Evoke members, why waste your time?



  • Stayne - Harshlands
    Stayne - Harshlands Posts: 229 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    We are attacking a level 1 land.
    We have no other wars that day.
    Its on a Saturday.

    If we lose this war, I'm going to rage so hard.

    It's actually on Friday.

    We have 2 other wars stacked that day

    I'm still coming even if no one else shows..but I'm making it a point to try and get everyone to show.

    I just want war!!
  • Flanders - Harshlands
    Flanders - Harshlands Posts: 499 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I just want Ron Paul.
  • Hhlolz - Harshlands
    Hhlolz - Harshlands Posts: 574 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    It's actually on Friday.

    We have 2 other wars stacked that day

    I'm still coming even if no one else shows..but I'm making it a point to try and get everyone to show.

    I just want war!!

    If i had spent 500 bucks on my gear i would want to go to TW too!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I don't need a Squad
    Level a Venomancer to 90.
    Aug 12, 2009
  • Wreck - Harshlands
    Wreck - Harshlands Posts: 380 Arc User
    edited March 2010

    kbai 'til next week. ;3
  • Stayne - Harshlands
    Stayne - Harshlands Posts: 229 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    If i had spent 500 bucks on my gear i would want to go to TW too!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Says the veno with more event gear than me.

    How'd you get that by the way?
  • Hhlolz - Harshlands
    Hhlolz - Harshlands Posts: 574 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Says the veno with more event gear than me.

    How'd you get that by the way?

    That +10 emperor slayer kinda costs more than all of my gear together tbh, and there still is a difference between HHing all day and CCing all day b:sad

    PS: Never heard of you until about lvl 98, you probably oracled all teh way too O.o
    I don't need a Squad
    Level a Venomancer to 90.
    Aug 12, 2009
  • Tryagain - Harshlands
    Tryagain - Harshlands Posts: 716 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    And I've never seen you since 80, take your ego elsewhere, you are not the greatest player on harshlands.
  • Acrelar - Harshlands
    Acrelar - Harshlands Posts: 305 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    PS: Never heard of you until about lvl 98, you probably oracled all teh way too O.o

    He's been pvping since 8x with the fc bow from what I remember..I don't know what server you live in. He's been 9x forever and pretty much active in any KY tw that I participated in.

    I'm just saying...rest of the thread is as interesting as the rest of harshlandsforums.
    Sig made by Scarlet
  • Dark_Fate - Harshlands
    Dark_Fate - Harshlands Posts: 968 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    That +10 emperor slayer kinda costs more than all of my gear together tbh, and there still is a difference between HHing all day and CCing all day b:sad

    PS: Never heard of you until about lvl 98, you probably oracled all teh way too O.o

    b:chuckle stayne didnt oracle. and doesnt cs a lot.. he csed for christmas and got his weapon to +10. thats all.. his gears are average except his weapon. in fact i got better gears than him except his bow is +10 and mine +8. Stayne has been actively pvping since he got fc bow as acrelar said.. he was before but for sure broadland makes it easier. he is on top 50 pvp without farming lowbies. sorry if u can only see your epeen but guess what? no one give a shet abt what u think. and u hh all day with csing? i remember buying tokens from u on my alt. i bought all and asked if u got more and u said.. not for now, i need to recharge by friday..b:bye kthkbye
  • Garaver - Harshlands
    Garaver - Harshlands Posts: 882 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Since when does a charm save you from being 1 shot by perdition?...b:shocked

    It saves me b:pleased.

    But now seriously, can u cut it out with this thread flame????? pls??????

    -Semi-quit the game, I'm very busy nowadays
    -Former member of Kylin
    -Kylin: thrashtalk everyone, win TWs, serious faction -Dralighte
  • Hhlolz - Harshlands
    Hhlolz - Harshlands Posts: 574 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    b:chuckle stayne didnt oracle. and doesnt cs a lot.. he csed for christmas and got his weapon to +10. thats all.. his gears are average except his weapon. in fact i got better gears than him except his bow is +10 and mine +8. Stayne has been actively pvping since he got fc bow as acrelar said.. he was before but for sure broadland makes it easier. he is on top 50 pvp without farming lowbies. sorry if u can only see your epeen but guess what? no one give a shet abt what u think. and u hh all day with csing? i remember buying tokens from u on my alt. i bought all and asked if u got more and u said.. not for now, i need to recharge by friday..b:bye kthkbye

    LOL you do realize that +10 for xmas is more than me + 3 others cashshopped total?
    And pvp from lvl 80+ is pretty much the same as pve to 100.
    start pvping at 30 like me and try again.

    funny how you heavily cashshopped EA's fail so much...seriously there is only 1 good EA on this server which owns you all -> sage EA.

    and feel free to think i csed, tbh i csed like 50bucks in all those months i play pw, which was for nix pet, never spent shet on those **** packs, you didnt know its possible to buy gold from AH?

    PS: your english sucks pretty much too, so no need to tell mine sucks, its not even my main language.
    I don't need a Squad
    Level a Venomancer to 90.
    Aug 12, 2009
  • elquadro
    elquadro Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    b:chuckle stayne didnt oracle. and doesnt cs a lot.. he csed for christmas and got his weapon to +10. thats all.. his gears are average except his weapon. in fact i got better gears than him except his bow is +10 and mine +8. Stayne has been actively pvping since he got fc bow as acrelar said.. he was before but for sure broadland makes it easier. he is on top 50 pvp without farming lowbies. sorry if u can only see your epeen but guess what? no one give a shet abt what u think. and u hh all day with csing? i remember buying tokens from u on my alt. i bought all and asked if u got more and u said.. not for now, i need to recharge by friday..b:bye kthkbye

    LOL thats why he camped oracle spots from 75-90+?

    Get your facts right moron. b:shutup
  • Dark_Fate - Harshlands
    Dark_Fate - Harshlands Posts: 968 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    LOL you do realize that +10 for xmas is more than me + 3 others cashshopped total?
    And pvp from lvl 80+ is pretty much the same as pve to 100.
    start pvping at 30 like me and try again.

    funny how you heavily cashshopped EA's fail so much...seriously there is only 1 good EA on this server which owns you all -> sage EA.

    and feel free to think i csed, tbh i csed like 50bucks in all those months i play pw, which was for nix pet, never spent shet on those **** packs, you didnt know its possible to buy gold from AH?

    PS: your english sucks pretty much too, so no need to tell mine sucks, its not even my main language.
    generally speaking charging zen is buying gold from real money.b:bye
    elquadro wrote: »
    LOL thats why he camped oracle spots from 75-90+?

    Get your facts right moron. b:shutup

    i was camping oracle 2 too. i was lvl100 and didnt want KD ans Zulu to oracle. thats what we did him and I, and can u post with your char because u moron haz no ballz b:bye
  • Toneshifter - Harshlands
    Toneshifter - Harshlands Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    though kylin is the guild with most oracled 100+....b:surrender
  • Legendadry - Harshlands
    Legendadry - Harshlands Posts: 250 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    You all overestimate refiene's.

    Compared to most BM's my gear is average if not below average and yet i still play my char well and get my job in TW w/out spending the 1ks of $$ to refine.

    TE,Windshield,Dmg reduction pots,invicpots,+50% mag defense charms, event pots,npc health pots,elixers, ToP, you get the idea the list goes on.

    Usually if have the coin on my i'll have most of these items in TW w/ me to make it worthwhile. In world pvp i probably wont use anything lol not worth the cost.

    I hope to see soem KY in TW but i dobut it as you all might lose 2 lands but we havent TW'd in a while so who knows.
    I dont level Slow I just enjoy the game b:surrender
  • BelleFemme - Harshlands
    BelleFemme - Harshlands Posts: 799 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I hope to see soem KY in TW but i dobut it as you all might lose 2 lands but we havent TW'd in a while so who knows.

    Kingdom wants to reclaim their TW "god-like complex" by attacking a Lv 1 land that no one is able to defend, making comments such as: "Hope KY will show." "You might lose 2 lands oh well who knows." "Lol KY gonna show?". Pathetic. You guys still suck, and if you win Archosaur, you will still suck.
  • Taboo - Harshlands
    Taboo - Harshlands Posts: 1,420 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Kingdom wants to reclaim their TW "god-like complex" by attacking a Lv 1 land that no one is able to defend, making comments such as: "Hope KY will show." "You might lose 2 lands oh well who knows." "Lol KY gonna show?". Pathetic. You guys still suck, and if you win Archosaur, you will still suck.

    For someone that "quit" PWI, you seem pretty emotionally attached to whats going on in-game.

    I dont think anyone other than you has viewed any comments about these TWs the way you have....KD and KY havent had a TW in a long, long time, so both sides just want back in on the action. That being said it is archosaur and KY has 2 other wars. But go ahead, cry about Kingdom because evoke cant even get close to beating us even in our extremely weak and rebuilding state.

    I WANNA TW AGAINST KY.....Kingdom recruiting active lvl 90+ for TW vs KY. www.pwkingdom.com
    Join in the fun, im sick of no-shows and no-showing.
  • Ligeia - Harshlands
    Ligeia - Harshlands Posts: 1,144 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    LOL you do realize that +10 for xmas is more than me + 3 others cashshopped total?
    And pvp from lvl 80+ is pretty much the same as pve to 100.
    start pvping at 30 like me and try again.

    funny how you heavily cashshopped EA's fail so much...seriously there is only 1 good EA on this server which owns you all -> sage EA.
    It's not like +10 is that expensive. On a sale it's $222 straight up from +7 to +10, which, if you have a family and they all give decently for a holiday, isn't unrealistic to spend on a game you play several hours every day. A healthy console gaming habit costs over $100 a month, which makes +10'ing a weapon still cheap by that standard.

    And this is a paradox because everyone knows Sage Archers fail.
    Sig by Bakura~
  • HunterPK - Harshlands
    HunterPK - Harshlands Posts: 85 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    generally speaking charging zen is buying gold from real money.b:bye

    i was camping oracle 2 too. i was lvl100 and didnt want KD ans Zulu to oracle. thats what we did him and I, and can u post with your char because u moron haz no ballz b:bye

    lol he was really oracling...i remember to kill him there many times...btw he dropped his xbow to blizey at oracle 2 b:chuckle
  • BelleFemme - Harshlands
    BelleFemme - Harshlands Posts: 799 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    For someone that "quit" PWI, you seem pretty emotionally attached to whats going on in-game.

    I dont think anyone other than you has viewed any comments about these TWs the way you have....KD and KY havent had a TW in a long, long time, so both sides just want back in on the action. That being said it is archosaur and KY has 2 other wars. But go ahead, cry about Kingdom because evoke cant even get close to beating us even in our extremely weak and rebuilding state.

    I WANNA TW AGAINST KY.....Kingdom recruiting active lvl 90+ for TW vs KY. www.pwkingdom.com
    Join in the fun, im sick of no-shows and no-showing.

    You guys still lost lololololol b:chuckle

    Kylin can defend 2 other TWs and Archosaur. What's KD's excuse to not defending 3 Lv 3 lands when "Evoke is a joke", "another non-factor stacked TW" and Kylin?
  • Taboo - Harshlands
    Taboo - Harshlands Posts: 1,420 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    You are a very bad troll, not gunna lie.
  • BelleFemme - Harshlands
    BelleFemme - Harshlands Posts: 799 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Asking a legitimate question where I am seeking an honest answer makes me a troll? b:cuteb:victory

    I think it's about time you change your signature to "DEFEATED!".
  • Taboo - Harshlands
    Taboo - Harshlands Posts: 1,420 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    You are a very bad troll, not gunna lie.

  • BelleFemme - Harshlands
    BelleFemme - Harshlands Posts: 799 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I think it's about time you change your signature to "DEFEATED!".

  • KimikoScythe - Archosaur
    KimikoScythe - Archosaur Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    is any one here i want to chat
    i,ll do my best
  • Taboo - Harshlands
    Taboo - Harshlands Posts: 1,420 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    You are a very bad troll, not gunna lie.

  • Wreck - Harshlands
    Wreck - Harshlands Posts: 380 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    i Have Herpes.


  • aryannamage
    aryannamage Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Trolls and a bit of spam too? Do better next time guys.
This discussion has been closed.