RIP Enrage!



  • Elvindor - Heavens Tear
    Elvindor - Heavens Tear Posts: 256 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Zaph was director and got upset because the leader wouldn't let her in on everything that happened.. so she left the guild to make her own. Know who left to go with? All the same people who are left in real Enrage now.

    Hey now! I left Enrage on PWV because I was quitting. :( Uninstalled both games! Don't know if im still in Enrage on PWI or not. All this stuff happened right after I uninstalled D=
  • X_trigger_X - Heavens Tear
    X_trigger_X - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,301 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Hey now! I left Enrage on PWV because I was quitting. :( Uninstalled both games! Don't know if im still in Enrage on PWI or not. All this stuff happened right after I uninstalled D=

    Don'y you DARE leave me again!! b:cry
  • Elvindor - Heavens Tear
    Elvindor - Heavens Tear Posts: 256 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Don'y you DARE leave me again!! b:cry

    I'm Gone! Ill stalk you on facebook?
  • X_trigger_X - Heavens Tear
    X_trigger_X - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,301 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I'm Gone! Ill stalk you on facebook?

    Psh never stopped you doing it before b:pleased
  • Elvindor - Heavens Tear
    Elvindor - Heavens Tear Posts: 256 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Psh never stopped you doing it before b:pleased

    Who says I haven't been?b:avoid
  • X_trigger_X - Heavens Tear
    X_trigger_X - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,301 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Who says I haven't been?b:avoid

    b:shy I knew it
  • Ytrid - Heavens Tear
    Ytrid - Heavens Tear Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    b:shy I knew it

    b:dirty you know i stalk both you on Facebook right? b:sin
  • X_trigger_X - Heavens Tear
    X_trigger_X - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,301 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    b:dirty you know i stalk both you on Facebook right? b:sin

    Poor poor elvy b:sad
  • Celestyna - Heavens Tear
    Celestyna - Heavens Tear Posts: 629 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    As i said im not against what was done , but how it was done.

    this is how i feel in a nut shell.
    it was at the point of no return I do believe, but it should have been clearly stated on the forums, maybe even mail sent out in game so those who got kicked didnt login going what did i do wrong?

    good bye enrage b:heart
  • Sumashu - Heavens Tear
    Sumashu - Heavens Tear Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I don't really like Sumashu... but I agree with this post one hundred percent.

    why ty :D
    2008-2012: Sumashu 102 demon cleric - wife of Macrocan
    2012-recent: Summich 101 sage mystic - wife of SR_stalker
  • _Mg_Zr - Heavens Tear
    _Mg_Zr - Heavens Tear Posts: 562 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    How come some people dont have the stones to post on their main.b:surrender
    _Mg_Zr - level 100 sage Barb / level 101 demon r9 aps barb on Harshlands
    Mg_Zr - level 100 demon Psychic
    _mg_zr_ - level 100 demon Blademaster
    |\/|erlin_ 7x Wizard
    Makaveli_ - 8x Harshlands sin
  • Disarmonia_X - Heavens Tear
    Disarmonia_X - Heavens Tear Posts: 355 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I will miss Enrage - mostly because of the time which I wasn't in it - fighting against them, building up: to take on Enrage, They were #1 - and damn proud to smear it all over the place. Including their old forums Title Header.

    After the past two years. i had grown accustomed to my own personal growth as a player: Not only from the quality of guild mates around me, but based upon what I would learn each, and every T.W. against them. If you want to eventually become the best. Why not fight the best?

    Thank you Enrage, for all of the Good Times - and even the bad. Like life, things and people change. People grow tired and complacent - lazy. It's happened to most if not all 'older' faction's.

    Some of my personal Joys(humor and other) - even while I was in Enrage.

    1) defected dropping his Lunar Bow on Cerminator's head (W.B. outside of Anglers Village) and watching all of the noobs panic running for it, and getting one shot by the bosses AoE's.
    2) Getting on alts: to kill ourselves @ Sonic Oppressor to keep a faction, (I believe Evolution - Lypip/Pauls old faction: lol) from killing it. Was a ton of fun.
    3) Getting my *** kicked so many times, and still going back for more.
    4) Learning from those *** kickings.
    5) First defeat on Enrage: from Tao, after several back and forth attempts.
    6) Middle of a Enrage T.W. Esemeli cussing in H.Q. The_Wall going: "****ing, Stop the God Damn Cussing!" due to sheer frustration.
    7) The picture spam of what people in Tao look like: aka: the Crypt Keeper, etc etc.
    8) Zerogummi's "To Tao with Love"
    9) Rytania's fake app, and several other one's: but his was the best by far, lol. Awesome Fresh Price of Bell Air'.
    10) too many to list.

    To people that hate Enrage: Haters I still say, hate the people in there that wronged you. Don't hate the people you didn't know - nor never took the time to get to know, however: that's just my view.

    To the people in Enrage, or kicked*hugs*

    Everything will work out. It isn't the end of the world.
    ~PWI status: Retired
    P.S. and happily ever after: with Aneu~
  • Gryphyyn - Heavens Tear
    Gryphyyn - Heavens Tear Posts: 150 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    The day is finally here, where Enrage is officially dead.

    I don't want to make this too long, but it may end up that way as this is the last, official thread for Enrage. I am only going to talk about the past while of Enrage, not the entire history.

    Only a few months ago, Enrage was at the top of the faction chain. Eating people up in TW, practically steam rolling everybody. Things were normal in Enrage. People were having their fun doing what it was that they enjoyed and besides little bits of drama every now and then, the faction was strong.

    As time went on after those few months, Enrage's spirit began to die off. It first became noticeable when drama between leadership and the "Karma" group became public, and roughly 20 people left to follow Jenguin to her faction. This was the first severe blow for Enrage. We had lost a good amount of our seasoned TW'ers, but even with that loss, we were okay as a faction. GD won their first 1v1 against Enrage shortly after that group left, but we had fun nonetheless. I congratulate GD for coming such a long way and being able to defeat Enrage in a 1v1 TW. You deserve the title of #1 TW faction as of right now. :)

    After that point, PWI had announced an official map reset, and that it was going to be done again every 6 months. This announcement was another huge blow to Enrage as it meant a good portion of our time, would be spent dealing with noob TW's, and having no fun at all. This was especially so if factions were on another side of the map from us. A lot of people did not like this update, and it was a huge shot to Enrage. The part of the game we specialized in, was basically gone. More people had left the faction due to this update, for obvious reasons. After that, more people started to spill out left right and center for various reasons such as real life issues, not wanting to be in a dying faction, bored of the game, etc etc. For whatever reasons people had, Enrage was dying off, and we were left with about 165 people.

    A good portion of the active Enrage members left had been spending their time on another game, and this caused ill-content with a lot of people. It made some people leave, it made some people go inactive and it caused too much unnecessary drama. I am not going into further detail on this part.

    The next big hit to Enrage was the leaving of the likes of Aesthor, scrubby, Kyia, Kashin etc. A massive argument between some of the officers and the leaders broke out on the officer forums, and at one point, it caused said group leader, Aesthor (yes you're the leader!) to leave. Surely with the loss of probably our 10~ strongest people, it was done after that. After that as well, people kept pouring out of the faction and we ended up with only 129 or so people after that week. Within just a short while, Enrage had lost roughly 70 people.

    Last week's TW came, and we managed to defend 2/3 lands with only 55 online. Was too bad we couldn't show to SilvrDigrz, because I'm sure it would have been fun. Once the weekend had past, to present day, Enrage was left with 112 people. I don't know who left at that point.

    Now, we come to what happened today. There was a thread on the Enrage forums requesting something be done so the faction doesn't die, via Dajaji. The thread turned into me finally (long overdue..) stepping up and basically saying "I am willing to take leadership of the faction, and get us back up." Anne ended up saying no to the idea, as well as other requests the previous day to give up lead. I tried my hardest to convince her to give me leadership, because we could have recovered, or at least I felt we could have. The final answer was no, and in one last ditch effort, a do or die situation, I asked that if people wanted the faction to keep going, and to not just die off like it was heading, that they take the time to post on that thread, and show Anne their support for me getting lead. I forced nobody to post, and roughly within 20 minutes, at least a dozen people spoke up and supported the idea of a lead change/me getting it. A few minutes after, the forums were locked to where nobody could post on it, and Anne/Zaph logged on to PWI, and kicked almost 100 people with no notice.

    The person who said "But I asked if anyone wanted lead, and nobody stepped up!" was the one to kick everyone when someone finally stepped up and personally asked for lead.

    Anneliesse and Zaphael, have killed Enrage. I know both of them did a lot of work to keep Enrage alive in the past, but as of recent, their efforts or lack there of, put Enrage to death.

    I personally thank you for the work you put into the faction, but in the end, you both screwed up, and you upset a vast majority of people to fulfill your own personal desires.

    There you have it, a semi-brief outlook on what happened to the great Enrage. The legacy we have left behind will never be outmatched, and nobody shall come close to what we've all done over the years.

    I thank everybody who helped make Enrage what it ended up being, for better or for worse. Everything happened for a reason, and everybody in one way or another, has had an impact directly or indirectly on Enrage.

    Rest in Peace Enrage.

    Wow, didnt see that last bit coming. All I can say is, this is all too reminiscent of how Tao had "officially" died.
    Karma | ex-GoldDigrz | ex-xWaRx | ex-Reunited | ex-Tao
    Status: Semi-Active | Mood: Apathetic
    Gryphyyn (10x Archer) | Tyyphoon (10x Assassin) | Ryyft (8x Seeker)

    Fearless. |
  • DarkFury - Heavens Tear
    DarkFury - Heavens Tear Posts: 167 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Every large guild will eventually suffer the fate that Enrage has. It just seems as though a large TW guild can only hold together for so long then things start to go south, ppl start leaving and arguing, and pretty soon the guild is beyond fixing. All of this same type of bickering occurred as Tao was put to rest.... most of you ended up applauding that decision.

    It's hard to see a shell of what was once a great TW power linger on as a ghost of itself. It seems from what I've read, it was past the point of no return. Most of the TW'ers that had made Enrage a great TW faction moved whats the point of trying to revive something that has been dying for a while now? I doubt it was very easy for the leaders of Enrage to make the final decision that they made, it's a very difficult decision to make and follow through on, don't kid yourselves. I've been no big fan of Enrage ( LOLs at the understatement) , but I did always respect their ability in TW.... Time to just leave Anneliese alone, I'm sure she grieves over all this as it is. Enough is enough, some of you need to just move on, some of you need to grow a heart and learn to be a little kinder to people , this is just a gme after all. This game just like life, is ever changing...just go with the flow and find your new niche.

    Some other guilds will pick up some experienced TW players, and we will probably see some new guilds rise up in the TW ranks.

    So let Enrage R.I.P. as it should now.
  • Gryphyyn - Heavens Tear
    Gryphyyn - Heavens Tear Posts: 150 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Every large guild will eventually suffer the fate that Enrage has. It just seems as though a large TW guild can only hold together for so long then things start to go south, ppl start leaving and arguing, and pretty soon the guild is beyond fixing. All of this same type of bickering occurred as Tao was put to rest.... most of you ended up applauding that decision.

    It's hard to see a shell of what was once a great TW power linger on as a ghost of itself. It seems from what I've read, it was past the point of no return. Most of the TW'ers that had made Enrage a great TW faction moved whats the point of trying to revive something that has been dying for a while now? I doubt it was very easy for the leaders of Enrage to make the final decision that they made, it's a very difficult decision to make and follow through on, don't kid yourselves. I've been no big fan of Enrage ( LOLs at the understatement) , but I did always respect their ability in TW.... Time to just leave Anneliese alone, I'm sure she grieves over all this as it is. Enough is enough, some of you need to just move on, some of you need to grow a heart and learn to be a little kinder to people , this is just a gme after all. This game just like life, is ever changing...just go with the flow and find your new niche.

    Some other guilds will pick up some experienced TW players, and we will probably see some new guilds rise up in the TW ranks.

    So let Enrage R.I.P. as it should now.

    I think Darwin said it best, that the main reason for a death of an organism or an organization is the lack of adaptation.

    "Survival of the fittest", adapt or become extinct. So thinking a faction will die or "needs to be laid to rest" is not necessarily true.

    I empathize with all the faithful Enrage members who had to experience this ordeal. Perhaps they will discover some way to revive the impressive faction from the dead (on PWI).
    Karma | ex-GoldDigrz | ex-xWaRx | ex-Reunited | ex-Tao
    Status: Semi-Active | Mood: Apathetic
    Gryphyyn (10x Archer) | Tyyphoon (10x Assassin) | Ryyft (8x Seeker)

    Fearless. |
  • DarkFury - Heavens Tear
    DarkFury - Heavens Tear Posts: 167 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Based on the history of HT, unfortunately, every great guild has basically fallen apart. Enrage resurrected itself once before, to think it could have pulled this off again would probably be considered wishful thinking. As with almost all others it wasn't meant to be any longer.

    As guilds change and evolve, you start seeing ppl leave saying things like " it's not like it used to be ..etc". So you can't win either way! LOL Enrage had a really long run, perhaps longer than any other guild except Rad., now it's done.
  • Retsuko - Heavens Tear
    Retsuko - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,016 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Looking at the amount of drama that has occured. I highly doubt it's possible to bring back enrage in it's true form.

    I'm very curious what people, but also guilds will do and how they will develop. Just because one faction is starting to grow in TW strength doesn't mean it's actually growing as a faction. Got to have something to offer besides TW as well. GD seems to have a lot to offer even though their tw's will blow till next reset. Karma might be growing TW wise, but are their tw'ers also active during the week or many are weekend tw'ers?

    Lots of speculations and all, but i'm seriously curious what's going to happen with such a big guild now dissapearing.

    And Zuvis complained about my new siggie b:sad

    playing Faction Wars Again.
  • Maelael - Heavens Tear
    Maelael - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,497 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Karma might be growing TW wise, but are their tw'ers also active during the week

    Yup. BH, Morai, Trials, PK, TOB/Celestial Tiger/Whatever you wanna label that ****, harassing each other in Faction Chat, FF/TT...**** this looks like a WC. /
  • Gryphyyn - Heavens Tear
    Gryphyyn - Heavens Tear Posts: 150 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Based on the history of HT, unfortunately, every great guild has basically fallen apart. Enrage resurrected itself once before, to think it could have pulled this off again would probably be considered wishful thinking. As with almost all others it wasn't meant to be any longer.

    As guilds change and evolve, you start seeing ppl leave saying things like " it's not like it used to be ..etc". So you can't win either way! LOL Enrage had a really long run, perhaps longer than any other guild except Rad., now it's done.

    Its not wishful thinking. If a faction can resurrect itself once, as long as there are individuals willing to put in the effort, anything is possible. Its only limited by your beliefs.

    Looking at the amount of drama that has occured. I highly doubt it's possible to bring back enrage in it's true form.

    I'm very curious what people, but also guilds will do and how they will develop. Just because one faction is starting to grow in TW strength doesn't mean it's actually growing as a faction. Got to have something to offer besides TW as well. GD seems to have a lot to offer even though their tw's will blow till next reset. Karma might be growing TW wise, but are their tw'ers also active during the week or many are weekend tw'ers?

    Lots of speculations and all, but i'm seriously curious what's going to happen with such a big guild now dissapearing.

    And Zuvis complained about my new siggie b:sad

    Karma is quite active to be honest. We do lots of activities, in and outside of the game. Our focus is on having fun as a faction.

    foslisp wrote: »
    If Darwin was right, how come you are still floating at the bottom of someone's toilet? Ugly **** like you should really think twice before posting a rl picture as forum avatar. b:bye

    *Sigh* "Old wine in new bottle". Seriously, if you spend your first post on me, thats quite flattering. Thanks. And I suppose if I'm floating at the bottom of the toilet, then you must be the P.O.S. that was grudgingly flushed down the toilet. So, I bid you farewell. Have a great day at the sanitation plant. b:bye
    Karma | ex-GoldDigrz | ex-xWaRx | ex-Reunited | ex-Tao
    Status: Semi-Active | Mood: Apathetic
    Gryphyyn (10x Archer) | Tyyphoon (10x Assassin) | Ryyft (8x Seeker)

    Fearless. |
  • Retsuko - Heavens Tear
    Retsuko - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,016 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    I smell onions.

    playing Faction Wars Again.
  • SashaGray - Heavens Tear
    SashaGray - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,765 Arc User
    edited March 2012
  • Crazydan - Heavens Tear
    Crazydan - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,178 Arc User
    edited March 2012

    This is how i will remember Enrage :)
  • Tremblewith - Heavens Tear
    Tremblewith - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,558 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    foslisp wrote: »
    If Darwin was right, how come you are still floating at the bottom of someone's toilet? Ugly **** like you should really think twice before posting a rl picture as forum avatar. b:bye

    start being nice to people because f.uck youb:bye

    sumawhat wrote: »
    Read above post: ugly **** like you should not use rl pics as forum avatars. b:bye

    and of course, F*U*C*K you too.

  • Sumashu - Heavens Tear
    Sumashu - Heavens Tear Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    lol well excuseee me for being defensive over my friend and your words don't hurt me <3
    besides. if u say that if I'd look like you, I'd be pretty, then *** YEAH i wanna be uglyb:bye
    2008-2012: Sumashu 102 demon cleric - wife of Macrocan
    2012-recent: Summich 101 sage mystic - wife of SR_stalker
  • Anneliesse - Heavens Tear
    Anneliesse - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,256 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    lol well excuseee me for being defensive over my friend and your words don't hurt me <3
    besides. if u say that if I'd look like you, I'd be pretty, then *** YEAH i wanna be uglyb:bye

    i happen to think you're very pretty, suma <3 and a sweet person too.

    people judge people too harshly around here, and rarely get to know the real person. pfft.
    *insert awesome siggy here*
  • Urbanpulse - Heavens Tear
    Urbanpulse - Heavens Tear Posts: 288 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Dearest Enrage,

    I so enjoyed being your secret lover for so long. The time we spent hidden away making nookie in the closet will never be forgotten. We had many a good time...and just as many bad and for that I thank you. Your memory will never fall off the face of Heavens Tear. I shall make sure of that even if it's the last thing I do before I finally let your arch nemesis, aka my home and true pwi love, Radiance, skin me alive and use my hide as their official flag. I bid you farewell Enrage. I will miss you.


  • UrbanFan - Heavens Tear
    UrbanFan - Heavens Tear Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Dearest Enrage,

    I so enjoyed being your secret lover for so long. The time we spent hidden away making nookie in the closet will never be forgotten. We had many a good time...and just as many bad and for that I thank you. Your memory will never fall off the face of Heavens Tear. I shall make sure of that even if it's the last thing I do before I finally let your arch nemesis, aka my home and true pwi love, Radiance, skin me alive and get me completely naked. I bid you farewell Enrage. I will miss you.



    Dearest urbanpulse,

    I so enjoyed being your wide open lover for so long. The time we spent hidden away making nookie everywhere will never be forgotten. We had many a good time...and just as many bad because you finish fast sometimes and for that I thank you. Your memory will never fall off the face of my pillow. I shall make sure of that even if it's the last thing I do before I finally let your arch nemesis, aka my ex-husband and true pwi love, nobody but you, skin me alive and get me completely naked. I bid you farewell urbanpulse. I will be ready for your love again soon.

    Proud buffer of Enrage. #1 fan of urbanpulse. b:kiss
  • Bale - Heavens Tear
    Bale - Heavens Tear Posts: 976 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Dearest urbanpulse,

    I so enjoyed being your wide open lover for so long. The time we spent hidden away making nookie everywhere will never be forgotten. We had many a good time...and just as many bad because you finish fast sometimes and for that I thank you. Your memory will never fall off the face of my pillow. I shall make sure of that even if it's the last thing I do before I finally let your arch nemesis, aka my ex-husband and true pwi love, nobody but you, skin me alive and get me completely naked. I bid you farewell urbanpulse. I will be ready for your love again soon.

    Dearest Enrage,

    I so enjoyed being your secret lover for so long. The time we spent hidden away making nookie in the closet will never be forgotten. We had many a good time...and just as many bad and for that I thank you. Your memory will never fall off the face of Heavens Tear. I shall make sure of that even if it's the last thing I do before I finally let your arch nemesis, aka my home and true pwi love, Radiance, skin me alive and use my hide as their official flag. I bid you farewell Enrage. I will miss you.



    i fapped b:shutup
    "From time to time, the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of tyrants and patriots." ~ Thomas Jefferson
  • Sumashu - Heavens Tear
    Sumashu - Heavens Tear Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    i happen to think you're very pretty, suma <3 and a sweet person too.

    people judge people too harshly around here, and rarely get to know the real person. pfft.

    awe why thank you. :)

    Well all I've learned from PWI, is that if you're around for too long, people just happen to be unable to give you a fair judge anymore :)
    2008-2012: Sumashu 102 demon cleric - wife of Macrocan
    2012-recent: Summich 101 sage mystic - wife of SR_stalker
  • Darkhawkbarb - Heavens Tear
    Darkhawkbarb - Heavens Tear Posts: 146 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    i think the last few posts in here made me violently ill, and im not sure if it was urban. urbanfan, or bale. probably a combo of all 3. but if i think of shellfish right now i
This discussion has been closed.