[Server Maintenance] 9-20-2011 [COMPLETE]



  • pwnknight09
    pwnknight09 Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    yall are so stupid its funny, there is a link on youtube tht i cant find right now. where she admits to abusing the fc glitch before it went public. nice try tho b:chuckle
  • EmeraldFire - Lost City
    EmeraldFire - Lost City Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Sangodoc wrote: »
    Really? Let's see your "calculations" then. I'm sure some here would like to check your homework and point out where you went wrong.

    Saying something all caps, bold, and a bright color doesn't make you more convincing or right; a correct analysis of objective evidence, on the other hand, would.

    LOL I like this mod =D
  • Cavorex - Raging Tide
    Cavorex - Raging Tide Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    love how we start talking about what we'd like to see then people get all lvl 105 crazy like usual. face it people the ones that hit 105 wether using the fc tricks, or what not made it there. they used their time to do it we didn't. stop the crying over what We all didn't think of doing. and to all the 105's, done right or wrong. Grats. and to the QQers, stop crying and go lvl.
  • mcfreakie
    mcfreakie Posts: 531 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    15-18 days from 1 to 100 normal FC hard work .

    LOL u can make 30-35mil exp per day Normal FC ...

    lvl 100 to 101 in 2 days .

    101 to 102 in 9 days .

    and so on .

    there is nothing impossible in few months to get 105. just its Boring .
    And its a silly Idea from PWI to make it this long way to get 105 .

    They would better give people another fcken thing to do , new instances and bosses .

    While I do not doubt anyones ability to level their way to the top but it just pisses me off watching people do it in 20 days or so then hear them cry constantly there is nothing to do... ENJOY A DAMN GAME. If they wanna race go play a racing game cause many of us are just plain tired of hearing about how bored they get. I have known several players who skipped almost every quest in the game and never left FC only to hit 100 and cry cause they were bored. Good news is half of them who rush to 100+ only to be bored often just QUIT.
  • EmeraldFire - Lost City
    EmeraldFire - Lost City Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    There seems to be a lot of APS and Sin Nerfing, which I like, but don't see the need to elaborate further. Then there are the "fix the glitches" posts which are pleasantly vague.

    I would like to not see the red System Message take up my entire chatbox during bidding times, or at least make it with a filter, so you can choose to see it if you are bidding on something.

    As a Veno, I want some more pets to tame. The entire Earthguard region came without any sort of tameable creatures. Then we have the almost 20 level gap from the mid 50s water pets to the 70 something water mobs. Having a bridging pet to use until you hit 80 and can get the Plumpfish would be awesome.

    Having quest items in my regular inventory, as opposed to the quest inventory is something that should be rectified quickly though. I have a seperate section programed for quest items for a reason. Unless I buy Inventory Stones, and sometimes even with them, my bag has been filled with quest items to the point I couldn't pick up drops.

    And as a final thought, if you have the options to extend your Safe with items or a Stone, and extend your pet bag with food or a cage, can we also have the chance to extend our Inventories with an item collection quest or the Stone from the boutique?

    OMG Thank you for reminding me....

    PLEASE change the time of the bidding hall from coinciding with the TW times..That is EXTREMELY annoying =(
  • _Cruzer_ - Lost City
    _Cruzer_ - Lost City Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    1) sin stealth : stick a skill lag on there so a sin cannot immediately attack upon coming out of stealth. another game did this with its version of stealth. they added a little less than a seconds skill lock upon reappearing so people had an instant to react to the massive damage spike their health was about to receive. they also stuck a timer on the stealth skill.
    Not to bad of an idea.

    2)PLEASE OH PLEASE fix it so that the catapults in TW stop targeting and killing my mystic summons....
    Lol pwnt.

    3)reduce aps or make fists/claws a BM only weapon. they can lock out earthguard from everything but their classes weapons and lock out everyone from TB weapons. why not lock out everyone but BMs from the fists? and only archers bows while im at it...learn your classes for a change.
    This would make archers more unwanted in instances like NV etc, yea i agree that as an archer claws/fists isnt the wep to use but if an archer want endgame instance its pretty much a must to have claws or no1 wants us sadly. +claws is one of my top countermessure against sins << rofl.

    4)more coin sinks and/or a price ceiling of some moderate level for items/gold. an example of no higher than say 1 mill per gold..and thats pretty high. really anything that settles down the economy before we have china's problem
    Yea let the poor become more poor? Coin sinks would make the non CSing ppls more poor than what they now are. And imo a max limit of 500k/1g is good.

    on a side note a coin sink is something people will buy and sink their coin into. it is not something absurdly high priced like anything in the faction bases and it is not so fancy as to make you want to cash for coin to sink into it. the base is fine if its fixed for the pwi version. right now there are timed items for 100s of mill to bill coin...thats fine for PWchina but pwi thats way too high to be an effective coin sink

    Comments in red bwahaha lol.
  • Ichibankai - Lost City
    Ichibankai - Lost City Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Hmm lets see what would i like changed/added hmm well there is little to the changing part though i have seen other ideas that were nice like the 150 cap but then i think about a lvl 150 sin/ any mage class and my poor bm XD but in all honesty i would like to see it r9 for earthguard would be nice i have little to complain about.
  • Aowenn - Archosaur
    Aowenn - Archosaur Posts: 161 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I still say, bring in a mega socket stone. It automatically adds a socket to ANY armour/weapon of your choice
  • Young_Love - Archosaur
    Young_Love - Archosaur Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I still say, bring in a mega socket stone. It automatically adds a socket to ANY armour/weapon of your choice

    i do aggre getting tokens to buy 10k socket stones is annyoing hence i need alot of sockets
  • Brainphart - Sanctuary
    Brainphart - Sanctuary Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I still say, bring in a mega socket stone. It automatically adds a socket to ANY armour/weapon of your choice

    Agreed. My Aquadash needs 2ooo Socket stones for another socket D:< That **** is crazy! b:surrender
  • _Slyre_ - Raging Tide
    _Slyre_ - Raging Tide Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Hey all,

    We will be having regular Server Maintenance tonight at 11pm PDT! It should last no more than two hours, meaning all servers should be back up by 1am PDT.

    And for the usual maintenance question:

    If you could make just one gameplay change to PWI, what would it be?
    if i had to suggest a major change to pwi, id ask to add more instances and events, like how cube of fate is a bunch of "minigames" if u will. why not have a similar instance, but u choose the game, the difficulty and time frame and get charged accordingly? and depending on what ur choices are determines the prize u get? i admit its not like fate in the sence that u have to get to the end but with new faction contrib. system and such maybe cont. could be a consloation. dyes, tokens, chips, smilie packs and mirages for prizes and iron hammers, mounts, wings, charms, and extasy cards as major prizes. come on pwi, make us a good instance to unwind! also >.> pls no pk in said instance :3
  • Ichibankai - Lost City
    Ichibankai - Lost City Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I like the idea of the mega socket stone though 0o i could used like 20 of them because my luck with sockets in gear is horrible XD
  • Wavetide - Archosaur
    Wavetide - Archosaur Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Hey all,

    We will be having regular Server Maintenance tonight at 11pm PDT! It should last no more than two hours, meaning all servers should be back up by 1am PDT.

    And for the usual maintenance question:

    If you could make just one gameplay change to PWI, what would it be?

    i'd like to change the fact that some things don't have cutscenes. be rlly cool to enter a boss room to where a cutscene pops up showing ur char running into the room then a forcefield blocks the path behind u. then out from under the ground(or water if underwater dungeon) comes out the boss. or something like that.
  • XXSeairaXx - Dreamweaver
    XXSeairaXx - Dreamweaver Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    The one thing I would change.. Add many new quests for all the level ranges. The quests around level 10 or 15 is awesome, but at level 30+, the quests start to suck.
  • Messor_Grim - Sanctuary
    Messor_Grim - Sanctuary Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Patch Notes Version 566
    Released September 21, 2011

    Localization Changes
    We have fixed localization issues for the following quests:

    My Obese Sweetheart
    Beautiful Chang's Wish
    Evil Unleashed
    From the Beginning
    Light as a Feather
    Seek Help
    Talk to the Blacksmith
    Investigation's End
    Tarantulax Lair
    Slowing Corruption
    The Voice of the World: Abomination
    The Ferry
    Moving Spoon
    Curious Potion
    The Charm

    people still quest???????? how about making it to where questing and grinding is worth doing again
  • Young_Love - Archosaur
    Young_Love - Archosaur Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I like the idea of the mega socket stone though 0o i could used like 20 of them because my luck with sockets in gear is horrible XD

    lol u think your luck is bad try making 20 Requiem Blades and getting max stats but 1 socket in almost all of them i still have not gotten a 2 socket one yet >.>
  • AKB - Archosaur
    AKB - Archosaur Posts: 115 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    more socket stone = more shards = more money for u pwi. come on give a shot for some cheap mega sale socket stone b:victory
  • Lunaryl - Heavens Tear
    Lunaryl - Heavens Tear Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Patch Notes Version 566
    Released September 21, 2011

    Localization Changes
    We have fixed localization issues for the following quests:

    Quests huh? People still do those? Probably could've spent the work week better but that's just my thoughts.
  • Andareil - Lost City
    Andareil - Lost City Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited September 2011
  • Ichibankai - Lost City
    Ichibankai - Lost City Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    lol u think your luck is bad try making 20 Requiem Blades and getting max stats but 1 socket in almost all of them i still have not gotten a 2 socket one yet >.>

    I have had 1 socket in every weapon i made so i know the feeling i did get 3 sockets n my nv chest and legs though i was so happy XD
  • lympar
    lympar Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    How about having a PvP block on players that are 10 levels (or so) apart?
    I mean so that a 50+ player can’t attack a player who is perhaps 10 levels (or so) lower.

    I had just turned lvl 30-33 (don’t remember exactly) and entered the secret passage for a PvE quest when a high levelled player went PvP on my *** and killed me in one blow. I am now too afraid to go back there because I don’t want to die (and lose Exp) the moment I enter.

    I never want to play PvP either. That is not how I want to play the game. =(
  • Fon - Raging Tide
    Fon - Raging Tide Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    really... x.x just quest fixes? no sales? >.>
  • FateMakerr - Heavens Tear
    FateMakerr - Heavens Tear Posts: 953 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    so.... "regular" localization changes?
    Semi Retired Psychic of Radiance faction//Entering full retirement upon the release of ĠuildẂars2 or an otherwise drastic change in PWI management.
    "Exploiting a glitch is a violation of the ToS under User Conduct:
    (l) Using or exploiting any bugs, errors, or design flaws to obtain unauthorized access to the Service or to gain an unfair advantage over other players"-frankieraye ............guess he changed his mind.
  • Puppetmaster - Dreamweaver
    Puppetmaster - Dreamweaver Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    If you could make just one gameplay change to PWI, what would it be?

    I would put in a Mount that could run on water. b:thanks
  • Young_Love - Archosaur
    Young_Love - Archosaur Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I have had 1 socket in every weapon i made so i know the feeling i did get 3 sockets n my nv chest and legs though i was so happy XD

    gz on that lol im hoping after maint to get my BH done to lvl to 90 missing less then 1.7% to lvl then i need to find peeps for my cultis oh joys bring on the pain b:sad
  • Ichibankai - Lost City
    Ichibankai - Lost City Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    if i remember correctly you don't lose exp from pvp
  • Galeheart - Heavens Tear
    Galeheart - Heavens Tear Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    License this game for the US so you can begin independent development :P As for game-play *cough* bring the max down on APS, nerf sins, give seekers another stun skill or make voidstep's CD 45-60 seconds. Loved that idea about All-class pets being able to pick up drops, would save a lot of time while grinding. My two *unheard* cents lol
  • Sehren - Dreamweaver
    Sehren - Dreamweaver Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Oh, can we do something about the Chests of Coins? Buying a Hammer for 5 million coins for a 1 million coin prize just doesn't seem worth it.
  • Brainphart - Sanctuary
    Brainphart - Sanctuary Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    D:< I really wish that Pwi would stop taking things away from the game because people QQ,

    Tell them Tough titties and think about the rest of us who actually need said ****ing items. or what.... does that not make sense?

    This Game isn't about just ONE person, it's about a **** load of them. And so A few might QQ that they had to PAY ACTUAL money for something, so what, that's their own choice. The game is changing and if people are gon'a QQ about every change Pw will never get anywhere.

    Ps: Get rid of that Ugly freaking Motorcycle, and new Male Millennium fash, they are both fugly and do not fit into the concept on PW. Js.

    -total nerd-rage right here peeps -
  • FOXIE_WF - Lost City
    FOXIE_WF - Lost City Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    please make barbs tanks again and put FC back to were it drop mats and then its watch them cry lol