DQ Drops NPC-Price Dropped 20%



  • FrostFlower - Heavens Tear
    FrostFlower - Heavens Tear Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I think they were trying to reduce inflation, but I don't think this is the way to go. Most people make their money from grinding or farming mats. It's going to be worse if one of those were lessened or taken away, especially for non veno character.

    -clicks No option on poll-
  • Egaenil - Heavens Tear
    Egaenil - Heavens Tear Posts: 853 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    b:sad i think thats the reason ony frankie comes out to tell us the bad news...

    all other gm knew 99% player will rage.. so they just went hidding
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]"wink wink"
  • GothicAngeI - Heavens Tear
    GothicAngeI - Heavens Tear Posts: 130 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    b:sad y there s no GM around

    Kinda feel sorry for the GM's since most of the time it's not their call so they probs doing what I would do and hiding lol


    They seriously need to:

    A) Start slapping the Dev's/bosses around who seem intent on killing the game
    B) Start looking after what players they have left before they have no one to look after (note: I see Gm Events have stopped again)
  • Kephras - Heavens Tear
    Kephras - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,472 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Submitted my "rage" as a ticket. There's no hiding from or ignoring those, not when they let you track the bloody thing now. >:3
  • volst
    volst Posts: 180
    edited May 2010
    It's like the veno pet egg prices back in old PW. They we're afraid the easy money would cause inflation so they set them to 1 coin. But then they released packs, and it got inflated anyways. b:spit
  • Pressa - Heavens Tear
    Pressa - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,287 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    On one hand less from DQ drops but because of the 5% price increase on npc items you get more for npcing those.
  • Lanyiara - Harshlands
    Lanyiara - Harshlands Posts: 271 Arc User
    edited May 2010

    I cash shop all the time, but this is just stupid. Its hard enough to get money without selling gold as it is. This will make it a lot worse.

    *Hits no and asks whole faction to do same*
  • VlLKASS - Sanctuary
    VlLKASS - Sanctuary Posts: 1,396 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I can't say I care much. I understand why others are upset... However if at 100 you're still earning your money & gears (when each costs in millions) by grinding on normal mobs... b:embarassed just lol...

    During lower lvls grinding covers expenses just fine, but later on... meh lol
  • Redmenace - Heavens Tear
    Redmenace - Heavens Tear Posts: 908 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Players like the double-drop events.... then they complain about inflation... then PW talks about lowering the sell prices to offset inflation... then people complain about the lowering of the prices... then...

    1. IF Pw does nothing, people will complain that PW is not doing anything to combat inflation
    2. IF PW does something like reduce the npc buy price, then people complain that now they will not be able to make as much money (which is exactly the purpose of this)

    So, in the end, it really does not matter..... people will get upset no matter what.

    I can't really imagine how dropping the DQ prices 20% will make the slightest dent in the economy at large. There aren't vast fields of people grinding mobs for DQ in the game *I* play. The economy is massively inflated from CS / Hammers / X packs and the money dropped into the system from people NPCing DQ's is a drop in the bucket.

    This *probably* is related to the recent Decomp/Mirage decrease, which was the result of Chinese players finding a **** to direct kill FB bosses for 3 stars, and decomping, and selling massive piles of mirages (at least that was the story I read).

    I can only assume this is a similar "****" that the devs "fix" by making them less valuable.

    More "cost effective" programming for ya.

    A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
    Robert A. Heinlein
  • Acky - Harshlands
    Acky - Harshlands Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    if they go thru with this 20% reduction change it'll be a very dark day in pwi history. could work if they make drop rate +30% or so. but still, whats the thought behind this? what are they hoping to achieve? >.< I don't want to see the game start walking down the path of it's own destruction..
    ..patiently waiting for fashion made for White Tigers to become available in the pwi boutique...
  • Egaenil - Heavens Tear
    Egaenil - Heavens Tear Posts: 853 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    b:sad i think they should low the price for high lvl dq, but keep low lvl dq the same, i mean maybe up to dq71 stay the same, after that from dq81 20% drop in price

    so new ppl can still grind to make a bit of money, and high lvl ppl cant exploit any thing, i mean if u have to grind to make money after 90.. well might as well quite the game now
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]"wink wink"
  • Zikai - Heavens Tear
    Zikai - Heavens Tear Posts: 153 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I doubt the developer's real intent is to **** off it's players on purpose.

    With these types of games, the addiction is propelled with boring and long jobs until you reach the award. In the case of an MMORPG, the boring and long job is gaining EXP and the reward is obtaining another level. That's why they follow a logarithmic function of quickly leveling up at first and slowing it down in later levels to produce more of a reaction - the concept of "the harder you work, the more you get."

    Though reading through the forums, I find comments like it's easier to get EXP and harder to get coins. Which makes sense because my cleric is a prime example of this. She was my second character, and I play her for her purpose of support. However, even though she's level 90, she has some **** gear simply because I can't afford it.

    But oddly enough, I do buy zen, and just this past weekend, got my lv80 veno a herc to hopefully make some actual coin to pay for my cleric's gear and pot addiction.

    Now, you may be wondering why I don't just sell the gold for coins with the zen I buy? Well, I'm not the richest person, I buy what I need if I can only get it from the boutique, I don't like all the easy ways, y'know. But that's just my personal example. I don't really consider myself a super "cash shopper" because I don't use zen for everything. So in perspective, I only pretend to be rich (or at least that's how I like to describe it).

    Anyhow, back to my point, when the developers make such changes, the results they expect from their game is that players buy zen for even the silly mundane things - the things I don't buy zen for - not just the special boutique items.

    The box with the all-class pets is a good example because it's fairly easy for a veno to make an all-class pet (or at least the idea of "tame a pet so many times, then convert them with coin into one" instead of the actual job of fighting the other venos for one spawn). Yes, they've mixed it in with all-class pets that can't be obtained through the zoologist, but why bother with adding pets that can? Again, it's geared toward buying useless, mundane things - almost everything.

    As for the topic of the DQ prices being lowered and the NPC items' prices being raised, this just adds to the concept that it will be more difficult to obtain these mundane items unless you obtain them through the boutique. It's all a mindset to get you to purchase zen.

    My Advice? Just play how you can enjoy the game. Even with all these new problems, we can't really change things back to normal immediately (well maybe, that incident with the perfect horns came and went pretty quickly, but there's still some people with horns now and then, maybe if we reacted the same to these prices as we did with the horns, it will get changed just as quickly too).

    Hmm... my apologies for the long post, lol.
    Who heals the healer?
  • volst
    volst Posts: 180
    edited May 2010
    NPCing DQ's is a drop in the bucket.

    Made like 5m in 3 days just grinding on foxes when I was around 50-60. Not a bad way to make money.
  • Miugre - Heavens Tear
    Miugre - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    that incident with the perfect horns came and went pretty quickly, but there's still some people with horns now and then, maybe if we reacted the same to these prices as we did with the horns, it will get changed just as quickly too
    Especially since the patch preview page mentioned that it was "subject to change."

    Take note of that, guys. Keep the pressure on. We haven't lost this yet. >_>
    Yes, I'm still a stubborn holdout in favor of the old game. Haters gonna hate. ;]

    Other Active Characters:
    LigerKing (Barb), Girasole (BM), Shamsheer (Sin), ArborSoul (Mystic).
  • WarrenWolfy - Sanctuary
    WarrenWolfy - Sanctuary Posts: 1,686 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    oyamajio wrote: »
    It's not free. It's computed together with dorm bill, and for the worse part it contributes to global warming, lol. Good to hear that you're not playing it as if it's your life.
    I always love this argument.

    Do people really think that the heat that's in their homes is free, and that only computers use electricity?

    Right now leaving my PC on generates a tiny bit of heat, which decreases my heating bill because electricity is cheaper than natural gas. Plus, the electricity comes from a hydro-electric dam rather than fossil fuels.

    So leaving my computer on not only costs me less, it's also slightly helps the environment. Sure, things will change to the exact opposite once I need my A/C, but for now I'm doing my part to reduce carbon emissions by running my PC and my PoS laptop all day.

    I should get an award or something for being so green. b:chuckle
    PWI Merchanting Guides: warrenwolfy.wordpress.com
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I've avoided posting a response to this thread in particular for a number of reasons. I voted I don't really care, because it doesn't affect me directly. Whatever I would farm and sell would be to a higher level player who either merchants or Best luck's their way to money.

    That being said, I do agree this is a very bad thing. PWE is trying to do the right thing, but they're doing it the wrong way.

    Eliminate 10 Million Bank Note from the game or change the reward from 2 Perfect Tokesn of Best Luck to 5, or just exchange the Perfect Token of Best Luck for 2 Ecstasy cards. This would also add a little more balance to the Best Luck exchange rewards, some of which make no sense at all.. e.g. Bride or Groom Pack for 13 Best Tokens, 4 for Badge of Bravery, 2 for a perfect shard, etc..

    Nerfing the DQ may eliminate a small group of people from bot-farming, but it is wrong to punish the majority for the actions of a minority. As far as I know there are no exploits or glitches that one may use, but if that's the concern correct it at the cost of potentially losing your player base.

    As far as coin sinks, most of the money is held by a minority of the people, but at some point (which many have already surpassed) they're just absorbing a large portion of that coin and removing it from circulation and that money will never do anything to severely affect the economy unless they just choose to obliterate gold trading by continuously buying out all the gold and hoarding it (which should be a bannable offense if it regularly becomes detrimental to the community).

    There is no real easy fix for the problems they've already created, but adjusting or removing the Perfect Token of Best Luck would be a good first step, although there is a lot more that needs to be done.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Heartstone - Dreamweaver
    Heartstone - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,338 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Just. noo -_-
    already so few drops form grinding, now making the DQ's worth less, pointless =x.
    I'm sorry for misspelling / mistyping and grammar b:surrender

    102 - Archer - Heartz
  • Maragon - Dreamweaver
    Maragon - Dreamweaver Posts: 645 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    b:sad i think they should low the price for high lvl dq, but keep low lvl dq the same, i mean maybe up to dq71 stay the same, after that from dq81 20% drop in price

    so new ppl can still grind to make a bit of money, and high lvl ppl cant exploit any thing, i mean if u have to grind to make money after 90.. well might as well quite the game now

    the low lvl mobs will average what 1 dq per mob ...some more some less. I tried aoeing some lvl 87s the other day for mats did 6-7 pulls 9-11 mobs each thats somewhere between 55-75 mobs about. I got i think like 6-7 dq items total and no mats. the higher lvl mobs drop rate is already ****.

    ok I'm not reading all 28 pages so some of this people probably already pointed out.

    Why lower dq when after giving away all the easy levels from BH, FC, Hyper, etc. the number of people that grind for their coin have probably dropped by 75% anyway (yes i'm making up statistics o well) I still grind for money and do decent with it BUT THAT IS ONLY BECAUSE OF DQ DROPS) and I normally have to grind on alts because of the really low 80+ drop rate

    and its really lonely now too.


    reason 1 people dont grind they power level.
    reason 2 people quit because of thing like this

    lets make up some more numbers. how much TW money comes in to the economy every week? about 350mil? after all the tw repairs lets say thatsabout 325 mil. there is no where near that amount of money coming from dqs.how about 10mil notes from best tokens? 2 of them may be as much as adays dqs are worth across a server.

    whats goin on is pwi is allowing you to buy the gameplay of a private server. level fast buy your gear go end game and pk till your bored ....all in abt a month. when I found this game it was because it was well within the top 5 of a few mmo websites for free to play. its now typically out of the top ten. because of stuff like this.

    Kanori (dont think thats spelled right) as asked for suggestions. I posted this before somewhere but lets do it again. Lets compensate the territory owners some other way for instance faster mounts and aerogear only available through holding TW land. let the director of each land (or whatever the npc i called) provide free but again bound attack and defense blessing and/or charms. TW only fashion but also bound that you have as long as you have land. when you lose the land the fashion disappears. go ahead and give them some coin sure or maybe make it so that gear doesnt lose endurance. so there is no repair cost. some might say "But...but.... i need to buy my charm" says who? the only reason charms are standard in TW is because the player base made it that way. TW causes a huge influx into the economy lets try to find some other ways to help with that.

    P.S......drop the 2 best tokens = 10 mil thing too.

    I could come up with some more and more interesting ideas for how to compensate TW ppl without or with less coin but as this post will get flamed and noone will really think outside the box it I wont.

    I think a lot of people will agree already that the biggest set back to getting new skills as you level is coin. Why nerf the most basic way to get it?

  • Annastasia - Lost City
    Annastasia - Lost City Posts: 183 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I've avoided posting a response to this thread in particular for a number of reasons. I voted I don't really care, because it doesn't affect me directly. Whatever I would farm and sell would be to a higher level player who either merchants or Best luck's their way to money.

    That being said, I do agree this is a very bad thing. PWE is trying to do the right thing, but they're doing it the wrong way.

    Eliminate 10 Million Bank Note from the game or change the reward from 2 Perfect Tokesn of Best Luck to 5, or just exchange the Perfect Token of Best Luck for 2 Ecstasy cards. This would also add a little more balance to the Best Luck exchange rewards, some of which make no sense at all.. e.g. Bride or Groom Pack for 13 Best Tokens, 4 for Badge of Bravery, 2 for a perfect shard, etc..

    Nerfing the DQ may eliminate a small group of people from bot-farming, but it is wrong to punish the majority for the actions of a minority. As far as I know there are no exploits or glitches that one may use, but if that's the concern correct it at the cost of potentially losing your player base.

    As far as coin sinks, most of the money is held by a minority of the people, but at some point (which many have already surpassed) they're just absorbing a large portion of that coin and removing it from circulation and that money will never do anything to severely affect the economy unless they just choose to obliterate gold trading by continuously buying out all the gold and hoarding it (which should be a bannable offense if it regularly becomes detrimental to the community).

    There is no real easy fix for the problems they've already created, but adjusting or removing the Perfect Token of Best Luck would be a good first step, although there is a lot more that needs to be done.

    i love your posts :) well thought out with good points. i think the DQ nurf will hurt the new player and lower levels the worst. remember being lvl 20 and grinding for DQ to be able to afford upgrading skills? i think most people start a free2play hoping it will be free. if they get frustrated and leave, they won't get hooked enough to ever buy any gold. plus if there are no new players, the older players have no one to sell stuff too.

    @ the post that the Dev's are not purposefully trying to upset players. well if they are not they must be the most oblivous, out of touch with the game, people ever. there are so many small things that GM's and Dev s could do to keep players happy. things that really wouldn't cost a thing, but would make players extremely happy. isn't that part of the GM"s job to be in touch with the player base wants and needs and report it to the Devs? somewhere along the line there seems to be a massive break down in communication.
  • KrittyCat - Dreamweaver
    KrittyCat - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,273 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    If it wasn't before, grinding has now officially become worthless and a thing of the past. The damage that I take on my character was usually payed for by the DQ drops with a little left over to allow me to get stuff. Now...who knows what's gonna happen.
    (Signature credit to NowItsAwn)

    Survivor of Snow-Mageddon 2010, "The Great Earthquake" of 2011, and Sandy 2012 b:victory
  • Blancheneige - Heavens Tear
    Blancheneige - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,494 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Here's another pool :

    Do you think poor Frankie will read all 292+ messages in this thread?


    Thanks Brit for the sig b:laugh
  • Sunumi - Archosaur
    Sunumi - Archosaur Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I think this is a bunch of bs, and the people its going to hurt the most are the new commers. Do you really want to scare off potencail cash shoppers? I mean playing through with any class I bare made enough money to afford potions, armor repairs, and the new set of gear by the time I made it to another 10 levels. The only thing that made a difference after a long day of grinding were there dq items. Taking a 20% hit would be huge. The only way I could see you justifying this would be to increase their drop rate to make up for that but I dont see you doing that. This is a BIG mistake and will have an impact on the game
  • XeLea - Lost City
    XeLea - Lost City Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    350+ UNhappy players and counting...
  • Zikai - Heavens Tear
    Zikai - Heavens Tear Posts: 153 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Here's another pool :

    Do you think poor Frankie will read all 292+ messages in this thread?


    If players can lurk forums while they aren't playing, it's possible that Frankie can lurk while not working.

    As for the sheer amount... I'd say unlikely, lol.
    Who heals the healer?
  • Miugre - Heavens Tear
    Miugre - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I've avoided posting a response to this thread in particular for a number of reasons. I voted I don't really care, because it doesn't affect me directly. Whatever I would farm and sell would be to a higher level player who either merchants or Best luck's their way to money.

    That being said, I do agree this is a very bad thing. PWE is trying to do the right thing, but they're doing it the wrong way.

    Eliminate 10 Million Bank Note from the game or change the reward from 2 Perfect Tokesn of Best Luck to 5, or just exchange the Perfect Token of Best Luck for 2 Ecstasy cards. This would also add a little more balance to the Best Luck exchange rewards, some of which make no sense at all.. e.g. Bride or Groom Pack for 13 Best Tokens, 4 for Badge of Bravery, 2 for a perfect shard, etc..

    Nerfing the DQ may eliminate a small group of people from bot-farming, but it is wrong to punish the majority for the actions of a minority. As far as I know there are no exploits or glitches that one may use, but if that's the concern correct it at the cost of potentially losing your player base.

    As far as coin sinks, most of the money is held by a minority of the people, but at some point (which many have already surpassed) they're just absorbing a large portion of that coin and removing it from circulation and that money will never do anything to severely affect the economy unless they just choose to obliterate gold trading by continuously buying out all the gold and hoarding it (which should be a bannable offense if it regularly becomes detrimental to the community).

    There is no real easy fix for the problems they've already created, but adjusting or removing the Perfect Token of Best Luck would be a good first step, although there is a lot more that needs to be done.
    This... may be the first time I've ever completely agreed with you, sir.

    I think I'm gonna go take a break, lest I start seeing pink elephants start to cloud my vision or something. ._.
    Yes, I'm still a stubborn holdout in favor of the old game. Haters gonna hate. ;]

    Other Active Characters:
    LigerKing (Barb), Girasole (BM), Shamsheer (Sin), ArborSoul (Mystic).
  • f0xxya
    f0xxya Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    1) only 2-3 guild make TW, and only 80 people can joint it. TW coin is only for 100-200 people of game.
    2) Skill cost plagues EVERY player. This is a big cost and a big lost of general coin into each server.
    3) Mats (TT, mold, all class pet, FC, Nivana, ...) dont make money, mats make only an exchange of coin between people with coins and people with mats. If people dont have coins the results is the DEATH OF STALL MARKET!!!!!
    4) "no coin ingame" dont is equal to decrease of the stall prices. You can see the My client, where low coin generalized of PG ingame dont have decrease the stall price! (hight player that make TW have coin and rare mats, they use 24 hours stall market and define the price of more items and rare items with the rule of earn lot of coin)
    5) The low stall price is a good contition to have new player (effectively MY client with hight price dont have new player from 1 years....hahaha idiot...)
    6) Beyond the TW, the only system to have coin ingame is: a) sell DQ item; b) collect the drop coin. But the drop coin is 300-400 each mob (lv+80) and the DQ item is 1 every 2-3 mob (with 3-4K for each DQ item now). See below.
    7) more people dont have paypal and buy item with coin. More people collect coin with the sell into stall of rare item from item shop. If people dont have coin to buy rare item of item shop (for example the tiger box or the new pet box), never people buy box to sell into stall and PW lost more more more profit (and player).
    8) potion is low coin cost...but if i need to kill more mob to make coin, i lost more potion and this is an increase of cost !!! (other cost is Crazy stone, world quest, wine, fixed into price cost....)

    PW suicide!

    Ok, now we grinding:
    1) each mob drop 350$
    2) can have 1 DQ item (3.5K) every 3 mob.
    How many mobs i need to kill to know my new s-hit skill that need 1KK coin?

    Now if i kill 70 mob every 30 min, i need 4.7 hours to make it.

    Now 20% DQ reduction
    Now if i kill 70 mob every 30 min, i need 5.56 hours to make it.

    1.18 hour for every pg for each 1KK

    Now, the three skill need 40-60KK to have every skill at lv 10.
    And the the sage-demon skill need 40-60KK coin to have every skill to lv 11 (dont see the coin need to buy book or chrono page or old book page, or ...).
    40+40 KK = an increase of 47 hour of grinding need for each char.

    After this each item of stall need people with coin to buy it.
    See the item stall.
    If total stall have 1-2KKK of item selled, this is 2KKK *1.18 hours / 1KK increase grinding for the PW community because the market stall is sustainable (market stall is sustainable if mats into stall is sell and buy from people).

    It is an increase of 2360 hours for the stall market (people ingame into each server is 500-1000), an increase of 2.36 jours for each people without reason.
    Now this mean time (2.36 hours) dont is an unique time similar to skill (1 pg know the skill and dont need to "know" another time). The "market time" is liked with fb drops of mats...it is an increase of time-grinding always new every day or every week!

    This calculation dont see the time needed to make fb-dungeon or daily quest

    b:cry thanks pw b:cry
  • populationcontrol
    populationcontrol Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Really PWE, thats low. Youre just trying to force more people to buy zen/gold/cashshop. I think you need to respect your players, and your "donators" (/sarcasm). We're not cows to be milked.

    Look at it: the poll speaks for itself.

    Personally, I buy gold. I used to buy more, now I buy half of what I used to: you're losing money. And if this kinda of disrespect continues, I won't buy any more. Then the next step would be to stop playing altogether.

    This game is Free to Play. The CS is suppose to "enhance" your playing experience, not to make it the playing experience itself.

    I'm gonna encourage all my friends to come here and vote no.

    95 Archer.
  • Acky - Harshlands
    Acky - Harshlands Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    bring this discussion to their facebook fan page?
    ..patiently waiting for fashion made for White Tigers to become available in the pwi boutique...
  • Hycinth - Dreamweaver
    Hycinth - Dreamweaver Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    veno can just afk grind, set pet on defensive and put weight on auto pick up

    i know few of my friends doing that atm making 500-800k a night

    yes it's unfair to other ppl, but i dont blame GM, its veno's fault, if u guys didnt explore the bug this wont happen

    I just want to add it its NOT ALWAYS A VENOS FAULT! I've run into bots on here one barb one cleric, its NOT always venos, cut us some slack would ya. Back to the main topic...

    I DON'T like the idea of the reduction. I personally target mobs that have a good dq drop rate when I need coin, they are the MAIN reason i can afford repairs, pots, BH fees (wine / tellys) and other items without selling rl cash. Ive spent rl money on this game before for fash and other goodies in my starting lvls when it was hard to make coin. But its nice to not have to all the time for simple items such as pet food for a mount.

    So PLEASE GM's tell the Devs we Don't want this to happen!
  • FitHitDShan - Sanctuary
    FitHitDShan - Sanctuary Posts: 276 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    The real poll we need: Is this the Worst Idea Ever (i.e., is it even worse than the perpetual packs)? I vote yes.
    "?" IS my avatar.
This discussion has been closed.