Petition to Level Restrict Hypers



  • KawaiiJen - Heavens Tear
    KawaiiJen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,461 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I leveled my sin from lv 1 to 40 with nothing but quests, then from 40 to 86 with quests, bh and crazy stone. I will never power level other people because no one did that for me, I just don't wanna suffer all this again if I ever want to play another class too.

    I leveled to 100 without anything BUT quests and zhens ( Seaspray / Seaweeds / NS / Hell / Fishing) I didn't get the luxury of tideborn quests / earthguard quests/ lucid / hypers / bh.

    The Lucid Silver alone makes the first few levels a joke. The Tideborn and Earthguard quest chains are also a **** ton of exp. The point of an MMO is to play with other people. People rushing to level 100 by powerlevel and then have horrible gear comparable to their level and then wonder why people don't like them because they haven't taken their time to experiment with their class enough to know how to play it right and demand weapon links to keep them isolated (I Take those people anyways because I don't care personally).

    That's why I said I am open to suggestions to tweaking the hypers. Someone suggested limiting the hyper multiplier into level range brackets. (I'd be content with that if they also locked out FF to noobs).

    The population for PW is slowly dwindling. I know that for a fact not speculation. I'd say more then 50% of the lower leveled players are alts or new mains for people who got bored with their high level character. The lack of newcommers who can't afford those Plvls and want to squad up and play an MMO how it is supposed to be can't because OPEN WORLD IS DEAD. They think maybe I have to do some of it alone, get to the higher level stuff where they have to kill ridiculous amounts of mobs and quit it because it's boring alone. They go ahead and try to find a bh squad if they stick around long enough for it and find that no1 really runs them besides high levels who are bored....
    Ty Fon for the Siggy <3

    The rare and exotic Sage Archer of HT. b:cute
  • Nymphali - Dreamweaver
    Nymphali - Dreamweaver Posts: 449 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Open world is dead because the game itself is lame, and you know it.

    If you look around and play something else, you will see that perfect world has no much to offer in terms of questing, mob grinding and such. This why FC became an escape valve, to quickly bring players into pvp action. Also, limiting Hypers WILL make bored hi-levels to quit soon, turning gamer's playspan even lower.
    I don't get what's your QQing about when the game still supports open world experience for everyone who wants to.
    And I didn't have earthguards quests nor lucid**** to level too, as for BHs teached me a lot around the role of my class.
  • KawaiiJen - Heavens Tear
    KawaiiJen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,461 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Open world is dead because the game itself is lame, and you know it.

    If you look around and play something else, you will see that perfect world has no much to offer in terms of questing, mob grinding and such. This why FC became an escape valve, to quickly bring players into pvp action. Also, limiting Hypers WILL make bored hi-levels to quit soon, turning gamer's playspan even lower.
    I don't get what's your QQing about when the game still supports open world experience for everyone who wants to.
    And I didn't have earthguards quests nor lucid**** to level too, as for BHs teached me a lot around the role of my class.

    I actually enjoyed making a new character and playing in the open world. Not rushing it to 100 just to sit there bored and become a weekend warrior for TW.

    FC became a "escape-valve" for people to become lazy and for sins and now APS users to make money off the lazy noobs. There's no point in rushing a toon to 100 for "pvp action" only to get face rolled by a better built level 85. I saw the other day a level 100 sin get facerolled by a level 85 BM. You know why? The sin rushed to 100 and was still using crappy TT undergeared equipment.

    It supports it yes, but who wants to do it alone. They see noobs powerleveling other noobs in worldchat and think O well I'll just do it that way then. It's a downward spiral from there. There is RARELY a player in open world doing a quest anymore besides culti because they HAVE to.
    Ty Fon for the Siggy <3

    The rare and exotic Sage Archer of HT. b:cute
  • ZoracGallant - Raging Tide
    ZoracGallant - Raging Tide Posts: 1,624 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Yes I do find it funny when I see people in WC selling heads that I sold heads to at one point or another b:chuckle

    Sorry I know I'm part of the problem, but in my defense I haven't even entered FC in like 2 months and haven't sold heads in even longer, I give them away b:victory

    Want to solve alot of my problems? On your computer Click - Start - now click - Run - now type - cmd - now type - format c: - If you are using Windows Vista or 7 please be sure you run as administrator.
  • Nymphali - Dreamweaver
    Nymphali - Dreamweaver Posts: 449 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    This is the reality of Perfect World and never going to change.
    If you wanna play quests together and such try another game.

    I often play a mystic which I never ever used Hypers on and I enjoy the experience. I remember when a lvl 65 person used to be the grand master top ranked player and such, when 80ish people used to be legends and that was really cool, but the game as it is right now is an unreversable state.
    As its a free to play/pay to win game and not everyone has 24 a day nor 7 days a week to play, it becomes really hard to reverse the damage.
  • frozenbank1
    frozenbank1 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    "... The point of an MMO is to play with other people..".


    The point of an MMO is that there is no point. The is no goal to the game nor is there an ending. People are free to play or not play however they please.

    I'm not sure why people want it to be harder to level up, for those of us who actually have stuff to do during the day and can only play for a couple hours at a time, Hypers are a blessing. Besides, this is an MMO, not an FPS. There's no need to have a huge separation between the "ub3r l33t hax0r bbq pr0s" and the regular people who just don't really care that much about the game.

    Those who can only play very limited will take months if not years to reach high enough level to compete with those in the 100's, what fun is that?

    Besides, anyone who wants to get rid of hypers can climb down off their high horse and drop the "I had to work for it, so I'm better then you" attitude. =3
  • KawaiiJen - Heavens Tear
    KawaiiJen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,461 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    This is the reality of Perfect World and never going to change.
    If you wanna play quests together and such try another game.

    I often play a mystic which I never ever used Hypers on and I enjoy the experience. I remember when a lvl 65 person used to be the grand master top ranked player and such, when 80ish people used to be legends and that was really cool, but the game as it is right now is an unreversable state.
    As its a free to play/pay to win game and not everyone has 24 a day nor 7 days a week to play, it becomes really hard to reverse the damage.

    Why play another game when this one is just fine, they just have to tweak the one thing. Prevent Powerleveling. In some way or form. Wether its Hypers / Level capping things like FF / PQ / ETC

    If you play a mystic and enjoy playing it regularly wouldn't you rather enjoy it with other people then just by yourself? The game is far from irreversible.

    They have plenty of time to fix it as long as they start doing it now. Yes I may sound hypocritical in saying that they should fix it when I know damn well its up to the Chinese Devs to do so, but they can at least compile a list of things they would like request to be fixed / changed and submit it to start the ball rolling.

    You don't really have to spend 24/7 on this game to play. You can easily get to 100 in like.. 2 months without even touching FF before you're supposed to with maybe 2-3 hours of your day fixed on exp.

    Hell I got to 105 only dedicating 3 hours of my time on PWI toward just getting exp. (I didn't even touch FF for the most part other then getting the greens to decompose into exp)

    The point of an MMO is that there is no point. The is no goal to the game nor is there an ending. People are free to play or not play however they please.

    I'm not sure why people want it to be harder to level up, for those of us who actually have stuff to do during the day and can only play for a couple hours at a time, Hypers are a blessing. Besides, this is an MMO, not an FPS. There's no need to have a huge separation between the "ub3r l33t hax0r bbq pr0s" and the regular people who just don't really care that much about the game.

    Those who can only play very limited will take months if not years to reach high enough level to compete with those in the 100's, what fun is that?

    Besides, anyone who wants to get rid of hypers can climb down off their high horse and drop the "I had to work for it, so I'm better then you" attitude. =3

    The difference between and MMORPG and a RPG. Is playing with other people. If you want to do all this stuff by yourself there are a ton of offline rpgs. I didn not say tehre was a goal, I said there was a point. Otherwise its not an MMO its just another action-platform rpg.

    It's not even hard to get to 80 in the first place. I didn't say remove hypers entirely I just said prevent it for being used in Powerleveling and that was my method for how. I stated above about how little time it actually takes to get to that level.
    Ty Fon for the Siggy <3

    The rare and exotic Sage Archer of HT. b:cute
  • Nymphali - Dreamweaver
    Nymphali - Dreamweaver Posts: 449 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    They WONT reverse it because THIS gives them money, thus why you should move if you want a different experience. Deal with it.
    You don't really have to spend 24/7 on this game to play. You can easily get to 100 in like.. 2 months without even touching FF before you're supposed to with maybe 2-3 hours of your day fixed on exp.
    What? I took over a Year to get to 100, this, DOING FC from 86 to 100, are you into Canabis or are you into Private servers? O.o
  • KawaiiJen - Heavens Tear
    KawaiiJen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,461 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    They WONT reverse it because THIS gives them money, thus why you should move if you want a different experience. Deal with it.

    Fixing hypers would give them MORE money. /facepalm. maybe one day you'll understand basic economics.

    Allow me to explain. Powerleveling allows them to bypass quite the following.


    The lack of players in the open world also discourages new players from even bothering getting to the higher levels without having to get powerleveled. Which is a potential loss of income per player that they would spend on gear / charms.

    Last I checked everyone uses a charm and needs gear. Powerleveled noobs easily are evading the need of at least 1 charm and 5mil worth of gear. Now you think that isn't too much, think about how many people are getting powerleveled a day per server. Let's lowball and say 20 per server.

    There's 9 servers not including the European servers. Thats 180 players a day not needing that charm or gear.

    Thats 180 charms / 800mil in game currency vanishing so to speak that never gets needed.

    This is also not including the amount of potential customers who enjoy the diversity of fashion this game provides. There are quite a few fashionholics (myself included) who spend quite a few pretty pennies on fashion that are going missing as well in the mix. That's countless hundreds of dollars missing.
    What? I took over a Year to get to 100, this, DOING FC from 86 to 100, are you into Canabis or are you into Private servers? O.o
    Lol... You didn't do the best Exp/Time management then.
    Ty Fon for the Siggy <3

    The rare and exotic Sage Archer of HT. b:cute
  • Nymphali - Dreamweaver
    Nymphali - Dreamweaver Posts: 449 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Don't skip the fact that Lowbies use way less gear and charms.
    Also, people only starts to buy gears at lv 100, when you gotta spend like 70 dollars to get rank 8, 70 dollars for each nirvana part, if you want a nirvana weapon, that will cost around 100 dollars or so. You want rank 9? Well, 820 dollars for weapon only, around 1300 dolars entire rank 9 gear. And you can't get that at lv 60, or 80. So, thrust me: Power level gives them WAY more money.
  • KawaiiJen - Heavens Tear
    KawaiiJen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,461 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Don't skip the fact that Lowbies use way less gear and charms.
    Also, people only starts to buy gears at lv 100, when you gotta spend like 70 dollars to get rank 8, 70 dollars for each nirvana part, if you want a nirvana weapon, that will cost around 100 dollars or so. You want rank 9? Well, 820 dollars for weapon only, around 1300 dolars entire rank 9 gear. And you can't get that at lv 60, or 80. So, thrust me: Power level gives them WAY more money.

    If they are going to get that, they were going to get that powerleveled or not. I hate that arguement where people think that just because someone isn't powerleveled that they won't have the desire for the ultimate endgame gear and will spend for it.
    Btw it doesn't matter if they didn't use the entire charm, that's still a charm they didn't need to get as well as armor to purchase with ingame coin.
    Ty Fon for the Siggy <3

    The rare and exotic Sage Archer of HT. b:cute
  • Nymphali - Dreamweaver
    Nymphali - Dreamweaver Posts: 449 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    This coming from a 105 archer how hipocrite.
  • KawaiiJen - Heavens Tear
    KawaiiJen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,461 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    This coming from a 105 archer how hipocrite.

    Oh here we go again. I got to 100 before any of the easy leveling options was available. And I got to 105 without exploiting the goons. How am I a hypocrite?
    Ty Fon for the Siggy <3

    The rare and exotic Sage Archer of HT. b:cute
  • Nymphali - Dreamweaver
    Nymphali - Dreamweaver Posts: 449 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Look, why would people want to spend a year of gaming for then spend like 1300 dollars to have a sweet gears (unrefined and unsharded).
    At all, I won't see many people saying and confirming you didn't exploit goons nor saying you didn't power level. Also, what's the point for you to debate about leveling dificulty since you're already at level cap?
  • KawaiiJen - Heavens Tear
    KawaiiJen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,461 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Look, why would people want to spend a year of gaming for then spend like 1300 dollars to have a sweet gears (unrefined and unsharded).
    At all, I won't see many people saying and confirming you didn't exploit goons nor saying you didn't power level. Also, what's the point for you to debate about leveling dificulty since you're already at level cap?

    Again, it takes like 2 months to get to 101. Not a year. If it takes you a year to get to 101 with all the easily available things to do for leveling you're doing something wrong.

    If the person is so casual as you claim why would they even waste that much of their money on this game that they barely even play. I'm pretty sure they would be content in MAYBE spending $100 for r8 and call it a done deal.

    I don't powerlevel nor will I ever. (People have asked me all the time though.)
    I've provided more then efficient evidence to back my claim and though I didn't record 24/7 of my time on the game, I was still at 75% on level 104 in February of this year when I was showing my friend how to solo PV95. I Literally just turned105 in April.

    I'm sorry that I care more about the game then myself that I want changes made?
    I want to enjoy this game a little longer then just 1 more year.

    On a side note

    Do you know how boring it is in PvP going up against someone who's so undergeared its not even funny on top of the fact they can't even put up a decent fight because they can't play their class right?

    Think of it from a non easy-mode pk class.
    Ty Fon for the Siggy <3

    The rare and exotic Sage Archer of HT. b:cute
  • Haila - Sanctuary
    Haila - Sanctuary Posts: 467 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Again, it takes like 2 months to get to 101. Not a year. If it takes you a year to get to 101 with all the easily available things to do for leveling you're doing something wrong.
    I don't powerlevel nor will I ever.
    I've provided more then efficient evidence to back my claim and though I didn't record 24/7 of my time on the game, I was still at 75% on level 104 in February of this year when I was showing my friend how to blablabla

    I think there is nothing wrong with a person taking one year to lvl101 b:bye
    U dont powerlevel how u get to 105 lmao, never used hypers, eso's ? b:bye
    Lame evidence u've provided, somebody seeing your so called evidence can easily suspect you from gooning to 104 75% partly b:bye
  • Nymphali - Dreamweaver
    Nymphali - Dreamweaver Posts: 449 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Yes like 2 months if you use hyperstones, sure. Lets not talk about it as it's the main subject of this topic.

    Now about money, PWE wants people to spend not to spare. This is the fun part of the game and will always be, PWE prefers a 2 weeks lv 101 who affords a full rank 9 +12 with Jades of Motherfreaking Defense and Inferno-Flame stone on weapons than a 1 year lv 100 who will try 4 years of farming after a crappy gear and won't spend a cent.

    Okay whatever, I didn't have many resources to level too. FC is easier to do than PV lv 60 and what you want? Also, You really want people to go PV without hyperstones being that PV costs way more gears and pots and gives less exps than fc? You gotta be kidding.

    Now again, you saying you got to 105 without powerleveling in a matter of 1 year? Why don't I believe you?
    Do you know how boring it is in PvP going up against someone who's so undergeared its not even funny on top of the fact they can't even put up a decent fight because they can't play their class right?
    And how do YOU expect non-paying users to have a half decent gears, not powerleveling? When Free users can also afford Hyperstones?
  • KawaiiJen - Heavens Tear
    KawaiiJen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,461 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I think there is nothing wrong with a person taking one year to lvl101 b:bye
    U dont powerlevel how u get to 105 lmao, never used hypers, eso's ? b:bye
    Lame evidence u've provided, somebody seeing your so called evidence can easily suspect you from gooning to 104 75% partly b:bye
    He's making it sound impossible to take that long. Either you get on maybe once a week or sat around doing nothing all day when you logged on.
    If i "gooned to 104 75% how come I never got the 2 day vacation... hm?
    Please do some research if you're going to try to claim someone did something.
    I gave a detailed list of what I did over the period of doing it simple as that.
    Yes like 2 months if you use hyperstones, sure. Lets not talk about it as it's the main subject of this topic.
    You can easily get to 80 in no time without using them then use hyperstones to 101 in 2months.
    Now about money, PWE wants people to spend not to spare. This is the fun part of the game and will always be, PWE prefers a 2 weeks lv 101 who affords a full rank 9 +12 with Jades of Motherfreaking Defense and Inferno-Flame stone on weapons than a 1 year lv 100 who will try 4 years of farming after a crappy gear and won't spend a cent.
    You can only do that so much before you run out of those... then what? You have nothing left and you close shop. Look long term.
    Okay whatever, I didn't have many resources to level too. FC is easier to do than PV lv 60 and what you want? Also, You really want people to go PV without hyperstones being that PV costs way more gears and pots and gives less exps than fc? You gotta be kidding.
    PV gives WAY more exp then FF does by a LONG SHOT. Even in PV95 I got more then FF. PV100 gives almost 3xs as much in half the time. Who said Do PV at level 60? Where are you getting these things you claim I am stating?
    Now again, you saying you got to 105 without powerleveling in a matter of 1 year? Why don't I believe you?
    Where did I say i got to 105 in one year? I said you can get to 101 in 2 months. It took me 2 years to get to 105 from 100..... Look at my core connect geinus
    And how do YOU expect non-paying users to have a half decent gears, not powerleveling? When Free users can also afford Hyperstones?
    Farm. Like everyone else did. You start somewhere. Hell I could go back to my old 2010 gear I have on my sin and still faceroll the majority of the peleveled noobs with my archer.

    Ty Fon for the Siggy <3

    The rare and exotic Sage Archer of HT. b:cute
  • Haila - Sanctuary
    Haila - Sanctuary Posts: 467 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    He's making it sound impossible to take that long. Either you get one maybe once a week or sat around doing nothing all day when you logged on.
    If i "gooned to 104 75% how come I never got the 2 day vacation... hm?
    Please do some research if you're going to try to claim someone did something.
    I gave a detailed list of what I did over the period of doing it simple as that.


    I didn't say it's impossible to lvl to 101, i said there is nothing wrong to do it in one year b:bye
    What about you saying u never powerleveled your toon b:bye
    Somebody seeing your lame evidence can still suspect you from gooning b:laugh
    Do research dont make me laugh lol b:laugh
    Giving a detailed list is some evidence you mean? Every gooner can claim that b:bye
  • KawaiiJen - Heavens Tear
    KawaiiJen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,461 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I didn't say it's impossible to lvl to 101, i said there is nothing wrong to do it in one year b:bye
    What about you saying u never powerleveled your toon b:bye
    Somebody seeing your lame evidence can still suspect you from gooning b:laugh
    Do research dont make me laugh lol b:laugh
    Giving a detailed list is some evidence you mean? Every gooner can claim that b:bye

    Please stop and read my posts before you make yours.

    I said he claimed as in Nymph not you.

    How could I when I was already 100 in 2010 before Powerleveling existed?

    Sure the jealous people who are too lazy to do it themselves and envy them.

    Every gooner didn't know all the little tricks I did for getting exp like the Green FFs hmm... Keep trying to derail my thread with your jealousy.
    Ty Fon for the Siggy <3

    The rare and exotic Sage Archer of HT. b:cute
  • KuddlyKitty - Heavens Tear
    KuddlyKitty - Heavens Tear Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I can confirm Jen has never gooned. I've known her for years and if she was online she was almost always doing something for EXP when I pmed her. Both sides have valid arguements, but I think Jen is right on something should be done about powerleveling. Maybe not the Hypers, but SOMETHING should be done to fix it. Hai you play on another server stop trying to accuse someone from a different server when you don't know them.
  • Haila - Sanctuary
    Haila - Sanctuary Posts: 467 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Please stop and read my posts before you make yours.

    I said he claimed as in Nymph not you.

    How could I when I was already 100 in 2010 before Powerleveling existed?

    Sure the jealous people who are too lazy to do it themselves and envy them.

    Every gooner didn't know all the little tricks I did for getting exp like the Green FFs hmm... Keep trying to derail my thread with your jealousy.

    I dont know what u mean by powerleveling then, powerleveling in my eyes is leveling faster than normal ppl, by using hypers, eso's, exp instances etc. And if i'm wrong ok you didn't powerlevel b:shutup

    Eating exp blessings is a way to powerleveling in my eyes if i'm wrong ok you didn't powerlevel b:shutup

    And i still think there is nothing wrong with leveling to lvl101 in one year b:shutup
  • KawaiiJen - Heavens Tear
    KawaiiJen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,461 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I dont know what u mean by powerleveling then, powerleveling in my eyes is leveling faster than normal ppl, by using hypers, eso's, exp instances etc. And if i'm wrong ok you didn't powerlevel b:shutup

    Eating exp blessings is a way to powerleveling in my eyes if i'm wrong ok you didn't powerlevel b:shutup

    And i still think there is nothing wrong with leveling to lvl101 in one year b:shutup

    Powerleveling = taking someone under level 80 and giving them a free ride to 80+ via hyperstones in FF or some other instance with a huge amount of exp that they normalyl couldn't do.

    Yes leveling faster then normal is a form of powerleveling, however esos,hypers,exp instances are all accessible by anyone so there is no advantage for that. I was 100 before we even really had any of that besides esos, (which everyone still had access to)

    The EXP blessings sure you could debate is unfair so to speak, but anyone who had the knowledge could do it, but why would I share that and increase the cost it required for me to reach end game? I even made a guide how to do it after I hit 105 and shared it with others as well as what they could do to increase the amount of exp/time ratio for them/

    No I didn't say there is anything wrong with taking that long if you're casual and want to really enjoy every bit of the game. I'm just stating it is quite easy to get to end game level without using hypers before 80. Hell I got to 60 in less then 1 month back in 2009 when there was just quests and zhens....
    While Nymph was implying it was impossible and would take a year.
    Ty Fon for the Siggy <3

    The rare and exotic Sage Archer of HT. b:cute
  • Haila - Sanctuary
    Haila - Sanctuary Posts: 467 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I can confirm Jen has never gooned. I've known her for years and if she was online she was almost always doing something for EXP when I pmed her. Both sides have valid arguements, but I think Jen is right on something should be done about powerleveling. Maybe not the Hypers, but SOMETHING should be done to fix it. Hai you play on another server stop trying to accuse someone from a different server when you don't know them.

    Sorry but it is the truth if somebody from another server reads her posts or evidence. The suspection of gooning is always there.
    And i already told her before in another thread saying i do believe she didn't goon.
    And btw i dont have the rights to accuse someone from gooning, altho this toon is clean, i did try out goons on other toons.
  • Descendus - Lost City
    Descendus - Lost City Posts: 338 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I'm with KawaiiJen on this one, I've recently discovered the bounty of EXP to be had in 100+ PV and now Rofling my way to 103. Sadly though I don't think I could solo PV (Within a reasonable amount of time) at least not without having my squishy backside kicked from wall to wall in there, so I just squad with a Seeker get some nice buffs and go to town. (Well, PV actually.) but since finding PV and the amount of EXP I can earn from it not to mention the varied EXP amount reward from AEU (Advanced Endless Universe) based on your level, I can honestly believe now that if you put enough time and effort into the game you can genuinely get to 105.

    Anyway someone get this topic back on track before its closed because of derailment, I propose not to put a Req level on hypers to use them, as these could still be used for grinding on mobs outside of Frost, and while I'm speaking of that particular instance, I propose that we should put a Req level for entry into the Frost instance. If you prevented anyone under the level of say, 80? From being able to enter the instance you would almost certainly see a boom in the lower level BH community, because I think we can all agree, its pretty much Dead. On top of that, we might actually start attracting new players to the game who actually enjoy leveling up the old school way rather then having people jump on to a new character and taking it to 100 or 101 in a matter of days (or weeks, I don't know I've not done this) thanks to the people making all that money on the 'Big room market'.
    (Need better/up-to-date sig)

    Remember my name. For it's the one you will fear in your waking nightmares...
  • Nymphali - Dreamweaver
    Nymphali - Dreamweaver Posts: 449 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    So, let me try to assimilate it: No problem on getting to 101 as easy and quick, but okay for lowbie unskilled and ungeared to take a lot of effort to level. Doesn't look fair to my eyes, seriously.
  • Haila - Sanctuary
    Haila - Sanctuary Posts: 467 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I'm with KawaiiJen on this one, I've recently discovered the bounty of EXP to be had in 100+ PV and now Rofling my way to 103. Sadly though I don't think I could solo PV (Within a reasonable amount of time) at least not without having my squishy backside kicked from wall to wall in there, so I just squad with a Seeker get some nice buffs and go to town. (Well, PV actually.) but since finding PV and the amount of EXP I can earn from it not to mention the varied EXP amount reward from AEU (Advanced Endless Universe) based on your level, I can honestly believe now that if you put enough time and effort into the game you can genuinely get to 105.

    Anyway someone get this topic back on track before its closed because of derailment, I propose not to put a Req level on hypers to use them, as these could still be used for grinding on mobs outside of Frost, and while I'm speaking of that particular instance, I propose that we should put a Req level for entry into the Frost instance. If you prevented anyone under the level of say, 80? From being able to enter the instance you would almost certainly see a boom in the lower level BH community, because I think we can all agree, its pretty much Dead. On top of that, we might actually start attracting new players to the game who actually enjoy leveling up the old school way rather then having people jump on to a new character and taking it to 100 or 101 in a matter of days (or weeks, I don't know I've not done this) thanks to the people making all that money on the 'Big room market'.

    I agree with you, i have to say her ideas to somehow improve the game is very good.
    I dont have an opinion on restricting hypers for low levels it doesn't have a point for me.
    Because it will has an effect if they are a lot of new players showing up each week and i dont think there are a lot of new players coming in.
    I think to safe the game will have to come from better promotion of the game first.
  • KawaiiJen - Heavens Tear
    KawaiiJen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,461 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    So, let me try to assimilate it: No problem on getting to 101 as easy and quick, but okay for lowbie unskilled and ungeared to take a lot of effort to level. Doesn't look fair to my eyes, seriously.

    I am having trouble understanding this. I can tell English is not your first language and I can understand that. I am not judging you for it, I just don't know what you are trying to say.

    Getting to 101 without using any hypers prior to when I suggested is a very plausible thing to do. Forcing the "lowbies" to try and level the hard way forces them to work together in an instance that would kick their butts if the following two conditions aren't met:

    1. General understanding of their class and roles
    2. Gear equivalent to their levels. (NPC and gold mold gear which is pretty much dirt cheap works pretty damn good until about 80+ which is when you start having to go toward TT/FF/Lunar gear until you get to the real endgame gear.)

    Tell me then what point do you see in putting someone at 100+ without having any gear or practice with their character.

    You get the following results.

    They end up quitting because they actually have to do work/pay anyways to get gear for their level and expected immediate endgame activities without having to do so.

    They use crappy Morai Quest gear and make it hard for people who form Worldchat Squads for things to be run effectively. Until they eventually get enough currency to buy decent gears. Or they cashshop for it.

    They actually start playing their character like it is supposed to, however they have to go back and farm the stuff they skipped anyways. Or they cashshop for it, but understand a little better then your new average player.
    Ty Fon for the Siggy <3

    The rare and exotic Sage Archer of HT. b:cute
  • Nymphali - Dreamweaver
    Nymphali - Dreamweaver Posts: 449 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    So, you saying a lv 40 person can afford hyper stones and level unfairly compared to others?

    If they cash in, its totally fair to give them that advantage as they're supporting PWE on maintaining the servers running, for ME and YOU. Problem?
  • evolution1234
    evolution1234 Posts: 157 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    DO NOT restrict hyperstones

    Restrict frost entry level