New DQ System Suggestion Thread



  • Roseary - Sanctuary
    Roseary - Sanctuary Posts: 978 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I'm running a low level alt. It's hard to survive without the support of drops. I don't see how a new player could last unless they started CSing at the start of playing. b:shocked

    He learned of PWE's Master Plan, shut it down!
  • Born_Free - Lost City
    Born_Free - Lost City Posts: 157 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    No, seriously. How are lower levels supposed to gain any form of money without the support of DQ's? Quests and grinding alone just don't give people enough coin--it's driving people AWAY from the game.

    The new expansion is a chance to allow an influx of new players just as the Rising Tide gave an explosion of new players back in 2009. Doing something like (now) making all DQ items only 1 coin, is going to SEVERELY damage any form of fresh blood anybody was hoping to get.

    If you're not going to fix DQP's, at least make them all WORTH something again...because this is no bueno for the community as a whole.
    PWI: Constantly **** you in the **** so much you can't sit to play anymore. No wonder people are so butthurt.
  • opkossy
    opkossy Posts: 11,177 Community Moderator
    edited September 2014
    No, seriously. How are lower levels supposed to gain any form of money without the support of DQ's? Quests and grinding alone just don't give people enough coin--it's driving people AWAY from the game.

    The new expansion is a chance to allow an influx of new players just as the Rising Tide gave an explosion of new players back in 2009. Doing something like (now) making all DQ items only 1 coin, is going to SEVERELY damage any form of fresh blood anybody was hoping to get.

    If you're not going to fix DQP's, at least make them all WORTH something again...because this is no bueno for the community as a whole.

    We've had these quests from Jolly Jones for a while.
    They're repeatable every day and give out enough coin for lowbies to not really have to worry all that much. Oh and just taking the quest for the item they require gets you coin if you're too lazy to do them all.

    So yeah. Low level coin isn't as big of a problem as you seem to think. :D
    (Insert fancy image here)
  • Ahmas - Archosaur
    Ahmas - Archosaur Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Seekers = OP DD Clerics b:dirty

    avi fail, lvl 101 char >.>
  • bluestuffzzz
    bluestuffzzz Posts: 627 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Sparkie... Why is it taking so long?
    I host an Ecatomb mirror here:
    I've been actively playing since late 2008.
  • happosample
    happosample Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    if a new dq point system is unworkable or will take too long to implement, maybe replace dq items with appropriate level diggable type mats. or lucky packs, or maiden kissed chests or a combination of these or other non imbalancing things. maybe a new type, unstackable lucky pack with a celestone frament and a small chance for a mirage celestone or 1 luck token. The codes are nice and are apreciated, but drop type stuff is more fun in my opinion.
  • mightymoose
    mightymoose Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I suspect a new DQ system will never happen. They are reducing DQ to 1 coin so that it has no value in order to fight botting. If they reintroduce a new DQ system, then DQ will have value again and kinda defeats the whole point of making it have no value to begin with.
  • Aubree - Dreamweaver
    Aubree - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,868 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I suspect a new DQ system will never happen. They are reducing DQ to 1 coin so that it has no value in order to fight botting. If they reintroduce a new DQ system, then DQ will have value again and kinda defeats the whole point of making it have no value to begin with.

    Don't confuse item value on the market as the same as coin generation. A healthy economy is built upon the ability of coins to flow from player to player. This does not cause inflation.

    I wholly believe that a new dq system should be in place. The items that can be redeemed can be items that would have otherwise been bought with the coins such as hp/mp food etc.
  • MageMERC - Harshlands
    MageMERC - Harshlands Posts: 1,600 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    How about DQ give points. The points accumulate in your 'in game' inventory window some how - like we have 'order' 'title' etc already so something like that, and then redeem the points for useful UNTRADEABLE items in game from the Boutique Agent.

    This way DQ is useful but only for the char putting in the effort, not for all the bots set up to collect them.
  • sondok
    sondok Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    How about DQ give points. The points accumulate in your 'in game' inventory window some how - like we have 'order' 'title' etc already so something like that, and then redeem the points for useful UNTRADEABLE items in game from the Boutique Agent.

    This way DQ is useful but only for the char putting in the effort, not for all the bots set up to collect them.

    How it was set up before, people would farm dq and sell it in cat shops. Maybe a couple 1k above npc price to make a profit but still. I didn't mind it. There's a market for everything and the people who farmed dq, sold it to people who didn't have time or want to farm it which is a perfectly fine business plan.
    lvl 101 ea from Lost City.
  • Father_gold - Sanctuary
    Father_gold - Sanctuary Posts: 449 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I feel that they should add some functionality to the lower trophy modes they disabled. Achieving better scores should award more "points" in the form of either an item that can be turned in for points similar to DQs or directly hit the system on

    this would add a good variety to playing at different levels with different gears.

    the use of badges should be expanded, and they should add more vile boss content, maybe a vile trophy mode. i would not mind being able to earn badges in different ways and using them in different ways as well.

    i'm sure it was also mentioned maybe that we could possibly be able to use these points to buy either neuma orbs or war avatar chest (of course not the
    A or S ones, but we certainly would not mind getting those).
  • bluestuffzzz
    bluestuffzzz Posts: 627 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Greetings PWI community,

    We here on the PWI team have indeed been reading the forum posts/threads on this subject, and have been collecting as much information as we can for what's to come. We hear your voice, and know we are taking heed. However, I cannot give an exact date as to when the new system will be launched, as details are still changing due to the new system still being worked on.

    We have not released a blog post (as of yet) on what's to come due to this reason. We rather not post something that is constantly changing every week, thus confusing everyone until the release of the new system.

    As such, I can only at this point give out the following information:

    -There is a new system being worked on to replace the DQ system

    The reason we have decided to phase out the current DQ system, is that it frankly wasn't living up to our standards in terms of reliability and consistency. Many problems with the DQ point update system and reward redemption flow would all too often have issues, giving both you and us many headaches. Thus it has been decided to create a brand new system that can be much more stable for the future.

    I will be updating this thread as I gain concrete information that I can pass on to you, the community.

    Until that point, we'd love for you to give us your thoughts on what you personally would like to see in the new DQ system, because as has been mentioned, it has not been finalized yet.

    We still have time to make changes before its release.

    Please, discuss and I am open to PMs. (not only Genotypist!)


    -Current points will not carry over to the new system.
    -That being said, we WILL give ample warning for when the current DQ system will be taken down. You will have plenty of time to use the points you have acquired up to that point.

    Why does it take over a year to push this "new" system out?
    I host an Ecatomb mirror here:
    I've been actively playing since late 2008.
  • magicalbritt
    magicalbritt Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    My question is, where can you find the old system of DQ Rewards? I've been looking and can't find it anywhere =/. I recently started playing again so maybe that's why. If anyone has some insight please let me know.
  • opkossy
    opkossy Posts: 11,177 Community Moderator
    edited September 2014
    It was removed entirely and has not been available anymore for several months now.
    (Insert fancy image here)
  • orangeladey
    orangeladey Posts: 130 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Okay, so I've been gone from the game for quite a while, a lot has changed, but I'vebeen thinking of playing for a while, and this was second on my list afer the now shut down Rusty Hearts. Why do I mention this? Because despite the long absence the DQs were important to me.

    And NOT for coin.

    See, I'm the dumb person who decided on a PVE server, to earn The Penetrator (L53bow) via DQs, by L53. This was long before the Divine Orders (though I finally earned enough after the Divine Orders were available to have gotten it that way.) I did it by the way, with the help of I think 6 genies. I wish there had been an achievement for it in that Core Connect system thing.

    So I come back to the game, and I still have piles of DQ items, and what's this? Worth 1 coin?!? I had contemplated selling everrything for a clean start/nest egg, and I certainly half figured I'd do more DQs, cause of reasons, but that was a shock.

    So now I see this post, and almost a year later, I'll give voice to many of my thoughts I had while doing DQs.

    Relevant Thoughts:

    What is the problem with the DQs?
    People were just selling them to make coin. Not doing DQs, or that Tiger Badge money sink (is that still around - it doesn't even have a wiki page).

    Why don't people do Dragon Quest?
    Many Reasons.
    Most relevant is that 2/5 of the games Races have no motivation to earn the Dragon Orders, AND because the rewards are sub-par by the time you earn them.
    They are seen as a waste of time, for little reward.
    DQ lack relevance - well so do a lot of other quests, but the Database has record of the vanished earlier levels of DQ, which makes sense of where the DQ NPCs are located. But we only get the barest of introduction if anything at all to whatthe heck is going on.

    IN SHORT - People either don't know about the actual quests, or don't have a reason to want to do them.

    Perhaps it is different in PVP, where a player may be killed and loose EXP more often.

    I have the impression that the original levels of the quest were discarded because they gave too much EXP (Can't disagree that early leveling is much too easy - later leveling in PVE seems so too at L70 -_-; )

    So Wht to Do
    Revamp the original Dragon Quests - don't do something new, when there is something that can be 'fixed'.

    Change the DQ Assitant from having a Quest to exchange DQs for items to a vendor/crafting setup. <--- Please do this anyways.

    Create more items to exchange Dragon Orders for, especially for Tideborn & Earthguard.

    Add Rep - preferably 1 per person you speak with, at least 1 for each person you give DQ items or kill mobs for. After all, the Dragon Order isn't a secret society if they recruit you from the starting locations. Doing quests for people should get you noticed, i.e. build rep. Wouldn't hurt to do this with Tiger Badge as well (if it still exists).

    While your at it -- increase the quest base. I mentioned earning the bow - limited by DQ 51 (30% chance for Silver, needing 10 Silver -_-) This quests get very repetitive, add new NPCs for Earthguard and Tideborn AND around the orignal areas

    Final Idea/Thoughts - actually something newish

    Give the quest a minor bit of meaning to the game. The majority of the quest has npc people going 'I think I saw one'. Great. And?

    I believe it is common in eastern AND western cultures that Dragon's hoard things. So why not create for us our own personal dragon hoards? After all, who doesn't need more storage? This would also tie storywise into why the banker asks for early DQ items to expand your safe

    For X amount of Dragon Orders you can 'purchase' and upgrade a dragon vault. Expand the vault with more Dragon Orders. Say 10 Copper for 8, then 16 spaces, then 15 Silver for 32, and 10 Gold up to 64 spaces.

    To access the vault, use a Dragon Order - so you can access it anywhere in the wilderness. Different DOs should have different access durations - so alternatively use the DOs to crafte a hoard key with various durations.

    Spin-off idea
    Use the DOs to craft a creature like a genie - with dragonish characteristics - I'm going to use the name 'Drake'. The Drake would be a portable access to secure storage - no attack or defense. To get the Drake to let you at your inventory feed it DOs, DQ items - to prolong the open time, feed the Drake DQ items - like you feed a genie Chi through celestones.

    Since the Drake is a vault, you won't loose items it guards when killed.

    Access Drake with items mentioned or make a Drake Key with DOs (more efficient) at the DQ Assistant NPC. Further the Drake Key could be a cash shop item

    Unlocking the Drake - 1 Copper ~ 2 hours, 1 Silver ~ 12 hours, 1 Gold ~ 3 Days <-- These times should countdown even when logged off. Use a Drake key to count down only when logged in.

    Feeding the Drake DQ items - only when unlocked with a DO or DO Key. Pre DQ21 items add 10 second of access time, DQ21 add 20, DQ31 add 30, etc.

    Maybe have different Drakes for different vault levels? (I'd still suggest the tiers I had listed above before the Drake idea)

    Need into the Drake Vault quick - buy a one-time,non-extendible 5-min snack/pick with coin. Different snacks for different vault levels, more expensive the higher level.

    The basic idea of having a portable vault stands, the Drake idea merely grants access like a guard dog, so if you traded or lost your Drake somehow, getting a new one will let you re-access those items stored with the first. It would be tricky however if you loose a 64 space, and only re-purchase a 8/16 space drake guard, So better make them non-trade/non-discard/non-stash.

    ... Kay, I originally just wanted to say rebalance the original DQ - and came up with a Genie alternate out of nowhere. I suppose all of what I suggested could be worked into an all-class pet, but I like the idea choosing inventory vs combat.

    Seriously, though given a year I doubt anyones even bothering developing anything to do with DQs, rebalance and expand the original DQs, fix the NPC assistant, and maybe add rep. Then go from there.
    ♪ "Once I thought the World was made for me"
    ♫ "Once I thought experience was Free"
    ♪ "Never knew you had to pay the Price"
    ♫ "Then I found you sometimes pay it Twice!"
    --The Fraggles of Fraggle Rock
  • ScobaTank - Dreamweaver
    ScobaTank - Dreamweaver Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Greetings PWI community,

    We here on the PWI team have indeed been reading the forum posts/threads on this subject, and have been collecting as much information as we can for what's to come. We hear your voice, and know we are taking heed. However, I cannot give an exact date as to when the new system will be launched, as details are still changing due to the new system still being worked on.

    We have not released a blog post (as of yet) on what's to come due to this reason. We rather not post something that is constantly changing every week, thus confusing everyone until the release of the new system.

    As such, I can only at this point give out the following information:

    -There is a new system being worked on to replace the DQ system

    The reason we have decided to phase out the current DQ system, is that it frankly wasn't living up to our standards in terms of reliability and consistency. Many problems with the DQ point update system and reward redemption flow would all too often have issues, giving both you and us many headaches. Thus it has been decided to create a brand new system that can be much more stable for the future.

    I will be updating this thread as I gain concrete information that I can pass on to you, the community.

    Until that point, we'd love for you to give us your thoughts on what you personally would like to see in the new DQ system, because as has been mentioned, it has not been finalized yet.

    We still have time to make changes before its release.

    Please, discuss and I am open to PMs. (not only Genotypist!)


    -Current points will not carry over to the new system.
    -That being said, we WILL give ample warning for when the current DQ system will be taken down. You will have plenty of time to use the points you have acquired up to that point.
    Why didn't you leave the old DQ system alone..If it ain't broke don't fix it...just like core connect I think it was alot better then this arc **** b:surrender
  • hypereccentrik
    hypereccentrik Posts: 529 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Since in the next expansion the chances of every dq being nerfed to 1 coin is going to happen, I truley hope that their is something to come of this thread as in a new system.
  • orangeladey
    orangeladey Posts: 130 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    My question is, where can you find the old system of DQ Rewards? I've been looking and can't find it anywhere =/. I recently started playing again so maybe that's why. If anyone has some insight please let me know.

    ... Which old DQ system???

    I guess you mean where we NPC the DQ items to NPCs and get out of game credit.

    Not the 'old' system, which I believe is still available, where you go to the DQ director in the three original starter locations, which then offers quests from which you earn copper, silver and gold Dragon Order tokens. Those you take to the other DQ NPC in the same locale, who offers 'quests' that exchange Dragon Orders for items, molds, 'lottery' and things like that.

    Many of those rewards are pretty decent, especially for their level. The EXP for the DQ itself is pretty nice as well.

    The sheer amount of grinding can be daunting, but doable, but maybe not in time for the level of your charachter to use the reward without extensive feeding of genies (the XP from doing the quests by themselves can easily put you over level).

    People weren't doing the DQ in favor of selling items. They try to cut down the in-game profit - with rewards that probably encouraged more selling. So they nerf the whole set-up, coin value wise.

    Now if they tried fixing the original rewards so people would be more willing to do the quests...

    But what do I know about balance in games? For a long term sustainablity in game, I think slower leveling is better, but instead more things are added to make leveling easier and faster in this game. That old proverb about it's not the destination, it's the journey? Certainly seems to me everyone is rushing to the destination of L100+, and then what? Oh, wait. Where is our player base? Gone because if they didn't get frustrated with the lower levels and everything they can't do yet far (read weeks) ahaed in the future, then they reached the so-called end and left with nothing to do.
    ♪ "Once I thought the World was made for me"
    ♫ "Once I thought experience was Free"
    ♪ "Never knew you had to pay the Price"
    ♫ "Then I found you sometimes pay it Twice!"
    --The Fraggles of Fraggle Rock
  • Lesthar - Heavens Tear
    Lesthar - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,045 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    (quoted the post above)

    I think that one meant the page where DQ points accumulated and were exchangeable for items.

    Yes it doesn't exist anymore. b:surrender
    Maintenance time. Please choose a line:
    - When is it over? OMG I need my fix!! *super spazzing*
    - Fix the damn bugs, dammit! I'm so angry! I'll quit!!
    - New codes out there? I like free stuff~ *wink*
    - When will we get new content? QQ
    - Will we get sales? I got a ton of gold to spend.
    - I'm bored, I'll create a useless thread to annoy Opkorock.
    - *Incessant poking on Sweetiebot* Fun~
  • sm3ag0l
    sm3ag0l Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    i bet its rather clear by now they do charge promo's we will never see any form of dq rewards back probably they just tell crappy stories to keep ppl satisfied and dont do anything as usual
  • Mosz - Heavens Tear
    Mosz - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,181 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Why didn't you leave the old DQ system alone..If it ain't broke don't fix it...just like core connect I think it was alot better then this arc **** b:surrender

    it was broken, it was horribly broken, it didnt count points often, it crashed often, there were a lot of problems with it for users and for the admins

    im glad they tried to migrate to a new system since the old one WAS broken, that its taking a year is absolutely inexcusable and embarassing
  • catn
    catn Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    hey ppl bring back the DQ system please
    stand next to me you'll never stand alone

    juniornowack HeavensTear
  • Dutch_death - Heavens Tear
    Dutch_death - Heavens Tear Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    catn wrote: »
    hey ppl bring back the DQ system please

    it wont come back next expansion al dq wil be woth 1 coin pwi doesnt want you to make money in game they want you to buy zen
  • bluestuffzzz
    bluestuffzzz Posts: 627 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Greetings PWI community,

    We here on the PWI team have indeed been reading the forum posts/threads on this subject, and have been collecting as much information as we can for what's to come. We hear your voice, and know we are taking heed. However, I cannot give an exact date as to when the new system will be launched, as details are still changing due to the new system still being worked on.

    We have not released a blog post (as of yet) on what's to come due to this reason. We rather not post something that is constantly changing every week, thus confusing everyone until the release of the new system.

    As such, I can only at this point give out the following information:

    -There is a new system being worked on to replace the DQ system

    The reason we have decided to phase out the current DQ system, is that it frankly wasn't living up to our standards in terms of reliability and consistency. Many problems with the DQ point update system and reward redemption flow would all too often have issues, giving both you and us many headaches. Thus it has been decided to create a brand new system that can be much more stable for the future.

    I will be updating this thread as I gain concrete information that I can pass on to you, the community.

    Until that point, we'd love for you to give us your thoughts on what you personally would like to see in the new DQ system, because as has been mentioned, it has not been finalized yet.

    We still have time to make changes before its release.

    Please, discuss and I am open to PMs. (not only Genotypist!)


    -Current points will not carry over to the new system.
    -That being said, we WILL give ample warning for when the current DQ system will be taken down. You will have plenty of time to use the points you have acquired up to that point.

    23 days from being a full year. Good job, PWE.
    I host an Ecatomb mirror here:
    I've been actively playing since late 2008.
  • Ahmas - Archosaur
    Ahmas - Archosaur Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    so now there's NO way to make money in game without spending gold. jolly jones is a joke, it's only for up to lvl 81 and that tenny bit of coin is nowhere near enough to even update skills for a lvl 80. higher level toon, you're screwed cause without having op rrr9 and high refines and shards, you cant solo any instances or bosses to farm and sell drops. this game isnt free to play, hasnt been for years
    Seekers = OP DD Clerics b:dirty

    avi fail, lvl 101 char >.>
  • IStoleUrGuy - Heavens Tear
    IStoleUrGuy - Heavens Tear Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I have met so many new people who only stay for a few days bc they can't make money to buy anything and the dailies. any without a few new people i might quit again.b:surrender
  • xuelian
    xuelian Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    So the DQ points system still not up yet??????b:shockedb:surrenderb:shocked
  • Lolgasmic - Raging Tide
    Lolgasmic - Raging Tide Posts: 1,315 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Not surprised it still hasn't happened. Only a year and still sticky'd.

    We had a joke in Med-Hold for people separating from the Air Force "Maybe next week". In PWE's case it's a lot more like next year.
    Barbarian 103 - 101 - 101
    Started playing on March 2010
  • xuelian
    xuelian Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    oh dear~ what should I do with the DQ items... if we sell it, can we still get points for the new system? ~~
  • Peccable - Raging Tide
    Peccable - Raging Tide Posts: 199 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    23 days from being a full year. Good job, PWE.

    does that mean we will get anniversary event? a 200 chain-quest with 1 coin reward in total.
    or maybe "1 year of empty promises mount" i suggest a 3 legged horse with a huge saddle that is actually a pet that cannot be ridden.

    b:laugh b:laugh b:laugh