Do sins make this game more fun?



  • Abstractive - Archosaur
    Abstractive - Archosaur Posts: 1,232 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    If classes are designed according to their dictionary definition then why can't psychics reveal the future? If classes are designed according to dictionary definitions then the psychics in my guild should be able to tell me what is going to be in the cash shop a month in advance.

    Also the word venomancer isn't even in the dictionary, so I guess the developers are going to have to completely remove that class.

    Your logic completely fails. An assassination is to murder a prominent person by secret or surprise.

    And ninjas assassinated people, that does not mean that all assassins are ninjas.

    That's like saying Lee Harvery Oswald was a ninja.

    I laughed out loud in real life, damn you Rawrgh, I'm at work.b:laughb:laughb:laugh
    Bodyguard for Secret Passage at your service, now accepting daily installments of just 2.5m for your leisure.
  • Abstractive - Archosaur
    Abstractive - Archosaur Posts: 1,232 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    My prediction is correct, someone actually come and use these as reason of op - ness. b:cool
    competitive game = need balance
    Ehh whatever these just like on wc3 everyone say orc bm op orc bm op
    because he can disappear and kill all your worker or left copies to make you worker busy plus his high speed attack and critical, makes any race defeated or struggling before tier 2 and between orc it was cat fight

    WHAT ? b:surrender

    I haven't seen no damn ORC in this game, geez...
    Bodyguard for Secret Passage at your service, now accepting daily installments of just 2.5m for your leisure.
  • Dralighte - Harshlands
    Dralighte - Harshlands Posts: 1,540 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    WHAT ? b:surrender

    I haven't seen no damn ORC in this game, geez...

    Yet b:avoid
    It would be the next class xP
    Kylin: thrashtalk everyone, win TWs, serious faction -Dralighte
  • RainbowVidel - Sanctuary
    RainbowVidel - Sanctuary Posts: 1,316 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Do sins make this game more fun?

    Not to me or I would still be playing mine.
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Dictionary definition of assassination which is what an assassin does
    An assassination is "to murder (a usually prominent person) by a sudden and/or secret attack.

    A ninja (忍者?) or shinobi (忍び?) was a covert agent or mercenary of feudal Japan specializing in unorthodox arts of war. The functions of the ninja included espionage, sabotage, infiltration, and assassination, as well as open combat in certain situations.

    See that is also an assassin. What have you learn from this we kill people 1 on 1 thats what our class does. So why not just gang up on us. Is it so hard to do that. If you challenge a person 1 on 1 against a sin you will lose.

    Assassins are as good in 1on 1 pve as bms are with fist/claw or barb with claw or both bm and barb with fist and claw with bp in pve.

    We are just cuter that's like the only different

    Assassins meeting their definition doesn't make it ok. Are you trying to tell me that everything's ok because of THAT reason alone?

    So the other 9 classes should continue running in circles for half an hour straight, avoiding combat with anyone else JUST so that they MIGHT be ready for an assassin? Their other choice is to ignore him, but oh wait: assassins have a horrible habit of jumping people when they fight, meaning NO ONE can PVP until the assassin is dead.

    But that's ok, because they match their definition.

    The problem with assassins is as simple as this:

    They have access to a dimension that other classes do not have access to: stealth. Imagine if, once combat started, both character had to stand in place right next to each other and fight. Now imagine that only ONE class (let's say archers) was allowed to run during fights. That'd be severely OP. Why? Because they would have access to a type of strategy that no one else can access. It's like someone playing Checkers against someone who's playing Chess: the Checkers player continues to only be able to move forward one space at a time while the Chess player royally **** all his pieces with his queen.

    The simple solution is to either limit stealth or to give other classes a chance to access detection levels. I have no idea why they haven't done this though, and I fear that after a year of NO nerf to sins, they'll stay this way.
    I <3 AGOREY
  • MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear
    MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,377 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    How about converting every race to become assassin like.

    Barbarian become Marauders (extra atk speed move and various weapon tree now)

    Archer become Hit man (chance for 3x critical power hit, stealth, and extra range)

    Blademaster become Executioner (extra critical getting scythe skill tree move speed boost)

    Cleric become Esper (getting ability to teleport, mind reading, destroy durability)

    Venomancer become Gangster (summon more than 1 pet and better move disable ability)

    Wizard become Trespasser (able to break through any standard disable and deal 20% more damage)

    Psychic become Psychopath (has ability to convert damage received into hp & mana)

    Seeker become Rebels (causing them to has very high defense and immune to some buff)

    Mystic become Mafia (mana usage reduced to 25%, summons auto absorb enemy mp by huge amount)

    With these changes every class should be able to match aSSaSSin
    Sorry i speak engrish b:chuckle
    Nickname doesn't have anything to do with sailor but related to a folklore
    Use search, it was your best friends to avoid many suffering in internet...
  • Boogiepanda - Raging Tide
    Boogiepanda - Raging Tide Posts: 4,682 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Archers can ride and fire at the same time, how come in game this real life simulation we cant?
  • Risingson - Lost City
    Risingson - Lost City Posts: 499 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Yet b:avoid
    It would be the next class xP

    He was talking about another game, not a mmo tho. WC3 actually is balanced and the company that manages it works on said balance at every patch. His comparison is dumb tho, can't possible compare the BM in WC3 to Sins in PW...
    Risingson - 7x Psychic
    Indalecio - 3x Cleric
  • Kokki - Harshlands
    Kokki - Harshlands Posts: 267 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    i will repeat what i said earlier, and SilentGodai, you are pretty ignorant if you fail to see why sins are broken.

    i have 6.7K hp unbuffed, and 7.2K pdef self buffed, and there are sins out there, who ABUSE game mechanics, to kill me without damage log and them popping up on the screen.

    so now, how can i defend myself vs that? ( note that the sins who don't know this trick yet, cannot kill me at all because they think i'm squishy lol )

    i had an epic 1v1 vs a 20K hp barb in two legs form which lasted for 5 full minutes.

    then we setled down a bit started chatting, and saw a sin drop him and me in 5 second flat. now tell me again why this isn't OP? because the sins stealthed and just walked away without getting harassed/attacked.

    my girlfriend has a sin, carried a hook and thorn+3 at level 93, and i auto attacked a level 100, nirvana set archer, with charm till he died, he never stood a chance......
    I'm famous! i'm on ecatomb
  • dfdsfdsa
    dfdsfdsa Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    qq mages 1 shot sins, qq clerics do too, qq psy also, qq bms have the same aps and more p.def, qq barb suck, qq qq qq nurf them all
  • Boogiepanda - Raging Tide
    Boogiepanda - Raging Tide Posts: 4,682 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    my girlfriend has a sin, carried a hook and thorn+3 at level 93, and i auto attacked a level 100, nirvana set archer, with charm till he died, he never stood a chance......

    The archer fails pretty bad, unless of course the H&T happens to be +10, not +3 like you said.
  • MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear
    MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,377 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    He was talking about another game, not a mmo tho. WC3 actually is balanced and the company that manages it works on said balance at every patch. His comparison is dumb tho, can't possible compare the BM in WC3 to Sins in PW...

    I am talking about orc bm melee map b:bye
    He usually can rush things solo and wreck up enemy base fast after awhile
    since enemy hero might get ganked and robbed by him while killing creeps
    which why top tier players usually are orc or human and undead left behind . . . because undead strongest form is 3 hero and sky units, as i see it takes a long time.
    A good melee players can end game so fast b:surrender

    Well not really on end game process but the mechanic of orc BM sudden attack, since he can become invisible since lv 1. And before tier 2 as i remember no race able to see stealth enemies and usually when they can bm orc already so strong (the enemy hero also always receive grief from him) and comes straight to crush their base.

    Which mean likes sins if failed to spy and stop enemy orc bm from lv up, rob, grief = lost usually
    Sorry i speak engrish b:chuckle
    Nickname doesn't have anything to do with sailor but related to a folklore
    Use search, it was your best friends to avoid many suffering in internet...
  • dfdsfdsa
    dfdsfdsa Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    i will repeat what i said earlier, and SilentGodai, you are pretty ignorant if you fail to see why sins are broken.

    i have 6.7K hp unbuffed, and 7.2K pdef self buffed, and there are sins out there, who ABUSE game mechanics, to kill me without damage log and them popping up on the screen.

    so now, how can i defend myself vs that? ( note that the sins who don't know this trick yet, cannot kill me at all because they think i'm squishy lol )

    i had an epic 1v1 vs a 20K hp barb in two legs form which lasted for 5 full minutes.

    then we setled down a bit started chatting, and saw a sin drop him and me in 5 second flat. now tell me again why this isn't OP? because the sins stealthed and just walked away without getting harassed/attacked.

    my girlfriend has a sin, carried a hook and thorn+3 at level 93, and i auto attacked a level 100, nirvana set archer, with charm till he died, he never stood a chance......

    +12 sin? spend and gear up as him than qq, or just man up. lame geared ppl should ****
  • vristion
    vristion Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    All of the other classes have one thing in common, They are strong in offence, and weak in defence, or the vise versus.

    The sin however is strong in both, They deal insane damage, and their survivability skills outshine any other class....even ones that rely completely on survivability...

    So to balance the sin, and make them like all the other classes, they would need to nerf one of those qualities.

    To nerf the insane damage dealt, they could simply reverse the attack damage gain from dexterity, to str gain... They then would have to sacrifice crit rates for harder hitting attacks... or would have to do the same for more crits, less hard hitters... Or they could simply cut the daggers base damage in half all across the board...Then refines would make them strong, but not so damn strong that they can beat even a charmed Barb.. or even cut through a plumed cleric.

    5aps would sill be useful in PvE, but not over poweing in PvP, so would save them from the whole, "fix 5aps" epidemic. no one wants to lose the insane damage? Then survivability should be decreased tremendously, to compensate for the fact you will be able to slaughter even an equally gear HA (insert class here) in matter of seconds...IF--given the chance....and that chance should be harder to get than unstealth and wah-lah click click boom...

    My fix for this?

    1) Put a cool down on shadow escape, much like there is on teleport stones, so when they engage into combat they can not use for a certain amount of time... This still gives sins a resonable survival skill... they could use their speed buff, get far away from an attacker, and when the shadow escape time permits, use it... Seriously, being able to shadow escape when you see an opponent is about to get the better of simply OP..

    2) add an animation to the un-stealthing... and require them to recast it, before engaging an attack.. This will allow people enough time to utilize the survival skills they may have,, It is hard as a cleric against sins, to even be able to use Plume shell...because they have already killed me before I even seen them appear..Other weak to physical classes would also have chances to use their survival skills as well..

    3) Make it so NOTHING can be done in stealth, I mean come on! every skill I have (on any class) makes some weird *** noises when they are cast... you mean to tell me a demon triple spark sounding like screaming horses getting carrots rammed in bad places is also silenced in stealth?

    Still want to keep the survivability tho? well the damage nerf would at least let other classes survive the attacks long enough to practice the skills that are suppose to save them..

    those three things would change SOOOO much, in reqareds to PvP balance... but still save face for the PvE useability.
  • Rawrgh - Raging Tide
    Rawrgh - Raging Tide Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    They are strong in offence, and weak in attack,

    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • vristion
    vristion Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2011

  • Kokki - Harshlands
    Kokki - Harshlands Posts: 267 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    dfdsfdsa wrote: »
    qq mages 1 shot sins, qq clerics do too, qq psy also, qq bms have the same aps and more p.def, qq barb suck, qq qq qq nurf them all

    FYI i've hit sins for over 50K crits, and they still run around, then i hit them again, and hit for 1. there is a 5% chance i oneshot a sin, GG....

    dfdsfdsa wrote: »
    +12 sin? spend and gear up as him than qq, or just man up. lame geared ppl should ****

    wait wait, a rank 9 archer +12 cannot oneshot me, a rank 9 +12 archer doesn't drop a 20K hp barb and me in 5 second flat, for that matter, NO rank 9 +12 class can kill two people in 5 seconds flat.

    The archer fails pretty bad, unless of course the H&T happens to be +10, not +3 like you said.

    +3 hook and thorns, double spark in stealth, inner harmony, headhunt, auto attack, archer died before stun wore off
    I'm famous! i'm on ecatomb
  • Risingson - Lost City
    Risingson - Lost City Posts: 499 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I am talking about orc bm melee map b:bye
    He usually can rush things solo and wreck up enemy base fast after awhile
    since enemy hero might get ganked and robbed by him while killing creeps
    which why top tier players usually are orc or human and undead left behind . . . because undead strongest form is 3 hero and sky units, as i see it takes a long time.
    A good melee players can end game so fast b:surrender

    Well not really on end game process but the mechanic of orc BM sudden attack, since he can become invisible since lv 1. And before tier 2 as i remember no race able to see stealth enemies and usually when they can bm orc already so strong (the enemy hero also always receive grief from him) and comes straight to crush their base.

    Which mean likes sins if failed to spy and stop enemy orc bm from lv up, rob, grief = lost usually

    You sir, are clueless. Every race has a counter to the early BM harass, even on melee map. As Human you close your base, as Elf you put wells close to the trees and put your wisps behind them or move your wisps to an other location entirely. As an Undead you upgrade an early slowing tower and move your workers around (that requires micro so yeah it's a little tougher) and you can also close your base with Ziggurats on certain maps. Or no you can actually close access to your workers only. And well, Orcs can put their workers in their ummmm I forgot how it's called but I'm sure you know.

    BM's early harass is annoying, but it can be dealt with. Besides, at high levels, Orc players actually level their bm to level 3 before they even start harassing, and kill specific creeps to get damage items.


    edit : Again, BMs in WC3 and Sins in PWI absolutely cannot be compared, because the game pattern isnt the same at all and because you don't make your BM strong the same way you make your Sin strong, and the BM's stealth actually is balanced since any item/skill/attack he uses breaks him out of it. Really, end of discussion.
    Risingson - 7x Psychic
    Indalecio - 3x Cleric
  • Burnout - Harshlands
    Burnout - Harshlands Posts: 2,585 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I'm wondering, since PWI mainly only controls the cash shop, what if they were to put in detection pots in the store, say, 50 for 1 gold each? And then buff them so that a lvl 100 could actually see a lvl 100 sin if they used the pot.

    Then pwi would actually make more money from all the people buying the pots, and there would actually be a counter to sins in this game.

    I replied to the 7th topic on the 1st page of mystic forums, and got reported for necro. Plz save mystic forums.
  • Rawrgh - Raging Tide
    Rawrgh - Raging Tide Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Problem with detection pots is.

    1. You have to know the sin is there.

    2. You see the sin, great, only now you're apoth is on cooldown and you can't use irongaurd or anything. GG.
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • HeavensRage - Raging Tide
    HeavensRage - Raging Tide Posts: 404 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I'm wondering, since PWI mainly only controls the cash shop, what if they were to put in detection pots in the store, say, 50 for 1 gold each? And then buff them so that a lvl 100 could actually see a lvl 100 sin if they used the pot.

    Then pwi would actually make more money from all the people buying the pots, and there would actually be a counter to sins in this game.

    You're not familiar with PWI marketing strategy.
  • vristion
    vristion Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    If they sell detection as some luxery, they should make that silly little mask they have in boutique a see invis item.