golds...and money..how could i get that...please help me..
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I did not get my codes toob:sad
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    when can i get my orb...i am also online that time but i did not recieve any mail..gm please help me..
  • Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    yeah how do we get Compensation code when we never got no email?
  • Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Still no codes
  • Posts: 1,764 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    You know considering the EXTREME hate this entire topic is getting I'm shocked we haven't heard a single word from a GM about this matter. I would hope that a Moderator is reading all these extremely upset people posting about the improper use of the codes people are getting on the Archosaur server and informing the GMs of this. Then again I probably SHOULDN'T be upset since this seems to be happening more and more often. If any moderator is on and reading this it would be nice to know that the GMs have been informed of what is going on and maybe give us a hint that MAYBE they are planning on doing something about this.....ijs
  • Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I played different games before, they were runed by dupe hacks and the like.

    Now PWI is ruining its game itself. Half the population who are good at abuse, multi accounting and buying codes from other players will be running around fully +10 on multiple toons, +12 if they are really good abusers and tisha to +12 using these orbs to fix the fails back to +10. Others who did not get codes at all have ****.

    I dont like all the melodramitic posts i often read, but now i get the feeling myself as well.... This is another strong push to kill the game. It is unbelievable. Something unkknow goes wrong. A rollback. No problem i can live with that. Then a compensation cool ! too bad the codes are not account bound and some people dont get any at all. So instead of fixing the problem, you created a huge mess, overflooded the server with dragon orbs and more players got disadvantaged compared to others who end up with dozens of dragon orbs.

    On a side note: I log out of my other account. I log into this one to send a ticket. I get confirmation on the other account anyway. Even though the fact that im posting on this account clearly proves that i am logged into this account. So that doesnt work very well either.....
  • Posts: 2,106 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    sithis010 wrote: »
    it is nothin like dat. what twist mind are u? dis is like i win money in lawsuit cuz i was rob, and then u say cuz i get money, i shuld not be allow to move to ur town.....nothin happen to u. i get somethin dont mean u lose somethin. did i take from u? were u supposed to get? did u lose anythin? were u victim? NO. u toon lead a good lif, and my toon go robbed. and u complain becuz i was given money for it. not everything is bout u.

    I am not so sure you understand the definition of 'like' defined. SIMILAR is the keyword... obviously getting ***** is FAR FAR worse than what happens in a game, but still... there is something familiar with reporting a crime, and basically getting laughed at in your face and being told 'they're allowed to do that' when morally, ethically, and is... not to mention ILLEGAL in most countries it is ABSOLUTELY wrong! (I am not saying what pwe did was illegal, but meh people do feel cheated by this, and rightfully so imho)

    sithis010 wrote: »
    if i get robbed by police officer, and city pay me money. why should i be force to say in same city? so that when i move u do not get jealus? i take my money and leave, and then village b have to deal with fact i buy house there. and maybe my house nicer than urs cuz i got robbed. it dont mean they shuld give u anythin.

    Your right we shouldn't get compensated so to speak, but I am not asking for something in return for this asinine bs... I just want it to be restricted to the server that was actually affected by the rollback, and not to whichever server they so chose. << (It ruins things.) Again this is a game, there are servers, they are separated, the situation you described is fine, and unavoidable as I said in my previous post, but when things are separated by servers, etc, and there is no real way of moving to a new server I for one find it illogical, and beyond reason that you all can use it on any server you wish.
    sithis010 wrote: »
    I lose my friend and fraction mate? for what i still want to say on archo for? i will go back to HT.....they rob me of my thing. and make it up to me. I spend how i want to spend. it not a concern of urs. the archo server didnt lost gold. i am the one that lose. me, the person. it my time waste. it is my coin lost. it is my item that disappear. my char has no life. it is just a pixel. these are mine.

    Pfft, this is different if it was still YOUR cash, and not within pwis systems... I would agree with you, and also they didn't **** up on other servers, they only screwed up with archosuar. (Items, etc was only lost on archosuar, not everywhere else... it's asinine to think that its ok to potentially ruin other servers economy because you had a change of heart, and decide to go to another server with it due to pwi/pwe's **** up, and compensation.
    sithis010 wrote: »
    i remember goon glitch well. the gm said no glitch no glitch. but some ppl cheat and glitch neway. then they take away our exp. so now we cannot get exp from goon nemore. and the people who cheated, they get nothing. they still 105. they still get rich from sell goon glitch. i having nothing. those people cheat and won. this is is different. i didnt cheat you. i did nothing to u. i have 3 orb no matter if archo, or if ht. i canot use o on all toon just the 1. But if i use on ht, maybe i can play with frien i still have. instead of being alone. if i do ht, i can still have my item. and rebuild. the real reason u are mad is u do not have such a thing. i will take my frien back and u can lose urs an have the orb. orb is not better. it cannot even be use on g16 and neway nothin can replace frien. i have skype but not da same. i play on 2 server. i can get 1 thin +10 and 1 thin only. i am glad u dun get to choose which 4 me.

    Despite how hard it has been for me to interpret what your saying with all the 'ur', 'u', 'nemore', etc as well as all the grammatical errors. (not trying to correct you, nor am I trying to make fun of you... I only mean to just point out how hard it has been to reply to you.)

    I do get what your saying, but still if it happened to archosuar, I for one find it wrong that you can take the compensation to any server or account you so please. I get it pwi/pwe was trying to make you all happy, but it pissed of quite a few players from others servers in the process.
    sithis010 wrote: »
    why shuld i get ban? what rule i broke? what thing i steal?does me have a nice ring now mean u cannot go and do the same thin you always do? u are angry becuz u are jealus. u wish u get a free orb. that is just qq. pwi shuld not care bout dat. they server steal from me, a person. so they make up to me, a person. u say i deserve but then angry i can spend what i want. u want me to only spend ur way so u dont have to look at it. that is jealus.

    Again my intention is not to get a free orb, merely to force it to remain to the archosuar server.

    Since this reply was under my reply about the goon glitch fiasco, I am going to assume your reply was to the goon glitch fiasco.

    As for getting banned part... I for one believe that they shouldn't have perma banned any of those players, but still the compensation back then was nothing more than a pure slap in the face to those who didn't abuse the glitch, there wasn't even a rollback for those suspected of doing it. As for what rule you/"they" broke? Uh, lets see they told us on forums, that it would be a bannable offense, and to report anyone we see doing it, we do just that, then they do in fact ban a few ppl when they finally get it fixed, then they go back on it within 2 days, and as a 'reward' for not breaking the rules... we ALL get 2x... yea... that's TOTALLY fair... NOT!
    Ah, Mistakes are so easily made. ~ laura resnick

    What kind of message are you sending when you insult my intelligence? ~ Me ~ 5/29/2015 (Yes it is possible someone said this before just no idea who/where.)
  • Posts: 265 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    LOL... there is no improper way of using the code. Quit ur QQin.
    <3 SLITNOTb:chuckle
  • Posts: 2,106 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    LOL... there is no improper way of using the code. Quit ur QQin.

    Quit your belly aching about 'my QQin.' *Childishly sticks tongue out*


    Silliness aside, as I have said people are rightfully upset about it, you dont like us QQing, that is fine you don't have too, but it still doesn't change the fact that this is just asinine bs... only archosuar was effected by this rollback... ERGO only the archosuar server should be compensated for it.

    If you can't understand that/dont want to understand that... or whatever else... that is entirely your problem, not ours, it doesn't mean we can't QQ/should stop our "QQin."
    Ah, Mistakes are so easily made. ~ laura resnick

    What kind of message are you sending when you insult my intelligence? ~ Me ~ 5/29/2015 (Yes it is possible someone said this before just no idea who/where.)
  • Posts: 1,764 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Quit your belly aching about 'my QQin.' *Childisly sticks tounge out*


    Silliness aside, as I have said people are rightfully upset about it, you dont like us QQing, that is fine you don't have too, but it still doesn't change the fact that this is just asinine bs... only archosuar was effected by this rollback... ERGO only the archosuar server should be compensated for it.

    If you can't understand that/dont want to understand that... or whatever else... that is entirely your problem, not ours, it doesn't mean we can't QQ/should stop our "QQin."

    You tell em man. Can't nobody hold me down!
  • Posts: 294 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Guys can you at least answer my ticket b:surrender

    My mail was wrong but i already fix it

    b:sad can you just send the code again
    b:cry i dont even play on other servers

    and im already subscribed to your
    >> occasional news letters and updates to your registered email address. <<
  • Posts: 1,083 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    So nothing for RT?
  • Posts: 208 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Oh look a blank post, I sowwy
  • Posts: 990 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I've also heard that everyone on Archo server, along with the 10*s got 100 gold. Talk about killing the economy on that server.f:shock

    Event gold, not normal gold.
    Current: http://mypers.pw/1.8/#133167

    TW/NW Videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/Axel3200

    Some people get R93 and become another cookiecutter DD, other people get R93 and get called out as serious threats. At some point, it's just not about gear anymore. - Qui
  • Posts: 208 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Event gold, not normal gold.
    Ah thank you for clearing that up. b:chuckle I wasn't sure. My apologize. :3
  • Posts: 394 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I am still waiting for a reply to my tickets about all my losses from that roll back i know there was a lot of lucky people who have got there stuff and money back but sadly i still havnt got a single reply from any of my tickets this isnt right making people wait this long to get there stuff back its nice we are getting these +10 orbs but umm there for level 16 and down gear so its a give away we are about to get g17 and r10 but anyways i hope to hear back soon about my tickets and get my stuff back i would like to have the chance to do what i want with my stuff before the game changes not have it taken away from pwi and not hearing back about that this isnt right in any way shape or form
  • Posts: 1,764 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    c44102 wrote: »
    I am still waiting for a reply to my tickets about all my losses from that roll back i know there was a lot of lucky people who have got there stuff and money back but sadly i still havnt got a single reply from any of my tickets this isnt right making people wait this long to get there stuff back its nice we are getting these +10 orbs but umm there for level 16 and down gear so its a give away we are about to get g17 and r10 but anyways i hope to hear back soon about my tickets and get my stuff back i would like to have the chance to do what i want with my stuff before the game changes not have it taken away from pwi and not hearing back about that this isnt right in any way shape or form

    You gotta face the fact that pwi is only giving u that code that many people are abusing. As is i am just waiting to hear from any moderator letting us know that they are letting the GMs know what is going on since it is a Moderators job to inform the GMs of issues brought up on forums. IJS it would be nice to know from someone that something is going to be done about this cuz many many people are not happy with PWEs choice to allow people to take their 10* orbs to other servers and **** up them too.
  • Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    what do you mean "- Accounts that are subscribed to PWE emails." how do you Subscribe? wow another cop out goodie

    maybe they should point the way to where PEOPLE could have subscribe cause i don't see it anywhere and it wasn't mention anywhere before so how was we suppose to know? this is even bigger bull**** then the damn rollback. wow and now we have to go throuhg all that damn support ticket bull**** just to get it? wow they should do another rollback and *** us in the *** even more
  • Posts: 627 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    hoover69 wrote: »
    what do you mean "- Accounts that are subscribed to PWE emails." how do you Subscribe? wow another cop out goodie

    By that statement, it's meant that the account you log into PWE games and the forums - it must have an e-mail tied to said account. That e-mail, would be considered to be the "subscribed e-mail".

    It's a dumb method of sending gifts to players, because:
    1.) You can't change your e-mail tied to the account without sending a ticket and waiting x amount of days for a response with security questions, then replying and waiting x amount of days in an attempt to get the e-mail tied to said account changed. Half of the time the ticket is closed and another must be opened, or they simply stop responding to your e-mails that are send outside of the ticket.

    2.) Not everyone pays attention to the forums/website, so not everyone even sent the initial ticket pleading PWE to give them stuff back.

    3.) It's available for all servers. 'Nuff said.

    4.) If the subscriber unsubbed via the little unsub option at the bottom of all PWE e-mails, they wouldn't receive this e-mail.

    5.) E-mails can be auto-sent in spam filters and auto removed by the e-mail service provider.

    6.) The gifts are so vague - tied to a specific character/account, and only useable on G16 gear or under. Who made the choice of it being G16 or under? What's the logic in that?

    7.) In order to get this issue resolved the 100th ticket must be sent to PWE? I just fail to see the logic. Why would another ticket need to be sent to get another ****-up fixed based on a prior ****-up?

    Players shouldn't have to send tickets pleading PWE to give items back. PWE should, like a good company, have given word prior to this rollback, and went through all active players during that time and given the items they lost back. Playing this game of hoops is idiotic. Throwing 2x, 5x etc on, and sending broken codes for items that have no purpose to some players is dumb. PWE is all-around making dumb mistakes for compensation of it's remaining (but dwindling), player base.

    And I'm not even on Archasaur. I just feel bad that I come to these forums to watch the company do such idiotic things to the remaining people who play this game. Fairly sickening, as I've yet to find an MMO company that has done worse things to players.
    I host an Ecatomb mirror here: ecatomb.gdevtalk.net
    I've been actively playing since late 2008.
    Youtube: youtube.com/user/thecryotonic
  • Posts: 6,695 Community Moderator
    edited November 2013
    You gotta face the fact that pwi is only giving u that code that many people are abusing. As is i am just waiting to hear from any moderator letting us know that they are letting the GMs know what is going on since it is a Moderators job to inform the GMs of issues brought up on forums. IJS it would be nice to know from someone that something is going to be done about this cuz many many people are not happy with PWEs choice to allow people to take their 10* orbs to other servers and **** up them too.

    I'l just clear a few things up in regards to moderator response to this. I already poked a GM and said as much, after which I learned that DOD had already been planning to put up a post. The post you saw verifying they were allowed to do this is their response on this matter. Secondly, although we do inform GMs of issues brought up on the forums, you should poke us rather than waiting if you feel there is an urgent issue to address. As there are no obligation for us to post anything at all. And sometimes threads slip through the cracks as their is no obligation for any individual to read all the threads/posts. Which is why there are so many moderators, actually. So that the number of threads/issues that slip through the cracks is small. Still it happens, so you should really inform us if you think an issue needs addressing through the pm function. As it all depends on whether or not we've seen the posts. Sometimes we get busy and so the number of mods actually active at that point in time is smaller. Sometimes we're all active at once. During inactive times, sometimes the GM themselves are faster. In this instance, this was not the case. I don't know if the GMs plan on a further response, but they are aware of the complaints.

    Thanks to MikoTenshi for the Avi and Kritty for the Signature.
    Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
  • Posts: 226 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    FOR THOSE WHO HAVE NOT RECEIVED THEIR CODES.... I will post this in hopes it might help some of you.

    I originally did not receive any codes on either of my accounts. I put in a ticket NICELY informing them I had not received them. Within about 30 minutes I received emails back with the codes. However, I only got a code for ONE orb on each acct not the promised three. I then replied back thanking them for the one but stated I thought we were to receive three. The next day (today) I received a response this time with the 2 additional codes.

    Not sure if this well help anyone else or not but just in case it does...there you go.

    Note: You DO have to have the proper emails for your accounts in order to submit the ticket. If you do not have that then I don't believe you will be able to get your codes. Could be wrong on that but that's my guess.
  • Posts: 1,764 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I'l just clear a few things up in regards to moderator response to this. I already poked a GM and said as much, after which I learned that DOD had already been planning to put up a post. The post you saw verifying they were allowed to do this is their response on this matter. Secondly, although we do inform GMs of issues brought up on the forums, you should poke us rather than waiting if you feel there is an urgent issue to address. As there are no obligation for us to post anything at all. And sometimes threads slip through the cracks as their is no obligation for any individual to read all the threads/posts. Which is why there are so many moderators, actually. So that the number of threads/issues that slip through the cracks is small. Still it happens, so you should really inform us if you think an issue needs addressing through the pm function. As it all depends on whether or not we've seen the posts. Sometimes we get busy and so the number of mods actually active at that point in time is smaller. Sometimes we're all active at once. During inactive times, sometimes the GM themselves are faster. In this instance, this was not the case. I don't know if the GMs plan on a further response, but they are aware of the complaints.

    TY for clearing that up. Sorry if i seemed a bit angry i was in no way implying that i blame any Moderator for any of the current issues. I did not think to pm a moderator as you stated or i would have for sure. So i guess now all we can do is sit and twiddle our thumbs while more an more people abuse this code and sell it or use it on other servers adding to many peoples frustrations in the HOPES that something is done or said. I for one dont think giving everyone a mass 10* code would work as all the people that got the code already will have more then. I cant honestly even picture what the GMs will do about this but clearly something must be done. Again i guess now we just wait and hope.
  • Posts: 294 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    FOR THOSE WHO HAVE NOT RECEIVED THEIR CODES.... I will post this in hopes it might help some of you.

    I originally did not receive any codes on either of my accounts. I put in a ticket NICELY informing them I had not received them. Within about 30 minutes I received emails back with the codes. However, I only got a code for ONE orb on each acct not the promised three. I then replied back thanking them for the one but stated I thought we were to receive three. The next day (today) I received a response this time with the 2 additional codes.

    Not sure if this well help anyone else or not but just in case it does...there you go.

    Note: You DO have to have the proper emails for your accounts in order to submit the ticket. If you do not have that then I don't believe you will be able to get your codes. Could be wrong on that but that's my guess.

    thats my case..

    The email for this account, i put it wrong (one i mystake b:sad )
    i created that email now (it was unused)

    but my ticket didn get any response from gm b:cry
  • Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Thanks for the Dragon Orb codes however i did not receive the main code which includes

    - 3x Bound Dragon Orb Oceans
    - 10x Hyper EXP Stones
    - 5x Profundity Scrolls I
    - 1x VIP Platinum Crown
    - 2x Demon/Sage Event Cards
    - 3x Charger Orb Potions
    - 3x Dew of Star Protection Potions
    - 3x Vacuity Powder Potions
    - 3x Sutra Power Orb Potions
    - 3x Ironguard Power Potions
    - 10x Large Elixir Potions



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