TW Report - 09/24/2010-09/26/2010



  • Aasimar - Raging Tide
    Aasimar - Raging Tide Posts: 200 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Yawn you know Aasimar same ole story as past few months.You held Varden together and we should all bow to you.AS IF get over yourself and move on.Seems you always have the latest BS to say about everyone else.Guess what we choose not to post here.But if you prefer us to play i talk you talk by all means i can type to.
    PS alot more **** around
    about You then others choose
    wisely.Or better yet continue
    so we can havee more fun
    b:laughat you about what you
    dont really know.
    As for all this "hiding behind an alt" nonsense, why would Fuzzy or any of his members even bother? Simply reading our replies in this thread is proof enough we are not afraid to speak our minds using our main characters. WC is no different.

    Oh c'on.. get u're act together guys.

    You held Varden together and we should all bow to you.

    So like, lets define this quote as slander shall we? You know words falsely spoken that damage the reputation of another. Althou this one might be taken as compliment I'm not a kind of guy to take credit for thing I didn't do. Show me where I said that?
    Or you mean the part where a couple of good suggestions that helped my -at the time - faction to go through rough times?

    And who is that "WE" i keep on hearing about? WE this WE that or Varden this, Varden that its like 6 ppl that were there at the time when all this was going on and knew what was happening.
    Rest of you know what you were told to.

    I'm now finding it rather hard to belive you r form Varden actually.
    Maybe some 3ed party benefiting form this unwanted conflict?
  • Melda - Raging Tide
    Melda - Raging Tide Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    alright kids maybe thats enough.
    many of us have a lot to look forward to this weekend perhaps we should focus on that instead of what happens months before at which time a number of us werent even a part of.
  • RedValentine - Raging Tide
    RedValentine - Raging Tide Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    And who is that "WE" i keep on hearing about? WE this WE that or Varden this, Varden that its like 6 ppl that were there at the time when all this was going on and knew what was happening.
    Rest of you know what you were told to.

    i will respectfully agree with you here Aasimar. I admit that I havent gotten to know you personally, and I really only have heard of your time in Varden from those who are there now and were there then. I wasnt. However, the fact remains that the negative impact that you and your friends left behind was enough to cause some hard feelings on the people who a lot of us call friends and family in there now.

    We all make decisions to do things the way we see best. You did what you felt was best in the situation, and I can respect that. I cant respect the negative imprint you left behind on my peers though. And I think that may be the reflecting case for a lot of us who joined Varden after you left.
  • Aasimar - Raging Tide
    Aasimar - Raging Tide Posts: 200 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    alright kids maybe thats enough.
    many of us have a lot to look forward to this weekend perhaps we should focus on that instead of what happens months before at which time a number of us werent even a part of.

    Exactly b:thanks

  • Tanich - Raging Tide
    Tanich - Raging Tide Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    let me start off with OMG you sure think a lot of yourself (but that is not new you have always been an arrogant hypocrite). I also have a very long memory and noticed some glaring misstatements.....
    Believe it or not Pimp stayed there for the longest time after most active players left. Now whats missing in this story and general public is being denied to know is all of us former Varden members joined the faction while Arya was the leader.

    err I don't recall a time where "most active players left" unless you are considering you and your little clique.
    Here is what happened in the aftermath couple of mouths back - and there is no hear say here - I was present for every of the following events:

    -Arya passed lead to Fuzzy - and don't get me wrong, Fuzzy did help a lot to build the faction and was looking forward to this position for the longest time. I guess here decision in that mater was justified at that time. Besides she had some RL stuff to take care of.
    Now back then we have Varden more like a social club and less a TW faction. Ppl hang around, they show up for tw coz they like it, the have fun, quest together, tt together.. you know, a nice place to be part of.

    -So now we have Fuzzy as lead - nothing is happening rly - no director there - total apathy form officers - leader nowhere to be seen. More and more ppl start leaving the faction, mostly high lvls like RobinH, Daesy.. cant rly remember all the other names, but its slowly becoming an epidemic.

    lol u mad? people leaving was an epidemic? I would disagree but since you are always right you would just accuse me of more stupid **** like you did before. You might not have noticed cause you were too busy doing things out of faction, but Varden is still a family-type faction
    Naturally some of us complain about it. Fuzzy answer by opening a pole on new director position - 14 ppl vote on it (talk about validity of vote and general apathy in the faction at that point) and his wife in game is promoted to the position. At that point no1 has a problem with it. Its not long b4 we all realize that person is offline most of the time and those few time she is online she was afk.
    Ok, nwm that.. we r told she does a lot of work on the web page. Lets say we all believed it.
    Every time something bad happens Fuzzy does not wanna have anything to do with it - its always officers fault, so naturally, officers start resigning.. some even leave the faction.
    At this point i have an epiphany: do we have a leader?

    what officers were these? the ones in you imagination I am thinking.....
    -Now, in TW department, Fuzzy is rather active - well at least those few hours one needs to sort the squads.
    But I gotta be honest - we sux at Tw at this point, and fuzzy is pretty concerned about this - no matter we are under geared, no mater we are under leveled, no mater we miss active barbs and cleric in the faction to do anything at that point, no mater there is no TW strategy whatsoever - it all stops on him being concerned about it.
    Ok, so I approach him with an idea. I know this guys, that played on HT for the longest time and he knows stuff about TW. Not to mention that fact that he is siting in a non TW faction atm with bunch of his friends. Fuzzy is rly not impressed with my idea. But since i'm a persistent little bugger I run the idea over and over again until finally, after a series of failed TW's and 4 weeks he agrees to meet the guy.

    -Ok so at this point we have this guy in our faction, but for the next 3 weeks Fuzzy does not give him the benefit of a doubt and nothing rly happiness. TW still sux, QQme is forming a bouble around us and our options are becoming limited. Finlay the guy make a post on the forum concerning TW and Fuzzy is impressed. No, check that, not impressed, overzealous might be the better choice of words since every single marshal promoted in next weeks was in charge od TW and TW only. Every other aspect of faction activity is being marginalized (not that much of it was left there by that point).
    One of the resoults you have one of the oldest fac members a fac marshal VinceVain confronting Fuzzy about it saying he does not liking this new "soulless TW corporation" ending up beeing demoted and leaving the faction.

    You do know Vince is in Varden right now and you have no idea what actually happen here but since it is not your concern I will not explain it
    Take me for example, all my FC, TT, FB, BH at that time are done ether with QQme, Infamy or Leviathan dominated squads. So at a certain point I say to my selfe, I'm not gonna do it anymore.. wth is happening.. where are my faction m8 in all this?

    I am sooo glad you brought this up. If I recall you did all your stuff out of faction (as you said) while at the same time I managed to do ALL my TT, FB, BH, etc in faction. what does that say? you were incapable of finding people outside of your clique that would tolerate you? possible. You cared more about your stuff then anyone else's? I would say definitely. I don't ever recall you asking if faction members wanted to do any of these with you, you just went straight to your friends list and now you complain.....
    Some more realizations hit me: recruitment sux, faction events non existent, every1 fending for them selves. So, me being naive as I am, I aproche fuzzy again with this issue. The response I get is on the lines of become an officer and do something about it or dont bother me with it. Well, since at the time dont think I could rly do something about it solo with no support form the leader (who does not wanna be bothered with it) and director (which is offline/afk 99% of the time) i respectfully decline the offer.

    A fine example of your "complain about everything but is not willing to help" attitude you displayed the entire time you were in Varden, Thank you for illustrating it so well for me
    But to make it shortER, things like Fuzzy messing up bids for TW so more ppl left like CJseven, Fuzzy not showing up for next to nen officer meatings, ppl threatened to be kicked out of the faction if they dont show for TW, TW pays skipped or nn existent, ppl coming and going from the faction as they please just because they r buddy buddy with the leader, and all sorts of other schematics resulted in a group of ppl simply boycotting the war vs carebares. In the aftermath they are not invited to talk it over or promised that things will improve, rather theathend if they do it again they will be kicked out of the faction - so naturaly those ppl left on ther own accord.

    Ok this part made me fall out of my chair laughing... first CJ left because a member dispute, had NOTHING to do with TW. TW pay was never skipped. this boycott you speak of by "somepeople" was thought up by YOU, encouraged by YOU and organized by YOU. You went to all our high levels and tried to get them to boycott a war we could have won cause you were tired of getting rolled by QQme and wanted everything to happen yesterday. So don't talk like this boycott was this thing that spontaneously developed without your hard work on it. And as for this "not invited to talk things over" I tried, Fuzzy tried, all the officers tried, but the only thing you had to say is "don't blame me it isn't my fault" I couldn't even get you to tell me what specifically you problem was. One can only listen to the same non-answer so many times before you get ignored.
    All sorts of BS was fabricated in the aftermath - most of it directed at me since I'm the poor fool who thinks things can be talked over with ppl.

    Once again wrong, the officers went out of our way to keep the completely justifiable anger at you and your clique to a minimum (we even withheld the names of the people that were involved in the 'boycott'). there was no fabrication of facts and once again you never tried to talk about it, just kept repeating "its not my fault it is Fuzzy's fault, we had to do this" You went out of your way to backstab us then blame someone else for your actions.

    Thing I helpt accomplish in Varden:
    -Bring Realty on board - ther current TW general and main reason of that faction survival when massive exodus happend some time back.
    -Introduce the point system which helps organize TW pay, TT mat distribution ecc.
    -push for a migration to a new, more functional web page - even offered to make one for them...
    -Push for a Director change and officer restructuring in general which kinda got Tanich her director position among other things...

    errr we don't have a point system for TW pay.... are you confusing us with someone else?
    So this is my Varden "CV" section and here is the punchline: Its rather hard to stay in a faction where leader wont even say thank you only 'coz you dont rub him the right way, no mater how many good thing one does, or tries to do. On the contary, wait and c the answer to this post.. i'm predicting its gonna be filled with grotesque enough evasions, stuff taken out of the contest and slander.

    I am sorry we never thanked you for trying your hardest to destroy Varden and I am sorry you are still so hurt it didn't work.
    DISCLAIMER: I dont have anything against you Fuzzy personaly. I wish you could say the same. I have an issue with some of your decision making and the fact you evade to admit by dragging me thru the mud.

    and you drag me through the mud repeatedly yet evade admitting it... oh wait you are Aasimar, above everyone's rules so are allowed to do what you accuse others of.....

    ps: check the dancing_eyes app to QQme; why did you leave your former faction section. Should say something like "Varden-not much going on there". That exactly how it was.

    Well since dancing eyes never interacted with the faction no one cried when he left and he was 1 of 2 lvl 100 at the time so of course he would have trouble getting his stuff done. there was and is no hard feelings against dancingeyes.

    So in closing since you have this obsession with needing to be recognized for your accomplishments let me thank you for the best thing you ever did for Varden. Thank you Aasimar for leaving and taking your drama out of our family.

    Now that your accomplishments have been acknowledged please quit being so bitter that you tried to destroy us from within but Varden didn't die like you wanted it to. b:pleased
  • blueshadowgirl
    blueshadowgirl Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Oh c'on.. get u're act together guys.

    So like, lets define this quote as slander shall we? You know words falsely spoken that damage the reputation of another. Althou this one might be taken as compliment I'm not a kind of guy to take credit for thing I didn't do. Show me where I said that?
    Or you mean the part where a couple of good suggestions that helped my -at the time - faction to go through rough times?

    And who is that "WE" i keep on hearing about? WE this WE that or Varden this, Varden that its like 6 ppl that were there at the time when all this was going on and knew what was happening.
    Rest of you know what you were told to.

    I'm now finding it rather hard to belive you r form Varden actually.
    Maybe some 3ed party benefiting form this unwanted conflict?

    Not hiding behind an alt ASSimar my main is ReinsTerror.Oh and the blueshadowgirl is the name my wife REAL LIFE WIFE gave this acoount.And by the way she is in your faction and a possition holder.So as you stated im not hiding.Blame my wife(REAL LIFE) Blu Shado for the name im hiding behind she helped to set this account up and made a mistake.As i stated dont talk about what you dont know.Oh wait im sorry you are God you know all.
  • Tanich - Raging Tide
    Tanich - Raging Tide Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Oh c'on.. get u're act together guys.

    So like, lets define this quote as slander shall we? You know words falsely spoken that damage the reputation of another. Althou this one might be taken as compliment I'm not a kind of guy to take credit for thing I didn't do. Show me where I said that?
    Or you mean the part where a couple of good suggestions that helped my -at the time - faction to go through rough times?

    And who is that "WE" i keep on hearing about? WE this WE that or Varden this, Varden that its like 6 ppl that were there at the time when all this was going on and knew what was happening.
    Rest of you know what you were told to.

    I'm now finding it rather hard to belive you r form Varden actually.
    Maybe some 3ed party benefiting form this unwanted conflict?

    OMG again with the alt ****! is that the only broken record you have?
  • ReinsTerror - Raging Tide
    ReinsTerror - Raging Tide Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Here happy now i spent time so you can see who i am b:cryyou were hiding on your accounts real name grow up.
  • RedValentine - Raging Tide
    RedValentine - Raging Tide Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Here happy now i spent time so you can see who i am b:cryyou were hiding on your accounts real name grow up.

    awww i liked you better as your other name -pouts- but seriously Aasimar, is everyones character an alt from Varden out trying to get you or something? cause you sure try your hardest to convince everyone that that is the case. no offence, but its not working
  • Rawrgh - Raging Tide
    Rawrgh - Raging Tide Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Why all the varden NPC hate? I want someone to hate!
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • ReinsTerror - Raging Tide
    ReinsTerror - Raging Tide Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    PS hiding behind alts huh didnt think of that but hmmmmmmmmmmm
    NPC news talks alot **** whos that while everyone is coming foward.
    OH YEAH prediction from NPC NEWS last week WRONG can you say ROLLED
  • Tanich - Raging Tide
    Tanich - Raging Tide Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Why all the varden NPC hate? I want someone to hate!

    Sorry Rawrgh I like barbs too much to hate you b:surrender
    I'll try harder b:chuckle
  • RedValentine - Raging Tide
    RedValentine - Raging Tide Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Why all the varden NPC hate? I want someone to hate!

    hate for Rawrgh. hate for Rawrgh... hmmm... i got nothing... here have some love instead :3 b:dirtyb:kissb:cute
  • Sarbear - Raging Tide
    Sarbear - Raging Tide Posts: 324 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    this boycott you speak of by "somepeople" was thought up by YOU, encouraged by YOU and organized by YOU. You went to all our high levels and tried to get them to boycott a war we could have won cause you were tired of getting rolled by QQme and wanted everything to happen yesterday. So don't talk like this boycott was this thing that spontaneously developed without your hard work on it. And as for this "not invited to talk things over" I tried, Fuzzy tried, all the officers tried, but the only thing you had to say is "don't blame me it isn't my fault" I couldn't even get you to tell me what specifically you problem was. One can only listen to the same non-answer so many times before you get ignored.

    +10 "I will not be participating in this war and dont pm me asking why." Something to that effect? b:cute

    Lets see.. "I brought it up on the forums like a week ago" I never saw it maybe it was in a hidden section lol.
    Why all the varden NPC hate? I want someone to hate!

    Rawrgh don't play around you know you hate me. b:cute
    "Target Sarbear, Anti-stun skill, Irongaurd, holy path, armageddon:Result? Miss! Q_Q" - Rawrgh
    "Actually if you had half-a-brain you would realize that fists > bow when someone is close to you." - XxZavxX
    "hey I made another insulting post towards Spell_Caster, and all say...yeah!! Gzz! You're the rock!" - Spell_Caster
  • Boogiepanda - Raging Tide
    Boogiepanda - Raging Tide Posts: 4,682 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    This is like a nice little build up to the weekend b:cute
  • TheMagicPimp - Raging Tide
    TheMagicPimp - Raging Tide Posts: 1,946 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    This is like a nice little build up to the weekend b:cute

    Pointless unless you guys TW against each other b:dirty
    It's all about LoL,yo.
  • Fuzzy_Wuzzy - Raging Tide
    Fuzzy_Wuzzy - Raging Tide Posts: 770 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Me was gonna quote, but the post a few pages back is like the 1st chapter of a book and way too long to repost. Fuzzy will only say this:

    You have an interesting and very highly selective memory Aasimar. Tanich has pretty much said all that needs to be so there is no huge point trying to reassert her posts.

    There is no doubt you did more to hurt Fuzzy's "dictatorial TW machine" (or however you put it) than you ever did to help. Your only priority, which you stated time and again to Fuzzy was that you wanted to CS yourself and one other specific person to the stage of "the next Lucifer" (your words, not Fuzzy's) Well, not sure how val turned out, but you certainly managed to achieve it for yourself. Me wonders if your current faction received all your so called "help", but probably not, we see you have been busy hypering your own way to 102....

    In regards to Varden, the only reason Fuzzy can see for doing what you did is that you wanted his job. With all your talk and all your "effort to save the faction" its pretty obvious you thought you knew better than Fuzzy and could do a better job. You attempted to stage a rebellion, or a coup, or whatever and since it failed miserably what other choice did you have but to leave?

    Its interesting your entire post was filled with ranting about how through lack concern, or lack of interest, or not caring, or simply being too stupid, everything bad that has ever happened to Varden is a result of Fuzzy. Well, like everyone else, you too are entitled to your own opinion. The vast majority of the faction obviously disagreed with you.

    Just realize that if me was such a bad leader, Varden would have self destructed long ago. That would appear not to be the case, despite your best efforts. We are the 2nd oldest faction on the map, one of 2 perhaps oldest factions on the server and we are not going anywhere anytime soon.
  • ReinsTerror - Raging Tide
    ReinsTerror - Raging Tide Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Pointless unless you guys TW against each other b:dirty

    LOL Pimpy I dont ever post on here nor do i read them often.Today was my first post on here because im tired of someone always crying or taking pics on game and stating are alt of others. I dont hide nor have i ever hiden myself behind an alt.Seems to me someone feels they are so great that other will go to extremes to show hate.Maybe its just me but who started this thread about all the drama and do they have a guilt trip going on or what.As far as TW aww heck be fun to fight NPC 1vs1 but i dont see that in near future always seems we get ganked(WONDERS WHY THIS IS SO LOL)(MAYBE ITS THE SECRET VENT CONVOS)Well already know all about those but wont go there.Ohh and if NPCs TW statement was true we would never be fighting one another because NPCs attacks the strongest factions on the server b:chuckle LMAO but seems to me Varden has alot less land then QQme and Levi yet NPC attacks Varden the strongest factionb:surrender
    ill b:shutup nowb :bye for now
  • Rawrgh - Raging Tide
    Rawrgh - Raging Tide Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    if Varden and NPC don't TW each other I'm going to rage.
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • Bladed_Tony - Raging Tide
    Bladed_Tony - Raging Tide Posts: 956 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    oh noes what the hell is goin on in RT
    I missing the TW action QQ
    Attacking at the speed of Suck since 2009
  • Rawrgh - Raging Tide
    Rawrgh - Raging Tide Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    oh noes what the hell is goin on in RT
    I missing the TW action QQ
    There is no action, just talk, weak ganks, and 5 minute rolls.
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • Bladed_Tony - Raging Tide
    Bladed_Tony - Raging Tide Posts: 956 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    still better than not being able to log in.. >.>
    Attacking at the speed of Suck since 2009
  • TheMagicPimp - Raging Tide
    TheMagicPimp - Raging Tide Posts: 1,946 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    TONYYYY ! Levi needs ya !

    I hope you can come back soon , QQ .
    It's all about LoL,yo.
  • Boogiepanda - Raging Tide
    Boogiepanda - Raging Tide Posts: 4,682 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    BOOGIEEE ! Levi needs ya !

    I hope you can come back soon , QQ .

  • TheMagicPimp - Raging Tide
    TheMagicPimp - Raging Tide Posts: 1,946 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    As far as TW aww heck be fun to fight NPC 1vs1 but i dont see that in near future always seems we get ganked(WONDERS WHY THIS IS SO LOL)(MAYBE ITS THE SECRET VENT CONVOS)Well already know all about those but wont go there.

    Well if it's a gank and you loose the same amount of lands anyway why don't you guys fight NPC instead of others ?

    I know that might cause a land loss but TW pay is kinda worthless now .

    Perhaps the logical choice is to defend Latinos or w/e other faction that you guys would have most chances to win against but what about the fun TW vs your rival faction ? At least I'd like that , at least to see how it's like .

    We did both of that in TW : last week we kinda did the " smart thing " and defended murr , abandoning QQme since we had like no chance at all ( can't say the same for you varden vs NPC ) .

    However some time ago , we had like 64 ppl for TW vs almost full 80 QQme and they were attacking 1k + murr was attacking at the same time . With us loosing a TW vs them in 1.5 hours the same weekend against just 4 cats not 8 we thought like we had 10% chance of winning this so we had some ppl suggested the most logical choice of land keeping which was " skip 1k and def murr " . Yet we just said " eh **** it , whatever happens " and choose to gamble on having a more fun TW even if we had liek such low chances for one than a 100% loss and 100% win .

    And guess what? We actually won .

    Now I'm not sure on the gap in power between varden & NPC ( if any atm ) but it certainly can't be as big as what we had vs QQme ( or even more , now ) back then and you guys don't have any precious 1k to loose as well as apparently much more rivalry between factions .

    Seriously , after reading the last few pages in this thread I wanna see a 1v1 Varden vs NPC .

    What have you got to loose ?

    Ofc it's not my choice but I'm just sayin ' :P
    It's all about LoL,yo.
  • ReinsTerror - Raging Tide
    ReinsTerror - Raging Tide Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Well if it's a gank and you loose the same amount of lands anyway why don't you guys fight NPC instead of others ?

    I know that might cause a land loss but TW pay is kinda worthless now .

    Perhaps the logical choice is to defend Latinos or w/e other faction that you guys would have most chances to win against but what about the fun TW vs your rival faction ? At least I'd like that , at least to see how it's like .

    We did both of that in TW : last week we kinda did the " smart thing " and defended murr , abandoning QQme since we had like no chance at all ( can't say the same for you varden vs NPC ) .

    However some time ago , we had like 64 ppl for TW vs almost full 80 QQme and they were attacking 1k + murr was attacking at the same time . With us loosing a TW vs them in 1.5 hours the same weekend against just 4 cats not 8 we thought like we had 10% chance of winning this so we had some ppl suggested the most logical choice of land keeping which was " skip 1k and def murr " . Yet we just said " eh **** it , whatever happens " and choose to gamble on having a more fun TW even if we had liek such low chances for one than a 100% loss and 100% win .

    And guess what? We actually won .

    Now I'm not sure on the gap in power between varden & NPC ( if any atm ) but it certainly can't be as big as what we had vs QQme ( or even more , now ) back then and you guys don't have any precious 1k to loose as well as apparently much more rivalry between factions .

    Seriously , after reading the last few pages in this thread I wanna see a 1v1 Varden vs NPC .

    What have you got to loose ?

    Ofc it's not my choice but I'm just sayin ' :P

    dont look at me for that its not in my hands either and yes this has been brewing awhile between NPC and us.And as i recall was a time PIMP also only wanted NPC bloodb:pleased.besides im not the 1 that started this whole NPC-Varden thing.It was bound to happen when half the original NPC the first 10 were ex Varden players who choose ASSSSS and level over a family and gear.But hey they choose there path.So if fight is friday i plan on killing every NPC clown i can.If after friday Varden will make due with out me.REAL LIFE still has priority over a GAME. come NPC 1vs 1 works not hiding on a alt. b:bye
  • Tainaker - Harshlands
    Tainaker - Harshlands Posts: 302 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    dont look at me for that its not in my hands either and yes this has been brewing awhile between NPC and us.And as i recall was a time PIMP also only wanted NPC bloodb:pleased.besides im not the 1 that started this whole NPC-Varden thing.It was bound to happen when half the original NPC the first 10 were ex Varden players who choose ASSSSS and level over a family and gear.But hey they choose there path.So if fight is friday i plan on killing every NPC clown i can.If after friday Varden will make due with out me.REAL LIFE still has priority over a GAME. come NPC 1vs 1 works not hiding on a alt. b:bye

    idk whats the deal about ppl leaving i mean some in-game-hate is cool for TWs like the old QQme/infamu and the infamy/Insight thing but meh is all good...we all have dif reasons to leave a faction and it really doesnt matter is just a game...ayano is still my pimp :o and hes cool in levi...i did left for the sames reason pimpy did but im back so yeah all that bs really doesnt matter ijs
  • Mirko - Raging Tide
    Mirko - Raging Tide Posts: 220 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    dont look at me for that its not in my hands either and yes this has been brewing awhile between NPC and us.And as i recall was a time PIMP also only wanted NPC bloodb:pleased.besides im not the 1 that started this whole NPC-Varden thing.It was bound to happen when half the original NPC the first 10 were ex Varden players who choose ASSSSS and level over a family and gear.But hey they choose there path.So if fight is friday i plan on killing every NPC clown i can.If after friday Varden will make due with out me.REAL LIFE still has priority over a GAME. come NPC 1vs 1 works not hiding on a alt. b:bye

    hey now, you started off just nice but this has turned out into false information..

    there are 5 founders of npc:
    Zree, LucidOne, Elvenne, Elementus and me.. the next day mistolepet and few others joined.. Aasimar and few others came weeks after npc was founded.. we were holding 2-3 lands at the time and had 30-50 members..

    dont hate us all <3
  • KingJoel - Raging Tide
    KingJoel - Raging Tide Posts: 516 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    hey now, you started off just nice but this has turned out into false information..

    there are 5 founders of npc:
    Zree, LucidOne, Elvenne, Elementus and me.. the next day mistolepet and few others joined.. Aasimar and few others came weeks after npc was founded.. we were holding 2-3 lands at the time and had 30-50 members..

    dont hate us all <3

    Yep lol i Had joined NPC wen they had 1 land i think Been there Ever Since lol
  • Boogiepanda - Raging Tide
    Boogiepanda - Raging Tide Posts: 4,682 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Yep lol i Had joined NPC wen they had 1 land i think Been there Ever Since lol

    lol =/= full stop.