Your most facepalm worthy moment ingame



  • VlLKASS - Sanctuary
    VlLKASS - Sanctuary Posts: 1,396 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    accidentally dumping all my spirit into my genie.....right before going to upgrade skills. T.T

    i was a noob, ok? leave me alone! *hides*

    While on this topic...

    Accidently dumping all my EXP instead of Spirit into genie... this was way before hype & bhs... when lvling was actually a pain... & genies just came out...
  • Searing - Dreamweaver
    Searing - Dreamweaver Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    While on this topic...

    Accidently dumping all my EXP instead of Spirit into genie... this was way before hype & bhs... when lvling was actually a pain... & genies just came out...

    Did same thing right at start of genies when i had over 90%..lvl 88 sure was a looong level. b:chuckle
  • Chillum - Dreamweaver
    Chillum - Dreamweaver Posts: 887 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    The classic mistaken identity.....

    FB51 taking on Wyvern thinking it was going to act like Raving Drake Brute in FB59.....

    Why is he coming closer?

    Why is he now taking bites out of me?

    b:sad I'm dead. b:cry
  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Hitting "Release Corpse" instead of Res.....

    Bad habit of being a cleric b:sweat
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • Nannako - Lost City
    Nannako - Lost City Posts: 114 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Did same thing right at start of genies when i had over 90%..lvl 88 sure was a looong level. b:chuckle

    b:victory yup.. done that too... b:cry. Now i'm very very very careful and triple check that "sprit" is checked instead of xp b:chuckle
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Decided to see what the Cube of Fate was all about, thinking I'd just visit one room for the hell of it.

    Ended up in some room with a boss who had the weakest attack ever, but a lot of HP and he always interrupted channeling. I quickly realized that this **** was destroying my Tide Protection charm. Since I'm no cash shopper, I was trying to make this thing last as long as possible.
    But yeah, upon realizing it was killing my charm, I tried everything. Tried to teleport out, but he interrupted the cast. Tried to get him to kill me, but he was so freaking fail that he couldn't get past my charm. Then I decided I'll simply have to kill him. Suddenly two other guys showed up and helped me kill it. One was a level 90 and the other was a barb I had on my friend's list. I said "Boy am I glad to see you guys, this is definitely my last CoF visit for a while," and the barb jokingly agreed. After it was dead, an NPC appeared and the level 90 knew what to do, but we didn't. The NPC disappeared before we figured it out, and the boss respawned.

    Then the barb told me he wanted me to PK him. I told him this was unnecessary, and that we could just teleport out with the skill, as long as the boss wasn't attacking. No reply, and the barb left the party. I didn't teleport because I didn't want to ditch the guy to be stuck there alone, so I waited on an answer. After leaving the party, he said "damn there's no PK here" and bolted for the boss.

    The friggin' ****** attacked the boss, setting of it's room-size AOE that interrupts channeling.

    He told me to come close to let the boss kill me too, and I was ready to strangle the idiot. I told him how thanks to him, I was gonna lose another 100k off my charm, and he just said "oh." After a moment he said "wait we can tele out" and tried to use the exact teleport skill I told him about before, realizing that the damn boss interrupts it. He then decided the only way was to die, and started fighting the boss again. I continued to tell him how I was literally stuck there for another 20 minutes and 100k HP of my charm BECAUSE OF HIM, and his advice was always "then just let it kill you" or "well take the charm off," and when I'd tell him this wouldn't work he'd say "oh."

    After a couple "oh"'s, I'd thought he'd gotten the picture, but nah he just died and left me there.
    Furthermore, a few moments later he whispered me saying "hey man don't worry, just die. I didn't even lose EXP from that so it's ok."

    After contemplating if I should PK the ever-living **** out of the idiot, I force logged on the game while standing in the corner. When I logged back in, I was able to teleport out and escape, luckily.

    But holy ****....some people just don't listen. I dunno how many times an idiot maneuver in BH or TT or something similar has cost me a couple grand...
    I <3 AGOREY
  • konariraiden
    konariraiden Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    ...people PM'ing me calling for bans of different people constantly the day I became a Mod.

    b:sweat's not like anything's changed in-game for me...I'm still a n00b.


    I present to you the winner of Konari's Signature Contest...SilversMoon from Heaven's Tear!
  • LifeHunting - Heavens Tear
    LifeHunting - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,023 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    ...people PM'ing me calling for bans of different people constantly the day I became a Mod.

    b:sweat's not like anything's changed in-game for me...I'm still a n00b.


    +1 to the mods XD
  • CandyCorn - Raging Tide
    CandyCorn - Raging Tide Posts: 1,547 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    ...people PM'ing me calling for bans of different people constantly the day I became a Mod.

    b:sweat's not like anything's changed in-game for me...I'm still a n00b.


    who doesn't know your a nub :o (jk jk jk j kj XD)

    Wasted 20 teles thinking cause i didn't scroll down xD
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Move along..move along
  • konariraiden
    konariraiden Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    +1 to the mods XD


    who doesn't know your a nub :o (jk jk jk j kj XD)

    Wasted 20 teles thinking cause i didn't scroll down xD

    I hate it when the chat screen seems to "freeze". I've missed out on some good opportunities/deals because of it...


    I present to you the winner of Konari's Signature Contest...SilversMoon from Heaven's Tear!
  • LifeHunting - Heavens Tear
    LifeHunting - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,023 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    So far my most worthy /facepalm moment was when I was lvl 40 and said "I can tank Qingzi!"

    Less then 5 seconds after starting the attack on Qingzi, he did a magical attack and oneshot me....
  • OMarvelous - Sanctuary
    OMarvelous - Sanctuary Posts: 339 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    haha I've done the dump exp into genie bit...I was over 75% when I did it too. I didnt facepalm but there have been a few ingame times where I've literally facepalmed @ what some people say.
  • Altros - Sanctuary
    Altros - Sanctuary Posts: 408 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    random person: hey, can u res me plox?
    Me: me?
    random person: yes u.
    *looks a frost bow im holding*
    "No matter how dark the world is,
    light shall exist somewhere,
    even if only a small sliver,
    a light found among darkness,
    shines all the brighter." -unknown
  • Darksylph - Heavens Tear
    Darksylph - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,816 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    had a lot facepalm during 1 year and a hafl playing but this one comes to me :) :

    situation : bh 69 pole pyro nob. no barb in squad but 1 bm 8x and 2 clerics. we kill all the boss with sweating on pole (well bm tank ^^). But even after 3 min no dd for the bm to have good aggro we still took aggro pretty easily.

    After bh i ask the bm if he used his aggro skill.

    answer : sorry but bm doesnt have aggro skill, only barb has...

    ok and stream strike? what is that if its not an aggro skill?

    xxx is offline


    Stream Strike's Aggro gain has been broken since before the start of PWI. Some say it does a full reset of aggro (which doesnt help you gain aggro if the DDs are doing greater damage). Others say it plain doesnt work. I'm not entirely sure of the specifics, but in the end, no, Stream Strike doesnt work for getting aggro. Pretty much all BMs know this.
  • Yishuin - Sanctuary
    Yishuin - Sanctuary Posts: 153 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    well... hum... facepalm to me so xDb:avoid
  • Caeria - Heavens Tear
    Caeria - Heavens Tear Posts: 294 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    missing a 0 while selling a few stuff
    Siggy by Santacruz
  • Hakiii - Heavens Tear
    Hakiii - Heavens Tear Posts: 283 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Being in a BH and tabbing the wrong mob and not having enough time to cancel attack, earning a squad near wipe.

    Tab really should go on the mob nearest you...not ones miles behind you. b:sad
  • Kismeta - Dreamweaver
    Kismeta - Dreamweaver Posts: 345 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    random person: hey, can u res me plox?
    Me: me?
    random person: yes u.
    *looks a frost bow im holding*

    This has kinda happened to me, I was helping in a fb 29, and somehow I managed to die (think the tank didnt get aggro or smthn). Anyway, the one person there for BH is like, why aren't you towning? I say I'm trying to figure out a way to get a res (thinking they'd get the implied I'm trying to get a cleric friend to res me). They then say ' Well none of us can res you'.... no really? I hadn't figured out that the only class that can res is clerics by lvl 70? I faceplamed at that point lol
    Being in a BH and tabbing the wrong mob and not having enough time to cancel attack, earning a squad near wipe.

    Tab really should go on the mob nearest you...not ones miles behind you. b:sad

    Completly off topic, I've done this a couple of times lol, tabbed and attacked without really thinking... got totally the wrong mob... b:surrender
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]<- tyvm to ForsakenX for the sig, <3 ur work

    Vanquish for life

    Clerics are not your slaves, we do not exist to do your bidding. We also have names. Saying please does not take a lot of typing. I react very badly to being yelled at. Please do not do it.
    Its rather sad when people automatically assume you are a guy just because you are playing a veno....
    Live life to its fullest, learn from your mistakes, and most importantly, have fun. b:victory
  • Ingrafer - Heavens Tear
    Ingrafer - Heavens Tear Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    1.) When I was a noob and did my FB69, I got cape of Taurin Chiefton. At that time, the mold was worth 6m or so. I sold it for 100k...

    2.) One time I got upset by this cleric in TT. He had got us killed at least 5-6 times by DDing and not healing, even though everyone told him to IH. I wrote in faction chat how I wanted to boot him from squad and am fed up... I realized I actually wrote in squad chat b:shocked

    lol Trem you noob

    1.) At lvl 49 i had got my first mount (fugly panther) and i decided to sell it, put it in the auction house for 0 coins starting bid b:surrender..

    2.) One time did a BH79 wined and it took around 2 hours to finish -.-

  • VerenKaunis - Dreamweaver
    VerenKaunis - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,099 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Ooh, ooh!

    *jumps around excitedly while waving arms in the air*

    I has a facepalm moment! b:cute

    Character: lkurei (60 sin (at the time))
    Place: BH51
    Boss: Wyvern
    Squad: 60 sin, 6x cleric, 68 cleric, 62 wiz

    Cleric 1: soooooo...who's tanking?
    Wiz: <_<
    Cleric 2: >_>
    Me: =D
    Cleric 1: no
    Me: =D
    Cleric 1: NO!!!!
    Me: =D
    Cleric 2: just let him, he did fine on fush and rank
    Cleric 1: fine...
    Wiz: should be fun

    *runs to wyvern before clerics stack IH*
    Fail #1
    *watches HP drop and uses stealth escape just as both clerics start healing*
    Fail #2
    *panics as wyvern runs to the squad and sparks instead of using knife throw*
    Fail #3
    *uses knife throw just as cleric 2 and wiz die and wyvern turns around to look at me while cleric 1 resses*
    Fail #4
    *tries to live long enough for cleric 1 to res both squad members so he can start healing*
    Fai-wait, not yet
    There we go! Fail #5
    *cleric 1 holy paths away and runs into a group of mobs by accident*
    Cleric 1 Fail

    Me: D=
    Cleric 1: ...
    Cleric 2: lol
    Wiz: rofl

    *lkurei has been kicked from the squad*

    Me (common chat): D=

    My first BH51 on my sin was very memorable. b:chuckle
    This alt has been brought to you by lkurei - Harshlands.
    I'm a guy. b:sad
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] lol
    'I think most of us f2p players stopped caring about buying gold once the ani packs came in, bent the gold market over a chair and did unspeakable things to it. >_>' Miugre - Heavens Tear
  • Korg - Lost City
    Korg - Lost City Posts: 130 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Running into a mid public quest (part II) and unleashing aoe's left and right w.o pvp protection on. Looked at general chat and saw people talking about a pker wpndering who it was till they all began attacking me. b:laugh
    *face palm*
  • _Ghostz_ - Archosaur
    _Ghostz_ - Archosaur Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Me: Wow epic fail this barb didnt invoke in a FC lol

    ???: Invoke? Wgat?

    Friend: Oh you gotta be kidding me right?

    ???: What is Invoke? Like a genie skill?

    Friend and I: ROFLSTOMP are you serious, nah its a barb skill

    ???: Oh ok i kno what that is now

    Me: Oh really what does it do???

    ???: Its an attack...that you can cast on other people or...yourself

    *Roar of laughs*

    Other friend: yah...plz press the Alt+F4 buttton if you could
    Just don't. This is your final warning.
  • Sinalee - Dreamweaver
    Sinalee - Dreamweaver Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Ooh, ooh!

    *jumps around excitedly while waving arms in the air*

    I has a facepalm moment! b:cute

    Character: lkurei (60 sin (at the time))
    Place: BH51
    Boss: Wyvern
    Squad: 60 sin, 6x cleric, 68 cleric, 62 wiz

    Cleric 1: soooooo...who's tanking?
    Wiz: <_<
    Cleric 2: >_>
    Me: =D
    Cleric 1: no
    Me: =D
    Cleric 1: NO!!!!
    Me: =D
    Cleric 2: just let him, he did fine on fush and rank
    Cleric 1: fine...
    Wiz: should be fun

    *runs to wyvern before clerics stack IH*
    Fail #1
    *watches HP drop and uses stealth escape just as both clerics start healing*
    Fail #2
    *panics as wyvern runs to the squad and sparks instead of using knife throw*
    Fail #3
    *uses knife throw just as cleric 2 and wiz die and wyvern turns around to look at me while cleric 1 resses*
    Fail #4
    *tries to live long enough for cleric 1 to res both squad members so he can start healing*
    Fai-wait, not yet
    There we go! Fail #5
    *cleric 1 holy paths away and runs into a group of mobs by accident*
    Cleric 1 Fail

    Me: D=
    Cleric 1: ...
    Cleric 2: lol
    Wiz: rofl

    *lkurei has been kicked from the squad*

    Me (common chat): D=

    My first BH51 on my sin was very memorable. b:chuckle

    ^-- lol made my day xD

    facepalm =/?? (starts sorting through all the stupied situations).

    okay this one would work.

    Place: TT1-2
    Squad: Veno 8x (me), Barb 8x, cler 8x (5% form lvl) two BMs 7x and 8x, wiz 7x.

    Okay i think we were going to the place where drummer stand in this TT (not sure) but the place where u have to lure all those ranged runners so here we go.

    Barb: lure
    *I position to lure, Barbs run into the first archer as 3others r nearing*
    Barb: Heal me! *fast droppign hp*
    *cleric heals, barb still didn't agro any of the now 4 extra mobs*
    *poor me agro 3 mobs on my little weak lure wolf, 4th i take agro on myself (or wolf woudl die) and hood*
    *cler had 50hp left when i finally had all agro*
    *me dies, after BMs took out 2mob on me and wolf*
    Me (after all mobs died): Nxt time u take the veno job try not to kill our cleric ... *still laying dead*
    Cleric wisper: Im ****ing gonna kick that noobs ****, thx for saving
    Me wisper to cler: np sadly also saved barb ...

    Later on going to the spot where drummer stand in TT1-1.

    Barb: im gonna rush. *starts rushing down the long hall way*
    Me: me and wizzy need quests afterward ... nvm.
    *mobs start resetting on wiz (and me cuz i saw it happening and stayed behind) cuz barb go at full speed and wiz got no holy path*
    *tries to do as earlier and save wiz ... both die*
    Barb: what r u doing
    Me: don't know? i think im dead? u run too fast wizards go slow come on!.
    *barb + cler spawn out to rez and ... ****ing rush again xD*
    *... rush killed cler*
    Me: no rushing u can't do it properly clers also run slow.

    .... After 4 new rushes, almost another squad wipe for barb playing lurer we stand at viper.

    Me: ready to catch (yes i was pulling this out of room)
    Barb: yes.
    *i pull*
    *i run to them*
    * i watch barb step over the edge and fall to last boss*
    *i start running for my life with an angry snake after me*

    Thx to the BM saving my **** there T.T

    Last boss short said barb afk without saying, BM end up tanking ... Barb insist on first pick and gets slapped by an angry fox while the others take out popcorn to watch the show.

    FAIL with caps all the way, i went form missing 20% to 25%, Cler from 5% to 8%. everyone facepalmed but barb who didn't understand our anger.

    All leave squad but me and wizard as we realize that we still need to in quest at entrance, then go past rush point and in quest there ... lol no barb no cleric xD so little me attempt a rush with fox form and hood and got wiz through alive without any Holy path. Wiz got over the rush i had to do it a 2nd time with almost no hp lose as i could holy path with hood on.

    now 2monthes later i finally got the 3rd and last quest in there b:cute

    *PS sorry long writing lol*
  • Esnemyl - Dreamweaver
    Esnemyl - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,079 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    So far my most worthy /facepalm moment was when I was lvl 40 and said "I can tank Qingzi!"

    Less then 5 seconds after starting the attack on Qingzi, he did a magical attack and oneshot me....

    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]<3 by Silvy
    Reborn ditzy archer with a serious oreo addiction =3

    '...cuz my IQ is just above what is required to function as a human' - tsumaru2
  • aryannamage
    aryannamage Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Just tonight went on a FB51 run with guildies. All but 1 of us were venos last one was a male archer. 2 venos were lvl 51, 1 was 78 and then a 93 veno, the archer was 87. Everything went well till we got to Wyvern...

    Archer promptly pulled aggro and killed the two low lvl venos. No problem right? Just let them run back and then it will still work...

    Don't forget the Reflect on the herc!

    The high lvls scared they would kill him too fast, with no chance for the two low lvl venos to get back, started pulling him through the dungeon right into... you guessed it! The low lvl venos!

  • Ewen - Harshlands
    Ewen - Harshlands Posts: 96 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    In bh69, we're doing pole. Having a barb, 2 clerics (me being one) and 3 DD's with us.

    Other cleric: let me heal, ewen. i got it!
    Me: Okay, I'll DD then.

    Everything goes good till the boss debuffs the barb. The barb almost dies and I have to purify him so he wont die.

    Me: Remember to purify or the barb dies!
    Other cleric: whats purify?
    Me: Okay.. I heal and purify.. Can you DD and use the group heal?
    Other cleric: whats group heal?
    Me: Chromatic healing beam


    Other cleric: i decided not to learn skills after ress, i think that 3 heals are enough to keep the tank alive, so i maxed them.
    Me: Maxed pureheart?
    Other cleric: yes..
    Barb: /FACEPALM

    *"Other cleric" has left your squad"*

    Me: b:bye
    Sig made by me. Seems that the forums change the quality of the picture a bit. b:sad
  • Sinalee - Dreamweaver
    Sinalee - Dreamweaver Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    ouch did the venos make it in time the 2nd time then =x?

    Personal or faction facepalms:

    fb19 untamed, 8x veno, 7x barb, 8x barb, taber, at the boss.

    *starts attack*
    Me: STOP! did u tab?
    Tabber: tab whats that?
    Me: u need to talk to the pillar, u got the item Call to duty?
    Tabber: **** no brb
    Me to 7x barb: **** start running u r brambled xD

    --- for some reason boss kept hititng him don't remember why anymore---
    Me: meeh dual me!
    7x barb: what?
    Me: bramble kill the boss its almost dead trust me dual me =x
    *8x barb also brambled take agro*
    Me: D= no u r also brambled >.<
    *duals 8x barb and purge the bramble*

    ---tabber back fast kill all happy, then gets jumped by the 8x barb for using Nova on his **** in dual xD---

    Managed in a periode of 1-2weeks to land on one for the many bosses every single time i dropped form the sky ... i didn't fly for a whole month after all those failurs, i think i landed on all of them at least once.

    When i was a noob on another server aroudn lvl 30 or so. Runnign over an island near silver pool and gets one-shot by something. 2days later run into a big ugly thing at the same spot xD, found out what one-shot me xD. 2weeks later watched a friend drop on the same boss *cough* Sword Tamer *cough*. I never noticed the twist about the culty where u NEED to die ... i did by accident.

    somehow ran form archo north to some snowy place north of ether without noticing, while discussing something over pm. (bad habbit to run/fly/swim/jump around when talking).

    Saw our veno then our barb run straight into Krimson, while our cler was still telling how our barb should deal with krimson (was his first try) ^^.

    Told fact member on his first TT run how not to deal with the clap-traps ... got clapped while telling that so he could c for himself b:sad

    lured a sori in fb69 for 20x3, watched the sori run around the cornor, sori got out of pet-veno range, pet teled to me, me watch the ground shaking and saw a hord of angry mobs comming around the corner, our cler was smart enough to make a run for it before getting a wipe with the rest ... I learned my lesson that day.b:surrender
  • Born_Free - Harshlands
    Born_Free - Harshlands Posts: 977 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    BH 39:
    5x Cleric, 5x BM, 5x Sin, Myself, 5x Veno

    So we're making that corner for Farren, when all of a sudden.....

    Veno: D: guys, there's a wall here. I can't get to you.
    Me: .-. You can just go around it.
    Cleric: Just walk around.

    Ten minutes pass....

    BM: Where's the Veno? I can't tank this on my own.
    Veno: The wall is still here guys.
    Me: *facepalm* -_-;
  • SuperHebbe - Dreamweaver
    SuperHebbe - Dreamweaver Posts: 185 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Instead of facpalming and calling people noobs, maybe try to help them out?

    A lot of people start this game on their own, they don't read guides on the forums and might be to shy to ask.

    I was very lucky when I start this game, having 3 high lvl in RL friends telling me what to do or not to do. I guess I would have made a lot of mistakes too if it wasn't for them b:kiss

    Yeah I know a lot of people are using orcales and EXP stones to level fast. Those are worth a facpalm or 2 b:chuckle

    I think most people will appreciate if you PM them and try to explain what they do wrong instead of calling them noobs and idiots and stuff.
  • PunkinKatt - Heavens Tear
    PunkinKatt - Heavens Tear Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    (Thread Subject) Your most facepalm worthy moment ingame

    Apparently having ever started playing the game at all.



    There's no such thing as a "Perfect World" full of Jade, diamonds, gold, and other riches and treasures. There is only an imperfect world, with an imperfect society, full of imperfect people, with imperfect idea's about how to be perfectly rich and perfectly perfect. No one cares about being perfectly kind, perfectly fair, or perfectly content.
    It's a perfectly sad world.
This discussion has been closed.