I don't understand the logic.



  • dfdsfdsa
    dfdsfdsa Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    The heaviest gooners are not even guaranteed to be the 105s, there's people who raised new characters from ground up on gooning. This whole "punish gooners" isn't actually about whatever game "justice" people pretend to care about, it's about jealousy. Jealousy at the shiny 105 Icons, about just being 105. No one is calling for heavily glitched level 101 R9s to be banned are they? nooooo, just the 105's.
    the main thing, you fail to spot, is that in less than a month almost anyone can lvl to 101, with some coins or someone soloing for them, BUT NO ONE can get to 105 again in less than a year and a half, let alone 2-3 weeks.
  • truekossy
    truekossy Posts: 7,021 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Wasn't it obvious?

    I mean hell, they extended the rank sale during the peak of gooning. That doesn't ring any little bells in your heads?

    This. Let's not forget that the very day they acknowledged the goon glitch they put hypers on sale. And it wasn't like the glitch was something that hadn't been brought up before for any duration of time to make it a coincidence. It was pretty much a giant flag saying, "We know you're glitching these so spend money and we'll look the other way," and pretty much everyone realized that.

    One of the only times I can think of where action was taken towards people exploiting a glitch was the Duke Rose fiasco and even then plenty of people were able to avoid it. So expecting what frankie, or any GM for that matter, says about banning exploiters to hold any meaning is about as useful as expecting not to drown if you leave your mouth wide open underwater with no breathing equipment.
  • XLawBreakerX - Sanctuary
    XLawBreakerX - Sanctuary Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    TOO MUCH money involved in this to make it practically possible. Why would u kill your hen who gives Golden Eggs. I dont understad why people are not getting it, whats the rocket science in this , Why would PWI Ban People and Kill its Business Big time?
  • Syyfee - Sanctuary
    Syyfee - Sanctuary Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Funny to see, that ppl think the only ones who would get banned if, would be the 105. It's more likely that they get away, cause they already had OP gear and just did the glitch quietly. On the other hand there are those who sold/brought Goons on WC, they would more likely be the ones to get the hammer.
  • _blood_rain - Sanctuary
    _blood_rain - Sanctuary Posts: 2,532 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    dfdsfdsa wrote: »
    the main thing, you fail to spot, is that in less than a month almost anyone can lvl to 101, with some coins or someone soloing for them, BUT NO ONE can get to 105 again in less than a year and a half, let alone 2-3 weeks.

    So? That's 4 levels as opposed to 101.
  • Jadsia - Lost City
    Jadsia - Lost City Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    why you so mad? i would say this forum is not for you if you can't accept that people have opinions. tbh if you cant accept that people have varied opinions probably best to uninstall life. oh right you are still in that silly guild where the leader stole all the tw money and the guild bank. no wonder you are so angry!

    on topic. nothing will ever be done. the devs made the game that way so that people running away from the boss would get stomped. players just got to op and were able to profit from the stomping. what should have been done was to close frost until the glitch could be fixed. but then people would cash shop for hypers or charms or try to get better gear and so on. so pwi cant really turn around and ban people for abusing this. otherwise they would end up having to refund all the people they ban.

    And how many QQ threads about goon glitching has there been? Should have, would have, could have, etc......What's done is done. If they can't play their own game then they can GTFO. Who really gives a rat's *** who glitched goons or not? If it affects them that much they ought to just **** off.

    1 or 2 threads is an opinion. Dozens of threads about this is just **** QQ of some with mental issues so yeah, they need to just GTFO and find something better to do if it's causing them that much grief.

    Oh and by the way, our faction is fine thank you very much for thinking of us.
    I **** bigger than you...

    Shut up and play the game.....Damn
  • Tsukyini - Raging Tide
    Tsukyini - Raging Tide Posts: 1,766 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    TOO MUCH money involved in this to make it practically possible. Why would u kill your hen who gives Golden Eggs. I dont understad why people are not getting it, whats the rocket science in this , Why would PWI Ban People and Kill its Business Big time?

    The stupidity was declaring the use of the glitch to be bannable offense.

    If they had said "Hey, go for it guys! Oh, and here, have a nice rank sale too *nudge wink*" they'd have made even more money, because the people who refused to take part out of fear for their account wouldn't have to worry about being punished.
  • Bobobejumbo - Raging Tide
    Bobobejumbo - Raging Tide Posts: 934 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    The stupidity was declaring the use of the glitch to be bannable offense.

    If they had said "Hey, go for it guys! Oh, and here, have a nice rank sale too *nudge wink*" they'd have made even more money, because the people who refused to take part out of fear for their account wouldn't have to worry about being punished.

    Troll on the loose >.>
  • XLawBreakerX - Sanctuary
    XLawBreakerX - Sanctuary Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    The stupidity was declaring the use of the glitch to be bannable offense.

    If they had said "Hey, go for it guys! Oh, and here, have a nice rank sale too *nudge wink*" they'd have made even more money, because the people who refused to take part out of fear for their account wouldn't have to worry about being punished.

    So what do u want? Ban ppl who glitched it ? Thats not possible.
    Make Everyone lvl 105 who didnt glitch it ? Somehow that doesnt look like a possibility either.

    When i first downloaded this game my account was not working and i opened a ticket with PWI tech staff. I did not get an answer and I could not be bothered to download another 2GB game. So i played around a bit and searched forums and found a solution myself.

    That moment i realised this game would be like all the other mmorpgs out there where customer support is ****e.

    So everyone trolling out here for this or that you know they can even ban you for no reason right ? Read the TOS its totally what they want. They are making enough money they dont care what ppl have to say learn to live with it or quit this game and find another one, whats so difficult in that?
  • Jadsia - Lost City
    Jadsia - Lost City Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    dfdsfdsa wrote: »
    the main thing, you fail to spot, is that in less than a month almost anyone can lvl to 101, with some coins or someone soloing for them, BUT NO ONE can get to 105 again in less than a year and a half, let alone 2-3 weeks.

    I hope they never do anything about it. I hope they consider case closed and move on. I hope those that glitched get to keep that free ride to 105. We want to see dozens of more useless QQ threads like this in the forum every week with people ragequitting because for some reason they couldn't take advantage of that glitch themselves before the glitch was fixed and might just be jealous of those that did. Or maybe some of these crybabies are from the crowd that got caught and banned while others didn't. LOL!

    Can't you idiots just move on and play your own freaking game?
    I **** bigger than you...

    Shut up and play the game.....Damn
  • Tsukyini - Raging Tide
    Tsukyini - Raging Tide Posts: 1,766 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    So what do u want? Ban ppl who glitched it ? Thats not possible.
    Make Everyone lvl 105 who didnt glitch it ? Somehow that doesnt look like a possibility either.

    I want neither of those options.

    I want them to revert the nerf of the dragoon exp, and I want them to say that use of the glitch is legal. That way everyone gets the option to use it if they want, and PWE doesn't have to punish anyone or look bad for neglecting to punish anyone.

    Also, banning the glitchers is possible, it just isn't probable.
  • XLawBreakerX - Sanctuary
    XLawBreakerX - Sanctuary Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    I want neither of those options.

    I want them to revert the nerf of the dragoon exp, and I want them to say that use of the glitch is legal. That way everyone gets the option to use it if they want, and PWE doesn't have to punish anyone or look bad for neglecting to punish anyone.

    Also, banning the glitchers is possible, it just isn't probable.

    Ok so you want everyone to be 105 and then you would be the first one to start a thread QQing that they should increase the level cap as there is nothing left to do in this game?

    Also did you understand what I said in my post? It does not matter to them what YOU WANT or What Anyone else wants. Learn to live with it or gtfo and find a new game its a game not rl you can quit easily if you want they havnt tied you to it.

    Seriously, the first thing PWI should do is Make an AGE limit on people who can play this game anyone below 18 cant play or anyone with a low IQ should not be able to play, now that would make this game a lot better.
  • _blood_rain - Sanctuary
    _blood_rain - Sanctuary Posts: 2,532 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Seriously, the first thing PWI should do is Make an AGE limit on people who can play this game anyone below 18 cant play or anyone with a low IQ should not be able to play, now that would make this game a lot better.

    To be fair, maturity doesn't necessarily come with age, and the only thing IQ scores were ever really designed to measure is how well one performs in school.
  • Tsukyini - Raging Tide
    Tsukyini - Raging Tide Posts: 1,766 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Ok so you want everyone to be 105 and then you would be the first one to start a thread QQing that they should increase the level cap as there is nothing left to do in this game?

    As it stands, there are plenty of people who consider 101 to be the cap due to the ridiculous amount of exp required to level past that point. Those people already QQ that there is nothing left to do in the game. b:chuckle
    Also did you understand what I said in my post? It does not matter to them what YOU WANT or What Anyone else wants. Learn to live with it or gtfo and find a new game its a game not rl you can quit easily if you want they havnt tied you to it.
    Why so hostile? I'm well aware they can do whatever they want for whatever reason they want. That doesn't mean players can't voice their wishes.
    Seriously, the first thing PWI should do is Make an AGE limit on people who can play this game anyone below 18 cant play or anyone with a low IQ should not be able to play, now that would make this game a lot better.
    A minimum age requirement would be a wonderful thing. Sadly, I doubt they will ever implement one.
  • Jadsia - Lost City
    Jadsia - Lost City Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    I want neither of those options.

    I want them to revert the nerf of the dragoon exp, and I want them to say that use of the glitch is legal. That way everyone gets the option to use it if they want, and PWE doesn't have to punish anyone or look bad for neglecting to punish anyone.

    Also, banning the glitchers is possible, it just isn't probable.

    If they are going to ban the goon glitchers then they ought to ban all who used glitches to advance in the game. They ought to nerf anything and everything anyone has ever gained from a glitch, EVER! Can't just single out one group to punish while leaving others who glitched elsewhere off. I'm certain that the vast majority who play this game has glitched something at one time or another to advance in the game and that's what makes threads like this stupid.

    It's not like that fashion glitch years ago when some bought for a few gold and sold to an NPC for 3 mil and wreaked havoc on the entire game economy. PWI was forced to shut down and roll back the servers then because it drastically affected the gameplay. Not the freaking goon glitch.

    Some people here play legitimately and they feel good about that then more power to them. That's something they're proud of. They worked hard to get where they are. As for others who glitched their way to victory how is QQing about them going to make your gameplay any better? I mean honestly. Even if they banned all 105's that glitched I doubt you QQer's games are going to be any different than it is now. **** the glitchers and play your own game the way you want. It's really not worth the freaking grief you're spewing here. ****.
    I **** bigger than you...

    Shut up and play the game.....Damn
  • tweakz
    tweakz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Person A watches person B Level to 105 by breaking rules.

    Person B goes without penalty for months.

    Person A decides to become a rule breaker based on this.

    You'd punish person A? You'd threaten all else?
    Be kind: Help the GMs to depopulate the servers.
  • Tsukyini - Raging Tide
    Tsukyini - Raging Tide Posts: 1,766 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Even if they banned all 105's that glitched I doubt you QQer's games are going to be any different than it is now. **** the glitchers and play your own game the way you want. It's really not worth the freaking grief you're spewing here. ****.

    I'm suffering no grief over this whatsoever, but you, on the other hand, sure do come across as extremely hostile toward anyone who isn't happy over the way this was handled.
  • kondors
    kondors Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    People REALLY are missing the topic of the thread. I have read the thread and every 5 or 6 posts some idiot decides to debate the morality and / or possibility of punishing various people for using various glitches.


    The thread is simply about the company having the honour, dependability and balls to follow up on a promise they made. Thats it. nothing else, no debates over what should or shouldnt be allowed.

    The facts are simple here. Frankie doesn't give a damn for any and all of the customer base. He simply offers the rare and vague platitudes that fail to appease anyone. Then he simply fails to deliver. This failure to deliver is the single reliable feature in his whole repertoire. He has no customer service skills and neither does anyone in the employ of the company.

    As for those who claim that this is no different from any other mmorpg in terms of comp[laints, QQ'ers and whiners, that simply isnt true. Whilst it IS true that any game will generate requests, complaints etc due to the fact that you can never 100% test software, I suggest that as an example it is worth looking at forums for a game that we cannot mention , but suffice to say, a lot of people are here only while they wait for the new "game" 2 to be released. This game is largely to do with guilds if you know what i mean.

    The company representative there for many years, one certain Gaile Grey was very highly respected and much loved amongst the game community. When she left for pastures new she was sorely missed and given a rousing send off from the entire player base.

    It isnt unrealistic or unfair to expect that Frankie should respond in a timely manner, address the issue raised (instead of saying some **** unrelated), and follow through on promises and statements made.

    The guy hasnt got a clue and as customer service reps go he makes a less than adequate doorstop. Feel free to disagree but just saying :)
  • hiddenmonkey
    hiddenmonkey Posts: 179 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Legitly only doing about 4-5 solo FF runs a day you can get from 101 to 105 in about 5-6 months.

    If anything if PW actually decides to punish people they would want to wait a while so people can't goto their creditcard companies to say 'pw scammed them' to get their money back on the money they spent on their characters. The ones they punished immediately were probably easily calculated finacial loss. Whereas the ones who did it a while ago would take longer to figure out how much they'd lose if the people went and QQ'd.

    Its seriously all about the money. Not so much greed but as a serious business stand point. A lot of people abused it and not knowing how much they'd be set back by doing something about it much later could cause a serious gouge.

    If they do eventually it, they will blind side everyone who thought they were in the clear.
  • Kirstiein - Sanctuary
    Kirstiein - Sanctuary Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    I personally have never took advantage of a glitch, atleast not to my knowledge. My problem with the goon glitchers is you got a **** load of noobs, that dont know how to play there char and end up **** a squad, then blaming everyone else. Like I ran into this one cleric that was lvl 105 and had no joke garent shards in there weapon. I asked them why and they told me, because plume shot is a psy atk. I was like omg really. And this cleric didnt know what purify did and when asked to use it on pole, proceeded to say it didnt do anything and it was a useless skill. Again I was like seriously? I have been playing since jan of 2009. And I have chosen to learn my chars and lvl slowly. Cause seriously i have found that if you go out and test yourself and do quests, you will know how to get out of seemingly impossible situations without dying.

    On another note why is it that everyone blames frankie for things, and gets pissed at him/her for everything. For one Frankie is just the messenger, and he/she is just relying what he/she was told. Its the same concept as calling the phone company and yelling at the person on the other end. Its not there fault your phone isnt working they are just like you. Doing there job and trying to help you out. They didnt cause the problem and really cant do anything about it, all they can do is rely messages and try to troubleshoot, but in the end its not the operators fault. So stop blaming the messenger and place the blame where it belongs. To the devs in china!
  • kondors
    kondors Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    I personally have never took advantage of a glitch, atleast not to my knowledge. My problem with the goon glitchers is you got a **** load of noobs, that dont know how to play there char and end up **** a squad, then blaming everyone else. Like I ran into this one cleric that was lvl 105 and had no joke garent shards in there weapon. I asked them why and they told me, because plume shot is a psy atk. I was like omg really. And this cleric didnt know what purify did and when asked to use it on pole, proceeded to say it didnt do anything and it was a useless skill. Again I was like seriously? I have been playing since jan of 2009. And I have chosen to learn my chars and lvl slowly. Cause seriously i have found that if you go out and test yourself and do quests, you will know how to get out of seemingly impossible situations without dying.

    On another note why is it that everyone blames frankie for things, and gets pissed at him/her for everything. For one Frankie is just the messenger, and he/she is just relying what he/she was told. Its the same concept as calling the phone company and yelling at the person on the other end. Its not there fault your phone isnt working they are just like you. Doing there job and trying to help you out. They didnt cause the problem and really cant do anything about it, all they can do is rely messages and try to troubleshoot, but in the end its not the operators fault. So stop blaming the messenger and place the blame where it belongs. To the devs in china!

    1. Read the topic please, it isnt about who glitched, what your opinion of glitching is or anything like that. It is simply about undelivered promises.. sidetracking to give your opinion of glitches and people is irrelevant.

    2. People blame Frankie for the simple reason that he makes promises that he fails to deliver on. Not once or twice but repeatedly.

    3. He is appointed as a customer service representative and as such if a customer has a complaint then he is there to: listen to it, provide an adequate response, ensure he delivers what he says he will. The forums are the legitimate means for people to ask questions and raise issues.

    4. If I call the phone company, eventually someone answers, not so here. Also, if the person who speaks to me tells me they are unable to help then I will demand to talk to someone who is able. If they refuse /seem unable to I will speak to the persons supervisor.
    I dont care if my phone service is provided from saturn, the person I am speaking to in customer service is there to resolve my issues one way or another. If they promise to have the line back up in an hour and it is still down four hours later, I will call again, armed with the name of the person who made the promise and again I will speak to their supervisor.

    A great many issues are indeed able to be resolved without any recourse to the developers. However they arent able to be resolved if the customer service rep ignores the issue, never reads it in the first place, or makes a promise to do something that they fail to deliver.

    While there are a huge amount of issues raised here to be addressed, and one person can only get through so much, it doesnt take much to, for example state.. ok I will respond to the ten most recent threads each day, or whatever number is realistic.

    Also, it doesnt hurt to say, I have raised this issue with the developers and will update you as it is progressed.

    As the system stands there is no accountability, because no one takes responsibility.
    Furthermore, when promises are not honoured, to whom do you then complain?

    Entirely uncaring, incompetent, and insulting customer service response.

    A lot of the things people complain about Frankie for are completely within his own means to address, regardless of developers or anyone else.
    Does he need permission from the developers to type a response on a forum?
    So please save your sympathy for the people who are raising genuine and fair questions and who never even have the courtesy of a reply.

    If you are incapable of doing the job you are hired for, step aside. Otherwise respond to issues.
    No one expects you to fix everything, but sure as hell you are alienating people by ignoring everyone.
    You have a keyboard, use it or let me speak to your manager. There, plain and simple.
    I have an issue i would like resolved and it is with Frankie so I want to speak to your manager please.
  • Angel_Spawn - Sanctuary
    Angel_Spawn - Sanctuary Posts: 3,034 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Glitch needs to be reverted back to its previous state, since the dmg has already been done and those few who managed to abuse it got away with no penalty. On the second thought,people will QQ again that it`s too hard when numerous mobs spawn and wipe the entire squad. The GM`s better deliver what they promised, a new way to 105!
  • fongseijuk
    fongseijuk Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Perm ban all who used that glitch even once asap, no one wants to play with people that need to cheat their way up, they should not be allowed to play at all.
    If PWI does not act, that means all is allowed, do as thou will, cheat for win.

    All other aspects of the game i love, but this unbalancing cannot be tolerated.
  • _blood_rain - Sanctuary
    _blood_rain - Sanctuary Posts: 2,532 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    fongseijuk wrote: »
    Perm ban all who used that glitch even once asap, no one wants to play with people that need to cheat their way up, they should not be allowed to play at all.
    If PWI does not act, that means all is allowed, do as thou will, cheat for win.

    All other aspects of the game i love, but this unbalancing cannot be tolerated.

    That last line was really ironic considering the Cash shop is far more imbalancing than goon glitch ever was, or could have been.
  • _Ghoul_ - Lost City
    _Ghoul_ - Lost City Posts: 973 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Legitly only doing about 4-5 solo FF runs a day you can get from 101 to 105 in about 5-6 months.

    If anything if PW actually decides to punish people they would want to wait a while so people can't goto their creditcard companies to say 'pw scammed them' to get their money back on the money they spent on their characters. The ones they punished immediately were probably easily calculated finacial loss. Whereas the ones who did it a while ago would take longer to figure out how much they'd lose if the people went and QQ'd.

    Its seriously all about the money. Not so much greed but as a serious business stand point. A lot of people abused it and not knowing how much they'd be set back by doing something about it much later could cause a serious gouge.

    If they do eventually it, they will blind side everyone who thought they were in the clear.

    lol for real lol who in his right MIND would go to a bank and complain that a online game banned his account FOR take this cheating with a ingame GLITCH.

    wait a few sec and once all in the bank laugh at you and i mean every singel one
    they willl say sorry we cant protect stupidity.

    if you have credit card i seriusly will say do not and i mean do not use it

    and no bank should let kiddies play with credit card now plz gtfo

    NOW franky what up with the gooners
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    It does not take years to get to 105 anymore even without the frost glitch. Simply do all your dailies, bh's, and run regular frost and you can still manage to do it rather quickly with determination. It is the "grind factor".

    This need by everyone to QQ to death about everything is burning a lot of people out on this game.

    QQ I cant level fast enough- revamp of frost and introduction of bh system

    QQ Factions have been monopolizing tw maps- recycle every 3-6 months

    QQ Factions monopolizing world bosses- random insane stupidity with bosses spawning from 24-48 or more hours just at some random time.

    QQ sins are op- ok so this one gets a pass......

    Point is the solutions being put forth to appease all these ruddy QQers are ruining the game. This is how I feel about the game....**** the ruddy QQers. They either like the game or they do not. I am sick to death of every accommodation being made for people who do nothing but whine, ****, and moan because the game is not "easy" for them.

    ^ absolute truth here.

    I stopped leveling up all my alts once they reworked Frost into an exp giveaway.

    Leveling the old way was fun. BH and Frost ruined the game for me.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • MeaMoeYao - Lost City
    MeaMoeYao - Lost City Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    lol for real lol who in his right MIND would go to a bank and complain that a online game banned his account FOR take this cheating with a ingame GLITCH.

    wait a few sec and once all in the bank laugh at you and i mean every singel one
    they willl say sorry we cant protect stupidity.

    if you have credit card i seriusly will say do not and i mean do not use it

    and no bank should let kiddies play with credit card now plz gtfo

    NOW franky what up with the gooners

    GM have already stated that goons we're primarily their fault, anyone banned as such would have a pretty argument that unfair business practices had taken place.

    Most of the people who used their credit cards to buy gears have had some success at least. Unlike you.

    //\\Futa\\// 101 BM - Chinatown
  • kondors
    kondors Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    What IS the matter with people debating the glitch? The post is simply about following up on a promise made.

    How many times are you all going to talk about something the OP isnt posting about?

    The fact that this particular promise by Frankie to do something concerns the glitch is NOT the relevant fact. It doesnt matter what the subject matter is, read what the OP says for gods sake.

    His point is about delivering on a promise made.. why cant people see this?
  • gyroki
    gyroki Posts: 450 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Frankie only said the "worst offenders" will get banned "soon".

    So it just depends where u make the cap :P

    Maybe they made the cap very high and the worst 3-5 offenders got alread banned :O b:laugh

    He also didnt say for how long they will get banned.

    And "soon" in pwi terms = 6-24months or never.

    tbh, idc
  • _Petal_ - Harshlands
    _Petal_ - Harshlands Posts: 499 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Pffft, I'd let all the 105's keep their d@mn levels if they all didn't have R9 +12

    You want to know the issue about balance? There's half your problem. The other half involves twitchy people. You solve that by taking away their twitchy abilities...I'm thinking back down to 3.

    Next issue....world hunger....much more important, far less obvious....
    They made fun of me because I wasn't a R8 Psychic...and then came third cast. It's not funny anymore.

    Reason 88 to buy a makeover scroll:
    gomba: "Your butt looks like an eggplant."
This discussion has been closed.