Stop telling others how to play



  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    stop trolling seriously who the **** are you? to 150? dont make me laugh b:chuckle

    I guess your unable to discern what

    /end sarcasm

    means? Or just lacking in anything that remotely resembles a brain between your ears?

    Probably both.


  • Starchief - Sanctuary
    Starchief - Sanctuary Posts: 606 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    the cake is a lie :(
  • Doujin - Sanctuary
    Doujin - Sanctuary Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I'm really glad some people are thinking that way (:not to tell others what to do), and dusty I so agree with you O_O

    I debuted PWI several weeks after the Tideborn release, I found this class kind of good looking (okay everyone has their own tastes xD) and Psychics to be kind of unique amongst all other MMORPG I played before.
    So yeah I'm still a newbie, I have still so much to discover, and I learn every day (*made my first TT yesterday >_<*).

    All my newbies days are so fresh to me : I was only grinding alone (dunno how to squad up x)) up to lvl19, then I found a godly faction and was asking pretty newbie question (what are BH? Who is Head Hunter, What is refining? woot so good I got a celestone fragment!!) and I was lucky I found a really nice and patient faction. I hope every newbie can find one as clever and open minded as mine, and now I try to help every newbie players in the faction.

    I've still so much to learn about every class, and you about the Tideborns (if you haven't made one yet ^^), but in my unlucky newbie status, I was lucky I made a TB coz no one didn't know how it worked and nobody could ask me to play one manner over another xD

    But sometimes in squad I see players who ask clerics or barb to play one manner so that not everyone die. I can't blame them not wanting to die, or giving advices too, but it seems so wrong to me, maybe coz i'm a psychic and every psy play differently (for the moment, before someone put a 'How should a good psy play guide')
    Actually when I die I blame myself for stupidly pulling aggro from the barb, I don't blame him he couldn't hold it, or the cleric to heal me.

    When you see a player having hard time, help him to improve, not to be what you want him to be or should be, it's pretty ridiculous and lead to a so boring and bitter game... Overcoming difficultes is what make us love our char right? Adapting to every player and every mob is what is fun right?

    wops I talked to much , huhu sry ><
  • Vitenka - Dreamweaver
    Vitenka - Dreamweaver Posts: 4,125 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    dustyballz wrote: »
    So for those people that have never been in FF or BH or wherever I keep hearing about, some acronym probably, but a name would be great for the ones that haven't been yet so they know what people are talking about.

    FF = FC = Frost is an instance for 70+ (usually 85+ because most players in this game won't take risks) - you'll find it way up in the top left of the map.

    BH is Bounty hunter, a daily quest for level 40+ which takes you to previous FB dungeons (the level 29, 39 etc. ones) to kill the bosses there. Talk to the guy on the platform in the middle of Arch.

    A 'new' player in a squad will be, you know, level 30 or so. By that point they should know, more or less, what tanking, healing and doing damage means. Asking questions is indeed a good thing for them to do in order to learn.

    Plenty of players, however, don't ask. Even refuse to learn when told.

    And yeah, a lot of people are *******s.
  • Jiblet - Sanctuary
    Jiblet - Sanctuary Posts: 203 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    A wizzy can tank as well as a barb in 80% of cases, and so can a BM, or an archer, or a veno, or a cleric. All depends on gear and build.

    Any class can pull just like a veno (with suitable genie)

    A wizzy can heal better than a cleric in a lot of pve situations

    A barb can make a damn good DD - again gear and build dependent

    An archer can solo Nirvana

    HA wizzies still fail thob:laugh

    Why limit yourself? We ran BH99 last week in a squad with 3 archers, 1 cleric, 2 wizzies, and I had no issues tanking it (although I pitied the cleric - it was a fac bh run and we were all aggro whoring as hard as we could and trying to get each other killed by causing boss aoe'sb:laugh ). Admittedly in some situations you need to "play your class", most of the time there's no reason not to go many people assume that something can't be done, simply because they have never tried it.
  • Castleberry - Heavens Tear
    Castleberry - Heavens Tear Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    My 2 Cents:

    Yes there are alternative builds and different roles that classes can play (Archer tanking Noxtouch Cullers for instance) but the truth is that most epic fails and party wipes in this game are caused by someone who doesn't have a grasp on the TRADITIONAL role of the class. If I am in a standard build party (Tank-Healer-Puller-3 DDs) I want everyone to do what EVERYONE ELSE IS EXPECTING THEM TO DO. This is not to say a Cleric can't be a DD (for example) but if you are the Cleric designated to heal, then heal. If you are the puller, then learn how to pull CORRECTLY. If you aren't the tank, please try not to not pull aggro.

    The key to this is for a party to discuss each member role BEFORE starting the instance. For example if party has BM tanking, Light Armor Barb with Zeal genie pulling, and four clerics take a moment and talk amongst youselves. Designate which clerics are healing and which are DD. This solves most of the problems.


    I play a 92 BM that is built to be a tanker (high vit not much dex) and I always let my party members know to wait til I use my Sage Stream Strike a couple times before cutting loose.

    One of my best in game friends is a Cleric that is built for PvP. While he is a capable healer and has never let me down, he is absoutely epic as a second cleric dealing damage, debuffing and healing when needed. He is smart enough to let people know he prefers to be DD than primary healer.

    Lastly, on the topic of pulling (just because it's been bugging me and fits somewhat in this thread) ... whether it be using the veno trick or using a zeal genie, there does happen to be a right and wrong way to pull mobs. After you pull, please RUN AWAY and bring the mob to the tanker/catcher. If you don't know what I mean, please learn how. The vast majority of party wipes I have been involved in were because the puller pulls a mob then stands at the front of the group and forces the catcher to run up into aggro range of the "unpulled" mobs, creating epic disaster.

    In summary, the OP is correct that there are many ways to play a CLASS. There are however, ROLES that need to be played in parties and if you have a designated role, please know how to play that role, and don't let your squad-mates down by deviating from that role for no good reason.

    p.s. Pressa is proof that a veno doesn't need a Herc or a Phoenix to pwn in both PvP and PvE. Run with him sometime and you may reconsider spending that 2 Large for a cash shop pet when you see him destroy with his little Sawfly.
  • Goldsmate - Dreamweaver
    Goldsmate - Dreamweaver Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I do not play my cleric often but when I do people get pissed that I'm healing and DDing at the same time... that just baffles me when they are like still alive... maybe I should start letting people die b:laugh

    i am a lvl 93 cleric and i heal and DD at the same time all the time...and yes i am tired of the complaints that i should be strickly healing...listen people just because i am a cleric does not mean i can not do well as tank things...and if the complaints don't stop I will stick to DD and not heal...I am a person behind this toon and like all other people i have remember that...when you start yelling at someone...because i have let people die because of them yelling at me and then refused to rez if you dont want to lose out of xp play your own toon and leave the rest of us alone.
  • JanusZeal - Heavens Tear
    JanusZeal - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,852 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    No. Just no.

    This is like saying you that if you want to be a useful archer you need a +12 lunar bow sharded with two drakeflame stones.

    You must be one of these "You need to have a Herc in order to be a proper veno and if you don't I will never squad with you for anything because you are totally not useful" people. May I ask you to please get a clue before saying venos need a Herc to be useful, because otherwise you're going to make an **** of yourself.
    Hmm, nope, you just assumed wrong. It's nice to have another herc in squads like FF, and I usually ask for those first, but it's not necessary especially when my veno has one. And when I do, say, a 3-1 and I happen to be on my cleric, I will usually ask for a herc veno before a barb, as a magmite or glacial walker veno just might have a bit more trouble tanking bosses there. Does this really need to be iterated or am I getting hit up by the PC police? Now regarding the **** part, given you were incorrect in your presumption (might have to do with being on Dreamweaver and pretending you know something) who's making the **** out of their self? That's right. You. b:chuckle
    Well tell me? Where do you have to have a herc? I have been in every single instance in the game fought every mob in the game at one point or another and I have still not found a instance where herc was an absolute necessity. Please be quiet because you do not have a clue what you are talking about.

    Hmmm perhaps I should elaborate more I even have a herc and know its not necessary to have it. Its a luxury item and if you can't afford it you shouldn't worry about it because people are pig headed and don't know what they are spewing.
    Yeah I've been in every possible instance in every facet of the game. I'm omnipresent. Whoa, you are too? High five!

    It's quite necessary if you are without a) a cleric or b) a barb, and are doing certain instances, as per the example in a previous post. Not much more to delve into that as the rest are clearly semantics to go along with a rant that originated from one's certain ****. If venos can afford insane amounts of hyper stones, TT99, anni pack gear (helm, feet, lunar, etc.), they can likely afford a herc by the time they get high enough to wear this stuff. Hence why you rarely see 90+ venos without a herc. b:chuckle
  • MANray_ - Sanctuary
    MANray_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,311 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    A wizzy can tank as well as a barb in 80% of cases, and so can a BM, or an archer, or a veno, or a cleric. All depends on gear and build.

    Any class can pull just like a veno (with suitable genie)

    A wizzy can heal better than a cleric in a lot of pve situations

    A barb can make a damn good DD - again gear and build dependent

    An archer can solo Nirvana

    HA wizzies still fail thob:laugh

    Wait, it's one thing to be suportive of trying new things but you're running too far with this.

    A Wizzie cannot tank as effectively as a barb whatever his gear. It's not only that phys is an important component in most bosses' damage but that their hp pool is too shallow. Same for other classes. Barbs have aggro holding skills which simply cannot be matched even by profficient damage dealers.

    No class can pull as well as veno. Pets have a longer range than Zeal's Earthflame and venos are usually much more experienced with the small minutiae that surrounds pulling. A veno remains the most effective puller you can squad.

    Wizards cannot heal better than a cleric in any situation. Morning Dew has a long channel and it doesn't offer the performance reliability of Ironheart's stackable HoT.

    Barbs cannot compete with traditional DD classes (Archer and Wizz) when it comes to dps outage. Yes, i'm well aware about some of the claims surrounding fist Barb builds, but even this extreme variation cannot compete with fist BMs or Sins.

    Archers soloing is a very different scenario than those involving squad work. A specialist will still perform a better job in a group.

    HA wizzies fail... until someone actually finds a way to make it work. There's nothing wrong with experimentation except when you mislead people you've squaded with about it.

    I realize any class can be capable of challenging established wisdom and performing uncommon feats, but the points remains that specialists are considered so for a reason. It's not by making wildly enthusiastic and unaccurate claims that class boundaries are challenged, but by proving true capabilities.
  • Chezedude - Dreamweaver
    Chezedude - Dreamweaver Posts: 236 Arc User
    edited March 2010

    Archers soloing is a very different scenario that those involving squad work. A specialist will still perform a better job in a group.


    ppl sometimes get in the way, aggro extra mobs, aggro extra mobs which then aggro me, die, die from aoe, can't keep up.

    But a cleric in most cases are still nice. lol
  • MANray_ - Sanctuary
    MANray_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,311 Arc User
    edited March 2010

    ppl sometimes get in the way, aggro extra mobs, aggro extra mobs which then aggro me, die, die from aoe, can't keep up.

    But a cleric in most cases are still nice. lol

    I ment in a squad which did make abundantly clear. An archer is better off doing DD work than tanking if an propiately geared/leveled Barb is present.

    Edit; And your argument is based on your squad mates being idiots. Can you please tell me for which bosses/instances is an archer a better tank than a same level barb or even BM? It really is hard to find good tanks.
  • Chezedude - Dreamweaver
    Chezedude - Dreamweaver Posts: 236 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I ment in a squad which did make abundantly clear. An archer is better off doing DD work than tanking if an propiately geared/leveled Barb is present.

    Edit; And your argument is based on your squad mates being idiots. Can you please tell me for which bosses/instances is an archer a better tank than a same level barb or even BM? It really is hard to find good tanks.

    If anyone can actually keep aggro off me while I'm doing 20k damage per second to ? boss I'd gladly let them tank.
  • Zatra - Dreamweaver14
    Zatra - Dreamweaver14 Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    If anyone can actually keep aggro off me while I'm doing 20k damage per second to ? boss I'd gladly let them tank.

    lol i think 20k damage per second is also a understatement too, its more like 50k per second for you Cheze
  • Elenacostel - Heavens Tear
    Elenacostel - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,822 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    If anyone can actually keep aggro off me while I'm doing 20k damage per second to ? boss I'd gladly let them tank.

    Serious question: have you tried to solo Harpy Wraith?

    I'm not being sarcastic or trying to provoke you or anything.
  • MANray_ - Sanctuary
    MANray_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,311 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    So you're basically saying it's easier to have the cleric focus on you than it is for you to manage aggro? Cool story bro.

    Guess bosses at around lvl 100 must be easier than those at my range cuz LA usually gets ***** when tanking at my level. Especially level appropiate ? bosses...
  • Chezedude - Dreamweaver
    Chezedude - Dreamweaver Posts: 236 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Serious question: have you tried to solo Harpy Wraith?

    I'm not being sarcastic or trying to provoke you or anything.

    Tried doing it with faction, but no cleric with enough hp to survive. We also didn't really organize squads for specific jobs so it wasn't likely to actually succeed. I did it for fun and lasted maybe 20 seconds without heals lol.

    I've done a bunch of worldbosses with just 1 cleric healing me though, harpy is just too insane.
    So you're basically saying it's easier to have the cleric focus on you than it is for you to manage aggro? Cool story bro.

    Guess bosses at around lvl 100 must be easier than those at my range cuz LA usually gets ***** when tanking at my level. Especially level appropiate ? bosses...

    Yes let me manage my damage and decrease it to 4k per second with a bow so our squad take another 8 minutes to chill on each boss.
  • MANray_ - Sanctuary
    MANray_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,311 Arc User
    edited March 2010

    Yes let me manage my damage and decrease it to 4k per second with a bow so our squad take another 8 minutes to chill on each boss.

    I stand corrected then. At what level do you suggest i start looking for Archers instead of Barbs for tanking jobs? Or is this just you with uber CS gear?
  • Chezedude - Dreamweaver
    Chezedude - Dreamweaver Posts: 236 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I stand corrected then. At what level do you suggest i start looking for Archers instead of Barbs for tanking jobs? Or is this just you with uber CS gear?

    I'm an anomaly. b:shocked

    you were probably being sarcastic but obviously most archers aren't built to tank. :\
  • Castleberry - Heavens Tear
    Castleberry - Heavens Tear Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Hmm, nope, you just assumed wrong. It's nice to have another herc in squads like FF, and I usually ask for those first, but it's not necessary especially when my veno has one. And when I do, say, a 3-1 and I happen to be on my cleric, I will usually ask for a herc veno before a barb, as a magmite or glacial walker veno just might have a bit more trouble tanking bosses there. Does this really need to be iterated or am I getting hit up by the PC police? Now regarding the **** part, given you were incorrect in your presumption (might have to do with being on Dreamweaver and pretending you know something) who's making the **** out of their self? That's right. You. b:chuckle

    Yeah I've been in every possible instance in every facet of the game. I'm omnipresent. Whoa, you are too? High five!

    It's quite necessary if you are without a) a cleric or b) a barb, and are doing certain instances, as per the example in a previous post. Not much more to delve into that as the rest are clearly semantics to go along with a rant that originated from one's certain ****. If venos can afford insane amounts of hyper stones, TT99, anni pack gear (helm, feet, lunar, etc.), they can likely afford a herc by the time they get high enough to wear this stuff. Hence why you rarely see 90+ venos without a herc. b:chuckle

    A magmite can tank ALMOST as good as a Herc if you level it's skills and maybe add a skill. Before Hercs, we did everything without them. TBH, all the absolute most fail venos I have ever squaded with had a Herc. Reason: Those particular venos (not all venos with a Herc mind you) didn't ever have to learn how to play a veno in party since they soloed all the way up to whatever level (leaving all their loot lying on the ground for me to pick up since they were too scared to actually get near the mobs) and never had to work for it.

    IMO, give me a HA Veno with free pets they know how to use, who actually knows how to pull effectively and has actually leveled their fox form skills to a point where they can help the party over some fail Arcane Veno with Herc and Nix who doesn't know how to RUN AWAY after pulling a mob. Only true advantage of a Herc is Reflect Skill since the Devs are too greedy to let us buy that skill for other pets. I myself will play my veno with my assortment of semi rare and rare TAMEABLE pets simply to protest the idea of a cash shop item that gives unfair advantage to fail players.

    I think the reason I find this Herc thing so annoying, is twofold.

    One: No other class can simply drop a few hundo in the CS and get an OP weapon. Maybe if they had a full set of Three Star OHT Gear or a Pan Gu's Giant Axe in the cash shop I might get over my bad self.

    Two: When I started playing my veno (pre-Herc) half the fun was taming different pets and learning the strengths and weaknesses of each, and when to use (for example) the Little Frog as opposed to the Lunar Lupin. Now we have noob venos that have never tamed a pet since they bought a herc and a nix at level one and simply stood back and watched it level them. (One friend of mine did a 70 mob kill quest by simply standing out of range of the mobs and sending the Herc into a mass bunch while he went to lunch. Herc was the same level as the mobs it was fighting and when he came back from lunch the Herc was still going, didn't even need a heal in that whole time. And this was a veno that was quite capable of doing everything Hercless before they came out, he just did it to prove a point about how OP they are.)

    Sorry for the rant, but though I still love this game, it took a major blow in terms of uniqueness as far as Classes and how they interact when they added the Cash Shop pets to the game. I miss the days when you NEEDED a full well rounded party to get things done. It added to the social aspect of the game and made strategy and skill a lot more important.
  • Maragon - Dreamweaver
    Maragon - Dreamweaver Posts: 645 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    When it comes to new things remember, you never know til you try.

    Solo healed my own fb69 at lvl 70

    In the low 70s, I tanked drake for bh59 as the only cleric because we had no barb and everyone else was scared.

    Just the other day, my lvl 71 barb tanked silver frost with a low 7x cleric. I did die near the end when the cleric who decided to BB instead of IH let BB drop. To my amazement she rezed me and the sin who took aggro when i went down. gave me a few IH, I stole aggro back and we finished him off.

    soloed full fb39 with a lvl 48 veno no herc.

    btw I dont use charms either.

    Nothing too impressive I know but as far as i'm concerned standard play is only defined by people who are afraid of something new.

    Think outside the box its much more intersting.
  • MANray_ - Sanctuary
    MANray_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,311 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I'm an anomaly. b:shocked

    you were probably being sarcastic but obviously most archers aren't built to tank. :\

    My point exactly. Given enough resources i could easily both be a better tank and a better DD than most barbs/archers my level. The thread is bout builds...
  • Krisnda - Lost City
    Krisnda - Lost City Posts: 1,465 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Ofcourse I will tell people how to play, I'm not gonna have someone wasting my time in a sqaud because they are stupid and/or lazy.

    I was in a party with a Veno who wouldn't amp, and after reminding him 3-4x, he said "Don't tell me how to play!" So I booted him from the squad b:bye

    People should do things properly or gtfo. There is a pretty decent range of viable builds, Light armor Barb with elemental defense shards is not one of them, and will swiftly get the boot b:bye

    Plan on soloing to lvl 102 if you want to use a terrible build.

    And as for Venos, while having a Herc is optimal, expecting ever single player to fork over 200$ or 60-100m coins is insane. I know plenty of Venos with no Herc who play very well, and plenty with hercs who suck. Though if the Veno is skilled and has a Herc that is obviously even better.

    im confused as to why you would kick them out. it seems that people that make others frustrated, get yelled at. b:surrender its not necessary to kick out a veno that wont amp in a squad, maybe they dont have that skill lv'ed, or whatever the excuse. many people also dont "do things properly" maybe they tried, found it boring and wanted to try something different. all people arn't the same you know...
    A good moderator should:
    - Have the computer skills necessary to handle forum-related tasks (Web skills, basic programming)
    - Be patient to handle all sorts of requests
    - Be level-headed to keep discussions and some petty squabbles in check.b:cool
  • AeonieX - Heavens Tear
    AeonieX - Heavens Tear Posts: 158 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Maybe it's just me, but it seems to me that most people have a stigma when it comes to this game....

    Barb = Tank
    Veno = Pull/DD
    Archer = Ranged/DD
    Cleric = Healing only
    Blademaster = DD
    Wizard = Magic DD w/ continuous AoE and "Ghetto heals"

    Now then, I am a barb, and I tank nearly everything that my faction needs done... Except things like Mantavip, who is now call the NightPatrol Shadestalker ? or some **** like that... he's near Misfortune. You actually need a magic tank for him. The way I see it, if someone can get aggro and hold aggro without getting themselves offed.. Let that person tank. Nothing on this game is set in stone. I've seen everything from heavy armor clerics to light armor barbs to heavy armor venos. Now I'm going to say this and I don't want anyone to take offense... But you don't need a herc to be a good veno, vice versa, having a herc doesn't make you a good or bad veno, it's how you use the tools you have.

    And I for one applaud a person's ability to think outside the norm and come up with new and better ways to get things done. But the bottom line to this post is this:

    People are people, you can't do anything about it, and every person has the right to make his or her own choices... So I say instead of QQing about the assissins and psychics stealing aggro from you and using bows, find new and better ways on how to use what they can do instead of asking them to gimp their own character just because the big bad barb can't compete with their damage. It's short-sited, selfish, and presumptious.

    I commend all of you who are able to think outside of the box and come up with new and more exciting ways to make this game better. Thank you all.

    Agreed. Oh and can someone tell me what the abbreviation 'OP' stands for?
    AeonieX - Hybrid Vit Veno 6x
    HarmieX - Pure Mag Psychic 6x
    KyraneiX - Axe/Fist BM 4x
    KyranthoX - Axe Barb 2x
    KyyranthoX - Hybrid Cleric 2x
    AskariX - Pure Dex Assassin 2x
    KyraneiiX - Pure Dex Archer 0x
    AeoniiX - Pure Mag Wizard 0x
  • Elenacostel - Heavens Tear
    Elenacostel - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,822 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Agreed. Oh and can someone tell me what the abbreviation 'OP' stands for?

    Original Poster
    Opening Poster
  • AeonieX - Heavens Tear
    AeonieX - Heavens Tear Posts: 158 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Original Poster
    Opening Poster
    Overpowered i knew, but didn't fit the context it was being used in, must be one of the others, makes more sense now hehe thanks. :)
    AeonieX - Hybrid Vit Veno 6x
    HarmieX - Pure Mag Psychic 6x
    KyraneiX - Axe/Fist BM 4x
    KyranthoX - Axe Barb 2x
    KyyranthoX - Hybrid Cleric 2x
    AskariX - Pure Dex Assassin 2x
    KyraneiiX - Pure Dex Archer 0x
    AeoniiX - Pure Mag Wizard 0x
  • Psytrac - Dreamweaver
    Psytrac - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,488 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Now then, I am a barb, and I tank nearly everything that my faction needs done... Now I'm going to say this and I don't want anyone to take offense... But you don't need a herc to be a good veno, vice versa, having a herc doesn't make you a good or bad veno, it's how you use the tools you have.
    now if only you praticed what you preached..

    can't call someone a liar then do it yourself now can you?

    but that's ingame drama, not going to drag it here. but on the same line, the DDs need to be aware what the tank is capable of and listen to their directions and experiece. I tank with a shaodu just for the recored
    I'm a guy, not a woman, that is all
    "When you're on Team Bring it, every morning your feet hit the floor, the good lord says "good morning" and the devil says 'Oh **** they're up' " - Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson
    Are you on Team Bring it?
  • Seika_Chi - Dreamweaver
    Seika_Chi - Dreamweaver Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Amen, the tank would be the one who best hodl agro without dieing. a cleric can DD too, or tank ... come on, venos with hercs? whats wrong with a normal tank, i hear magmite hold agro better anyways. i even do wolf tanking (thats a weak pet used for luring often) ... i by accident got to tank Slither (that huge snake on the tei-chi shore) that wasn't even planed but it happened. What role u play all depend on the situation and believe me just cuz a veno got a herc don't prevent a bad played role, thats the experience controlign that.
    Dreamsweavers GhostDogz are looking for you to join the pack =). We are still small but are growing into a fun, friendly and helpful fact. We value that our lower lvls also get the experience they need for their class, so we get some awsome ppl =). all we ask of u is to be okay active (not has to be on 7days a week, 1 is enough) and to bring ur good mood =3 cya ingame!

    Keyla (USA)
    All but Keyla from Europ, and all l=low cast L ()^.^()
  • BrocktheMace - Dreamweaver
    BrocktheMace - Dreamweaver Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Its not that hard to have a barb tank Mantavip :) I have done so myself a number of times. You can either kill both adds first, or very carefully use a genie to pull mantavip himself, and then its business as usual.


    Ahhh... edit.

    Barbs, don't forget that there is more to keeping aggro then flesh ream. 79 skill, roar, devour to increase aggro (probably shouldn't use if 'sin in group), and alpha male, are all tools to increase your aggro. Furthermore, skill spamming (ie, in tiger form, use alacrity & frighten & other chi-generating skills) repeatedly will always garuantee you have enough chi to use flesh ream every 3 seconds if you choose to, which, in my experience, practically garuantees aggro w/in a dmg limit of about almost 10x your own.
  • Paramedic - Dreamweaver
    Paramedic - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,801 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Hmm, nope, you just assumed wrong. It's nice to have another herc in squads like FF, and I usually ask for those first, but it's not necessary especially when my veno has one. And when I do, say, a 3-1 and I happen to be on my cleric, I will usually ask for a herc veno before a barb, as a magmite or glacial walker veno just might have a bit more trouble tanking bosses there. Does this really need to be iterated or am I getting hit up by the PC police? Now regarding the **** part, given you were incorrect in your presumption (might have to do with being on Dreamweaver and pretending you know something) who's making the **** out of their self? That's right. You.
    if veno isnt gonna be main tank in squad then why should she have a herc to be useful toon? o0
    where that idea came from?
    seriously m8, u gotta stop assuming that if you cant be effective without herc, then others cant be too

    your problem is that you think that your good or something like that prolly

    i rememeber ur posts from cleric forums where u were convincing that cleric need to have 5,5hp+ HP to survive 2-3 run or brimstone xDDD

    tyi: both can be done with 4k hp without ur toon death, barb, herc veno, charms, cs gear or 2nd cler and with 4 rangers pulled on party and urself at last boss in brim (and i dont mean that you HP away and town- u actualy stay at spot and heal ppl)

    magic - huh? learned on dreamwaver b:quiet


    *saw brock on his barb* just on forums tho :0
    stop playing that ur sin and asking random ppl for buffs xD
    im surprised you didnt quit that toon yet. getting killed by barbs in random squads must be annoying for you


    GAME IS DEAD wiki-article:
  • DaWoman - Dreamweaver
    DaWoman - Dreamweaver Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    now if only you praticed what you preached..

    can't call someone a liar then do it yourself now can you?

    but that's ingame drama, not going to drag it here. but on the same line, the DDs need to be aware what the tank is capable of and listen to their directions and experiece. I tank with a shaodu just for the recored

    I honestly don't understand your comment...Care to elaborate?