TW Report - 09/24/2010-09/26/2010



  • Sarbear - Raging Tide
    Sarbear - Raging Tide Posts: 324 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    b:heart sarbear I would steal you from pimpy if the game would let me marry you b:dirty

    Stealing me from pimpy would be quite a feat. b:chuckle

    But seriously Tany y u hide on alts? You can declare your love for me on your main. Reins won't care. b:chuckle
    "Target Sarbear, Anti-stun skill, Irongaurd, holy path, armageddon:Result? Miss! Q_Q" - Rawrgh
    "Actually if you had half-a-brain you would realize that fists > bow when someone is close to you." - XxZavxX
    "hey I made another insulting post towards Spell_Caster, and all say...yeah!! Gzz! You're the rock!" - Spell_Caster
  • Sarbear - Raging Tide
    Sarbear - Raging Tide Posts: 324 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    you take Sarbear, I take Pimpy, done deal b:victory

    Ya...I thought about this...

    No, he's mine. b:thanks
    "Target Sarbear, Anti-stun skill, Irongaurd, holy path, armageddon:Result? Miss! Q_Q" - Rawrgh
    "Actually if you had half-a-brain you would realize that fists > bow when someone is close to you." - XxZavxX
    "hey I made another insulting post towards Spell_Caster, and all say...yeah!! Gzz! You're the rock!" - Spell_Caster
  • Tanich - Raging Tide
    Tanich - Raging Tide Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Stealing me from pimpy would be quite a feat. b:chuckle

    But seriously Tany y u hide on alts? You can declare your love for me on your main. Reins won't care. b:chuckle

    Yeah your right, reins has always understood my love for you b:kiss is what makes him such a good hubby..... now if only pimpy wasn't jealous I would shout it from the center of arch b:surrender
  • Aasimar - Raging Tide
    Aasimar - Raging Tide Posts: 200 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Doesn't it make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside to see NPC officers are above their faction rules? This was take directly from the NPC website:

    "....No trolling of main game forums is allowed, you can post all you like on them, but the same rules which apply to WCing, apply to the game forums...."

    Guess no ones rules applies to Aasimar cause he is so.... errr I can't find a polite word.... b:chuckle

    oh, dont you worry.. i got the 1st strike for posting stuff today :D ..but damn, it was worth it... there is ony so much one can do after being draged thry the mud for so long...
    At least now you realize why NPC members dont engage in your provocations here on the forum nor in WC. Its not 'coz you guys are relaying true statements.. its just us following our basic faction rules...

    and you just keep up not finding polite words for me.. looks like your doing just fine in that department judging from your WC content, why should it be any different in my regards.

    Oh, and you visiting our web page.. dont bother applying ('coz thats the only place you could have read our rule book).. u'll get plenty of NAY on your app. and now, plz master, give us some more of your substance.. teach us how to deceive and evade the obvious.
  • Aasimar - Raging Tide
    Aasimar - Raging Tide Posts: 200 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    It might be right next to the "refine skill" orb..

    .. I just wonder how would you even know something like that exists? o_o
    oh wait, its obvious you've not been able to find that one either since the only time Fuzzy has seen you on the battlefield you were busy running away from him. b:chuckle

    ...sorry m8.. your char must have been behind those VICTORY letters...
    As for all this "hiding behind an alt" nonsense, why would Fuzzy or any of his members even bother? Simply reading our replies in this thread is proof enough we are not afraid to speak our minds using our main characters. WC is no different.


    maybe you should spend more time checking what u're officers are doing...
    last I recall I had to worn you numerous time that last Varden director was non stop offline and when she was not offline she was afk...

    but hey.. nwm that.. i'm the bad guy.
  • Fuzzy_Wuzzy - Raging Tide
    Fuzzy_Wuzzy - Raging Tide Posts: 770 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    At least now you realize why NPC members dont engage in your provocations here on the forum

    They don't? Does Fuzzy really need to multi-quote every post Aasimar has ever made on his main?

    maybe you should spend more time checking what u're officers are doing...

    Fuzzy doesn't run a babysitting service, Varden officers can do what they want. As can any member of the faction. They can WC anything they like, post anything they like and me doesn't feel the need to impose restrictions on them, unlike apparently what NPC tries.

    ....and say anything you like about that fact me not care. Try using some broken english half-handed sarcastic troll reply, but the truth is Fuzzy trusts his officers and thus does not need to check or worry or care about what they do. NPC apparently can't say the same about theirs.
  • Tanich - Raging Tide
    Tanich - Raging Tide Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    oh, dont you worry.. i got the 1st strike for posting stuff today :D ..but damn, it was worth it... there is ony so much one can do after being draged thry the mud for so long...
    At least now you realize why NPC members dont engage in your provocations here on the forum nor in WC. Its not 'coz you guys are relaying true statements.. its just us following our basic faction rules...

    and you just keep up not finding polite words for me.. looks like your doing just fine in that department judging from your WC content, why should it be any different in my regards.

    Oh, and you visiting our web page.. dont bother applying ('coz thats the only place you could have read our rule book).. u'll get plenty of NAY on your app. and now, plz master, give us some more of your substance.. teach us how to deceive and evade the obvious.

    LMAO you are so full of it
    You drag my name through the mud and then try and sit here and claim to be the innocent one. You are and have always been (in my experience at least) a hypocrite. YOU brought me into the PWI forums in the first place because I heard you were posting things about me (that thread that got deleted cause your 'proof' was bs). So don't try and pretend you are as pure as virginal snow....

    please provide 1 instance where I WC anything about you or NPC - you won't cause for the most part I stay off WC (according to the core I haven't even been on WC 50 times) and even then it is only to congratulate someone (or flit with sar b:dirty)

    Why would I want to apply to NPC? comments like that keep me wondering if you really are on drugs or just delusional..... yes I had to go to your site to get that (duh where else would I have gotten it?) but only went there cause I was told about it by someone else.
    Still amazes me that you think I spend so much time plotting against you....

    One does wonder if you really did get a "strike" cause from what I have heard NPC officers can do what ever they want with no repercussions.... but that could just be rumor
  • TheMagicPimp - Raging Tide
    TheMagicPimp - Raging Tide Posts: 1,946 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Such rivalry b:dirty

    NPC vs Varden , you guys might be the highlight TWing factions right now ( when you fight each other that is ) . I hope both factions have fun b:victory

    The stage is all yours :) We have to prepare for the next party b:cute

    Damn you guys , keeping forums interesting and making me not wanna head home till I read all the threads , QQ .
    It's all about LoL,yo.
  • Tanich - Raging Tide
    Tanich - Raging Tide Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Such rivalry b:dirty

    NPC vs Varden , you guys might be the highlight TWing factions right now ( when you fight each other that is ) . I hope both factions have fun b:victory

    The stage is all yours :) We have to prepare for the next party b:cute

    the stage is mine? does that mean I can have sar? b:beg
  • TheMagicPimp - Raging Tide
    TheMagicPimp - Raging Tide Posts: 1,946 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    the stage is mine? does that mean I can have sar? b:beg

    *Sharpens claws * , just try it b:cute

    Let's stay on topic now :)
    It's all about LoL,yo.
  • Aasimar - Raging Tide
    Aasimar - Raging Tide Posts: 200 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Such rivalry b:dirty

    NPC vs Varden , you guys might be the highlight TWing factions right now ( when you fight each other that is ) . I hope both factions have fun b:victory

    The stage is all yours :) We have to prepare for the next party b:cute

    Damn you guys , keeping forums interesting and making me not wanna head home till I read all the threads , QQ .

    'm doing my best even under the threat of being kicked from the faction... i just hope they attack us... at least I will have one super fun TW b4 I go b:victory
  • Boogiepanda - Raging Tide
    Boogiepanda - Raging Tide Posts: 4,682 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    *Sharpens claws * , just try it b:cute

    Those decides looks pretty sharp to me b:shocked
  • Asheera - Raging Tide
    Asheera - Raging Tide Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    I myself have nothing against NPC but I see so much hate both on forums and in world chat, it implies there must be reasons for all of this no?

    And after reading some posts in here I think I see why, some people (probably the representatives/officers) seem to be acting almighty while being hypocritical in some way. I know a few people don't make a faction but I was just saying from where I think this whole hate comes from.
    First 103 on Raging Tide 30 Oct 2010
  • Boogiepanda - Raging Tide
    Boogiepanda - Raging Tide Posts: 4,682 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    In a dictatorship, the leadership is above the law.

    Goes to show what kind of faction NPC is I guess.
  • Fuzzy_Wuzzy - Raging Tide
    Fuzzy_Wuzzy - Raging Tide Posts: 770 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    I myself have nothing against NPC but I see so much hate both on forums and in world chat...

    You sure you don't need glasses Asheera?

    We have been "taught" repeatedly that the only hate comes from alt's of Varden officers. b:chuckle
  • Eriion - Raging Tide
    Eriion - Raging Tide Posts: 188 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    To me is very funny to see NPC complaining about fast TWs as if QQme was the one to blame for that? I mean who bid on us in the first place? lol

    So u want long and fun TWs? Why not bid on another faction that are in equal force as u, like Varden was doing with Latinos ( at least till this week when Varden went up to another level ), and War and Poseidon are doing. I can assure any of those would be happy to meet u on the battlefield.

    Oh but wait... that's not the way of NPC to do TW right? Fun and long 1vs1 TW? No way!! Ur thing is to gang and pray that ur enemy is busy enough with the other faction so u can get a free land with no work at all. Humm.. shame on u Aasimar. b:chuckle

    If u want fun TW as u really said, then act like it. I can assure u we have tons of fun with Levi, while the TWs against NPC are pretty much just annoying. Get some experience on the battlefield for u and ur members and who knows, maybe one day u will be able to go against QQme 1vs1 instead of hiding behind other factions? b:victory
  • Melda - Raging Tide
    Melda - Raging Tide Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    OK I have had enough. I have been REPEATEDLY accused by NPC officers of making alts to slam them (did everyone know if you don't like NPC you are my alt?), hacking peoples accounts and deleting NPC players off peoples friends lists as well as have NPC officers try again and again to tell my friends and hubby how I am the root of all evil and they should never talk to me again (seems to me NPC is already "pick on one member for the opposing faction and try to boost my faction morale calling him Antichrist") . All of this without one scrap of evidence. Before YOU guys decided to start this I was perfectly happy ignoring NPC and having fun with my faction, now I feel the need to defend against your lies.

    NPC people being straight forward honest?? OMG you are lying to yourself now! I have NEVER done or said anything about NPC till YOUR officers start accusing me of S**t. You have never given ANY evidence nor had the balls or class to accuse me directly. You feel you need to sneak around and spread rumors with NO proof other then some of YOUR officers don't like me therefore I must be out to get you.

    Quit being so hurt that you can't stand up to QQme cause you are too busy helping yourself instead of your faction. Quit trying to make me and my faction look bad cause some people prefer to play with us instead of you.

    for real
    tanich is the LAST person i can think of that would so something so immature and tarded
    nice try kids but noooo freakin way
    oh gee
    i almost peed myself this made me laugh so hard
  • TheMagicPimp - Raging Tide
    TheMagicPimp - Raging Tide Posts: 1,946 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Seriously ... Varden & NPC ... you guys should just fight it over , both sides should have a fun TW .

    + what better way to deal with rivalry than an awesome & long TW b:dirty

    I'm very curious myself to see what happens when both factions go against each other at full strength .
    It's all about LoL,yo.
  • Man - Raging Tide
    Man - Raging Tide Posts: 1,410 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    The Magic Pimp i have a question for you.

    Why did you leave Varden, to go to the second or most powerful faction, with the second or most cash shoppers to help them war. Then become an officer to help them become a better faction. Why didn't you say... cast down your bucket in Varden, take up some responsibilities to help them become a better faction instead?
  • Russiee - Raging Tide
    Russiee - Raging Tide Posts: 848 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    The Magic Pimp i have a question for you.

    Why did you leave Varden, to go to the second or most powerful faction, with the second or most cash shoppers to help them war. Then become an officer to help them become a better faction. Why didn't you say... cast down your bucket in Varden, take up some responsibilities to help them become a better faction instead?

    Leviathan has less cash shoppers than Varden does at this moment. b:cute
    I'm also sure Poseidon CS's more.
  • RedValentine - Raging Tide
    RedValentine - Raging Tide Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    maybe you should spend more time checking what u're officers are doing...

    um... last i checked all of us were busy improving all of our faction members, not flying around spewing poor comments on alts we dont have... ijs
  • TheMagicPimp - Raging Tide
    TheMagicPimp - Raging Tide Posts: 1,946 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    The Magic Pimp i have a question for you.

    Why did you leave Varden, to go to the second or most powerful faction, with the second or most cash shoppers to help them war. Then become an officer to help them become a better faction. Why didn't you say... cast down your bucket in Varden, take up some responsibilities to help them become a better faction instead?

    Why do you ask ? What's it to you ? b:cute
    It's all about LoL,yo.
  • Aasimar - Raging Tide
    Aasimar - Raging Tide Posts: 200 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    The Magic Pimp i have a question for you.

    Why did you leave Varden, to go to the second or most powerful faction, with the second or most cash shoppers to help them war. Then become an officer to help them become a better faction. Why didn't you say... cast down your bucket in Varden, take up some responsibilities to help them become a better faction instead?

    Believe it or not Pimp stayed there for the longest time after most active players left. Now whats missing in this story and general public is being denied to know is all of us former Varden members joined the faction while Arya was the leader.

    Here is what happened in the aftermath couple of mouths back - and there is no hear say here - I was present for every of the following events:

    -Arya passed lead to Fuzzy - and don't get me wrong, Fuzzy did help a lot to build the faction and was looking forward to this position for the longest time. I guess here decision in that mater was justified at that time. Besides she had some RL stuff to take care of.
    Now back then we have Varden more like a social club and less a TW faction. Ppl hang around, they show up for tw coz they like it, the have fun, quest together, tt together.. you know, a nice place to be part of.

    -So now we have Fuzzy as lead - nothing is happening rly - no director there - total apathy form officers - leader nowhere to be seen. More and more ppl start leaving the faction, mostly high lvls like RobinH, Daesy.. cant rly remember all the other names, but its slowly becoming an epidemic.
    Naturally some of us complain about it. Fuzzy answer by opening a pole on new director position - 14 ppl vote on it (talk about validity of vote and general apathy in the faction at that point) and his wife in game is promoted to the position. At that point no1 has a problem with it. Its not long b4 we all realize that person is offline most of the time and those few time she is online she was afk.
    Ok, nwm that.. we r told she does a lot of work on the web page. Lets say we all believed it.
    Every time something bad happens Fuzzy does not wanna have anything to do with it - its always officers fault, so naturally, officers start resigning.. some even leave the faction.
    At this point i have an epiphany: do we have a leader?

    -Now, in TW department, Fuzzy is rather active - well at least those few hours one needs to sort the squads.
    But I gotta be honest - we sux at Tw at this point, and fuzzy is pretty concerned about this - no matter we are under geared, no mater we are under leveled, no mater we miss active barbs and cleric in the faction to do anything at that point, no mater there is no TW strategy whatsoever - it all stops on him being concerned about it.
    Ok, so I approach him with an idea. I know this guys, that played on HT for the longest time and he knows stuff about TW. Not to mention that fact that he is siting in a non TW faction atm with bunch of his friends. Fuzzy is rly not impressed with my idea. But since i'm a persistent little bugger I run the idea over and over again until finally, after a series of failed TW's and 4 weeks he agrees to meet the guy.

    -Ok so at this point we have this guy in our faction, but for the next 3 weeks Fuzzy does not give him the benefit of a doubt and nothing rly happiness. TW still sux, QQme is forming a bouble around us and our options are becoming limited. Finlay the guy make a post on the forum concerning TW and Fuzzy is impressed. No, check that, not impressed, overzealous might be the better choice of words since every single marshal promoted in next weeks was in charge od TW and TW only. Every other aspect of faction activity is being marginalized (not that much of it was left there by that point).
    One of the resoults you have one of the oldest fac members a fac marshal VinceVain confronting Fuzzy about it saying he does not liking this new "soulless TW corporation" ending up beeing demoted and leaving the faction.
    Take me for example, all my FC, TT, FB, BH at that time are done ether with QQme, Infamy or Leviathan dominated squads. So at a certain point I say to my selfe, I'm not gonna do it anymore.. wth is happening.. where are my faction m8 in all this?
    Some more realizations hit me: recruitment sux, faction events non existent, every1 fending for them selves. So, me being naive as I am, I aproche fuzzy again with this issue. The response I get is on the lines of become an officer and do something about it or dont bother me with it. Well, since at the time dont think I could rly do something about it solo with no support form the leader (who does not wanna be bothered with it) and director (which is offline/afk 99% of the time) i respectfully decline the offer.

    But to make it shortER, things like Fuzzy messing up bids for TW so more ppl left like CJseven, Fuzzy not showing up for next to nen officer meatings, ppl threatened to be kicked out of the faction if they dont show for TW, TW pays skipped or nn existent, ppl coming and going from the faction as they please just because they r buddy buddy with the leader, and all sorts of other schematics resulted in a group of ppl simply boycotting the war vs carebares. In the aftermath they are not invited to talk it over or promised that things will improve, rather theathend if they do it again they will be kicked out of the faction - so naturaly those ppl left on ther own accord.
    All sorts of BS was fabricated in the aftermath - most of it directed at me since I'm the poor fool who thinks things can be talked over with ppl.

    Thing I helpt accomplish in Varden:
    -Bring Realty on board - ther current TW general and main reason of that faction survival when massive exodus happend some time back.
    -Introduce the point system which helps organize TW pay, TT mat distribution ecc.
    -push for a migration to a new, more functional web page - even offered to make one for them...
    -Push for a Director change and officer restructuring in general which kinda got Tanich her director position among other things...

    So this is my Varden "CV" section and here is the punchline: Its rather hard to stay in a faction where leader wont even say thank you only 'coz you dont rub him the right way, no mater how many good thing one does, or tries to do. On the contary, wait and c the answer to this post.. i'm predicting its gonna be filled with grotesque enough evasions, stuff taken out of the contest and slander.

    DISCLAIMER: I dont have anything against you Fuzzy personaly. I wish you could say the same. I have an issue with some of your decision making and the fact you evade to admit by dragging me thru the mud.


    So no need to point fingers ant Pimp Man, or any other former Varden member. I'm sure he did his best to make things better and the fact that Fuzzy decided not to TW - well, its not like he had something to TW with - didn't help much.

    ps: check the dancing_eyes app to QQme; why did you leave your former faction section. Should say something like "Varden-not much going on there". That exactly how it was.
  • Man - Raging Tide
    Man - Raging Tide Posts: 1,410 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Wow Asimar you have a long memory

    I ask not to criticise for not doing this and doing that, my brain just doesn't make sense why you take winning a lot more seriously in Levi than in Varden. Or say a change of action and heart. So I was curious.
  • TheMagicPimp - Raging Tide
    TheMagicPimp - Raging Tide Posts: 1,946 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Wow Asimar you have a long memory

    I ask not to criticise for not doing this and doing that, my brain just doesn't make sense why you take winning a lot more seriously in Levi than in Varden. Or say a change of action and heart. So I was curious.

    Simple :

    1 - I had more ppl that I did some activities with such as PK'ing ( which I enjoy ) in Levi .

    2 - TW is also a form of pvp in this game which I enjoy ( maybe too much ) and Levi was pretty much having the best TWs in the server .

    ~ If TWs are dead , then a server is kinda dead to me . Pk will never be like it used to be when PWI was new but TW can still be good . As for PVE activities , they will never be as fun as they used to be when everything was new to you . Some can be fun if you do them with the right group ppl but it's not enough reason for me to play this game .

    Good TWs are needed , basically I wasn't finding any motivation to play this game anymore after being boxed for so long in that corner , having only 5 min rolls as TWs and it wasn't just me who felt like this .

    My 1st faction here was "Imperium" if you could call it a faction since it lasted like 1 week ? My 1st legit faction was Varden and 2nd was Levi in which I am now and gonna be till I quit this game . I really hate leaving a faction so I tried to stick with it for as long as possible . It was no1's fault , maybe Varden could've been in Levi's or another faction's place if it wasn't unlucky to be boxed in by QQme for months , but gotta deal with that .

    3 - Being in the 2nd power that plays it's cards right and get's to 1v1 the top faction with it's own ppl , without the need of alliances & such is something I've experienced & enjoyed before on Sanctuary . I guess I'm kinda attracted to this type of faction .

    4 - I wanted to apply as an officer in Levi because I thought I could help more with TWs and maybe with other faction related issues as well .

    Also , I talked to Fuzzy before leaving & explained why this & that so I wouldn't leave on bad terms , same goes for the ppl that came with me .

    My ranting above is pretty much what I told him as well . Not the exact words but pretty much that . I think I missed no3 though ><

    There ya go . I hope this is a more legit explanation than " not much going on there " .

    I'm just sayin ' :P
    It's all about LoL,yo.
  • VenoProwl - Raging Tide
    VenoProwl - Raging Tide Posts: 185 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    you clearly dont understand how things works.. man is the "player".. he manipulates ppl for his own amusement.. and "players" only have respect for other "players".. you really think he has any respect for regular guildies?

    Btw I don't know Man, I don't know you, but if you wanna say something like this please support it with facts and examples. Surely, if you attended high school, this is taught to you in essay writing? b:surrender

    I think I kinda do understand. If a player does not feel welcome in a fac, he/she is very welcome to leave (example, people in NPC). No hard feelings, not all factions are for everyone- some have people that troll the forums and try to flamebait which I think is a bannable offense. (e.g. you.)

    To the rest of the posters/readers, this guy is flamebaiting, don't bother responding.

    /discussion about anything to do with NPC. Like Mirko himself/herself said, Mirko=/=NPC.

    So leave the flamebaiter in his/her corner. I myself will set an example and not respond to him/her quotes in this topic b:cute

    Apart from postings by NPCnews coz the weekly reports must still continue! b:dirty


    @Aasimar, if you really dislike Varden that much, then bid on them.

    AriAdiemus - Archosaur:
    "Clerics heal health, they still can't heal stupid."

    So true. b:surrender

    8x Veno, 6x Cleric
  • Ambition - Raging Tide
    Ambition - Raging Tide Posts: 1,152 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Btw I don't know Man, I don't know you, but if you wanna say something like this please support it with facts and examples. Surely, if you attended high school, this is taught to you in essay writing? b:surrender

    I think I kinda do understand. If a player does not feel welcome in a fac, he/she is very welcome to leave (example, people in NPC). No hard feelings, not all factions are for everyone- some have people that troll the forums and try to flamebait which I think is a bannable offense. (e.g. you.)

    To the rest of the posters/readers, this guy is flamebaiting, don't bother responding.

    /discussion about anything to do with NPC. Like Mirko himself/herself said, Mirko=/=NPC.

    So leave the flamebaiter in his/her corner. I myself will set an example and not respond to him/her quotes in this topic b:cute

    Apart from postings by NPCnews coz the weekly reports must still continue! b:dirty


    @Aasimar, if you really dislike Varden that much, then bid on them.

    >implying GMs do something.

    After all my spam and such, I'm still not banned.
  • Mirko - Raging Tide
    Mirko - Raging Tide Posts: 220 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    To the rest of the posters/readers, this guy is flamebaiting, don't bother responding.

    So leave the flamebaiter in his/her corner. I myself will set an example and not respond to him/her quotes in this topic b:cute

    always happy to make some new friends <3

    i would like to apologize to you if my words insulted you in any way.. i never intended to insult you, i only wrote what i have noticed bout some players..

    why so hard on me? :'(
    i'm sorry that we started off on the wrong foot :(
    now my feelings are hurt irl, you happy now?:(
  • Aasimar - Raging Tide
    Aasimar - Raging Tide Posts: 200 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    @Aasimar, if you really dislike Varden that much, then bid on them.

    whats with this aasimar vs varden ****? didn't you just mention something about flaming? ijs

    1. I'm one of many and not a leader - not into that sort of thing - don't even like being a marshal and looking for some1 to replace me for some time now.

    2. don't have any problem with Varden.. actually I have a lot of wonderful memoirs form Varden, I meet a lot of nice people there, some of them RL friends of mine today, others hope to meet in the future and exchange couple of thought over a glass of good wine (or whatever other beverage they prefer).

    3. I had some problems with how thing were being handled in Varden, tried to fix them - failed - I left, mostly with the same people I was there for in the 1st place. There are still friends of mine in Varden tho, most of them on my FL, so we still hang around... no harm done.

    4. My post on the forum are objections to pm's I got from some people. My posts on the forum are objections to people loosing touch with reality and thinking that some accomplishment in a video game might improve their RL. My post on the forum are objections to slander in my regards. My posts on the forum are just me expressing my opinions and setting the records straight.
  • blueshadowgirl
    blueshadowgirl Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Yawn you know Aasimar same ole story as past few months.You held Varden together and we should all bow to you.AS IF get over yourself and move on.Seems you always have the latest BS to say about everyone else.Guess what we choose not to post here.But if you prefer us to play i talk you talk by all means i can type to.
    PS alot more **** around
    about You then others choose
    wisely.Or better yet continue
    so we can havee more fun
    b:laughat you about what you
    dont really know.