Kylin Alliances



  • Flanders - Harshlands
    Flanders - Harshlands Posts: 499 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Because, unlike most forum-goers, I read the rules of the forum, so I know what the boundaries are before I cross them.

    b:cute literally read the rules? Now that's just depressing.
  • Homaru - Harshlands
    Homaru - Harshlands Posts: 174 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Options literally read the rules? Now that's just depressing.

    Or really awesome.
  • Garaver - Harshlands
    Garaver - Harshlands Posts: 882 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Taboo, if u gonna say somenthing, first learn about it, dont go making conclusions that make no sense. Kylin didnt had anything to do with the internal issues we had in Karma, they were among our members, differences that broke the guild in 2. Im happy to say that a lot of the issues we had have been resolved and Karma is getting togehter again and u will see us back in TW soon!b:pleased

    -Semi-quit the game, I'm very busy nowadays
    -Former member of Kylin
    -Kylin: thrashtalk everyone, win TWs, serious faction -Dralighte
  • Homaru - Harshlands
    Homaru - Harshlands Posts: 174 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Taboo, if u gonna say somenthing, first learn about it, dont go making conclusions that make no sense. Kylin didnt had anything to do with the internal issues we had in Karma, they were among our members, differences that broke the guild in 2. Im happy to say that a lot of the issues we had have been resolved and Karma is getting togehter again and u will see us back in TW soon!b:pleased

    Old news, Bro.

    This thread has been officially derailed. *points upward*
  • Aliella - Harshlands
    Aliella - Harshlands Posts: 191 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    b:shutup every time i come onto the forums the higher lvls just prove how much of an **** they are to everyone......this is especially Taboo because i continuously find him trying to put down kylin members for the fun of it yet i never see him in game......its kinda depressing actually, KD, in my opinion, is full of ego-maniacs who concurred the map (suggestion let other factions onto the map and make the map more colorful) b:sleep instead of QQing on the forums about the things wrong in the HL server. Go fix it IN GAME and don't complain about it in the forums seriously the forums are for help b:bye its just a game don't take it so seriously
  • Ajani - Harshlands
    Ajani - Harshlands Posts: 1,170 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I heard HL forums are full cause SZ in game is also full. Any comments?
    PVP: 3800 kills in the name of KD lawl
    Retired as of 18/11/09
    Back as of 22/11/10
    Archer retired as of 26/12/10
  • Taboo - Harshlands
    Taboo - Harshlands Posts: 1,420 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    b:shutup every time i come onto the forums the higher lvls just prove how much of an **** they are to everyone......this is especially Taboo because i continuously find him trying to put down kylin members for the fun of it yet i never see him in game......its kinda depressing actually, KD, in my opinion, is full of ego-maniacs who concurred the map (suggestion let other factions onto the map and make the map more colorful) b:sleep instead of QQing about the things wrong in the HL server. Go fix it IN GAME and don't complain about it in the forums seriously the forums are for help b:bye its just a game don't take it so seriously

    I know im an ****, what can i say, thank you for pointing it out?

    Why would you see me in game, you are lvl 60 and dont TW....

    I dont understand your use of parentheses. Since you are supposed to be able to remove them and still have a sentense that makes sense, you are saying:"KD are ego-maniacs who CONQUERED the map instead of QQing about the things wrong in HL server". Sounds like....we did...the, right thing?....

    Finally, people need to stop saying, its just a game. PWI IS SERIOUS FACKING BUSINESS! b:angry
  • HunterPK - Harshlands
    HunterPK - Harshlands Posts: 85 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I know im an ****, what can i say, thank you for pointing it out?

    Why would you see me in game, you are lvl 60 and dont TW....

    I dont understand your use of parentheses. Since you are supposed to be able to remove them and still have a sentense that makes sense, you are saying:"KD are ego-maniacs who CONQUERED the map instead of QQing about the things wrong in HL server". Sounds like....we did...the, right thing?....

    Finally, people need to stop saying, its just a game. PWI IS SERIOUS FACKING BUSINESS! b:angry

    congratz u have lands in a online game story bro
  • Rerun - Harshlands
    Rerun - Harshlands Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    congratz u have lands in a online game story bro

    Leave Taby alone hunter.. This goes for all other nice folks out there too..Taboo is "trying" to move from RL to In Game... If u all keep Picking on him, he might get troll and upset and Un-install his RL. I know i don't want to see that..
  • Aliella - Harshlands
    Aliella - Harshlands Posts: 191 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    =_= damn keyboard doesnt wanna work, anyways fixed the typo i made on my last post :O =_= and taboo stop **** with that i said they are 2 different sentence dumbass
  • Xprestigex - Harshlands
    Xprestigex - Harshlands Posts: 437 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Leave Taby alone hunter.. This goes for all other nice folks out there too..Taboo is "trying" to move from RL to In Game... If u all keep Picking on him, he might get troll and upset and Un-install his RL. I know i don't want to see that..

    O.o i would hate to see taboo come to my house and try to "perditition", C4 isn't the only weapon u can use taboo... and in rl you arn't going to survive your homemade perditition XD, anyway yea! stop picking on taboo... if hes like this in games i would hate to see him in rl, so lets let him have whatever he wants in game, as long as he dosn't leave his house
    Our GMs, which art invisible,
    Hallowed be thy Alma,
    Thy kingdom come, thy will be done in godless valley,
    As it is in fb29.
    Give us this day our daily quest.
    And forgive us our banning,
    As we forgive those who ban us.
    And lead us not into random pk,
    But deliver us from Hell
    For yours is the Perfect World, the power and the glory,
    Untill the server crashes
  • Taboo - Harshlands
    Taboo - Harshlands Posts: 1,420 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    O.o i would hate to see taboo come to my house and try to "perditition", C4 isn't the only weapon u can use taboo... and in rl you arn't going to survive your homemade perditition XD, anyway yea! stop picking on taboo... if hes like this in games i would hate to see him in rl, so lets let him have whatever he wants in game, as long as he dosn't leave his house

    zzzzz, old comments are old. what was said about tekkblade, being a 1 shot irl? lol. your attempt to link game and rl is quite silly imo, but you can keep going....i guess some of them are funny....
  • Mr__T - Harshlands
    Mr__T - Harshlands Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I heard HL forums are full cause SZ in game is also full. Any comments?

    Can u do me a favor? Go to PVE forum, stop comming to HL forum if u hate this server so much.
  • Xprestigex - Harshlands
    Xprestigex - Harshlands Posts: 437 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    zzzzz, old comments are old. what was said about tekkblade, being a 1 shot irl? lol. your attempt to link game and rl is quite silly imo, but you can keep going....i guess some of them are funny....

    lol, O.o i have no idea what was said about other peoples rl, i just care that much about it <3

    i was just helping Rerun with what he was saying about u in rl :O im just a helpful kind of guy, i don't want to see u uninstall pw taboo <3 pw needs more trolls to keep the forums intertaining, is it wrong to care so much about my fellow pwer? b:sad
    Our GMs, which art invisible,
    Hallowed be thy Alma,
    Thy kingdom come, thy will be done in godless valley,
    As it is in fb29.
    Give us this day our daily quest.
    And forgive us our banning,
    As we forgive those who ban us.
    And lead us not into random pk,
    But deliver us from Hell
    For yours is the Perfect World, the power and the glory,
    Untill the server crashes
  • Taarloor - Harshlands
    Taarloor - Harshlands Posts: 472 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    lol, O.o i have no idea what was said about other peoples rl, i just care that much about it <3

    i was just helping Rerun with what he was saying about u in rl :O im just a helpful kind of guy, i don't want to see u uninstall pw taboo <3 pw needs more trolls to keep the forums intertaining, is it wrong to care so much about my fellow pwer?

    Join my guild already! b:angryb:cryb:surrender

    oh and BTW Kylin is cool b:victory
  • Xprestigex - Harshlands
    Xprestigex - Harshlands Posts: 437 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Join my guild already!

    oh and BTW Kylin is cool b:victory

    lol b:surrender i joined kylin for now, to help with tw vs kd, i havn't had much time lately to play, just been doing wq and crazy stone, and trolling the forums while doing hw :D
    Our GMs, which art invisible,
    Hallowed be thy Alma,
    Thy kingdom come, thy will be done in godless valley,
    As it is in fb29.
    Give us this day our daily quest.
    And forgive us our banning,
    As we forgive those who ban us.
    And lead us not into random pk,
    But deliver us from Hell
    For yours is the Perfect World, the power and the glory,
    Untill the server crashes
  • Tekkblade - Harshlands
    Tekkblade - Harshlands Posts: 155 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    i read up to where ligeia tried to instegate a fight..

    and no, that wasnt the case at all

    we won even after KD recruited anyone and everyone out of desperateness

    the sad part was someone baught another entity rank8 at the time.. just to even try to balance the scales.

    but even then.. it wasn't enough at the time.. KD had to have x3 people attack us to beat us.. we two, should of only won one to be honest.. but
    things happen for a reason

    seems to me.. KD tried to "so-call" take advantage.. is completely true
    you took all the credit and took a dump on everyone else who helped u get where you are.

    if things go sour for you.. which i really hope they do.. you'll get what you deserve.

    most of you would sell your grandmothers teeth just to get away with a lie and look good here.

    maybe appearance is everything to you..its not too me- thats why i really am hated here.. like i always say, dont care /wrist

    i get deployed.. and we i read here time to time to keep on the topics.

    all i can say is LAWLb:chuckle get a life b:cute

    i'll be back full time in a month or so.. and i prolly wont check this place till i come home.

    hey Taboo whats ur HP at?? not that i'll really read.. but i'll have over 30-35k soon. b:surrender

    so take care Everyone

    luv u kylin b:thanks
    I'm bored..b:surrender

    and might look forward to making warsoul weapon too (rofl)

    cashmoney/talkblade/luved by haters for my wallet b:victoryb:bye
  • Taboo - Harshlands
    Taboo - Harshlands Posts: 1,420 Arc User
    edited February 2010

    Signals for nurfed to come take a look. b:chuckle
  • BigBang - Harshlands
    BigBang - Harshlands Posts: 99 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMM, oh no he didnt, oh no he didnt......wait he did, jajajajajajaja. let em have it lig! any rebuttal from the kylin side?

    eumm 1K streams handsdown om its yellow isnt it ????????? and dont strt QQin about evoke atting u too u dit the same to kylin tag team em but hey they got 1K streams after u said evoke was a push over ? sheesh man i aint from kylin buuuuut yea they won 2 city's back woohoo ? and what will happen when Kylin and Zulu will be attacking at the same time who are you gona hold down idk man but good luck is all i can say some guilds grow fast but fall even faster
    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (")_(") signature to help him gain world domination.
  • Tekkblade - Harshlands
    Tekkblade - Harshlands Posts: 155 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    whats nurf have ne thing to do with anything?

    this is about KD taboo..

    not zulu, so.. i wouldnt hide behind someone else anymore mate.

    time for you to grow your own.. okay mate?

    i dont even care about tw ne more tbh lol
    I'm bored..b:surrender

    and might look forward to making warsoul weapon too (rofl)

    cashmoney/talkblade/luved by haters for my wallet b:victoryb:bye
  • BigBang - Harshlands
    BigBang - Harshlands Posts: 99 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    whats nurf have ne thing to do with anything?

    this is about KD taboo..

    not zulu, so.. i wouldnt hide behind someone else anymore mate.

    time for you to grow your own.. okay mate?

    i dont even care about tw ne more tbh lol

    ohhh emmm gee tekky is back WB tekk xD
    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (")_(") signature to help him gain world domination.
  • Tekkblade - Harshlands
    Tekkblade - Harshlands Posts: 155 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    thank you sir, but i'm not back yet.. i wont even be back for a month maybe a month in a half, atleast full time.

    its hard to get internet in afghanistan..

    i hope everyone is doing well all across the world.

    miss you bunchez

    -k- well i g2g'z b:bye
    I'm bored..b:surrender

    and might look forward to making warsoul weapon too (rofl)

    cashmoney/talkblade/luved by haters for my wallet b:victoryb:bye
  • Killmin - Harshlands
    Killmin - Harshlands Posts: 122 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    OMG... please dont let me see any QQ over evoke atacking KD. Evoke is nothing but vender trash. They cany TW they only last as long as it takes for the cata's to walk to the crystal and kill it.
  • Taboo - Harshlands
    Taboo - Harshlands Posts: 1,420 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    whats nurf have ne thing to do with anything?

    this is about KD taboo..

    not zulu, so.. i wouldnt hide behind someone else anymore mate.

    time for you to grow your own.. okay mate?

    i dont even care about tw ne more tbh lol

    Back for one day and already acting like an arogant prick tekk? There are things called inside jokes, but i guess you have no concept of that. youve been gone for a while, but hey, you clearly know what has gone on in my private in-game conversations and all the forum sht lol. I swear you are like my nosy parent who claims to know all.
  • Dark_Fate - Harshlands
    Dark_Fate - Harshlands Posts: 968 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    U should change your signature taboob:cuteb:chuckle
  • Xulin - Harshlands
    Xulin - Harshlands Posts: 167 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Back for one day and already acting like an arogant prick tekk? There are things called inside jokes, but i guess you have no concept of that. youve been gone for a while, but hey, you clearly know what has gone on in my private in-game conversations and all the forum sht lol. I swear you are like my nosy parent who claims to know all.

    L m a o. Look who is talking about others being arrogant.

    Edit: I just noticed what this thread was about and lol'd some more.
  • Taboo - Harshlands
    Taboo - Harshlands Posts: 1,420 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    L m a o. Look who is talking about others being arrogant.

    Edit: I just noticed what this thread was about and lol'd some more.

    Maybe when we get married, ill let you post on the forums. Until then, im banning you.
  • Vivre - Harshlands
    Vivre - Harshlands Posts: 305 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Jerry Jerry Jerry
    What is this 'res' you speak of? b:cute
  • bawksy
    bawksy Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    holy **** so Kylin won 1 and all their trolls came back!

    MD where ya at?! MrConce you back from AF yet?
    inb4 Alexeno

    ಠೈಠ Troll-sauce-face made by Konariraiden
    When you see it.. Just don't post again.
  • Taboo - Harshlands
    Taboo - Harshlands Posts: 1,420 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    bawksy wrote: »
    holy **** so Kylin won 1 and all their trolls came back!

    MD where ya at?! MrConce you back from AF yet?

    LOL, so true. Just like in pvp, they run away until they get enough people to win then they talk all day about it and suddenly have an oppinion. Go take out some more student loans to pay for gear, so you have something to post about on the forums please. b:chuckle