Your most facepalm worthy moment ingame

Esnemyl - Dreamweaver
Esnemyl - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,079 Arc User
edited February 2011 in General Discussion
well i should start off...
I spent 30 celestones trying to refine a TT crossbow ._. and failed
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]<3 by Silvy
Reborn ditzy archer with a serious oreo addiction =3

'...cuz my IQ is just above what is required to function as a human' - tsumaru2
Post edited by Esnemyl - Dreamweaver on


  • jokerxdude
    jokerxdude Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Me: Alright tab the pillar
    ???: What's a tab?
    Me: You know the item in your inventory that says Call of Duty-- Kill this monster in the dungeon. It says you need a squad for.
    ???: Oh that. I sold it. Can I still do my fb?
    Me: -facepalm-
    Why So Stupid?

    Want a darker race? A race fighting for their humanity?
    Go here
    > You know you want to.

    Anime! Anime! Oh PW Anime!
    Coming Soon...
  • Asheera - Raging Tide
    Asheera - Raging Tide Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I forgot to activate hypers on big pull today.
    First 103 on Raging Tide 30 Oct 2010
  • Untamedf - Lost City
    Untamedf - Lost City Posts: 304 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    me: ok we ar going to do this im not ready yet...

    ???: come on lure it this boss his easy

    Me: ar you sure we dont have a EP

    ??: just lure him allready...

    Few secs later...

    ???: OMG This BOSS HIS STRONG!

    me: *Facepalm*
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] hmm hi?
  • Tulisia - Dreamweaver
    Tulisia - Dreamweaver Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I never heard of a supply chest until after my FB19
    *finpalm* <--(because tideborn facepalms are epic)
  • DeathBanana - Heavens Tear
    DeathBanana - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,674 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I never heard of a supply chest until after my FB19
    *finpalm* <--(because tideborn facepalms are epic)

    I never found out until FB39

    9x Demon Cleric
  • Assburger - Harshlands
    Assburger - Harshlands Posts: 785 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    My first hubby: i wonder why my money keeps dissapearing

    Me: dont you ever put it in a bank?

    Hubby: nah, it just seems to dissappear after i upgrade my skills. dude im so pissed imma go get a GM

    Me:...u do realize it costs MONEY to upgrade skills right?

    Hubby: REALLY????

    (btw my first hubby was lvl 73 when he realized this)


    he's a fail BM...thank god he quit
    Harshland's everlasting cleric L.uckyrose and damn proud of it

    Should be back very very soon...two weeks from now at most b:bye
    ~Pst...imma girl barb ;-P
  • CrowPrince - Lost City
    CrowPrince - Lost City Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    My first hubby: i wonder why my money keeps dissapearing

    Me: dont you ever put it in a bank?

    Hubby: nah, it just seems to dissappear after i upgrade my skills. dude im so pissed imma go get a GM

    Me:...u do realize it costs MONEY to upgrade skills right?

    Hubby: REALLY????

    (btw my first hubby was lvl 73 when he realized this)


    he's a fail BM...thank god he quit

    this one made me laugh good job b:victory
  • Slivaf - Dreamweaver
    Slivaf - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,106 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Meh my facepalm moment came when I accidentally sold a decent mold to the npc in game, I want to kick that npc's ****, it so made money from me that day.

    It was a sky demon's pearl (the necklace with +5% hp. =x)

    I was admittedly pissed about it at first, but I did end up laughing it off.
    Ah, Mistakes are so easily made. ~ laura resnick

    What kind of message are you sending when you insult my intelligence? ~ Me ~ 5/29/2015 (Yes it is possible someone said this before just no idea who/where.)
  • Assburger - Harshlands
    Assburger - Harshlands Posts: 785 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    he also didnt know that skills come in pages. He couldnt get the dragon skill thingy cuz he didnt know that the arrows were for the skill box thing. He didnt know the skill list spanned TWO even our faction marshals thought he was a complete dope...and he was the faction leader T__T believee it or not
    Harshland's everlasting cleric L.uckyrose and damn proud of it

    Should be back very very soon...two weeks from now at most b:bye
    ~Pst...imma girl barb ;-P
  • Assburger - Harshlands
    Assburger - Harshlands Posts: 785 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I sold everything to NPCs for a while...i thought it would give me oodles of cash. i always sold wine to NPCs...biggest mistake evah
    Harshland's everlasting cleric L.uckyrose and damn proud of it

    Should be back very very soon...two weeks from now at most b:bye
    ~Pst...imma girl barb ;-P
  • Desmerelda - Lost City
    Desmerelda - Lost City Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    My doh moment came when I realized I missed a zero when I set the price for something in a catshop. Sold a crappy fly mount for 160k instead of 1.6mill. I was pretty mad at myself in the morning.
  • Joshcja - Sanctuary
    Joshcja - Sanctuary Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    when i logged in after server mantinance on Anni day
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • Nakhimov - Lost City
    Nakhimov - Lost City Posts: 1,829 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    when i logged in after server mantinance on Anni day

    This. /10chars
    Bladestorm lets you spin around like a carnival ride and do damage. Not using it is almost like having a move called Confetti Rocket Power Leap and saving it for "emergencies"
    Nakhimov the Kingslayer of Kil'Jaeden's <Criminal Scum>
  • Majesta - Dreamweaver
    Majesta - Dreamweaver Posts: 268 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    My most epic /facepalm moment:

    I just made 6,5million that dreadful day by selling my TT sling and some molds and I was so happy :3 (cause I've never had that much money ingame, I had bout 8-9mil total)

    I went to do CS for a change: I never bother with it anymore, because of the costs and the low exp you get, but I was close to ding and I wanted every exp point I could get.
    It was late at night, I was tired and didn't pay attention. Instead of going to the merchant to buy the stones I needed, I went straight to the jewelcraftsman... I bought 27 of each stone, thinking I was at the merchant. At the moment I saw it was gonna cost me 6,8mil I had already -just- clicked 'Accept'.
    I had bought 4 times 27 average shards (I already had 1common in my inv, that's why 4x27)...





    After a day I could laugh bout my own stupidity and share my escapade with my friends so they could laugh too ^^ and to warn them bout it xD

    Since that day I keep all my savings in my bank and I don't carry more than 500k on me at a time, so I can never do something like this again b:laugh

    - - - - - - - - - -

    Another fun /facepalm story:

    A lvl 95 cleric from my guild stated one day that he would like to restat to LA build.
    He said that he would restat 2 times.. which got me wondering: why in heaven's name would you want to do that?

    'Once I'm wearing the LA TT90 set, I'm gonna restat back again to full magic. So then I'm wearing the Light Armor, with all its stats/defs active, but I'll still be full mag!'

    /Facepalm of epic proportions
    When I got the meaning of melee mixed up:
    'Maj.. Melee ffs.. means I'm punching you in the face 1 foot away!'
  • ThanosQRt - Dreamweaver
    ThanosQRt - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,457 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    helping with fb39, no space in inventory
    i teleport out after the end and the quests fail Q.Q
  • Kai_Umi - Heavens Tear
    Kai_Umi - Heavens Tear Posts: 265 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    i fell asleep during TT run as main cleric b:chuckle
  • Yishuin - Sanctuary
    Yishuin - Sanctuary Posts: 153 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    had a lot facepalm during 1 year and a hafl playing but this one comes to me :) :

    situation : bh 69 pole pyro nob. no barb in squad but 1 bm 8x and 2 clerics. we kill all the boss with sweating on pole (well bm tank ^^). But even after 3 min no dd for the bm to have good aggro we still took aggro pretty easily.

    After bh i ask the bm if he used his aggro skill.

    answer : sorry but bm doesnt have aggro skill, only barb has...

    ok and stream strike? what is that if its not an aggro skill?

    xxx is offline

  • Tremblewith - Heavens Tear
    Tremblewith - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,558 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    1.) When I was a noob and did my FB69, I got cape of Taurin Chiefton. At that time, the mold was worth 6m or so. I sold it for 100k...

    2.) One time I got upset by this cleric in TT. He had got us killed at least 5-6 times by DDing and not healing, even though everyone told him to IH. I wrote in faction chat how I wanted to boot him from squad and am fed up... I realized I actually wrote in squad chat b:shocked
  • Rawrgh - Raging Tide
    Rawrgh - Raging Tide Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    2.) One time I got upset by this cleric in TT. He had got us killed at least 5-6 times by DDing and not healing, even though everyone told him to IH. I wrote in faction chat how I wanted to boot him from squad and am fed up... I realized I actually wrote in squad chat


    Once I was in a fail squad our cleric kept not healing, and would just sit there and either not do anything or, if we were lucky, DD. So I wrote in faction chat how the cleric in our squad was a dumbass.

    Then I realized he was in the same faction as me.
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • Elenacostel - Heavens Tear
    Elenacostel - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,822 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I was riding my reindeer around City of the Plume, someone whispered an offer of 300k for it.

    I replied that it is worth over 6 million.

    The response: "Nah, how about 1m?"

    Too bad I did not think to take a screenshot of it.
  • Katzyn - Sanctuary
    Katzyn - Sanctuary Posts: 1,270 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    This happened just the other day, and I'm STILL kicking myself for it...

    I was in a random squad for bh69. It was a great group of people - nice barb, great cleric who I've worked with before, and good DD's who didn't pull aggro or gets themselves killed. We all got along well.

    First problem occurred after Pyro. Most of us left squad to turn in (since we'd all used our teleport for Nob before). Got invited back, and found I was the first back to the cave...which had reset. Great. Dunno whose fault it was, but some of us needed Nob again anyway, so after a little while, we said "meh" and rewined (the barb was awesome and rewined for free). By that time, we had lost two people, so we replaced them (but it took awhile), and during this, I guess our only cleric went afk and didn't tell us, or couldn't tell us, I'm really not sure. And somehow, I ended up with lead.

    After waiting for the two new members to arrive, we started without the cleric - got up to the Turtle. Had to wait for the cleric then...but he was still afk. I whispered him quite a few times, we "yelled" jokingly over squad chat, hoping he'd come back...I tried whispering one last time before I planned on kicking him (we'd waited 20 minutes for him), and...I accidentally clicked on "transfer lead" instead of "whisper".

    I nearly offed myself right there.

    Yup. That was my most fail moment, ever.

    I ended up paying the barb back for the free wine she'd gave us, because I felt bad for making such a bh-ruining mistake (I'd had plans to kick the cleric and bring in my friend-cleric, and everything would have been fine v_v). I then left after apologizing yet again for my noob mistake, and about 10-20 minutes later, the barb whispered me, telling me that the cleric was finally back, but by then I was in an fb89.

    Katzyn, level 101 Demon Veno
    Kylenea, level 99 Demon Cleric
    ForestSonata, level 6x Mystic
    Proud wifeh of Yudai <3
    ~Courtesy of the amazing Forsakenx~
  • SerenityMare - Dreamweaver
    SerenityMare - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,211 Arc User
    edited May 2010

    Once I was in a fail squad our cleric kept not healing, and would just sit there and either not do anything or, if we were lucky, DD. So I wrote in faction chat how the cleric in our squad was a dumbass.

    Then I realized he was in the same faction as me.

    Lmao. b:chuckle
  • VonSabrewulf - Harshlands
    VonSabrewulf - Harshlands Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I stopped cashshopping for my coins and started grinding instead. A month later DQ prices are dropping b:cry
  • Katzyn - Sanctuary
    Katzyn - Sanctuary Posts: 1,270 Arc User
    edited May 2010

    Once I was in a fail squad our cleric kept not healing, and would just sit there and either not do anything or, if we were lucky, DD. So I wrote in faction chat how the cleric in our squad was a dumbass.

    Then I realized he was in the same faction as me.

    I did that over vent...

    Some members were talking over fac chat about something that could have been maybe slightly offensive to "innocent" people, and someone on an alt whispered me, telling me that they should stop talking about it or they might offend someone, and I responded "if someone would really get offended by that, then maybe they're not cut out for the faction"...

    And I said over vent, "Lol, omg, someone just whispered me this, blahblahblah," and the member (who was actually my good friend) was like, "...Kat, that was me on my alt..."

    "Oh. Oops?" b:surrender
    Katzyn, level 101 Demon Veno
    Kylenea, level 99 Demon Cleric
    ForestSonata, level 6x Mystic
    Proud wifeh of Yudai <3
    ~Courtesy of the amazing Forsakenx~
  • VlLKASS - Sanctuary
    VlLKASS - Sanctuary Posts: 1,396 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Used 300 mirs to get my boots from +3 to +1 ...

    While setting an overnight shop forgot a 0 on my golden axe's $ ... & they sold... b:cry

    Finding a a DEMON BARB HP BUFF in Ah for 1m buy out, realising I dont have enough cash on me, trying to quickly siwtch to trading section to pick up a mil to later find the skill was already sold or taken of AH. I cried lol

    Doing BH METAL with a bad squad which was probly one of the biggest **** bhs I ever had, later to realise I didn't pick up my bh on the particular char...
  • AdvanceZero - Heavens Tear
    AdvanceZero - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,413 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    had a lot facepalm during 1 year and a hafl playing but this one comes to me :) :

    situation : bh 69 pole pyro nob. no barb in squad but 1 bm 8x and 2 clerics. we kill all the boss with sweating on pole (well bm tank ^^). But even after 3 min no dd for the bm to have good aggro we still took aggro pretty easily.

    After bh i ask the bm if he used his aggro skill.

    answer : sorry but bm doesnt have aggro skill, only barb has...

    ok and stream strike? what is that if its not an aggro skill?

    xxx is offline


    I just face palmed....and not for her reason.....

  • Redmenace - Heavens Tear
    Redmenace - Heavens Tear Posts: 908 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    On the Wife's 85 veno, made it thru Room 38 without getting nailed by the %$#@%$ ant...

    Forgot to take the quest.

    Made it all the way back, took the quest, and got killed halfway back again.

    A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
    Robert A. Heinlein
  • Zanryu - Dreamweaver
    Zanryu - Dreamweaver Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    In an FC run right before a boss...

    I had to go afk for a bit because my mom got home from shopping and wanted me to bring in groceries, so I let the squad know and went afk. Then a few minutes later I get back to my laptop and look on the screen... The barb was fighting the boss and was almost dead >.>
  • XxLady_XelxX - Dreamweaver
    XxLady_XelxX - Dreamweaver Posts: 455 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    ~ Dying during AoE grinds and leaving witnesses behind.

    ~ Sneaking by the roaming adalwolves in a wined 79...only to face-plant into Loon.

    ~ Opening fire prematurely on Stygean, then taking 4 hits before remembering I have heals and plume shell. Just in time to die to his 5th shot.

    ~ Watching a fellow Cleric charm-tank mobs instead of healing themselves during a Brimstone run.
  • Dark_Feather - Lost City
    Dark_Feather - Lost City Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    accidentally dumping all my spirit into my genie.....right before going to upgrade skills. T.T

    i was a noob, ok? leave me alone! *hides*

    Shiome: Psychic 2x
    Okami_Sukino: Venomancer 3x
    Ayumi_: Assassin 0x
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