Sins are not OP!



  • NoXide_ - Heavens Tear
    NoXide_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 215 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    im helping your cause people were talking about how wizards wont be op well think of it this way someone casts
    a bids from stealth instant death sin pops outta stealth you can defend yourself.

    Edit: dont forget about Detection potions that are out already.

    thank you for helping my cause.

    faulse alarm pwi! i forgot about detect pots b:embarrass

    this man speaks the truth people! just think of wizzies popping out of stealth and 1 hitting you!

    told you they were op but hardly believed me
  • Hunnybunney - Harshlands
    Hunnybunney - Harshlands Posts: 173 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    im helping your cause people were talking about how wizards wont be op well think of it this way someone casts
    a bids from stealth instant death sin pops outta stealth you can defend yourself.

    Edit: dont forget about Detection potions that are out already.

    The detection pots that dont help anyone worth helping against anyone worth helping them against.

    Seriously. Sage / Demon stealth and maxed Catlike Tread = 31 tealth levels. Vs a 30 level pot that doesnt stack (Not with Sharp Observer anyhoo) and CDs all your other good pots.

    Considering most sins hit 102 to evade all the other 102 sins, theyl always be over these pots effectiveness range. They suck.

    Now, if there were 35 or higher detection level pots.... b:sin
  • DaKillanator - Raging Tide
    DaKillanator - Raging Tide Posts: 2,965 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    I guess my sig was right b:scorn i must be psychic

    Except you changed your sig after I posted b:bye

    well he wont be watching you thats for sure you dont even know how to wiz lock b:chuckle

    I knew someone would pull the old "well you're not funny" card, but that's fine, because nowhere did I state I am or did I try to be funnyb:sweat

    btw, the only way to wiz lock without your opponent being an idiot is as follows (and this is for demon wiz since I am one...); force of will, skill, stone rain and hope for 20% proc, skill, hailstorm and hope for 50% proc, skill, FoW again, skill, sleep, ultimate (MS to continue the wiz lock theme), then rinse and repeat, minus MS and sleep for awhile since sleep has long cooldown and you're now low on sparks and don't have a way to get another ultimate off.

    If it's not dead, you are, so run away b:shocked

    btw; you may of noticed that the above takes alot more skill/luck to execute than anything a sin does.

    Sin is just double spark in stealth, headhunt, auto attack, silence and paralyze, auto attack, occult ice, auto attack, tele stun, auto attack, occult ice, auto attack.

    If it's not dead, you could be, so force stealth
  • NoXide_ - Heavens Tear
    NoXide_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 215 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Except you changed your sig after I posted b:bye

    I knew someone would pull the old "well you're not funny" card, but that's fine, because nowhere did I state I am or did I try to be funnyb:sweat

    btw, the only way to wiz lock without your opponent being an idiot is as follows (and this is for demon wiz since I am one...); force of will, skill, stone rain and hope for 20% proc, skill, hailstorm and hope for 50% proc, skill, FoW again, skill, sleep, ultimate (MS to continue the wiz lock theme), then rinse and repeat, minus MS and sleep for awhile since sleep has long cooldown and you're now low on sparks and don't have a way to get another ultimate off.

    If it's not dead, you are, so run away b:shocked

    btw; you may of noticed that the above takes alot more skill/luck to execute than anything a sin does.

    Sin is just double spark in stealth, headhunt, auto attack, silence and paralyze, auto attack, occult ice, auto attack, tele stun, auto attack, occult ice, auto attack.

    If it's not dead, you could be, so force stealth

    Try Sleep > undine > sutra > seal > Mountain > do what ever you want for 5 seconds. o would you look at a sin that knows how to lock better than a wiz with a wiz. yeah it uses all your chi but who cares your target should be dead just go smack something for more chi.

    yeah sins are easy to pvp with but so are wizzies if you know how to use them.
  • Baalbak - Dreamweaver
    Baalbak - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,624 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Sins can kill a Barb whiled Invoked.....IJS!

    .....well.....rank 9 sins with +12 gearz.

    unless you're a demon barb in TW and you roar at them b:pleased

    srsly they need to enable bramble in normal PK. why have a skill that doesnt work >.>
  • ZoanoAce - Lost City
    ZoanoAce - Lost City Posts: 469 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    unless you're a demon barb in TW and you roar at them b:pleased

    srsly they need to enable bramble in normal PK. why have a skill that doesnt work >.>
    'Cause they knew encouraging High aps to be desired so bad would destroy normal PvP, and knew that with no high aps obstacle, moneh, moneh, moneh,mooooonneeehhhh! moneyb:avoid

    Oh and they dont know the old code either so how can they enable it? O_o
    ●Barb - The "natural" leader. Cool and collected, slow to anger, and typically jovial. Swift to act when friends' lives are in danger, and prepared to lay down his life if the situation calls for it.

    End of lvling, starting of the unimaginableb:laughb:victoryb:coolb:cool
  • DaKillanator - Raging Tide
    DaKillanator - Raging Tide Posts: 2,965 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Try Sleep > undine > sutra > seal > Mountain > do what ever you want for 5 seconds.

    You're an idiot...

    fyi: sleep goes away after you hit someone. So you sleep them so you can use a 1 second skill to debuff them, which means your sleep is gone for 2min.

    and you would seal then sutra if you were going to go with that combo.

    Oh look, the wiz knows how to play wiz and sin better than the idiot b:bye
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    wizzies are, they can lvl entire squads with just 1 click of a button.

    now go QQ about wizzies for a change. all this 'sin is OP shet' is kinda getting boring b:bye

    The difference is that if you stun a wizard, preventing him from killing your entire squad, he doesn't spend the next two flippin' hours stalking your *** like some anti-social d-bag, waiting until someone ELSE attacks you and distracts you just so he can jump out and steal the kill, getting "revenge."
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Lyritha - Heavens Tear
    Lyritha - Heavens Tear Posts: 447 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    You're an idiot...

    fyi: sleep goes away after you hit someone. So you sleep them so you can use a 1 second skill to debuff them, which means your sleep is gone for 2min.

    and you would seal then sutra if you were going to go with that combo.

    Oh look, the wiz knows how to play wiz and sin better than the idiot b:bye

    debuffs do not cancel sleep unless they cause damage too.
  • DaKillanator - Raging Tide
    DaKillanator - Raging Tide Posts: 2,965 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    debuffs do not cancel sleep unless they cause damage too.

    which it does
  • Hunnybunney - Harshlands
    Hunnybunney - Harshlands Posts: 173 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    which it does

    qft, Undine has impact damage.
  • DaKillanator - Raging Tide
    DaKillanator - Raging Tide Posts: 2,965 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    qft, Undine has impact damage.

    qfqft Hunny knows how to quote truth fo show b:cool

    point is; I'm right, Noxide is wrong, I know how to play my class, and a 2 year old would know how to effectively play his.

  • NoXide_ - Heavens Tear
    NoXide_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 215 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    You're an idiot...

    fyi: sleep goes away after you hit someone. So you sleep them so you can use a 1 second skill to debuff them, which means your sleep is gone for 2min.

    and you would seal then sutra if you were going to go with that combo.

    Oh look, the wiz knows how to play wiz and sin better than the idiot b:bye

    lol your telling me it takes you longer than 1 second to go from sleep >sutra > seal? dude were not all slow at this game, you need better reflexies mate.

    you use sleep to stop them in there tracks and confuse them abit. seriously dude uninstall your just making yourself look stupid now.. it is true trolling tides really dont know how to play this game b:chuckle

    let me change it around abit for more damage
    Sleep > undine > seal > sutra > sandstorm > D.Pyro > mountain > 5 seconds of them still stunned to finish them off.

    id love to see you play a sin mate seriously go do what i do and kill 8k+ hp bms without stealthing on them. untill you do id consider you to stay off the forums and go learn to play pwi. sins arnt just double spark in stealth > headhunt > auto attack. your opponent uses AD or expel so what do you do? you got 3 choices 1 being carry on hitting them with no result or 2 use this time to rising dragon strike (150 chi) force stealth if you want and then time your attack at exactly the right moment to get them with a second stun/sleep and 3 just force stealth and run away. it takes more skill than people realise to kill certain classes/well geared people with a sin. with R9 these days a simple double spark headhunt auto attack just dosnt cut it unless you have max int and +12 R9 daggers yourself.

    btw nice name for someone who seems to have no clue how to play his class b:laugh

    should make another toon and call him DaFailnator if im honest
  • Hunnybunney - Harshlands
    Hunnybunney - Harshlands Posts: 173 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    lol your telling me it takes you longer than 1 second to go from sleep >sutra > seal? dude were not all slow at this game, you need better reflexies mate.

    you use sleep to stop them in there tracks and confuse them abit. seriously dude uninstall your just making yourself look stupid now.. it is true trolling tides really dont know how to play this game b:chuckle

    let me change it around abit for more damage
    Sleep > undine > seal > sutra > sandstorm > D.Pyro > mountain > 5 seconds of them still stunned to finish them off.

    id love to see you play a sin mate seriously go do what i do and kill 8k+ hp bms without stealthing on them. untill you do id consider you to stay off the forums and go learn to play pwi. sins arnt just double spark in stealth > headhunt > auto attack. your opponent uses AD or expel so what do you do? you got 3 choices 1 being carry on hitting them with no result or 2 use this time to rising dragon strike (150 chi) force stealth if you want and then time your attack at exactly the right moment to get them with a second stun/sleep and 3 just force stealth and run away. it takes more skill than people realise to kill certain classes/well geared people with a sin. with R9 these days a simple double spark headhunt auto attack just dosnt cut it unless you have max int and +12 R9 daggers yourself.

    btw nice name for someone who seems to have no clue how to play his class b:laugh

    should make another toon and call him DaFailnator if im honest

    You wasted it all lol. That entire post.


    Did you read the posts between...?
  • NoXide_ - Heavens Tear
    NoXide_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 215 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    You wasted it all lol. That entire post.


    Did you read the posts between...?

    take your own advice DID YOU READ MY POST? or do you want me to put it in big bold letters just for you too see.

    using sleep > undine does not waste sleep.

    saying all this i wouldnt exspect a bunch of new gens to understand
  • Tsubakey - Heavens Tear
    Tsubakey - Heavens Tear Posts: 473 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    1v1 sins are op
    tw they are useless. Don't tell me they are usefull. For the past year I have tw'd on a sin essentially every week, and I could never be as usefull as a BM or EA.


    this is not starcraft. 1v1 in this game dont mean jack ****.
  • xposed1
    xposed1 Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Wiz does bids on a sin and sin survives even though he shoulda died. OOOOORRR the sin takes one damage.

    Yeah wizards are OP.

    Sin also solos a boss in 2 minutes that takes a wizard 2 hours to solo. WIZARDS SO OP MANG.
  • WhiteVodoo - Raging Tide
    WhiteVodoo - Raging Tide Posts: 329 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    go hit 100 with good gear and your soon see what im on about.

    and this be serious thread yo

    okay, so this thread is serious, thanks fer sortin that out fer me. i'd like to submit ones thing. long cast times on a wizard combine with the speed enhancing skills of sins and BMs can make things abit easier. however, there is absolutely no defence agenst someone popping outta stealth mode and hitting your 5 times a second with a permenant spark eruption feature. there just isn't, it's impossible to defend agenst. sure, we wizards could jump forward, but after we just got hit 5 times in one second by someone using spark eruption, on a class that was already created to do incredibly high melee damage with kick *** aim, we're dead, and when yer dead, ya can't jump forward can ya?

    light armor rules, and JOKERZz are the best. shaff, you meh dogg. Neko, you smexy redhead you, yer my favorite veno out there. Evo, yer straight up crazy. Lillie, thanks fer giving LA cerics a good name. hask, what can't you tank? Kyo, yer wizard biuld sucks, and yer obsession with aps annoys me, but eveni will admit, yer a frackin pro. Chick, our dad's would be great friends in rl, and we'd have so much fun messin with them. fer all the rest of the clan, *salutes* at yer service doggs.b:cool
  • Hunnybunney - Harshlands
    Hunnybunney - Harshlands Posts: 173 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    take your own advice DID YOU READ MY POST? or do you want me to put it in big bold letters just for you too see.

    using sleep > undine does not waste sleep.

    saying all this i wouldnt exspect a bunch of new gens to understand

    It completely wastes sleep. Giving people the brief moment they need to spark off the undine.

    Idiot. Strange how Wizards tried that BS on me all the time on my cleric and id purify the undine, get sealed, take a laughable hit or two, sleep them and proceed to roflrape with Razor Feather combo isnt it?
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited February 2011

    id love to see you play a sin mate seriously go do what i do and kill 8k+ hp bms without stealthing on them. untill you do id consider you to stay off the forums and go learn to play pwi. sins arnt just double spark in stealth > headhunt > auto attack. your opponent uses AD or expel so what do you do? you got 3 choices 1 being carry on hitting them with no result or 2 use this time to rising dragon strike (150 chi) force stealth if you want and then time your attack at exactly the right moment to get them with a second stun/sleep and 3 just force stealth and run away. it takes more skill than people realise to kill certain classes/well geared people with a sin. with R9 these days a simple double spark headhunt auto attack just dosnt cut it unless you have max int and +12 R9 daggers yourself.

    I love this speech. So much. <3

    "I kill BMs with 8k HP without stealth!"
    Good, welcome to a day in the life of every other class!

    "It isn't all just double spark, headhunt, and autoattack. Sometimes my opponents use AD! Or Expel!"

    ****!! ENEMIES THAT CAN ACTUALLY SHOW SOME FORM OF RESISTANCE? **** just got serious.....Game over man, game over!

    "That's the part that seperates the boys from the men: you can either keep hitting them like a total nab, or you can hit a button that gives you a do-over."

    Damn man, sounds hardcore. Which of the two strategies would you recommend?

    "it takes more skill than people realise to kill certain classes/well geared people with a sin. with R9 these days a simple double spark headhunt auto attack just dosnt cut it unless you have max int and +12 R9 daggers yourself."

    So you need some skill to kill barbs and r9 players. Wow, I'm sold: sin is clearly the most complicated class ever. How could we have ever doubted you?
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Tsubakey - Heavens Tear
    Tsubakey - Heavens Tear Posts: 473 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    i seen a sin pop out of stealth, blew on a R9 barb, barb died instantly, sin poped back into force stealh and then proceeded to hunt down some random BM.

    since was in R8 5aps btw. didnt even have the rank 9 ring. does that mean there OP? nope. barb was just noob.

    there is a fine line between a player Being OP and a player he is fighting against being ****. the **** player is obviously gonna make a sin look OP when in reality they are not.

    unless u 1v1 dual, and that in and of itself is ****.
  • ElderSig - Dreamweaver
    ElderSig - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,247 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Wow that was an epic wizard combo Noxide.... except when your target ADs like any idiot would and you just wasted your 2 minute cooldown sleep, 20 second cooldown seal, and 4 sparks.

  • Rawrgh - Raging Tide
    Rawrgh - Raging Tide Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    i seen a sin pop out of stealth, blew on a R9 barb, barb died instantly, sin poped back into force stealh and then proceeded to hunt down some random BM.

    since was in R8 5aps btw. didnt even have the rank 9 ring. does that mean there OP? nope. barb was just noob.

    there is a fine line between a player Being OP and a player he is fighting against being ****. the **** player is obviously gonna make a sin look OP when in reality they are not.

    unless u 1v1 dual, and that in and of itself is ****.
    Oh, so we're all just ****, and sins aren't OP, thanks for clearing that up.
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • Adroit - Lost City
    Adroit - Lost City Posts: 4,628 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Please tell me NoXide_ is a troll.. I'd like to believe nobody is that stupid.
    Youtube Channel:
    Current gear:
  • NatureLover - Harshlands
    NatureLover - Harshlands Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    i seen a sin pop out of stealth, blew on a R9 barb, barb died instantly, sin poped back into force stealh and then proceeded to hunt down some random BM.

    since was in R8 5aps btw. didnt even have the rank 9 ring. does that mean there OP? nope. barb was just noob.

    there is a fine line between a player Being OP and a player he is fighting against being ****. the **** player is obviously gonna make a sin look OP when in reality they are not.

    unless u 1v1 dual, and that in and of itself is ****.

    So a r9 barb that died INSTANTLY is a noob. So what do you expect the barb to do when a sin pops up? Expel? AD? Pot heal? Hello? Instantly? How to do anything if he died instantly? Barb's a noob cuz he cant survive.. Hello? r9 gears. Epic contradiction ftw.

    That aside, if sin can clear instances boss with millions of HP in less than a min, I'm really not surprised he can kill a 20k+ HP barb in a split second. Whats more, according to your example, a r8 sin kills a r9 barb instantly. Even r9 barb cant stand r8 sin, which other class can? Someone enlighten me?

    Sin DD WAY more than any other classes.
    Sin has higher crit rate than archers who supposedly the master of crit
    Sin doesnt have range like mages, but who cares? You teleport in.
    While every other classes RUN in to close in to opponent, you teleport in.
    Sin can bypass mobs in dungeon while veno need to lure mobs one-by-one to solo dungeon, sins aim at the boss directly
    While every other classes's defensive skills reduces damages / evades dmg, sin''s defensive stealth gives you instant getaway.

    I bet you roll a sin because you find it OP as well, dont deny it lol. The fact at least half the server roll a sin alt clearly show that its OP.
  • sleepcat
    sleepcat Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    i seen a sin pop out of stealth, blew on a R9 barb, barb died instantly, sin poped back into force stealh and then proceeded to hunt down some random BM.

    since was in R8 5aps btw. didnt even have the rank 9 ring. does that mean there OP? nope. barb was just noob.

    there is a fine line between a player Being OP and a player he is fighting against being ****. the **** player is obviously gonna make a sin look OP when in reality they are not.

    unless u 1v1 dual, and that in and of itself is ****.

    Such a revolutionary troll.
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Sins should recieve sparks when they stun their opponents.
    I <3 AGOREY
  • vaan1983
    vaan1983 Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    wizzies are, they can lvl entire squads with just 1 click of a button.

    now go QQ about wizzies for a change. all this 'sin is OP shet' is kinda getting boring b:bye

    sins are the sin of this game.
    no balance, only 1 top guild, op gear, kill with 1 hit, no strategy, where are the clerics, who need them we can solo instance.

    its all about money and made in china
    if they dont care about me why would i care about them
    nothing will change the game is going to a quick end
  • Galox - Heavens Tear
    Galox - Heavens Tear Posts: 178 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    You've All Been Trolololol'd.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] b:victory
  • Xarathox - Dreamweaver
    Xarathox - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,657 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    My sin isn't OP. Yet.

    Some people risk to employ me

    Some people live to destroy me

    Either way they die