


  • Caeria - Heavens Tear
    Caeria - Heavens Tear Posts: 294 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    QQ no tw.. gona be so boring b:cry
    Yea. b:cry Attack might be intresting but might be a no show as well. b:cry
    Siggy by Santacruz

  • Egaenil - Heavens Tear
    Egaenil - Heavens Tear Posts: 853 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Guess I will just have a lazy weekend.. sleep a bit more
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]"wink wink"
  • Sweet_kill - Heavens Tear
    Sweet_kill - Heavens Tear Posts: 374 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    sunnycali wrote: »
    Grats Crysella,

    You have your work cut out for you. Not sure what will happen to Tao going forward, former leaders dealt quite a blow to our image as well as our soul. Whatever does happen, the people of Tao will decide- which is how it should be.

    RAT (102 Wizard Ararat- Leader for a day)

    P.S. Can I put that on my gaming resume now? Former Leader of Tao? Maybe leave off the one day bit. LOL

    Gratz Crysella it will be a long road ahead of Tao but hard work and dedication will breath us our rewards :)

    sweet_kill, Tao Director
    Enrage archer
    Wife of Anneliesse b:dirty
  • UntamedFurey - Heavens Tear
    UntamedFurey - Heavens Tear Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    This is the first time ive ever qouted someone.tamed,you are absolutly right.I dont think anyone could have said that anybetter

    ty and i meant what i said b:cute
  • Cuddle$ - Heavens Tear
    Cuddle$ - Heavens Tear Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    As a young Panda I dreamed of being a part of something as great as Tao was. I spent countless hours lvling and farming for gear, just so I could have a chance to bring this dream to light. Well, I finally got that chance, and enjoyed every waking moment I had in Tao. There were alot of people to explore and make friends with, and countless things to do and learn. As time passed my love for this faction grew. Even within Tao I continued to work hard to help a once great faction strive through tough times. We had our ups...and then our downs. Becoming a recruiting officer thrilled me with the mere thoughts of being able to try and revive Tao into a great faction again. I'd made countless strides and attempts to bring more members into our slowly choking faction. Even with the constant flaming that we received day in and day out.

    Jess was a great leader and good friend..one who cared and constantly spent her time trying to tweak Tao's rapidly declining state. I dont agree 100% with the way things went yesterday as far as lead change is concerned. But I will say this...I, as an ex-officer of Tao knows for a fact that the majority of the officers did know, minus maybe 1 or 2. The way she was spoken to in vent was out of line. You take and corner a person whom has already delt with enough ****, and then verbally abuse her in a way that would make anyone not want to be a part of that anymore. In the last 3 weeks alone Raw, I had recieved numerous complaints of you cussing out members, yelling in vent at members and even degrading their gameplay. Since when did you start thinking your **** didnt stink? Do you talk to your children that way? I first hand had experienced your attitude in a Brim run,and have heard you cuss out squad leads in command post. I mean for real? Is your life that trashed that you had to take PWI, a fantasy mmo, and make it real for yourself? Who are you to judge anyone? All this coming from the cleric that lets his squad members die if they dont do EXACTLY what you tell them to do. Like u said Raw...you weren't an officer, u had no right to disrespect anyone. U claim you was all about some Tao, but yet you couldnt follow the Tao Doctrine if it were tattoo'd to your forehead.

    Loyalty, Honor, and Respect...the three key points of Tao's Doctrine. How could a faction with such a well written set of rules, continue to function when...
    1)Officers couldn't even respect their own Lead.
    2)War General couldnt even respect squad leads, nor members.

    Yes i admit...i was gonna take lead of Tao.But with further thinking into the matter and knowing what disa had gone through on numerous occasions, I had decided no to take that headache. I love everyone in Tao..and wish the best of luck to those that care to continue on with Tao. I want nothing more then for yal to succeed.

    P.S. Rawthorne...do yourself a favor. Go take a good long hard look in a mirror, then ask yourself "Who am I?" , "what have i become?" b:bye
  • Cuddle$ - Heavens Tear
    Cuddle$ - Heavens Tear Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Congrats Crysella....You of all people showed a love for Tao that was unsurpassing. I wish you the best of luck !
  • DarkFury - Heavens Tear
    DarkFury - Heavens Tear Posts: 167 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    I joined Tao last January, after it had lost many original members. "Old guild" vs "New guild" talk will damage every guild it happens in. This was prevalent in Tao at the time, I guess I appreciate the respect the "Old" members had for their guild, but it damaged and chased off many potential new members during a time when high caliber players were desperately needed. That said, no one can truly be blamed because the many who left and QQ'd constantly did nothing but worsen the situation. Those who were the most vocal and who should have been able to voice the need for change and help it happen did nothing but voice a need for change.....actions helps complaining about needing change really didn't.

    It became apparent that Tao was not and could not recruit the caliber of player needed on the server to become a powerhouse again anytime soon. Once a guild has gotten a reputation it's virtually impossible to overcome, as we have seen with so many previously strong guilds. Triad handed Enrage their first defeat, only to crumble a few weeks later. On this server history tends to repeat itself and so it has again.

    Recognizing the seemingly impossible task of rebuilding yet again, many of us choose to leave. It's just a simple fact of life in this game, people decide to make a change and leave, it tastes bitter for those left behind and that's truly regrettable, but it's a game.

    Letting Tao die? Since I was not "original Tao" I didn't feel the same sentiment as some others, so I felt for those who would be left guildless if the ship were sank on purpose. So I'm glad lead was passed and those left are going to decide their own destiny.

    "OLD TAO" R.I.P. you've been long gone now, only a memory.
    "NEW TAO" best of luck, make the guild as good as you can and make it something that you enjoy.

    Other TW guilds will benefit from more "serious" TW players finding their new home. Enrage owning the whole map? Hats off to you guys, you pretty much pulled it off
    ( a little better sportsmanship wouldn't have hurt, but your guild after all ).
    The end result?...isn't it obvious? Enrage brace yourself for the epic ganking ahead, and enjoy the ride.
  • Abysm - Heavens Tear
    Abysm - Heavens Tear Posts: 231 Arc User
    edited July 2010
  • UntamedFurey - Heavens Tear
    UntamedFurey - Heavens Tear Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    The end result?...isn't it obvious? Enrage brace yourself for the epic ganking ahead, and enjoy the ride.

    im dearly looking forward to it b:pleased
  • Egaenil - Heavens Tear
    Egaenil - Heavens Tear Posts: 853 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    MORE TW!! KILL KILL KILL!! attack TE!!
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]"wink wink"
  • UntamedFurey - Heavens Tear
    UntamedFurey - Heavens Tear Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    attack Enrage ... you know you want to b:cute
  • Egaenil - Heavens Tear
    Egaenil - Heavens Tear Posts: 853 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    enrage is too strong!! attack TE!! TE is weak!! go go go !!
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]"wink wink"
  • DarkFury - Heavens Tear
    DarkFury - Heavens Tear Posts: 167 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Well...kinda bummed out by this.....means Rad is pretty much next to fall....still dont think they can 1v1 Enrage and win with what...10+ ppl Rad gain?

    Many hoped for a TE, Rad, Tao gank on Enrage, but that pretty much fails now. lol

    Let see what happens in Rad.....can they handle this "merge" (for lack of a better word)? :O

    TE has maybe attacked Enrage once, they have ganked Tao for months and months in conjunction with Enrage, Belial, and anyone else they could. Only recently have they dared attack solo, that was after the "Ceasar Merge"

    To say TE is going to gank Enrage! LMAO! Its full of Enrage alts I'm told and therefore the TE attack would be very weak at best or a lot of players would be risking a ban by being involved in the same TW simultaneously.

    Thanks for the good laugh!
  • XHonestyx - Heavens Tear
    XHonestyx - Heavens Tear Posts: 198 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    1. Hmm name 1 person who left when I joined..that's right none.
    2. There was ONLY one guild event (besides tws) that I ever participated in and that was race in 3-3 and you weren't there so get your facts straight.
    3. Hmm wasn't the reason you left was because our exleader posted more or less blasting what you and your clique of Maruja, OgCali, Telnyran, and Slice were doing of nonstop tt money runs; trying to force you guys to take others along? Oh that's right I SUPPORTED you guys in this....so show me how I am culpable....
    4. I never asked/wanted any position in Tao nor do I ever.
    5. You weren't here when I took over leading tws...it FINALLY became consitent etc. W/ 50+ ppl we were beating and then coming dangerously close to beating TE. Before that we got beat vs Enrage in 17 mins 1v1 when we were evenly matched....
    6. Did I cause Biscuit to form another guild and drag many of Tao there? No that was failed exleadership...ask jimbo on that one.

    Alright Rawthorne, let's go through some history.

    When you assumed leadership of Radiance, I remember a certain incident after you said "Me and Edya can actually well together." Literally right after you said that, Edya left and the infamous "BOMB ARMED" quote from Hoshimi was born. Not only did that bomb arm, it ****ing exploded leading to Radiance just losing non-stop for a good couple months.

    Then after that, you let into Tao (ironic much huh?) and guess what, another bomb was armed. Few months later, exploded and pretty much you have here a cluster **** of **** on the forums now.

    Now, let's talk about my officiating in guilds. First was being the leader of Mysticals. You can ask WickedMa about my time there, I was actually not lazy, helpful, and I wasn't that vulgar. All in all, ideal PvE guild until I joined the TW scene in RoC.

    Now, I'm an officer in TheEmpire. Not gonna take all the credit but simply put, when I joined TheEmpire, I helped bring it from another non-land owning TW guild to what it is today. In about 1 month, I heavily recruited friends and others by just saying "do whatever the hell you want, just come to TW and kick ****." Guess what, in that 1 month, we easily became a force to match and eventually overpower you with your "leadership" in Tao. I respect DisX and Aneu but it was almost obvious you had your way more often than they did cause you whined so much on vent.

    So, on the scoreboard. You're 0 for 2 (but you're 2/2 for bomb armed+explosion!) and I'm 2/2 in helping a guild rise. Sad thing is, we at TheEmpire do 1/4 of the work and effort you did and we still came out on top. Hell, we can't even maintain 1 leader for more than a week XD.

    If anyone is gonna start a new guild, here's a very simple idea, "let your players play." What I mean by that is let your players learn the game by playing it and telling them the basic stuff of TW and let them learn from there instead of whining and ********. It works here at TheEmpire (and in Invidia too I hear) really well. Sure, if we made rosters and used vent on the basic level, we could probably make a run at overpowering Radiance and become #2 but we don't.

    Long story short: You tried, you failed. I'm lazy, I got more **** done than you... And I like pie
    Whatever, I do what I want
  • _Surreal_ - Heavens Tear
    _Surreal_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,458 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    get your facts straight darkfury, the amount of enrage alts we have is no way near the amount of non enrage alts

  • Knownase - Heavens Tear
    Knownase - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,959 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    get your facts straigt darkfury, the amount of enrage alts we have is no way near the amount of non enrage alts

    ^This Darkfury.....this^

    Full of ex-Caesar and ex-Tao too! b:victory
    b:flowerHave a Techno Rave Flower!b:flower

    -Self-Proclaimed TW commentator of HT-
    -Certified Barbarian Master-
    -You gained +10 coolness points for viewing this signature-
    -Master of Coffee-
  • Disarmonia_X - Heavens Tear
    Disarmonia_X - Heavens Tear Posts: 355 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Disclaimer: FYI, It's always easy to point the finger - when things are said and done. But: Before pointing fingers, maybe you should think and actually listen/pay attention.
    Also: Raw, this post is for you.

    Okay, Where do I start...
    I think this post as been well over-due: But honestly, Raw. Come-on.
    Tao, as it stands: is and will be dead in the water. There was not a single person that I know of in Tao, that could Lead it - back to it's prestigious way. This has been a on-going infliction I've been thinking about for a month and a half at least.

    The reason I Left the vent, was because: No matter what I said - what was the point? You wouldn't of heard a single Word. You where too busy throwing obscenities, and verbal insults. Then, after all that: you TOLD ME to PASS YOU LEAD, and G.T.F.O. of YOUR faction. (That isn't like the Tao Doctrine) You don't have a respectful and decent bone in your body. That's another reason: Most of the 'Original-Core' left as well.

    Back to the Leading part: If I had passed You, or your Wife Lead... I knew Tao would be dead - and disrespected greater.

    Raw, no matter what: Even if you had got Lead, will never be yours. Your the reason Tao was started. (As noticed by Rocky's old forum siggy) But, like a bunch of fools - we let you join, none-the-less. I didn't know how you acted - Nor did I use common sense and look deeper, I just went with the old Tao Policy, of giving everyone a fair chance.

    My Reasons...

    Section A: Tao Doctrine.

    1) Respect: Was gone, within the faction. If you only knew how much you helped to kill it, and how many you drove away through your rash speaking, and lashing out about petty things - Non-TW related.
    2) Loyalty: as it stood, was gone. Some people would not show to war when it counts. Come-on! Defending 3 Lands with 5x/6x people? I was kicking people, as the attendance was given - through your Wife giving me the list of Tao In-actives to war.
    4) Reputation: What Reputation did we honestly have? Most of the reputation we had gained was from the OLD TAO, and the time we used to own a Mass Majority of the Map (1/2 of the map). The Reputation, as from the server out-look was the Tao Doctrine, (which was - the key fundamental: that got people to join us.) Because we STRIVE'D to be above the rest.
    Section B: As Tao Stood.
    1) Recruitment: Yes, we were recruiting numbers, but - only numbers. The mass majority of the people which were joining, and had interests where people with little to NO, T.W. EXP. Lack of Gear, and Drive. Yes, we did get some good people, but 10/15 people. When the Main Core of people that T.W. constantly, wake up early. Come to War Charmed, and ready... Got Burned out. You, of all people should know about this, Raw. You where one that constantly nagged me about it. And So... We where bleeding more, than we were getting in. Recruit 5/6 people, lose 6/7. It has always been -> Take 1 Step, Take 2 Back.
    2) Inner Drive: It wasn't there. It was with a handful of people, Maybe 10/20 people total Where you could honestly say. That they had the Drive to continue. There was constantly people asking for help, but no one willing to help. You were one of the few. Along with Ararat, Birch - that did help, besides Myself.
    3) I was always asking for suggestions, and feed-back. I was always trying to make the changes which were needed but, no matter what I did - it was constantly questioned and ripped apart, Even after talking to you hours in advance, one on one. All Faction Meetings - when they would happened: would end up scream-fests, and you and LoR trying to force your opinion on everyone else. It was my wrong-doing: by not kicking you sooner, but I knew you had no-where to go, because you burned all your bridges. You know this as well...
    4) More things I did wrong:
    - I Tried to give everyone a voice, and to do the best: to make the mass happier - I may of went around somethings, the wrong way but I did my BEST.
    - I Didn't kick you sooner.
    - Due to all the R.L. **** I've gone through lately: MY Grand mother trying to kill herself more-so, Now. Miss-carriages, etc - from all the Stress of R.L. and I.G., from trying to keep Tao going. I wasn't able to lead it 24x7. My Health was becoming a Issue. That's another reason I played with this Wizard you hate so much. I didn't do it to hide, but I tried to find fun in this game. I Made the wizard: to replace the one's which were leaving the Faction. Yes, I ran her in T.W. We may of been low on Clerics, but What can I do? One Cleric wouldn't make or Break anything. Esp when the numbers for Clerics were already so low.
    - Putting my Foot-down: I tried, several-times. It got to the point: Every-time I would try, not even my own Officer's would back me up. There was no one, that could replace the Officer's that were there, because NO ONE WANTED to TAKE THAT ROLL.
    5) After all the griping, and complaining about the Tao Doctrine being too cryptic: and easy to mistranslate. I took the time: To write every single value about it down. I Mailed it to __oOo__; Yourself; and nihillaes, etc. Along with posted it to all the Officer's in Tao. My Own Officer's complained it was too long, and responded with 'tl;dr'. This was after You, your wife, and several Officer's stating what I've already said. You had even told me I should Scarp the Tao Doctrine. Nor, do you understand... SCRAPPING THE TAO DOCTRINE, MEANS SCRAPPING TAO.
    Tao Doctrine = Tao

    To Everyone that is still in Tao, I want to say: I'm Sorry.
    I know many of you may not of understood me reasons, but hopefully you do now. I Really do miss many of you guys. I do believe my reasons were made justified upon my departure, but a few people's actions. The Names, The Crude Comments - ETC. That honestly showed, Tao - as it stands: Is dead in the water. Tao, isn't Tao. I have done a lot of thinking, and trying to fix Tao's problems: Taking Actions, but until people can actually do the things which are needed for Tao to over-come, and grow. Tao as it stands is Dead. It is only alive, through everyone in Tao. Tao is, You. It's your Actions, and how you handle situations. Tao is how you over-come the Odd's, and have a mutual respect for everyone, even people you do not like. Name-calling, and belittling others: and pointing finger's isn't the way.

    I'm Sorry for the Actions, but in all honesty: To give Tao some respect, of whatever is left. It would of been best if we had just restarted Fresh, when Ese/Hoshi did their **** MONTHS ago...

    So you guys, can say...

    This [NameFaction] Is your Own...
    Your Own Rules...
    Your Own Ideals...

    Because Tao, as already stated... Without the Tao Doctrine... Isn't Tao.

    And to Crysella... I wish you Luck, and hang in there. I know you can do it - if you try. Tao may have a chance: but please, as I've begged... DONT Forget your Roots... and if it doesn't Work... Take the funds, and restart anew... And allow Tao to retire as respectfully as it Can... With Edya in Lead, She was the founder: and was the only-one, that I know of: that could Lead Tao, the way it was needed.
    ~PWI status: Retired
    P.S. and happily ever after: with Aneu~
  • Vivi - Heavens Tear
    Vivi - Heavens Tear Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Well after reading all that i must say LOL

    Leader and Director of Tao congrats each other GG

    For me tao failled at leadership mainly because they always take decision too late:
    1. Changing lead
    2. Recruit when you have 40+ free slot for 4-5 month
    3. Choosing officer
    4. Choosing a leader that know what is leading
    5.2nd chance ****

    Everyone do mistake but in tao noone tried to correct them.

    And PS to darkfury: no offense but maybe we take alt but at least we do something unlike officers and leader of tao who take it for the title. If you want to survive you use everything you can or youre stupid enought to let you die and pretend you give it back to edya cause she deserve it ( taking the small door and let the other stuck there)

    Tao always thought that we always went for TAO but thats because youre the new "Tao" or just dont admit we can have fun and no strat and still beat Tao

    But i can tell you we fought Caesar, Rad, Enrage and Tao in the past

    Before saying **** maybe you should make sure you dont do **** yourself
    ~Im Up for Nirvana~
    Thanks Santacruz for the Signature
  • Mystic-Night - Heavens Tear
    Mystic-Night - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,619 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    DarkFury you're a joke lol..seriously?
    TE has maybe 15 Enrage alts? And they are nowhere near a deciding factor in TW for TE.
  • WickedMa - Heavens Tear
    WickedMa - Heavens Tear Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Honesty - I don't want to say too much and ruin your image (LOL!) but yes, you were always helpful and a good leader :) To me, you are always still helpful and a sweet girl...oops I may have gone too far now! And no, TE is not made of of all Enrage alts. b:chuckle
  • DarkFury - Heavens Tear
    DarkFury - Heavens Tear Posts: 167 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Vivi wake up!

    You lost to Tao for months and months! Your merger from Caeser saved you, otherwise just a few squads was plenty to kick TE's butt! OMG wake up!

    Yes you took alts and you got a merger, grats to that. You rode Enrage's coat tails for 6 months and got nowhere until now, you needed Caesar's ppl to save you. You were just a little ganking bug that Tao flicked off our shoulder every week. Rofl get over yourself!

    Mystic you are an Enrage alt :) ty for making my point.

    So look at yourself in the mirror before you call me names!
  • XHonestyx - Heavens Tear
    XHonestyx - Heavens Tear Posts: 198 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Vivi wake up!

    You lost to Tao for months and months! Your merger from Caeser saved you, otherwise just a few squads was plenty to kick TE's butt! OMG wake up!

    Yes you took alts and you got a merger, grats to that. You rode Enrage's coat tails for 6 months and got nowhere until now, you needed Caesar's ppl to save you. You were just a little ganking bug that Tao flicked off our shoulder every week. Rofl get over yourself!

    Mystic you are an Enrage alt :) ty for making my point.

    So look at yourself in the mirror before you call me names!

    Don't forget about us former Tao (me, Tsungfai, scrub, garrand, etc) who also kicked your **** pretty easily too b:bye
    Whatever, I do what I want
  • Egaenil - Heavens Tear
    Egaenil - Heavens Tear Posts: 853 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    TE has maybe attacked Enrage once, they have ganked Tao for months and months in conjunction with Enrage, Belial, and anyone else they could. Only recently have they dared attack solo, that was after the "Ceasar Merge"

    To say TE is going to gank Enrage! LMAO! Its full of Enrage alts I'm told and therefore the TE attack would be very weak at best or a lot of players would be risking a ban by being involved in the same TW simultaneously.

    Thanks for the good laugh!

    BAHAHAHA!! YES TE is TOTALLY made out of ENRAGE's alts, b:chuckle attack enrage's alts!! if you cant beat their main surly you can kill their alts!! it's your chance to kill them!! kill their alts!! make them QQ!! attack TE!!
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]"wink wink"
  • Mystic-Night - Heavens Tear
    Mystic-Night - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,619 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    So Dark are you saying I am everything that TE is?
    Or are you just not double checking what your posting?
  • DarkFury - Heavens Tear
    DarkFury - Heavens Tear Posts: 167 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Oh yes you did some recruiting, and got exTao members, and other players etc. So grats!

    You finally beat Tao when they were on their last legs---OOOHHH what a victory you should be so proud. Rofl, I'm way over myself, now you guys should get over yourselves. Beat a strong guild, then you get bragging rights. Until then........... yawn..
  • DarkFury - Heavens Tear
    DarkFury - Heavens Tear Posts: 167 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    So Dark are you saying I am everything that TE is?
    Or are you just not double checking what your posting?

    Yes Mystic you are actually everything, you are TE! Hehe!Without you they are nothing! Ok just kidding omg! rofl lighten up!
  • Vivi - Heavens Tear
    Vivi - Heavens Tear Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    what to say: omg we got lands did we ever asked to get lands
    my answer is no
    but seems that tao gave us some

    so we lost for months: does that mean we shouldnt try harder
    maybe it only means we dont care for the lands but we care for the fun

    you never archieve anything without trying but youre just the kind of guy that is passive and lets other do it seems

    dont ask why no faction wanted to merge with tao
    ~Im Up for Nirvana~
    Thanks Santacruz for the Signature
  • XHonestyx - Heavens Tear
    XHonestyx - Heavens Tear Posts: 198 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Oh yes you did some recruiting, and got exTao members, and other players etc. So grats!

    You finally beat Tao when they were on their last legs---OOOHHH what a victory you should be so proud. Rofl, I'm way over myself, now you guys should get over yourselves. Beat a strong guild, then you get bragging rights. Until then........... yawn..

    Says the man who I remember, along side Rawthorne, kept saying TheEmpire will never beat Tao cause you have strat/rosters/organization. *Looks at scoreboard* And for the record, you weren't on the last legs when we beat Tao the first time. You guys still had a proverbial chance but we pretty much destroyed that after that first win. We didn't beat you on your last legs, we put you there.
    Whatever, I do what I want
  • Shadows_Muse - Heavens Tear
    Shadows_Muse - Heavens Tear Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Well after reading all that i must say LOL

    Leader and Director of Tao congrats each other GG

    For me tao failled at leadership mainly because they always take decision too late:
    1. Changing lead
    2. Recruit when you have 40+ free slot for 4-5 month
    3. Choosing officer
    4. Choosing a leader that know what is leading
    5.2nd chance ****

    Everyone do mistake but in tao noone tried to correct them.

    And PS to darkfury: no offense but maybe we take alt but at least we do something unlike officers and leader of tao who take it for the title. If you want to survive you use everything you can or youre stupid enought to let you die and pretend you give it back to edya cause she deserve it ( taking the small door and let the other stuck there)

    Tao always thought that we always went for TAO but thats because youre the new "Tao" or just dont admit we can have fun and no strat and still beat Tao

    But i can tell you we fought Caesar, Rad, Enrage and Tao in the past

    Before saying **** maybe you should make sure you dont do **** yourself

    I'm Sorry Vivi, I know I wasn't the best: But, I did it because I cared... Not because I only wanted the title over my head. I Think most of the original people know that, and I hope the people in Tao Still knows. I Stepped up, because no-one else wanted it. Fliiick, didn't have the time... And I'm still sorry to Fliiick, because of what happened. I'm Sorry, :/.
  • Conavar - Heavens Tear
    Conavar - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,193 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Why all the mud slinging ? ( and Im not sure how TE got brought into it lol )

    What's done is done, no amount of ******** and whining will change that .. It's happened, get over it and move on.

    GL to the new leader of Tao in w/e direction you choose to take the Faction