PWI Fanfiction Story (Manga/Video?)
b:shockedI hope everything is ok with you, Kitten. Take all the time you need.
As to everyone else, school is a drag lol. I'll be more active, promise. We also have a new member to our group who will help with the character creation and profiling, animation and movement, and editing.b:thanks XRiptidexb:victory
Alright, still no word for the music and such so this is what I'll do. I'll take full responsibility for the PWI music and sounds if they have a problem with us using. Also we can just take the music and sounds out with no problem and replace it with our own if they don't like it. Sound good?[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
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Want a darker race? A race fighting for their humanity?
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sounds good ^^The VenoX: Heavy Pure Melee (Axe User with a hint of magic) Venomancer and Proud
Having fun since lv1
5 more levels baby!
{=^.^=} < I'll never give up. Never give in. )
I'm for The Cursed! -
Chapter 22: Harpy Wraith's Plot
"Ugh! The nerve of her!" Aqua growled as she clutched her fist and glared at the seashell. "Does she believe me to be so stupid?" she asked herself before turning to face the sea. She was about to throw it until she heard a rattling-hiss behind her. Whirling around and dropping the shell on the sand, she saw a massive snake towering over her. Eyes widened as they took in the shape of the beast. Catching its eyes, she froze in place. Those eyes were paralyzing and she could not break away from it as it drew nearer and nearer...
[Meanwhile on Nameless Isle]
"Still no sign of him?" Harmony asked when she approached Xin and Foxy. The two shook their heads slowly and with despair. "How can there be no trace of him?" she asked in slight anger. "I could still revive him if we just find his-" she quickly paused when seeing the hurt in Foxy's and Koto's eyes. "Foxy, I didn't mean-" She tried finding the right words.
"I know you are a priestess." Foxy replied simply while turning her back towards Harmony. She petted Koto softly and closed her eyes before looking out to the sea. "Tell me something..." A soft sigh came from her lips. "If he is in pieces, would you still be able to return him to life? Fully whole?"
"I-" Harmony started.
"Can you?!" Foxy turned around with a sharp glare at her.
"My powers aren't..." Harmony stepped back when her eyes met Foxy's. "No.." she whispered, ashamed.
"Foxy, that isn't fair. You know she doesn't have that type of power yet." Xin stepped in.
"I know Hojo longer than either of you. This is no time to be playing the 'I can fix everything' game! He's out there and I'm not going to wait till he washes up on shore dead, so you can ATTEMPT to revive him!"
"Shut up, Xin. Just shut up. It's your fault for not putting your arrows to use and hooking him so he wouldn't be lost at sea!" she snapped.
"How dare you blame him!? You and we all know you started it. If it wasn't for your stupid plan to play bait, he wouldn't be on the offensive to save you!" Harmony barked back.
"How was I suppose to know they would be back? Xin and Hojo went off somewhere telling no one. Like I am a phychic!"
Koto looked back and fourth at the arguing trio before hearing something in the bushes and started growling.
"I have you know I was keeping him out of trouble!"
Sadly the three did not notice him jump out Foxy's hands and start tugging on eveyone's clothing.
"Oh, like you did with Mantavip?!"
"Well at least I tried, Ms. Damsel in Distress!" Xin growled.
"I saved your butt many times actually, archer boy, when your little darling couldn't keep up!"
"And I thanked you. Don't bring it up. I saved you other times as well with my arrows."
"I can't keep up?! How about none of you run off so fast!" Harmony growled.
"I'm athletic, what do you expect me to do, run slow?" Xin asked.
"It's called range, moron!" Foxy replied.
"You don't have to run into everything like the other boys." Harmony added.
"Oh so now you're on her side."
"I'm not taking sides, I'm pointing out a basic fact." Harmony argued.
"Well the basic fact is that you need to stop acting like you can fix everything." Xin stated.
"Ahk." Harmony gasped with suprise. "Well I-"
"Told ya."
"It sounds like you all don't need my healing power at all!" Harmony turned her back to them and crossed her arms.
"You can count me out for giving you extra shields and help." Foxy stated, mimicing Harmony's turn around.
"Don't ask me to take a hit for you, because I'm not. I'm through with helping you dogde out the way of a blade or saving you. Evade it yourself." Xin ended and crossed his arms and turned. He closed his eyes only to open them quickly after hearing screams and feeling himself be put in distress as well.
"Ha ha!" a loud shout of joy went through the air. "Ooooh yummy yummy."
There were a seres of clicks and hisses from the capturers. They were snake people that were natives of the island. They had roped and tied up Harmony, Xin, and Foxy.
"I ouk to navie saltra kan." One said to the others.
[Translation: We haven't had visitors in a long time]
The one beside him laughed. "Yoku sayn sue pertu."
[Translation: So oblivious to the outside.]
"Is it just me or are they speaking in a different language?" he turned his head and asked the girls. "Oh." They both glared at him and said nothing due to the cloths over their mouths. "Well I guess they I don't scream for help."
One of the natives gagged Xin and placed a finger up to his mouth before smacking him upside the head. "Shh... Yoki saru paru."
[Translation: Shh.. Food can't talk.]
Foxy giggled under her cloth. Listening more and more to their language, she could partly understand them.
"Nakis guron patru navi con feast yummy yummy."
[Translation: Let's get them ready for the yummy yummy feast.]
"I sure hope feast means fiesta." Xin thought to himself.
[Tai Chi Shore]
"Sorry to ruin your dinner, but that's my girl you're constricting!" Hojo's voice rang out right before he sliced the side of Slither. It screeched, letting Maria go and he caught her in his arms. She was out cold, but thankfully still alive. He turned back to the angered snake. "You just pissed me off." he growled.
[Fight scene]
Soon Aqua came to and she noticed Hojo fighting Slither. She could only smile when seeing him. He was alive. Harpy Wraith was right about that. She got up to her feet and ran to the action.
[At night in Nameless Isle]
The group were in a cage side by side. Foxy managed to wiggle off her cloth. "Now what?" she whispered, making sure she was not heard by the snake race who were dancing around a large fire. She saw the others turn their heads away from her. "Look, we're not going to get out of this if we ignore each other."
Koto clawed on the outside of the cage and whined.
"Koto!" Foxy said with a smile of joy. "Can you help us?" she asked the little bear. Koto nodded and started nibbling on the ropes that bounded Foxy's wrists.
"Fine, but I'm still mad at you." Harmony finally replied. Koto went to free her next then Xin.
After Koto crawled on Xin and ungaged him, Xin sighed, "Alright. Let's just get out of here."
Foxy and Harmony nodded.
Foxy turned to Koto. "Can you get us our weapons?" The little animal nodded then squeezed through the bars.
The others whispered to each other to make a plan of escape.
[Tai Chi Shore]
Slither took its last hiss before collapsing on the ground. "Serves you right." Hojo said right before bending down to his knees and starting to cough roughly.
Aqua's eyes widened, when she saw his agony. "Hojo!"
"I'm ok. Just got sand in my mouth." Hojo said, getting up and wiping his mouth. A chill went over Aqua once she saw a glance of blood that was on Hojo's hand from his mouth. He truely was sick. Harpy Wraith was.... right...
Fang soon came to the two and smiled. "Hojo, you're alive."
"Ya, and never better." Hojo shot Fang a smile. "Where's the others?"
"Hey, over here!" Foxy yelled out with glee. The three were riding their mounts over to the remaining group.
"Hey, he's alive!" Xin said.
"Glad to see you again, Hojo." Harmony added after landing.
"What happened?" Xin asked.
"Where were you?" Fang asked.
As the group bombarded Hojo with questions, Aqua turned to see Koto sniffing the purple shell on the sand Harpy Wraith gave her. She quickly snatched it and hid it away in her clothes so no one would see. Koto looked at her questionly and she gave him a nervous smile. "Shell collecting." she muttered as an excuse.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
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b:sadThat's it? No endingz to the last chapter? Or still in blockade?The VenoX: Heavy Pure Melee (Axe User with a hint of magic) Venomancer and Proud
Having fun since lv1
5 more levels baby!
{=^.^=} < I'll never give up. Never give in. )
I'm for The Cursed! -
I'm still partially Writer's Blockedb:surrender.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Why So Stupid?
Want a darker race? A race fighting for their humanity?
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Tis k. I'm just impatient when something is really good.The VenoX: Heavy Pure Melee (Axe User with a hint of magic) Venomancer and Proud
Having fun since lv1
5 more levels baby!
{=^.^=} < I'll never give up. Never give in. )
I'm for The Cursed! -
Working on 22 now.b:victory[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
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jokerxdude wrote: »Working on 22 now.b:victory
Noooo. You made me confuzled. Don't kill the other Hojo!b:cryThe VenoX: Heavy Pure Melee (Axe User with a hint of magic) Venomancer and Proud
Having fun since lv1
5 more levels baby!
{=^.^=} < I'll never give up. Never give in. )
I'm for The Cursed! -
Kittennice - Heavens Tear wrote: »Yay!
Noooo. You made me confuzled. Don't kill the other Hojo!b:cry
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jokerxdude wrote:"I saved your butt many times actually, archer boy, when your little darling couldn't keep up!"
"And I thanked you. Don't bring it up. I saved you other times as well with my arrows."
"I can't keep up?! How about none of you run off so fast!" Harmony growled.
"I'm athletic, what do you expect me to do, run slow?" Xin asked.
"It's called range, moron!" Foxy replied.
"You don't ave to run into everything like the other boys." Harmony added.
"Oh so now you're on her side."
Typical squad chat.b:chuckle My favorite.The VenoX: Heavy Pure Melee (Axe User with a hint of magic) Venomancer and Proud
Having fun since lv1
5 more levels baby!
{=^.^=} < I'll never give up. Never give in. )
I'm for The Cursed! -
Still working on the Trailer. I'm thinking about 2 minutes or less. It depends.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
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Will 2 minutes be enough? I wanna see even if it is really really short. I wanna see what you have so far.b:cute pleaseThe VenoX: Heavy Pure Melee (Axe User with a hint of magic) Venomancer and Proud
Having fun since lv1
5 more levels baby!
{=^.^=} < I'll never give up. Never give in. )
I'm for The Cursed! -
You're right. It would definitely be more. b:mischievousI'll show you it, just let me finish the landscape you all are going to have the drawn characters on. For some reason I can do landscape, but can't drawn characters or creatures for my life.
40 seconds in!b:victory[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
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^^ I'm kinda interested to see what this looks like.
b:surrender sorry I never really offered help, been really busy with my own motion comic. >.< it's been put on hiatus though, so if you have any requests :P now's the time to ask ^^ I would love to help, this sounds fun.
Thanks Silvychar for the sig
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LOST CITY! -> home to the original badasses of PWI b:cool
... and a few losers....0 -
b:victoryDone. It needs a lot of editing though. Not all effect sounds are there or voice for Pan Gu. I'm sure it will be longer now since the characters were not put in yet, but at least you get the idea of what is needed. I'll send the backgrounds if you want them to drawn on, but I made it simple so Blank (wanted to be unknown) can easily animate around the background and I can update it after.
Edit 1 of Trailer/Teaser 1:
It would be very nice to have you working with us, Kyna. I love your art.
Is there anything you're interested in doing? What are your strengths and weaknesses so I can pair you up with another artist?[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Why So Stupid?
Want a darker race? A race fighting for their humanity?
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Anime! Anime! Oh PW Anime!
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jokerxdude wrote: »b:victoryDone. It needs a lot of editing though. Not all effect sounds are there or voice for Pan Gu. I'm sure it will be longer now since the characters were not put in yet, but at least you get the idea of what is needed. I'll send the backgrounds if you want them to drawn on, but I made it simple so Blank (wanted to be unknown) can easily animate around the background and I can update it after.
Edit 1 of Trailer/Teaser 1:
It would be very nice to have you working with us, Kyna. I love your art.
Is there anything you're interested in doing? What are your strengths and weaknesses so I can pair you up with another artist?
Oh snap! O.O That's one good edit 1. Sure it's fuzzy and I have to turn up the volume for the first part of the main theme of pw before the thunder and the subtitle is sometimes hard to see, but it's pretty nifty. Awesome Possum! =^.^=
So what do we start for drawing? I can do the fighting people, but how many? What size should they be? Do we have to draw every motion or can your friend do the animation without all the motion pics?
Oh and maybe put Pan Gu's words in yellow so it is easier to see.b:cute Me so excited! Iz cant'z containz it!The VenoX: Heavy Pure Melee (Axe User with a hint of magic) Venomancer and Proud
Having fun since lv1
5 more levels baby!
{=^.^=} < I'll never give up. Never give in. )
I'm for The Cursed! -
Color is most definitely my specialty. My lines aren't the best and I'm not very fast with them but my color and backgrounds are my strengths.
Example of color -->> [x]
Example of backgrounds -->> [x]
I'm more of a painter than anything. ^^ seems like it would be fun.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thanks Silvychar for the sig
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LOST CITY! -> home to the original badasses of PWI b:cool
... and a few losers....0 -
At last! It is (almost) finished! In all honesty, I'm pretty proud of how it turned out, although Hojo's the one I like best -- considering he's the only complete male character I've drawn so far. As always, they're sketches; uncoloured for ya'll to have fun with.
1) Hojo the V and Maria!
2) Luna and Serenity! <-- I hate hands....
3) Prototype of Xaldain, but then I realized that I totally drew him wrong, so I'll be working on him later. I didn't even attempt his eyes yet, since I still need to figure out how to make his markings work without making them look like he's got bags under his eyes. I'm just posting this because I like how it turned out...Maybe someone can color it for funsies in the Coloring Book thread? b:victory
Tell me what you think!0 -
Kittennice - Heavens Tear wrote: »Oh snap! O.O That's one good edit 1. Sure it's fuzzy and I have to turn up the volume for the first part of the main theme of pw before the thunder and the subtitle is sometimes hard to see, but it's pretty nifty. Awesome Possum! =^.^=
So what do we start for drawing? I can do the fighting people, but how many? What size should they be? Do we have to draw every motion or can your friend do the animation without all the motion pics?
Oh and maybe put Pan Gu's words in yellow so it is easier to see.b:cute Me so excited! Iz cant'z containz it!
Ya, I noticed that after I loaded it onto Youtube. I don't know why it came out blurry. As for the characters draw them as normal scale. They can easily be resized and edited in the scene. Animations do not have to have all the clips. Do them for example: 1) clashed swords, 2)Drawn away swords in the middle, and 3)Swiping at one another. It is easy to add in the other parts if we have the first, middle, and final clip like what was done with Pan Gu walking in the corridor.Kyna - Lost City wrote: »
Wowb:dirty. Welcome to the team. We really need a background artist and painter. Perhaps you can do effects as well?
Those pictures are just beautiful.Vixe - Heavens Tear wrote: »At last! It is (almost) finished! In all honesty, I'm pretty proud of how it turned out, although Hojo's the one I like best -- considering he's the only complete male character I've drawn so far. As always, they're sketches; uncoloured for ya'll to have fun with.
1) Hojo the V and Maria!
2) Luna and Serenity! <-- I hate hands....
3) Prototype of Xaldain, but then I realized that I totally drew him wrong, so I'll be working on him later. I didn't even attempt his eyes yet, since I still need to figure out how to make his markings work without making them look like he's got bags under his eyes. I'm just posting this because I like how it turned out...Maybe someone can color it for funsies in the Coloring Book thread? b:victory
Tell me what you think!
Looks awesome.b:victory Kitten drew Xaldian correctely. The description you are looking at is his appearance after the others died. This was my RPC a long time ago I got made. It has what the Red Reaper would look like.
The Coloring Book thread is a great idea.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
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b:thanks well thanks.
Just tell me exactly what it is you need/want for backgrounds and I can do them. I usually do them on a very large scale but it would probably be best if you specified some dimensions, that way you don't end up with oddly proportioned stuff.
I'm not sure about what you mean for effects exactly or who you already have doing colors and such xD Sorry to sound a little crazy but I'm totally ADD about making all the shading match up... b:surrender[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thanks Silvychar for the sig
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LOST CITY! -> home to the original badasses of PWI b:cool
... and a few losers....0 -
Alright, I'm going to give each of you specific jobs. We should start out with the trailer to get a feel of working with one another.
the effects I am meaning are things such as a wizard's flame. I noticed the fireflies, I believe they are in your color picture. You are able to manipulate colors excellently ans effects do not really have a definite line system; an uncontained shape. Other things it can be is the beams of the sun or a torchlight.
We currently do not have anyone in for coloring so you can color the characters.
The backgrounds can be any scale, but preferably 500 x 500.
For now we just need the battle ground scene. If you saw the video, though it is fuzzy, the background has a dark stormy sky and reddish-brown ground. It should be rocky and be similar to Dragon's End in-game without the campsite (pure nature w/o trees).
There are four parts in the battle field where the camera shifts quite a bit back and forth from one scene to the other (you don't have to worry about the camera part). The first part is the field where the races fight one another. The second part is where the 6 choosen end up slightly in the middle. The third is where the Untamed leader and everyone stop fighting. And the last is the mountain that is covered with wraiths running down it.
So the scene in scrolling right to left would be: [fighting] [mountain of wraiths] [Flat plain where the Choosen stand] [smaller mountain behind elder]
So the scene will be in better words... There is a flat plane across the whole entire x-axis and the large mountain is in the middle, pushed back from the battle ground.
You can put it in one big landscape (no characters added).
Here is an example:
I'm going to kidnap you for a bit and put you in the unhumanoid section of drawing. You will still help with humanoid and the other characters, it's just that we need a wraith artist and need someone to draw Koto, Rock, and the flying mounts.
I want Death Knights and those flaming guys in the Writh Gate. I forgot they're name... Those skeleton guys. I have to look them up. I want them to be running down the mountain. I need a 4 part running sequence. After that, it can be set in loop and we can have them running down . Have the images large please, so Blank can scale them with the background so they get bigger and bigger when running closer and closer down.
Also, a sketch of Harpy Wraith would be great. Now I do not want her ugly as in-game actually. Give her an exotic appearance. Think of Bewolfb:chuckle
I'm going to put you in charge of the choosen six. Now, these six are not the season 1 characters. They are the ones that have stopped the war between the races so they will look as an older version of what you and Kitten drew. Armor is best for their appearance in the Trailer. The trailer shows what happened in the past and the anime will actually pick up at the reincarnates: Luna, Stripes, Serenity, etc.
Anyone can have dibs on making the Untamed Elder, fighters, and the flag. I will also give cookies to the person who can find the symbol of one of the races's for the war flag. Oh and dibs can be made on the war flag.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
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-White wings have green tips (Both head wings and back wings)
-Green lunar moons lay on their backs under his green eyes
-Red short hair ending at his neck (As the season progresses, it gets longer to back length)
-Young 20s or 18-19ish
-Calm guy look
-White dove wings with light pink/blue/purple streaks (Back and Head)
-Double wings on the forehead (Butterfly-like in positioning +folded+)
-Gentle, sweet, caring blue eyes
-Straight long flowing sun-colored hair
-Soft pink lips
-Young 20s or 18-19ish
-Caring, Angelic girl look
Hojo V
-Cool, short, black hair (Possibly a ponytail)
-Slightly rage-filled eyes
-Young 20s or 18-19ish
-The Bad boy look
-Long brown hair ending at the back
-Collected, wise eyes
-Young 20s or 18-19ish
-The Wise One look (Like Athena)
-Short white hair (Laying over his right eye)
-Right eye has two lines going vertical (cut marks)
-Whie and black fur (Icy-blue?)
-Tiger tail
-Keen yet soft blue eyes
-Young 20s or 18-19ish
-The Cool Warrior boy look
-Braided silver/white hair
-Bright, curious eyes
-Fluffy silver fox tail (Possibly put like a ponytail)
-Silver/white fox ears
-Young 20s or 18-19ish
-The Happy-Go-Lucky Cheerleader girl look
Harpy Wraith
-Blue skin (Ice blue?)
-Snake skin (spotted design) outlining her body [Can make it other parts for censorship.. xD]
-Long whitish-purple/blue hair
-Violet seductive eyes
-No ears viewable
-Cobra connection to her spine
-Big **** +whistles+[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
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Sweet, a better description of the characters are quite helpful! Although, drawing them will be a bit tricky since armor isn't really my forte...I'm more fabric-y in style. Also, do you want me to draw each character separately or in a group shot? Be as specific as you can, so I can make everything work to your liking. b:victory
Also, about Stripe's look. I'm not one who can draw furries very well either, so do you want me to draw him like am in-game barbarian, or as a male with animal-like features (Like a venomancer)?0 -
I actually want him as a furry critter.b:surrender
I want them seperate for now.
The others for the trailer would be a group shot. The wizard girl will be on the very left and the archer in the middle, ending with the barbarian on the very right. The other characters you can place as you wish. I'm think either white robes or white armor to make them stand out. Perhaps robes since your best is fabric.
I need them to be shooting glares in one clip and another is just with the wizard girl pointing towards the mountain.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
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I love both your pics Vixe and Kyna. Oh and the truth is I am bad with skeletons, but I can do my best. It's just the skeleton faces that need work not the bodies. I guess I'll do the people fighting. You have any preference to the fighting like a venomancer's basic cast styles or simple ones?melee?The VenoX: Heavy Pure Melee (Axe User with a hint of magic) Venomancer and Proud
Having fun since lv1
5 more levels baby!
{=^.^=} < I'll never give up. Never give in. )
I'm for The Cursed! -
I think we should keep it basica and have melees such as the blademasters, archers, and barbarians. Males more prefered fighting than women.
And the caracter description for Harpy is up for you.b:victory
Make her hotb:dirty[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
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Want a darker race? A race fighting for their humanity?
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jokerxdude wrote: »Harpy Wraith
-Blue skin (Ice blue?)
-Snake skin (spotted design) outlining her body [Can make it other parts for censorship.. xD]
-Long whitish-purple/blue hair
-Violet seductive eyes
-No ears viewable
-Cobra connection to her spine
-Big **** +whistles+
Oh brother...
The last one is totally obvious. Your such a dudeb:scornThe VenoX: Heavy Pure Melee (Axe User with a hint of magic) Venomancer and Proud
Having fun since lv1
5 more levels baby!
{=^.^=} < I'll never give up. Never give in. )
I'm for The Cursed! -
Yep and proud.b:victory[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Why So Stupid?
Want a darker race? A race fighting for their humanity?
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Chapter 23: Banished Thee Be
After the joining together, the group settled down in a small town near Etherblade.
"This is getting ridiculous!" Hojo stated as he paced back and forth. "We've fought every tough wraith but still Harpy is out there somewhere hiding. Laughing it up. I say we search high and low for her. We're ready. I sure would like to show her a thing or to that , Old hag."
Aqua stood up from the wooden chair she was sitting on. "No."
Hojo turned around and gave her the same look everyone was giving her; confused.
"I mean what if we aren't ready. It wouldn't be likely for her to be at that same spot where the others were last. What if that's the only place we can do it? It's not like we had practice on doing the circle. We never did it." Aqua explained. She was bidding time. If they killed Harpy Wraith then the antidote would be lost forever. Hojo would die forever. Did Hojo even know he was sick? She had seen signs of his strength once with Slither, but through the days, he had been getting seemingly stronger. He was beginning to bite off too much he could not chew. After every battle, he either got extremely tired or coughed like he always did. Did the others not see it? Why was she holding back from telling the others? No, she could not. If she told them, they would surely use that to place Harpy Wraith in a trap and kill her. And if she somehow knew, there would be no way of retreiving the mixture from her. What would she do?
"Aqua is right." Harmony spoke up.
"Huh? I about-" Aqua dwelled too much into her thought that she temperarily forgotten her excuse. "Oh. Right."
"We need to practice. There must be correct timing for it. We can't just stand in our spaces and look pretty, waiting for something to happen. We need to test it. We need to know what skills they actually used to trap her. And more importantly..." Harmony glanced over to Xin. "What skill Xaldain was going to use to fully destroy her." She looked back at everyone else. "We have a good idea of what the others used, but Xaldain's is still a mystery. One wrong skill can get us all killed. We only have one chance and a quick one at that."
"Do I smell a road trip?" Fang asked with a smile.
"Roadtrip." Harmony agreed.
[Walking towards Tomb of Heroes]
"Let me get this straight. We're looking for trouble that isn't Harpy Wraith and haven't found anyting yet?" Xin asked as he walked.
"This is one dull road trip." Hojo complained.
"It was more exciting when we were searching for Harpy Wraith. Now that we're not, there's no trouble in sight." Fang added.
Just then a woman's scream cut through the air.
"Forget what I said." Fang quickly corrected himself before getting on all fours and running to where he heard the yell.
"Hey, Fang, wait up." Foxy shouted after him while running after him with the group.
There was a woman snobbing as she sat on her legs, digging her knees into the soft ground drenched in blood. She was mumbling to herself like she was mad and her make-up ran down her face. Blood was all over her, but mostly her hands. A body laid down before her. A man that looked about in his late twenties.
"What happened?" Fang asked, seeing the destruction of whatever just passed by.
"It... It.. came. The monster.. It was horade and nasty..." the woman replied, mumbling in between as she rocked back and forth from shock still. "She...she came without warning. She wanted him dead. He had done no wrong, but she wanted him dead." She looked down to the man and brushed his black hair. "My son did nothing wrong... He did nothing wrong..."
"Who did this?" Fang asked.
"Was it Harpy Wraith?" Hojo butted in.
"No.." she replied, shaking her head from side to side. "It was..." She trailed off to look up at Aqua. Her eyes widened in shock. "You..."
Aqua gave the woman a weird look. "Do I know you?"
[In the Woman's House]
"Wait, let me get this straight. You're Aqua's mother?" Foxy asked suprisingly.
"Yes, that's the truth." the woman answered, staring at her tea in her cup.
Hojo looked at Aqua sadly, who had her back to them all. He knew that this was hard for her. He was closer to her than anyone else. He knew that she was an orphan and looked for her family a long time. To learn of a family now?
"Why did you give me away?" Aqua asked in a partly shaken way. She turned to face her mother; her eyes showing she was close to tears. "It's obvious you picked my brother over me. But why so easily?"
"It wasn't easy!" the woman responded, quickly standing. "It was not what you think. Your kind was banished from these lands."
"My kind? What is my kind? I'm as much of a human as you."
She shook her head. "When you were born-"
"Save it!" Aqua shouted before storming out.
Hojo followed Aqua after telling the others to research who was responsible for Aqua's brother's death. "Aqua. Aqua, wait." He stopped his run and went to a walk when she turned around.
"She gave me up, Hojo." Aqua stated. "I was passed from home to home and she was right here. They had a whole family without me. Why my brother over me?" she snobbed before being embraced into a hug by him.
"I'm so sorry, Aqua." Hojo whispered to her. "Maybe she had a good reason..."
[Later On]
"We know who did it." Harmony said when she found Hojo and Aqua in Mount Lantern.
"Who?" they both asked in unison.
"The Cenminator."
"The what-a what-a?" Hojo said.
"The Cenminator." Xin said. "She is a snake woman like Harpy Wraith. She is one of the most dangerous wraiths. She couldn't have gone far."
"Last time she was spotted going north. We can probably catch her before she goes to Angler's Village and reeks havoc." Fang added.
"You know what this means." Harmony started. When everyone looked at her weirdly, she finished. "We can practice our circle."
[Angler's Village]
"Remember to circle around her." Aqua said as she ran along side with the group. "The others were in a circle around Harpy and that snake got away. Time your attacks perfectly."
"Couldn't we practice on a less dangerous monster?" Xin asked. Seeing them give him a glare, he shrugged. "What?"
"There she is. She's about to go to the village." Foxy said, pointing at a large snake slithering away. She shot a spell at her. The green shock caused it to stop moving then turn around.
"Foxy, don't!" Aqua shouted, but it was too late.
"Who dares to shoot me?!" a sharp female voice hissed. She turned around with sharp snake eyes looking upon them. Before she got an answer, she quickly moved towards them. Who knew a person with the bottom of a snake could move so fast. "You'll die!" She charged up a green flame in the mouth of a snake above her head. The flame flung towards the group, causing them to jump for their safety. A large gap in the sand was made by it.
"Maybe bad idea." Foxy said with a groan.
"Ya think?" Harmony added, getting up from the sand.
This wraith was pretty offensive. She continued throwing and tossing her flames left and right.
"If she keeps this up, we can't make the circle around her." Stripes frowned, jumping out the way.
"I say forget the circle and just kill her the normal way!" Hojo stated, not able to take waiting any longer. He lunged forwards after his fast run, about to swing his sword down on her. He only managed cutting her arm before being knocked away and landing in the sand.
"Fools. Do you really believe you can beat me?" she laughed.
"Hojo!" Aqua shouted, seeing him be hit hard. What if Harpy Wraith was right? She shook her head. She could not deal with this now. The others charged to attack her, but failed.
"She is blind. The snake is her sight and her life." a familiar whisper went in Aqua's ear.
Aqua turned defensively, but Harpy Wraith was not there at all. "The snake head? We can't even get close."
"I'm sure you'll think of something."
It did not take long for Aqua to come up with a plan. She ran to the side of the woman and grinned. "Hey, ugly!" she shouted, throwing a flamng card before jumping out the way of the flames. She was distracting the head, and it even looked more controling than the woman.
Stripes grinned and turned into a tiger, dashing towards the woman, head on. He turned into a tiger and took a bite at an arm.
The head twisted and hissed. It was about the shoot another flame but two arrows, one light and one regular closed its jaw. The arms went animate again, swing the swords furiously to keep everyone away. The Centimor found herself in a pit she made and then was surrounded by the six.
"Soporific Whisper." Aqua whispered, making the snake woman unable to move. "Manifest Virtue and Elemental Invocation!" she added.
"Ancestral Rage!" Stripes roared, stomping the ground with his foot and causing the sand to engulf the woman.
"Arcane Antinomy." Foxy chanted. With the ground, vines grew and wrapped around the wraith's arms, squeezing her and holding her captive.
"Elven Boon." Harmony, stated, waving her wand in the air. Light surrounded the enemy and caused damage.
"Flash!" Hojo growled, swinging his blade towards the monster, cutting off the snake head.
Xin still did not know what to do. He was uneasy when it came closer and closer to his turn. They all looked at him and waited. His face showing uncertainty. "Barrage of Arrows." he said. Multiple arrows came down, but the symbol of the circle under everyone's feet went dull then disappeared. It was the wrong attack used.
Still not quiet dead, the woman opened her eyes and a long snake tongue grabbed hold of Xin's neck. Though she was soon beheaded by Hojo. "There. Done." he stated, walking away. However, using up all that energy on that one skill made him collapse a few steps in walking.
[They made their way back to Aqua's mother's house]
"He took a great deal of power. He over-exerted himself." Aqua's mother said to them as she placed a wet cloth over Hojo's forehead whle he was in a bed still unconscious. "It is best he stays here for tonight. You can't move him much. It may cause more injury." She sighed. "I'm sorry I don't have enough beds."
"It's alright. We'll sleep at the temple." Harmony said, walkng with the others out the door. "Aqua, are you going in?" she asked her. She then frowned. "You can't not talk to her. But you don't have to because of Hojo." She placed her hand on Aqua's shoulder before following the others.
Aqua sighed and shook her head. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but thank you Harpy Wraith. Only for today." she whispered then went inside.
"Aqua." her mother said with a sad face about an hour later after Aqua was settled by Hoj's bedside. "The real reason I let you go was to save you. They wanted you so I had to send you off."
"Who?" Aqua asked, looking at her mom strangely.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
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