FC Glitch Update
Yuna_Sama - Heavens Tear wrote: »Well if it bothers you so much... Why keep playing here? the GM's made a decision in their game... Since it's not your game why not just move on and use the time you're using now to QQ for lvling instead? b:avoid
this implys somehow that we as a player base dont have a right to complain about the obvious unfairness of this paticular action on pwe. you say its there game and leagaly speaking ofc your correct. but in the sence that the game dies without us the playerbase it is really our game. we are customers of a service therefore as the customer i have a right to be displeased with the situation and request it be rectified all the way untill my last breath is drawn if i so choose it. letting things slide and allowing this kind of stuff to go on without saying anything is just plain dumb. you wouldnt let some other kind of propriotor sell you a lesser product and not say a word about it. why is this different? there is absolutly no excuse for pwes current course of action. this ignoreing issues and letting people cheat and not listening to us in general is just plain wrong. if i owned this company i would havent thought twice about getting rid of unwanted game elements like cheaters and scammers for instance. in the real world crimanals are mostly punished. this paticular action gave a horde of people a unfair advantage. more dmg higher stealth lvls and the ability to take more dmg and have extra stat points to distribute. this alone allows them to farm more money sell more fc's sell trophy mode and farm more nirvana and tt for profit thus giveing them a entirely unfair advantage that they didnt earn in any way shape or form. when you exploit something you are taking advantage of something in order to gain something else in a deceptive or tricky mannor. why would you allow cheaters to continue after there caught completely unharmed with absolutly no punishment. the argument that its somehow pwe's fault for not fixing it sooner is a excuse for buckleing under the weight of the ammount of tickets sent in. so i sugest that we who are so upset about this send them a ticket every single day untill this is resolved they cannot posibly ignore all the tickets and it is the system set in place for us to complain so let them have to read it every day maybe they will realize there mistake and correct it. simple fact is that no one who has reached 105 before the glitch was resolved did not glitch they dont need a tracking system the math has been done. so with this wall of text i hope to see something start maybe a new era of them actually listening to whats said by us there customer[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]ty mystic man for the sig0 -
Wuild Gars 2 withdrawal is a b*tch b:surrenderRetired b:bye0
Aurores - Heavens Tear wrote: »Wuild Gars 2 withdrawal is a b*tch b:surrender
I know the feeling! b:shedtear
Anyone else notice that they felt the need to unsticky this thread so it would fade away (lol wrong?) and the thread about the rankings page is still up there? The last post was in April asking why it was still stickied. I think it was a valid question.
Why unsticky something like this and leave that up there? To show that they were actually capable of fixing something? Personally, I think this thread should have remained stickied to show old and new players how the company handles game breaking glitches and the people that abuse them.0 -
Knownase - Heavens Tear wrote: »Players get banned longer for cussing profanities and demeaning slurs, than exploiting a glitch.
Remember that.
ROFLMAO Was it YOU I was talking to then this past week about this? HOW, I was naughty and Kanta punished me for ummm xxx number of days for getting too frisky in WC? LMAO THIS post made me LOL hard. This post should meet and untimely death but we SHOULD start one on have you ever been temp banned. And pointing at Traz I have spent more money than many on here as faction leader in the past. ijs. Humps ya both and goes off into the sunrise to enjoy it while it lasts.Everyone needs a good innocent girly hump every now & then.
Nymfysubstaz - Dreamweaver wrote: »ROFLMAO Was it YOU I was talking to then this past week about this? HOW, I was naughty and Kanta punished me for ummm xxx number of days for getting too frisky in WC? LMAO THIS post made me LOL hard. This post should meet and untimely death but we SHOULD start one on have you ever been temp banned. And pointing at Traz I have spent more money than many on here as faction leader in the past. ijs. Humps ya both and goes off into the sunrise to enjoy it while it lasts.
Imma just leave this here....I've quit excluding TW for my faction. But I still hang around to help out those who still enjoy the game under PWEs horrific handling and to have fun in the forums. b:cute
#Shame about PWEs absolutely craptastic handling of the goons glitching. Remember kids, there's no punishment for breaking the rules here!#
If you make a valid complaint, your thread will disapear. Don't post it here, post it on other sites where PW can't hide it.0 -
Wow, I'm shocked that this thread hasn't been closed by Frankieraye or another staff @ PWE yet. Isn't it part of their policy to hide things like this under the rug after a few weeks? Oh well, in due time I suspect.
I miss Wars w/ Guilds deuce as well guys. I barely got a taste of the last beta, 'cause the whole weekend I was working closing and opening shifts. When I did get a chance to play, I was still forced to play on my non-gaming laptop, since my 1.5k USD gaming rig hadn't arrived yet at that time. The next beta, I'll be able to play with an amazing 1080p 24 inch monitor, i7 2700k processor, 8GB RAM, NVIDIA GTX 560 2GB, etc. Can't wait!0 -
Tremblewith - Heavens Tear wrote: »Wow, I'm shocked that this thread hasn't been closed by Frankieraye or another staff @ PWE yet. Isn't it part of their policy to hide things like this under the rug after a few weeks? O
' well, in due time I suspect.
I miss Wars w/ Guilds deuce as well guys. I barely got a taste of the last beta, 'cause the whole weekend I was working closing and opening shifts. When I did get a chance to play, I was still forced to play on my non-gaming laptop, since my 1.5k USD gaming rig hadn't arrived yet at that time. The next beta, I'll be able to play with an amazing 1080p 24 inch monitor, i7 2700k processor, 8GB RAM, NVIDIA GTX 560 2GB, etc. Can't wait!
Give'em time, Trem.......... LoLoL
They'll Probably do it soon; once they once again Misinterpret Our Attention Spans, 'Memories', Intentions, 'ChEcKbOoK Balances', EyE CoLoRs, 'HaIr TyPeS', IQ's, 'PeTs NaMeS',,,, ThE TiMe DiFferEnTiAlS it takes For Varying SPECIEs Of RHABID GERBALs TO,0 Get it ON & MATE!,,, 'Why there is Gravity',,,, What is Atmosphere,,, 'Where on Earth is Carmin SanDiego?!',,,,, & Why SPANKY and the rest of the OUR GANG Crew, decided to eat ALFALFA & BUCKWHEAT During the GREAT 1930s Hollywood STARzz Famine......
And! Generally Loose, the Very Last Part of their senses of 'Good Judgement', as they continue to show their 'General Disconnect' from the Masses who used to depend on & Believe in them............b:pleased
They'll Get there sooner or later.......b:victory
b:laugh___HEHEHEHEEHEHEEHeheeheehehe0 -
Foxy_Fiona - Heavens Tear wrote: »I know the feeling! b:shedtear
Just got my Wuild Gars Thrillogy and EoTN DVDs in the mail yesterday, gonna play through it to ease the pain and work on my HoM until the next BWE b:cuteRetired b:bye0 -
Where do you think you are going Mr. Thread. b:angry
*lassos thread*
Back up to the top you go!If you find yourself hopelessly pulled towards running into massive amounts of mobs in a vain attempt to aoe them all to death.......You just might be a bm.0 -
Reaperarm - Harshlands wrote: »Where do you think you are going Mr. Thread. b:angry
*lassos thread*
Back up to the top you go!
lmaob:laugh[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
What did I tell you Mr. Thread!
Don't make me get the hose!
That's what I thought. Get your butt back up there. b:angryIf you find yourself hopelessly pulled towards running into massive amounts of mobs in a vain attempt to aoe them all to death.......You just might be a bm.0 -
insted of just lasoing it so they close this thing out and i got to copy past it how bout we actually talk about it and stuff for instance
this glitch has completely ruind the prospect of new players ariveing alot will see pwe's lack of action as a reason not to play here maybe not all but alot will not like the idea of getting cheated and told to take it[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]ty mystic man for the sig0 -
Cimon - Harshlands wrote: »insted of just lasoing it so they close this thing out and i got to copy past it how bout we actually talk about it and stuff for instance
this glitch has completely ruind the prospect of new players ariveing alot will see pwe's lack of action as a reason not to play here maybe not all but alot will not like the idea of getting cheated and told to take it
I completely agree lets have some actual discussion. You are very right about the way pwe handled this situation. It's very obvious this game is seeing very few new players if any at all. It becomes painfully obvious if you make a new character and quest your way up. All the quest areas and grinding spots are essentially dead. I think there are many reasons for this.
The first being (imo) is that pwi is showing its age and there are many new games out there drawing more attention. Another good reason (imo) is that pwe has earned a bad reputation amongst the gaming community because of mismanagement such as the issue this thread is covers. Overall there are many reasons this game is seeing such a decline but far to many to cover in just one post.
I'll end this post with this. I would love to see this game see some serious revamping and a influx of new players. Nothing would make me happier than to quest and see people out grinding and making squads to beat bosses and run instances other than fc. Sadly i don't see this future for pwi. Imo pwi is already to far gone to fix, the damage has been done. A great idea (imo) is a new pwi. PWI 3 perhaps. A whole new pwi with new graphics and a continued storyline. Totally new classes and instances and based in the somewhat distant future of the current pwi.This game has alot of potential to go much farther than what pwe is doing with it. It will be a sad day indeed when the servers finally shutdown. Wich doesnt seem to be to far off. I won't say the game is dead yet but it is definitly a shell of its former self.If you find yourself hopelessly pulled towards running into massive amounts of mobs in a vain attempt to aoe them all to death.......You just might be a bm.0 -
i think personally it can be fixed the real question is will pwe actually do it. the problem is lower lvl content can be skipped for the most part and high end content is super exspensive. or at least its what ive sermised from other forum posts and my own experiance i lvld my alt fairly quickly to 101 with no issue i can understand on a account that youve already done everything u might wanna skip some of the bs. but it leaves low lvls without squads for there everyday life thus forceing them into the ffc market. all the peices are here someone make something of this i ran outa thought.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]ty mystic man for the sig0
Well the problem is pretty much that FC has destroyed the balance of levels in the game. We now have tons of 100+ people and few new people coming in and staying. I'm sure there are some new people to the game, but for every 5 that try the game I'm sure 4 quit before lvl 50 because of how much the game has become pay to win. The only way this game will survive for another year with all the other games coming out is to fix the balance. They need new players and they need those players to play and bring more players, instead all they are focused on is players csing.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Want to solve alot of my problems? On your computer Click - Start - now click - Run - now type - cmd - now type - format c: - If you are using Windows Vista or 7 please be sure you run as administrator.0 -
quite right mr zorc quite right
with ver little insentive for a newer playerbase this game will head to death maybe as a whole comunity we should look for low lvls and hang with them for like a week and help them grow or something just a thought[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]ty mystic man for the sig0 -
ZoracGallant - Raging Tide wrote: »Well the problem is pretty much that FC has destroyed the balance of levels in the game.
What are you talking about or mean by balance of levels? There are many alternatives to FC for XP.We now have tons of 100+ people and few new people coming in and staying.
Yet people still complain about shops in W.Archosaur causing lag. You want us more over populated?I'm sure there are some new people to the game, but for every 5 that try the game I'm sure 4 quit before lvl 50 because of how much the game has become pay to win.
Can you show us actual numbers of those coming and going?The only way this game will survive for another year with all the other games coming out is to fix the balance.
People been saying this game is dead for years now. I'll ignore you like I did them.They need new players and they need those players to play and bring more players, instead all they are focused on is players csing.
The new skills, weapon imbues, etc that came with Descent require questing and no coin. Anyone that's tried playing a new toon can see the uber time sensitive gear newcomers are provided with for free. Stuff like molds we paid a lot for a long time ago is so much easier to obtain.0 -
What are you talking about or mean by balance of levels? There are many alternatives to FC for XP.
Ain't that the truth...... (FC Abuse), is just the worst of them though...........b:spit
Yet people still complain about shops in W.Archosaur causing lag. You want us more over populated?
What do you mean lagg? I went onto the game & {HT Server} for the first time in almost (3 months) and Damn near Face Faulted!??!?!? When I thought I Went to {ARCHO SERVER!!!!} on a slow day instead.....b:shocked__It was so dead in {HT} this last weekend, I almost thought I was hallucinating......
I guess that their new (2 Active Account's at a time only for everyone rule) Finally got rid of 85% of the Little Laggy maze of Unwanted Kittyshops!! Since I was last on..... So I found 'Archosaur City' quite Lagg Free! For the first time, since year 1 of the game.... b:chuckle
Can you show us actual numbers of those coming and going?
At this point, the CoMpLeTe Lack! Of People Crowding the Cities (In-game) Speaks Loads more, then the actual numbers that {PWE} will still never let us see or hear about.....
People been saying this game is dead for years now. I'll ignore you like I did them.
Got me there!? I Myself, will only consider the game DeAd when they close it down..... Until then though, I'll just consider it on a Half A***d... Failing Life Support System, run by a (Geriatric Snail!) & (Senile Energizer Bunny!!) with 'Miopy' and no 'Arms or Legs' to Help Keep this game Alfoat! in the Great Biblical Flood!!!!!! of their Mismanagement, until then......LOLOLOLOLzzzzzz
The new skills, weapon imbues, etc that came with Descent require questing and no coin. Anyone that's tried playing a new toon can see the uber time sensitive gear newcomers are provided with for free. Stuff like molds we paid a lot for a long time ago is so much easier to obtain.
True Enough, But this game is still way to {Pay Centric} nowadays... Especially when compared to the first (2 Years) of its existance (Now if only {PWE} had used that money to Hire confident staffers, for {PWi} so that they coulda kept it from going into a nearly total {FAIL BaBy STEW!!} Mode) But sadly they didn't........b:surrender
BTW: Frankie, do you think you could get {PWEs} (PROGs & DEVs) to put in more 'CobWebs' and 'Cricket Noises' in all of those now 'Empty Playing Fields' I noticed, as I was Riding my character though them on its mount, this weekend?????
I Mean Seriously, I didn't even see 50 players running around outside of Archosaur City Saturday night?!?!?!?!?
Atleast! Give it some {Cicada Noises} in those areas, so we can have new (Sound Defects) to accompany us, as we kick back & Relax!! While we get tO,0 watch the Floorboards Warp! from all that (Old Age) & (Non-Usage) SPheel!!!! since theres no longer anymore (Low Levs) around to help out anymore........b:chuckle0 -
While discussion is good and I support it, there has been around 120 pages of it, minus trolling and idiots. You're more likely to have an opinion that matters under the regime of a dictatorship.0
I quit this game due to the inaction of pwe's employee's I mean if you guys are gonna allow glitches to be abused and say you are gonna fix it than back out of it because they cried to you than that proves that anything and everything goes on this game.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
ty Nowitsawn
Everything has its beginnings, but it doesn't start at one. It starts long before that... The world is born From zero. The moment zero becomes one is the moment the world springs to life. One becomes 2. 2 becomes 10. 10 becomes 100. taking it all back to one solves nothing. so long as zero remains... One.. Will eventually grow to 100 again.0 -
135 pages of nothing being resolved. I'm shocked this hasn't been closed yet.0
Tremblewith - Heavens Tear wrote: »135 pages of nothing being resolved. I'm shocked this hasn't been closed yet.
I'm not. After the disaster of the frost glitch thread we have reached the lowest point in community involvement i have ever seen.
I'm not even sure they are even checking threads anymore.0 -
RageKill - Lost City wrote: »I'm not. After the disaster of the frost glitch thread we have reached the lowest point in community involvement i have ever seen.
I'm not even sure they are even checking threads anymore.
I don't doubt it. Frankie shows his face once a week on the forums. Mods are here every now and then, but they don't provide any real assistance - closing threads is nice, but the player base looks for answers and no staff are available to assist in matters for weeks.
Ticket system is automated response/ban. Live chat was killed a while back. PMs to mods are so-so, and PMs to a PWE staff member will result in no response. Calling out a PWE staff member on the forums is against the rules, as well. In-game support is non-existent. It just flat out doesn't work, lol. There is absolutely no support in the entire game nor community. How they are still bringing in revenue is quite shocking.
It would seem Perfect World Entertainment is run by one person, and that person disguises themselves as all the staff we have come to know. The rest of the staff were fired to cut back costs w/ the company falling. This can only be the explanation, because I do more on a daily basis then they do.0 -
Edit : wrote a wall of text that got cut off half way thru.. cant be bothered typing it againb:angry b:angry b:angry b:angry b:angry We love this game STOP RUINING IT !! b:angry b:angry b:angry b:angry b:angry b:angry
"Sometimes the strongest are the ones that walk away . Enough is Enough ".0 -
Silly pwi. Blaming us for the glitch, 105 is practically impossible and it will take so much work to get to 105 to see those sins and archer. oh wait! theres an answer! Perfect World Vendetta!
105 in 30-60 minutes. r9 in 1-2 days,
come join us!
Perfect World Vendetta - Where all are equal.0 -
Naychur - Harshlands wrote: »Silly pwi. Blaming us for the glitch, 105 is practically impossible and it will take so much work to get to 105 to see those sins and archer. oh wait! theres an answer! Perfect World Vendetta!
105 in 30-60 minutes. r9 in 1-2 days,
come join us!
Perfect World Vendetta - Where all are equal.
seriously, we all know that Private servers have much better support than official PW, but stop posting this kind of stuff here. (and just for the record, R9 in 6 hours or less)
You know how Private servers thrive. mouth to mouth (person to person) communications. aSH is really pissed off about his server having such issues, and you guys do not help by posting this. The more popular a server gets on official forums the more people know about it, and some will take actions we all know PWE won't. So, keep your mouth shut if you enjoy it so much.
I've been playing on PWI for 3 years, and I've never felt so unappreciated by the staff. I worked my *** off for 3 years, to get items that are completely useless because they're bugged, but you can't get any support, no, that would be asking too much. I know if I'm on a private server, and I ask for a GM, THREE or more will respond in some fashion. May not be able to help/do anything but at lease they'll take the time to find out the troubleI'm a guy, not a woman, that is all
"When you're on Team Bring it, every morning your feet hit the floor, the good lord says "good morning" and the devil says 'Oh **** they're up' " - Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson
Are you on Team Bring it?0 -
Knownase - Heavens Tear wrote: »Players get banned longer for cussing profanities and demeaning slurs, than exploiting a glitch.
Remember that.
See I'd believe that...but I haven't seen anyone banned on HL for that....IA lot of people
0 -
Tremblewith - Heavens Tear wrote: »I don't doubt it. Frankie shows his face once a week on the forums. Mods are here every now and then, but they don't provide any real assistance - closing threads is nice, but the player base looks for answers and no staff are available to assist in matters for weeks.
There's only so much we can assist, we're not PWE staff so we forward what we can to the appropriate team. We're here to moderate the forums, if we can actually help people other than "please send a ticket", we try out best.
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sig winner: neoyoshi0 -
Cytte - Harshlands wrote: »See I'd believe that...but I haven't seen anyone banned on HL for that....
hunterbojan got banned for a week and thats all i remember0 -
i played in a private server for a hour and im still trying to get that hour of time i wasted back.This game is like washing hair with shampoo... Rinse and repeat if desired.
Proud owner of many mains.101 bm,101 seeker,101 demon sin,100 sage sin,101 archer,101 barb,100 cleric,100 wiz( first toon since sept 08 finally made it in 2013)newly added mystic 100 HA,72 psy.0
This discussion has been closed.
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