Evoke members, why waste your time?

Legendadry - Harshlands
Legendadry - Harshlands Posts: 250 Arc User
edited March 2010 in Dawnglory (EU)
Why do you all go full defense for an attack war? Dont your members have other things to do like go out w/ a pretty girl or guy and go see a movie on a saturday night? Why go to TW uncharmed, just to waste valuable time instead of going to Denny's or Whataburger. I just want to have a real TW w/ Kylin b:angryb:angryb:cry
I dont level Slow I just enjoy the game b:surrender
Post edited by Legendadry - Harshlands on


  • Armageddon - Harshlands
    Armageddon - Harshlands Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    we dont go to tw uncharmd just outnumberd yet we do a decent job holding u back lk last tw. but this tw was shorter oh well. and as far as waste ur time why do u come to ths tw if we waste it so much? why not go 2 kylin and def your land? why fight us hmm please do answer tht 4 me
  • Legendadry - Harshlands
    Legendadry - Harshlands Posts: 250 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    we dont go to tw uncharmd just outnumberd yet we do a decent job holding u back lk last tw. but this tw was shorter oh well. and as far as waste ur time why do u come to ths tw if we waste it so much? why not go 2 kylin and def your land? why fight us hmm please do answer tht 4 me

    "we dont go to tw uncharmed, just outnumberd"<
    are u really sure about that?

    "yet we do a decent job holding u back lk last tw."<
    so u admit you have no intention of figthing us just to delay us from fighting other TWs w/ guilds that matter. Isnt that against the rules b:question.

    No suprise we didnt have the numbers tonite, otherwise woulnt have mentioned u all. all i'm saying is if you're bidding just delay 1 guild from fighting another you're wasteing peoples time.
    I dont level Slow I just enjoy the game b:surrender
  • Paimage - Harshlands
    Paimage - Harshlands Posts: 1,017 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    "we dont go to tw uncharmed, just outnumberd"<
    are u really sure about that?

    "yet we do a decent job holding u back lk last tw."<
    so u admit you have no intention of figthing us just to delay us from fighting other TWs w/ guilds that matter. Isnt that against the rules b:question.

    No suprise we didnt have the numbers tonite, otherwise woulnt have mentioned u all. all i'm saying is if you're bidding just delay 1 guild from fighting another you're wasteing peoples time.

    With the amount of ppl u guys had for TW KD would get rolled fast even in a 1v1. I have been wanting to do a competitive TW with my mage for a good while now though, thats main reason I started lvlingb:angry
  • Servant - Harshlands_1335101201
    Servant - Harshlands_1335101201 Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    "yet we do a decent job holding u back lk last tw."<
    so u admit you have no intention of figthing us just to delay us from fighting other TWs w/ guilds that matter. Isnt that against the rules b:question.

    how could you even begin to prove such a thing you dumb ****
  • Juggernaut - Harshlands
    Juggernaut - Harshlands Posts: 597 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    If Evoke was to go all out vs. Kingdom 1v1, no stacked wars, etc.. Evoke would never, ever win. The only real reason you TW is to hopefully stack with Kylin or Zulu, and pray that we mess up and allow you to get land. You build all binding towers and turtle in your base in an attack war. You stand no realistic chance to win a TW 1v1, and as such, you are just as useless as a fake bid.
  • Dark_Fate - Harshlands
    Dark_Fate - Harshlands Posts: 968 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    awwe a QQer in kd... legendadry gtfo our forum .. only taboo and jugg allowed
  • Juggernaut - Harshlands
    Juggernaut - Harshlands Posts: 597 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    awwe a QQer in kd... legendadry gtfo our forum .. only taboo and jugg allowed

    I dont QQ... I just state facts and people get mad at me for it. b:sad
  • Armageddon - Harshlands
    Armageddon - Harshlands Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    "we dont go to tw uncharmed, just outnumberd"<
    are u really sure about that?

    "yet we do a decent job holding u back lk last tw."<
    so u admit you have no intention of figthing us just to delay us from fighting other TWs w/ guilds that matter. Isnt that against the rules b:question.

    No suprise we didnt have the numbers tonite, otherwise woulnt have mentioned u all. all i'm saying is if you're bidding just delay 1 guild from fighting another you're wasteing peoples time.

    k we held u back for 40mins last tw w. kd full force cuz they didnt go 2 kylin tw. so thats what im talking about since we pushed all ur pushed out of our base and killed all ur catas. hell i even told my cata teams to go def and i killed all ur archers and eps and wiz while my eps and bms helpd take ur catas down. As for our tw today we had every1 charmd but only 45showed. we got rolled oh well we still snuck 2catas in ur base.
    If Evoke was to go all out vs. Kingdom 1v1, no stacked wars, etc.. Evoke would never, ever win. The only real reason you TW is to hopefully stack with Kylin or Zulu, and pray that we mess up and allow you to get land. You build all binding towers and turtle in your base in an attack war. You stand no realistic chance to win a TW 1v1, and as such, you are just as useless as a fake bid.

    K now for yoy Jugg, you say we stack tws vs you guys and you never 1on 1 us. but for the last month kd and evoke have been at it on a 1on1 tw, you never show to kylin so its always been a full force tw with us. ive gotten plenty of props 4m your guildies sayn we did good. Now i know you guys hv 200 players and i know you can defend 2 lands at same time sayin you cant is really stupid since i know how tws work and you dont need all 200 players for 1tw so please dont go Q.Q'n sayin that we gank you. As faras Evoke goes we know you wont go 2 kylin tws thts why we fight you cuz even if you dont see it when we go all 80 on you we last more than 20mins and we push u out of our base. Were growin we dont go bragin sayin were pro or anything but for u 2 say we cant 1on1 you is really stupid sinc we've been doin tht for the last month.

    k well im in hh so bb
  • Armageddon - Harshlands
    Armageddon - Harshlands Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    sorry for the spelling mistakes ill fix it in a bit b:victory
  • Taboo - Harshlands
    Taboo - Harshlands Posts: 1,420 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I cant even begin to understand how messed up ones brain would have to be to think evoke is doing well vs KD.....Last weeks war which you are proud of for lasting 40 minutes was vs 4 squads of KD, the rest were in zulu, not kylin. so....you lasted 40 minutes, without damaging any of our towers, vs 24 people......
  • Armageddon - Harshlands
    Armageddon - Harshlands Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    according to your guild it wasnt 24 and i was in ur base last tw killing ur crystal. And zulu tw ended and thats was when more of your guys came in to our tw thats whix was lk 20mins into the tw, we still did good
  • Taboo - Harshlands
    Taboo - Harshlands Posts: 1,420 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    When the people came over from zulu we finished you in 1 push..... i dont get how you can twist that in any way to be proud of yourself.
  • Armageddon - Harshlands
    Armageddon - Harshlands Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    took you 2pushes tab's dont try acting like ur so pro for does pushes
  • Taboo - Harshlands
    Taboo - Harshlands Posts: 1,420 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    YAY, lets argue about whether evoke sucks big time, sucks a little bit, or is just bad.....Im going to enjoy this arguement, sounds like it should be a productive one.
  • Armageddon - Harshlands
    Armageddon - Harshlands Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    b:scorn who's fail??
  • Juggernaut - Harshlands
    Juggernaut - Harshlands Posts: 597 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Arma, I'm not trying to badmouth Evoke, all I'm saying is that because of Kingdoms abysmal TW attendance, we are forced to choose to fully defend Kylin or you guys.
  • Taboo - Harshlands
    Taboo - Harshlands Posts: 1,420 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    mmmmm....yeah, im just trying to badmouth evoke...b:chuckle
  • Rhyme - Harshlands
    Rhyme - Harshlands Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Posting in a barb run thread
  • Tryagain - Harshlands
    Tryagain - Harshlands Posts: 716 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Ok so...first off, our leaders won't kick inactives, or people that don't show to TWs, so currently I'd say we have 100 players in our guild. Maybe less. Yesterday for TW we had 76 people online 10 min before TW. It made it up to like 87 at the starting time of TW. Hardly enough for 3 wars. That's not even enough to 1v1 KY because it probably wasn't a good make up of characters, and a good chunk were probably afk or didn't have 100 hours. The reason we go to Evoke/randoms is so we don't lose multiple lands.

    Last week we sent around 24 people to Evoke, that's why it took 40 minutes. Don't give us this full force BS. That's why we lost to Zulu too, because we had about 80 people (again) spread out against 2 wars.

    You know what's cute? The fact that there are 600 Kylin on this server. Kylin just gears up 200 players, and then when they get over 80 people that allways come to TW, they ship them off to Zulu or Evoke so they can TW every week too. Put that with that fact that KD is bleeding all its members to Zulu too, because the whole server wants to lick Nurfed balls all day long, and loves the concept of having no rules, organization, or any help with improving their character, yeah KD is a sinking ship. If we can recruit active people we'd be fine, but everyone we recruit seems to not come to TW. Is KY paying off the other 2 guilds, or are they doing this for nothing?

    Let me rewrite this for Arma:
    kd dnt hv ppl 2 fyt 3 gld @ 1 tym. nd hlp.
  • Dustins_ALT - Harshlands
    Dustins_ALT - Harshlands Posts: 423 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Ok so...first off, our leaders won't kick inactives, or people that don't show to TWs, so currently I'd say we have 100 players in our guild. Maybe less. Yesterday for TW we had 76 people online 10 min before TW. It made it up to like 87 at the starting time of TW. Hardly enough for 3 wars. That's not even enough to 1v1 KY because it probably wasn't a good make up of characters, and a good chunk were probably afk or didn't have 100 hours. The reason we go to Evoke/randoms is so we don't lose multiple lands.

    Last week we sent around 24 people to Evoke, that's why it took 40 minutes. Don't give us this full force BS. That's why we lost to Zulu too, because we had about 80 people (again) spread out against 2 wars.

    You know what's cute? The fact that there are 600 Kylin on this server. Kylin just gears up 200 players, and then when they get over 80 people that allways come to TW, they ship them off to Zulu or Evoke so they can TW every week too. Put that with that fact that KD is bleeding all its members to Zulu too, because the whole server wants to lick Nurfed balls all day long, and loves the concept of having no rules, organization, or any help with improving their character, yeah KD is a sinking ship. If we can recruit active people we'd be fine, but everyone we recruit seems to not come to TW. Is KY paying off the other 2 guilds, or are they doing this for nothing?

    Let me rewrite this for Arma:
    kd dnt hv ppl 2 fyt 3 gld @ 1 tym. nd hlp.

    When did they expand the "only 200 ppl max in a guild" thingie?b:surrender

    ^ my barbs built, full buff in tiger.b:bye

    I'm not going to troll anymore T_T
  • Cleon - Harshlands
    Cleon - Harshlands Posts: 240 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    You know what's cute? The fact that there are 600 Kylin on this server. Kylin just gears up 200 players, and then when they get over 80 people that allways come to TW, they ship them off to Zulu or Evoke so they can TW every week too. Put that with that fact that KD is bleeding all its members to Zulu too, because the whole server wants to lick Nurfed balls all day long, and loves the concept of having no rules, organization, or any help with improving their character, yeah KD is a sinking ship. If we can recruit active people we'd be fine, but everyone we recruit seems to not come to TW. Is KY paying off the other 2 guilds, or are they doing this for nothing?

    Yes we farm all day for people then send them to other factions just to get KD of the map, we also have been giving the GMs a lot of nude pictures of our guild members to make sure we get stacked wars, then we also have been sacrificing virgins on the altar near DWP so the PWI gods will favor us and to make KD members lag during TW, we also have 300 'little people' playing PWI 24/7 for us to make sure that all of our members have the best gear, then we also have the United State Government funding us, since we are basically fighting terrorists (ps. XuLin is actually a CIA ranked officer, rank 8 is not just in game psshh don't tell anyone.)
  • Paimage - Harshlands
    Paimage - Harshlands Posts: 1,017 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Ok so...first off, our leaders won't kick inactives, or people that don't show to TWs, so currently I'd say we have 100 players in our guild. Maybe less. Yesterday for TW we had 76 people online 10 min before TW. It made it up to like 87 at the starting time of TW. Hardly enough for 3 wars. That's not even enough to 1v1 KY because it probably wasn't a good make up of characters, and a good chunk were probably afk or didn't have 100 hours. The reason we go to Evoke/randoms is so we don't lose multiple lands.

    Last week we sent around 24 people to Evoke, that's why it took 40 minutes. Don't give us this full force BS. That's why we lost to Zulu too, because we had about 80 people (again) spread out against 2 wars.

    You know what's cute? The fact that there are 600 Kylin on this server. Kylin just gears up 200 players, and then when they get over 80 people that allways come to TW, they ship them off to Zulu or Evoke so they can TW every week too. Put that with that fact that KD is bleeding all its members to Zulu too, because the whole server wants to lick Nurfed balls all day long, and loves the concept of having no rules, organization, or any help with improving their character, yeah KD is a sinking ship. If we can recruit active people we'd be fine, but everyone we recruit seems to not come to TW. Is KY paying off the other 2 guilds, or are they doing this for nothing?

    Let me rewrite this for Arma:
    kd dnt hv ppl 2 fyt 3 gld @ 1 tym. nd hlp.

    Wasnt KD asking for the server to get together and give them sum fun TWs cuz KD wasnt satisfied with jus fighting KY? You guys got what you asked for. Evoke atks KD cuz they want their members to have sum TWs and like any guild they are trying to improve, get strong so they can giv better fights to the guild that took over 50% of the map without any effort at all.b:chuckle Now about Zulu, they were trying to have sum TWs for fun and KD ended up aiming for them and take them out of the map so thats your own fault.
    I dont think the whole server wants to lic Nurfed balls, jus happens that those KD members that left for Zulu dont want to stay in a guild that according to most of em treat most of their own members like ****.
    I mentioned sum of the reasons why those 2 guilds r atking KD, other reason is cuz u guys own most of the map and no1 wants to c a carebear guild take over the map with almost no effort ;)
  • WyldeCleric - Harshlands
    WyldeCleric - Harshlands Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I'm having a hard time understanding why any faction is concerned about Evoke, with Armageddon as Director..he will sell out Evoke, just as he did to GoodGame and Ethics. So as long as Arma is Director..Evoke is no threat to any Guild except Evoke.I
    WyldeCleric Kick Your ****
    WyldeCleric Kick Your Face
    WyldeCleric kick Your Ballz Into OuterSpace b:bye

    To My Wonderful Husband...xPENETRATORx I Love you Babes..Thank You for an awesome Signature!b:kiss
  • Dustins_ALT - Harshlands
    Dustins_ALT - Harshlands Posts: 423 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    ^ 2 Guilds who had no control at all while I was on this server, as a spy.b:avoid

    ^ my barbs built, full buff in tiger.b:bye

    I'm not going to troll anymore T_T
  • Eragon - Harshlands
    Eragon - Harshlands Posts: 465 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Let me rewrite this for Arma:
    kd dnt hv ppl 2 fyt 3 gld @ 1 tym. nd hlp.
    Is it bad that i understood this perfectly?
    BTW Why did all 3 lvl 100 barbs have to be a tiger? sooo confusing to look at.
  • WyldeCleric - Harshlands
    WyldeCleric - Harshlands Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    ^ 2 Guilds who had no control at all while I was on this server, as a spy.b:avoid

    Dustin..I can't believe I'm about to do this..I agree with you on one of those Guilds not having control.....However, the loss of control was due largely in part to Armageddon selling out. GoodGame was a good solid faction until Arma was given too much control over what was done..Then Ethics came from GG and ppl didn't learn and trust that it wouldn't happen again..but in the end it did. Just as it will happen again. People that know me.. Know I have issues with Taarloor, However, there is some good,solid players in Evoke who will end up being screwed over.That is truly a shame.
    WyldeCleric Kick Your ****
    WyldeCleric Kick Your Face
    WyldeCleric kick Your Ballz Into OuterSpace b:bye

    To My Wonderful Husband...xPENETRATORx I Love you Babes..Thank You for an awesome Signature!b:kiss
  • Legendadry - Harshlands
    Legendadry - Harshlands Posts: 250 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Wasnt KD asking for the server to get together and give them sum fun TWs cuz KD wasnt satisfied with jus fighting KY? You guys got what you asked for. Evoke atks KD cuz they want their members to have sum TWs and like any guild they are trying to improve, get strong so they can giv better fights to the guild that took over 50% of the map without any effort at all.b:chuckle Now about Zulu, they were trying to have sum TWs for fun and KD ended up aiming for them and take them out of the map so thats your own fault.
    I dont think the whole server wants to lic Nurfed balls, jus happens that those KD members that left for Zulu dont want to stay in a guild that according to most of em treat most of their own members like ****.
    I mentioned sum of the reasons why those 2 guilds r atking KD, other reason is cuz u guys own most of the map and no1 wants to c a carebear guild take over the map with almost no effort ;)

    I have to disagree w/ 90% of what you said.

    1.There is no way that Evoke biding on us and showing up w/ their uncharmed members every week is going to teach them anything about TW. If they really wanted to learn something about TW they're better of fighting crimson as it shouldnt be a complete face roll(or maybe it will be, I saw like 30 people there yesterday). By bidding against a guild that can clearly beat you split and 1v1 you arent gaining any experience at all.

    2. Zulu orginally was supposed to be a guild full of KD KY Tideborn alts. They wanted to acquire the new lands and just PK all day for fun and TW against guilds that bid on them. However many KY and KD mains left for zulu leaveing both factions out of some of their heavy hitters(most mains form zulu came from KD however). I will never forget this quote from nurfed "Dont worry if KY starts to get land again and get back on the map we'll all come back", have yet to see that happen. since many guilds weren't bidding on zulu they wanted to fight us in TW and open world PvP. Zulu bid on us first not the other way around.

    3. Haveing usually 7 TW's and stacked wars w/ zulu and Kylin on a regular basis, low member activity, gearing up players that we're loyal only to leave for KoS factions it's difficult to still be on top and the best. Everyone refers to us as carebears who dont pvp and just PvE all day and just have easy TW's and get 10mil salary every week. If we're so weak and are nothing but b:cutecarebears, why do i always see KY, Zulu, and any other faction that goes against us calling 10 people for a usually a very small squad of KD(in some cases it's 6KOS vs 1 KD).

    It's rough to stay in any faction under those circumstances, but every week or so we continually get better and stronger. Almost every 2-3 days someone dings to 100 I've seen more 3-2 and 3-3 runs in GC more than ever. You all wanted to prove your better than us by ganking, makeing fake bids, spying on us, etc,all to bring us donwn. the only thing you've proven is just how strong KD really is.

    @ Kylin.
    Dont get rusty since you've had it easy for a few weeks. Once zulu is off map you're next. I'm not expecting a cakewalk, and you better not either. I wonder what you've been doing w/ your time besides chargeing your credit cards. KD's been haveing tons of PvP expereicnes fighting you all while being ganked. I hope to see which is better in the coming TW's, player skill or the players wallet.
    I dont level Slow I just enjoy the game b:surrender
  • Taboo - Harshlands
    Taboo - Harshlands Posts: 1,420 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I just feel like bringing up the most epic World Boss crash ever, just because. My group of 4 people completely crashed Zulus WB, and then ***** them in a 4 v 10 repeatedly without a single death (we even got some sweet pk drops). That is all....the outnumbered thing in legendadry's post made me feel the need to be off topic for a minute.
  • /Groovy/ - Harshlands
    /Groovy/ - Harshlands Posts: 688 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    You know what's cute? The fact that there are 600 Kylin on this server. Kylin just gears up 200 players, and then when they get over 80 people that allways come to TW, they ship them off to Zulu or Evoke so they can TW every week too.

    That's only half of the truth.

    In fact, Rayver was always Kylin's spy so when Icon gave him leadership of KD, Xulin could easily control KD. Started filling it with all kind of trash but then noticed that Rayver isn't efficient enough so leadership was passed to Michael - Xulin's alt. Currently it's estimated that in KD there is around 80 Kylin alts with only 20 legit KD players left (the rest being some trash RPKrs invited for lulz).

    90% of Zulu is obviously KY alts, same for Evoke. Most of the server are Kylin alts. GMs are Kylin alts. Xulin is one of developers.
    I... I am your father.

    Search your feelings, you know it's true.

    Ps. b:kiss
    Packs World International
  • Eragon - Harshlands
    Eragon - Harshlands Posts: 465 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    That's only half of the truth.

    In fact, Rayver was always Kylin's spy so when Icon gave him leadership of KD Xulin could easily control KD. Started filling it with all kind of trash but then noticed that Rayver isn't efficient enough so leadership was passed to Michael - Xulin's alt. Currently it's estimated that in KD there is around 80 Kylin alts with only 20 legit KD players left (the rest being some trash RPKrs invited for lulz).

    90% of Zulu is obviously KY alts, same for Evoke. Most of the server are Kylin alts. GMs are Kylin alts. Xulin is one of developers.
    I... I am your father.

    Search your feelings, you know it's true.

    Ps. b:kiss

    I legit think you were serious...
    I kinda still think you are..b:surrender
    if you were... Words cant even describe it
This discussion has been closed.