TW=Stop with the politics



  • Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands
    Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    PWI clearly does not want to apply its rules evenly..this is very obvious

    Everyone and their mothers on HL know that more your wallet is big more you can violate the TOS without any punishment nvm the faction you have on your head.

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • Temeilion - Harshlands
    Temeilion - Harshlands Posts: 256 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    The main difference here is..of all the alts and Two+ account people..only a few in key places are killing TW with there Anything to win mentality..yes i agree reporting people for multiple accounts share accounts and such is horse ****


    I don't care about alts..i don't care about shared accounts..i just want more than one decent TW a week..-removed- as far as RPK i agree its a pvp server RPK should never have been a line in the sand here and if it were my choice i would set everyone on the server to KOS and tell my members to have fun above all else.

    You keep deflecting to take away from your own about you just stop all the schemeing all the shifting of people weekly and all the lies and just get back to what ZULU did when they were here..and just whoop everyones **** ?

    Why is that not possible now ? because there are only 25 of you now..the rest are scrubs that leave once they see how you use can not rebuild your numbers..
    Really Infamous recruiting 100+ in WC now and thats not a clear sign of how far you have fallen this year ?
  • Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands
    Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Really Infamous recruiting 100+ in WC now and thats not a clear sign of how far you have fallen this year ?

    And Mayhem becoming a RPK faction, is it the sign that you just realize it was a PVP server after all those years?

    Welcome to the Dark side. =)

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • Temeilion - Harshlands
    Temeilion - Harshlands Posts: 256 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    The Blood is in the water...its only a matter of time before the rest of this server see`s it and they will all turn on you infamous...they will stack you not because we asked them ..but because they are as sick of these silly **** games as the rest of the server..

    you will become a target of opportunity..your threats will no longer gain you the desired results and all these scrub factions that ride your coat tails will be the first to jump up and down on your corpse..and then the rest of you will move back to Crimson..or Dark..or crawl back into your holes
  • Temeilion - Harshlands
    Temeilion - Harshlands Posts: 256 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Actually yes your right Bella ..we did change....soo..whats this about Mayhem not learning ?

    SO yes your 100% right in both your i thought it would be harder to get you to admit it..but lol cool beans

    The difference is Mayhem is getting more agressive..which is a good thing..while Infamous is searching for more Fodder..and thats never a good thing..surprize you didnt connect these two prior to makeing your you have just completly made my point for me

    Thanks again

    Ohh and i never left the Darkside..i just took a year and a half off cause my Zulu barb was **** and PWI took 11 days to respond...upon returning i see whats left of Zulu -removed- and hideing behind stacks and i asked myself...Is this the Zulu i remember ? i want to join the Auto-Win team ?

    I desided to try and raise your competition i know the few true Zulu`s In infamous would enjoy the challenge..not you of course..but there are a few left im sure
  • JackieK - Harshlands
    JackieK - Harshlands Posts: 255 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    lol... Dont think mayhem has ever stopped our first push, probably just slowed it down cuz the out of the 30 something ppl we get for mayhem ( cuz its a joke) 1 squad from offense had to go help defense, so probably just slowed the win down, thus making u guys last a whopping 15 MINUTES!

    Thats what i was saying by only lasting 15minutes against you guys, thats means they only stalled you for a few minutes on your only push
  • Temeilion - Harshlands
    Temeilion - Harshlands Posts: 256 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    No Cata`s left on Infamous left on B lane..full retreat to stop our only still stopping your first B lane push..why is this soo hard for you to admit ?

    is it fear of what other factions on the server will do once Mayhem stretches you to a 1 hour war ?

    Hell we dont even have to beat Infamous before the server jakels would start jumping the bandwaggon..all we have to do is make it a fight....we make it a decent fight and you know your Empire would crumble..thats the whole reason( i suspect) you broguht Kylin into this with having them promiss to help us(which i knew was a lie and tried to stop)
  • JackieK - Harshlands
    JackieK - Harshlands Posts: 255 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Pardon me, the 3rd one we lost cause it was our first attack war against themb:shutup
  • Temeilion - Harshlands
    Temeilion - Harshlands Posts: 256 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Im Not sure you have checked lately..but i am not Crimson nor do i sponcer any of there actions...I am Mayhem..and we are coming..

    Keep deflecting to what others do as an excuse for your choices...-removed-

    Keep telling people Its the lower factions causeing all the problems..its mayhem that prevents TW ? are you kidding me ? who attack infamous the most this year ?

    your dis-information is becomeing transparent right before your eyes and your every comment proves this..
  • JackieK - Harshlands
    JackieK - Harshlands Posts: 255 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Im Not sure you have checked lately..but i am not Crimson nor do i sponcer any of there actions...I am Mayhem..and we are coming..

    Keep deflecting to what others do as an excuse for your choices...continue claiming that the 25 people running 100+ alts in Infamous is not the true cause of TW demise..

    Keep telling people Its the lower factions causeing all the problems..its mayhem that prevents TW ? are you kidding me ? who attack infamous the most this year ?

    your dis-information is becomeing transparent right before your eyes and your every comment proves this..

    Crimson attacked them the most this year lmao, i dont even remember you bidding infamous. Getting bid on then getting steamrolled doesn't count as attacking infamous, its considered defending which you either do or just forfeit the land so it really doesnt count lol

    Dark and infa cant even bid each other even if they wanted to because crimson/mayhem will submit tickets claiming its a fake bid. So even if we wanted to fight each other its just going to get both our leaders banned so its like wtf is the point.
  • Temeilion - Harshlands
    Temeilion - Harshlands Posts: 256 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Wow Jackie..maybe you should go talk to Jekel and get a re-cap of the season..cause you have obviously been on Mars this year...

    Too Funny..hey Longknife any help here ? anyone else want to come out of the woodwork and counter these 100% untrue statements ?

    Pro Spin team you have here Jekel..just keep repeating the lie..thats how it becomes truth...b:chuckle
  • JackieK - Harshlands
    JackieK - Harshlands Posts: 255 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Why is mayhem even contributing their input on a tw thread? Cause it seems you're the one who's horribly misinformed, yes at the beginning of the season there were shady deals made, but thats in the past and has been done with for a long time now.

    All i know is you running your mouth is gonna get mayhem put into the same spot crimson is now, next season. So rant on and on, im done, this is getting boring since the entire premise your argument is based on speculations and bull **** "Facts" (more like rumors) you gathered from where again? Mayhem? Perhaps the least informed of all the tw factions on the infamous/crimson/dark dramaz.
  • Temeilion - Harshlands
    Temeilion - Harshlands Posts: 256 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Agian Mayhem has been stacked more than any faction on the server this year...bring it ..

    Mayhem has attacked every week this year..Dark/Infamous/Crimson/Kylin all have not...

    you are soo clueless you make most of infamous look like tools..soley for the use of Infamous Leadership to horde TW map Coin...hope you got a few orbs out of it at least..
  • JackieK - Harshlands
    JackieK - Harshlands Posts: 255 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Its not our fault the only faction on the map you can beat is kylin
  • Temeilion - Harshlands
    Temeilion - Harshlands Posts: 256 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    And When you can not refute my logic and facts you resort to ..yet agian deflection..

    Why am i here talking truths ? cause no-one else seems to want the truth to get out..and this upsets you that someone is spilling the

    Huff and Puff there little piggy..but my house is made of brick..and you can not blow it down..

    So we go from it didnt get over should stop now..your the one looking silly here ..not me
  • JackieK - Harshlands
    JackieK - Harshlands Posts: 255 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Lol i havent denied anything, and I wasnt pushing the topic else where you complain about being attacked every week. Well guess what when you're the #4 faction dont expect to sit there all season, land grab and never fight any of the top 3. Guess what if infa wants to take the easy win over you guys and take your income and add it to theirs thats their choice, and there aint a damn thing you can do about it

    You guys had an offer, where dark and infa would leave you alone, guess what, had you taken it the only faction you'd have to worry about is kylin cause you're already allies with crimson. you could have sat on the bottom half of the map hoarding income w/o any threats what so ever. but your leadership chose not to.

    Can't wait for you to deny the alliance offer's existance, cause as stated on the early pages of this thread both infa and dark have admitted to putting it on the table.
  • Jekel - Harshlands
    Jekel - Harshlands Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    just want to point out that Jackie is not in infamous lol, and there are no dark members in infamous as there are no infamous members in dark.. Dont believe me? since u love spending hours and hours on core connect to find everyones alt.. go ahead and check b:victory
  • Temeilion - Harshlands
    Temeilion - Harshlands Posts: 256 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Why would i deny a deal was offered ?

    who wants to be left alone ?...this is clearly all about coins for you..hence your insistance that Mayhems only option should be to accept the meager left overs that drop from your greedy cheating hands..

    I was in Zulu ive done more in this game than you ever will..and i remember the glory days when your BS crew of manipulators and schemers would have been wiped off the map by a stiff breeze..can you feal it ?..the winds of change are blowing...

    And your threats hold little weight as i know the only way to get better is to face you weekly..

    As i said...Bring it.
  • JackieK - Harshlands
    JackieK - Harshlands Posts: 255 Arc User
    edited September 2013
  • Temeilion - Harshlands
    Temeilion - Harshlands Posts: 256 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Jekel that could very well be the case now...but we both know it was not at the beginning of the year..
  • JackieK - Harshlands
    JackieK - Harshlands Posts: 255 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Why would i deny a deal was offered ?

    who wants to be left alone ?...this is clearly all about coins for you..hence your insistance that Mayhems only option should be to accept the meager left overs that drop from your greedy cheating hands..

    I was in Zulu ive done more in this game than you ever will..and i remember the glory days when your BS crew of manipulators and schemers would have been wiped off the map by a stiff breeze..can you feal it ?..the winds of change are blowing...

    And your threats hold little weight as i know the only way to get better is to face you weekly..

    As i said...Bring it.

    Okay i give up, but ill give you one thing you're quite optimistic about what mayhems tw success will be like next season
  • Temeilion - Harshlands
    Temeilion - Harshlands Posts: 256 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Oh and i would like to express my overwhelming pride in the fact this has stayed civil..we may disagree on things..but i hold no grudges and i wish you all the best in real life...
  • PrincessKat - Harshlands
    PrincessKat - Harshlands Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    b:cute HIIIIII <3 xoxoxox
  • Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands
    Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Mayhem has attacked every week this year..Dark/Infamous/Crimson/Kylin all have not...

    Is there a contest of the faction that did bid the more often?

    Didn't heard about it.

    Am I suppose to go cry cause my faction didn't bid as often as Mayhem?


    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • Temeilion - Harshlands
    Temeilion - Harshlands Posts: 256 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    b:pleased hi hi Kat hehe
  • Adalgiso - Harshlands
    Adalgiso - Harshlands Posts: 112 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I find it hilarious that you all want to pretend to know how things went down when the only three that know are me, Jekel and Mani. FFS you're even claiming "facts are facts" when your entire argument is pure speculation.

    I only KNOW and yes KNOW what you said was true on Dark forums Long. So if you were lying on your own forums, than I'm lying here now.

    I'm not even going to bother reading rest of BS you wrote (no offense) Its the same thing all over again with you.


    I congratulated Dark for everything they accomplished...
    Good job to Dark now tho. Good job on raising your quality as guild, your TW tactic, TW attendance... etc, hope you keep it up.

    And this is your reply?
    Dark is now effectively the 2nd place faction after just two active TW seasons; Mayhem's sat on it's *** doing the same exact thing each season and failing for ages now.
    My point is this is exactly why I criticize Mayhem so much. You guys are idealists in a world (a game) where idealism isn't neccesary.
    so it's no wonder Mayhem has never accomplished ANYTHING when their response to a loss is basically the jist of "it's k guys, we played more HONORABLE so we win!!" Mayhem's incapable of seeing the world around them beyond Mayhem, and thus they play by rules and restrictions that don't even apply, crippling themselves. They play with an attitude that seems overly focused on being the "good guys." TF are the good guys in a GAME? The guys who let the other teams win so they feel good about themselves? Oh yeah, you guys are definitely the good guys then. Good job.

    Now this is FFS. Where da fak do you get this sht from? I mean seriously lol this is so bunch of made up ****... i got no other words but lol :/

    I swear to God your critic is always welcome, just work on your attitude and language huh? Try not to sht on everything. It really makes you look... sad.
  • RankNine - Momaganon
    RankNine - Momaganon Posts: 1,241 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    people that spent thousands of real hard dollars for virtual goods fighting like mad women over a SMALL part of what they already spent for their toons instead of seeing TW as the opportunity to have fun. GG.
    noob, can only run, spawnkiller, only white vodoo, only plays for kd,
    never kills anyone, only gear, no skill, no life, cash only, eats dogfood to cash more, lives at moms,
    only survives cause of cleric heals, if we had your gear you would lose. b:cryb:cryb:cry
  • Manii - Harshlands
    Manii - Harshlands Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Mayhems in an odd position I guess? You don't bid crimson due to being allies for them, kylin is an easy fight from what I see, you guys don't last 30 min vs infamous. I guess I could bring dark to your door and bid you guys before infamous and dark have to fight which seems like a lot of ppl are anxious to see.

    I'm optimistic on us bidding each other simply bevause I guarantee there will be some sore losers who tickets either me or Jekel. Me and him would have to ticket ourselves saying since there is no longer anyone trying to fight us were not "tw allies" and we want some good wars so we would be bidding each other before the map resets.

    Orrrrr you can join dark and infamous in our massive pvp wars at west since there's no coin involved there...Thursdays after the tourny we have mass pvp, or after Tws that result in no show. This is probably more fun than easy or no show tws....bring some dolls and bring numbers and you'll be good to go.
  • Wampirewoman - Harshlands
    Wampirewoman - Harshlands Posts: 269 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    b:chuckle Temeilion are u for real?

    I've been to every damn boring TW against Mayhem ( cos Jekel made me ) and it's true we had around 30 people for ur wars against ur 70-80 . And how u like to call it , FACT , my team never came back in defense as u said to take u out of our base .

    It's true that u may touched our crystal but , hey 30 vs 70-80 and we won, still matters that with your numbers you touched our crystal? U never question how did u manage to loose with ur numbers? Or saying that fighting against Infamous is ok to loose and we are proud we touched their crystal .

    And about ticket wars , some people enjoy the game and some spend their days to research and find reasons to get people banned . b:chuckle They enjoy much more to write tickets than to learn to play the game , since for some is more complicated than rocket science .

    f:laugh Also please don't stop now cos it seems this is " end of season rage thread" and i like it .
  • Temeilion - Harshlands
    Temeilion - Harshlands Posts: 256 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    To be honest i would not mind seeing dark at our door..i would welcome it..and i see no issues with Dark attacking long as its a real war im sure the GM`s will know the difference..but maybe just to be sure the ticket idea prior just to be safe..

    Im not saying everyone is the devil..or poor mayhem..yes we need to learn..we need to fight better people and better factions.a clear sign of this is our recent RPK status change..not so we can kill newbs as this will still be frowned upon..but so people become more aggressive and to clear up confusion over who can and can-not be attacked

    Lets try to focus on the Grand scale..instead of the mass small scales we seem to dwell in with this seasons TW.

    Enough of this Hiding and Fake bidding ****..take your losses when they come..for they make victory's that much sweeter..the idea that the two most powerful factions are the ones to do this is what upsets me...hell you guys really had no reason to from the looks of things now.

    and class act post Manii..not just smack talking but offering real advice for some real battles and pvp fun..if you havnt noticed Mayhem is waking up.we want to fight..we see what we need to change..we have been listening..

    I never said you did anything wrong while in Kylin..just that the possibility existed

    Hell i have no problems if Mayhem attacks Crimson..but for the love of god can we get some real fights.

    I love PWI..and i just spent 1.5 years looking for something to replace it..(nothing comes close)
    Can we please bring back some activity and every now and then think about whats best for the server as a whole..and yes i mean both sides of this ..not just Dark/Infa..but also May/Crim...i mean wth is the point of Rank 9 3rd recast +12 full JOSD..when the server is dieing and all other games out there currently are total ****..

    We better fix this folks cause our options in the MMO world are lame and getting lamer as companys try to dumb down and simplify everything they offer to apeal to the masses

    And no i do not want Jekel Eoria or any of the old school players to be banned or to quit..every single one takes exp and years of knowldge with them and Harshlands has already lost way too much of that...
This discussion has been closed.