Crude, almost worth leaving



  • darthpanda16
    darthpanda16 Posts: 9,471 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    In all seriousness though, sending in a ticket to Customer Support is best, WITH a few jpg screenshots of the offenders' player names shown in screenshot.

    If you can give us the date and rough time frame of the offense, that helps too.
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  • Delmarte - Lost City
    Delmarte - Lost City Posts: 216 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    This is an interesting thread.

    A stronger chat filter would work well. You could also start a campaign to encourage reportings of foul and/or offensive language. (Just keep in mind that anything can be abused, including the report offense aspect of the game.)

    I don't agree that people don't care about children's futures. I honestly do believe there isn't enough manpower to enforce the ToS 24/7. Don't forget the server you play on is only a small portion of all the players who play. So player participation ToS enforcement is the best option.

    Having people leave because they share your views is actually counterproductive. If you guys don't report offensive people, then who will?

    (Of course the filter might have its own limits. You can't sensor "I lost my golf balls yesterday because new artificial turf was getting laid down and I was distracted by showing someone how to c-ock a gun at the shooting range nearby to notice." This is just to illustrate the point that only live people can catch all the genuine profanity and since there just aren't enough GMs, player participation is important.)

    People care about this issue. That's why it's still active.

    (And no I was not intending to get away with cursing. I was just illustrating a point. b:surrender)

    I agree with whoever started this thread to a point. Just trying to be balanced.
    If I'm here I'm bored or procrastinating. b:cute
  • IceJazmin - Heavens Tear
    IceJazmin - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,206 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Here is the flipside of this argument

    If you were to make the word sensor stronger it would also make it more annoying on the rest of us to have normal conversations.... It is a balance act similar to how to protect a computer, 100% of the time, from accessing website you think are offensive. (answer, unplug it from the internet, now you achieved teh 100% protection, however you can not access any websites at all). The ammount of barriers you put in place has to be balanced to the functionality you need to have. I think the current filter does a decent job blocking the content, even if it over blocks some things.

    If people circunvent the sensor by spelling out the word "know - k n o w" than the only solution for the filter to work would be to sensor every single word... which would make having a conversation with someone kind of hard....
    Too often we loose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and slap that mother#$@%#^! upside the head.
  • FoxRunning - Heavens Tear
    FoxRunning - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,048 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    i disagree- as one of the players who has been here a long time, i know for a fact that GMs actually did monitor WC at one time and actually took action. it was that which decided me to play here.

    i have been playing PWI since early last November, having come here from WonderlandOnline. the filth of both world, local and guild chat there drove me out, because none of the mods would do anything about it. i came here (starting on Lost City-yeah, i know, dumb. but i didnt know about PvE/PvP in those days), and was SO thrilled to see the GMs slap down players who violated the language rules, AND banned them, for a day, i think. i was so glad to find a place where the moderators actually had the guts to enforce the TOS. and i spread the word among other WLO players i knew who were also disgusted with the language problems....result:PWI gained about 30+ players. isnt that the kind of thing that PWI wants- new players?

    **then enforce the TOS!!**

    -have a GM whose job is to monitor WC, and punish violators. it is NOT impossible...i have a pretty good idea of how many GMs are assigned to HT server, and i know that there are enough to have one who could do this.

    - build some permanent, lasting rules on important issues like boss dragging, and **ENFORCE THEM**. there are many players i have seen do this, who i have screen capped in the act/reported, and who i still see playing and repeating the same violation....because they never got disciplined for the other instances, obviously.

    none of these things are hard...and they are the rights granted players by the TOS-which cuts both ways. we the players read it, and, decent people at least, abide by them, and expect that those who run the game to abide by them as well.
    It is impossible for GMs to be everywhere at once monitoring every conversation that takes place. If the conduct of any user offends you please do not hesitate to send a report to customer service.

    I agree that some people need to be more considerate about their general chat in-game, but in a game with so many users it is pretty much impossible to proactively pursue any user making offensive comments in game at any given time. This is why we rely on our players for help with this.
    (and hugs to Flauschkatze for the sig!)
    "Thanks for writing me-- it's always great to hear from a vet.

    Playing here since '08b:heart
  • kosake666
    kosake666 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I think this is absolutely ridiculous honestly. I turn off World Chat most days because I don't want to hear the same old WC spammers going at it with a ton of stupid drama. I'm in a guild that has respect for people and we don't swear alot or use much profanity in guild chat, and if someone in common chat, trade chat, etc is being too vulgar for me, Blacklist.

    Please, please, PLEASE try using the in-game features such as blacklist, and free will, before you go crying on the forums. Join a guild that has a thread of respect for it's members, blacklist some a-holes, and have fun.

    Oh, and FYI, I'm the kind of person who swears a lot, laughs at profane jokes, and many other things that would have you ranting more... It's all about control, which many WC spammers don't have.
  • Viper_girl - Heavens Tear
    Viper_girl - Heavens Tear Posts: 541 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I'm wonder why some of these people hold what is basically a group conversation in world chat. I find some of it mildly amusing at times, but most of the time I find it boring and it takes away from the WC I really want to read such as real information and trade.

    I think that somehow the people that spend tons on teles to flirt, argue and harrass feel it gives them "importance" on the server. Maybe they actually think they are being cool by doing it? Frankly IMHO some of the people just come of as being losers and immature. The more profanity they use the more immature I think.

    I am interested to hear what others think about what they read in WC.
  • Foulcault - Heavens Tear
    Foulcault - Heavens Tear Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Someone think of the mennonites!!!!

    In all serious it would be impossible for staff to monitor everything and I am a big believer in free speech. On the other hand where to balance is the key and turning off chats are rarly the option. World filters are not the greatest either (I can finally talk to my guild about goldfish crackers when they ask me what I am eating). I honestly think the best would be a client side option that would allow chat to be filtered. This way a parent or adult that has sensitive ears could not see those things. If it is a topic or particular person who just is touching a bad topic. I'd suggest placing them on ignore and/or reporting them. If it is a friend or guildie maybe ask them not to do it before reporting them, often you'll find them more then happy to not discuss such things when they know you are around.

    me personally I'd turn off any filters if given client side control. I also try to talk as little in game as possible cause of the many issues with the chat screen in censoring, length of posts, etc. GOD SAVE VENT!
  • IceJazmin - Heavens Tear
    IceJazmin - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,206 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    My world chat is pretty much always off. There is absolutely nothing useful in WC, ever. IF something is important, either someone will whisper me or someone in guild chat will mention it. Ever since I started I think there may have been one instance where something in WC was actualy useful... and that time it was some guild advertising they were doing MantaVIP for the next 2 hours and if anyone need it to fly over and pm someone.

    Now, if you want a nightmare thought.. picture a free to use WC...........
    Too often we loose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and slap that mother#$@%#^! upside the head.
  • Aoe - Heavens Tear
    Aoe - Heavens Tear Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    i disagree- as one of the players who has been here a long time, i know for a fact that GMs actually did monitor WC at one time and actually took action. it was that which decided me to play here.

    i have been playing PWI since early last November, having come here from WonderlandOnline. the filth of both world, local and guild chat there drove me out, because none of the mods would do anything about it. i came here (starting on Lost City-yeah, i know, dumb. but i didnt know about PvE/PvP in those days), and was SO thrilled to see the GMs slap down players who violated the language rules, AND banned them, for a day, i think. i was so glad to find a place where the moderators actually had the guts to enforce the TOS. and i spread the word among other WLO players i knew who were also disgusted with the language problems....result:PWI gained about 30+ players. isnt that the kind of thing that PWI wants- new players?

    **then enforce the TOS!!**

    -have a GM whose job is to monitor WC, and punish violators. it is NOT impossible...i have a pretty good idea of how many GMs are assigned to HT server, and i know that there are enough to have one who could do this.

    - build some permanent, lasting rules on important issues like boss dragging, and **ENFORCE THEM**. there are many players i have seen do this, who i have screen capped in the act/reported, and who i still see playing and repeating the same violation....because they never got disciplined for the other instances, obviously.

    none of these things are hard...and they are the rights granted players by the TOS-which cuts both ways. we the players read it, and, decent people at least, abide by them, and expect that those who run the game to abide by them as well.

    One it would cost more money for GM's to hire more staff to police all the servers twenty four seven. As stated this is a very new game and that type of cost might be impossible right now. Especially given that people are forgetting America is still in financial crisis. Let's all be realistic and find a more realistic solution that goes within the limits of each other. Also at the start of pw there is not that much player base. Of course they could come on and keep things under control but now there are much more people playing which means there is more work so that is impossible right now.

    Two as the GM stated earlier it is up to them on how someone is disciplined. A permanent ban on a first time offense (given the degree of the violation) is just ridiculous. If you keep seeing a repeated offender then keep taking screen shots and sending them in. Many times people over exaggerate and right off the bat make accusations just because they are mad. Prime example is how people use the term KSing.

    Three what you think you know is actually only an assumption. PWI hosts three other games. Not only that but they are handling customer service, bots, cheats, glitches, complaints, etc.... for all three of those games. There is also event's being hosted and new criteria being handled. That being said there is not enough time for a gm in his given work day to sit and monitor the chat and have the ability to accomplish his work. You need to be reasonable in your thinking and not assume you know about someone else's job that you yourself are not performing.

    Last, the solution the GM is trying to make known is this they hope the community will help in lowering down griefers and those violating the tos. In short help do your part too. I see you all the time in WC take a screen shot and send it to GM's if you feel someone is getting out of hand. If the gm is limited then we as a community can be strong and help too. If we don't like it and it's out of control then we ourselves should do something about it. That doesn't mean attack the person violating tos but actually report them. Eventually they'll get the picture. At the same note don't complain if you are not willing to help change it. You are just as fault as the person violating if you see it and don't report it. You can't just complain and complain and not do nothing then you're just wasting breath. Be consistent if you see it more than once than keep reporting, once isn't good enough.
  • OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear
    OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    boo4u wrote: »
    i got an idea..just blacklist the people that semm to talk dumb ****..for example..Mulletb:laugh

    As many (or a few?) have pointed out previously in the thread (you should have read the thread first me thinks) is that the Blacklist is too short to effectively do that.
  • FoxRunning - Heavens Tear
    FoxRunning - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,048 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    answers to your points:

    1.if they couldnt go on as the began, and cannont support the TOS, then the owners of PWI need to use the money players pour into the game to uphold their own rules.

    2. the bans i saw on WC violations back in my early days here were,i believe, one day bans. but i have yet to see a permanent ban on even one serious offender of any form of griefing, on any server i play on. as for exaggerating, i prefer to let pictures speak for themselves, and take many screenshots, and i get my husband, a HS English teacher of 20 years experience, to look over my reports, to be sure that i have not missed, exaggerated, etc any important points, before submitting reports on incidents of griefing/boss pulling.

    3. i know from personally speaking to them, of at least 3 GMS here, and know there are others who are active here ingame. and that there are others who work the ticket department- seen and spoken to those in person (ingame) as well, so, yes, i *do* know what i am talking about on this point. GMs are not the ones who correct glitches and such-they are customer service, as has been mentioned on another thread today. and as such, taking care of complaints ingame is part of their job. so there are enough that one at least can be monitoring WC and taking action on violators there.

    and addressing your last point-

    i am not a child, or young adult, but a 49 year old mother of 4 children, 3 of which play here, as does my husband. when we hear of a griefing situation, most often it is my son (lv53 barb) and i (lv68veno/ lv35 cleric) who go to the site and take what action we can. most often, it is too late to stop the original situation, but we can and do take screen shots, heal/res players, and patrol the area to try to prevent further incidents. more and more griefers are getting away with no repremands/punishment, and so our volunteer efforts at helping to keep other players safe is taking more and more of our own game time. it is ***NOT*** our place to be policing the game...that is what the GMs are paid to do. we, as players, have no way to enforce the TOS, the GMs do, so why dont they? their main job is not to organise funsy events-those are not in the TOS, and do not have priority. their main job is to make the game run as is advertised, to do customer service by taking care of complaints of we, the customers. but this is not being done. other issues do get handle, true, by the ticket department, but for some reason player discipline never does.

    the big question is...why?

    One it would cost more money for GM's to hire more staff to police all the servers twenty four seven. As stated this is a very new game and that type of cost might be impossible right now. Especially given that people are forgetting America is still in financial crisis. Let's all be realistic and find a more realistic solution that goes within the limits of each other. Also at the start of pw there is not that much player base. Of course they could come on and keep things under control but now there are much more people playing which means there is more work so that is impossible right now.

    Two as the GM stated earlier it is up to them on how someone is disciplined. A permanent ban on a first time offense (given the degree of the violation) is just ridiculous. If you keep seeing a repeated offender then keep taking screen shots and sending them in. Many times people over exaggerate and right off the bat make accusations just because they are mad. Prime example is how people use the term KSing.

    Three what you think you know is actually only an assumption. PWI hosts three other games. Not only that but they are handling customer service, bots, cheats, glitches, complaints, etc.... for all three of those games. There is also event's being hosted and new criteria being handled. That being said there is not enough time for a gm in his given work day to sit and monitor the chat and have the ability to accomplish his work. You need to be reasonable in your thinking and not assume you know about someone else's job that you yourself are not performing.

    Last, the solution the GM is trying to make known is this they hope the community will help in lowering down griefers and those violating the tos. In short help do your part too. I see you all the time in WC take a screen shot and send it to GM's if you feel someone is getting out of hand. If the gm is limited then we as a community can be strong and help too. If we don't like it and it's out of control then we ourselves should do something about it. That doesn't mean attack the person violating tos but actually report them. Eventually they'll get the picture. At the same note don't complain if you are not willing to help change it. You are just as fault as the person violating if you see it and don't report it. You can't just complain and complain and not do nothing then you're just wasting breath. Be consistent if you see it more than once than keep reporting, once isn't good enough.
    (and hugs to Flauschkatze for the sig!)
    "Thanks for writing me-- it's always great to hear from a vet.

    Playing here since '08b:heart
  • Aoe - Heavens Tear
    Aoe - Heavens Tear Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    answers to your points:

    1.if they couldnt go on as the began, and cannont support the TOS, then the owners of PWI need to use the money players pour into the game to uphold their own rules.

    2. the bans i saw on WC violations back in my early days here were,i believe, one day bans. but i have yet to see a permanent ban on even one serious offender of any form of griefing, on any server i play on. as for exaggerating, i prefer to let pictures speak for themselves, and take many screenshots, and i get my husband, a HS English teacher of 20 years experience, to look over my reports, to be sure that i have not missed, exaggerated, etc any important points, before submitting reports on incidents of griefing/boss pulling.

    3. i know from personally speaking to them, of at least 3 GMS here, and know there are others who are active here ingame. and that there are others who work the ticket department- seen and spoken to those in person (ingame) as well, so, yes, i *do* know what i am talking about on this point. GMs are not the ones who correct glitches and such-they are customer service, as has been mentioned on another thread today. and as such, taking care of complaints ingame is part of their job. so there are enough that one at least can be monitoring WC and taking action on violators there.

    and addressing your last point-

    i am not a child, or young adult, but a 49 year old mother of 4 children, 3 of which play here, as does my husband. when we hear of a griefing situation, most often it is my son (lv53 barb) and i (lv68veno/ lv35 cleric) who go to the site and take what action we can. most often, it is too late to stop the original situation, but we can and do take screen shots, heal/res players, and patrol the area to try to prevent further incidents. more and more griefers are getting away with no repremands/punishment, and so our volunteer efforts at helping to keep other players safe is taking more and more of our own game time. it is ***NOT*** our place to be policing the game...that is what the GMs are paid to do. we, as players, have no way to enforce the TOS, the GMs do, so why dont they? their main job is not to organise funsy events-those are not in the TOS, and do not have priority. their main job is to make the game run as is advertised, to do customer service by taking care of complaints of we, the customers. but this is not being done. other issues do get handle, true, by the ticket department, but for some reason player discipline never does.

    the big question is...why?

    1. I started this game when it was closed beta along when it first went into open beta. I remember people getting twenty minute bans to three hour bans and on occassion one day bans. According to the gm at the time and what he FELT was need as a disiplanery measure. As stated in the TOS GM's hold the right to adminster whatever punishment they deem neccessary.

    2. Let me say that if you screen shot it and send it in then good you play a part in helping keep it clean. However I am addressing those who don't do this and yet still complain. I am also addressing those who are over exaggerated because there are many in this game who scream grief when actually it was not the case.

    3. Just because you talk to someone on occasion doesn't mean that the worker can be in game 8 hours everyday, 7 days a week. That GM might be handling a situation that occurred in game. Second I was reffering to the fact that GM's have to report glitches and problems in games that are discovered. I know only dev's can fix glitches. Also stated in numerous threads GM's cannot be every where, every place to deal with every single problem. Making that statement it is clear they do not have the man power to have someone police all servers at all times of the day and week. As you are correct GM's have a customer service position which means they are swamped with reports and other matters. If they could handle such a thing Eatwithspoons would not have said players please take a screenshot and send it into the ticket system. Not just him but numerous Gm's have said to go about this route.

    4. How do you know that a player is not being discplined? A player may be banned for a day and come back the next and you would have not Known. Just cause you don't get a report on what happened to that player doesn't mean that they haven't investigated the situation. Nor does it mean that player did not get disciplined. We just witnessed on the forums someone reporting a player for botting lol and she wasn't even botting. People shout KSer at even me sometimes even though we attacked the mob at the same time. If you screen shot griefing everyone knows it needs to be in a form of harrassment. I was referring to those over exaggerated players. Third i don't care how old you are you could be 12 to 80 years old, but since you are 49 you should know enough that people are human. We are limited at what we are able to do. Even GM's acknowledge that. You're efforts are appreciated and if people follow the example I'm am sure that the game will quiet down some. However it's overwhelming when only a small few get involved. So my last comment targets at all those that are having a problem with this. If you want to see a difference than you have to do it number so work together on it. If those of you are not willing to even try don't complain, because the GM's are limited and doing the best that they can.

    Also no it is not your job to police the server, I never said it was, but it doesn't that you cannot help. Also i am 28 yr old mom of 3. I don't allow my little ones to even play online games, since they are too young imo to be introduced to this type of environment. I mean socially too young. PWI is not my first MMO but it is the best one that I have played so far. I came from a very crappy game that does and says a lot worse than this. I submit a ticket for when i find something offensive and have always had a response to it, that surprised me since in the other game GM's and customer support pretty much ignore you. These GM's are trying, and not only are they trying they're getting involved in the discussions to help find ways everyone can help. Don't just snap and say cause i pay you, you need to do your job. There is a thing as a rude customer, behind that person job there is still another human. As I said before I don't have much of a problem with world chat. I see a lot of spammers but it's not all that bad. Guild chat I think you lucked out you should find a guild where there are more mature adults who do not do such a thing. I am in one now since many of us have children we respect each other and keep our private affairs private. Find a guild that does the same.
  • Rikuza - Heavens Tear
    Rikuza - Heavens Tear Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    My reply to this just is possibly learn to ignore it.

    So yes, I could be considered young by your standarts, old enough to be allowed to play.
    Someone speaks this filth you speak of, does it burn my brain?
    Does it make my heart and mind spontaniously combust?
    Does it make my IQ decrease?
    Does it cause wounds upon my mind and pierce the litle image of safety which I may or may not have around me?

    Some chaos here and there in my view keeps things interesting. If I wanted everyone to be all nice,friends and have no random chaos comments appear id go to visit fairyland.

    If you cant beat them, join them.
    If you cant join them, ignore them.
    In this case easy to ignore.

    Though doesnt mean I agree with the huuhaa. Then again,if people want to waste money on world chat yelling nonsense and possibly get terminated for it, there call.
  • OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear
    OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    answers to your points:

    1.if they couldnt go on as they began, and cannont support the TOS, then the owners of PWI need to use the money players pour into the game to uphold their own rules.

    2. the bans i saw on WC violations back in my early days here were,i believe, one day bans. but i have yet to see a permanent ban on even one serious offender of any form of griefing, on any server i play on. as for exaggerating, i prefer to let pictures speak for themselves, and take many screenshots, and i get my husband, a HS English teacher of 20 years experience, to look over my reports, to be sure that i have not missed, exaggerated, etc any important points, before submitting reports on incidents of griefing/boss pulling.

    3. i know from personally speaking to them, of at least 3 GMS here, and know there are others who are active here ingame. and that there are others who work the ticket department- seen and spoken to those in person (ingame) as well, so, yes, i *do* know what i am talking about on this point. GMs are not the ones who correct glitches and such-they are customer service, as has been mentioned on another thread today. and as such, taking care of complaints ingame is part of their job. so there are enough that one at least can be monitoring WC and taking action on violators there.

    and addressing your last point-

    i am not a child, or young adult, but a 49 year old mother of 4 children, 3 of which play here, as does my husband. when we hear of a griefing situation, most often it is my son (lv53 barb) and i (lv68veno/ lv35 cleric) who go to the site and take what action we can. most often, it is too late to stop the original situation, but we can and do take screen shots, heal/res players, and patrol the area to try to prevent further incidents. more and more griefers are getting away with no repremands/punishment, and so our volunteer efforts at helping to keep other players safe is taking more and more of our own game time. it is ***NOT*** our place to be policing the game...that is what the GMs are paid to do. we, as players, have no way to enforce the TOS, the GMs do, so why dont they? their main job is not to organise funsy events-those are not in the TOS, and do not have priority. their main job is to make the game run as is advertised, to do customer service by taking care of complaints of we, the customers. but this is not being done. other issues do get handle, true, by the ticket department, but for some reason player discipline never does.

    the big question is...why?

    As AoE said, the player base now is bigger than when the servers first came online, and it is possible that they simply cannot afford to hire enough people to monitor the servers 24/7, and have, instead, decided to use the ticketing system so that the player base can act as their "eyes and ears" since they cannot be everywhere at once.

    The staff at PWI have access to information you do not which includes, but not limited to, how effective banning players when there is no real consequence of losing an account because the cost to create a new one is nothing.

    They also have access to the information about how many players get disciplined for various reasons which you do not, and they will never discuss nor disclose that because it is between the players and PWE. They have stated many times that they do not discuss disciplinary actions taken which means you actually do not know anything about that unless you actually work for PWE.

    I am going to go further and state that a lot of players maintain a separate account for each of their characters, and banning one of their characters carries little consequence for them outside time and money invested into it. If that account was perma-banned there is nothing stopping them from simply creating a new account for free, and creating a new character of the same class on the same server and starting that character over, or simply continuing to play one of their characters on their other accounts.

    My point is that this isn't like a P2P MMO where you buy the game and then pay more to play each month; where getting banned actually carries real life consequences of having to shell out more money to create a new account, and when your account gets banned you don't just lose one character, you lose all of your characters.
  • Maddrox - Harshlands
    Maddrox - Harshlands Posts: 1,140 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    This thread is stupid, why is it still here.b:angry

    This stuff is going to happen. Nothing to quit over.
  • eatwithspoons
    eatwithspoons Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    This thread is stupid, why is it still here.b:angry

    because it's not as flamey as they usually get b:laugh
  • OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear
    OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    because it's not as flamey as they usually get b:laugh

    I can help with that! b:pleased

    *gets out flamethrower* b:angry

    *prepares for war* b:victory
  • FoxRunning - Heavens Tear
    FoxRunning - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,048 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    ah, good! someone else from the 'good old days', when rules actually were enforced!b:thanks but why is it, then, that things have become so incredibly lax, where griefing (the flavour of the month name for the mass killing of players by boss pulling) is one day considered to be a bannable offense, but the next time it happens, it is not? apparently, it is only serious if it affects an event-the StValentine Day Murders comes to mind as an example. but when idiots decide they 'want to have a little fun', and pull bosses like chin, ceminator, jewel, flag hill/secret passage bosses, and wipe out players in safe zones, its no longer considered a bannable offense. and yes, i have actually been told that by a GM, and when i asked why the inconsistency, was met with nothing but silence. so my son and i do what we can to help with these problems by patroling areas where a problem was reported on local chat with his barb and my veno, and rezing with my cleric (who i created specifically to take care of people from this kind of killing). i feel very strongly about these wrongs going apparently unnoticed/unpunished, after having been caught in a situation where chin was being pulled into anglers repeatedly, and i couldn't escape. i called for help (didn't have a tele in those days), and the PKers just laughed and continued. i tried log off, wait a while, hoping they would leave...even waiting an hour, they were still there. i had submitted tickets, posted for help here in the forum...nothing happened. i lost almost a whole level's worth of exp, and was terrified to be killed over and over, sometimes just as i was almost able to escape the village. so i know, from this experience, and from watching many, many others, that GMs just dont respond to mass PKing. i believe its because most players are so shocked by it that it doesn't occur to them that they have recourse other than to call for help on local chat, and that is why there are so few tickets submitted for this kind of thing, and PKers continue to get away with it. if GMs would come down heavy on known offenders in a public way, it would send the message to others that it is not acceptable. and this would hold true if done for other repeat breakers of the TOS rules.

    its nice to know that you also are a mom who plays here....i have the impression there are not many responsible players. my children play under the supervision of myself or my husband- their computer is about 6 feet from mine, where i can see the screen over their shoulder. they are not permitted to have WC on at all, and are allowed to play only with members of Nocturne, to avoid the hazards and dangers of children online encountering pedophiles, etc. we have 4 children, but do not feel our youngest is mature/responsible enough to handle online gaming yet. yes, i know many reading this will think i am overprotective, but as a survivor of such predators, i know all too well what the consequences are, and will do what i can to find the balance between over protecting and letting them find their wings.

    i just wish more parents controlled their children....then we would not have the filthy minds and mouths we see in WC and in so many guilds.

    1 .
    (and hugs to Flauschkatze for the sig!)
    "Thanks for writing me-- it's always great to hear from a vet.

    Playing here since '08b:heart
  • OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear
    OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I really have a hard time believing that a GM told you pulling a boss into a Safe Zone wasn't a bannable offense.

    Also, from your post it really sounds like you don't have any understanding of the workload the GMs are under, or how many GMs that are actually assigned to each server, and expect tickets to be answered far faster than might actually be possible. GMs have stated on the forums that it could take anywhere from 1-3ish days to get a response on a ticket. And then they have to investigate each ticket which takes more time as they have to pull game logs.

    I believe you underestimate by a large margin what the GM's job entails, and how much work it actually requires.

    ah, good! someone else from the 'good old days', when rules actually were enforced!b:thanks but why is it, then, that things have become so incredibly lax, where griefing (the flavour of the month name for the mass killing of players by boss pulling) is one day considered to be a bannable offense, but the next time it happens, it is not? apparently, it is only serious if it affects an event-the StValentine Day Murders comes to mind as an example. but when idiots decide they 'want to have a little fun', and pull bosses like chin, ceminator, jewel, flag hill/secret passage bosses, and wipe out players in safe zones, its no longer considered a bannable offense. and yes, i have actually been told that by a GM, and when i asked why the inconsistency, was met with nothing but silence. so my son and i do what we can to help with these problems by patroling areas where a problem was reported on local chat with his barb and my veno, and rezing with my cleric (who i created specifically to take care of people from this kind of killing). i feel very strongly about these wrongs going apparently unnoticed/unpunished, after having been caught in a situation where chin was being pulled into anglers repeatedly, and i couldn't escape. i called for help (didn't have a tele in those days), and the PKers just laughed and continued. i tried log off, wait a while, hoping they would leave...even waiting an hour, they were still there. i had submitted tickets, posted for help here in the forum...nothing happened. i lost almost a whole level's worth of exp, and was terrified to be killed over and over, sometimes just as i was almost able to escape the village. so i know, from this experience, and from watching many, many others, that GMs just dont respond to mass PKing. i believe its because most players are so shocked by it that it doesn't occur to them that they have recourse other than to call for help on local chat, and that is why there are so few tickets submitted for this kind of thing, and PKers continue to get away with it. if GMs would come down heavy on known offenders in a public way, it would send the message to others that it is not acceptable. and this would hold true if done for other repeat breakers of the TOS rules.

    its nice to know that you also are a mom who plays here....i have the impression there are not many responsible players. my children play under the supervision of myself or my husband- their computer is about 6 feet from mine, where i can see the screen over their shoulder. they are not permitted to have WC on at all, and are allowed to play only with members of Nocturne, to avoid the hazards and dangers of children online encountering pedophiles, etc. we have 4 children, but do not feel our youngest is mature/responsible enough to handle online gaming yet. yes, i know many reading this will think i am overprotective, but as a survivor of such predators, i know all too well what the consequences are, and will do what i can to find the balance between over protecting and letting them find their wings.

    i just wish more parents controlled their children....then we would not have the filthy minds and mouths we see in WC and in so many guilds.
  • Stickygreen - Heavens Tear
    Stickygreen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,158 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    so much wall of text.. i didnt even bother reading any of it
    Less QQ more Pew Pewb:thanks

    "Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."

  • Horseman - Sanctuary
    Horseman - Sanctuary Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I find it interesting that people expect a certain standard to be upheld to THEIR liking, but refuse to acknowledge that everyone is different and everyone plays for different reasons and that many people enjoy games for different reasons.

    To expect something to be of a certain standard because you're Christian and get offended by some language is to push your religion upon me, something i dont wish to partake in however you have subjected me to it in the same way that I may subject you to my "crude" language, that is to say that you posted it and i chose t6 read it. You are not obliged to read what is writtin in the various chats, heck you could close the whole chat entirely if you really wanted ...

    Now there are instances perhaps where people go over the top but that goes in all directions, both conservative and liberal, but on the majority there isnt much that would get a reasonable person so up in arms.
  • rukhmath
    rukhmath Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2009

    Let me guess.

    You speak in tongues, You believe that 90% of humanity are now pawns of the devil and you are sometimes subjected to fits and trances cos you hear angels speaking to you right?

    Seriously..........How do people like you find games like pwi. Or any games.....or the INTERNET for that matter.
    Aren't u supposed ot be too busy building and ark or something?
    No need for quotes anymore. Lost City's eyes are wide open now. Thank god!b:victory
  • Tearvalerin - Sanctuary
    Tearvalerin - Sanctuary Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    No wc/only associating with faction members? That kind of censorship does not sound very fair to your child. If you notice someone asking to team up with them, alert them they are of an immature age, and that the fellow player will need to behave in a civilized manner. Besides, how do you know your faction mates do not have toilet mouths in their own right?

    In any case, running, you should not exlcude your children from things in my opinion. They will be exposed to sexuality, drugs, violence, among many other things through many media outlets, as society becomes less and less strict on the tolerance of these topics. To shelter them from educating themselves young, is a crime in my eyes. When I have a child, and she / he is of an age of accountability, she/he will learn about real life, and real responsibility, and safety... no matter how harsh a parent may think it is :P.

    and GMs would -not- tell you thats not bannable FYI :P
  • Piliener - Lost City
    Piliener - Lost City Posts: 589 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Well I think our best answer so far is lots of screenshots and submit a ticket through the support not through the game. I for one will start to do this more. The only other thing that I have come up with is patience let them sort through what they have to and hope it gets worked out. If not try again in a few weeks.
    Spoons you will forever be missed in this community
  • Zoe - Heavens Tear
    Zoe - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,814 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Things would get done much faster, however there is 1 main factor that prevents the GMs from being able to do the things they need to do to take care of issues such as the one this topic is about.

    Stupid players.

    The game is full of them. They send in tickets for everything they can think of, even if all they had to do was ask another player for the info or read the fourms.

    There are players that have the smallest problem, send in a ticket, get mad that its not answered that same day, then send in a bunch more the same day or the next day, clogging their inboxes with garbage. Same goes with banned players, they go nuts with demands that the gms unban them and other such things.

    In general, stupid, selfish players are one of the main reasons the GMs are unable to handle everything. I learned this by talking with GMs from another very popular free mmo.
    Main characters
    Celestial Sage Venomancer Zoe - 100
    Sage Barbarian Malego - 91
  • MentalEdge - Heavens Tear
    MentalEdge - Heavens Tear Posts: 629 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Things would get done much faster, however there is 1 main factor that prevents the GMs from being able to do the things they need to do to take care of issues such as the one this topic is about.

    Stupid players.

    The game is full of them. They send in tickets for everything they can think of, even if all they had to do was ask another player for the info or read the fourms.

    There are players that have the smallest problem, send in a ticket, get mad that its not answered that same day, then send in a bunch more the same day or the next day, clogging their inboxes with garbage. Same goes with banned players, they go nuts with demands that the gms unban them and other such things.

    In general, stupid, selfish players are one of the main reasons the GMs are unable to handle everything. I learned this by talking with GMs from another very popular free mmo.

    You get around alot dont you:P
    Quit 100%...and surprised my forum account wasn't banned...yet
  • Tearvalerin - Sanctuary
    Tearvalerin - Sanctuary Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    You get around alot dont you:P
    zoe has no life, just plays MMOs all day
  • OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear
    OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    zoe has no life, just plays MMOs all day

    Considering you're close to her level, and you play the same game, I could make the same claim about you having no life either.
  • thankssir
    thankssir Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    You know, in-game (like in Real Life) there are tons of different personalities. Everyone is different and everyone has different opinions. Some dont mind the cussing, some cuss a lot themselves, some find cussing terrible etc.
    If I dont like the cussing, i let the concerning person know i don't like it. (like i do in real-life :P) I don't go running to, let's say the teacher in school immediatly "he cussed! he needs to get punished!"
    Like some players do now in regards of contacting GM's "GM!! he said some bad words! he should be banned!".

    Conclusion :P --> try to work things out yourself first. If I don't like the cussing, I let the person know. Maybe it helps, maybe it won't. If it doesn't help, then i'll send i ticket AFTER i made sure I did everything I could.
    Untill now, i havent felt the need to send a ticket about it.


    wow... I wish the p***k that got me banned was as smart as you....
  • Aoe - Heavens Tear
    Aoe - Heavens Tear Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I think educating your child is better than controlling them. Mine are very small some still cannot read. Maturity wise children need to be able to distinguish properly between imagination and reality. Some children on here have that hard since they cannot understand that, yes in front of you on your screen is a pixel player, but what's controlling it is another person like yourself. Some children don't understand the dangers of the world or are too sheltered and when taste freedom for the first time, find themselves in trouble. My children grow up in the city so it is not unlikely that they do not see, or hear about sexual things since it is all around us. However, this is a small city and we have a lot of uneducated people here and the poorest schooling system in the nation. That's really the problem it isn't control it's the fact people let others (like tv) educate their children or they don't bother to educate them at all and release them into the free world letting them learn by trial and error. I don't mean 1+1. I mean children need to learn social skills too, parking them in front of the tv and computer all day isn't going to teach them that. Learning how to deal with a bully or tolerance all that is a part of life but sound advice and a little guidance goes a long way.

    Frankily the anonymous factor is very disappointing to see but it's apparent. Children often think when my mommy isn't looking I'm going to be bad. She doesn't care and she never catches me. Same thing can be said for adults. Killers, drug dealers, thieves, etc never stop until they're caught ....and sometimes not even then. Lol so if mom isn't watching and (for adults) if I'm never going to get caught why should I care as long as I have fun. So forcing someone to behave is never going to work, that person has to want to or you have to make it so it isn't fun anymore for them. Since a large base of pw has this issue it's up to gm's if they want to scare off this type of player base.

    Fox although because of my lupus I'm forced to be at home doesn't mean that I am not aware of how the real world runs. I use to work in customer service, I know what my work load can look like in a day. So I can sympathize with the GMs. Yet since i have never worked for a MMO I cannot fully understand their work load. I would never assume how a person's job is and what they are capable of. I am not that person, nor can i fit their shoes. No more than a person can tell me how to do my job without being my boss or having ever worked in my department.

    I like to give everyone a thought too. Change is not something that occurs at the snap of a finger but something that must be motivated by the flow of time. America is nice example of that in the 1960's when civil rights movements came about. People worked together to make a difference in our laws and lifestyle. Those changes are something that to this day is still making a difference, but they took years to accomplish. Although you may find this to be a silly example it none the less is something you can learn from. Change even in an mmo still happens with time, and with people working together. Over night results is just not reality and going ban happy isn't the answer either. Forcing change is only going to have a negative affect from one mom to another you should know that. Give this mmo time it is still new like a baby it grows and matures, we can say right now pwi might be at it's terrible two's but I'm sure they'll get worked out.