PvP in Secret Passage is now 100% allowed!
HardToThink - Lost City wrote: »Also ban pk at west gate and secret pool, you need mobs in those areas for culti. Then ban pvp on top of the heavens tear you need to talk to the guy up there, then ban pvp in the swamps, theres lots of quests there to. Oh, can you just ban pvp everywhere? I'm pretty sure there are quests there.
On a PvE server you cannot be attacked by other players in the areas you listed, unless you turn on the PvP switch.
Which is the main reason people choose to roll on a PvE server to begin with.
Those who choose to roll on a PvP server know they can be attacked everywhere out of the safe zones.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thanks Brit for the sig b:laugh0 -
I love the new SP, its great. People get caught in the crossfire and come back QQin to me so i kill them again. This is the best game ever, keep it up Devs. Im sure all of pwe love you.0
frankie your just the messenger but try ask your boss (or bosses) if they actually played PW. >.>;; Are all the higher ups this oblivious to the game? b:shocked[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]lagunal8.deviantart.com
★"New weekly quests! "Discover the bug in the patch""-Nihillae★"My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony."-Neurosis★"You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life."-Ninnuam★"A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them"-ilystah★["How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)"-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★"I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours."-ColdSteele★"If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★"This thread is a joke right? Please say yes."-eatwithspoons★ "This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth."-Alacol★"Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution."-Asterelle★"It's about time PW starts to separate out the noob Sins from the rest."-salvati0n★"Shoo troll >:O"-TheDan0 -
I am the liberator of all noobs, slayer of the dreaded Silver Frost, avenger of all that have fallen. It is my sworn duty for life to lend a hand to a warrior in need. The opressed shall be opressed no more !!!
Read sig for details.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Bodyguard for Secret Passage at your service, now accepting daily installments of just 2.5m for your leisure.0 -
Okeano - Harshlands wrote: »Not a move by PWE, if you can read, the devs did this.
Low levels have no need to be in SP. Silverfrost is the only thing that's really needed in there. That's once in a character's playing life. There won't be people in SP 24/7.
you are an idiot.0 -
Abstractive - Archosaur wrote: »I am the liberator of all noobs, slayer of the dreaded Silver Frost, avenger of all that have fallen. It is my sworn duty for life to lend a hand to a warrior in need. The opressed shall be opressed no more !!!
Read sig for details.
b:laugh"Care Bear" b:chuckle
Proud member of Drakon - forever !! RAWR0 -
Wow... just wow. Thank you PWE for preventing lots of players from doing their 99 culti because of this.
If you're too lazy to fix the arenas (which would be the most logical thing to do, if you want a penalty-free pvp instance), that's cool with me.
I'm lucky I've done that part of my chrono quest on this toon, but what if I need it on another character, later? I don't want my poor cleric and his squad being "hurr-durr shadowteleportstunlockedraped" while killing that stupid boss.
Add a room in Hall of Deception, and put him there. Or just put him somewhere outside. ANYWHERE, geez.
Also, to all the pvp-tards telling us carebears to scuck it up, go back to your pvp cesspools and stay there. We're complaining about pvp being forced on players from pve servers.0 -
Initiate a Poll Thread Frankie!!!
and try conducting polls BEFORE you **** people over. Regardless of anyone's view on rights and wrongs, morals and ideas of acceptable conduct, you have a huge swathe of heated debate here from exercising a change that you CLAIM a large number of people asked for.
YOU have NO CLUE who wanted it.. how many wanted it, which servers wanted it... and why have you got no clue?
Dont start saying that people want this or that like you actually have a clue...
USE POLLS... if people dont like the changes voted for by the majority at least then they cannot claim they had no say.
0 -
YingXiaolong - Raging Tide wrote: »Wow... just wow. Thank you PWE for preventing lots of players from doing their 99 culti because of this.
If you're too lazy to fix the arenas (which would be the most logical thing to do, if you want a penalty-free pvp instance), that's cool with me.
I'm lucky I've done that part of my chrono quest on this toon, but what if I need it on another character, later? I don't want my poor cleric and his squad being "hurr-durr shadowteleportstunlockedraped" while killing that stupid boss.
Add a room in Hall of Deception, and put him there. Or just put him somewhere outside. ANYWHERE, geez.
Also, to all the pvp-tards telling us carebears to scuck it up, go back to your pvp cesspools and stay there. We're complaining about pvp being forced on players from pve servers.
Last sentenceb:bye0 -
Why do you stumble blindly onward, conducting the game in TOTAL ignorance of what people who pay your salary want and expect?
There is no reason whatever why your so called, Developers, GM's, CM's cannot publish useful information and canvass what people want and need from the "SERVICE"
to be able to see the most frequently and commonly reported game errors, with a priority list of fixes.. showing projected fix dates for the problems reported.
to have a fail safe list of GM's and contact details with a proper description of their scope of duty and the hours that they may be reached.
to be given POLLS as suggested on whether or not to implement changes that concern the ENTIRE gaming community not just a select few.
There is no information made public on what errors and faults have been reported, by how many people, over how long a period of time. let alone a response indicating what you propose to do about it, and by when.
I suspect it is because there is no intent to correct errors, no clue in your company as to what impact you have on your customer base with your incompetence and ignorance.
IF.. you canvass... IF you publish results of reported problems and requests for changes
IF you do any of the things that ANY SERVICE organisation with a brain will do
Then maybe you wouldnt have thousands and thousands of posts on forums from disgruntled and disenfranchised customers.
Customer surveys are huge, powerful and revealing tools.. it is why we are bombarded day in day out via email by various companies attempting to capture that data.
Cookies track your web site visits, discover your likes, dislikes etc.
WHY do they do that? So that they can make best use of their resources to sell you more product because they are forearmed with your likes and dislikes and use that profile to increase their appeal to the customer base.
YOU have no clue what people want, no stats anywhere on what % of the community want this or that.
Involve and consult with the people that that pay you good money for being so incompetent.0 -
The fact that the devs send incomplete patch notes every frigging time shows how much they care about us.The only way to beat a troll is....to troll him back b:angry0
To PWI please change your description of your game and server description and stop using PvE in your descriptions and advertizing.
When i want to PvP i play real PvP games such as first person shooters where we are all equal and ONLY skill counts not money.
I played this game and server because they are not forced PvP.
Somewhere along the line someone once again has decided that after 51 years of life i dont know what is good for me, and once again someone else has decided what makes me happy, I wonder if I did that to them whether they would be as understanding as they expect me too be.
You are trying to please a bunch of what are really fail PvPers on a PvE server, who have a need to feel like heros PKing helpless babies, because of thier low self esteem and lack of confidence/skills they are unable to stick to there beliefs and reroll a true PvP server and play in the stye they claim to enjoy.
You are not listerning to why we play the game.b:sadThere are old Warriors, and bold Warriors,
but there are very few old bold Warriors. b:chuckle0 -
I am right in thinking this only applies to PVP servers??
Or is everyone who plays PVE now forced to put up with pking tards in SP too?? Its SO wrong if this is the case!
Its bad enough in the PK-enabled rooms in the Cube - we joined PVE servers specifically to avoid the juveniles who play PK so why the hell should we be forced to endure it?
And as many have said, there are mobs in SP you HAVE to go in there for to complete quests.
How the hell can a squad of reasonably lowbies hope to help others if they are ganked continuously by high levels exercising their e-peens?
Its so wrong.
Just Pointless Killing for Pathetic Kretins.0 -
Pressa... stop promoting the harassment. People choose NOT to pvp on a pve server. When you force pvp on pve players and allow players to harass other players who go as far as tell those players wanting to PVP they need to pass for a quest and those players choose to exploit this change its harassment. Those who wish to pvp players have numerous places to PK and have dedicated servers to practice their PVP skills and yet those of us who wish to play in a PVE server are now being forced to PVP if we wish to follow quest chains. Any one making statements like your that us care bears should just get over it... is doing just like the company developers, GMs, and now MODs in promoting harassment in the game. Its even more insulting for you to comment anyone against PVP on a PVE server doesnt understand PVP. I have played other games and have been successful on PVP servers and enjoyed it... I do NOT wish to play PVP in this game. Being forced to either avoid SP or participate in PVP is an ignorant joke.
I am ashamed to hear you make such a statement as I have agreed with your other replies on this topic.
Actually I don't agree with their choice of location I agree with the PvP of blue names and not being able to drop gear when you pvp you can't get that except by paying lots of money. The PvP in this is actually fun granted I have played better but its worth it to do on this game. I'm actually saying to ignore the carebears who think PvP should be abolished from the server altogether because they are ignorant and do not know what they are talking about. They might have tried PvP and gotten killed or had other bad experiences with it but it shouldn't be removed from a PvE server b:surrender Thats what they should get over.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
I don't think it is right to force lower lvls to pk ... I agree that if pkers want a place to pk and not drop things then i am pretty sure there are other instances that dont even go anywhere yet that could be used for this.
Saying that u do not have to go into SP is not right.. and hoping higher levels dont pk lower is just stupidity.. We went in to do bh29s lastnight on lower chars. and some all mighty thinking archer pked 2 lvl 46 and a lvl 94 who was taking them through. the archer was at least lvl 100.
Doesnt matter if you dont dtop things or lose exp. its not right. We chose this server after leaving another because we are not into pking. Now we have to deal with it. ..
Like i said not against an area, but why an instance where lower lvls play.
As for some saying oh stop crying u dont drop anything or lose exp, well ur crying is what had this created. so why would some not cry to get it changed,. It makes it alot less enjoyable for lower lvls when they have to worry if they can even get into the instance at all without being killed over and over and have to keep trying to run through agina and again .. because some high lvl thinks he is kewl to pk someone not wanting to pk.0 -
PVE servers shouldn't have non~consented PVP. People will argue going into an area where it "allows it by accidental update or otherwise" should be allowed and people are aware of what they are getting into. Majority who PVP are those who payed for reputation and have a lot of cash to blow on the boutique. Those who want to PVP should be on PVP server instead of harassing those who want to quest (yes questing you know the old honorable way of getting reputation..) and innocently want to keep away from those "types" of players who just want to compare gear and hit each other like barbarians. Players are already controlling if players can get skill books. Now allowing players to control a area and forcing players to PAY to enter a dungeon?0
I have a level 4X cleric which can't port in because of the damn silly mob which is right at the spawn point which one shots me while I port, so I have to run through.
How long is it going to take me to run through to get to the BH entrance if PK is enabled in there?
This really hasn't been thought through very well by the devs.0 -
MrsWideGlide - Sanctuary wrote: »As for some saying oh stop crying u dont drop anything or lose exp, well ur crying is what had this created.
you say it was the pkers crying that got this created, but this wouldn't have been changed in the care bears on both server types didn't QQ about secret passage pking and got it banned[SIGPIC]http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/image.php?type=sigpic&userid=43431390001&dateline=1312455335[/SIGPIC]
TY Dorset for the awesome sig.]0 -
Pressa - Heavens Tear wrote: »Actually I don't agree with their choice of location I agree with the PvP of blue names and not being able to drop gear when you pvp you can't get that except by paying lots of money. The PvP in this is actually fun granted I have played better but its worth it to do on this game. I'm actually saying to ignore the carebears who think PvP should be abolished from the server altogether because they are ignorant and do not know what they are talking about. They might have tried PvP and gotten killed or had other bad experiences with it but it shouldn't be removed from a PvE server b:surrender Thats what they should get over.
True ignorance is someone who tells others what is good for them without listerning to those who have been there done that and chosen a different path because of personal beliefs.
In the society that i live in we are bought up to believe killing is not fun and i do not WANT to even practice thinking it is, killing may be acceptable/encouraged in your society if so your people should roll a PvP server.
Ask yourself this question does he have the right to enter my place and tell me what is good for me without asking me what i want or believe.
Where i come from the answer is NO.There are old Warriors, and bold Warriors,
but there are very few old bold Warriors. b:chuckle0 -
I have a level 4X cleric which can't port in because of the damn silly mob which is right at the spawn point which one shots me while I port, so I have to run through.
How long is it going to take me to run through to get to the BH entrance if PK is enabled in there?
This really hasn't been thought through very well by the devs.
Hey, I agree this sucks too, I've said so many times on this thread b:laugh but for the time being try just before clicking the stone, spamming some IH on you (2 or 3) then click as fast you can to port, then shove another IH if you can fit it in, then hope to hell you don't lag. I used to do that with my cleric, and it succeeded each time."Care Bear" b:chuckle
Proud member of Drakon - forever !! RAWR0 -
StormChimera - Lost City wrote: »you say it was the pkers crying that got this created, but this wouldn't have been changed in the care bears on both server types didn't QQ about secret passage pking and got it banned
True, and all i am saying is that the few who have posted that they like it and approve this pk area, some are saying stop crying about it.. but if people do not put what they think then things do not get changed. So i have seen other write before. If we do not tell them what we do and don't like then they do not know. So all i am saying is from reading past posts about many other things. its not cryings its voicing an oppinion. ..
Im sure some who approve this change have complained about others right.0 -
MrsWideGlide - Sanctuary wrote: »True, and all i am saying is that the few who have posted that they like it and approve this pk area, some are saying stop crying about it.. but if people do not put what they think then things do not get changed. So i have seen other write before. If we do not tell them what we do and don't like then they do not know. So all i am saying is from reading past posts about many other things. its not cryings its voicing an oppinion. ..
Im sure some who approve this change have complained about others right.
i can say i'v never complained about this game. if i got so unhappy with this game that it makes me literally rage like people have been doing i would just quit. but yes almost every one has an opinion on this hell even i believe they should fix it so blue names can't be killed and they might just do that which would solve everything[SIGPIC]http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/image.php?type=sigpic&userid=43431390001&dateline=1312455335[/SIGPIC]
TY Dorset for the awesome sig.]0 -
StormChimera - Lost City wrote: »i can say i'v never complained about this game. if i got so unhappy with this game that it makes me literally rage like people have been doing i would just quit. but yes almost every one has an opinion on this hell even i believe they should fix it so blue names can't be killed and they might just do that which would solve everything
Exactly. that might be the easiest fix. As long as players in Blue names are safe I do not think many would complain at all. I think most are upset from what i have read because they do not like PvP and its kinda feeling forced upon them.0 -
StormChimera - Lost City wrote: »i can say i'v never complained about this game. if i got so unhappy with this game that it makes me literally rage like people have been doing i would just quit. but yes almost every one has an opinion on this hell even i believe they should fix it so blue names can't be killed and they might just do that which would solve everythingfrankieraye wrote: »...
Since our version almost 100% mirrors the Chinese version functionality-wise, we now have the same thing...
It can be changed yet ?
I myself forced to be out of SP forever.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
MrsWideGlide - Sanctuary wrote: »Exactly. that might be the easiest fix. As long as players in Blue names are safe I do not think many would complain at all. I think most are upset from what i have read because they do not like PvP and its kinda feeling forced upon them.
i honestly think that the community of some of you PvE servers need to wake up and have a good look at yourselves. you would honestly think the most harassment from this would come from the PvP servers. Lets face it most high factions on Lost city pk lvl 30's because it makes there Epeen grow (yes i know we signed up for it) but you would think that they would also love the chance to kill blue names especially with the trouble of drop stealers, but no as i said in previous pasts and HardToThink mentioned we have almost no one pking in SP and if they do you can usually just ask and get let through[SIGPIC]http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/image.php?type=sigpic&userid=43431390001&dateline=1312455335[/SIGPIC]
TY Dorset for the awesome sig.]0 -
Magicsaber - Dreamweaver wrote: »It can be changed yet ?
I myself forced to be out of SP forever.
i don't get what your getting at? yes i know the devs in china did this all i was stating i hope frankie's messages to them gets a blue name protection installed for our version but then again i wouldn't hold my breath[SIGPIC]http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/image.php?type=sigpic&userid=43431390001&dateline=1312455335[/SIGPIC]
TY Dorset for the awesome sig.]0 -
it would seem that you guys could figure out Secrete Passage is not a good place for pk... you have lots of new people going in just trying to do quests and get nailed going in the door. If we must have pking on what is supposed to be a non pk server why not make a seperate instance they go into. this would fix the pking of innocent questers and their help, while the ones that wish to pk can face others that wish to do the same?0
HardToThink - Lost City wrote: »Also ban pk at west gate and secret pool, you need mobs in those areas for culti. Then ban pvp on top of the heavens tear you need to talk to the guy up there, then ban pvp in the swamps, theres lots of quests there to. Oh, can you just ban pvp everywhere? I'm pretty sure there are quests there.
I was lvl 95 for a year.
I level'd the way pro wishess did, oracle IX
Here is the difference that you apparently aren't getting. 1st off west gate and silver pool areas on a pve server if you aren't in PK mode, you can quest with ease without being bothered. If you choose to go into pk mode, then you know what you are doing and its your own fault if ppl kill you here. You are ridiculous, the problem is NOT that there are quests in these areas and that there shouldn't be pvp, the problem is that on a pve server, we chose that server so that we didn't have to deal with the idiots 50 levels higher than us getting off on 1 shotting a newb. Now onto the next issue, even if you are lvl 1 and go into the secret passage they can kill you now, blue name or not. So the rule that even on Pvp servers that you were safe until lvl 30 is no longer existent. A lvl 25 in there to do quests will now never get them done. I'm lvl 102 and I tried to help a lvl 75 do their culti last night and when we finally made it to silverfrost, I had him almost dead and they killed the cleric so she didn't get her culti. She was so upset (at lvl 75) that she said they've ruined this game. How many people do you know who want that kind of grief? I don't enjoy it, it isn't what I'd consider "fun" and I for damn sure don't play a game for any reason other than to have fun. Unlike some ppl, I don't need the epeen; my real life is satisfying enough for me.ChaoticShelly wrote: »Why? Why should they? They have quests in there, the PKers, don't.
There should be a Drop free PK area in this game, but why do it on the expense of new players, or low level characters?
^^This. Why are ppl 75 lvls above the questing area there anyways? Just to grief other low lvl players. I did not see anyone killing someone their lvl last night except for me. Probably b/c I was the only high lvl there that wasn't in the faction of ppl who was camping and greifing others. Ok at some point this has to be considered harrassment. Which is a blatant tos violation. I watched someone kill the same person last night at least 15 times before she gave up and quit coming in to try and quest. That goes way beyond the scope of "playing" that is down right harrassment.DarkPlaces - Harshlands wrote: »
Edit: Oh, and of course you don't have to go there. You don't have to go to any other place than Archosaur West where you set up a catshop and trade with tokens. Isn't that fun?
^^ Thanks for putting it just how it is. The game is no longer for actual playing. They have gone so low as to say: We just want your money, so just charge it to get to the level you want and we can all be happy. Seriously, I can't even defend this company anymore. I've had 3 friends ask me what MMO I play and I'm ashamed to tell them. Furthermore I tell then not to even download it, its a waste of time and money. There are more games out there that cater to their player base much better and cost much less for you to be half as awesome as everyone else.0 -
Annalyse - Heavens Tear wrote: »Although, lower levels can't really kill some of those bosses on their own. But they won't find any high level help now.
Are you kidding? I love running SP/FB29 for lowbies all the time.Although with the new pk instance thing, i'll be spamming WoG and AD. -__-
˙buoɹʇs ǝq ןן,ı ʇɐɥʇ ɟןǝsʎɯ ןןǝʇ ı os0 -
_evil_angel - Heavens Tear wrote: »I love the new SP, its great. People get caught in the crossfire and come back QQin to me so i kill them again. This is the best game ever, keep it up Devs. Im sure all of pwe love you.
The 3 hours I was in there last night, I didn't see anyone get "caught in crossfire" I saw you and 3 others 1 shotting low lvls who asked repeatedly for you to let them go thru so they could quest. I think its great that this area exists, but not where it is. I can see where it would be hella fun for those who wanted to do it, but really; maybe I'm just too "grown up" but I don't see the fun in pking ppl who die in one shot just to grief them. Your geared more than capable to pk ppl your own level or within 10=15 levels of you either way. As I told you and the other 3 with you last night, what you are doing is nothing short of what a bully does on a playground. I think its great you are having fun playing the game, but the rest of us would like to have fun too. Your fun should not be allowed to be at the expense of harrassing/greifing other players.StormChimera - Lost City wrote: »i can say i'v never complained about this game. if i got so unhappy with this game that it makes me literally rage like people have been doing i would just quit. but yes almost every one has an opinion on this hell even i believe they should fix it so blue names can't be killed and they might just do that which would solve everything
Chimera, the people who are this unhappy and complain do it for a reason. Its because we truly like the game/or liked it. After 3 years of putting my time, effort, and money into this game; I'm not likely just to quit. Lets remember that slavery used to be perfectly ok, but because enough people "complained" about it; and there were some willing to fight for the cause, it was ended. So when you see people here complaining about what they feel is a game breaking issue, its because that is how change happens. That change might be the company doing nothing and losing mass amounts of players (albeit mostly new, because those of us who been here a long time don't want to lose our money and time put into the game) but none the less it will prompt some type of change.
I don't generally like Pk. However; I would love a place I could go to play other ppl without being in Pk mode. This would help in training for TW as well. There is a lot of good that could come from this type of instance, however; as has been said: Their choice of area came as a very skewed decision that needs to be revoked.0
This discussion has been closed.
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