caster niv



  • Yuniryu - Raging Tide
    Yuniryu - Raging Tide Posts: 516 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    b:sad I tried the casters only nirvana with my seeker in the squad and sadly the quest fails for us all if we even have a single melee class in the squad . Its really sad that Seekers can't do the casters nirvana with all their pro debuffs like heartshatter,soul shatter and mind shatter plus skills like heartseeker and ion spike .. I seriously wish they would have done something for our class atleast so that we could farm nirvana without being aps b:irritated

    Yeah I know.b:surrender. Oh well hopefully they will do it but knowing pwi you can never tell. At least we got delta :p.b:chuckle
  • Lanova - Dreamweaver
    Lanova - Dreamweaver Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    You want to run a magic class only instance as a melee class? Good now your greedy selves know how we feel when all you ask for in a Nirv squad is aps and weapon links. Despicable.
  • Traz - Dreamweaver
    Traz - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    You want to run a magic class only instance as a melee class? Good now your greedy selves know how we feel when all you ask for in a Nirv squad is aps and weapon links. Despicable.

    It's not magic class only it's simply designed for magic classes. Don't act like you guys don't want demon HF for the run.
    BladedZero - Sanctuary
    "Also I don't think actually playing through the game helps your skill either."

    -And we wonder why this game has gone to hell b:cute
  • Dedz - Raging Tide
    Dedz - Raging Tide Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    You want to run a magic class only instance as a melee class? Good now your greedy selves know how we feel when all you ask for in a Nirv squad is aps and weapon links. Despicable.

    lolomgnoobpost. No one takes seekers in normal nirvana. No one takes seekers in casters nirvana. seekers cant farm nirvana like other classes can.

    You will never catch me. But if you do, someone else will take my place. b:chuckle
  • Lanova - Dreamweaver
    Lanova - Dreamweaver Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    It's not magic class only it's simply designed for magic classes. Don't act like you guys don't want demon HF for the run.

    Lol then what? drakes ray spam? I'd rather have the 6th person tyvm.
  • Empu - Sanctuary
    Empu - Sanctuary Posts: 1,154 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    It's not magic class only it's simply designed for magic classes. Don't act like you guys don't want demon HF for the run.

    Don't forget that half off the bosses are immune for HF in vana. After trying a run, seeker is the only non-caster that I see being taken for other then charity or opening purposes (idk if the seeker magic amp skills do work on those HF immune bosses though). Seeker has amps, debuffs and an arsenal of magic damage attacks. I think they should include seeker in the "caster class group".

    It's also funny how the casters now exactly recreate what they hated so much with normal vana. I applied to some wc for caster vana on my cleric, but squad wanted a psy. For a good 30min the wc for a psy appeared regularly. I'm not surprised if soon there will be "pm me your -channel + weap link" or "need more for r9 caster vana" wc shouts. If on the first day they already are picky on which caster class should join, bms will never see caster cave from the inside.
  • RealVonDutch - Sanctuary
    RealVonDutch - Sanctuary Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I just lol'ed at the OP :P

    then I just felt sadness when I was thinking he might be serious about his post...
    Sins are Scissors, Psychics are Rocks, and Archers, Venos, Barbs, Wizards, BMs, Mystics, Seekers are Paper ...and Clerics are Mushrooms.

    Paper beats Rock. Scissors beats Paper. Scissors also happens to beat Rock ...until Rock gets 50k+ soulforce at which point Rock becomes an unstoppable killing machine that beats Paper... and would beat Scissors but it can't find Scissors, because Scissors are invisible.
    So Scissors beat Paper and avoids Rock, and that is called BALANCE.
  • Eilexa - Heavens Tear
    Eilexa - Heavens Tear Posts: 300 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I think this was actually a great idea from PW and I am happy they implemented it. I am a 102 BM and I'm still working on my aps, so I also struggle to get Nirvana squads, unless they are in faction, but I am not complaining, as it is still easier for me to get a squad (being able to HF) than for casters. So stop QQ'ing about a melee nirvana, I think that's ridiculous seriously, do normal nirvana and be happy or make your own melee squad as it is possbile to do with normal nirvana. Good job PW!

    Everyone can't always win, they are doing the best the can.
    "Care Bear" b:chuckle

    Proud member of Drakon - forever !! RAWR
  • Matche - Heavens Tear
    Matche - Heavens Tear Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Don't forget that half off the bosses are immune for HF in vana. After trying a run, seeker is the only non-caster that I see being taken for other then charity or opening purposes (idk if the seeker magic amp skills do work on those HF immune bosses though). Seeker has amps, debuffs and an arsenal of magic damage attacks. I think they should include seeker in the "caster class group".

    It's also funny how the casters now exactly recreate what they hated so much with normal vana. I applied to some wc for caster vana on my cleric, but squad wanted a psy. For a good 30min the wc for a psy appeared regularly. I'm not surprised if soon there will be "pm me your -channel + weap link" or "need more for r9 caster vana" wc shouts. If on the first day they already are picky on which caster class should join, bms will never see caster cave from the inside.

    Okay, this is not targeted directly to you, but please, get the things straight with this "caster vana":

    1- Squad leader has to be level 100-150, have a nirvana rally stone and a nirvana talisman, and be either Cleric, Mystic, Psychic, Venomancer or Wizard
    2- The remaining squad members have to be level 100-150, have a nirvana rally stone and a nirvana talisman, and be ANY AVAILABLE CLASS IN GAME

    So yes, seekers can enter and farm, please =.=
  • Tigerninja - Heavens Tear
    Tigerninja - Heavens Tear Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I think this was actually a great idea from PW and I am happy they implemented it. I am a 102 BM and I'm still working on my aps, so I also struggle to get Nirvana squads, unless they are in faction, but I am not complaining, as it is still easier for me to get a squad (being able to HF) than for casters. So stop QQ'ing about a melee nirvana, I think that's ridiculous seriously, do normal nirvana and be happy or make your own melee squad as it is possbile to do with normal nirvana. Good job PW!

    Everyone can't always win, they are doing the best the can.

    b:surrenderit promotes racism cuz only casters can go in there. b:chuckle i mean, why not make a casters-only squad and go inside normal nirvana? why make casters only nirvana quest? try to see it on my pt of view ;p

    On my end, i should give the creator of this post some credit cuz there is some discrimination towards physical dds against magical dds (i say physical and not melee cuz there are archers as well who dd). in the end pw should conceed this:-

    Normal Squads - i.e, all classes squads for regular nirvana (in the end you get mostly APS squads)

    Casters-only squads - yay, we finally got one. am really happy for my casters friends (don't die squishies!!!)

    Physical-only squads - really should consider b:pleasedb:victory
  • Lanova - Dreamweaver
    Lanova - Dreamweaver Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Physical-only squads - really should consider b:pleasedb:victory

    Do you have wc turned off or something? Or is this because there's no bonus reward for being able to do it 3x faster than other such squads?
  • Tigerninja - Heavens Tear
    Tigerninja - Heavens Tear Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Do you have wc turned off or something? Or is this because there's no bonus reward for being able to do it 3x faster than other such squads?

    Yes i have always WC turned off cuz some friends whisper me. so just in case i miss their distress calls

    I say all physical because in a normal squad, you can have all aps, all casters, a combination of those too.

    does it make sense if you can only make all casters squad for a specific quest when you can't make all physical for a specific one?

    well just for your info that there are aps casters like clerics, veno and wizzies. but even they are considered fails, people would still like them in a 'normal' squad cuz they're APS.

    My point is that a normal nirvana run can be run by all classes (even the trend is using aps, but it's an all class formation that can go in. and not only aps). but devs made a quest specific for only casters, which i think is unfair. just because some QQ that their psy or wiz cannot go in doesn't mean you can't make an aps bm/sin/barb/archer? this is all BS!
  • SwordFarm - Sanctuary
    SwordFarm - Sanctuary Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I'm not trying to be mean, but if you feel cheated at the fact there is a caster only nirvana, why don't you go roll a lvl 100 wizard, psyhic, cleric, mystic or veno?

    Having a lvl 100 caster class with maxed skills, TT90 or TT99 armor, and a good TT99 gold weapon with decent refines should cost far less than a 4.0 aps sin thats all the rage these days.
  • Lana - Raging Tide
    Lana - Raging Tide Posts: 469 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Yes i have always WC turned off cuz some friends whisper me. so just in case i miss their distress calls

    I say all physical because in a normal squad, you can have all aps, all casters, a combination of those too.

    does it make sense if you can only make all casters squad for a specific quest when you can't make all physical for a specific one?

    well just for your info that there are aps casters like clerics, veno and wizzies. but even they are considered fails, people would still like them in a 'normal' squad cuz they're APS.

    My point is that a normal nirvana run can be run by all classes (even the trend is using aps, but it's an all class formation that can go in. and not only aps). but devs made a quest specific for only casters, which i think is unfair. just because some QQ that their psy or wiz cannot go in doesn't mean you can't make an aps bm/sin/barb/archer? this is all BS!

    The Caster Nirvana bosses do have lower HP than normal nirvana bosses (about 2m).There is a reason why normal Nirvana squads prefer APS classes, just cause it goes faster. Did you even try the normal Nirvana without APS and only casters? Even if its possible, it would still take about an hour/run. How is it fair, that APS squads can earn 6x of a casters squad in the same time with less expenses?
    Your argument about casters going APS just for farming is ridiculous. It would defeat the purpose of chosing a caster class to begin with. Sad enough Barbs nowadays are forced to go APS to be able to farm. Same thing with being forced to make an alt just to earn some money. I made a Sin just for Nirvana, because even my cleric became useless and dead weight. I hate playing it, meelee classes are just not to my taste. So in a game, where i am supposed to have a fun time, i am forced to play a class i hate, just to support my main? Does that still sound anything like fun? I dont think so.
    TY PWI for giving us some of our fun back b:victory

    So in the end its all just for balance and to keep diversity.
    End of Wall of text (-.- i didnt want to write that much)
  • Eilexa - Heavens Tear
    Eilexa - Heavens Tear Posts: 300 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I'm not trying to be mean, but if you feel cheated at the fact there is a caster only nirvana, why don't you go roll a lvl 100 wizard, psyhic, cleric, mystic or veno?

    Having a lvl 100 caster class with maxed skills, TT90 or TT99 armor, and a good TT99 gold weapon with decent refines should cost far less than a 4.0 aps sin thats all the rage these days.

    I FULLY agree! Stop the damn QQ'ing! If you have a problem like she said go make and level a mage class to 100 (it's fairly easy these days to get 100, when the new classes came out, some guys where 100 in less than 1 day) OR make your own melee squad nirvana OR just do normal nirvana...seriously...
    "Care Bear" b:chuckle

    Proud member of Drakon - forever !! RAWR
  • Tigerninja - Heavens Tear
    Tigerninja - Heavens Tear Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I'm not trying to be mean, but if you feel cheated at the fact there is a caster only nirvana, why don't you go roll a lvl 100 wizard, psyhic, cleric, mystic or veno?

    Having a lvl 100 caster class with maxed skills, TT90 or TT99 armor, and a good TT99 gold weapon with decent refines should cost far less than a 4.0 aps sin thats all the rage these days.

    well i can hear the same refrain like before when only aps were running nirvana. b:surrender

    it's like that 'why don't you make an aps bm or sin to run nirvana?' at that time did you not feel cheated? b:surrender
  • Tigerninja - Heavens Tear
    Tigerninja - Heavens Tear Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    The Caster Nirvana bosses do have lower HP than normal nirvana bosses (about 2m).There is a reason why normal Nirvana squads prefer APS classes, just cause it goes faster. Did you even try the normal Nirvana without APS and only casters? Even if its possible, it would still take about an hour/run. How is it fair, that APS squads can earn 6x of a casters squad in the same time with less expenses?
    Your argument about casters going APS just for farming is ridiculous. It would defeat the purpose of chosing a caster class to begin with. Sad enough Barbs nowadays are forced to go APS to be able to farm. Same thing with being forced to make an alt just to earn some money. I made a Sin just for Nirvana, because even my cleric became useless and dead weight. I hate playing it, meelee classes are just not to my taste. So in a game, where i am supposed to have a fun time, i am forced to play a class i hate, just to support my main? Does that still sound anything like fun? I dont think so.
    TY PWI for giving us some of our fun back b:victory

    So in the end its all just for balance and to keep diversity.
    End of Wall of text (-.- i didnt want to write that much)

    well my bad? aps is for farming and faster kill. time is money. that's why i rolled on a 4 aps bm instead of making my barb aps. you need to like to do what you're doing. if you've made a sin just for the sake of it, just delete it ;p

    and on my side, lemme add that i hate playing arcane. oh yeah even though i'm trying to lvl up my cleric to 100, just for the sake of getting extasy cards in bh100 b:victory but there's one thing for sure: am doing it because I LIKE MONEY!!! b:shutupb:pleased
  • Tigerninja - Heavens Tear
    Tigerninja - Heavens Tear Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I FULLY agree! Stop the damn QQ'ing! If you have a problem like she said go make and level a mage class to 100 (it's fairly easy these days to get 100, when the new classes came out, some guys where 100 in less than 1 day) OR make your own melee squad nirvana OR just do normal nirvana...seriously...

    b:shocked you QQ more than the rest of us b:shutupb:surrender
  • anwynd
    anwynd Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    To the OP for this stupid thread the reason this instance was put into this game is becus casters tht dont wnt to or cant afford to make an aps alt, so they can enjoy a character they actually wnt to play is so they the casters dont go extinct and so they dont have to. Its also so they can actually get one of the top tier type of gears. I am personnaling sick of all the comments about go make your own sqaud its BS. This aps **** has made most of the morons in this game insta leave if they see a caster in sqaud and there is far more morons then the people who dont care if there is a caster in the sqaud. I personneling dont give a rats *** about what you selfish idiots think but i think this is a very good step in the right direction for balancing the factors between the imbalance of all you damn new people with aps and all of us old timer aps people and casters. Also for all those mellees and archers who arent aps and are whining about this i can say for certian tht it is far easier for you to get people to join your sqaud or for you to join a sqaud then for a caster to. I play every frickin damn class. I also have my own aps chars but i also have the old fashion built characters so i do know how hard it is.

    if you dont wnt to read tht here is the short version

    BLOW it out your ASSb:bye

    EDIT: person above me multi posting in a row is against the rules
    Collector of pet eggs, armor, weapons, fashion, and mountsb:chuckle
  • Eilexa - Heavens Tear
    Eilexa - Heavens Tear Posts: 300 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    b:shocked you QQ more than the rest of us b:shutupb:surrender

    I'm not QQ'ing...well maybe I'm QQ'ing cause idiots like you want everything for themselves...and don't think about the other classes/people that are getting outdamaged and outnumbered by high aps...let it be, let the casters have their own damn nirvana, and go do your own, cause face it, normal nirvana is more likely to contain melee's than casters (even though I prefer to have a cleric in squad)...b:sweat so you back in your corner and b:shutup
    "Care Bear" b:chuckle

    Proud member of Drakon - forever !! RAWR
  • ApocaIypto - Dreamweaver
    ApocaIypto - Dreamweaver Posts: 585 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    u guys saying : "go make a lvl 100+ caster" are funny as hell
    u were the ones QQing when ppl were telling u to go make a sin or bm. and now, like most of ppl, u change ur side. sigh

    i understand that sage barbs vit build can feel being left out. but now some casters got a damn mind saying "caster or gtfo"....rlly funny, u guys r amazing. maybe should delete this patch just so u feel the same again :p

    and btw, an average caster wont survive some of the aoes. by average i mean TT90, or even low refined TT99
  • Kityane - Sanctuary
    Kityane - Sanctuary Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I'm going to put in my opinions although most has probably already been said but I didn't read all 15+ pages of posts...@_@ Probably will get flamed at for posting but, tough luck.

    It seems that melee classes have dreaded this update, I can see where they come from with feeling left out because of this new "caster Nirvana"...but as a psychic it's an interesting feature and maybe something positive for us. I have been rejected from squads, people have abandoned upon my arrival and I have extreme difficulty (even during 2x) getting into a Nirvana squad. Apart from Veno and Cleric, I have not seen a person World Chat for any other kind of caster class. I would like to see someone World Chat for a Psychic, or even a screenshot.

    I've seen so many times the "go make an aps character" discussion, and in the past I gave in and started to create an Assassin (which costs me further money anyway) just so I could join squads and have a chance at earning materials for my gear and making a bit of money on the side. I'm horrible at merchanting and always will be, and I have much more important things to spend my real life money on. People just don't do TT runs for gear that often anymore like they used to.

    You can never seem to get the best of both worlds. Make caster-Nirvana, the melees kick up. Don't have it, the casters feel left out. Make both...well it'd seem almost the same as only having caster-Nirvana in most cases, only the melees probably wouldn't kick up.

    (Here comes some real QQing from me) For once, I'd like to have a chance at getting into a Nirvana squad without having to force my friends and faction members to drag me along because World Chat just doesn't want me because "I'm a magic class and don't do enough damage, I will make the run very very slow". I want to feel like I'm not a useless class in PvE, but a wanted class. The caster-Nirvana helps me feel a bit more useful in that way.

    I like playing Perfect World for TW, I don't breathe it however and I'm not the PK type of person. I love doing instances and PvE though, so where's the fun when I can only manage to find BHs and some FCCs? It's not exactly like I can run in and solo a TT or whatever runs melee classes are capable of these days (unless you've got some pretty good gear for it).

    Also, ApocaIypto, I have TT90 and survived pretty much every AoE. ;P
  • YingXiaolong - Raging Tide
    YingXiaolong - Raging Tide Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    FINALLY casters do get a chance to run a profitable instance without having to ask firends/faction for charity.

    Also, lookit all the successful trolls and the moronic buffoons (yes, I'm talking specifically to people who are QQing about casters Nirvana) in this thread. If you REALLY mean what you wrote, grow some brains, or shoot yourselves. Or just gtfo this thread.

    If you don't mean what you wrote and are just trolling... then thumbs up.

    Other than that, sounds like us casters will have a new reason to get to 100. Thank you pwi for at least trying to make some balance this game.

    See you all in Nirvana, folks. b:bye
  • Yuniryu - Raging Tide
    Yuniryu - Raging Tide Posts: 516 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Okay, this is not targeted directly to you, but please, get the things straight with this "caster vana":

    1- Squad leader has to be level 100-150, have a nirvana rally stone and a nirvana talisman, and be either Cleric, Mystic, Psychic, Venomancer or Wizard
    2- The remaining squad members have to be level 100-150, have a nirvana rally stone and a nirvana talisman, and be ANY AVAILABLE CLASS IN GAME

    So yes, seekers can enter and farm, please =.=

    I will say this again, it's not the instance that will stop me(seeker) it's people. As for caster it's 100 percent fair and they get lef behind not just nirvana. Maybe now we will get less aps and some more casters in pw which is good for balance.

    As for me seeker I will do what I always do check wc or form squa or do something else. Nirvana just another instance to me I got other things to do. If peopl didn't rush and spent their in fc or goon or nirvana all day they will see other ways to make money but takes just a little time. But yeah caster update is good and the 5aps can shut up. About time they can't have everything and because they don't want to share pwi made this to help caster. It may not help me but sure in hell changed the balance and that will make the game a little more fun.

    Anyways good day folks.b:chuckle

    Edited: just saw seeker in caster squad video gives me some hope. After all what 80 percent to pwi fail to understand seeker have magic debuffs and debuffs. Of course goons doesn't give that knowledge. Trust those debuff make a difference in delta used it and that water move was critical and hit harder. :) now I am excited!!
  • Atlantasia - Sanctuary
    Atlantasia - Sanctuary Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I tried the caster only nirvana as a veno. To be perfectly honest, it was not worth my time. I can make a LOT more money running normal nirvana with some of my spam squads. As an LA veno the bosses in caster only nirvana hit hard, majority of the pets I have are USELESS, and my magic attack sucks.

    Also after wiping twice on the last boss my squad quit, and why did we wipe on it? Because 2 members had gear that was just not good enough for it apparently, and personally as LA, I don't think my gear was good enough either. I see caster only nirvana as just something to make the casters feel better, like a hug and a few empty words. Its worse than normal nirvana to be honest for me. I don't die in normal nirvana, I don't get charm ***** and my squad only got one uncanny from the bosses. I have one of every caster class and three casters at 100+, but to be honest, I refuse to waste my time on this. (Oh yeah, btw took 40 minutes to get the squad together and 40 minutes trying to run the nirvana, completely not worth it in my opinion)
  • Matche - Heavens Tear
    Matche - Heavens Tear Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I tried the caster only nirvana as a veno. To be perfectly honest, it was not worth my time. I can make a LOT more money running normal nirvana with some of my spam squads. As an LA veno the bosses in caster only nirvana hit hard, majority of the pets I have are USELESS, and my magic attack sucks.

    Also after wiping twice on the last boss my squad quit, and why did we wipe on it? Because 2 members had gear that was just not good enough for it apparently, and personally as LA, I don't think my gear was good enough either. I see caster only nirvana as just something to make the casters feel better, like a hug and a few empty words. Its worse than normal nirvana to be honest for me. I don't die in normal nirvana, I don't get charm ***** and my squad only got one uncanny from the bosses. I have one of every caster class and three casters at 100+, but to be honest, I refuse to waste my time on this. (Oh yeah, btw took 40 minutes to get the squad together and 40 minutes trying to run the nirvana, completely not worth it in my opinion)

    ^^ THIS (apart from the LA) applies to the most of the current caster population; the thing is truly not worth doing, except for "fun" or "proving points".

    But on a bright side, we can have now either 10 chips, 5 subs or 5 mirages for free yaay =.=
  • Kokkin - Dreamweaver
    Kokkin - Dreamweaver Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I did it yesterday with a squad formed with 3 wiz, 1 cleric, 1 veno and 1 psy and i loved it :D
    About 15min run to get 1m profit ^^
  • CessiI - Dreamweaver
    CessiI - Dreamweaver Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    just did caster NV with my seeker, nice for the casters.

    and same as normal nirvy we had a drop stealer b:laugh

    anyhow i prefer the normal nirvy over this but still congrats to the casters
  • Prophete - Dreamweaver
    Prophete - Dreamweaver Posts: 283 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    How can you have drop stealers?
  • CessiI - Dreamweaver
    CessiI - Dreamweaver Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    simple, i was the one who would bank and open,

    at a point a wizard picked up a chest, showed it was a canny, and at the verry end when i asked her that she needs to give it to me so i can start sell/split, she left the squad and just flew away