Untamed Cultivation Bug - post here



  • Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I just hope when you guys fix the problem that you make a big announcement and show that it's obviously fixed for us people that have uninstalled the game and are waiting for find out when it's fixed. I don't have anyone that can e-mail me or tell me on msn so the only way i have of knowing is looking at announcements XD
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    that is really sad, and it pisses me off, your un co-operative thoughts
    fix that thing now nad not on tuesday night!
    ps that forum sucks i editet that post now the 5th time! and i needed to shorten my text!
  • Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    turn91 wrote: »
    that is really sad, and it pisses me off, your un co-operative thoughts
    fix that thing now nad not on tuesday night!
    ps that forum sucks i editet that post now the 5th time! and i needed to shorten my text!

    Editing is fun. Careful what you say fyi. You don't want infractions :)
  • Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Well all i can say is this:

    Thanks to all the GM's for trying there best! i love u guys! b:victory

    Hopfully all is fixed on tues... untill then ima lvl my barb with 2 skills b:laugh

    P.S Thanks to all the DEV's aswell... Good Luck! b:victory
  • Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    imma lvl 18 veno im almost always on, so if your looking at this post whisper me, ill let you join my group, and we can all work together to lvl till the problems done with how does that sound???? b:laugh b:victory b:pleased

    on pw im espeona so whisper me ifya wanna wok through this okb:pleased
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    hopefully it'll be fixed, its very depressing for a newby (yes me^^).
    it was very much fun leveling until that point, because your trying to figure out what the hell you did wrong and you're searching every forum for an answer finding out, that there is no resolution for this issue.
    that's very sad b:cry
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    To whoever it was that said they had already done their lvl 9 culti (couldn't be bothered to go back and quote)

    You don't automatically receive it at level 9. What you get at level 9 is a lead-in to the level 9 spiritual cultivation quest, which is awarded by the Taoist of your race's home city.

    SO! To answer your original question, yes, you will get your lvl 9 cultivation quest (according to a gm's previous statement in this thread)
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I don't know about some of the problems people seem to be having here, but I'm a new player that just started playing PWI this morning. I now have a level 11 Veno and this bug isn't ruining the game for me at all. I'm not new to MMO's but don't see what the hassle is. There's a bug. It will be fixed soon (a WEEK is not a long time) and I can continue on enjoying the game.

    I'm not being "driven away" because a FREE game has a glitch. Try seeing if any other companies will give you 3 hours of entertainment (approx time to hit level 9 for a Veno) for just the cost of your electricity.

    Also: This bug effects 33% of the players? I doubt that. Unless everyone currently playing started yesterday, most people shouldn't be affected or should only be affected on one of their alt's.

    Whatever... the people complaining are most likely not going to leave anyhow. People who are so upset they decide to leave don't complain about it in forums.... they just leave... because it's not worth the time.
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Im a new to PWI and i made a veno but im still playing my character. yes its frustrating to have only one skill and i understand where people are getting mad and i think the have a right to be mad. i think most of them know it will take time i just think that if they say something it will happen faster. And to the people who are tell them that there too whiny and to get off the gms backs, you need to think about how they would feel if it happened to you. i think most of you would like to have it fix as fast as possible and you might want to say some of the stuff people have been saying. maybe not the getting mad at the gms but the other stuff. me personally i would like more skills but if i have to wait till tuesday night then im going to try to max out my one skill before then.
  • Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Well all we can do is wait
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    my veno I got the 'talk to taoist' quest for 50 exp at level 9 but not the actual spiritual cultivation - 'take certificate to the recluse' quest. what can i do? I can't get any new skills. Help me plsb:cry
  • Posts: 720 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    known bug, to be fixed tuesday, possibly (they're giving no solid date)
  • Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    you mean 4 skills lol (tame, heal, revive and scarab)

    I only really use scarab and my pet anyway lol

    Yes you are correct, but what I should have said,
    was 1 attack skill.
    Thank goodness we can still level up the one (attack) skill we do have.
  • Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    what am i gonna do?! i gotta become a tiger(wish it was a wolf -_-"') because i NEED the extra defense. and getting around on 2 feet isnt nearly as fast as 4 paws. you guys gotta fix this ASAP, i cant progress much further without the culti.
    95% of teens would freak out if the saw The Jonas Brothers on a 247 foot tall building about to jump. 5% get popcorn, a chair, and a video camera and yell Jump @#$&! jump!
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Well, I am glad to find out this is an actual issue and not just my account or computer. It does kinda blow we have to wait till tues. I'll just keep playing my cleric till then, even though the veno can still hold its own with that one skill at least until level 20. Most mobs die within a couple venomous shots at low levels anyway.
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Okay, Dear Administrators, I didn't carefully read all posts (mb this idea was told), but can you roll back servers to temporary fix problem? And when problem will be solved, you'll reinstall update..
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    No they cant roll back the servers that far...don't be ridiculous.b:angry
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Custom administrators are angels in comparison with Russian admins...
  • Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I don't know about some of the problems people seem to be having here, but I'm a new player that just started playing PWI this morning. I now have a level 11 Veno and this bug isn't ruining the game for me at all. I'm not new to MMO's but don't see what the hassle is. There's a bug. It will be fixed soon (a WEEK is not a long time) and I can continue on enjoying the game.

    I'm not being "driven away" because a FREE game has a glitch. Try seeing if any other companies will give you 3 hours of entertainment (approx time to hit level 9 for a Veno) for just the cost of your electricity.

    Also: This bug effects 33% of the players? I doubt that. Unless everyone currently playing started yesterday, most people shouldn't be affected or should only be affected on one of their alt's.

    Whatever... the people complaining are most likely not going to leave anyhow. People who are so upset they decide to leave don't complain about it in forums.... they just leave... because it's not worth the time.

    It's a big deal because without this quest you can't get chi. Without chi you can't get new skills. Therefore you only have a single weak skill and you're gonna get way behind on your skills and not realize how much money you need to raise them. Haha, you're new and you will see what's the big deal when you have no gold and no skills =x
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Like the Admin said, They are not the devs. Whining about "I can't do this I can't do that" on this topic isn't going to speed up the process. Simply put, all you can do is wait for them to tell you that the problem is solved. Not to sound repetitive but they are not the devs, nor are they friggin jesus. They are not just going to be able to wave a magical wand and have the problem fixed. Stop complaining and wait out the problem like all the non complainers.

    Also if you are experiencing this problem, it means that you have just recently hit the level of 9. That being said you have not even experienced enough of the game to be sitting here hurt over the fact that you can not play certain race/class combos. Go make another race/class and get to learn the game some more. By the time you do that, if u so deeply need to play the classes effected they most likely will be fixed.
  • Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    bombtik wrote: »
    Like the Admin said, They are not the devs. Whining about "I can't do this I can't do that" on this topic isn't going to speed up the process. Simply put, all you can do is wait for them to tell you that the problem is solved. Not to sound repetitive but they are not the devs, nor are they friggin jesus. They are not just going to be able to wave a magical wand and have the problem fixed. Stop complaining and wait out the problem like all the non complainers.

    Also if you are experiencing this problem, it means that you have just recently hit the level of 9. That being said you have not even experienced enough of the game to be sitting here hurt over the fact that you can not play certain race/class combos. Go make another race/class and get to learn the game some more. By the time you do that, if u so deeply need to play the classes effected they most likely will be fixed.

    It's my 3rd character and I'm not experienced? I'm well over 9 and have lost the quest. It's not the just lower levels that's effected o_o The bug is attacking in other places!
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    dang i thought this was just me lol my new barb is lvl 15 but im not sure if i should keep going or not =/
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    ketsura wrote: »
    It's my 3rd character and I'm not experienced? I'm well over 9 and have lost the quest. It's not the just lower levels that's effected o_o The bug is attacking in other places!

    Again, I really don't care what you have been through. Deal with the issue until it is solved. Stop giving these helpful admins bs like they aren't helping.
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    bombtik wrote: »
    Again, I really don't care what you have been through. Deal with the issue until it is solved. Stop giving these helpful admins bs like they aren't helping.

    But by complaining about the people who are complaining, in which it is their right... Aren't you being just as bad? xD
  • Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    bombtik wrote: »
    Again, I really don't care what you have been through. Deal with the issue until it is solved. Stop giving these helpful admins bs like they aren't helping.

    If you learned English and re-read every single one of my posts you'd realize I haven't complained about anything. I'm only describing what the bug is and why people should understand why others are so upset about it. Please re-read, thanks.
  • Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Hi is the lv 9 culti for veno's n barb going to fixed anytime soon b:sad i dont want to level to much in case im to high to get when it does show, b:sad and i cant get any skills till it does, as they require cultivation level b:shocked....

    the bug is u get teh go meet taoist in untamed city, u go there, chat about meeting, but he's not giving u the lv 9 cultivation quest b:surrender .... on heavens tear server
  • Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    It's been noted already and have read that there are plans to do something about it!
  • Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Plans ?? could u link me the thread, it seems its been like it awhile?, i just want to know, when it does finally get fixed, arre ppl who've level since trying, still going to be able to get it b:sad b:surrender
  • Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Did you even bother to read the other post before posting it's right in the first page and has a sticky

  • Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    nvm i saw the thread but heck why wait till a patch, ppl will TOO high then and it might not show if theyre halfway or more to 20
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