[Rollback - Archosaur Server] UPDATED 11.20.13



  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    goldenears wrote: »
    That sounds like exactly what i have. b:sad
    Ill try the re log account thing b:sad

    didnt work. it does work with my friends account but not mine b:cry
  • Posts: 1,764 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I just wanna thank the people that came to my defense in my absence as clearly some people took offense to my statement saying "Players on other servers are super mad about this" i was not referring to anyone in particular just stating from what i have read from various forums that it is very clear people are not happy with this situation. Sadly as many know this is a mess that is way too screwed up already and will just be swept under the rug since it is probably to broad a damage for PWE to remotely try to fix. I for one find it appalling that they can take their reward to any server. I agree with Saethos that they deserve compensation but not when it comes to them messing up the balance on other servers. Its bad enough Archosaur has been thru all this **** but why allow them to mess up other servers too?

    And what about people selling their codes? How is this being allowed there should be GM presence stopping this it is just not right. I mean sure it is their code but allowing them to sell it seems wrong somehow. They are just selling them or asking to buy them right off of World Chat on the server. PWE needs to address this problem at least even if they can't stop the mess they already started with the orbs at least track who is using the codes and ensure they arent abusing it and using more than they 3 or buying and selling them.
  • Posts: 468 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I just wanna thank the people that came to my defense in my absence as clearly some people took offense to my statement saying "Players on other servers are super mad about this" i was not referring to anyone in particular just stating from what i have read from various forums that it is very clear people are not happy with this situation. Sadly as many know this is a mess that is way too screwed up already and will just be swept under the rug since it is probably to broad a damage for PWE to remotely try to fix. I for one find it appalling that they can take their reward to any server. I agree with Saethos that they deserve compensation but not when it comes to them messing up the balance on other servers. Its bad enough Archosaur has been thru all this **** but why allow them to mess up other servers too?

    And what about people selling their codes? How is this being allowed there should be GM presence stopping this it is just not right. I mean sure it is their code but allowing them to sell it seems wrong somehow. They are just selling them or asking to buy them right off of World Chat on the server. PWE needs to address this problem at least even if they can't stop the mess they already started with the orbs at least track who is using the codes and ensure they arent abusing it and using more than they 3 or buying and selling them.

    Also a lot of people are being scammed by this, but i guess is their own fault for selling those codes.

  • Posts: 1,764 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    rieihdius wrote: »
    Also a lot of people are being scammed by this, but i guess is their own fault for selling those codes.

    IDK if i would say they are being scammed. If you ask me they shouldnt be allowed to sell that code that is just wrong to me. But lets see what PWE does about this.
  • Posts: 208 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Oh the rage in this thread. So much rage.
    As for those codes, come on GMs, you should have seen this coming. People selling them? Hell. Might as well give everyone the codes now. Because where is the fairness in that? All it takes is a little QQing and it will eventually happen. b:chuckle
  • Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    i mean really i just got scamed i feel sorry for the scamers really ****ed by pwi then them they must hate their lives
  • Posts: 856 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I will put it this way regarding the use of these orbs on other servers....

    It is yet another blunder by PWE in a long list of problems over the past few months, of trying to find a fix for something, and creating a whole new host of problems. From reading the forums about maintenance fiascos, every week, to the anniversary rewards given to everyone, to the goons glitch being nothing more than a light slap on the wrist, to the bot infestations, to the imbalance created with the major CSers as opposed to those who aren't or cant spend major money or invest the farming time, to missing NPCs, to broken quests, to the lack of in-game GM support, to the voices of the players on the forums falling on deaf ears, etc, the list can go on and on.

    I have been playing MMOs for 15+ years and I have NEVER seen such a haphazard fuster cluck as what PWI has become. It amazes me that people still spend the amount of money they do on this game. I've had my fun, and spent thousands on this game (no farming time) that had promise, only to have my face shoved in the mud by a company that really seems to know one thing...how to break whatever they touch be it Wanmei or PWE. Enjoy the money I have spent, but know that's the last of it. I refuse to have my face muddied by incompetence any further.

    I have made my decision that the orb issue is the straw that broke the camel's back and I can only see a future where there are more problems, more things broken, more headaches for the gamers, and have for now decided to hang up my armor, stow away my weapons, and retire from PWI. Its a thought that has been crossing my mind for a few months now, but reading the orb issue cemented my decision.

    Good luck to those that continue to play.
    WeBeKinky Leader - lvl 10x psychic

    If you don't like my attitude, you should realize I don't care.

    It's strange what desire will make foolish people do.
  • Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Still havent recieved any email yet.. im subscribed and OPKossy knows that im logged in during those days that the rollback happened before and after.. pleaase follow up on this GM's thank you very much and looking forward for the email.. b:thanks
  • Posts: 246 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    b:cute i loved all these orbs ppl try scamm but if your foolish is your fault b:cute
  • Posts: 627 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I will put it this way regarding the use of these orbs on other servers....

    It is yet another blunder by PWE in a long list of problems over the past few months, of trying to find a fix for something, and creating a whole new host of problems. From reading the forums about maintenance fiascos, every week, to the anniversary rewards given to everyone, to the goons glitch being nothing more than a light slap on the wrist, to the bot infestations, to the imbalance created with the major CSers as opposed to those who aren't or cant spend major money or invest the farming time, to missing NPCs, to broken quests, to the lack of in-game GM support, to the voices of the players on the forums falling on deaf ears, etc, the list can go on and on.

    I have been playing MMOs for 15+ years and I have NEVER seen such a haphazard fuster cluck as what PWI has become. It amazes me that people still spend the amount of money they do on this game. I've had my fun, and spent thousands on this game (no farming time) that had promise, only to have my face shoved in the mud by a company that really seems to know one thing...how to break whatever they touch be it Wanmei or PWE. Enjoy the money I have spent, but know that's the last of it. I refuse to have my face muddied by incompetence any further.

    I have made my decision that the orb issue is the straw that broke the camel's back and I can only see a future where there are more problems, more things broken, more headaches for the gamers, and have for now decided to hang up my armor, stow away my weapons, and retire from PWI. Its a thought that has been crossing my mind for a few months now, but reading the orb issue cemented my decision.

    Good luck to those that continue to play.

    Couldn't agree more. This should be posted in a new thread and stickied. Let's not forget the other disasters and lies created by PWE. Mounts that ended up in the cash shop, but never intended to be, smileys removed w/ lies about why, client instability d-orb issue, jolly jones to fix the gold prices (Xarfox), ARC and Core client issues, banishment of players off the forums because they are "negative" about the company or game, poor customer support (or lack of any support), daily server issues, censorship of in-game player's names for months, crashing game bugs, RB's old glitch that could be completed without killing a mob, etc etc.

    The list is so damn long. Player's should know better by now. PWE isn't a good publishing company, and the parent company - Wanmei, is no angel either. The game has gone from what was once free to play, to become almost completely pay to play. Items and methods of obtaining coins as a free player have become all but worthless, and PWE insists on taking methods out (along with Wanmei), that allow free players to even gain 5% of what paying players can get.

    This whole issue is a joke. It's just like the goon glitch, as you stated Wickedbrew. Frankieraye made many broken promises, but one of the more famous ones was that after the goon glitch fiasco, they admitted it was PWE's fault and that they would work towards fixing all facets of the community relations to better service problems that arise in the future. Here we are a year and a half later, only to still get **** on. What a joke. PWE as a company ranks the lowest I've ever seen a company go. How this game is still up and running (albeit, barely), is beyond me.
    I host an Ecatomb mirror here: ecatomb.gdevtalk.net
    I've been actively playing since late 2008.
    Youtube: youtube.com/user/thecryotonic
  • Posts: 2,106 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    b:cute i loved all these orbs ppl try scamm but if your foolish it is just as much your fault as it is their's... the scammer, and even pwi/pwe for not putting more in depth thought into how this might be abused, and finding a way to prevent it. b:cute

    Sorry I felt like I HAD to add all that. :$

    Am sure it will be ignored... oh well... so didn't want anything to start because of this... but meh. xD

    EDIT: To be fair to pwe/pwi it is indeed impossible to foresee every possible way ppl might abuse it/how ppl will percieve things... but seriously some of this should have been seen... and prevented before they became an issue. D:
    Ah, Mistakes are so easily made. ~ laura resnick

    What kind of message are you sending when you insult my intelligence? ~ Me ~ 5/29/2015 (Yes it is possible someone said this before just no idea who/where.)
  • Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited November 2013

    Lots of people getting these emails for dragon orbs... not me in particular... In the post it was said that PWI cannot send you the email if youve chosen to not get emails from them (like when you initially created your account). I went into "My Account" and selected the box that i wanted newsletters, updates from PWI. Hoping this will help.


    Good luck to the rest of you who also havent been able to get yours. foxy alone
  • Posts: 2,106 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I will put it this way regarding the use of these orbs on other servers....

    It is yet another blunder by PWE in a long list of problems over the past few months, of trying to find a fix for something, and creating a whole new host of problems. From reading the forums about maintenance fiascos, every week, to the anniversary rewards given to everyone, to the goons glitch being nothing more than a light slap on the wrist, to the bot infestations, to the imbalance created with the major CSers as opposed to those who aren't or cant spend major money or invest the farming time, to missing NPCs, to broken quests, to the lack of in-game GM support, to the voices of the players on the forums falling on deaf ears, etc, the list can go on and on.

    I have been playing MMOs for 15+ years and I have NEVER seen such a haphazard fuster cluck as what PWI has become. It amazes me that people still spend the amount of money they do on this game. I've had my fun, and spent thousands on this game (no farming time) that had promise, only to have my face shoved in the mud by a company that really seems to know one thing...how to break whatever they touch be it Wanmei or PWE. Enjoy the money I have spent, but know that's the last of it. I refuse to have my face muddied by incompetence any further.

    I have made my decision that the orb issue is the straw that broke the camel's back and I can only see a future where there are more problems, more things broken, more headaches for the gamers, and have for now decided to hang up my armor, stow away my weapons, and retire from PWI. Its a thought that has been crossing my mind for a few months now, but reading the orb issue cemented my decision.

    Good luck to those that continue to play.

    I fear this may very well be the consensus of a lot of people still left, maybe they wont leave/others will undoubtedly ignore this whole fiasco... but that is what happened with the whole goon glitch BS, still a lot of people are indeed upset about it.

    Perhaps if duke wasn't shouting everytime someone was using these codes, we all would have been ignorant to the fact that they could even be used on another server. Though it did spread like a wildfire by word of mouth sadly... so yea I doubt that duke being quiet about it would have stopped this inevitable uproar, albeit a tiny one... still... this is just sad. xD
    Ah, Mistakes are so easily made. ~ laura resnick

    What kind of message are you sending when you insult my intelligence? ~ Me ~ 5/29/2015 (Yes it is possible someone said this before just no idea who/where.)
  • Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    m glad that PWI realize that ppl los more than just coin. Many ppl los friends and fraction as well. A rollback is a big deal. PPL los they gear too. They sell expensive things and lost items and the money. It isn even all bck yet. All u selfish, jealous ppl QQ that you didn loss game friends so u can profit shuld rally get ur ego check. ur not y u get a refund, when you los nothing. y u get compensation, when nothin happen to u. Some1 call the wahhbulance, cuz 'm playin all of u haters da worlds smallest violin. and that's coming from the heart. b:cute OH? And guess what. when a company pays someone, they pay the person NOT a pixel. And ppl should be free to use that money however want. So what if I don't want to archo anymore? do you? who the hell you think you are tell people how they should spend it? That's what wrong with this world. The world is not owed to you. Guess what if some1 gets rich cuz lawsuit, the whole town don't get paid. If some1 wins the lottery, u don't get their winnings. Quit being bitter and jealous and except that not everything good will happen to you. The real world will be a better place. Glad PWI doesn't care what you jealous QQ'ers have to say about it.

    And dis isn't anything like the goon glitch. The people who got orb deserve compensation for the time and stuffs lost. The goon glitch was when the only people who got punished were the ones who didn't cheat. If you can't see the difference, then you are narcissitic to the point of delusion.
  • Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    b:tiredb:worriedb:begb:puzzled Please check my ticket sent and send me the orb codes please....
  • Posts: 2,106 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    sithis010 wrote: »
    m glad that PWI realize that ppl los more than just coin. Many ppl los friends and fraction as well. A rollback is a big deal. PPL los they gear too. They sell expensive things and lost items and the money. It isn even all bck yet. All u selfish, jealous ppl QQ that you didn loss game friends so u can profit shuld rally get ur ego check. ur not y u get a refund, when you los nothing. y u get compensation, when nothin happen to u. Some1 call the wahhbulance, cuz 'm playin all of u haters da worlds smallest violin. and that's coming from the heart. b:cute OH? And guess what. when a company pays someone, they pay the person NOT a pixel. And ppl should be free to use that money however want. So what if I don't want to archo anymore? do you? who the hell you think you are tell people how they should spend it? That's what wrong with this world. The world is not owed to you. Guess what if some1 gets rich cuz lawsuit, the whole town don't get paid. If some1 wins the lottery, u don't get their winnings. Quit being bitter and jealous and except that not everything good will happen to you. The real world will be a better place. Glad PWI doesn't care what you jealous QQ'ers have to say about it.

    And dis isn't anything like the goon glitch. The people who got orb deserve compensation for the time and stuffs lost. The goon glitch was when the only people who got punished were the ones who didn't cheat. If you can't see the difference, then you are narcissitic to the point of delusion.

    Sounds like someone just trying to justify being able to use the stuff on another server. You may call it jealously, and in some ways you may be right, but seriously people are fed up with this bs.

    I REALLY REALLY REALLY HATE using this analogy but seriously this is like getting *****, then when you report it the cops basically laugh in your face, and say they're allowed to do that. (Like wtf... what world/****ed up twisted mind would think that is ok?) The rest of the world doesn't benefit for the 'crimes' committed to a specific group of people, by a specific person.

    In what world is it fair that certain ppl benefit from what happened to a specific server? You wouldn't hear about village B being able to receive the 'rewards/compensations' from village A... if village A was getting reimbursed for this or that. The world doesn't work that way, and neither should a company. (I get it, and I absolutely agree you all needed compensation, but it should have been forced to remain within/on the archosuar server.) EDIT: Yes if someone from village A, happened to move to village B, and brought along their reimbursements, then that is undoubtedly an unavoidable work around, but meh this is a game with separated servers... keep it server only. (I am fairly sure you all would have been more than happy to receive it and only use it on the archo server.... and then NO ONE would have any room to complain about the bs way they handled it. Again I do believe you all should have gotten compensated but seriously it should have been kept within the server.) Besides... the fact is that it only happened to the archosuar server, which means that the removal of gold, etc that happened only happened to archosuar, meaning that the gold 'lost' would have been compensated properly by making sure that the orbs remained to the archosuar server. The gold ppl spent in game, or out of game that was lost was only affected in the archosuar server... ergo only people on that server should be the ones to benefit from it, not anyone and everyone 'lucky' enough to get the code(s).

    As for it not being like the goon glitch... and the only ppl that got punished was people who didn't abuse it... PLEASE... I don't think you remember that very well. (They said it themselves that they were having issues figuring out who did what and how often.) As sad as an excuse that was, quite a few people remained to play THEIR game, but still it is hard not to draw comparisons to these circumstances as of late.

    Their excuse for their reneg on their promise of punishments was just plain ludicrous, it upset a lot of people who didn't abuse it, and then the 'reward' for those who didn't abuse it was a 2x one of which the abusers got to benefit from as well. (<--- That is so face palm worthy and then some)

    Sure there is some differences between the two instances, but still it isn't unlike the goon glitch fiasco, especially with how they have handled the aftermath of each 'instance.'
    Ah, Mistakes are so easily made. ~ laura resnick

    What kind of message are you sending when you insult my intelligence? ~ Me ~ 5/29/2015 (Yes it is possible someone said this before just no idea who/where.)
  • Posts: 1,328 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    check junk or spam

    check junk or spam mail

    ^^^ I had checked them every time I went in to my mailing address and sadly it wasn't the case b:sad

    It was why I had made my original post earlier...b:surrender
  • Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    i can see the headlines: "WTS DOrb +10 code pm offer" f:money
  • Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Sounds like someone just trying to justify being able to use the stuff on another server. You may call it jealously, and in some ways you may be right, but seriously people are fed up with this bs.

    I REALLY REALLY REALLY HATE using this analogy but seriously this is like getting *****, then when you report it the cops basically laugh in your face, and say they're allowed to do that. (Like wtf... what world/****ed up twisted mind would think that is ok?) The rest of the world doesn't benefit for the 'crimes' committed to a specific group of people, by a specific person.

    it is nothin like dat. what twist mind are u? dis is like i win money in lawsuit cuz i was rob, and then u say cuz i get money, i shuld not be allow to move to ur town.....nothin happen to u. i get somethin dont mean u lose somethin. did i take from u? were u supposed to get? did u lose anythin? were u victim? NO. u toon lead a good lif, and my toon go robbed. and u complain becuz i was given money for it. not everything is bout u.

    In what world is it fair that certain ppl benefit from what happened to a specific server? You wouldn't hear about village B being able to receive the 'rewards/compensations' from village A... if village A was getting reimbursed for this or that. The world doesn't work that way, and neither should a company. (I get it, and I absolutely agree you all needed compensation, but it should have been forced to remain within/on the archosuar server.) EDIT: Yes if someone from village A, happened to move to village B, and brought along their reimbursements, then that is undoubtedly an unavoidable work around, but meh this is a game with separated servers... keep it server only.

    if i get robbed by police officer, and city pay me money. why should i be force to say in same city? so that when i move u do not get jealus? i take my money and leave, and then village b have to deal with fact i buy house there. and maybe my house nicer than urs cuz i got robbed. it dont mean they shuld give u anythin.

    (I am fairly sure you all would have been more than happy to receive it and only use it on the archo server.... and then NO ONE would have any room to complain about the bs way they handled it. Again I do believe you all should have gotten compensated but seriously it should have been kept within the server.) Besides... the fact is that it only happened to the archosuar server, which means that the removal of gold, etc that happened only happened to archosuar, meaning that the gold 'lost' would have been compensated properly by making sure that the orbs remained to the archosuar server. The gold ppl spent in game, or out of game that was lost was only affected in the archosuar server... ergo only people on that server should be the ones to benefit from it, not anyone and everyone 'lucky' enough to get the code(s).

    I lose my friend and fraction mate? for what i still want to say on archo for? i will go back to HT.....they rob me of my thing. and make it up to me. I spend how i want to spend. it not a concern of urs. the archo server didnt lost gold. i am the one that lose. me, the person. it my time waste. it is my coin lost. it is my item that disappear. my char has no life. it is just a pixel. these are mine.

    As for it not being like the goon glitch... and the only ppl that got punished was people who didn't abuse it... PLEASE... I don't think you remember that very well. (They said it themselves that they were having issues figuring out who did what and how often.) As sad as an excuse that was, quite a few people remained to play THEIR game, but still it is hard not to draw comparisons to these circumstances as of late.

    Their excuse for their reneg on their promise of punishments was just plain ludicrous, it upset a lot of people who didn't abuse it, and then the 'reward' for those who didn't abuse it was a 2x one of which the abusers got to benefit from as well. (<--- That is so face palm worthy and then some)

    i remember goon glitch well. the gm said no glitch no glitch. but some ppl cheat and glitch neway. then they take away our exp. so now we cannot get exp from goon nemore. and the people who cheated, they get nothing. they still 105. they still get rich from sell goon glitch. i having nothing. those people cheat and won. this is is different. i didnt cheat you. i did nothing to u. i have 3 orb no matter if archo, or if ht. i canot use o on all toon just the 1. But if i use on ht, maybe i can play with frien i still have. instead of being alone. if i do ht, i can still have my item. and rebuild. the real reason u are mad is u do not have such a thing. i will take my frien back and u can lose urs an have the orb. orb is not better. it cannot even be use on g16 and neway nothin can replace frien. i have skype but not da same. i play on 2 server. i can get 1 thin +10 and 1 thin only. i am glad u dun get to choose which 4 me.

    Sure there is some differences between the two instances, but still it isn't unlike the goon glitch fiasco, especially with how they have handled the aftermath of each 'instance.'

    why shuld i get ban? what rule i broke? what thing i steal?does me have a nice ring now mean u cannot go and do the same thin you always do? u are angry becuz u are jealus. u wish u get a free orb. that is just qq. pwi shuld not care bout dat. they server steal from me, a person. so they make up to me, a person. u say i deserve but then angry i can spend what i want. u want me to only spend ur way so u dont have to look at it. that is jealus.

    in blue
  • Posts: 327 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Quite simply I want to voice my anger at PWI's newest and most unfair handling of a major **** up. People on Dreamweaver or a few people are getting orbs that they should NOT be getting. If the issue of a rollback was on another server then only that server should get the orb reimbursement. Why would you let server that did not have a roll back get stuff that was never on that server to begin with?! How is that fair to the rest of the people playing on the servers that were not hit with a rollback? Do you people, and by that I mean PWI employees, ever think before you do things? If you are going to give out free orbs then everyone should get them. And it's funny how it's only the same few people spamming 10 star orb after 10 star orb. Did you not think to limit how many these people can get?!
  • Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    so the GMs actually try to do something nice and you archosaur people go and sell your codes, GG.
    we had a guy getting 5 codes in a row on morai.
    and yes it works for r9 gear, the description seems to be wrong...

    can somebody else confirm this? do those apply to r9?

    if so i feel pity for orb merchants on all servers f:melon
  • Posts: 327 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    trufflles wrote: »
    can somebody else confirm this? do those apply to r9?

    if so i feel pity for orb merchants on all servers f:melon

    Yeah I have a screen shot of someone getting a bunch of the ocean orbs in a row, this was on Dreamweaver server...
  • Posts: 390 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    trufflles wrote: »
    can somebody else confirm this? do those apply to r9?

    if so i feel pity for orb merchants on all servers f:melon

    Yes. It does work with Bound G16 and R9, etc. As for people, well their buying and selling codes around the server now.

    As for some not getting the codes, this may have been due to lag, and it may have been due to the fact that they were not affected, or online for the rollback.
    If you don't like the way I talk, please, for everyone's sanity, keep in mind that I have ASPERGERS. I don't see a reason to not tell you like it is, or what I think of you. If you are being an idiot, or one minded, I tend to disregard you like trash.
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    No email for me ty pwi for ignoring got mails from last 8 days only b:angry
  • Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Still no email pwi... b:cry its almost a day now... im subscribed and logged in the whole time since before and after rollback. OPKossy is a witness on that and i am one of the first to submit post on the forums about the issue.. im starting to think that im being ignored now.. is it because i am being too good to you guys and prioritize those people who are raging?
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    This looks promising.

    Are those of us who didn't recieve a code just screwed since other people abused their codes? Like, will anyone even believe anyone anymore?

    ... That would be like the icing on the cake. f:melon
  • Posts: 1,400 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I'd like to say how very pleasantly surprised I was when I saw all the goodies ! I, for one, didn't expect anything as a compensation, so I'd like to thank the PWI team for being so surprisingly generous. Heck, if I had only got a demon/sage card I would have been more than thankful lol.
    The selling of the codes is inevitable, they have the orbs as their own, they can do as they please with them, it's not like they get infinite codes. It happened also with the 5th anniversary codes, so I don't know why everyone is surprised. And using the code on a different server is, again, their prerogative, honestly. They're using their code on the character of their choosing.
    I, for one, have more than one account, and I sent all the yummy orbs on a single character on one of the accounts.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I'd like to say how very pleasantly surprised I was when I saw all the goodies ! I, for one, didn't expect anything as a compensation, so I'd like to thank the PWI team for being so surprisingly generous. Heck, if I had only got a demon/sage card I would have been more than thankful lol.
    The selling of the codes is inevitable, they have the orbs as their own, they can do as they please with them, it's not like they get infinite codes. It happened also with the 5th anniversary codes, so I don't know why everyone is surprised. And using the code on a different server is, again, their prerogative, honestly. They're using their code on the character of their choosing.
    I, for one, have more than one account, and I sent all the yummy orbs on a single character on one of the accounts.

    this is true and you're right to be compensated. All is good from personal point of view. But now think about this:

    How would u feel if u played on Lost City or DW or HL, definetly not on Arch, and all of a sudden you see ppl on wc getting free +10 just because:
    1. They had a char on Arch (no matter what lvl what culti whatever...can be lvl 1)
    2. They logged at least once during the rollback period

    Ok, and 2 Dorbs sounds ok, but multiply those 2 orbs with a greater number of accounts, and send them to another server (lets say a player that keep alot of accounts as banks to store items).

    Put for example, that NW summons lets say 600 active ppl during NW...those 600 got 2 orbs...so at least a 1200 orbs dumped into the market (NO MATTER WHAT COINS OR ACTUALL FARMING STAGE THOSE CHARS WHERE AT).

    So what happens, those 1200 orbs are distributed to 600 players (that most like only a few could have afforded those orbs at current prices), those 1200 orbs can be dumped into any server available at player choice, actually crashing the market of +10 orbs for a few weeks, and more making alot more players than arch had frustated about this compensation.

    How would u feel if suddenly a rival of yours got 6 Orbs +10 on ANOTHER SERVER THAN ARCH, just cuz he had 3 accounts lvl 1 logged for 1 minute during the glitch period. Will you call that balanced?

    Guess what, he goes +10 on 2 or 3 items, while u stay back at +7-+8 and need to farm like 300m in coins just to make up for that difference he got for free.

    Now put yourself in this situation and ask yourself is that fair?

    Again i dont care about what u got in Arch, you could get +12 from my point of view, it's the option to dump them into other markets/servers that is frustating.
  • Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    *** U GM PWI b:angry
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    i did not gte my codes x.x


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