Progressing to the next era.



  • Qqmoar - Harshlands
    Qqmoar - Harshlands Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited April 2009

    Clearly people overlook the fact that eventually, the few remaining powerful factions apart from Nef, will all end up having the same levelled people. It'll be pitting 80 lv90s against 80 lv90s. Unless you're saying the whole server will be halted with only 200 lv90s? The playing field will be evened out eventually, and I'm sure with how many people want to take down Nef, they'll be finding themselves short of allies. Unless, of course, they start using alt factions to bid on them just so the powerful factions don't get a chance to 3v1 them. ;)

    The problem here is that even if the factions have equal levels, the stupidity factor and cheap factor is still on the side of Nef.

    No knock on you or your guild Asch, but half of your folks don't even buy charms for TW since they claim they have no money. Then you have people that log on Friday asking when TW is because they can't read a map.

    Then you have those that just log on for the TW and haven't leveled in weeks. Sadly, with that type of "dedication" you can;t go far. It is going to take organization and actual skill to win, sadly neither of which your guild really has other than a small percentage of folks.

    When you were talking with Nef about the Ally thing so you could be protected while working towards Steel, you failed to see that Outlaw 1 on 1 was still a more organized and skilled faction than you....and it was proven. Now it is time for you to be removed from the map as well.
  • XAsch - Sanctuary
    XAsch - Sanctuary Posts: 855 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    No knock on you or your guild Asch, but half of your folks don't even buy charms for TW since they claim they have no money. Then you have people that log on Friday asking when TW is because they can't read a map.

    Yes, they complain they have no money. However, the majority do have charms. If they don't, I buy them a charm. Why? Cause I do have money.

    You don't have to be a TW wiz to know how to do TW's. TW's revolve around how well you can push back the other side, and hold them back. You need alot of skill and cooperation to do so. That means alot of PK experience. Whether in TWs, duels, or PK.

    I know we lack cooperation, but we did last 2hrs 46mins against Nef with mostly lv60s, when they had mostly late 70-80s. Why was that? they had no coordination, to which they openly admitted. Since then, they've worked on that. Now they can take out a faction of 80s and 90s with ease.
    Then you have those that just log on for the TW and haven't leveled in weeks. Sadly, with that type of "dedication" you can;t go far. It is going to take organization and actual skill to win, sadly neither of which your guild really has other than a small percentage of folks.

    As for people levelling; we keep a list of all 180-200 people we have, apart from a few who have gone away for an extended period of time. What we do regarding people who don't log on, is our business. Suffice it to say, however, albeit the select few who don't level due to being away, the people who don't level, go bahbaiz.

    Dedication? Atleast Steel and us are trying. That's more then I can say for the rest of the server. Don't like how we do things? I'm not asking you to. We're not your faction, we don't do things your way.
    When you were talking with Nef about the Ally thing so you could be protected while working towards Steel, you failed to see that Outlaw 1 on 1 was still a more organized and skilled faction than you....and it was proven.

    You're right. We did fail to see that even though we outlevelled Outlaw, their experience proved to be something that we couldn't overcome at this point. I admit that. It was, however, something to learn from. Like I'm sure every faction has had to go through at one point to better themselves.

    Now it is time for you to be removed from the map as well.

    Oh, is that meant to upset us? big deal. When we're wiped off the map, we'll work towards coming back. Again, more then I can say for the rest of the server, who QQs and whines in defeat.
  • Devarsi - Sanctuary
    Devarsi - Sanctuary Posts: 542 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    buy me a charm asch.. i'm poor QQ
  • ZzzKyantezzz - Sanctuary
    ZzzKyantezzz - Sanctuary Posts: 171 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    :knee down: give me power to be unkillable to clear the map as it is blankb:cute jk i like challenge and Steel is the most hated faction as everyone voted. Therefore, everyone likes to pk Steel then i can have chance to pk back b:pleased and TW bleh dont care. As long as i can TW no problemb:thanks
  • quoll
    quoll Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    it would only be like a few day's worth of coding at most a week for a small group of programmers...

    and pwe has armies of programmers

    By that logic pet bleed would have been fixed by version 19, and we know that never happened...we're now at version 114 and are waiting for a new system to be implemented to fix an old bug.
  • AndromedaB - Sanctuary
    AndromedaB - Sanctuary Posts: 1,376 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    quoll wrote: »
    By that logic pet bleed would have been fixed by version 19, and we know that never happened...we're now at version 114 and are waiting for a new system to be implemented to fix an old bug.

    they did fix bleed on the pwcn server from what i heard but due to veno complaints they put it back in...


    if its true that nef really dosnt have much pvp/TW experience or organization then a three prong attack is entirely feasible IF and only IF there was another faction as strong as steel/leg. this of course meaning fielding a good 80 lv 70+ smart players who follow instructions and at least all the squad leader need to know how TW works. if faction has a significant amount of ppl under 70 then nef's brute force will probably win... so far i dont think any other faction can do that; reb,reg,ol definitely cant... unless of course they merge... which is unlikely...

    theres also the matter that no matter how you cut it territories will be held by the highest levels on the server and start up factions will really have next to no chance at owning a territory. unless, of course if you know ALOT of high lvs... like how steel was born...
  • scridon
    scridon Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    This coming week I think we shall see Nefarious take out Steel, Legendary will probably come after Outlaw, and then the following week or even beginning this week we may well see some attacks on Nefarious. I think next week we will see the real bum rush of smaller guilds starting to attack Nefarious however.

    Wow I didn't see that coming. b:chuckle
  • Devarsi - Sanctuary
    Devarsi - Sanctuary Posts: 542 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    o.o i'm pretty sure everyone saw those 2 attacks coming .. next week will be the interesting one .. it depends on who everyone decides to pick on

    if outlaw shows strong and holds legendary to a long battle or even holds their land.. i think its more likely guilds will dogpile on leg than nef
  • scridon
    scridon Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    o.o i'm pretty sure everyone saw those 2 attacks coming .. next week will be the interesting one .. it depends on who everyone decides to pick on

    if outlaw shows strong and holds legendary to a long battle or even holds their land.. i think its more likely guilds will dogpile on leg than nef

    If those guilds are run by idiots yes they will attack Legendary. The only benefit of attacking Legendary will be holding land until Nef can get around to taking it. I think if a group of guilds can manage to consistently over power Nef the best route is to attack Nef and chisel away at them slowly. This I think is the best route for any guild hoping to hold land for any substantial amount of time. However this would have to include at least some sort of understanding amongst the guilds attacking Nef. b:chuckle

    As for holding out against Legendary, I doubt its possible really but I am sure we will try our best.

    Note~ I dont hate Nefarious, I just want to see at least one guild rise to a lvl capable of going toe to toe with them. Preferably not Steel. b:chuckle
  • Devarsi - Sanctuary
    Devarsi - Sanctuary Posts: 542 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    what you are saying is making no sense scridon.. you want 1 guild to rise up capable of going toe to toe with nef.. but you are calling for multiple attacks on nef because thats the only way you see of beating them?

    if you want a faction to rise up.. get a good core... get everyone to level their asses off... get some TW experience (in which case going against a weaker legendary would be a much wiser choice then plowing head first into nef)

    calling for many factions to attack nef doesn't prove that one faction can rise up.. it just proves that nef can only hold 200 members and can't defend 240 people attacking at once
  • scridon
    scridon Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    what you are saying is making no sense scridon.. you want 1 guild to rise up capable of going toe to toe with nef.. but you are calling for multiple attacks on nef because thats the only way you see of beating them?

    if you want a faction to rise up.. get a good core... get everyone to level their asses off... get some TW experience (in which case going against a weaker legendary would be a much wiser choice then plowing head first into nef)

    calling for many factions to attack nef doesn't prove that one faction can rise up.. it just proves that nef can only hold 200 members and can't defend 240 people attacking at once

    All of the factions that stand a chance to attack Nef in a group and take land have plenty of TW experience.

    As factions start to take out Nef I can almost guarantee that, the or those factions who get land from Nef will gain recruits.

    I am also not calling for many factions to attack Nef, I am hoping that they do however. b:chuckle
  • Devarsi - Sanctuary
    Devarsi - Sanctuary Posts: 542 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    then your claim that you just wanna see 1 faction that can go toe to toe with nef was not true

    Edit: okay well not necessarily untrue... just unrelated to everything you've been saying in this thread
  • scridon
    scridon Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    then your claim that you just wanna see 1 faction that can go toe to toe with nef was not true

    Edit: okay well not necessarily untrue... just unrelated to everything you've been saying in this thread

    "I just want to see at least one guild." If it is only one guild then so be it. Legendary atm has the most potential I think, however there are other guilds that have potential.

    And the reason I say this is the same reason I want to see Nef get ganged. I don't want nef to be essentially the only TW faction.
  • Devarsi - Sanctuary
    Devarsi - Sanctuary Posts: 542 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    any faction with 500k is a TW faction.. whether they choose to fight is up to them

    also whether they stand a chance is based on their members and who shows their levels etc

    you said "toe to toe" thats 1 on 1 .. not ganging

    and yes there are guilds with potential.. nef isn't unbeatable.. its quite possible to beat them.. and it gets more and more possible every week.. leveling at 90+ gets really long and drawn out.. and with rebirth being figured out.. people are rushing their way to level 86 ... it just takes time to build a faction with the strength to take nef.. or coordination from the non-nef high levels (which some what failed in steel in repsect to TW.. i don't think it will work on this server.. too much drama)

    it doesn't take a buncha factions to take nefarious down.. it does take time and effort.. i'm tired of all these people saying "nef must fall everyone attack them!!"

    nefarious has been around a long time.. they've had many members come and go.. and all of the officers work hard to keep everything together and organized .. these officers deserve the position they are holding at the moment and i'd hate to see it go just because of a mutual hatred.. i'd rather see another faction rise up with equal strength and actually beat us straight up
  • scridon
    scridon Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    look, its rather simple. One of the main reasons nefarious is as powerful as it is, is because of what they have achieved. Many many people want to be in Nef because they see that Nef is the top dog faction on the server. The best way at the moment to try to pull some of that notoriety is, for the smaller factions trying to work there way up, to start to make an effort to gang up on them and knock them down a few pegs.

    And yes it is going to take time for any faction to build up a force that is comparable. But the best way I see atm to speed this up a bit is to, like I said, knock Nef down a few pegs. Some people really have you guys on a pedestal, they join smaller factions only to work there way up to your recruiting lvl then make an excuse to leave. Its rather hard in such a case to keep people when this is there motives without, again, knocking Nef down a few pegs. Also note I am not saying this is a primary problem smaller guilds have but I am sure it does happen somewhat often.
  • _WillFire_ - Sanctuary
    _WillFire_ - Sanctuary Posts: 563 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    scridon wrote: »
    look, its rather simple. One of the main reasons nefarious is as powerful as it is, is because of what they have achieved. Many many people want to be in Nef because they see that Nef is the top dog faction on the server. The best way at the moment to try to pull some of that notoriety is, for the smaller factions trying to work there way up, to start to make an effort to gang up on them and knock them down a few pegs.

    And yes it is going to take time for any faction to build up a force that is comparable. But the best way I see atm to speed this up a bit is to, like I said, knock Nef down a few pegs. Some people really have you guys on a pedestal, they join smaller factions only to work there way up to your recruiting lvl then make an excuse to leave. Its rather hard in such a case to keep people when this is there motives without, again, knocking Nef down a few pegs. Also note I am not saying this is a primary problem smaller guilds have but I am sure it does happen somewhat often.

    Knock Nef down a few pegs? If these smaller factions can't win ( Not for lack of trying or heart ) because of strength and experience exactly how is *losing* going to knock Nef down a few pegs?

    Also, as noted, Nef and Legendary are beatable. It hasn't "knocked them down a few pegs". It's made them stronger.

    So all of this text is really rather worthless. You want to take on Nef, Legendary, or whoever is in the top spot? Work. Plan.

    Calling on a lemming attack is futile and stupid.
    Mark 12:29-37
    _WillFire_ 8x Combat Medic
  • Devarsi - Sanctuary
    Devarsi - Sanctuary Posts: 542 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    nefarious only has 200 spots.. we can't keep taking in people and there are plenty out there that dislike nefarious.. just look at all these anti nef threads that pop up .. you can't blame people for wanting to join a strong faction... i joined nefarious because i had many instances where nefarious people were nice to me and helped out a lot... one (can't remember the name) dropped my wife a robber card in the cube.. i had gotten help on fbs/bosses/TT from nef members and they were a nice faction to join that offered TW ... the two qualities i was looking for

    you want it sped up.. get outlaw to attack .. start with the factions you have some influence over.. sitting here talking about it on the forums isn't gonna do anything... people in this game are huge bandwagon-ers .. as soon as the first attacks go up everyone starts chomping at the bit

    Edit: Looking back on the OP... TheDan.. where was regicides bid this week? you can't call for action and then do nothing yourself.. it doesn't set a good example
  • scridon
    scridon Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Knock Nef down a few pegs? If these smaller factions can't win ( Not for lack of trying or heart ) because of strength and experience exactly how is *losing* going to knock Nef down a few pegs?

    Also, as noted, Nef and Legendary are beatable. It hasn't "knocked them down a few pegs". It's made them stronger.

    So all of this text is really rather worthless. You want to take on Nef, Legendary, or whoever is in the top spot? Work. Plan.

    Calling on a lemming attack is futile and stupid.

    Nef has lost what, maybe 2 lands in there entire existence. You losing a couple lands several months ago has little to nothing to do with how strong you have become.

    And Planning a 1 vs 1 attack on nefarious is what is futile. There is no single faction atm that can do that. Also i am not calling on an attack on nef, again I am just hoping that it does happen. I haven't asked anybody to join in on attacking nef if you haven't noticed.

    Losing one or two lands is not going to knock Nef down, the idea is to consistently attack them until they start to lose a decent number of lands. This in turn will have a psychological effect on the entire server, waking them up to the possibility of being in another faction or factions that are capable to eventually stand up to Nef.
  • Devarsi - Sanctuary
    Devarsi - Sanctuary Posts: 542 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    for that to work you'd have to find people dedicated enough... the previous multi front attacks on nef were stopped as soon as nef held ...

    "hoping" for multiple attacks on nef vs calling for them.. meh i see no difference in my mind.. you are arguing for them saying it would be good.. therefore you are calling for them ... if you can't even get your own faction to do it .. why do you hope for others to
  • scridon
    scridon Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    for that to work you'd have to find people dedicated enough... the previous multi front attacks on nef were stopped as soon as nef held ...

    "hoping" for multiple attacks on nef vs calling for them.. meh i see no difference in my mind.. you are arguing for them saying it would be good.. therefore you are calling for them ... if you can't even get your own faction to do it .. why do you hope for others to

    I havent tried to get any faction to do anything, not even my own. I am sure it will just naturally happen on its own. i am here only to argue with you because its fun to do when doing WQ. b:laugh

    Also the reason they stopped then was because they realised they had other possibly easier targets to go after, soon that wont be an option anymore.
  • XAsch - Sanctuary
    XAsch - Sanctuary Posts: 855 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I demand a PWI brothel, for everyone to take out their frustrations at!
  • _WillFire_ - Sanctuary
    _WillFire_ - Sanctuary Posts: 563 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I demand a PWI brothel, for everyone to take out their frustrations at!

    I thought that was Steel? b:chuckle
    Mark 12:29-37
    _WillFire_ 8x Combat Medic
  • Devarsi - Sanctuary
    Devarsi - Sanctuary Posts: 542 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    if you say so .. it makes your words less powerful if you can't even follow them though ... if you hope to have someone else do the work you want done .. it'll never get done

    Edit: brothel opening up at xAschs house.. everyone meet there at 8 pm est
  • seduce
    seduce Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    BORING *Yawns*
  • _WillFire_ - Sanctuary
    _WillFire_ - Sanctuary Posts: 563 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    seduce wrote: »
    BORING *Yawns*

    XAsch...your brothel has already failed. b:cry
    Mark 12:29-37
    _WillFire_ 8x Combat Medic
  • TheDan - Sanctuary
    TheDan - Sanctuary Posts: 3,495 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    nefarious only has 200 spots.. we can't keep taking in people and there are plenty out there that dislike nefarious.. just look at all these anti nef threads that pop up .. you can't blame people for wanting to join a strong faction... i joined nefarious because i had many instances where nefarious people were nice to me and helped out a lot... one (can't remember the name) dropped my wife a robber card in the cube.. i had gotten help on fbs/bosses/TT from nef members and they were a nice faction to join that offered TW ... the two qualities i was looking for

    you want it sped up.. get outlaw to attack .. start with the factions you have some influence over.. sitting here talking about it on the forums isn't gonna do anything... people in this game are huge bandwagon-ers .. as soon as the first attacks go up everyone starts chomping at the bit

    Edit: Looking back on the OP... TheDan.. where was regicides bid this week? you can't call for action and then do nothing yourself.. it doesn't set a good example

    We intentionally withheld our bid this week - it was planned last week. You will see why this move was essential to what we had in mind this upcoming weekend.

    Again, we don't perceive "zergling rushes" as a tactical approach. Every plan must undergo extensive evaluation by our review committee before we initiate it. Coordinating a major offensive doesn't happen overnight =]
    BM PvP Guide:

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  • BigPunisher - Sanctuary
    BigPunisher - Sanctuary Posts: 122 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I can't wait until Nef get yanked. I'm looking forward to that battle because that should be a lot of fun.

    Bring it on!! b:victory
  • scridon
    scridon Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    At least somebody has the right attitude. b:chuckle
  • Devarsi - Sanctuary
    Devarsi - Sanctuary Posts: 542 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    i'm pretty sure most of nef is aching for a fight.. i know i'd like to see a good one .. i just don't see a point in all of these "we must join together a take down the evil entity that is nef" threads

    i haven't burned through an entire gold charm in pvp tw since that first one against rebirth :(
  • scridon
    scridon Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    i'm pretty sure most of nef is aching for a fight.. i know i'd like to see a good one .. i just don't see a point in all of these "we must join together a take down the evil entity that is nef" threads

    i haven't burned through an entire gold charm in pvp tw since that first one against rebirth :(

    Its because the only way that Nef will get a good fight is if there is a mass attack.b:surrender