Let's be classist! :D



  • Airyll - Dreamweaver
    Airyll - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,882 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Btw, bramble doesn't reflect any damage (as in: reduce damage taken by character because part of it is reflected off), it returns damage taken (as in: it is a counterattack). To quote: please, go and learn how this game works, and how buffs like Bramble work.

    kkthxbai b:bye

    QQ more that I used a wrong term. Being human means you'll make a mistake every now and then.

    Was that the best you could do? It was honestly pretty poor, but good try at trying to look smart anyway. b:chuckle
  • Asperitas - Lost City
    Asperitas - Lost City Posts: 907 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Maybe you should grow a brain before you make assumptions about people just because you fail at general comprehension. b:pleased

    Think what you want, but the fact you think Bramble somehow seals a cleric's fate proves your own blatant idiocy. Oh, and I'll say it again because you seemed to completely miss this point:
    In a good squad with people who actually know what they're doing, clerics don't take aggro as often as you preach them to. I guess this is a testament to the poor squads you must run in, because good squads can generally keep their cleric(s) safe and alive throughout an entire instance whether they have Bramble or whatever other buff you falsely accuse of being deadly on them, or not.

    Again, take your own advice before you administer it. I'm not the only condescending person on here. Checked a mirror lately? b:bye

    Because we're in excess of barbs and clerics and smart people who don't oracle and hyper their character up to 100 right?

    Being "good" encompasses knowing what to do when hell breaks loose. Obviously since you run in near-perfection squads, nothing ever goes wrong. Us, less fortunate people have to settle for normal mundane beings who makes mistakes from time to time. Poor us.

    Returning damage generates aggro. Bramble makes you return damage. Bramble makes you generate aggro.

    I don't care how miniscule it is, and how irrelevant to stealing back aggro it is, aggro is aggro. Perhaps more often than not bramble won't be the cause of death, but one of these days it's going to generate an extra hit from the mob and the cleric will die.

    Since you run in perfect squads, this doesn't happen. But I'd rather be safe and not bramble the cleric, for fear of that one extra hit.

    PS. Does anyone see irony here?
    Being human means you'll make a mistake every now and then.
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Maybe you should grow a brain before you make assumptions about people just because you fail at general comprehension. b:pleased

    Think what you want, but the fact you think Bramble somehow seals a cleric's fate proves your own blatant idiocy. Oh, and I'll say it again because you seemed to completely miss this point:
    In a good squad with people who actually know what they're doing, clerics don't take aggro as often as you preach them to. I guess this is a testament to the poor squads you must run in, because good squads can generally keep their cleric(s) safe and alive throughout an entire instance whether they have Bramble or whatever other buff you falsely accuse of being deadly on them, or not.

    Again, take your own advice before you administer it. I'm not the only condescending person on here. Checked a mirror lately? b:bye

    Clerics *shouldn't* receive bramble, ever... unless they plan on tanking. It does not reflect magic damage, it can mean a cleric generates threat if they somehow gain aggro, and having a veno bramble a non-melee class is just more fail.

    You're not very bright, you're actually sticking up for a rather noob mistake. You've really picked a losing battle this time. So what is my point to actually argue with you when you're too brick-headed to even realize where you're trying to take your own fail point?

    I'd actually bother to 'comprehend' (meaning read and respond to) your posts, but it's much more fun to see you rage like a madman foaming at the mouth. I suspect there are some feelings of inferiority or some complex control issues at home with you. Oh well, all in good fun.

    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Airyll - Dreamweaver
    Airyll - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,882 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Because we're in excess of barbs and clerics and smart people who don't oracle and hyper their character up to 100 right?

    Being "good" encompasses knowing what to do when hell breaks loose. Obviously since you run in near-perfection squads, nothing ever goes wrong. Us, less fortunate people have to settle for normal mundane beings who makes mistakes from time to time. Poor us.

    Returning damage generates aggro. Bramble makes you return damage. Bramble makes you generate aggro.

    I don't care how miniscule it is, and how irrelevant to stealing back aggro it is, aggro is aggro. Perhaps more often than not bramble won't be the cause of death, but one of these days it's going to generate an extra hit from the mob and the cleric will die.

    Since you run in perfect squads, this doesn't happen. But I'd rather be safe and not bramble the cleric, for fear of that one extra hit.

    Who said I ran in perfect squads? I think somebody else needs to learn to read, because this is getting a little silly.

    Also, it's not my problem if you decide to go and run with randoms who don't know their face from their ****. I do FCs, BHs and everything else you want to think of with friends and with people in my guild; people who know very well what they're doing and can handle accidents or mishaps with relative ease. If you choose to run with idiots, that's your problem. That doesn't make my squads perfect, that just makes me smarter than you for not trusting the randoms in the first place.

    If you have a crappy squad, that's your own fault. None of my squads are ever perfect, but they are run with people I know. Therefore, generally, things don't go wrong as often. It's not my problem if you are too stupid to do the same. b:chuckle
  • Lylfo - Dreamweaver
    Lylfo - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,166 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    In high level instances, there are more magic mobs than melee ones and most clerics aren't dumb enough to walk up to the mobs to get melee-d so that the bramble will start to work. As long as there is no Leeroy in the squad, aggro management should not be a problem at all. And also, clerics' have quite a few skills when they grabbed melee aggro like plume shell, guardian light, wings of protection(and also absolute domain for me).(expel works too)

    I do high level instances and I don't really care if I have bramble or not. Its just another visual effect to me, nothing more.
    Thanks Chillum for the nice Sig.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
  • _Rosaly_ - Lost City
    _Rosaly_ - Lost City Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    QQ more that I used a wrong term. Being human means you'll make a mistake every now and then.
    See, but that was your whole point though. Let me quote you again on that part:
    Also, for all venos on LC, make sure to never Bramble this cleric when against a boss with a physical AoE that Bramble can help reflect. Let them die a miserable death for their own poor misconception of a great buff.
    How would bramble actually help me in this case? You make it seem like it's a very usefull skill to put on a cleric to help protect that cleric. It is not, because it generates damage dealt by that cleric through bramble, thus generating more agro (= damage) on the squishy.

    It's ok though, you're human after all. You made a boo boo, I forgive you. b:cute
  • Airyll - Dreamweaver
    Airyll - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,882 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Clerics *shouldn't* receive bramble, ever... unless they plan on tanking. It does not reflect magic damage, it can mean a cleric generates threat if they somehow gain aggro, and having a veno bramble a non-melee class is just more fail.

    You're not very bright, you're actually sticking up for a rather noob mistake. You've really picked a losing battle this time. So what is my point to actually argue with you when you're too brick-headed to even realize where you're trying to take your own fail point?

    I'd actually bother to 'comprehend' (meaning read and respond to) your posts, but it's much more fun to see you rage like a madman foaming at the mouth. I suspect there are some feelings of inferiority or some complex control issues at home with you. Oh well, all in good fun.


    Your stupid assumptions really make me laugh. Again, you accuse me of being condescending, but I guess you really don't read your own posts, do you?

    I also guess, once again, you missed the fact I never said a cleric should be Brambled. Only that Bramble will not indefinitely kill a cleric.

    Congratulations, you've proven once again that you don't actually read anything that's said. b:laugh
  • Asperitas - Lost City
    Asperitas - Lost City Posts: 907 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Who said I ran in perfect squads? I think somebody else needs to learn to read, because this is getting a little silly.

    Also, it's not my problem if you decide to go and run with randoms who don't know their face from their ****. I do FCs, BHs and everything else you want to think of with friends and with people in my guild; people who know very well what they're doing and can handle accidents or mishaps with relative ease. If you choose to run with idiots, that's your problem. That doesn't make my squads perfect, that just makes me smarter than you for not trusting the randoms in the first place.

    If you have a crappy squad, that's your own fault. None of my squads are ever perfect, but they are run with people I know. Therefore, generally, things don't go wrong as often. It's not my problem if you are too stupid to do the same. b:chuckle

    I will explicitly state this for you, because you don't seem to understand.

    Players are humans. Humans make mistakes. Sometimes the mistakes are small, sometimes they are big. When the big ones come, we need to know how to deal with them.

    Keeping the cleric alive is a top priority. This means keeping aggro off of them. This means under optimal conditions, you want them to have 0 aggro.

    Bramble generates aggro. No matter how small, it still does. Therefore, you don't want to bramble them, because in some cases one extra hit can mean death.

    If you want to take that chance, go ahead. I'd rather not.

    I really don't know how to simplify it more.
  • _Rosaly_ - Lost City
    _Rosaly_ - Lost City Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    This means under optimal conditions, you want them to have 0 aggro.
    Teehee... b:chuckle
    I sometimes joke that I measure the success of the squad I've just been with by my repair costs. Low repairs = awesome squad. b:victory

    Anyway, this discussion isn't going anywhere. There's just some people that insist on believing they are right while ignoring a possible learning experience.
    'S all gewd. b:cute
  • Airyll - Dreamweaver
    Airyll - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,882 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I will explicitly state this for you, because you don't seem to understand.

    Players are humans. Humans make mistakes. Sometimes the mistakes are small, sometimes they are big. When the big ones come, we need to know how to deal with them.

    Keeping the cleric alive is a top priority. This means keeping aggro off of them. This means under optimal conditions, you want them to have 0 aggro.

    Bramble generates aggro. No matter how small, it still does. Therefore, you don't want to bramble them, because in some cases one extra hit can mean death.

    I really don't know how to simplify it more.

    And I will restate for you, again, because you don't seem to understand:

    My squads are not perfect and mistakes happen.

    We keep our clerics alive whether they have Bramble or whether they don't. In fact, all your talk of "optimal conditions" would seem to assume you are the person wanting a perfect party. Whether a cleric has Bramble or not doesn't matter because in a squad of people who know what they're doing, the cleric will remain alive anyway. Also, we seem to be acting like a cleric cannot keep themselves alive either. Healing skills work on clerics too, you know?

    I don't know how to simplify it more, myself.

    Whether clerics have Bramble or not isn't actually life changing. Unless you're in a squad of idiots who don't know what they're doing. And if you're in that kind of a squad, that's your own fault.
    Remember, don't accuse other people of being in "perfect squads" if you're going to start talking about "optimal conditions" and how very perfect you want your own squad to be. Makes you a bit of a hypocrite. ^^
  • Airyll - Dreamweaver
    Airyll - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,882 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Anyway, this discussion isn't going anywhere. There's just some people that insist on believing they are right while ignoring a possible learning experience.
    'S all gewd. b:cute

    Here's irony for you:

    I've had clerics who end up with Bramble whine that they're going to die, and then they don't even take aggro anyway because the squad isn't dumb.

    There's your "possible learning experience" for you. Bramble =/= death for clerics. Stop acting like the instant you're brambled, you're going to die.

  • DivineMaiden - Dreamweaver
    DivineMaiden - Dreamweaver Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    "Wait up, you guys hadn't got my Frostblade yet"
    "Sorry but I'm a FIRE mage, I don't got any of those other lame element spell" b:pleased
    "I don't wear robes, it'll made me look like a girl"

    "Hey guys, I'm tanking this dungeon, all 3* and molds goes to me got it?"
    "SPARTAAAA" *run straight ahead to the middle of mobs*
    "It not my fault. Cleric heal too slow!" said the barb that dies at Wyern in 4 hit.

    "I'm not your heal/buff slave!!" /ragequit
    *spam squad buff at every boss*
    "brb" *cast BB and afk till boss dead*

    "Look! Isn't my pet soooo cool? =D" *pet died in 1 hit due to under lvl*
    "Dude! I'm a guy!"
    "I'm not tanking, my pet will HATE me! *sobs* "
    Other classes: "You rich veno, can gib me 10Mil? b:cute"
  • Hunter_PT - Heavens Tear
    Hunter_PT - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,222 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    See, but that was your whole point though. Let me quote you again on that part:

    How would bramble actually help me in this case? You make it seem like it's a very usefull skill to put on a cleric to help protect that cleric. It is not, because it generates damage dealt by that cleric through bramble, thus generating more agro (= damage) on the squishy.

    It's ok though, you're human after all. You made a boo boo, I forgive you. b:cute

    Bramble would be on everyone so you shouldn't take agro anyway, the bramble deflects the aoe from everyone who has it so you shouldn't be building agro faster than anyone else. It helps because the boss gets killed that little bit quicker.

    I will forgive you though since you are human.
    Executor Of Reunited ~ Level 3 ~ Level 85+ ~ No Drama, No Pressure Faction.

    Hunter_PT - Cleric 9X, (Active/Main)
    PoisonedTip - Veno 7x (Retired)
    Skeln - Barbarian 4X (Rarely-Active)
    Hunter_The - BM 1X (Rarely-Active)
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Again, take your own advice before you administer it. I'm not the only condescending person on here. Checked a mirror lately? b:bye

    Yeah, I should read a little more closely because I pass up jems like this:
    Also, for all venos on LC, make sure to never Bramble this cleric when against a boss with a physical AoE that Bramble can help reflect. Let them die a miserable death for their own poor misconception of a great buff.

    Physical AoE is only reflected by someone with Bramble if they are in melee range. So you're basically telling your cleric to get Brambled and stand in front of Twilight Emperor or Illusion Lord.

    lol. Good one. b:pleased
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Hunter_PT - Heavens Tear
    Hunter_PT - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,222 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Physical AoE is only reflected by someone with Bramble if they are in melee range. So you're basically telling your cleric to get Brambled and stand in front of Twilight Emperor or Illusion Lord.

    lol. Good one. b:pleased

    Wrong, in TT2-X as long as you are in aoe range of Feng's aoe and you have bramble you will deflect damage, you dont have to be in melee range.
    Executor Of Reunited ~ Level 3 ~ Level 85+ ~ No Drama, No Pressure Faction.

    Hunter_PT - Cleric 9X, (Active/Main)
    PoisonedTip - Veno 7x (Retired)
    Skeln - Barbarian 4X (Rarely-Active)
    Hunter_The - BM 1X (Rarely-Active)
  • Asperitas - Lost City
    Asperitas - Lost City Posts: 907 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    And I will restate for you, again, because you don't seem to understand:

    My squads are not perfect and mistakes happen.

    We keep our clerics alive whether they have Bramble or whether they don't. In fact, all your talk of "optimal conditions" would seem to assume you are the person wanting a perfect party. Whether a cleric has Bramble or not doesn't matter because in a squad of people who know what they're doing, the cleric will remain alive anyway. Also, we seem to be acting like a cleric cannot keep themselves alive either. Healing skills work on clerics too, you know?

    I don't know how to simplify it more, myself.

    Whether clerics have Bramble or not isn't actually life changing. Unless you're in a squad of idiots who don't know what they're doing. And if you're in that kind of a squad, that's your own fault.
    Remember, don't accuse other people of being in "perfect squads" if you're going to start talking about "optimal conditions" and how very perfect you want your own squad to be. Makes you a bit of a hypocrite. ^^

    First of all, don't YOU want to be in perfect squads? Doesn't everyone? I would like to run a perfect squad every time. I never said I didn't. But reality is, this doesn't happen.

    Let me ask you this. Do you want a cleric to have aggro?

    If your answer is no, why the hell would you bramble them?

    It's a simple risk analysis. Bramble Guard generates aggro. Even you can't argue with that.

    Case 1.

    No bramble guard = no returned damage = no aggro.

    Case 2.

    Bramble guard = returned damage = according to you miniscule, irrelevant amounts of aggro

    Need I tell you which one is less risky? Need I tell you which one is the safer way? Why would you do something that has no potential benefits and only potential consequences?
  • Airyll - Dreamweaver
    Airyll - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,882 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Yeah, I should read a little more closely because I pass up jems like this:

    Physical AoE is only reflected by someone with Bramble if they are in melee range. So you're basically telling your cleric to get Brambled and stand in front of Twilight Emperor or Illusion Lord.

    lol. Good one. b:pleased

    In these cases, however, Bramble wouldn't hurt because if they're out of range, it's not going to kill them, and if they're in range, it will help.

    Oh snap. The logic is so hard to comprehend, am I right? Again, you should honestly learn to read more closely. If that's your base line for arguing that I apparently said clerics should be Brambled 24/7 (which I haven't said) then... sorry to say, it sucks, and you started an argument for no reason, basing it on points I never even said.

    Good going.

    That said, the argument was fun, no matter how stupid it was for you to start it over something I'd never really said. ^^
    First of all, don't YOU want to be in perfect squads? Doesn't everyone? I would like to run a perfect squad every time. I never said I didn't. But reality is, this doesn't happen.

    Let me ask you this. Do you want a cleric to have aggro?

    If your answer is no, why the hell would you bramble them?

    It's a simple risk analysis. Bramble Guard generates aggro. Even you can't argue with that.

    Case 1.

    No bramble guard = no returned damage = no aggro.

    Case 2.

    Bramble guard = returned damage = according to you miniscule, irrelevant amounts of aggro

    Need I tell you which one is less risky? Need I tell you which one is the safer way? Why would you do something that has no potential benefits and only potential consequences?

    Perfect squads would get boring, much like constant fail squads do. This is why I like squadding with faction and friends; people who know what they're doing and won't constantly fail, and for the most part, are going to get it right. If accidents happen, they're easy to fix.

    And, again, I don't care if a cleric has Bramble or not, because it's not actually going to kill them. The aggro generated isn't much at all, unless you sit there and let the aggro build. Yes, okay, if you let your cleric get slapped for five minutes while they have Bramble, then it may pose a problem. One or two slaps, however, mean little, because it's quite easy to grab aggro back.

    Why are you making such a big deal out of something so non-threatening? See, that's what I just don't get. You all sit here and cry about how dangerous Bramble apparently is (which it isn't) and that you should never ever ever Bramble a cleric because it's so deadly (which it isn't.) I agree you shouldn't Bramble a cleric unless they ask for it, but only because it saves this stupid argument in the first place.
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Wrong, in TT2-X as long as you are in aoe range of Feng's aoe and you have bramble you will deflect damage, you dont have to be in melee range.

    Even so, bramble your cleric and tell them to stand in front of a boss whose AoE phyiscal damage can 2-shot them because it'll return more damage. That's fail.

    Umm.. hate to point this out, but you generally don't want your cleric to stand in the physical AoE range of a boss...


    In these cases, however, Bramble wouldn't hurt because if they're out of range, it's not going to kill them, and if they're in range, it will help.

    Oh snap. The logic is so hard to comprehend, am I right? Again, you should honestly learn to read more closely. If that's your base line for arguing that I apparently said clerics should be Brambled 24/7 (which I haven't said) then... sorry to say, it sucks, and you started an argument for no reason, basing it on points I never even said.

    Good going.

    That said, the argument was fun, no matter how stupid it was for you to start it over something I'd never really said. ^^

    It's still fail and clerics should not receive the buff at all. In many cases it might not hurt, but can be detrimental. I guess you fail to see that as well.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Asperitas - Lost City
    Asperitas - Lost City Posts: 907 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    In many cases it might not hurt, but can be detrimental. I guess you fail to see that as well.

  • Hunter_PT - Heavens Tear
    Hunter_PT - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,222 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Even so, bramble your cleric and tell them to stand in front of a boss whose AoE phyiscal damage can 2-shot them because it'll return more damage. That's fail.

    Umm.. hate to point this out, but you generally don't want your cleric to stand in the physical AoE range of a boss...


    It's still fail and clerics should not receive the buff at all. In many cases it might not hurt, but can be detrimental. I guess you fail to see that as well.

    How though? The agro that is given by bramble is so minute if a melee or any other class cant take the agro back in one hit then they should uninstall there pc and throw it out the window. The agro generated by bramble is extremely slow so it doesn't hurt at all.

    Obviously im not going to stand that close to him but you said melee range, i was simply pointing that out to be wrong and that it is aoe range.
    Executor Of Reunited ~ Level 3 ~ Level 85+ ~ No Drama, No Pressure Faction.

    Hunter_PT - Cleric 9X, (Active/Main)
    PoisonedTip - Veno 7x (Retired)
    Skeln - Barbarian 4X (Rarely-Active)
    Hunter_The - BM 1X (Rarely-Active)
  • _Rosaly_ - Lost City
    _Rosaly_ - Lost City Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Again, you should honestly learn to read more closely.
    You keep saying that. However...
    Stop acting like the instant you're brambled, you're going to die.
    I didn't. Let's go back to the post I made that started this, shall we?
    It is like signing our death sentence and that of the squad in many cases.
    You missed the nuance I made there. Never have I even implied that it was a guarantee. Please don't put words into my mouth. b:cute
    The irony of the folowing cracks me up. b:laugh
    That said, the argument was fun, no matter how stupid it was for you to start it over something I'd never really said. ^^
    I agree you shouldn't Bramble a cleric unless they ask for it, but only because it saves this stupid argument in the first place.
    Anyway, work is done and I'm pretty much done trying here anyway. Time to actually go play the game again when I get home. b:victory

    Michael, care to tank my BH for me? b:laugh
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    The Clueless

    Archer: Veno, bramble the cleric
    Cleric: >.>
    Veno: ok, brambled
    Cleric: *sigh*
    Mage: Go stand in front of that boss while we DD, your bramble will reflect physical AoE damage.
    BM: ...
    Cleric: ._.
    Barb: ...
    BM: you guys are freaking stupid
    Cleric: ok, I'll try but I don't think this will work out well...

    Twilight Emperor deals 6543 damage
    You were killed by Twilight Emperor

    Archer: What happened?

    just... lol
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Asperitas - Lost City
    Asperitas - Lost City Posts: 907 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    In these cases, however, Bramble wouldn't hurt because if they're out of range, it's not going to kill them, and if they're in range, it will help.

    Oh snap. The logic is so hard to comprehend, am I right? Again, you should honestly learn to read more closely. If that's your base line for arguing that I apparently said clerics should be Brambled 24/7 (which I haven't said) then... sorry to say, it sucks, and you started an argument for no reason, basing it on points I never even said.

    Good going.

    That said, the argument was fun, no matter how stupid it was for you to start it over something I'd never really said. ^^

    Perfect squads would get boring, much like constant fail squads do. This is why I like squadding with faction and friends; people who know what they're doing and won't constantly fail, and for the most part, are going to get it right. If accidents happen, they're easy to fix.

    And, again, I don't care if a cleric has Bramble or not, because it's not actually going to kill them. The aggro generated isn't much at all, unless you sit there and let the aggro build. Yes, okay, if you let your cleric get slapped for five minutes while they have Bramble, then it may pose a problem. One or two slaps, however, mean little, because it's quite easy to grab aggro back.

    Why are you making such a big deal out of something so non-threatening? See, that's what I just don't get. You all sit here and cry about how dangerous Bramble apparently is (which it isn't) and that you should never ever ever Bramble a cleric because it's so deadly (which it isn't.) I agree you shouldn't Bramble a cleric unless they ask for it, but only because it saves this stupid argument in the first place.

    I know how to swim. I'm a certified lifeguard. But when I go boating, I wear a life jacket because I don't know when ***** will happen.

    99.99999999999999999999999% of the time I won't fall out of the boat. And if I do, 99.99999999999999999999999999% I'll be able to swim back to shore.

    There's no harm in wearing one, besides looking stupid and fat, but on that odd 0.000000000000000000000001% chance things do **** up, it can save my life.

    Now apply that same principle to this. 99.999999999999999999% of the time bramble won't kill the cleric. But when that 0.0000000000000001% comes, bramble's going to make that cleric take an extra hit and the cleric will die.

    Like Michael_Dark said, it can be detrimental. And it's a risk you can reduce. Why take the unnecessary risk of failure?
  • Airyll - Dreamweaver
    Airyll - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,882 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    You missed the nuance I made there. Never have I even implied that it was a guarantee. Please don't put words into my mouth. b:cute

    Because that is a falsity. In many cases, Bramble shouldn't be an affecting factor. If it is, your squad sucks.

    Again, nice try at trying to prove your point, but the fact remains that Bramble isn't as dangerous as all you folks are making it out to be. And, if it is, then one of you is doing something wrong.

    If a cleric dies, it's not because they had Bramble. It's because they were being attacked by a mob for too long and either didn't/couldn't heal themselves or somebody didn't grab aggro back. The aggression and threat generated by Bramble isn't enough to stop any other player in the squad (save perhaps another cleric) from grabbing aggro off the cleric quickly. Unless you've sat around like a bunch of fools for five minutes, waiting for the Bramble-generated hate to actually build into something more serious than it starts off as. And if you're doing that, I hate to say, you're failing at protecting your cleric.

    End of.
  • Hunter_PT - Heavens Tear
    Hunter_PT - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,222 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    The Clueless

    Archer: Veno, bramble the cleric
    Cleric: >.>
    Veno: ok, brambled
    Cleric: *sigh*
    Mage: Go stand in front of that boss while we DD, your bramble will reflect physical AoE damage.
    BM: ...
    Cleric: ._.
    Barb: ...
    BM: you guys are freaking stupid
    Cleric: ok, I'll try but I don't think this will work out well...

    Twilight Emperor deals 6543 damage
    You were killed by Twilight Emperor

    Archer: What happened?

    just... lol

    Clearly you are extremely over-exaggerating, fail.
    Executor Of Reunited ~ Level 3 ~ Level 85+ ~ No Drama, No Pressure Faction.

    Hunter_PT - Cleric 9X, (Active/Main)
    PoisonedTip - Veno 7x (Retired)
    Skeln - Barbarian 4X (Rarely-Active)
    Hunter_The - BM 1X (Rarely-Active)
  • Airyll - Dreamweaver
    Airyll - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,882 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    The Clueless

    Archer: Veno, bramble the cleric
    Cleric: >.>
    Veno: ok, brambled
    Cleric: *sigh*
    Mage: Go stand in front of that boss while we DD, your bramble will reflect physical AoE damage.
    BM: ...
    Cleric: ._.
    Barb: ...
    BM: you guys are freaking stupid
    Cleric: ok, I'll try but I don't think this will work out well...

    Twilight Emperor deals 6543 damage
    You were killed by Twilight Emperor

    Archer: What happened?

    just... lol

    Clueless indeed. Because you act like we said "Go stand in front of a boss that's going to kill you if you stand too close to it" when all that was actually said was "No, Bramble isn't going to instantly kill you if a mob slaps you once or twice."

    Good going, nice try. Try harder next time. b:chuckle
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Clearly you are extremely over-exaggerating, fail.

    Just pointing out how stupid the argument sounds. Go stand in front of a 3-3 physical AoE boss and see how well you handle it. Arcane users die. Quick.

    Clerics shouldn't get bramble.... ever. They shouldn't be in AoE range of a boss if it can be helped at all.

    Arguing against these points is fail.

    Clueless indeed. Because you act like we said "Go stand in front of a boss that's going to kill you if you stand too close to it" when all that was actually said was "No, Bramble isn't going to instantly kill you if a mob slaps you once or twice."

    Good going, nice try. Try harder next time. b:chuckle

    Actually, it was clever. And, it illustrated the point that your argument is stupid. It was also funny.

    You were the Archer. Obviously.

    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Airyll - Dreamweaver
    Airyll - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,882 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Actually, it was clever. And, it illustrated the point that your argument is stupid. It was also funny.

    You were the Archer. Obviously.


    No, it wasn't.

    Again, and I'll put this in big bold writing for you so you can understand it (because clearly it doesn't sink in otherwise): I never said a cleric should be brambled all the time, or even most of the time. Only that Bramble will not indefinitely kill a cleric and it isn't this big issue you make it out to be.

    Got the picture yet? Cause you know... I really can't make it any simpler than that.
  • DivineMaiden - Dreamweaver
    DivineMaiden - Dreamweaver Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I wanna hear all your stereotypes of other classes you've developed from playing Perfect World, cause I know I have a couple. I also hope this can be a light-hearted enough topic that people won't resort to petty bickering about...stupid ****. I just figured this would be a good way for people to blow off steam from fail BH groups, and maybe perhaps even a way to get answers as to why classes act the way they do sometimes.
    So let's hear it people. What "habits" of other classes do you hate?

    where does the funny thread goes? b:cry
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    No, it wasn't.

    Again, and I'll put this in big bold writing for you so you can understand it (because clearly it doesn't sink in otherwise): I never said a cleric should be brambled all the time, or even most of the time. Only that Bramble will not indefinitely kill a cleric and it isn't this big issue you make it out to be.

    Got the picture yet? Cause you know... I really can't make it any simpler than that.

    Yes, it was... I've been laughing my **** off for the past half hour, and it's actually interfered with me posting coherent responses. haha

    You still haven't said that cleric's shouldn't be brambled. You keep arguing but you just won't admit that brambling a cleric is a noob mistake and should rightly be ridiculed. As well as a veno not using amp or purge. Also a mage giving a caster Frostblade makes as much sense as a veno brambling a cleric. But, I guess it looks pretty. So therefore it should be done.

    As I've already said it's more likely to be detrimental than beneficial.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.