Rising Gold Prices



  • _DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary
    _DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,294 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    koukou wrote: »
    Why did you lied to us? After JJ, you came back with more sales that continually raised the price of gold, culminating with the anniversary pack that sent gold price up through the roof.

    There are more coins on the server than there ever was before.

    More lies. PWI did everything to make sure the gold price would stay high and rise even more.

    So Xarfox, can you tell us why everything you said to us never happened? PWI did everything to make sure that the contrary of what you said would happen....

    I somehow doubt he lied, after all the devs are in charge of the content, not the GM's. I'm guessing he's just ashamed after defending pwi and promising us things get better and having them treat us like this in return.

    On that subject, why don't the devs ever visit these forums -.- It's not impossible for them to hire a translator for a single visit, and we are their customer base after all. I think they should at least come here once or even post a news article and explain their actions, rather than using the GM's as a complaint shield and ignoring everything.
  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    On that subject, why don't the devs ever visit these forums -.- It's not impossible for them to hire a translator for a single visit, and we are their customer base after all. I think they should at least come here once or even post a news article and explain their actions, rather than using the GM's as a complaint shield and ignoring everything.

    Not sure if the Dev's do or not, but I do know that people blames the GM's for these things way too much. They have no control over all of this and I can assure you many of them do care, it is just there is a limited number of things they can do to "help" this kind of situation.

    But I guess it is human nature for people to want to blame the most visible "in-charge"/authoritative figure.
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • Cholla - Harshlands
    Cholla - Harshlands Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    When a GM doesnt reply to a post its a clear statement that they understood that they have done wrng ( u know wht i meant ).

    Especially when they do not reply to a post within minutes of it having been made in an ocean of thousands or tens of thousands of other posts which the GM is also busy not responding to!

    Or maybe we should just skip all this complexity and declare: if you are a GM you were born wrng and you and everyone within a million miles of you must automatically be wrng.

  • Miss_Tika - Lost City
    Miss_Tika - Lost City Posts: 730 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    After anticipating a gold price drop a few weeks after the anniversary sale premier, and now seeing this 500k bull****.

    I'm officially fed up.
  • Cy_clone - Heavens Tear
    Cy_clone - Heavens Tear Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Yes this game is still free to play....they just want to make the distinction clearer for those who pay and those who don't.
  • Asgenar - Lost City
    Asgenar - Lost City Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    exent wrote: »
    The GMs care about the fact that their game stays F2P, cause they attrack more players that way. They are not doing this for free you know, they NEED people to pay, so buying zen still has to give you an edge...

    And about that Edge, no, it's not necessary.

    You don't HAVE to do TW. And even if you wanna do it, you don't get your access denied cause you don't have a charm.

    You don't HAVE to play on a PvP server. Everyone is fully aware of the consequences of dying without dolls.

    You don't HAVE to max out your inventory. Get some friends to craft stuff for you and pay them.

    All you are saying is more exemples of people wanting the cake and eat it to. Since when is a game fun ONLY when you are better than everyone else? You wanna play for free, you can, just don't expect to be quite as good as the guy who spends money. Remeber, he is paying so that you can play, he SHOULD get something more...

    I absolutely hate it when people say you don't HAVE to do this and that.. etc". You might as well say, "you don't HAVE to play this game so you wouldn't HAVE any of these issues."
  • TameThat - Sanctuary
    TameThat - Sanctuary Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    xarfox wrote: »
    Currently gold prices are inflated, however they should fall back down after this event/sale, perhaps even to a lower benchmark since so much coin is being sunk out of the game right now.

    QFL (Quoted For Lie)

    It didn't falled back to normal and it only has continue to rise. Someone failled badly their economy class in your compagny. From 100k to 400k, I don't see how it "fall[ed] back down after [the] event/sale".

    At least admit you made huge mistake in your calculation and prevision.
    ~~~ My Guides ~~~

    Mystical Tome (h ttp://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=250862)
    AOE Grinding with Venomancer (h ttp://pwi-wiki.perfectworld.com/index.php/Guide_to_AOE_Grinding_With_Venomancer)
  • eatwithspoons
    eatwithspoons Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    QFL (Quoted For Lie)

    It didn't falled back to normal and it only has continue to rise. Someone failled badly their economy class in your compagny. From 100k to 400k, I don't see how it "fall[ed] back down after [the] event/sale".

    At least admit you made huge mistake in your calculation and prevision.

    This is not the place for calling out PWI staff or making accusations. This is a warning
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