My concerns, Frankie.



  • I_sage_i - Harshlands
    I_sage_i - Harshlands Posts: 332 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    gross1255 wrote: »
    Yosh b:shedtear

    lol i didnt know half the ppl only seen u nightrage and wafflechan and being hope....idk who does other ppl b
  • DeadSound - Lost City
    DeadSound - Lost City Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    the forum of GOD

    Off Topic: I had to Google It
  • Slivaf - Dreamweaver
    Slivaf - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,106 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    I am not trying to defend their actions, or their stupidity as of late; however as someone with modding experience I can say this...

    I was never able to be online 24/7 as a mod, and it was very rare that I clicked on every single thread to see if it was a problem thread, normally I just judged a book by it's cover so to speak, I just looked at the title of the thread, and once in I read the post and if I felt it necessary I locked the thread. It is easy to overlook a thread that needs to be locked, sometimes they need to be pmed that they are a problem to the forum moderators.

    That being said, it is hard to fathom that not a single mod was here to shut down a problem thread when HOURS go by and people continue to flame/break rules on it. Though they are only humans just like us, it is still hard to believe that a problem would be let run haywire for that long.


    Did I reply to the wrong thread? Lmao
    Ah, Mistakes are so easily made. ~ laura resnick

    What kind of message are you sending when you insult my intelligence? ~ Me ~ 5/29/2015 (Yes it is possible someone said this before just no idea who/where.)
  • MANray_ - Sanctuary
    MANray_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,311 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    The main problem isn't that Frankie made serious mistakes (obviously he did) or that the mods have proven unsuited for the job (they certainly have) but that the more vocal members of this comunity have become outright vicious. What's your main gripe with Frankie? That he lied? Calling him names and asking for his head is not going to solve anything... If you think the game is dead then that wasn't his doing, is his freaking job to toe the corporate line. Let's get it straight, forums failing is the doing of members of our own comunity. Yeah, a lot of mindless lemmings may have seized the oportunity to come out of the shadows but they were just responding to the rallying cry of those who should have known better. Rather than calls for unity and consensus we now have long standing posters openly vowing to destroy the game and the forums. Are you freaking six year olds? Is this about revenge? I don't care to loose the game's meta only because a group of basement dwellers decided they were fed up and that it was a good idea to take the forums down with them in a ragequitting tantrum.

    Backing the CM into a corner of damned if you do, damned if you don't isn't going to solve any issues. The legitimate grievances have become lost amidst all the noise. And all for what? To ensure the failure of the new mods? Ever heard of self fulfilling prophecy? They never had a chance, i'm not saying they deserved one, but no one could've handled all this... Why is Frankie going to bother answering all your questions? If he admits to mistakes then you'll demand he complies to your demands while at the same time singing the too little too late line... Apparently you all want to force his hand into starting over tabula rassa with all of us banned. And if you do make him resign it won't be spoons taking his place but someone well aware the comunity is in an uproar and that he won't be given a fair chance. Things could get a lot worse. Forums are suposed to be mostly self moderated anyway, looking for flaws in the work of the obviously inept and shell shocked mods is not going to help, since apparently what you are all demanding is to be babied and hand held in every single thread. And the worst of it all is this has made you loose sight of the bigger issues such as changes to the game. And all to have your egos stroked?

    Yeah, the game may very well be in decline but you're not doing any favors to those who plan on staying a little while longer. This is all about YOU. Because it is you who have contributed to the hostile enviroment both in game and on forums, you who discourage new players with your snobism and unwillingness to reason, you who have destroyed the economy with your stupid greed. And just in case any bolshevik comisar gets it in his head to acuse me of sucking up to the staff because i don't follow the mantra of your stupid riot i'm probably getting banned myself if order is restored so you can shove it. At least i'll go out a man that accepts his own responsability and not just some nerdraging idiot that got what was coming to him. You'll all be making alt accounts anyway...

    What you've done here is just as bad as anything Frankie did, and you're as much an enemy to the average player. We need to restore order ourselves, and work on a united and civil front to face bad management calls, not to continue indulging in all this disgusting self gratification.
  • Katzyn - Sanctuary
    Katzyn - Sanctuary Posts: 1,270 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Ninja'd by MANray_, and he's said most of what I feel, better. Thank you.

    At this point, I don't think anything can be done to "calm people down". They are far too riled up in thinking that everything the mods/GMs do is wrong, and the people want their way NOW. "Answer my questions, answer the 50,000 PMs that have been sent to you, shut down this thread, delete that thread, move that one there", etc. And when something doesn't get done the exact way they want it, they rage more, and make more threads, take up more time.

    Frankie shouldn't have to apologize for the remark Kanto made. I'm not entirely sure that Kanto should have to, either, because in most situations, I can see why he would think that. It would definitely make things better if he did apologize, though, and I do see that, though really, at this point...I'm not sure how much better, since the damage has been done, and I doubt a simple apology would make much of a difference. People would then just berate him for not apologizing sooner, yadda yadda.

    So, what's the plan here, people? Keep raging til Frankie and all the rest of the staff give up and quit, so that entirely new people can come in, and you can rage about how we don't know them at all? Because that's what it seems. Anything Frankie does say now, you twist and ***** at him more about what he should be doing. He shouldn't even be working today, as far as I remember, yet here he is, trying to calm the situation down, alone. And yet you all expect him to be God, able to do everything in an instant, able to answer all questions immediately. Able to make things well again, when you aren't giving him the chance anymore. You all seem to want him to fail, so you can rage more.

    It's really disgusting, how everyone is acting.
    Katzyn, level 101 Demon Veno
    Kylenea, level 99 Demon Cleric
    ForestSonata, level 6x Mystic
    Proud wifeh of Yudai <3
    ~Courtesy of the amazing Forsakenx~
  • SerenityMare - Dreamweaver
    SerenityMare - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,211 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    I don't think it'll be any worse if they get new staff.

    Actually, it might be better considering that the new staff is actually experienced and knows how to manage.
  • Katzyn - Sanctuary
    Katzyn - Sanctuary Posts: 1,270 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    I don't think it'll be any worse if they get new staff.

    Actually, it might be better considering that the new staff is actually experienced and knows how to manage.

    Says who? People would probably say that Frankie wasn't experienced, but he was obviously hired. Who's to say the next people wouldn't be the same?
    Katzyn, level 101 Demon Veno
    Kylenea, level 99 Demon Cleric
    ForestSonata, level 6x Mystic
    Proud wifeh of Yudai <3
    ~Courtesy of the amazing Forsakenx~
  • chaoticrampage
    chaoticrampage Posts: 271 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Says who? People would probably say that Frankie wasn't experienced, but he was obviously hired. Who's to say the next people wouldn't be the same?

    The current forums staff ALLOWED the forums to get to this point. The fire is already burning strong due to the incompetency of the current staff, if a new CM was brought in people would obviously not approve of him at first, but unlike Frankie if he could actually prove himself and choose a good set of Mods maybe people would settle down.

    This rage has been accumulated over the last year and finally people have had enough, the chaos is the result of the abuse and mistreatment of the forums over the year. At this point I'd actually welcome a new CB because Frankie is doing a **** poor job.
  • SerenityMare - Dreamweaver
    SerenityMare - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,211 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Says who? People would probably say that Frankie wasn't experienced, but he was obviously hired. Who's to say the next people wouldn't be the same?

    You know how to read English, right?

    I clearly said that it won't get any worse if they get new staff that's like Frankie. But it might be better if they get more experienced ones.
  • Slivaf - Dreamweaver
    Slivaf - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,106 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Two very excellent posts, Manray, and Katzyn.

    I understand that the people are angry, and that perhaps they have every right to be, but they do all seem to be expecting WAY too much of frankie.

    Kat, your statement about the apology from kant is ALL too true, I can definitely see people saying that "you (he) should have said it sooner" if he does ever apologize, people really aren't that easy to please, it definitely can't/wont happen overnight, but as you said it certainly would help a small bit, just not as much as some of us might hope for it to. .

    Also I have gotta say this the new mods are more or less just like going into a new game/forum the person who is new knows nothing about the mods who currently have the power to try and keep peace around the place, all they can do is hope for the best. Though this isn't a new place, I doubt that any mod that frankie and the gang could have chosen would have been sworn in without any problems/complaints once-soever, people's opinion about certain people differ just way too greatly.
    Ah, Mistakes are so easily made. ~ laura resnick

    What kind of message are you sending when you insult my intelligence? ~ Me ~ 5/29/2015 (Yes it is possible someone said this before just no idea who/where.)
  • Katzyn - Sanctuary
    Katzyn - Sanctuary Posts: 1,270 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    "ALLOWED" to get to this point. Because they had a choice, really? They can't control you raging posters with their meager numbers. This is just like Kyna said, you're flipping over cars and setting them on fire because things didn't go your way. You were justified, imo, in the initial uproar, but continuing this bullcrap is just too much. They can't, in any way, handle all of this at once, and yet people are still berating them for "not doing their job". How can they? They can't keep up! There's no way they can.

    A new manager would have the same issue, only more so. Remember all the hassle Frankie got, just from replacing Spoons? A new manager would have so many MORE expectations placed on his/her head...And when they failed (which they most definitely would), this would happen all over again.

    You are all placing too much blame and responsibility on the managers IN THIS CASE. They lied, yes, and they may have made insults that I'm not certain were intended as such, but they are not the ones destroying the helpfulness of the forum right now, it's all the raging posters. Again, they can't keep up, and true, it doesn't help that Frankie's taking this all on, having dismissed the mods from here for now, but if the mods were closing and moving things still, people would be raging just as much, if not more.

    It's a no-win situation for everyone, if this keeps going - mods, GMs, irate posters, innocent standbyers.

    And thanks for the snippy remark, Mare. Yet again, people just looking for a reason to rage/insult.
    Katzyn, level 101 Demon Veno
    Kylenea, level 99 Demon Cleric
    ForestSonata, level 6x Mystic
    Proud wifeh of Yudai <3
    ~Courtesy of the amazing Forsakenx~
  • chaoticrampage
    chaoticrampage Posts: 271 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    "ALLOWED" to get to this point. Because they had a choice, really? They can't control you raging posters with their meager numbers. This is just like Kyna said, you're flipping over cars and setting them on fire because things didn't go your way. You were justified, imo, in the initial uproar, but continuing this bullcrap is just too much. They can't, in any way, handle all of this at once, and yet people are still berating them for "not doing their job". How can they? They can't keep up! There's no way they can.

    A new manager would have the same issue, only more so. Remember all the hassle Frankie got, just from replacing Spoons? A new manager would have so many MORE expectations placed on his/her head...And when they failed (which they most definitely would), this would happen all over again.

    You are all placing too much blame and responsibility on the managers IN THIS CASE. They lied, yes, and they may have made insults that I'm not certain were intended as such, but they are not the ones destroying the helpfulness of the forum right now, it's all the raging posters. Again, they can't keep up, and true, it doesn't help that Frankie's taking this all on, having dismissed the mods from here for now, but if the mods were closing and moving things still, people would be raging just as much, if not more.

    It's a no-win situation for everyone, if this keeps going - mods, GMs, irate posters, innocent standbyers.

    And thanks for the snippy remark, Mare. Yet again, people just looking for a reason to rage/insult.

    The fact that it got to this point proves that they weren't able to do their job in the first damn place. They didn't move or lock threads properly, they did their job poorly, and overall they have little to no experience Modding. They lacked what was necessary to keep the forums under control, a team of GOOD Mods would have been able to suppress the initial uproar and win the respect of a good deal of forum users in the process but these new Mods simply weren't good enough.

    If they had handled this whole situation more efficiently even I would have respect for them, but they, along with Frankie, have done a pathetic job at trying to maintain peace in the forums. Frankie had enough time to win our respect and approval but instead he spent his time ignoring posts and PMs, then he went and banned several people whose only crime recently was speaking out about their concerns with how the forums are being run.

    Not as many people are raging as you think, this thread and my previous one for example, were both calm in nature. I made them to ask questions that I felt needed to be asked and that's what I did. I didn't insult Frankie or his Mods, I simply expressed what was on my mind and how I felt about the way they were doing their jobs. As for the people that are raging I can't blame them, the forums staff brought most of it on themselves by running the forums poorly, making poor judgement, and in some cases flat out ignoring us.
  • Aisubeki - Sanctuary
    Aisubeki - Sanctuary Posts: 313 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    "ALLOWED" to get to this point. Because they had a choice, really? They can't control you raging posters with their meager numbers. This is just like Kyna said, you're flipping over cars and setting them on fire because things didn't go your way. You were justified, imo, in the initial uproar, but continuing this bullcrap is just too much. They can't, in any way, handle all of this at once, and yet people are still berating them for "not doing their job". How can they? They can't keep up! There's no way they can.

    A new manager would have the same issue, only more so. Remember all the hassle Frankie got, just from replacing Spoons? A new manager would have so many MORE expectations placed on his/her head...And when they failed (which they most definitely would), this would happen all over again.

    You are all placing too much blame and responsibility on the managers IN THIS CASE. They lied, yes, and they may have made insults that I'm not certain were intended as such, but they are not the ones destroying the helpfulness of the forum right now, it's all the raging posters. Again, they can't keep up, and true, it doesn't help that Frankie's taking this all on, having dismissed the mods from here for now, but if the mods were closing and moving things still, people would be raging just as much, if not more.

    It's a no-win situation for everyone, if this keeps going - mods, GMs, irate posters, innocent standbyers.

    And thanks for the snippy remark, Mare. Yet again, people just looking for a reason to rage/insult.
    the forums would not have gotten this bad if the people with logical, non threatening, proper posts got banned just for giving constructive criticism, and a well listed list of grievances. now these people are quite angry about how they were treated, and of course they're justified to be angry, are just getting out of hand to break down what the originally stood for.

    this is a 2 sided **** storm, children fighting like immature brats, and inept moderation who can seem to make judicious choices on when and how to lock. our CM is just fine, there isnt much he can do when it comes to how the boss runs the show, what's wrong is that we lack proper attention about what we need. our opinions seem to be for naught, and any kind of criticism seems to be squelched like tyrannical dictatoral censorship.

    they keep telling us, if we have a problem, we should PM them. but where does this get us? we never get a single response; and if we do it is usually a copypaste or ambigious placate to vilify the irate customer. on top of lying to us, and hiring people who've been known to just spam the forums, etc. this isnt really the way to run a forum whatsoever.
    remember our fallen heroes
  • Airyll - Dreamweaver
    Airyll - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,882 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    the forums would not have gotten this bad if the people with logical, non threatening, proper posts got banned just for giving constructive criticism, and a well listed list of grievances. now these people are quite angry about how they were treated, and of course they're justified to be angry, are just getting out of hand to break down what the originally stood for.

    this is a 2 sided **** storm, children fighting like immature brats, and inept moderation who can seem to make judicious choices on when and how to lock. our CM is just fine, there isnt much he can do when it comes to how the boss runs the show, what's wrong is that we lack proper attention about what we need. our opinions seem to be for naught, and any kind of criticism seems to be squelched like tyrannical dictatoral censorship.

    they keep telling us, if we have a problem, we should PM them. but where does this get us? we never get a single response; and if we do it is usually a copypaste or ambigious placate to vilify the irate customer. on top of lying to us, and hiring people who've been known to just spam the forums, etc. this isnt really the way to run a forum whatsoever.

    Completely ignoring the fact you were one of the many people who ignored the fact that I was a poster like Reds, Mista and NightRage before they left or were banned respectively and that you are quick to insult me for apparently not being able to post in an apt manner...

    What you say here is true.

    The original posters of this outcry are split into two groups, as of now

    - The ones who do not approve of the raging. Reds was one of them, and I am too. I don't and never did, under any circumstances, approve of what's happened here. Reds didn't either. Nor did a few of the others. We do not and have never approved of this rabid posting by everybody else - hugely because a lot of these people are raging simply to jump on the bandwagon. We don't approve of what they post.

    We only understand that they are angry. We understand why they post. For this reason, we don't chastise them demanding them to stop, because it would do no good. This forum is now of a mob mentality and as such, nobody would be able to tell them to stop and have them listen. Nobody.

    - The people raging because they're just jumping on the bandwagon. They aren't raging because they know what happened, they're doing it because hey, their ticket from seven weeks ago never got answered that one time. The majority of these people proved they had no idea what was going on when they had no idea about the Konari lie, for instance. (A mistake on Frankie's part, by the way. I wholeheartedly disagree with your idea Frankie is faultless in this mess.)

    These are the people posting mindless rants and stupidity, these are the people trolling all the time since this whole thing started, these are the people who post in an attempt to look angry and try brush themselves off as smart, but in truth they don't even know why this whole thing started.


    And they're equally as damaging for their own ignorance as to who it was who helped start this outcry and as to who it was who came forward with blunt but civil honesty first.
  • Katzyn - Sanctuary
    Katzyn - Sanctuary Posts: 1,270 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    I think right now, the best thing that could be done to save the situation would be to shut down the forums for however long it takes to get rid of all of the spam and trolling, maybe condense the repeat threads into one big Complaints/whatever-you-wanna-call-it thread, and have Frankie issue some sort of statement, whether it be an apology for lying (though, AFAIK, I'm pretty sure he did apologize for trying to decieve) and bringing in mods the people decided they couldn't trust. The new mods would do well to resign, and have others brought in (but really, WHO could replace them now? The posters people wanted before, are gone now.), and Kanto should probably make an appearance, at least to say that he hadn't intended to insult.

    And, people need to cut just a tiny bit of slack. They can't respond to all the thread and PMs at once. They just can't. So cut them that tiny bit of slack, at least.
    Katzyn, level 101 Demon Veno
    Kylenea, level 99 Demon Cleric
    ForestSonata, level 6x Mystic
    Proud wifeh of Yudai <3
    ~Courtesy of the amazing Forsakenx~
  • OptimusRhyme - Raging Tide
    OptimusRhyme - Raging Tide Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    what about that one girl that has a screen shot of malicious links being PMd to her from a GM? is she allowed to be angry over her ban? not to mention its being denied by said GM (he obviously cant admit he did it, would possibly ruin his career) is she justified in her rage? what about the fact she was accused of photoshopping it?
  • Aisubeki - Sanctuary
    Aisubeki - Sanctuary Posts: 313 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    quite frankly, its because you do. the instant something smells the slightest of fishiness, and you shoot it with a shotgun, strap an explosive to it, and act like it was specifically made to single you out and harm you. what some people forget is that 'being honest' and 'telling the truth' equates to just being a plain ****.
    remember our fallen heroes
  • Katzyn - Sanctuary
    Katzyn - Sanctuary Posts: 1,270 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    People are doing anything they can to make the GMs look like they're the only badguys here, so...I wouldn't be surprised if it was a photoshopped screenshot. I can't see Frankie doing such a thing to her. After all, if he really DID do it, why just her? Why not all of the others who have caused trouble? Seems unlikely that he'd single her out.
    Katzyn, level 101 Demon Veno
    Kylenea, level 99 Demon Cleric
    ForestSonata, level 6x Mystic
    Proud wifeh of Yudai <3
    ~Courtesy of the amazing Forsakenx~
  • Airyll - Dreamweaver
    Airyll - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,882 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    quite frankly, its because you do. the instant something smells the slightest of fishiness, and you shoot it with a shotgun, strap an explosive to it, and act like it was specifically made to single you out and harm you. what some people forget is that 'being honest' and 'telling the truth' equates to just being a plain ****.

    Then you clearly never read my first posts on the moderating thread, did you? Threads where Reds, Mista and plenty of other people gave me their support because I was very far from being an ******* at that point.

    I don't deny I may be an ******* now, but I do suggest if you're going to call somebody names, please get the whole story first. It makes you far, far more credible. It would be a shame to see somebody who normally posts such sensible things to be disregarded for calling somebody a constant *******, when they never were one.
  • Aisubeki - Sanctuary
    Aisubeki - Sanctuary Posts: 313 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    most people in these asinine forums love to put +1 next to any post that seems 'troll-ish' in nature. yours would be included.
    remember our fallen heroes
  • MANray_ - Sanctuary
    MANray_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,311 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    What you people seem to be missing is the point that you went too far. I guess you could justify becoming a serial killer just to show the incompetence of your local police department using that logic... Destroying the forums to save them? Zayru, your posting certainly got out of hand and Waffle, while i may not know the reason you got banned you'll understand if i don’t have much of a reason to give you the benefit of doubt, don’t you? At any rate NightRage certainly deserved his ban and had been working hard at it for some time now.

    And Airyll, i'm not sure if there’s much point to splitting hairs, if i incite a mob to violence then i'm pretty much responsable for what they do even if it wasnt what i intended…

    Yeah, the Gms need to step up and take responsability for their actions. So do we
  • Airyll - Dreamweaver
    Airyll - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,882 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    most people in these asinine forums love to put +1 next to any post that seems 'troll-ish' in nature. yours would be included.

    Including the smart posters who got banned who you are defending? You know, people like Mista, Reds, NightRage, Solar and the other "fallen heroes"?

    That seems highly contradictory of you to be defending the original people who started this when

    a) I was one of them (and you're free to ask any of the banned who you claim to support so much, because they will confirm the same)
    b) They all initially agreed with most everything I had to say before I became unpleasant.

    Again, please get your facts straight before you start calling people trolls, because it's starting to make you look less credible by the second.


    I incited no violence intentionally, and as such I don't need to take responsibility for what anybody on here posts but me. If somebody posts ****, claiming to be part of this? That's not my problem, and it's moronic of you to insinuate otherwise.

    In the mods thread, I stated my honest opinion. Frankie told me to shut up, and in turn people told Frankie I was only being honest, albeit brutally so. Other people stated their honest opinion. That is what I was a part of.

    Whether people begin to post ****, viruses or anything else, claiming to be in the same group of people, is not my problem. If they felt inspired and thought they were helping? That is not my problem. Again, stupid of you to insinuate otherwise.

    And of course if you seriously believe that the fact people post **** or vulgarity when they jump on the bandwagon were incited to do so by all the original, honest posts and their posters, then surely you also believe that somebody who makes a statement, and then people rampage afterwards claiming to agree but not knowing why he made that statement, that the original person is responsible for the rampage? I think not.
  • chaoticrampage
    chaoticrampage Posts: 271 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    What you people seem to be missing is the point that you went too far. I guess you could justify becoming a serial killer just to show the incompetence of your local police department using that logic... Destroying the forums to save them? Zayru, your posting certainly got out of hand and Waffle, while i may not know the reason you got banned you

    I've already admitted my 106 page thread got out of hand, I've said that multiple times myself. However, my threads and posts as of late and before that particular thread have for the most part been logical and rational. Nobody is trying to destroy the forums the save them, we're past trying to save them. Once the logical threads were locked and people making them got banned people finally got tired of it, myself included.
  • Aisubeki - Sanctuary
    Aisubeki - Sanctuary Posts: 313 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Including the smart posters who got banned who you are defending? You know, people like Mista, Reds, NightRage, Solar and the other "fallen heroes"?

    That seems highly contradictory of you to be defending the original people who started this when

    a) I was one of them (and you're free to ask any of the banned who you claim to support so much, because they will confirm the same)
    b) They all initially agreed with most everything I had to say before I became unpleasant.

    Again, please get your facts straight before you start calling people trolls, because it's starting to make you look less credible by the second.


    I incited no violence intentionally, and as such I don't need to take responsibility for what anybody on here posts but me. If somebody posts ****, claiming to be part of this? That's not my problem, and it's moronic of you to insinuate otherwise.

    In the mods thread, I stated my honest opinion. Frankie told me to shut up, and in turn people told Frankie I was only being honest, albeit brutally so. Other people stated their honest opinion. That is what I was a part of.

    Whether people begin to post ****, viruses or anything else, claiming to be in the same group of people, is not my problem. If they felt inspired and thought they were helping? That is not my problem. Again, stupid of you to insinuate otherwise.

    And of course if you seriously believe that the fact people post **** or vulgarity when they jump on the bandwagon were incited to do so by all the original, honest posts and their posters, then surely you also believe that somebody who makes a statement, and then people rampage afterwards claiming to agree but not knowing why he made that statement, that the original person is responsible for the rampage? I think not.
    so you made a few outrageous posts in a moderator thread, and now you wish to be amongst the ranks of the heroes? it sounds like sheer jealousy that their opinions were considered heavy enough to get them squealched, but yours were pretty much ignored. 'credibility' is of irrelevance here; especially when the only one who seems to care about it is you. even if it were, you are hardly one to speak, seeing as everything that comes out your mouth is profane and vindictive when you suddenly get offended.

    edit for your edit: you obviously failed to grasp my original point as well.

    my point was, these idiot rampagers are ruining everything we, the original banned wagon, started. acting like children is tarnishing the names of us 'heroes.'
    remember our fallen heroes
  • MANray_ - Sanctuary
    MANray_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,311 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    I've already admitted my 106 page thread got out of hand, I've said that multiple times myself. However, my threads and posts as of late and before that particular thread have for the most part been logical and rational. Nobody is trying to destroy the forums the save them, we're past trying to save them. Once the logical threads were locked and people making them got banned people finally got tired of it, myself included.

    It's not a reasonable purpose to post to destroy the forums mate. It doesn't matter how rational your posts may be. If you have a personal issue with Frankie take it up with him. If you're venting then just say your piece and be done. Maybe the forum staff is not deserving of your respect and consideration, no doubt you may feel i'm not either, but other posters in this forums certainly are, and if you're not going to help their cause you should get out of their way.
  • chaoticrampage
    chaoticrampage Posts: 271 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    It's not a reasonable purpose to post to destroy the forums mate. It doesn't matter how rational your posts may be. If you have a personal issue with Frankie take it up with him. If you're venting then just say your piece and be done. Maybe the forum staff is not deserving of your respect and consideration, no doubt you may feel i'm not either, but other posters in this forums certainly are, and if you're not going to help their cause you should get out of their way.

    I tried helping their cause, it resulted in a ban. There's no being rational with the forum staff because it simply gets ignored. I never actually tried to destroy the forums, where you even got that idea is beyond me. That thread was mainly a joke at Frankie's expense that I was expecting to be closed shortly after I started it, but it stayed open for four hours. The fact that the Mods didn't do their job to close it isn't my fault, in fact Frankie even said he told them not to mess with General Discussion. Which, by the way, isn't the smartest of moves because in doing that the Mods can't exactly do their job in the forum section where it's needed the most. Not that they were doing their job correctly anyway...
  • Airyll - Dreamweaver
    Airyll - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,882 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    so you made a few outrageous posts in a moderator thread, and now you wish to be amongst the ranks of the heroes? it sounds like sheer jealousy that their opinions were considered heavy enough to get them squealched, but yours were pretty much ignored. 'credibility' is of irrelevance here; especially when the only one who seems to care about it is you. even if it were, you are hardly one to speak, seeing as everything that comes out your mouth is profane and vindictive when you suddenly get offended.

    1) My posts weren't outrageous in the first instance. You clearly have not read them, otherwise you would know this. Again, know what you're talking about before you make statements.

    2) Seriously. Go talk to Reds, Mista, NightRage, Solar, Hope, Waffle; go talk to them. Go ask those people you cherish and defend so much. Go find the evidence for yourself instead of sitting here bickering with me. I'm letting you go and get confirmation from the very people you claim I'm jealous of, you have the best opportunity to go and get all the evidence you need to quash my argument and silence me.

    Why aren't you?

    3) Far from jealous. I don't need to be jealous that I wasn't banned, why would I? What a downright moronic assumption you make. Sounds to me like the only person getting jealous here is you, because while you claim nobody cares what I say I have gotten more support in my recent posts then you have by numerous people.

    It sounds like sheer jealousy to me that I have more support then you do, and sounds like sheer jealousy to me that you yourself haven't gotten banned for supporting the original heroes so much.

    4) Juicy fact for you: I was one of the first (that's right, one of the FIRST) people in the moderating thread to come out with brute honesty that was explained. The same brute honesty everybody else came out with later and ended up banned for.

    QQmore and call me jealous that I didn't get banned and you don't like what I post. I've told you who you can go and talk to, in order to confirm my story. If you don't, you're a coward, and you don't want to do it because you don't want to hear I'm right and you're not and make yourself look like a fool.

    I have nothing more to prove to you, if you can't be bothered to go and talk to the original people and prove it to yourself.


    And as per to your edit I missed:

    That section of my post was aimed at MANray, not you. Apologies for the miscommunication there.

    Also, if I am not one of the original posters my dear, you certainly are not, and have no right to run around parading the word "we" as if you are.

    But that note aside, I did not fail to grasp that point, and I agree that the recent flood of trolls and morons have taken everything too far and ruin the original point. Where did I disagree, pray tell?
  • Aisubeki - Sanctuary
    Aisubeki - Sanctuary Posts: 313 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    since when do the accusatory have to prove anything to the accused? that is quite bass ackward if i do say so myself. if you are so dead set on proving you are what you claim, then do so. why do i have to do the research for you? -you- are the one with a finger pointed at you, all you do is pile more evidence against yourself each time you make a response. more and more frustration, more and more insults.

    you continue to go on and on about support, support in what? some stranger agrees with your opinion, suddenly its +1 more weigh in validness against everyone else? who gives a rats ***, really? 'i got more support bawwwww' grow up.

    you obviously failed to grasp innuendo yesterday, maybe you need hard explaination...
    remember our fallen heroes
  • Siege - Dreamweaver
    Siege - Dreamweaver Posts: 241 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    so you made a few outrageous posts in a moderator thread, and now you wish to be amongst the ranks of the heroes? it sounds like sheer jealousy that their opinions were considered heavy enough to get them squealched, but yours were pretty much ignored. 'credibility' is of irrelevance here; especially when the only one who seems to care about it is you. even if it were, you are hardly one to speak, seeing as everything that comes out your mouth is profane and vindictive when you suddenly get offended.

    edit for your edit: you obviously failed to grasp my original point as well.

    my point was, these idiot rampagers are ruining everything we, the original banned wagon, started. acting like children is tarnishing the names of us 'heroes.'

    While I agree with the bold part of your post, PWE deserves no better. Somewhere along the line the GMs and the devs decided it was ok to treat the community like idiots. For a while people dealt with that fact, so are you telling me you did not see this coming with the way things have been for the past 2 or so weeks?

    PWE has provided the community with TONS of ammo. They turned a blind eye to so many issues and the TT issues was FINALLY answered after all the raging that has been done. So there's a little victory there. Still there are many issues that go unanswered and Kantorek who is one of the people that contributed to this flame fest has yet to say **** and try to calm people down. He decided to be a big *** baby and let Frankie clean up his mess while he goes and plays around with the money in his fat *** pockets.

    This whole mess in my opinion is well deserved. Like I said, they deserve no better. You give people **** and you get **** in return.
  • MANray_ - Sanctuary
    MANray_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,311 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    so you made a few outrageous posts in a moderator thread, and now you wish to be amongst the ranks of the heroes? it sounds like sheer jealousy that their opinions were considered heavy enough to get them squealched, but yours were pretty much ignored. 'credibility' is of irrelevance here; especially when the only one who seems to care about it is you. even if it were, you are hardly one to speak, seeing as everything that comes out your mouth is profane and vindictive when you suddenly get offended.

    edit for your edit: you obviously failed to grasp my original point as well.

    my point was, these idiot rampagers are ruining everything we, the original banned wagon, started. acting like children is tarnishing the names of us 'heroes.'

    Apparently someone thinks very highly of himself. I saw a woman die last week, she didn't save anyone and she had no cause, she was just fighting for her life against a group of cowards with a gun. She was more of a hero than you'll likely ever know in your life. A bunch of clowns out to get banned from a posting forum are not heroes whatever their cause may have been. The sole idea is so beyond pathetic it actually crosses the line into being offensive.
    I tried helping their cause, it resulted in a ban. There's no being rational with the forum staff because it simply gets ignored. I never actually tried to destroy the forums, where you even got that idea is beyond me. That thread was mainly a joke at Frankie's expense that I was expecting to be closed shortly after I started it, but it stayed open for four hours. The fact that the Mods didn't do their job to close it isn't my fault, in fact Frankie even said he told them not to mess with General Discussion. Which, by the way, isn't the smartest of moves because in doing that the Mods can't exactly do their job in the forum section where it's needed the most. Not that they were doing their job correctly anyway...

    What's the point then? If you're just going to get ignored and there's no reasoning with this people why are you still here? I'm trying to give you a fair chance to explain yourself. What you're doing is not going to help change the game and it only makes the enviroment for those of us who stay here so much worse. Why are you doing this?
This discussion has been closed.