ZULU Statement



  • Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Omen - 1
    Taaaaaaaaaaarloooooooooor - 0
    Armahoe - 0

  • Posts: 716 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    The reason we are pissed at Evoke is not for attacking. It's because their only goal was to waste as much of our time as possible so KY would win. You didn't send catapults, you just camped your base with your entire guild. That is why we're pissed.

    As far as a "practice" TW. There was no way in hell there was any sort of plan. There wasn't anyone assist attacking, nobody was buffed, nobody was charmed. Wow that's a hell of a learning experience. You learned not to do anything you just did.

    And FYI, Evoke has more members than KD.
  • Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    b:chuckle I love these kind of threads- they always lead to the servers "common folks" crying about how the "top guild" owns X amount of land and should dissolve so they can "share" the land..

    On a serious note why does everyone cry about KD and kylin? They just happen to be pulling the right strings and making morons like Evoke, Karma (no harm intended) etc dance for them for there own personal gain. It's a pvp server and unlike Lineage II there is no real alliance system so really.Alliances in my opinion is just one faction using the other for there own personal gain-whither it be a decoy in tw,safety from getting pked etc.

    The "secret" as to why KD and KY have a lot of land is because they have the majority of the high levels who have decent gear.. Oh you knew that? that was obvious? Then why cry about it and recruit your own members and make your own "omega faction" try to take the land from them instead of being a puppet or recruiting and taking no insinuative to make your faction grow to there level some day?

    Making a faction "great" or "tw worthy" doesn't happen over night. So koodo's to KD and KY for keeping there land and being a "factor" on harshlands for so long.

    Good luck Zulu on your upcoming TW's. As for everyone else crying that it isn't fair- Do something about it and stop being afraid of losing 100 or more TW's before you get 1 win.
    Former BM Masakari
  • Posts: 250 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    lmao what hold on you actually did that TW for practice? How can you practice when u get face rolled in one push? I get it you practice how to die in TW and respawn only to get barragedb:laugh. If you guys really serious about TW then save money and start gearing your members and leveling them. Rather then bidding and wasteing ppl's time. Also how u expect to practice TW w/out a charm o.o? b:surrender just F-A-I-L
    I dont level Slow I just enjoy the game b:surrender
  • Posts: 777 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    lmao what hold on you actually did that TW for practice? How can you practice when u get face rolled in one push? I get it you practice how to die in TW and respawn only to get barragedb:laugh. If you guys really serious about TW then save money and start gearing your members and leveling them. Rather then bidding and wasteing ppl's time. Also how u expect to practice TW w/out a charm o.o? b:surrender just F-A-I-L

    That wasnt a TW to practise how good Evoke can go against KD in a TW. Mainly it was to test how Evoke reorganizes before a TW and etc, and it was never intended to b a 1v1 against KD cuz Evoke realizes more then any1 outside guild that it is impossible to do that atm. Anyways, thats off-topic cuz we should b talking about Zulu lol
    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
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  • Posts: 1,420 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    That wasnt a TW to practise how good Evoke can go against KD in a TW. Mainly it was to test how Evoke reorganizes before a TW and etc, and it was never intended to b a 1v1 against KD cuz Evoke realizes more then any1 outside guild that it is impossible to do that atm. Anyways, thats off-topic cuz we should b talking about Zulu lol

    So, you had to bid KD so you could practice setting up for TW? lmao, cmon now, no one in their right mind believes this. You could just have easily gotten to practice getting ready for a zulu or crimson war, and maybe even gotten som In-TW practice too.
  • Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Please stop flaming and trolling, or we will be forced to close this thread too.b:surrender You can argue, but don't pull out the insults.
  • Posts: 174 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    So, you had to bid KD so you could practice setting up for TW? lmao, cmon now, no one in their right mind believes this. You could just have easily gotten to practice getting ready for a zulu or crimson war, and maybe even gotten som In-TW practice too.

    Maybe the server just doesn't like you. Also you're Evoke's goal, not these other guilds. In one thread you rage about the lach of TW's and in the next you rage about getting TW's. Stop contradicting yourself.
  • Posts: 1,420 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Maybe the server just doesn't like you. Also you're Evoke's goal, not these other guilds. In one thread you rage about the lach of TW's and in the next you rage about getting TW's. Stop contradicting yourself.

    Derp Derp, i can use the word condradict, muahaha. If you read at all, you would understand that i want them to bid on zulu, which i am also in. and my point has always been Up and coming guilds need to get practice before attacking KD. thats not contradicting at all, so please just stfu, aight bud?
  • Posts: 184 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    taboo is right i know that some noob guilds will attack kd this week and tw vs KD is useless you will learn nothing attack crimson for a good tw so both sides can learn something ^______^
    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (")_(") signature to help him gain world domination. b:laugh
  • Posts: 216 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    taboo is right i know that some noob guilds will attack kd this week and tw vs KD is useless you will learn nothing attack crimson for a good tw so both sides can learn something ^______^

    What Zoro said b:pleased
  • Posts: 184 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    i pmed taarloor 2 or 3 times and told him to attack crimson but he didnt listenb:sad
    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (")_(") signature to help him gain world domination. b:laugh
  • Posts: 499 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    What ever happened to those +8 HH60 axes? (I think +8 if I remember right) Kid was in Crimson...skeet skeet skeet.
  • Posts: 184 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    i think he npced them but im not sure ^^
    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (")_(") signature to help him gain world domination. b:laugh
  • Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    taboo is right i know that some noob guilds will attack kd this week and tw vs KD is useless you will learn nothing attack crimson for a good tw so both sides can learn something ^______^

    y fight crimson to learn how 2 fight kingdom when we can fight kingdom to learn how 2 fight kingdom...which is wat we will have 2 do eventually...beat u guys in a tw
  • Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    y fight crimson to learn how 2 fight kingdom when we can fight kingdom to learn how 2 fight kingdom...which is wat we will have 2 do eventually...beat u guys in a tw

    i dont think you will. evoke is full of baddies.

    saveless, do you mean blowme or nivi? :p
  • Posts: 174 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    lets talk moar 'bout Evoke 'n Zulu's thread plox
  • Posts: 1,420 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    lets talk moar 'bout Evoke 'n Zulu's thread plox

    How about we talk about both? it would atleast be a fun TW.
  • Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Who said were not going after Crimson? b:chuckle hey if we can roll u guys in every pk war u start we can roll you in TW and I can back that up b:victory
  • Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I pk you all. I doesn't afraid of anything!
  • Posts: 499 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    prnflake wrote: »
    i dont think you will. evoke is full of baddies.

    saveless, do you mean blowme or nivi? :p

    Eh, wasn't Nivi the first with +10? And it was XS. Yeah blowme, definitely him.
  • Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Eh, wasn't Nivi the first with +10? And it was XS. Yeah blowme, definitely him.

    afiar blowme got nivi's hh60
  • Posts: 216 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    y fight crimson to learn how 2 fight kingdom when we can fight kingdom to learn how 2 fight kingdom...which is wat we will have 2 do eventually...beat u guys in a tw

    I believe Zoro thinks along the lines of a good, possibly even TW with plenty of learning experiences for some on both sides.
    Who said were not going after Crimson? b:chuckle hey if we can roll u guys in every pk war u start we can roll you in TW and I can back that up b:victory

    Then my friend this weeks TW will be a good fight and our peeps will be tested b:pleased
  • Posts: 597 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    y fight crimson to learn how 2 fight kingdom when we can fight kingdom to learn how 2 fight kingdom...which is wat we will have 2 do eventually...beat u guys in a tw

    Tell me something:

    What did you learn from the Evoke vs. Kingdom TW?

    No, seriously. What the hell did you learn? You guys barely got to leave your base, you didn't get to pull catapults, you didn't get any real PvP, and you didn't do anything but wait 30 seconds and die. The only thing you did was reinforce the fact that you will never, ever win against Kingdom.

    If you are level 90+ and in Evoke, do yourself a favor and gtfo of that guild and join Kylin. I promise you that it will make more of a difference if you want to defeat Kingdom.
  • Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Tell me something:

    What did you learn from the Evoke vs. Kingdom TW?

    No, seriously. What the hell did you learn? You guys barely got to leave your base, you didn't get to pull catapults, you didn't get any real PvP, and you didn't do anything but wait 30 seconds and die. The only thing you did was reinforce the fact that you will never, ever win against Kingdom.

    If you are level 90+ and in Evoke, do yourself a favor and gtfo of that guild and join Kylin. I promise you that it will make more of a difference if you want to defeat Kingdom.

    Umm we learnd alot lol and jugg why the hell do u care what Evoke does, I really find it funny how u make a big deal over who we attack of over who won last tw, Dude remember its a game. Sure we got rocked by KD but who cares we had fun and we had the balls to shop up 2 tht tw knowin what would happen and we didnt care. So why should you care? why make a big deal about it lol b:victory all I can say is...GO GO ARMA RANGER THUN THUN THUN THUN GO GO ARMA RANGER MIGHTY MORPHIN ARMA RANGER!!!!!!b:thanks
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    kd have no good mages. end of story. they are losing 2 lands for sure this week ^^
  • Posts: 1,144 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I care what Evoke does because they affect my enjoyment of weekend TW.

    Although I've gotten used to rolling everyone in TW while they run around like useless idiots since QQme, so maybe I'm just cursed.
    Sig by Bakura~
  • Posts: 1,420 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Umm we learnd alot lol and jugg why the hell do u care what Evoke does, I really find it funny how u make a big deal over who we attack of over who won last tw, Dude remember its a game. Sure we got rocked by KD but who cares we had fun and we had the balls to shop up 2 tht tw knowin what would happen and we didnt care. So why should you care? why make a big deal about it lol

    Not possible

    How fun can being camped at your res platform really be? cmon now, its a game you should be enjoying it.

    Ya know what Evoke heard on Sunday?


    (i knew this SS would come in handy one day, epic)
  • Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I enjoy hot baths, poetry, and long walks on the beach.
  • Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Not possible

    How fun can being camped at your res platform really be? cmon now, its a game you should be enjoying it.

    Ya know what Evoke heard on Sunday?


    (i knew this SS would come in handy one day, epic)

    lol ok. and bro we did have fun no matter what u think b:pleased
This discussion has been closed.