Main Discussion about NW pricing and effect on game



  • Posts: 202 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Harsland = PvP no PvE

    NW is a good choice for Non-donators, to get nirv and 3rd recast, r9 also to get r9 2nd recast and 3rd, this balance the PvP nirv 3rd recast vs R9

    the server is PvP for me NW in Harsland is good to balance the pvp :)
  • Posts: 425 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    My answer to the thread is this.

    This will have a pretty bad impact on the game. Why would I say that? Well first off nirvana was a portal for many people to get their gears. Some people probably spent months/years farming in there to get their nirvana sets. Only to see their hard work get devalued after the first NW. These people will probably end up quitting. Taking a pretty big chunk out of the player base.

    Also it was a huge part of pwi's in game economy. Killing nirvana will adversely affect the entire pwi economy. Why would it?

    Simple, in order for coin to hold any value. Something has to back that value. A big chunk of that in-game coin value, was Raps/Cannies. The same goes, for the the money we use everyday. Its value it backed by the gold in the US treasury. This will have a bad effect.

    In short, in-game gold will probably go up to 2m+ maybe more. Because coins will simply lose their value.

    Id go on and on about what problems this is going to wreck on the community.

    Yes I am one of those "aps bms" and yes I spammed nirvana. But that's not the issue here. The issue is that "NW rewards" is going to adversely affect the community, more than it will benefit it. Instead, they should of made the nirvana instance more inclusive, to classes that don't use aps. They could of made aps less effective in nirvana as well. Sort of like, the new upgraded Warsong instance. But flooding the market, was not the solution.

    The in-game community is not going to adapt well to something like this. Many of you, may not realize it now. But you certainly will. On a side note, this is not even covering the part about "trail rewards" getting duped as well.
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    this game just sucks!! i play this sheet now since it came out and went through a lot of changes in the game. Nation Wars is a good new feature btw and i like it, not only 'cause of the rewards, but of the idea. I got 2 high level and full r9 chars and hell i had to farm and spam vana like crazy. Also i'm one of the best cashshoppers thats for sure!! mainly i've invested that money for getting my gears and other stuff, because i don't have that much time for farming 24 hours per day like others may do. Also pwi is not the only game i play. We all know that ppl like me are keeping that game varied as long as we spent our real money for it !! So nation wars is one of us cashshopper's result. Now i could say okeey, we all farmed like hell for our stuff, raps and cannies, so this nation war's reward system is like a gift for our hard work now. At least we can get our 2nd and 3rd recast easily.

    It seems that the delevopers don't got any idea how to manage economy in games. They wanna get profit ok that we all do! But it's purposeless to make such a lavish reward system and destroy other instances with it! Even as a developer you don't really need brain to estimate how it will affect the economy in this case. Vana was a good way for those, you don't got the time for farming the whole day, or spending their time on weekends to get hundreds or thousands of raps and canny rewards, to make at least some mil of coins every day in few hours. Also i could laugh about those, who are joking about others that still wanna go for vana runs. I don't know what ya all are doing atm but i wanna play when i'm online, not just hanging around or play another game and just come playing pwi on weekends because you get there so many raps and cannies, that you don't need to do something during week anymore. At the beginning this game was focused on the gameplay and fun. But since a while everyone is just here for making profit. Its not the game or any update that is setting up prices, its you guys!!

    Lazy ppl that just want to get the highest profit with overpriced mats!! my shops always have the lowest prices and i wish some other peeps would help dropping those horrible prices as well!! may its not a reason for quitting a game, but now i will also just come online on weekends for getting my raps and cannies easily and i won't spend any cent in this game anymore thats for sure :o i need to thank pwi, now i can spend more time with highend graphic games which are charged, but there i can get what i want and also have a great 3d graphic XD vana was really boring, if you used to do it every day year over year. I wish pwi would have used the money we all have spent in it, for getting a new engine, edit the old classes, their look, the map textures and so on! there are still a lot of very old bugs but who cares :) as long as they get rich with their new updates everything is fine. Just waste of money and time -.- now they all are happy 'cause they can get the gears they've always wanted to get, but never wanted to work hard for them!! We already got lots of noobs on this server that made toons of each classes and weren't even able to to play their chars right in a simple fcc run :o those ppl always had their petty excuse --> their weak gear rofl!!! now i wanna see if ya will be able to play much more better with your "new OP gear" guys!! hahaha!!! i hope the rumors about the next "big update" are true so that ya all will bite your own ***** soon muhaha XD have fun in nation wars guys ;P and don't forget to just kill the ppl there!! you don't really need to capture the flag :o who cares about rules and the meaning about capture the flag if you also get your rewards for just killing random ppl there O.O LOOOOOL

    we live in a pathetic society *sigh*
  • Posts: 458 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    this whole reward system is only benefiting the cash player's.

    the message is clear. Dont farm ! what can be farmed we will give it to you for free.
    cash to get r9 cuz we made g16 just worthless.

    pwi simply tell's you: go r9 or gtfo.
  • Posts: 4,864 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Just remembered there's this exchange of memorial coins for reputation on PWDB, yet it has a level requirement of 150 so it's probably not accessible.

    If this were ever to be implemented, though, R8 would only cost 28mil + 800 Supply Tokens.
  • Posts: 243 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Just remembered there's this exchange of memorial coins for reputation on PWDB, yet it has a level requirement of 150 so it's probably not accessible.

    If this were ever to be implemented, though, R8 would only cost 28mil + 800 Supply Tokens.

    That would be awesome, although with 800 Supply tokens I would rather get full s2 Nirv armor and s1/2 weapon b:chuckle

    Still Im all for cheap r8!
    Crafting shiny things since 2008 b:laugh
  • Posts: 756 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Seems raps 1=1 is here to stay as it wasn't changed in maint. Here I come easy as hell nirvy gear to get<33333
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012

    I got 2 high level and full r9 chars and hell i had to farm and spam vana like crazy.

    Also i'm one of the best cashshoppers thats for sure!! mainly i've invested that money for getting my gears and other stuff, because
    i don't have that much time for farming 24 hours per day like others may do.

    just funny...i like it when u contradict yourself
    Also pwi is not the only game i play.
    make up your mind u have or u dont have time to play?

    my shops always have the lowest prices and i wish some other peeps would help dropping those horrible prices as well!!

    i was allways wondering who cuts off the profit margin by being greedy for fast coins.

    here's a tip canny and raps have been high cuz of the profit it brought to killing narnia they actually killed free fishie's actually even if they brought them cheap gear...they sinked the aps main source of income for the future... being such a good cs u will most likelly get in front of them by having your gear well refined and sharded

    moreover since the nv gear is free guess what...the necesity of new shards and refine will most likely get verry high...which by any definition will increase the value of ull have the upper advantage of being a "best cashshopper"

    or are u afraid that instead of having 10x gear advantage over the others ull have only 5x and ull get owned?
  • Posts: 146 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Just an exemple my psy is recasted already and i need to work on deteils:

    engravig neck
    700 s token + 500 spectral polish + 500 uncanny ore

    tome lev 8
    2500 s token

    tome lev 9
    4500 s token

    sky cover
    3430 s token + 100m

    cloud stir
    3430 s token + 100m

    cube neck
    3430 s token + 100m

    r9 ring
    5430 s token + 100m

    ToT S TOKEN 23420 + 400 mil (around 6 months is play 2 times week every week)


    Helm heaven ravager hat (faction base helm)
    3430 s token + 100m

    robe Heave ravager (Matchless wing)
    3430 s token + 100m

    ToT S Token 6860 + 200 mil (1,5 months)

    New item to refine +12: r9 Ring + belt + robe + helm = 2,4 bilion

    Total cost (if recast neck etc not cost aid for keep refine) = around 3.5 bilion

    Recast a second toon set r9s2

    2700 rap + 11800 canny

    ToT s token = 2700 + 2360 = 5060 s token
    ToT giorni = 6 weeks = about 1,5 months

    + refine and socket shard transfert.


    For finish a toon already r9r3 (tomer+ring+neck+etc) 8 months farming S. Token + 3.5 bil

    For second recast another toon 1.5-2 months

    The second recast is the part less expansive and more fast now.

    PS. if will run event only at friday for who like me have fuse problems time become double
    Maybe could finish 2 toons in 1.5-2 years.... If we check how much standard gear is improved in last 2 years (more then double) maybe is pointless continue on this way and wait r10 or better i risk for that time that actually end game gear will be the standart in next 1,5 years.
  • Posts: 146 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    scruncy wrote: »
    this whole reward system is only benefiting the cash player's.

    the message is clear. Dont farm ! what can be farmed we will give it to you for free.
    cash to get r9 cuz we made g16 just worthless.

    pwi simply tell's you: go r9 or gtfo.

    I'm a cash player but i not see any benefits for me sorry. If i can be honest if delete rap and canny from new forge can be oly better for me becouse like a cash player i need less rap/canny and more seal of war.

    anyway this is the system now we have to adapt to it. Who not like it can always quit and come back in future.
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    @ slamstone

    why do you think did i start with cs? 'cause i'm rich and don't have better plans with my money? i used to play charged games before so it doesn't metter if i pay one of them and pay my contribution every month or play a game like pwi and transfer some money, if there is something useful in boutique. I started with it as the gold prices went higher and higher and i wasn't able anymore to farm that much and spend so many hours each day in pwi for getting better gears. And we all know that without good gears you won't even be able to get a nirvana squad or be part of a good big tw faction! i had to find a solution for it. I got a lot of good friends in pwi and i don't wanted to quit the game just 'cause of this. We all could make eachothers live in pwi much more easier if we don't would continue with raising up the prices. Everyone of you needs to pay for those high prices too, if ya wanna start with a new class one day!! why so complicated? ya all know how long it takes to farm and reach your goals with those prices.

    I had to play alone the last years ' cause i wasn't able to get r8 or r9, i always went for tt gold gear if it was possible, and even that wasn't good enough for the ppl today!! so i had 2 options : spend more time in pwi ( why not, who cares about real life and needs to study or go working lots of hours-->to waste the whole day in pwi is much more important than rl lol) oooor getting OP gear as soon as possible in a short time if i ever wanna get a squad and being able to use other instances like vana and so on. I don't regret it that i've wasted money in getting r9. Now i always get squads easily and can do everything and join every fac i want to o.o isn't that sad? if i would have had the time i would have made 5 sins for spaming vana like other ppl did.

    But i don't wanted to waste time for lvling and pimping up 5 sins!!! imagine the coins and time i would have needed for them. And no i don't wasted money yet for refining my gears like you said. I could if i want, but all i wanted to get is r9 and thats it, for the rest i went farming coins with vana and grinding. It was not my plan to go cashshopping as long as i play this game :o and for ppl with european time like me its hard if you have to study during week and then you also need to stay up the whole night for beeing able to join such events like nation wars and tw's .

    Ok it was my decision to join an american server i know and i don't wanna cry about those times. But its complicated!! i always have to set new priorities after those kind of updates and so i can't join every event lilke i did in the past. Less events = less money for me . It wouldn't be a big problem for me if vana still would exist or lets better say if you still could find a vana squad or doing some caster runs. So all i can do atm is waiting for a new update and hoping that pwi will find a solution for this **** or may bring out a new instance with new rare mats or increase the drop rate in vana o.o and during that time i just can..hang around and do bh and watching the happenings and so some warsong runs yea o.o
  • Posts: 146 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    You have so many friends and play 1 years alone becouse you not was r8/r9?

    I think you should reconsider your friendship. I'm full of friend too usually when someone need run something (Rex... need full warsong, Rex... need full delta, Rex... need some TT gold, etc) conversely i'm full of haters when use a my toon in pk only becouse someone on same level not like loss.

    I have just say the NV have change a lot economimy of the game and is a great chance for free player to improve their gear. Now a level 60 can farm 30+ rap in a week. Till 1 week ago a lev 100 low gear need to be an opener for collect 200k and "farm" with this system maybe 10 rap in a week of 2x drop (when ppl usually run nirvy).

    Almost everyone can get easy a full g16 nirvi set + warsoul weapon. Also cube neck is more cheap coz u can farm it with CoG and cost is very low. A build like this is almost draw in some case better then a build full r9 flat an is near a build r9 second recast. So everyone can be good now. Obviously r9 3r is the top but they are only a 40-50% more attack, 10% more HP, 20-30% more def comparated at a r9 first step.

    What can make the difference now could be a +12 refine r9 ring /r9 belt give almost 3.5k more def magic and phis base. the tome lev9 give at least 100 stat point to put where u need and the engraving.

    But we all start from same start point becouse are new stuff and for this "details" will take 5 times long that farm raps/canny for recast a full r9 set.

    When the major part of actually r9 will be recast who like me is already r93r will be on around 1/5 of way for end game gear... a very little gap not really proportional at cash invest in game. For all reason abobe this update is very generous with all no cash ppl but unfair with who have spend money till now.

    I hear many cash ppl talk bad about like many not cash talk bad same i think the human nature is always try to criticize regardless... is for this hat i said "this is game now" adapt to it or try to find fun somewhere else no one forces you to play (is a very simple solution).
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    And where the hell is the difference between all the players now if everyone can run around with top gear? why do ppl get the chance to get the same gear as me with less work?? and whats the object of an endgame gear that everyone can get in few month? warsoul weapons for example were unreachable till yet. It was a big goal for someone to get it and farm all those mats! and if someone got such a weapon, he could be proud of it 'cause he may was the only one with it or one of the few!! something like an ultimate top gear and weapon should be hard to get!! not given away as a gift!! where is the incentive now for those who already got the best of the best and they even are not a rareness anymore?
    Those who wanted to get the best gear and best weapon that is available on the server wanted to be something special, thats why they worked so hard for it!
    Everyone should have the same chance to get it but everyone in the same hard way! otherwise its not fair..

    And its also unfair and stupid to give ppl such a good token reward for just killing ppl in nation wars! they should just get something when they captured a flag for example so that they need to do something for their reward! It's like taking candy of a baby for those, who join this event with top gear don't it? also for all the ppl there who just wait to steal any kills. Very brilliant >.< thats kinda fair if you make all the work and when your target got few hp left another **** dude is coming and stealing your kill O.O awesome!!! i've noticed stupid comments like "hey, next time forget the stupid flag, just run around and kill as much ppl as you can for getting more and more tokens" so wtf is wrong with you guys? thats capture the flag!! if ya wanna play like this we can also make it like in halo, that the fastest shooter gets the kill :o just one-shots are possible >.>
  • Posts: 406 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    My answer to the thread is this.

    This will have a pretty bad impact on the game. Why would I say that? Well first off nirvana was a portal for many people to get their gears. Some people probably spent months/years farming in there to get their nirvana sets. Only to see their hard work get devalued after the first NW. These people will probably end up quitting. Taking a pretty big chunk out of the player base.

    Also it was a huge part of pwi's in game economy. Killing nirvana will adversely affect the entire pwi economy. Why would it?

    Simple, in order for coin to hold any value. Something has to back that value. A big chunk of that in-game coin value, was Raps/Cannies. The same goes, for the the money we use everyday. Its value it backed by the gold in the US treasury. This will have a bad effect.

    In short, in-game gold will probably go up to 2m+ maybe more. Because coins will simply lose their value.

    Id go on and on about what problems this is going to wreck on the community.

    Yes I am one of those "aps bms" and yes I spammed nirvana. But that's not the issue here. The issue is that "NW rewards" is going to adversely affect the community, more than it will benefit it. Instead, they should of made the nirvana instance more inclusive, to classes that don't use aps. They could of made aps less effective in nirvana as well. Sort of like, the new upgraded Warsong instance. But flooding the market, was not the solution.

    The in-game community is not going to adapt well to something like this. Many of you, may not realize it now. But you certainly will. On a side note, this is not even covering the part about "trail rewards" getting duped as well.

    the usa is NOT on the gold standard and us currency is not backed by gold for years.
  • Posts: 756 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    And where the hell is the difference between all the players now if everyone can run around with top gear? why do ppl get the chance to get the same gear as me with less work?? and whats the object of an endgame gear that everyone can get in few month? warsoul weapons for example were unreachable till yet. It was a big goal for someone to get it and farm all those mats! and if someone got such a weapon, he could be proud of it 'cause he may was the only one with it or one of the few!! something like an ultimate top gear and weapon should be hard to get!! not given away as a gift!! where is the incentive now for those who already got the best of the best and they even are not a rareness anymore?
    Those who wanted to get the best gear and best weapon that is available on the server wanted to be something special, thats why they worked so hard for it!
    Everyone should have the same chance to get it but everyone in the same hard way! otherwise its not fair..

    And its also unfair and stupid to give ppl such a good token reward for just killing ppl in nation wars! they should just get something when they captured a flag for example so that they need to do something for their reward! It's like taking candy of a baby for those, who join this event with top gear don't it? also for all the ppl there who just wait to steal any kills. Very brilliant >.< thats kinda fair if you make all the work and when your target got few hp left another **** dude is coming and stealing your kill O.O awesome!!! i've noticed stupid comments like "hey, next time forget the stupid flag, just run around and kill as much ppl as you can for getting more and more tokens" so wtf is wrong with you guys? thats capture the flag!! if ya wanna play like this we can also make it like in halo, that the fastest shooter gets the kill :o just one-shots are possible >.>

    You talk about pride as if it's something powerful in todays world and its not. Greed is. Business is all about greed IRL for your $$ as is PWI and people loving Nation Wars for easier top gear.
  • Posts: 87 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    LOL u talking about pwi being fair your top gear only good for 1 year. so everytime new gears come u farm what 6_7 months for them or save cash then within a yr of release those gears not top hear anymore. welcome to pwi b:laugh nothing can be considered special in more than 5 yrs game with major cashshopprs. b:bye
  • Posts: 146 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Exactly. Not exist a top gear but only a temporany top. In the last 2 year standard gears are improved of the double, same will be for next two years.
    Will come an r10 an r11 etc depend only from how long pwi will stay up.
  • Posts: 1,600 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I know theres a zillion threads and some predict the end of the world but he's a personal perspective.

    Ive been playing over 3 years and am undergeared for a couple reasons - not able to play long hours, have family so I dont spend money on game, levelled too many alts (still enjoy it but this is probably the main reason), being in Australia means when I'm on, my faction mates are generally all asleep so not a lot of cohesion for assistance.

    Anyway, what this has meant in the long term is that pking is off the table as the g15/16's, r8's and r9's of course, all went past me and made pk redundant for me. Same for TW, and Ive subsequently focused on pve and have geared and skilled myself basically just 'as necessary' to perform this role - I mean I dont need to be op to be a support player in BH100 for example.

    Now what has Nation Wars done. All of a sudden pking is back on the table because I could be squadded/teamed with anyone and I can as least have fun and do something totally different to my normal gameplay. I've suddenly started to research the lvl 100 skills and Morai skills and now have a reason to improve on my gears, take a different approach to genies, and basically get involved in all those types of pk things.

    For me NW is a new lease of life to this game. Economically it aint sorted out yet, but on HL its definately gotten busier when Im playing so changes seem to be afoot. Thats all.
  • Posts: 1,261 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    NW has made it possible for me to get new gear for me/my alts and also to put into my R9 fund that a very good friend of mine has started up for me and is merchanting on it 24/7 for me b:cute
    Tide_Surfer: "I feel SPESHALL *says like a lil kid*"
    Veneir: "Seashell? :3"
    Tide_Surfer: "Yes Veny, yes. A speshall seashell."
  • Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    NW make me want to gear up alts I stopped use for some reasons and make me want to use them again for PvP.

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • Posts: 252 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    NW is ridiculous. Discounting the rewards themselves this is what I have gained from NW. Made about 800m the first night because people still had shops open and sold like 70 raps for 1.2m each. Bad luck for them.

    Later that night set up a shop buying uncannies for 60k each. Bought 800 go me. Log on next day and see people buying them for 150k each. Think to myself wtf why are they paying so much.. oh wait. *Sells all to them* Look about 1 bill coins.

    I love NW.
    My main was Susamajii The Lost City Barbarian.
  • Posts: 522 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    NW is ridiculous. Discounting the rewards themselves this is what I have gained from NW. Made about 800m the first night because people still had shops open and sold like 70 raps for 1.2m each. Bad luck for them.

    Later that night set up a shop buying uncannies for 60k each. Bought 800 go me. Log on next day and see people buying them for 150k each. Think to myself wtf why are they paying so much.. oh wait. *Sells all to them* Look about 1 bill coins.

    I love NW.


    You sold 70 Raps at 1.2m, that's 84m.

    You bought 800 Unc at 60k (48m) and sold at 150k (120m), net profit 72m.

    84m + 72m = 156m. Last I checked, that was a tad short of 1 billion.
  • Posts: 252 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Yeah I did sell more than that lol sorry I typed wrong not gonna go fix it idgaf.
    My main was Susamajii The Lost City Barbarian.
  • Posts: 561 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    and here I always thought that those with small winkies were good in math. my bad b:chuckle
  • Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    It gives people that are skilled at PVP and TW but don't have a means to cash shop or farm for hours on end a way to actually earn better gear.

    The horror... b:shocked
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Posts: 462 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    What has NW and PvP in SP done for me, its great I went out and spent the money on 2 new games today with the cash I would have spent in this game b:laugh
    There are old Warriors, and bold Warriors,
    but there are very few old bold Warriors. b:chuckle
  • Posts: 756 Arc User
    edited November 2012

    For me NW is a new lease of life to this game. Economically it aint sorted out yet, but on HL its definately gotten busier when Im playing so changes seem to be afoot. Thats all.

    It's not gonna be "sorted out" due to raps being 1=1. This will make things a lot cheaper to buy, therefore perhaps making them more expensive as people just have to PK fr 2hours and BAM! 5-300 raps per person for free.

    What it's done for me is gotten me g15 daggers and g16 whenever the mold drops in WS one of these runs...
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    b:victory It stopped those 5 aps +10 or gtfo wc announcements for nirvy
    Go Pure or go Fail

    You have enemies? Good. That means you stood up for something in your life - Winston Churchill

    Status of PvP in RT

    The best pk in Raging Tides is in World Chat- Dylena
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    NW is a wonderful product--I can't say enough about it!

    I went from a size 10 to a size 2 in 4 months!

    It cleared up my acne in JUST A COUPLE OF WEEKS!

    My abs are so tight, and I lost 3 inches on my thighs!

    AND I can finally clean those hard-to-reach places on
    top my entertainment center!

    I would definitely recommend it to all my friends.
  • Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    The point in a rpg game its that if you play more and work harder to improve then you get stronger than the rest of the players, but now... it doesnt matter anymore, you can get the same things that other ppl got playing for months or years in 4 hours of NW, and im not complaining, just saying that this new instance should never have existed for the good of those who strove more


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