[Breaking News] Secret Passage Being Reverted



  • dionchaou
    dionchaou Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Hey all,

    Due to the extremely negative feedback about the recent change to Secret Passage, the developers have agreed to revert it to its original state - the way that it was before the change.

    From what I understand, the change is about to be implemented on the Chinese servers, and it will soon take place over here as well.

    Thank you for all of your feedback on the matter :)

    Yea that is all fine and dandy but in the meantime while trying to do quest in there still getting pked while doing the quest such as the Demon fires in a room all by their lonesome or Eido Shade you need a body from or Dismal Shade got toons backed up needing them quest but yet ppl are camping them places. Can't wait till it is set back to it's original state can't come soon enough
  • mcfreakie
    mcfreakie Posts: 531 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    It doesn't matter how large or skilled the development team is, and has nothing to do with their willingness to learn.

    As with any job, the developers at PWE do what their bosses tell them to.

    Until the cold day in hell when the executives in charge of the development team take an interest in improving game play or fixing bugs instead of creating marketing schemes to maximize short term profit, the game will continue to be the buggy mess that we know and love.

    HEY PWE EXECUTIVES! LOOK AT YOUR OTHER FAILING GAMES! LoTR dead! HoTK dead! others on their way...... If you had put half the work of creating those pieces of doomed **** into fixing/improving the one successful game you have, do you think you'd have made more or less money? My bet is more. How hard is it to see through that haze of money you've built up? Snap out of it, please.

    Here's your historical metaphor for the day:
    PWI is the Ford Mustang of MMOs, classic and a bit wonky, but beloved by many for who knows what reason. Please stop wasting your profits developing Pintos and Mustang IIs and focus on what people want. (in this case, fixed bugs, better customer support; and more things to do in game, new instances and events for the endgame players).

    After this game has done it's best tumbleweed impression and blown away, I invite the
    executives to print out and frame this post, as a reminder in future jobs that listening to customer pays more in the long run than listening to marketing specialists.

    ++++ 1

    They must be listening to OTHER marketing specialists cause if the roll out of SP as something intentional... SUPER FAIL!
  • Sole_Archer - Heavens Tear
    Sole_Archer - Heavens Tear Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    All that say it's banned I searched before posting and MOD said it wasn't. Have fun with that I was gettin second opinions from other MODS and GMS not high level people who think they know everything about the game. Congratulations.
  • khethos0001
    khethos0001 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    All that say it's banned I searched before posting and MOD said it wasn't. Have fun with that I was gettin second opinions from other MODS and GMS not high level people who think they know everything about the game. Congratulations.

    If it was bannable there'd be a post by a GM or a News Post on the main site by PWE to state that the rules would be changed to reflect that.

    Since it's all quiet on those two sides, there's nothing. It's not bannable right now.
  • Tekril - Dreamweaver
    Tekril - Dreamweaver Posts: 308 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Yo QQers.

    You are now aware that there's no "Maintenance tonight!" thread today.

    Enjoy your whining.
  • mcfreakie
    mcfreakie Posts: 531 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Yo QQers.

    You are now aware that there's no "Maintenance tonight!" thread today.

    Enjoy your whining.

    Yo... QQer of QQers: As of late the 'Maintenance" has been happening on TUES nights. Only the Emergency patches have been happening on Monday nights.

    Enjoy your extra night of crying cause people register complaints.
  • Tekril - Dreamweaver
    Tekril - Dreamweaver Posts: 308 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    mcfreakie wrote: »
    Enjoy your extra night of crying cause people register complaints.
    Thanks, I will enjoy my extra night of their crying. Especially yours b:victory
  • Kaytrine - Heavens Tear
    Kaytrine - Heavens Tear Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    It would actually take some effort for GM`s to examine tickets with screenshots, as we all know they can`t be bothered doing that.

  • mcfreakie
    mcfreakie Posts: 531 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Thanks, I will enjoy my extra night of their crying. Especially yours b:victory

    What is enjoyable to me... is knowing you are sitting at home crying cause people are here actually voicing their opinions and it irritates you. I might start a couple new threads on the subject just so you can cry some more. :) Love to see people like you so upset cause others are complaining about idiot developers and **** poor communication from our CM. Thrills me to no end to see you so disturbed by our complaints.

    I will actually sleep better tonight knowing some idiot who comes to troll complaint threads in the forums will be QQing over this thread instead of minding his/her own business. Oh and Thank YOU for keeping this thread at the top of the list. We appreciate it!!
  • Tekril - Dreamweaver
    Tekril - Dreamweaver Posts: 308 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    mcfreakie wrote: »
    What is enjoyable to me... is knowing you are sitting at home crying cause people are here actually voicing their opinions and it irritates you. I might start a couple new threads on the subject just so you can cry some more. :) Love to see people like you so upset cause others are complaining about idiot developers and **** poor communication from our CM. Thrills me to no end to see you so disturbed by our complaints.
    lol you're pathetic.

    Lemme get this straight here...
    -You cry over not only a game, but a situation in a game that you know you're not having an effect on.
    -I come along and try helping you chillax.
    -You rage like a child
    -I can't help but laugh at you now
    -Somehow that makes me sad enough to cry...?

    Listen, brah. I'm not crying. I'm laughing at you. You're the one crying about a situation that is unimportant. And it don't make a lick of sense why you'd assume I'm crying about that. You're the one QQing nonstop over a game. A game, man. You think I'm sad about that? No, it's hilarious. Not because I normally find people crying about something like that funny, but because you're trying to bash others to try hiding behind the illusion that you're somehow not pathetic.

    You're antagonizing your fellow forum posters, even ones that were(formerly) here for you, and insisting on whining about it, and on top of that, you assume that we're the ones crying.

    Well if you wanna continue looking like a pathetic child, be my guest. But you can still save face and stop your QQing. I'm not here to troll you, but if you insist on antagonizing everyone, including me, I have no choice but to laugh at and ridicule you.
  • RosangeIa - Heavens Tear
    RosangeIa - Heavens Tear Posts: 240 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Can you boys perhaps chill a little tiny bit? I think we all know how fast anything gets done around here regarding things that gets messed up that has absolutely nothing to do with the cash shop...

    And if you don't, I will tell you: It takes a really effin long time for PWE China to send up patches with fixes to problems that should be solved within days it surfaced. Unless the problem is in relation to the cash shop which PWE (America) CAN actually change themselves, it's a long time coming hoping for fixes elsewhere.

    Even though I'm not particularly thrilled with SP, I realize there's not a lot that will or can be done about it. Sure they could try and enforce a ban on players pk'ing in SP for now, but they wont because they don't have enough people to review what most likely would be a lot of tickets submitted. Or they just don't want to make GMs monitor the situation. Or probably more realistically speaking, they don't want to pay people to do it.

    No I don't think PWE is very good at running things, but SP is but a small ripple in the pond just like every other bug or glitch or **** up. Granted it's become a much bigger ripple, that may affect people staying on the game or not (or already has), but even so...

    Anyway I'd continue but I'm tired. So I'll end there... I know it's a rather negative view but I've been on this game for three years... I have seen enough to know how PWE tends to deal with their problems.

    Here since October 2008 ;)

    Check out my Art Corner:
  • mcfreakie
    mcfreakie Posts: 531 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    lol you're pathetic.

    Lemme get this straight here...
    -You cry over not only a game, but a situation in a game that you know you're not having an effect on.
    -I come along and try helping you chillax.
    -You rage like a child
    -I can't help but laugh at you now
    -Somehow that makes me sad enough to cry...?

    Listen, brah. I'm crying. I'm laughing at you. You're the one not crying about a situation that is unimportant. And it don't make a lick of sense why I'm crying about that. I'm the one QQing nonstop over a game. A game, man. I'm sad about that? Yes, it's hilarious. Not because I normally find myself crying about something like that funny, but because I am trying to bash others to try hiding behind the illusion that I am somehow pathetic.

    Well I wanna continue looking like a pathetic child, so be my guest. But you can still save face and tell me to stop QQing. I'm here to troll you, but I insist on antagonizing everyone, including you, everyone will have no choice but to laugh at and ridicule me.

    Yes you could do yourself justice by moving along... you clearly have ZERO business here other then to QQ like a little child. Keep moving along... there are plenty of threads you can troll. But thanks again for bringing this topic back to the top. :)
  • khethos0001
    khethos0001 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    @RosangeIa: I completely agree. We've seen the patches float down slower than molasses and not always fix what was promised. Last week's "localization patch" anyone? b:surrender

    Back on Topic: We want to voice our opinions, but yes, some are taking it too far and are starting to make all of us look bad with their tantrums against other players. We need input from more people to get PWE to budge a little, not shooting ourselves in the foot.

    I guess we have to wait till almost the time the maintenance hits before we get notice on patches now? Cause I notice on the main PWI page that the last Patch Notes notice is from late September, a month and two days ago! And the Game Updates section... I don't give a beetle's back end about the packs anymore. The treatment of players like this isn't going to get them money from me.

    Side Note: mcfreakie... You do need to chill, on all the SP threads, and probably then some others too. Calling people names like I've seen you do repeatedly only makes even those of us on the "Revert SP" side start to hate your actions and makes YOU look downright horrible. Who wants to side with someone acting like a ****?
  • Tekril - Dreamweaver
    Tekril - Dreamweaver Posts: 308 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    mcfreakie wrote: »
    Yes you could do yourself justice by moving along... you clearly have ZERO business here other then to QQ like a little child. Keep moving along... there are plenty of threads you can troll.
    lol you mad? I thought you were so involved with QQing about SP. Now It's aaaaall about me. .b:cool
    mcfreakie wrote: »
    But thanks again for bringing this topic back to the top. :)
    Oh look, even more of a reason you're a tard. You didn't even realize this thread is a sticky.
    Side Note: mcfreakie... You do need to chill, on all the SP threads, and probably then some others too. Calling people names like I've seen you do repeatedly only makes even those of us on the "Revert SP" side start to hate your actions and makes YOU look downright horrible. Who wants to side with someone acting like a ****?
    No no, let him make a show. This is too amusing for him to stop.

    And fwiw, I'm on the "revert SP" side as well. It's just that to act like a child over that as mcfreakie is demonstrating is very entertaining.
  • rivendaele
    rivendaele Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    For this reason, the reversion to Secret Passage will come to us as part of one of these "content-bundles". What this means is that we will not be receiving it next week, and probably not the following week either. The patch with the reversion should be in our version in 3-4 weeks, along with some other cool new content.
    its today the 25th of October and I still don't see any change??????
  • brazenbusboy
    brazenbusboy Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I guess the GMs that no one see's are actually in game all the time, following around the most prolific cash shoppers and begging them for ideas to implement that will get them to spend even more.

    Think about it, if you ran PW, and you knew which players spent $5,000 or more in game in the last month alone, you would bend over backwards for these folks. More pack sales, yes sir. More hypers, yes sir. Look the other way on goon squads, yes sir.
    Need a goon squad equivalent somewhere else, give us a week. How about an area where end gamers can freely gank new players?

    Meanwhile they laugh at the rest of the players trying to play the game as it was designed. The most they will throw our way are some empty promises about fixing major problems like the SP harrassment fiasco.
    Just some guy
  • Misha_L - Heavens Tear
    Misha_L - Heavens Tear Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    No maintenance again .... they feel that nothing important needs changing. I guess SP will be PK only forever and my waiting characters will not get Silver Frost to enter OHT b:sad
  • Ms_Mystic - Heavens Tear
    Ms_Mystic - Heavens Tear Posts: 216 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Do they have any intention to revert SP????? I doubt it. It looks like this thread was only a way to give false hope to people who actually level their characters the old fashioned way. Playing the game.b:surrender
  • IceBleyed - Raging Tide
    IceBleyed - Raging Tide Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I have a post on the first thread (stating pk was allowed):
    post #1520.

    Quick version, since the brackets didn't insert it - How much longer?!? It's been about 6 weeks since the reverting of SP was announced...

    Additional thoughts:

    I know a number of people on RT server who would like to not get killed (by pk'ers) doing Silver Frost, Shade Eido, Trial by Fire, and the rest. Most of us haven't bothered with those quests and (generally speaking) won't until the solution is patched.

    Tele'ing in doesn't always work because there are pk-nerds that sit and wait for the tele-flash. I'm not familiar with how they do it, but when a 30's level teleports in with full health and ends up inside, but down 60-ish % on hp. My rl wife had a character killed two or three times teleporting in before she either gave up or got lucky (I don't recall which).

    Likewise, I was in with my veno (yes, I have one, character 13 of 14, well after a year of playing b:chuckle) attempting the trial by fire quest, and I was pk'd by some mystic. By the time I got back in SP, he'd already killed the mobs. It was at that point I pretty much gave up on anything SP until it's fixed. I wouldn't have cared if he'd squaded with me, be my guest - faster finish. What bothers me is that, presumably, he felt that because he 'could' kill me directly, he would. Call it what you want, it takes away from the fair play theme of a PVE server.

    Just a couple thoughts and examples; thanks for the minute of your time.
  • mcfreakie
    mcfreakie Posts: 531 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    lol you mad? I thought you were so involved with QQing about SP. Now It's aaaaall about me. .b:cool

    Oh look, even more of a reason you're a tard. You didn't even realize this thread is a sticky.

    No no, let him make a show. This is too amusing for him to stop.

    And fwiw, I'm on the "revert SP" side as well. It's just that to act like a child over that as mcfreakie is demonstrating is very entertaining.

    LOL how can anyone get mad over QQs from YOU? HAhahaha It was actually NEVER about you. HAHAA but thanks for thinking anyone would devote so much time for YOU. Seems I am entertaining you cause you just cant stop coming here to tell me to stop. Thanks for the attention. LOL
  • Tallain_ - Heavens Tear
    Tallain_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    no maint. again? gee there's a shock..... *looks for SP fix*

    Here's this thread as a reminder frankie.......

    SEVEN WEEKS now... wtf.....

    so.... in your minds seven weeks is soon?
  • Sdrassa - Sanctuary
    Sdrassa - Sanctuary Posts: 136 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Thanks PWE for listening to your player base and fixing something that gives negative feedback!!

    Ow wait.... I'm confused, that was another game.b:angry
  • Ms_Mystic - Heavens Tear
    Ms_Mystic - Heavens Tear Posts: 216 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Thanks PWE for listening to your player base and fixing something that gives negative feedback!!

    Ow wait.... I'm confused, that was another game.b:angry

    Sorry ... You have confused this game with one that actually cares about the people who play the game.
  • SylenThunder - Twilight Temple
    edited October 2011
    When the hell are we going to get a fix for SP?

    I mean really.. It's not a hard fix, we know this because of the speed with which they fixed it at PW-CN.

    We don't care about the **** story of them putting everything into a massive update. We all know how much BS that really is.

    We want an honest answer from you/the company about why the hell the fix hasn't been implemented yet.

    As you can tell from the forums that you don't bother to respond to anymore, we're pretty fed up. Your lack of response just fuels our anger. The lack of support just shows how much PWE does not care about us.

    You are our voice to the company, and the voice of the company to us. We feel like we're being ignored, and we get nasty when we are ignored.
  • Tallain_ - Heavens Tear
    Tallain_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    [Breaking News!] We're Slower the fracking snails

  • Sdrassa - Sanctuary
    Sdrassa - Sanctuary Posts: 136 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I don't think they even check the forums anymore. Since people are free to do whatever they want in the game without a warning or ban or whatever. It's a shame that this game is dying, I had lots of fun playing it when it was still nice. b:sad
    I will not be playing this game until the secret passage is fixed.

    To find out if they still check the forum, list as many non PWE games as you can. If they don't reply to that you know they're letting the game die.
  • Saethos - Raging Tide
    Saethos - Raging Tide Posts: 1,239 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    How long until this is actually implimented? I have to use Absolute Domain and an andti stun just to help a friend with a simple BH29 every time I go. I often find myself broke, so I try not to stone in when I can just run there...I shouldn't have to Anti stun + Absolute Domain + Holy path until I get inside...
    It is said that apple pie is best served Al La Mode, so if you are the pie, consider me your ice cream.
  • Sdrassa - Sanctuary
    Sdrassa - Sanctuary Posts: 136 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    It will probably be a year or so before this is actually implemented. Or they might not fix it at all since certain packs give chi stones so you'll be forced to buy those to use your genie skills.
  • Ukkie - Sanctuary
    Ukkie - Sanctuary Posts: 120 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    It will probably be a year or so before this is actually implemented. Or they might not fix it at all since certain packs give chi stones so you'll be forced to buy those to use your genie skills.

    I've been wondering when they will fix the Cleric buff... call me a whiny lil ****, but I want it fixed. How freaking hard can it be... it's eating me, FIX MY BUFF YOU BUNCH OF FCKERS
    Gentlemen, I believe I am on fire
  • Sdrassa - Sanctuary
    Sdrassa - Sanctuary Posts: 136 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Hmm... Sylen's other topic closed but apparently we'll get the fix when it's there. Soooo in other words... never?