TW=Stop with the politics

trufflles Posts: 68 Arc User
edited September 2013 in Dawnglory (EU)
Why can't we have this? As in one faction that can/wants to hold 2 real tw's, and win?

it's either wined tw or plain old boring u have no chance against us tw.

sure Crimson tried a double defense (i think last season) but with no succes.

Look What RT has

I'm sick of all this ego mashing between players...alot of good ppl have gone inactive/no sign ups/other factions just because of this: your god damn politics and ego's that need to be fed.
Put some pride in it and do some real tw's or is that too much?

what's this?:

inf running after mayhem (with the no sign ups excuse) for lands and bragging rights after season is over, then go after crimson like they don't know it will be wined AGAIN (i guess now they have sign ups), and refuse to atk dark for whatever reason (probably cuz of poney power or something, just like mayhem doesn't touch their beloved "brothers" as they preffer to be cannon fodder)

dark playing the "who's in charge now" role, doing the mumbo jumbo between "it's mani's fault" or the beloved wizsin with a "soul", finding a long story escape goat when they can, and poking sticks in both factions eye's.... but in the end it doesn't do anything but gather lands easymode and when all resources are used up they try to "save up" their name by atacking crim
(and bragging with the "we have the fun TW now.....!!!...who's the alpha male now!! :D")

crimson, they have sign ups, but idk they don't have sticks to poke anybody's eyes, and trying to survive on the map without hitting their canon fodder. well at least they didn't go for land greed (aka kylin's lands)...nothing interesting to say about them, just that i don't think there is a faction on the map that didn't tried to be allied with...thus making no enemies (but gaining alot of recruits from them, thus making them weaker...although recruiting nepotism or minimum pve requirements for a hope in a future that would/will/has never happen/ed is a little bit too far stretched for my taste)

mayhem going after kylin or whatever small faction they find cuz there is no other equal/challenging/same level or access to atk- faction to go after...and ofc a change in the politics about crim is insanelly absurd

deicide/cjr/kylin/dominio/bankai or whatever are playing humpy/jumpy hoping through every faction on this server in a search for good tw's instead of trying to consolidate/merge a strong leadership to actually do something (maybe atk mayhem? or merge with it to atk crim or dark or infa?) but no.....the ego is too big

in conclusion: move your stick out of you know what and stop with the politics, stop thinking about making another twfunded uber alt and try to play the one u have, suck it up disolve your alliances/ merge guilds do whatever u do just don't poke the "fun TW" from one guild to another and have your main goal "to rule the map...but in easymode", without competition or whatever.

If u'll do that u'll see those factions with 1-10 OP TW guys that retreated from the TW scene just disolve and join u big guys, and you'll have your beloved sign up....but this will happen only if u let go of your Policies, your EGO'sss, and open your eyes.

after that maybe...just maybe we'll get some of that myth called fun TW.
Post edited by trufflles on


  • Sint - Harshlands
    Sint - Harshlands Posts: 579 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    1) Who is this?

    2) Why does anyone care about your opinion?

    3) Why do you think it's so important we know about that ego feast QQme had on RT that you link it twice?

    Your point on mayhem not attacking crimson is ridiculous. If mayhem did attack crimson you'd see a double wine + crimson beating mayhem, and getting an excuse to go after mayhem. This might be one of few instances where Evangelos shows signs of having a brain.

    Though it's probably because of your rudimentary english skills, i completely fail to see your point on Kylin, but we certainly have not tried to ally with anyone.

    On merging with bankai, it's not about our egos, it's about our wish to keep our IQs no lower than they already are. Bankai merging into any guild is a recipe for drama and unendurable amounts of stupidity, as everyone who isn't **** can see by now.

    Merging with dominio would make TW coordination ridiculously hard (in case you've missed it, the whole point of dominio is that they mainly speak spanish.)

    Both CJr and deicide are pretty much empty at the moment. Why else would any cognizant creature make Zatox leader of a guild?
  • Wampirewoman - Harshlands
    Wampirewoman - Harshlands Posts: 269 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    1) Who is this?

    Who cares ... it's a truffle . f:sneaky
  • Kharybdis - Harshlands
    Kharybdis - Harshlands Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Try posting from your main instead of a faceless alt account and we might take you seriously.
  • trufflles
    trufflles Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Try posting from your main instead of a faceless alt account and we might take you seriously.

    you should try doing that yourself, that is if you can f:naughty
  • Kharybdis - Harshlands
    Kharybdis - Harshlands Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    It does not make my point any less valid.

    Anyway, we had that. Do you not remember all the QQ and whining for Catalyst to split in two 'cause guilds were getting rolled by one guild that rarely had more than 60 online for a TW, even for most of the stack wars? And that stack was one of the few times we had a full 80. Also, the wars weren't really fun for the most part.

    The current status quo isn't ideal, but that is mostly due to there being no other sufficient mid-tier guild to give Mayhem a challenge. KY could be this easily if they had more people and a few decent BMs, but the problem would be finding those people with server population in such decline. Sint already detailed most of the problems with the remaining options (this leaves Valalala and Watchers, but I'll assume they've been asked already and declined for whatever reason).

    Can't really win with you guys, tbh.
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    "I'm going to post from an alt account in a blatant desire to hide my identity and not be truthful about who I am in the interest of taking no risk and not potentially being hurt by my own opinions and claims, then I'm going to rant about people utilizing politics, something Webster's dictionary defines as (amongst other things) 'political activities characterized by artful and often dishonest practices.'"

    dark playing the "who's in charge now" role, doing the mumbo jumbo between "it's mani's fault" or the beloved wizsin with a "soul", finding a long story escape goat when they can, and poking sticks in both factions eye's.... but in the end it doesn't do anything but gather lands easymode and when all resources are used up they try to "save up" their name by atacking crim

    Dark is effectively in the process of claiming the title of number 2 guild on the server by fighting a guild with years more experience and arguably better gear, and you're calling it's wars "easymode."

    What's hard mode? Beating Infamous and Crimson in a stack simultaneously? Or is that just average-mode? Should we TW without ventrilo, too?
    Is it a sin that Dark didn't win once versus Crimson before deciding "WELL THAT'S DONE, LET'S IMMEDIATELY TRY FOR INFAMOUS EVEN THOUGH THERE'S CLEARLY STILL MUCH TO LEARN AND IMPROVE ON?" The fact you include Dark in your rant just seems to make your entire complaint completely unrealistic and ridiculous, as there's literally not one faction you're happy with, even if it's a faction that's charging into uncertain battles where defeat is highly likely.

    You're complaining about people not taking risks and claiming easy-mode wars, yet you're quick to criticize the guild that's truly fighting a battle it wasn't sure it could win, solely on the grounds that it's no longer anywhere near as much of a struggle as it once was. FFS in your OWN WORDS you claim Dark is "poking sticks in both factions eyes," and then you wanna claim Dark is avoiding tough wars and going for easy mode ones? That makes no effing sense; you just said we're basically blatantly provoking them, but we're fighting easymode wars?

    Or hell, you want people to NOT fight easymode wars and fight real ones, then you're hear CRITICIZING DARK for bragging "check it out, we have real wars."

    Also, hell ****ing yes Dark is gonna brag. Crimson is years old, Dark is one year old. It's the youngest major faction on the map and it's learning exceedingly quick and out-pacing several factions that have years of experience ahead of it. Don't like it? ****ing beat us then. Not two months ago people were laughing at the thought of Dark being self-sufficient (you can find it on these very forums, hell I'll find it myself if you want), and now that Dark is, it's laughing back. And laughing even harder. That's how it works. You don't like it? Strike back.
    If you want to believe that Crimson was truly hindered by BankaiGOD, a guild that both myself and Sint have claimed to have solo'ed their cata squad before (and this at a time when one of Dark's current catas was in their guild), then I dunno what to tell you. Apparently Sint and I are each the equivalent of 30 Crimson. If Bankai truly is the cause for their loss, so you or they believe, attack us. Bankai can't help us when we're attacked, now can they? And if Bankai truly is the cause for their loss, dear lord that's nothing to brag about or use as a valid excuse; claiming BankaiGod tripped you up would be on par with saying "we're dumb as hell and thought we needed like half our guild for them." That'd be like if Dark got stacked by WASP and Infamous and sent 40 to WASP, then tried to b**** at Infamous for relying on a stack; hell no, our fault for being dumb enough not to size up opponents properly. And for the record, no, Dark didn't ask Bankai to stack. (Or Infamous)

    I know the above will seem bias as hell since duh, I'm in Dark, but seriously, Dark is doing the opposite to a lot of the stuff you're complaining about, so it seems to just invalidate your entire post and opinion when not even the BEST CASE scenario on the server is anywhere close to pleasing your unrealistic vision of how things should be.

    Want a less-bias-seeming point? Sint's point about Mayhem. You seem to be suggesting Mayhem bid Crimson aswell (which ironically, would cause Dark and Infamous to be having "easiermode" wars, which you would then b**** about....), which is basically asking Mayhem to go jump off a cliff into a vat of acid, and yet you have the attitude of "How DARE Mayhem not do this!?!" Of all times for Evangelos to cut the umbilical cord, this is potentially the worst possible moment for him to do it, cause it's just a free excuse for Crimson to bid them and take Mayhem's only season of actual profit. Unrealistic. As. F***.

    On merging with bankai, it's not about our egos, it's about our wish to keep our IQs no lower than they already are. Bankai merging into any guild is a recipe for drama and unendurable amounts of stupidity, as everyone who isn't **** can see by now.

    Merging with dominio would make TW coordination ridiculously hard (in case you've missed it, the whole point of dominio is that they mainly speak spanish.)

    Be fair, Bankai has shown a capacity to learn, they just have a terribad guild roster for TW and they're still horrendously inexperienced. And no, be real: Dark has offered to merge with Kylin in the past and I think Infamous has as well: you guys are hell-bent on dragging that old name through the mud, propping it up and moving it's mouth to pretend that old guild and that old legacy is alive instead of simply adopting a new name and starting something new. In my own experience, Kylin won't merge EVER simply on the grounds that Kylin auto-demands anyone that wishes to merge with it merge INTO Kylin and not vice-versa, all for a ****ing name that's lost it's meaning at this point and not because there's actually any objective benefit or gain in doing so; understandably, a lot of people with up-and-coming names aren't exactly thrilled about throwing away their legacy that THEY built just to go serve some stupid name that's overstayed it's welcome and doesn't deserve the credit for their work.

    And fun fact: of the 80 Darks you can expect to fight in a TW, about 10-15 of those are Brazilian and actually speak very limited english. We have three translators or relay all orders to them, and it works out pretty well. Obviously we're kinda boned if we lose all three translators, but that's lulzy too. CJr once had a cata barb who didn't speak ANY english whatsoever; we just kinda let him grab a cata and hopefully follow along, and it both worked and was hilarious as hell.

    As for Deicide and CJr? Dunno why he even listed them since Deicide seems legit dead and CJr is specifically for fun and often disappears mid-season (when small wars stop occuring and thus no fun prospect), with no desire to expand or gain power beyond what's neccesary to continue encountering fun wars. CJr and Kylin themselves have fought and had fun wars; only thing a merge would do is possibly kill Mayhem, but it makes little difference in the grand scheme of things, since it'd mean we'd then have "another mayhem" to crowd out the smaller guilds.

    Only thing OP got right is that small guilds are stubborn as hell about merging. Waaaaay back when CJr actually had decent land count, I offered to merge with IMPERIA and they (understandably) declined on the grounds of the language barrier. Still, fast forward to now? Both CJr and IMPERIA are now in Dark, and obviously we're working well together. Alongside that I offered Deicide and some others, and everyone ALWAYS wanted us to merge to them, never the reverse, and back then Deicide had a horrendous map position (next to Mayhem, completely trapped and on Crimson's doorstep even if they succeeded) while CJr had a good one (a merge would've meant CJr controlled that entire corner, the closest guild being Catalyst, who wasn't gonna touch us).
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Crazybladema - Harshlands
    Crazybladema - Harshlands Posts: 425 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Oh? One of these threads again. *gets popcorn*.
  • Wampirewoman - Harshlands
    Wampirewoman - Harshlands Posts: 269 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    f:leer me too
  • trufflles
    trufflles Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    to long story: well your opinion has some points on which i agree some which i don't, a lawyer is a lawyer you can't ask him not to play with words so they come out in his favor, like you can't ask a joker not to laugh, but lets get to the point:

    easymode is hitting catalyst and whatever noname faction near you, for half a season (maybe more), not having the balls to actually hit crimson or head against them, you just waited and waited, and....welll waited....until they hit you first and when u saw that you can beat them THEN and only then you took a risk and attacked them....try more (and don't tell me you couldn't get to crim and bid them)

    "It's the youngest major faction on the map" - if dark is the youngest then what is infamous? baby steps?

    "Dunno why he even listed them since Deicide seems legit dead " so thats why some of them returned to deicide and leave and on a seasonal holiday.

    CJr - appears and dissapears to what you call it fun...thats an excuse...since you tried bringing extra soldiers and failed to actually do something that matters

    anyway thats all for me
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    trufflles wrote: »
    easymode is hitting catalyst and whatever noname faction near you, for half a season (maybe more), not having the balls to actually hit crimson or head against them, you just waited and waited, and....welll waited....until they hit you first and when u saw that you can beat them THEN and only then you took a risk and attacked them....try more (and don't tell me you couldn't get to crim and bid them)

    And it worked, did it not? The ends justifies the means in gameplay. If you win a TW, no matter how it's won (as long as it's not blatant cheating), it's legit. For example, Zulu-Catalyst-Infamous has spent ages criticizing Crimson's lackluster TW capabilities by comparison, because guilds like Kylin or Dark can come along with less people or gear and still manage to win. Meanwhile, Crimson's politics is often criticized, as they have a habit of allying everything with a pulse and using said allies as human shields so they can get coin.

    Is this criticism justified? Yes and no. Yes, Crimson should definitely be aware of that TW weakness, lest it be their downfall (yknow,, but no, Catalyst can't sit there and claim Crimson's existence is unwarranted or undeserved, because whether you like their methods or not, they've regularly secured them a spot in the top 3, which is the magic number for getting coin, recruits, and fun major TWs. Just like how people often ask me why I'm quick to criticize smaller factions but rarely openly criticize Infamous? It's because Infamous has no motivation to change: what they're doing is working, and if you truly want them to stop or change in some way? You have to do it. You don't get to sit there on your *** and say "I want you to change so do it" and wave a magic wand and it happens; no, you have to remove their motivation.

    The same exact applies to Crimson. You cannot criticize their methods because they're working so they have no reason to change them.

    ...That is, until now. Now? We're at a point where Crimson should REALLY question their methods. I'm not saying they won't neccesarily work in the future; maybe Crimson sees something I'm not seeing and if they think they do, sure go for it and time will tell which one of us is right. From where I'm standing though and with my experience with Crimson? Crimson has often found itself in third place, often relied on alliances and often relied on Mayhem. This season? Once again, a guild has arrived to knock Crimson back to third, Crimson has basically trashed it's reputation with EVERYONE except Mayhem on the TW front, and Mayhem is (hopefully) learning that hey look, they profit more when they don't bother to help Crimson and get next to nothing when they play human shield. If Crimson plans on using the same tactics next season? They may be sorely disappointed when they simply don't apply well to this day and age in Harshlands. We may see Crimson either changing it's gameplan entirely next season or dying out slowly (and I mean slowly here, not saying Crimson's gonna be dead anytime soon) because fact of the matter is, their very methods of gameplay have killed them this season. They find themselves boxed in by two guilds they can't beat with their only other border being their ally; in this case and this season? Their very alliance is killing them. If they'd never had it, they could've been grabbing Mayhem lands this whole time.

    But the ends justifies the means. If a guild thrives, it's doing something right. If it dies? It's doing something wrong. That goes for Infamous, that goes for Crimson, that goes for Mayhem, that goes for Dark.

    In Dark's case? Dark said it wanted to bide it's time and gear people up before taking on Crimson, and people called that an excuse and scoffed. Lo and behold, a couple months later, Dark has gone from losing in half an hour to winning in one hour. Lo and behold, a lot of our members have better gear than they ever could've hoped to achieve on their own by means of guild help. You can b**** and moan all you like, but the ends justify the means in PWI. True to it's word, Dark's method of biding it's time afforded it recruits, better gear and numbers (the time you're referring to where Dark tended to avoid Crimson, Dark was only pulling in 50 to Crimson's full 80. Now Dark can full 80), and now Dark is surviving. Quite comfortably, infact. And I know no one listens to me even though I've never lied to any of you, but Dark planned to attack Crimson the moment it was out of bidding options, win or lose. Why wouldn't we? There's nothing productive about not even bothering to try *cough* Crimson *cough*.

    And even if that is your criticism....what is Dark doing wrong NOW? That stage is over, now Dark is charging full speed ahead fighting legit wars exactly as you wanted, no?

    Overall though, I simply find your outlook of "people should do as I say because I say so" incredibly naive and unrealistic. Offer them motivation, offer them a prospect of more personal gain than what they're currently getting (gain either being coin, fun wars or better TW capacity). If you don't do that, then no one's going to listen to a damned thing you say, because we all play this game for entertainment, and typically to get entertainment we need coin, fun wars, and the ability to win. (doesn't neccesarily mean losing =/= fun, just that a reasonable CHANCE to win must exist)

    So really, let me switch this argument around:

    My point is that everything you say is pointless and moot because you fail to motivate any of these guilds to do squat. Infamous is benefiting from the free lands by holding their winning land count for the season, Dark is benefiting from fighting Crimson because to be honest, many of our members have never truly TWed before and these wars have been a chance to give good players some real experience they can improve on (if fighting Infa would provide good experience or not? I mean it's likely, but I see no motivation to take that risk when Crimson's already a sure-fire thing for the moment), and Mayhem? No way in ****ing hell Mayhem is gonna bid Crimson. That'd be inviting Crimson to use them as the fall guy and use Mayhem to repair their land losses; let's be honest, Mayhem is gonna finish 3rd for the season overall, but they're nowhere near 3rd in TW ability. Mayhem's 3rd place is thanks to politics and map positioning. The only reason Crimson isn't bidding them is because even if it did solve short-term land issues and land them 3rd place, it'd **** them over long-term, because they'd lose their last and only ally while blatantly announcing that they have absolutely zero integrity and can't be trusted worth a damn. This is the first season where Mayhem, accidently or not, has put Crimson in their usual shoes and let them have a taste of what it's like to be a human shield. Mayhem has zero motivation to change their gameplan currently.

    So how would you do it? What's your ideal vision? If you had things your way, how would bids go next week?

    Please, humor me, because given all your criticisms in your first post that blatantly deny human nature and contradict each other, I have a feeling there ISN'T an ideal bid scenario that would please you and/or not paint you out as a hypocrite.

    "It's the youngest major faction on the map" - if dark is the youngest then what is infamous? baby steps?

    Pretty sure Dark as a major player is younger than Infamous, and even if I'm mistaken, you'd have to be incredibly blind and naive to not get that Catalyst = Infamous. Infamous took 70% of it's members from Catalyst took 70% of it's members from Zulu, the core leadership remaining the same. Dark is basically a rag-tag union of Ex-Zulu, Valhalla, CJr, IMPERIA, Deicide and other misc groups that had to learn to play together and figure out who leads what; there is no old guild core that the guild was derived from.
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands
    Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    RT is a fail PVE server.

    You are the reason why HL is like that.

    People with no balls, people that can't say their opinion without hiding behind a alt.

    Hiding yourself just show that you have 0 confidence and are scare to say your opinion showing who you are.

    People won't listen to someone that hide who he is.

    It's crazy surprising how many people that lack of confidence in that game and people that need to hide behind random pixel alt to speak.

    What are you doing in real life when you need to talk to a other person? Put a paper bag on our head?

    You try to search to far for a reason while the answer is just there.

    Why Mayhem attack always little guilds that won't show or are a one push? To be on the map and get money.

    Is it a bad thing? No
    Are they better? No, fighting no show wars or one push wars doesn't made them improve.

    I really hope Evan is a good business man and worked to make money and gear up the maximum people he could so maybe next map they will be able to fight something that will be a challenge.

    I won't even speak about Crimson.

    The reason why Infa did attack Mayhem is pretty simple, just check the map of maybe 3 months ago and the map now and you might understand why they did it.

    There's 4 possible reasons to explain why a faction bid a other:

    -Help a ally

    But seriously, why are you so scare to say who you are? I'm just curious to know the reason why someone would try to hide himself so much to speak up his opinion in public.

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • Kharybdis - Harshlands
    Kharybdis - Harshlands Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    So how would you do it? What's your ideal vision? If you had things your way, how would bids go next week?

    I'll take a crack at this based on the posts:

    Infa <-> Dark
    Crim <-> Mayhem
    KY <-> Umm...I dunno, Watchers? In which they grow magical land hopping powers.
  • Wampirewoman - Harshlands
    Wampirewoman - Harshlands Posts: 269 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    f:cool Let's call Scooby Doo to look for trufflles .
    b:cry Why doesn't he/she answer? We have a mystery to solve here .
  • Sint - Harshlands
    Sint - Harshlands Posts: 579 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Be fair, Bankai has shown a capacity to learn, they just have a terribad guild roster for TW and they're still horrendously inexperienced. And no, be real: Dark has offered to merge with Kylin in the past and I think Infamous has as well: you guys are hell-bent on dragging that old name through the mud, propping it up and moving it's mouth to pretend that old guild and that old legacy is alive instead of simply adopting a new name and starting something new. In my own experience, Kylin won't merge EVER simply on the grounds that Kylin auto-demands anyone that wishes to merge with it merge INTO Kylin and not vice-versa, all for a ****ing name that's lost it's meaning at this point and not because there's actually any objective benefit or gain in doing so; understandably, a lot of people with up-and-coming names aren't exactly thrilled about throwing away their legacy that THEY built just to go serve some stupid name that's overstayed it's welcome and doesn't deserve the credit for their work.

    bankai, to the best of my knowledge, has succeeded in proving very few things extremely well:

    syntherosX, who "likes that tactical stuff" as he puts it, seems to be extremely inept at it.

    Their egos are massive and in the way of any possible improvement.

    A pre-requisite for being a bankaiGOD member is to be absolutely **** and completely unskilled. There are very few exceptions to this, imo, and i'm biased in favour of all of them.

    On your point about Kylin expecting others to merge into it, while it may be valid for Dark and Infamous, it is absolutely ridiculous for every other guild you mentioned, for the simple reason that Kylin is larger than they are, and has more lands. (I am assuming that nobody in Kylin would accept a merge with crimson or mayhem, but i think that's rather obvious.)

    In dominio's case, if dominio wants to merge into us, i could do the translating myself, but it seems to me that it would irreversibly damage their current project: merging with Kylin would make them a tw guild, instead of a latino guild. For those of you who don't speak spanish, dominio is rather specific about their wish to be a latino faction.

    On your last point, i think it is slightly unscrupulous, and more than slightly dishonest, to make the claim that Kylin members "serve" Kylin's name, with all the implications that carries. I think it would be more honest to say that Kylin members have, in Kylin, found something worth being part of, which has nothing to do with peter's Kylin. We happened to meet each other under this guild tag, and decided it was much easier to keep it than it would be to relocate our core group somewhere else.

    Additionally, my own reasons for not joining either Dark or Infamous are that i'm not sure i'd be accepted and i would, i admit, feel slightly tainted to share a guild tag with some of the people already in there, who are, in a disturbingly bankailike fashion, either inexcusably stupid, inexcusably bad, or, as is often the case, both. Also, i do not think i would enjoy a faction that isn't an underdog. Attempting to improve Kylin seems to me much more rewarding than putting up with the drudgery of a sure win.

    On Kylin's TW results, i would second Kharybdis' point that our real shortcoming is the lack of BMs and WFs attending TW. It shouldn't be outside of anyone's range to conclude that a purged and amped target dies faster than a target that is neither purged nor amped, and that, in a defensive war, especially, this is an advantage.
  • c0rnp0ps
    c0rnp0ps Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    testing my posting abilities
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013

    On your point about Kylin expecting others to merge into it, while it may be valid for Dark and Infamous, it is absolutely ridiculous for every other guild you mentioned, for the simple reason that Kylin is larger than they are, and has more lands. (I am assuming that nobody in Kylin would accept a merge with crimson or mayhem, but i think that's rather obvious.)

    On your last point, i think it is slightly unscrupulous, and more than slightly dishonest, to make the claim that Kylin members "serve" Kylin's name, with all the implications that carries. I think it would be more honest to say that Kylin members have, in Kylin, found something worth being part of, which has nothing to do with peter's Kylin. We happened to meet each other under this guild tag, and decided it was much easier to keep it than it would be to relocate our core group somewhere else.

    Additionally, my own reasons for not joining either Dark or Infamous are that i'm not sure i'd be accepted and i would, i admit, feel slightly tainted to share a guild tag with some of the people already in there, who are, in a disturbingly bankailike fashion, either inexcusably stupid, inexcusably bad, or, as is often the case, both. Also, i do not think i would enjoy a faction that isn't an underdog. Attempting to improve Kylin seems to me much more rewarding than putting up with the drudgery of a sure win.

    When CJr merged into Dark, you know which guild had the better track record and had won a TW against the other and had obtained more land? CJr.

    But I knew Mani, and I knew how it was with people being too stubborn to know anything about humility or humbleness, always demanding the merge come their way, and I knew exactly what happens to the guilds that are too stubborn to merge. So, knowing Mani and crew weren't idiots and we could probably do well with a merge, I did it on the condition that certain low levels get auto-invites because they pro. Sparklecat and Doom_Panda (then 8x and 9x) may have made people say "tf are these noobs" back then, but that's certainly changed. Look where we are now.

    Nevertheless whether you realize it or not, that name is a burden for you guys. I'mma be blunt, for as willing as I am to merge into other guilds? I'd never merge into Kylin. It's just an old name and an old legacy, and the last thing people want is for their own legacies they're trying to build to fall under another name. It's just not pretty when they know that their guild name would be synonymous with Peter's Kylin, a guy they don't even know and who basically has no relation to the current Kylin. May sound dumb, but a name is powerful like that, imo.

    You're incredibly naive and prejudice if you both think there aren't stupid jerkwads in Kylin and that every other guild must have a surplus of them. I promise you people from every guild could log on a vent right now and chat about god damn Pokemon or something and realize holy ****, we're all human. To consider other people from other factions stupid, bad, dumb, evil, or any other word with negative connotation is pretty bold unless you've been there and experienced it first-hand. I for one don't try and make claims about people in guilds that I've never been a part of.

    Lastly, you're talking to a guy who makes it a habit to invite LITERALLY ANYONE to an alt faction and bid on basically anything that borders said faction and **** the odds, underdog fights are fun. Of course they are, but you know what else is fun? Building something new; building Dark. If Kylin were to succeed tomorrow and become the best guild ever somehow, I promise you you wouldn't get bored of it because you helped build that.

    Just my two cents? You guys should legit consider a merge. Valhalla has the gear, Bankai has people that can learn and improve, other guilds surely have good members and qualities here and there. Stubborness, prejudice, irrational dislike of strangers you don't truly know and a fear of the unknown though? That'll only serve to keep Kylin exactly where it is now: right under Mayhem's boot.
    I <3 AGOREY
  • trufflles
    trufflles Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited September 2013

    all that

    going for the RL stuff? really? you dropped to a new low just now, let me guess your next line would include the words "mature" and "adult"? f:leer

    i like though how you distracted the attention to your all time favorite mayhem topic f:worry (i'm sure this is where you have all your ideas put in order...too bad it's an old topic, as old as nobody really wants to listen your ideas about it...good or bad)

    to longstory:

    "Pretty sure Dark as a major player is younger than Infamous, and even if I'm mistaken" - yes you're missinformed :D

    "Infamous took 70% of it's members" it's actually about 30-40%(the rest just spread out)...but who counts f:meh

    so first you ask me what's easymode, and i tell you half a season dark atacked catalyst...then when this doesn't work you hit " The ends justifies the means in gameplay"...what's next? "you do it for fun"? oh oh wait...i'll gear up again next season right (in easymode)?

    to eo: idk crim+dark vs inf or mayhem+crimson vs inf and bankai+dark vs crim (but to show at both) ...your idea is good too ...any combo that would break this monotony:

    inf - not hitting dark
    dark - hidding behind inf till the right circumstances
    crimson - not hitting mayhem although they kinda killed theyr map expansion this season
    and mayhem hidding from dark under the inf tag (sorry made a poor choice of words here...i mean hiding from dark with the path blocked by inf)

    idk merge cjr+deicide+bankai (or more) to actually have a chance to hit mayhem shoulder to shoulder

    anything but wined futile wars like mayham vs anything but top 3 factions, or inf vs wined crim or mayhem, this map is big enough to hold more than 1 good battle/weekend

    on a personal note, anyone got some popcorn to share? i'm out of it, or better yet some scooby snacks f:hehe
  • Kharybdis - Harshlands
    Kharybdis - Harshlands Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    trufflles wrote: »
    mayhem hidding from dark under the inf tag


    wut. I does that even make sense. You mean that Mayhem is hiding from Dark behind Infa? I...what. Do you like...expect Mayhem to fake bid themselves off the map or something when they have like ten lands to go fight Dark? Are you dumb? Like, there are legit reasons to criticize Mayhem, but their current position on the map isn't one of them. lol.
  • Sint - Harshlands
    Sint - Harshlands Posts: 579 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    When CJr merged into Dark, you know which guild had the better track record and had won a TW against the other and had obtained more land? CJr.

    none of the guilds you mentioned have any land, wit the exception of dominio, which may or may not keep that land.
    Nevertheless whether you realize it or not, that name is a burden for you guys. I'mma be blunt, for as willing as I am to merge into other guilds? I'd never merge into Kylin. It's just an old name and an old legacy, and the last thing people want is for their own legacies they're trying to build to fall under another name. It's just not pretty when they know that their guild name would be synonymous with Peter's Kylin, a guy they don't even know and who basically has no relation to the current Kylin. May sound dumb, but a name is powerful like that, imo.

    I'm not saying it's not a burden, i'm saying it's less of a burden than moving everyone to another faction and expecting them all to come. There are other reasons not to merge into other factions, among them, Kylin's base (fish would throw a tantrum if he were asked to give up his half million merit) The fact that other factions would keep their leadership, which means some of Kylin's members could get instakicked (we're not all that popular) the fact that we couldn't call hoby boss anymore, and we might have to do stuff on the sabbath, etc.

    You're incredibly naive and prejudice if you both think there aren't stupid jerkwads in Kylin and that every other guild must have a surplus of them. I promise you people from every guild could log on a vent right now and chat about god damn Pokemon or something and realize holy ****, we're all human. To consider other people from other factions stupid, bad, dumb, evil, or any other word with negative connotation is pretty bold unless you've been there and experienced it first-hand. I for one don't try and make claims about people in guilds that I've never been a part of.

    Kylin's jerkwards are jerkwads i get along with. Dark, Infamous, and every faction you mentioned is polluted by QQers, whom i do not get along with.
    Lastly, you're talking to a guy who makes it a habit to invite LITERALLY ANYONE to an alt faction and bid on basically anything that borders said faction and **** the odds, underdog fights are fun. Of course they are, but you know what else is fun? Building something new; building Dark. If Kylin were to succeed tomorrow and become the best guild ever somehow, I promise you you wouldn't get bored of it because you helped build that.

    If Kylin i'll be simultaneously proud and tempted to gtfo.
    Just my two cents? You guys should legit consider a merge. Valhalla has the gear, Bankai has people that can learn and improve, other guilds surely have good members and qualities here and there. Stubborness, prejudice, irrational dislike of strangers you don't truly know and a fear of the unknown though? That'll only serve to keep Kylin exactly where it is now: right under Mayhem's boot.

    Valhalla has the old name. bankai people have amply demonstrated an inability to both learn and improve. Also, are you suggesting we merge INTO bankai? Are you out of your mind? Having Kylin for a name is one thing, but i'll pass on having my faction tag advertise me as a megalomaniac.
    trufflles wrote: »
    to eo: idk crim+dark vs inf or mayhem+crimson vs inf and bankai+dark vs crim (but to show at both) ...your idea is good too ...any combo that would break this monotony:

    inf - not hitting dark
    dark - hidding behind inf till the right circumstances
    crimson - not hitting mayhem although they kinda killed theyr map expansion this season
    and mayhem hidding from dark under the inf tag

    idk merge cjr+deicide+bankai (or more) to actually have a chance to hit mayhem shoulder to shoulder

    anything but wined futile wars like mayham vs anything but top 3 factions, or inf vs wined crim or mayhem, this map is big enough to hold more than 1 good battle/weekend

    What is the difference between banki+dark v crimson and showing at both and one of the recent wars, where crimson noshowed one of the bigger guilds and simultaneously beat bankai? Are you in bankai, by the way? 2 crimson squads are enough to **** bankai in under 20 minutes if they know what they're doing.

    What is dark hiding from behind infamous? The only real danger has a border with them, if Crimson members ever learn how to play.

    Crimjr + deicide + bankai would give bankai all of 10 more people. Going from the fact that Kylin usually rolled bankai in about half an hour, why do you think that would work?

    Mayhem attacking any of the top 3 factions is the definition of futile. Mayhem is only fearless as long as they outgear and outnumber their opponent.
  • foley3k
    foley3k Posts: 446 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    1 word to sum it up for the original poster.


    Look at it like this.

    Harshlands is like a club/bar whatever. Usually 2 types of people.

    Group #1 - You have the small few that go there to enjoy themselves, relax, to have a little bit of fun.

    Then you have the others.

    Group #2 - Those d-bags at clubs who fist pump to every song played, wear 4 polo shirts that have the collar popped on each one of them, the awesome craptastic tribal tattoo arm band on the upper arm, orange spay tanned running off onto their more then skin tight spandex shirts that show off their Moobs.

    Hope that answers your question.

  • Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands
    Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Doubt you see any changes soon, problem is if Dark or Infa bid on each other -snip- with play their personal TW (Ticket War) and report for fake bid and get Infa and Dark leaders ban.

    If Mayhem or Crimson bid on each other someone somewhere will send a ticket for fake bid.

    TW on HL = Ticket War, even if people want to try something new, even if people wanted to bid a ex-ally to make TW more interesting, there's a other faction that will send a ticket for fake bid.

    That's how pathetic the situation is on HL atm.

    Does real fake bid deserve to be punish? Yes.

    Problem is now some factions on HL are so lame that if they lose they send tickets to get people banned cause they cannot stand to lose.

    Mayhem got offer to have a alliance with Infa they denied it. People don't want to change, people are scare to try new things.

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • JackieK - Harshlands
    JackieK - Harshlands Posts: 255 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Problem is now some factions on HL are so lame that if they lose they send tickets to get people banned cause they cannot stand to lose.

    -cough- Crimson -cough-b:surrender
  • Crazybladema - Harshlands
    Crazybladema - Harshlands Posts: 425 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    foley3k wrote: »
    1 word to sum it up for the original poster.


    Look at it like this.

    Harshlands is like a club/bar whatever. Usually 2 types of people.

    Group #1 - You have the small few that go there to enjoy themselves, relax, to have a little bit of fun.

    Then you have the others.

    Group #2 - Those d-bags at clubs who fist pump to every song played, wear 4 polo shirts that have the collar popped on each one of them, the awesome craptastic tribal tattoo arm band on the upper arm, orange spay tanned running off onto their more then skin tight spandex shirts that show off their Moobs.

    Hope that answers your question.

    Pretty much sums up the harshland community.
  • Burnout - Harshlands
    Burnout - Harshlands Posts: 2,585 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    The problem is that it's almost impossible for players to self-balance themselves. If you're looking for a mass of players to create an enjoyable, competitive experience for everyone, the short answer is that it's impossible. This is part of the reason why almost every MMO nowadays is a controlled, "theme" park experience. The masses don't want a fun, competitive game experience, they want ez-mode kills and everything handed to them with the least amount of effort.

    For those few players who actually DO want legitimately fun, competitive experiences, most of them either don't have enough influence/power/etc to overcome the majority, or they just don't care to try to change the status quo and are content to remain privately discontented.

    I replied to the 7th topic on the 1st page of mystic forums, and got reported for necro. Plz save mystic forums.
  • VenomousEmo - Harshlands
    VenomousEmo - Harshlands Posts: 860 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    do mods have a hard on for this server?
  • Wampirewoman - Harshlands
    Wampirewoman - Harshlands Posts: 269 Arc User
    edited September 2013

    Mayhem got offer to have a alliance with Infa they denied it.
  • Kniraven - Lost City
    Kniraven - Lost City Posts: 2,620 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Tldr Derp derp
  • Crazybladema - Harshlands
    Crazybladema - Harshlands Posts: 425 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    The problem is that it's almost impossible for players to self-balance themselves. If you're looking for a mass of players to create an enjoyable, competitive experience for everyone, the short answer is that it's impossible. This is part of the reason why almost every MMO nowadays is a controlled, "theme" park experience. The masses don't want a fun, competitive game experience, they want ez-mode kills and everything handed to them with the least amount of effort.

    For those few players who actually DO want legitimately fun, competitive experiences, most of them either don't have enough influence/power/etc to overcome the majority, or they just don't care to try to change the status quo and are content to remain privately discontented.

    This ^. This is especially true for pwi. Which is why I now really only log for tw and spend most of my gaming time on another much more balanced mmorpg.
  • RankNine - Momaganon
    RankNine - Momaganon Posts: 1,241 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    This ^. This is especially true for pwi. Which is why I now really only log for tw and spend most of my gaming time on another much more balanced mmorpg.

    and when you log-in, all you do is wasting tele and ranting about people earning r9 by doing their daily BHs or selling their kidneys. was some impressive spam during fridays NW. meanwhile others earned 25 mil by shuting up and playing the game :)
    noob, can only run, spawnkiller, only white vodoo, only plays for kd,
    never kills anyone, only gear, no skill, no life, cash only, eats dogfood to cash more, lives at moms,
    only survives cause of cleric heals, if we had your gear you would lose. b:cryb:cryb:cry
  • Crazybladema - Harshlands
    Crazybladema - Harshlands Posts: 425 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    and when you log-in, all you do is wasting tele and ranting about people earning r9 by doing their daily BHs or selling their kidneys. was some impressive spam during fridays NW. meanwhile others earned 25 mil by shuting up and playing the game :)

    If you say so brah. People do what they want when they log in. Maybe, some people don't like doing nation wars because its not profitable for them? Just a hint or maybe some logic you can't understand. To be correct though, I did the archosaur event and made about 12m in dq and got some event gold cards (which gives you shiny things called charms). Which is even better than 25m. All while ranting on world chat about kidneys, bh, r9 and other things. See you next weekend at arch event and or tw b:bye
This discussion has been closed.