Progressing to the next era.

TheDan - Sanctuary
TheDan - Sanctuary Posts: 3,495 Arc User
edited May 2009 in Twilight Temple (West)
It's been widely acknowledged that Nefarious and Legendary have assumed themselves as the role of "top factions."

Demonstrated by several of the most prominent factions(Steel, Seppuku, Rebirth, Regicide, etc.), taking on Nefarious single-handedly results in assured defeat. It's been attempted, tried, it just can't be done(same applies the Legendary).

However, this does not mean that they are unstoppable, or invincible; far from it. It's been shown by the joint effort of WiccanWay, Seppuku, and Nemesis in early Jan. '09, that a triple-pronged joint attack on any faction proves to be successful.

Nefarious and Legendary(with the exception of Shockwave) has conquered much of the map with little resistance. Few factions still remain today that still have any fire-power to stand up to them. If the smaller, higher-leveled factions could come upon an agreement and stop fighting over the left-overs, a joint attack on Nef or Leg, would be an immediate threat.

Nefarious seemed to hold to their diplomatic negotiations, until they decided to move upon their 'allies' in "Rebirth." Who knows when they will decide to turn on Legendary next?

Legendary holds nearly as much land as Nefarious but continue to do nothing but remain oblivious to the fact that Nefarious intends to deny Legendary a Tier 1 Territory, and allow Nefarious to bestow themselves a more dominant status.

The time is ripe, with the barriers of old being torn apart. Who will you side with?

We have seen the examples our ancestors have set, it's time to move on. Will 'we' as the descendants finish what was left undone? or continue to let Nefarious or Legendary dominate the map until things become completely irreversible?

This doesn't imply that this is some sort of aggression towards Nefarious and Legendary, it's just common knowledge that certain people just seem to be overwhelmed by wealth and power, which in short, feeds their excessive desires in Nef and Leg.
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  • DaStasha - Sanctuary
    DaStasha - Sanctuary Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I will, stand aside and watch some carnage ekekekek <- O_O
  • TheDan - Sanctuary
    TheDan - Sanctuary Posts: 3,495 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I will, stand aside and watch some carnage ekekekek <- O_O

    Heh, Cortex, it's always fun to watch people rip each other apart right? b:shocked
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  • XAsch - Sanctuary
    XAsch - Sanctuary Posts: 855 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    To hell with you, Dan! <Stabs with an umbrella>. HAH!
  • Earcher - Sanctuary
    Earcher - Sanctuary Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    sounds like nishtara II
    Elfen Lied is my life
  • Devarsi - Sanctuary
    Devarsi - Sanctuary Posts: 542 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    haha yea this does sound familiar .. good luck dan
  • Daerys - Sanctuary
    Daerys - Sanctuary Posts: 1,022 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Who will you side with?

    Whoever brings the popcorn to the sidelines.
  • Devarsi - Sanctuary
    Devarsi - Sanctuary Posts: 542 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    i has popcorn
  • scridon
    scridon Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Posting battle cry threads are really pointless if you ask me. The progression of Nefarious will be halted eventually. I mention only Nefarious because Nefarious is the single strongest faction on this server. They stand, at the moment, able to take just about any land they please. The only plots of land that they would actually have any challenge taking is of course Legendary occupied territories.

    This coming week I think we shall see Nefarious take out Steel, Legendary will probably come after Outlaw, and then the following week or even beginning this week we may well see some attacks on Nefarious. I think next week we will see the real bum rush of smaller guilds starting to attack Nefarious however.

    I just hope that whoever does attack have the right forward thinking ideas in mind when doing so.
  • AndromedaB - Sanctuary
    AndromedaB - Sanctuary Posts: 1,376 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    that was back when nef was relatively disorganized and other factions were actually near equals of nef (level wise and pvp/tw experience) and back when nef had some internal drama... now that nef is clearly the number 1 giuld, they get to choose from the most active, money spending, experienced and high leveled players on pwi. who else is recriuting 85+? from what my friends say, theres not much drama in there and they are pretty damed organized so i doubt that tactic will work...
    HOWEVER... since this effect is likely to get worse over time... we could have a better chance right now than a few months from now... but for this to even work in the slightest bit... you would need 3 factions at least as strong as steel... which is not the case right now... im sad to say that both reg and reb are not strong enough to defend nef for too long (over 1.5h) much less attack and therefore cant really beat nef since there can only be 3 TWs in 1 day on 1 faction... if your lucky btw... it could be spread out over the period of a few days which the end result of course would end in all partcipating factions losing what territory they have left... which really dosnt sound that good does it?
  • scridon
    scridon Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Andro you are wrong on a few points, and I think you are disillusioned on others.

    Nefarious doesn't have very much TW experience, they have a lot of "smack the **** out of everybody" experience. And there is really no way of telling how organized or disorganized they are when it comes to handling an equally matched TW or a barrage of decent sized factions. As of now there is no faction powerful enough to get through the pure brute force that is Nefarious on their own.

    Onto the amount of TW slots there are in a day. As far as I am aware there are 2 time slots per day allowing a set of 3 factions to attack at the same relative time. One is mid after noon and the second is the most common, later evening slot. There may be more but I am positive there are at least these 2.

    Now as far as the few factions on the map that aren't Nef or Leg. All of these factions will most likely be wiped out in the next couple of weeks. The land they own now wont be an issue.

    I think Nefarious and perhaps even legendary will be put to the test in the next couple of weeks.
  • TheDan - Sanctuary
    TheDan - Sanctuary Posts: 3,495 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    scridon wrote: »
    Posting battle cry threads are really pointless if you ask me. The progression of Nefarious will be halted eventually. I mention only Nefarious because Nefarious is the single strongest faction on this server. They stand, at the moment, able to take just about any land they please. The only plots of land that they would actually have any challenge taking is of course Legendary occupied territories.

    This coming week I think we shall see Nefarious take out Steel, Legendary will probably come after Outlaw, and then the following week or even beginning this week we may well see some attacks on Nefarious. I think next week we will see the real bum rush of smaller guilds starting to attack Nefarious however.

    I just hope that whoever does attack have the right forward thinking ideas in mind when doing so.

    a) First of all, this isn't a cry thread, I'm simply suggesting to take swift action before Nefarious has "sealed the deal," or made things irreversible.

    b) Second, "the progression of Nefarious will be halted eventually," - what makes you think that? There's no resistance; no one's holding them back. As you stated, "they can just take any land they desire." There's always some sort of cause and effect that would have to justify their halt, I'm sure they won't intentionally stop progressing.
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  • scridon
    scridon Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    a) First of all, this isn't a cry thread, I'm simply suggesting to take swift action before Nefarious has "sealed the deal," or made things irreversible.

    b) Second, "the progression of Nefarious will be halted eventually," - what makes you think that? There's no resistance; no one's holding them back. As you stated, "they can just take any land they desire."

    Well first of all I think people give Nefarious far to much credit then they deserve, as may be evident from my most recent post. I am fairly sure that even the "great" Nefarious couldn't handle splitting enough people to hold off against Legendary, and 2 other guilds Like Steel, Regicide, Rebirth, and Outlaw at the same time constantly. They probably have 100+ lvl 80+ and probably the rest around mid 70's. However, lets say they have 120 people online during a TW, thats 40 people in each if they divide evenly. If Legendary attacks them i would assume that they would want probably at least 60 of there members in that TW. That would Leave 30 for the other 2. Now unless they have some sort of ridiculous defense strategy i doubt that 30 or 40 of them could hold out against a guild sending 80 people in who are all 70+.

    And lastly, I didn't say this was a "cry" thread, i said "battle cry."
  • XAsch - Sanctuary
    XAsch - Sanctuary Posts: 855 Arc User
    edited April 2009

    Clearly people overlook the fact that eventually, the few remaining powerful factions apart from Nef, will all end up having the same levelled people. It'll be pitting 80 lv90s against 80 lv90s. Unless you're saying the whole server will be halted with only 200 lv90s? The playing field will be evened out eventually, and I'm sure with how many people want to take down Nef, they'll be finding themselves short of allies. Unless, of course, they start using alt factions to bid on them just so the powerful factions don't get a chance to 3v1 them. ;)
  • Devarsi - Sanctuary
    Devarsi - Sanctuary Posts: 542 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    what faction at the moment can field 80 people all 70+ besides nefarious and legendary though? i'm pretty sure rebirth/regicide/steel can't... and unless outlaw has done some serious rebuilding i doubt they can either

    Edit: Yea asch is right.. the field will be evened eventually when people keep leveling.. especially since this is a pve server.. there is no threat of KOS.. you are free to carebear to your hearts content and get into the 90s with your tt90 gear
  • TheDan - Sanctuary
    TheDan - Sanctuary Posts: 3,495 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    that was back when nef was relatively disorganized and other factions were actually near equals of nef (level wise and pvp/tw experience) and back when nef had some internal drama... now that nef is clearly the number 1 giuld, they get to choose from the most active, money spending, experienced and high leveled players on pwi. who else is recriuting 85+? from what my friends say, theres not much drama in there and they are pretty damed organized so i doubt that tactic will work...
    HOWEVER... since this effect is likely to get worse over time... we could have a better chance right now than a few months from now... but for this to even work in the slightest bit... you would need 3 factions at least as strong as steel... which is not the case right now... im sad to say that both reg and reb are not strong enough to defend nef for too long (over 1.5h) much less attack and therefore cant really beat nef since there can only be 3 TWs in 1 day on 1 faction... if your lucky btw... it could be spread out over the period of a few days which the end result of course would end in all partcipating factions losing what territory they have left... which really dosnt sound that good does it?

    As far as I'm concerned, many players in Nef don't have the opportunity to have any TW experience(at least for the lower levels). Usually it's the top 80, or same players each TW, so that the lower levels are denied a chance for the experience.

    If they had 3 wars at once, their lower-leveled, inexperienced TWers would be put to the test. The ones who were never high enough level to participate are now on the front lines, I predict disorientation. Of course which faction doesn't have that? We all started out with trial and error.
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  • TheDan - Sanctuary
    TheDan - Sanctuary Posts: 3,495 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    what faction at the moment can field 80 people all 70+ besides nefarious and legendary though? i'm pretty sure rebirth/regicide/steel can't... and unless outlaw has done some serious rebuilding i doubt they can either

    In reality, you don't need 80 70+ to win a TW, however it does increase the odds greatly.

    With Nefarious have to fight 2 other battles at once, they'll have to divide their resources carefully. Any slight error will result in defeat, best exemplified when Seppuku, WiccanWay, Nemesis fought Nefarious simultaneously, and Nefarious underestimated Seppuku.
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  • XAsch - Sanctuary
    XAsch - Sanctuary Posts: 855 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    you are free to carebear to your hearts content and get into the 90s with your tt90 gear

    Hey, I've grinded from 65-90 whilst being in PK mode 90% of the time. Most people are just polite enough to not attack you while you're grinding on 20 mobs at once.
  • Devarsi - Sanctuary
    Devarsi - Sanctuary Posts: 542 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    i know.. i was talking to scridon and his 30 or 40 vs 80 70+s

    and you don't need a huge amount of TW experienced people as long as you split your battlefields properly.. if you don't lump all the inexperienced people into the same squads into the same TWs you can do just fine .. as long as they listen and go along with the other experienced people
  • scridon
    scridon Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    what faction at the moment can field 80 people all 70+ besides nefarious and legendary though? i'm pretty sure rebirth/regicide/steel can't... and unless outlaw has done some serious rebuilding i doubt they can either

    Well even if they cant field all 70+ at least the majority of them will be. It doesn't take 80 70+ to take out 30 or 40 70+. I am well aware that defense is easier then offense however I don't think the current Nefarious has the defense capabilities to handle such a situation. I may be be wrong though. :)
  • Devarsi - Sanctuary
    Devarsi - Sanctuary Posts: 542 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    asch i never said it wasn't possible.. but on a pvp server where EVERYONE is white named.. if you are in a faction who presents a danger to the strongest faction in the server.. chances are you will be put on KOS when you start attacking them ..

    also this is a pve server where 90% of people are blue named.. of course you grinded with hardly getting attacked haha
  • Lee_Hyori - Sanctuary
    Lee_Hyori - Sanctuary Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    "I see in your eyes the same fear that would take the heart of me.

    A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day.

    An hour of wolfes and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crushing down! But it is not this day!


    By all that you hold dear on this good Sanctuary, I bid you stand, Men of Outlaw!"
  • Devarsi - Sanctuary
    Devarsi - Sanctuary Posts: 542 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Aragorn? b:chuckle

    go back to dreamweaver or whatever you are playing now lee you dang nub
  • TheDan - Sanctuary
    TheDan - Sanctuary Posts: 3,495 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    scridon wrote: »
    Well first of all I think people give Nefarious far to much credit then they deserve, as may be evident from my most recent post. I am fairly sure that even the "great" Nefarious couldn't handle splitting enough people to hold off against Legendary, and 2 other guilds Like Steel, Regicide, Rebirth, and Outlaw at the same time constantly. They probably have 100+ lvl 80+ and probably the rest around mid 70's. However, lets say they have 120 people online during a TW, thats 40 people in each if they divide evenly. If Legendary attacks them i would assume that they would want probably at least 60 of there members in that TW. That would Leave 30 for the other 2. Now unless they have some sort of ridiculous defense strategy i doubt that 30 or 40 of them could hold out against a guild sending 80 people in who are all 70+.

    And lastly, I didn't say this was a "cry" thread, i said "battle cry."

    That's what I suggested in my first post, it's time to lay down the traditions of old, stand up and propel us into the next era.

    It would seem that Nefarious cannot handle three battles at once against the smaller higher leveled factions; however, I don't see any sort of counteroffensive from them. Nefarious has likely made non-aggression pacts to avoid this from happening. Outlaw and Legendary still remain neutral with Nefarious.
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  • Lee_Hyori - Sanctuary
    Lee_Hyori - Sanctuary Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Aragorn? b:chuckle

    go back to dreamweaver or whatever you are playing now lee you dang nub

    O ops, sorry, that was my promotional speech for Outlaw recruitment. We accept any nefarious leftovers. b:bye
  • Lee_Hyori - Sanctuary
    Lee_Hyori - Sanctuary Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    That's what I suggested in my first post, it's time to lay down the traditions of old, stand up and propel us into the next era.

    It would seem that Nefarious cannot handle three battles at once against the smaller higher leveled factions; however, I don't see any sort of counteroffensive from them. Nefarious has likely made non-aggression pacts to avoid this from happening. Outlaw and Legendary still remain neutral with Nefarious.

    With 3 TW every week (cough, thx to regicide), u can't blame us for not atking nef. :P
  • XAsch - Sanctuary
    XAsch - Sanctuary Posts: 855 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    asch i never said it wasn't possible.. but on a pvp server where EVERYONE is white named.. if you are in a faction who presents a danger to the strongest faction in the server.. chances are you will be put on KOS when you start attacking them ..

    also this is a pve server where 90% of people are blue named.. of course you grinded with hardly getting attacked haha

    There've been plenty of instances where people could have killed Flay, or I could have killed their cleric, and moved along, but we didn't, regardless of factions. It's called courtesy. I wouldn't like it to happen to me, so I don't do it. And thus far, it hasn't. If it does, then I'll KOS them while they're grinding, too. b:angry
  • TheDan - Sanctuary
    TheDan - Sanctuary Posts: 3,495 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    With 3 TW every week (cough, thx to regicide), u can't blame us for not atking nef. :P

    Everyone stacked you guys when you failed to take Forest of Haze from us a while ago, but we didn't tell them to b:shocked

    We had agreed not to attack each other, and shook on it, regardless, GreyFangs felt the need to attack us, so we responded with force. b:cute
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  • scridon
    scridon Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    That's what I suggested in my first post, it's time to lay down the traditions of old, stand up and propel us into the next era.

    It would seem that Nefarious cannot handle three battles at once against the smaller higher leveled factions; however, I don't see any sort of counteroffensive from them. Nefarious has likely made non-aggression pacts to avoid this from happening. Outlaw and Legendary still remain neutral with Nefarious.

    Well timing is everything. Right now we are reaching the brink. Soon you shall see Nefarious and maybe Legendary put to the test, of this I am fairly certain. b:chuckle
  • Lee_Hyori - Sanctuary
    Lee_Hyori - Sanctuary Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Everyone stacked you guys when you failed to take Forest of Haze from us a while ago, but we didn't tell them to b:shocked

    We had agreed not to attack each other, and shook on it, regardless, GreyFangs felt the need to attack us, so we responded with force.

    we had nowhere else to atk. 4 weeks without TW is ... torture.

    Edit: Who's the nub above me? Wut lvl are you anyway? (can't u see this is a lvl 80+ thread, lvl 1 go away, shoo shoo)
  • Devarsi - Sanctuary
    Devarsi - Sanctuary Posts: 542 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    lee why are you trying to recruit for outlaw didn't you quit haha

    and scridon .. i'm thinking leg is more likely to be put to the test at the moment in the light of recent events.. lots of people leaving and such