Why You Hate Radiance?



  • xtrm9
    xtrm9 Posts: 221 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    It's ok, I'm sure primary school will set you back on track.

    ROFL !!!
    Says the most nerdiest person to ever play PW b:chuckle
    You call yourself Kingpicoolo because your manhood is the size of a fragile little pickle.

    Lol i thank god that you got kicked out of Enrage when you dragged your sorry **** to that awesome clan.
    Your presence in Radiance is enough for normal people to hate it b:byeb:byeb:bye
  • Kingpiccolo - Heavens Tear
    Kingpiccolo - Heavens Tear Posts: 419 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Right. Because Nerds never attended primary school and thus have no right to comment on it...
    I call my self KingPiccolo because I wanted to make a look-a-like of something and found Piccolo to be a easy target.
    I wasn't kicked out of Enraged, nor am I the director of Radiance. Please get a clue before going around making up useless jibberish.

    Normal people? You mean the ones that don't compare genitals to pickles in public? Yea sure, why not? You're just saying that I can gather more hate without trying than Enrage can working 24/7 on their hate-campaign.
  • Aesthor - Heavens Tear
    Aesthor - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,845 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Right. Because Nerds never attended primary school and thus have no right to comment on it...
    I call my self KingPiccolo because I wanted to make a look-a-like of something and found Piccolo to be a easy target.
    I wasn't kicked out of Enraged, nor am I the director of Radiance. Please get a clue before going around making up useless jibberish.

    Normal people? You mean the ones that don't compare genitals to pickles in public? Yea sure, why not? You're just saying that I can gather more hate without trying than Enrage can working 24/7 on their hate-campaign.

    You sure you got more hate than Enrage does? Well there's no accurate way to tell I guess since the votes on this poll include a bunch of people voting for their own guild. *cough is guilty of this*
    ಥ_ಥ MOAR.
    SkyKoC - How long is yours?
  • Inna - Heavens Tear
    Inna - Heavens Tear Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Shows your method of solving problems. However, I am not like you and need not QQ in yellow b:victory

    failed to read x1. I wasn't saying that was my solution. I was telling you to do what your faction was doing which was complaining in WC.
    You sure you got more hate than Enrage does? Well there's no accurate way to tell I guess since the votes on this poll include a bunch of people voting for their own guild. *cough is guilty of this*

    failed to read x2. KP was inferring what xtrm was saying about hate. KP never claimed he had more hate.

    Do you not know how to read or do you not know how to read? (Rhetorical question in case you haven't figured it out.)
  • Clunker - Heavens Tear
    Clunker - Heavens Tear Posts: 162 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    5) Oh yea and maybe the second thing to be jealous of is they have Qiu

    yea, this' the main reason why i hate rad b:surrender
  • Aesthor - Heavens Tear
    Aesthor - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,845 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    failed to read x1. I wasn't saying that was my solution. I was telling you to do what your faction was doing which was complaining in WC.

    failed to read x2. KP was inferring what xtrm was saying about hate. KP never claimed he had more hate.

    Do you not know how to read or do you not know how to read? (Rhetorical question in case you haven't figured it out.)

    No, I don't really like bananas, but throwing them on the curb for fail clerics to slip over is really fun. I only refrain from doing it too often because I actually have to eat the banana to do it, as I don't like wasting food, but as I said I don't like bananas so I don't make fail clerics slip on bananas as often as I'd like.

    He who notices the **** first is the one who farted.

    And yes, I do have a large collection of starburst wrappers. I forgot when I started collecting them but I don't know why you'd ask that considering starburst wrappers have nothing to do with the game.

    But no, I don't know how to read. I only vaguely comprehend the post I am replying to before I flame it and set lots of bait. What's your point?
    ಥ_ಥ MOAR.
    SkyKoC - How long is yours?
  • Inna - Heavens Tear
    Inna - Heavens Tear Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    bananas? gwen stefani? you don't like bananas, but monkeys like bananas?

    waste of time+2.
    seeing someone eat bananas and throw them on a curb, priceless.
  • Hisui - Heavens Tear
    Hisui - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,369 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    bananas? gwen stefani? you don't like bananas, but monkeys like bananas?

    waste of time+2.
    seeing someone eat bananas and throw them on a curb, priceless.

    I understand what you are saying.
    私の番ですよ。- Sig by Symour

    Check out ForsakenX 's sig thread O_O
    Enrage - We Eat.
  • Fina - Heavens Tear
    Fina - Heavens Tear Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I never hated Radiance.

    I only hated their original leader, KittyKat, or whatever her name was.
    When I first joined she tried to force me to change my name to blue instead of white and told me that PKing was strictly forbidden.

    Her reason?
    "It's a PvE server not a PvP server, so you shouldn't be PKing".

    Apparently she did not realize that PvE meant PvP optional.

    June, who was very nice by the way, got to her to agree to let me stay in PK mode...but KittyKat's constant whining and complaining about PKing in a PK optional server eventually drove me, and several other top members, out of the guild...and we formed Elysium which did well until I quit.
    I read the forums when bored at work for the lulz.
  • Aesthor - Heavens Tear
    Aesthor - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,845 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    bananas? gwen stefani? you don't like bananas, but monkeys like bananas?

    waste of time+2.
    seeing someone eat bananas and throw them on a curb, priceless.

    That's a much better reply than your other ones. Great job :)
    ಥ_ಥ MOAR.
    SkyKoC - How long is yours?
  • xtrm9
    xtrm9 Posts: 221 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    bananas? gwen stefani? you don't like bananas, but monkeys like bananas?

    waste of time+2.
    seeing someone eat bananas and throw them on a curb, priceless.

    Lol are you challenging KP for the most stupid forum user spot ? b:chuckle
  • Qiuyue - Heavens Tear
    Qiuyue - Heavens Tear Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited March 2009

  • sparqy
    sparqy Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    If you're gonna ask peoples' honest opinion, then don't jump on them and find it necessary to argue with them.....
    So basicly what your saying is that, because Radiance will not attack lower guilds or guilds they have alliances with means they are a bad guild? or just the leader is bad? should this topic be "Why i hate Charity/June?" (i think that is her name not sure which is the leader of Radiance)

    So by making alliances or treaties with other guilds is bad thing? So Radiance should stand on it's own? Or the other guilds should stand on there own?

    So from your statement above i'm taking it that if you can't stand on your own then you don't have a right to be on the map? No Alliance or treaties should be allowed.

    So If Evo and Engaged Join forces to take on Radiance (which is highly unlikely). An alliance between the two should not be allowed?

    So your reason if i understand why you hate Radiance is thier "Goals".
  • sparqy
    sparqy Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I dont know if this is an old post or what, but get a grip!!!

    While that one person is looking at his stall, and wondering if 22k is a good price for resale, there is always some noob at the bank selling for 18-20 still. One person simply cannot change the whole market like that. You give him a lot of imaginary power.

    and FYI I am not in Radiance. I am simply a merchant, its what I do, and it's how I ENJOY THE GAME!!! People play for different reasons, mine is to make money, simply to make money. You have your reasons to play, so don't start judging my reasons, and how I afford to play this game.

    EDIT> P.S. You're too long winded and you are correct I never did read the whole thing.
    thanduril wrote: »
    @Kingpiccolo: ok im forced to rant a bit more in my "essay type posts" cause you stated quite a few valid points about how i was wrong in atleast a more mature manner than those other two, and i am obviously going to beg to differ.

    i have got +6 gear among other stuff, and i have found a way to pay for them, which is really simple actually. i just kill mobs, those drop coins and other items on death, and i collect these coins and items and NPC them to make more coins which i save up and when i have quite a bit of money saved i use it to upgrade my equips or buy new stuff. simple. clean. no one might wanna "QQ" other than the mobs who i just killed.
    staying white named is an Option on HT. if you chose to go white named to further intensify your gaming experince, then you must put the GAs and charms your gonna burn on PKing into your calculations, not go all WHY OH WHY IS LIFE SO HARD and resort to reselling to cater to your PKing addiction.
    if the top 50 PKers in HT are resellers who can make money only by reselling, in case they arent zen buyers, then i`ll be damned.
    if the top 50 highest level players on HT are resellers who can make money only by reselling, in case they arent zen buyers, then i`ll be twice as damned.

    FYI, an unreasonable price is such that the majority of consumers feel that the given commodity is being charged for more than what its worth. who can say how much an item is really worth? only the seller does put a price which is close to the item's "worth". proff that he still hasnt sold his dragonfly would only say that its still got a ridiculous price tag, even though he has dropped its price by a few 10millions from the day he set a price tag to it.
    and...dint radiance get the tier 2 cities a Long time back? then why did he put it up for sale after what seems like a very long time? thats only cause he gave the other players more Time to make coins, enough coins that would satisfy his greed.

    being the strongest guild means nothing much on HT. other than the fact that other guilds do not attack you(gank you) on a weekly basis and suffer an imminent defeat, hence you dont burn as much charm in your territory wars, unlike evolution members, who probably burned a few gold charms for the wars they faced, upto 3 or 4 per week. or like the members of theempire who stayed behind to fight those losing battles a few months back. so being the "Strongest" does have its ecconomical advantages aye.

    let me emphasize on what i meant with the line about "cheap tricks".
    for convinience sake consider mirage stones. he buys a stack of mirages for 18k each from a stall at a cheap price. he sets the price to 22k and sells this stack in his stall.
    people who are in need of this item, buy these mirage stones when they see it avaliable in his stall(he picks a very convinient to set stall=near W.Archo teleporter) or are just too lazy/unable to search hundereds of stalls in west archosaur for the stones.
    he re-sells his mirages and makes a profit out of this. while at the same time, people window shopping through his stall might notice him selling mirage stones at 22k each, and they consider this to be the new stable price to sell mirages at. and in case they see any more mirages at 18k each(the old price limit)they buy out this stack of mirages and set it for 22k in their stalls as well.
    the next day sanosukelee starts buying mirages at 22k from another player's stall and then setting them at 25k each in his stall.
    rinse. repeat.
    so he dint just **** over the person who bought his mirages, but he is infact gradually **** over the entire economy, AND because he got a radiance tag above his head, other ignorant players might think that he is doing the right thing cause radiance are "good people" and they will follow his example.
    moreover a normal player is someone who might have been playing this game for a month or two, around level 60 and just has a bit of information on how the game works, ie the targets for reselling.

    i challenge you on the that "it can no longer be obtained by any means" statement. people said the same thing about the isfareal, wings of Dae and nakir's judgement after the halloween event. now...how rare are those mounts again? as for the midnight, boa and hell hound one can only guess if its never going to be brought back into circulation but atleast it isnt like there is only one of the kind on HT server.
    what if some scapegoat pays $700(70mil) for the dragonfly mount and then they start selling the mount in the cash shop after the next maintance? poor guy got screwed by Mr.Reseller. what i mean to say is that you cant say for sure how rare this dragonfly really is unless you have got a GM's testimony. oh, there are "chests" which havent been introduced yet, that give you a chance at getting the dragonfly. old sports car? maybe. one of a kind? definitely not.

    that wasnt any kind of analogy, nor any sexual inuendo.
    if it was That hard to understand, let me break it up furthermore.
    "molesting others is not wrong as long as you are horny" over here
    molesting others = ripping others off
    horny = greedy.
    so it just meant "ripping others off is not wrong as long as you are greedy"
    should i mention that it was a sarcastic remark?
    hm...probably that line i read about in EgaeniI's post : diving front roll 360 back flip, side spin 780 "backward entry".. which seemed anything but missionary sent a sublimilnal message of some sort...damn subliminal messages !

    im at the end of my oh so painful to read rant. and it was probably wrong of me to name people, so just forget everything that you have just read in my posts......and know that i dont like a few members in radiance because they behave like a certain Mr. S Greed or Mr. Resell Lee

    damn..that was an epic long post which no one might ever read...damn...
  • sparqy
    sparqy Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Whoa, what did I ever do to you?
    I really don't understand what the big deal is about the dragonfly mount. It's no faster than any other flying mount, sure it's unique at the moment but no-one NEEDS it. If they WANT to spend 70 million on it go ahead, Sano can then split the proceeds with all who were present at that particular LVL 2 TW. b:chuckle

    As for reselling, I'd probably do it if I had the time or nous. I'm sure most people would too, greed is part of human nature.

    But really you forgetting who the real villains are, PWeXchange guild, that shady syndicate is the worst at reselling. BAN-HAMMER b:angry
  • Criticalhitz - Heavens Tear
    Criticalhitz - Heavens Tear Posts: 190 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    PWxchange have saved me alot of time and coins actually.

    - On Topic.

    Radiance is a nice family mild guild with alot of there members being the highest in the server and have alot of adult players, The only thing I do have against them is yes the attitude.

    I enter to get FB help and a person comes in and mentions something, a member of Radiance makes witty comments and talks down to that member..I simply make that persons comments more clear for the Radiance member, He then insults me. I tell them simply ' With that attitude my nor my wifes FB will fit ' - Left the channel.

    During an FB run one time, members of Radiance were discussing there guild drama..Me as the tabber, I think to myself..Do I want to join a guild that has this much to say about one another in squad chat on a friendly FB run?

    I am personally an outspoken person, I say what I feel and that seems to be respected by alot of people. I will not go behinde there backs and say it, will that be good enough for Radiance? after that FB, I doubt it. Now for my next part.

    I used to be apart of Radiant, meeting alot of the officers ALTs and what not. I try to start conversations alot because Im a talkative guy, A few officers hardly talked and when they did showed mass ammount of Attitude and made witty remarks every time someone talked. I left Radiant due to the lack of conversation, no real help due to it being just alts and inactives n lower people thriving to get into Radiance. Not a guild I'd label it as, No offense what so ever to Radiant/Radiance it was just not place.

    I talk and am good friends with alot of Radiance, I do PK the odd day or so and they simply do not attack me because they know of the friendships I have and I used to be apart of Radiant. Earlier at secret passage, while doing a 1vs1 with someone 13 levels higher then me.. I was winning by along shot..Radiance member lvl 84 walks over n kills me. I say we were doing a 1vs1, he says 'And?'. On the other hand 3 or more Enrage members sat by and did not attack me once, I understand I was in PK mode fair game no rules apply. But it is about respect to, that Rad member did not show any respect.

    I guess my point from all the text above is more so about Attitude.

    No offense to anyone in this post either, just my opinion b:victory
    Making new char..Which one? I have a BM..but I want more damage and stuff to do..

    Experienced players contact with the cons n pros of there class and where to put points n what skills to up ASAP thanks..
  • Inna - Heavens Tear
    Inna - Heavens Tear Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    xtrm9 wrote: »
    Lol are you challenging KP for the most stupid forum user spot ? b:chuckle

    you currently have that title. I wouldn't dare challenge you.
  • Hisui - Heavens Tear
    Hisui - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,369 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    That was a good comeback.
    私の番ですよ。- Sig by Symour

    Check out ForsakenX 's sig thread O_O
    Enrage - We Eat.
  • Cat - Heavens Tear
    Cat - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,187 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Yeah the your momma cracks will start coming out soon.....
    "Jesus fricking christ on a pogo stick. Your a mass of fricking idiots I swear!"

    Didn't anyone tell you that you wanted to sleep with me?!?! I thought you knew....
  • Mheps - Lost City
    Mheps - Lost City Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    PWxchange have saved me alot of time and coins actually.

    - On Topic.

    Radiance is a nice family mild guild with alot of there members being the highest in the server and have alot of adult players, The only thing I do have against them is yes the attitude.

    I enter to get FB help and a person comes in and mentions something, a member of Radiance makes witty comments and talks down to that member..I simply make that persons comments more clear for the Radiance member, He then insults me. I tell them simply ' With that attitude my nor my wifes FB will fit ' - Left the channel.

    During an FB run one time, members of Radiance were discussing there guild drama..Me as the tabber, I think to myself..Do I want to join a guild that has this much to say about one another in squad chat on a friendly FB run?

    I am personally an outspoken person, I say what I feel and that seems to be respected by alot of people. I will not go behinde there backs and say it, will that be good enough for Radiance? after that FB, I doubt it. Now for my next part.

    I used to be apart of Radiant, meeting alot of the officers ALTs and what not. I try to start conversations alot because Im a talkative guy, A few officers hardly talked and when they did showed mass ammount of Attitude and made witty remarks every time someone talked. I left Radiant due to the lack of conversation, no real help due to it being just alts and inactives n lower people thriving to get into Radiance. Not a guild I'd label it as, No offense what so ever to Radiant/Radiance it was just not place.

    I talk and am good friends with alot of Radiance, I do PK the odd day or so and they simply do not attack me because they know of the friendships I have and I used to be apart of Radiant. Earlier at secret passage, while doing a 1vs1 with someone 13 levels higher then me.. I was winning by along shot..Radiance member lvl 84 walks over n kills me. I say we were doing a 1vs1, he says 'And?'. On the other hand 3 or more Enrage members sat by and did not attack me once, I understand I was in PK mode fair game no rules apply. But it is about respect to, that Rad member did not show any respect.

    I guess my point from all the text above is more so about Attitude.

    No offense to anyone in this post either, just my opinion b:victory

    Yeah i can write a story too you know? Like how a guild disrespect me. So easy to do. b:bye
  • MentalEdge - Heavens Tear
    MentalEdge - Heavens Tear Posts: 629 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Yeah i can write a story too you know? Like how a guild disrespect me. So easy to do. b:bye

    Well??I'm curious nowb:angry
    Quit 100%...and surprised my forum account wasn't banned...yet
  • Mheps - Lost City
    Mheps - Lost City Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Well??I'm curious nowb:angry

    oh noes did i made you mad? b:cryb:chuckle
  • Aesthor - Heavens Tear
    Aesthor - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,845 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I can write a story about a person who writes only 1 sentence posts to make fun of people who took their time replying properly. But I won't bother :P
    ಥ_ಥ MOAR.
    SkyKoC - How long is yours?
  • xtrm9
    xtrm9 Posts: 221 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    you currently have that title. I wouldn't dare challenge you.

    KP is pro at this i am no match for him.
  • Kingpiccolo - Heavens Tear
    Kingpiccolo - Heavens Tear Posts: 419 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    That's the best you could come up with? That's just an inch off "I know you are but what am I!"
  • Criticalhitz - Heavens Tear
    Criticalhitz - Heavens Tear Posts: 190 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Mheps, I dont lie about stuff.. I am friends with a fair ammount of Radiance people so Im not going to lie to some what BASH there guild name, Just a reason why I dislike some of them.
    Making new char..Which one? I have a BM..but I want more damage and stuff to do..

    Experienced players contact with the cons n pros of there class and where to put points n what skills to up ASAP thanks..
  • thanduril
    thanduril Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    sparqy wrote: »
    I dont know if this is an old post or what, but get a grip!!!

    While that one person is looking at his stall, and wondering if 22k is a good price for resale, there is always some noob at the bank selling for 18-20 still. One person simply cannot change the whole market like that. You give him a lot of imaginary power.

    and FYI I am not in Radiance. I am simply a merchant, its what I do, and it's how I ENJOY THE GAME!!! People play for different reasons, mine is to make money, simply to make money. You have your reasons to play, so don't start judging my reasons, and how I afford to play this game.

    EDIT> P.S. You're too long winded and you are correct I never did read the whole thing.

    yea it is a old post and thank you for your concern. i can assure you i have gotten myself a grip and it wasnt resold to me at a penny above MRP!!!11ONE1!!!11!!1!!

    a fact that you call someone selling an item at a resonable price a "noob" Shows your a greedy ****. its so prominantly sticking outta your forehead, like a piece of festering hernia, that i dont need to say anything more.

    i never said nor ever intended that every reseller was in radiance, probably less than 3% of the resellers out there got a radiance tag above their head.
    and naw, why on earth would i judge you for ripping people off in this free to play internet game. its after all just a game. its after all you are just a greedy rat **** in this game. but you see, your means of "fun" can hamper my mode of gameplay by influx of inflation. get it?
    to cut down any long winded word play and sentences i just mean that greedy rat **** like you hamper my gameplay by influx of inflation. i hope that was simple enough for your simple mind.

    want money? go grind.
  • Criticalhitz - Heavens Tear
    Criticalhitz - Heavens Tear Posts: 190 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    thanduril wrote: »
    want money? go grind.[/QUOTE]

    You said it yourself, want money? go grind. Instead of worrying about merchants, you can easly go farm materials yourself, you can make your own mirages and farm mirages off TT's, in all honesty you can do everything you want with ingame coin so why worry about what other people price there stuff at?
    Making new char..Which one? I have a BM..but I want more damage and stuff to do..

    Experienced players contact with the cons n pros of there class and where to put points n what skills to up ASAP thanks..
  • thanduril
    thanduril Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    thanduril wrote: »
    want money? go grind.[/QUOTE]

    You said it yourself, want money? go grind. Instead of worrying about merchants, you can easly go farm materials yourself, you can make your own mirages and farm mirages off TT's, in all honesty you can do everything you want with ingame coin so why worry about what other people price there stuff at?

    cause mobs dont drop cash shop items duhh.
    that example about mirage stones was like i said, an example.
    if you squint at only that one commodity, then i dont think you can look beyond at any other item, so explaining to someone who doesnt understand is futile.
    gonna save some time by not further arguing with you, after all time is money. no matter how hard you try, you cant resell time !

    Afterthought:do you even know how many stones it might take to get a weapon to +2? 4 stones on a lucky day, on a bad one it might take 30+ mirage stones and still remain at only +1 or +0. you need dragon orbs or tisha stones to get a successful hit on refining. now what about those scumbags who are gonna resell dragon orbs and cause that price to rise up?
    in all honesty You go grind TT for 50+ mirage stones or maybe do a couple thousand OMAs for celestone frags. me, i got a life and i cant afford to waste it on hitting mobs non stop just for gambling my luck on failed refining. clear?
  • MentalEdge - Heavens Tear
    MentalEdge - Heavens Tear Posts: 629 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    thanduril wrote: »

    cause mobs dont drop cash shop items duhh.
    that example about mirage stones was like i said, an example.
    if you squint at only that one commodity, then i dont think you can look beyond at any other item, so explaining to someone who doesnt understand is futile.
    gonna save some time by not further arguing with you, after all time is money. no matter how hard you try, you cant resell time !

    Afterthought:do you even know how many stones it might take to get a weapon to +2? 4 stones on a lucky day, on a bad one it might take 30+ mirage stones and still remain at only +1 or +0. you need dragon orbs or tisha stones to get a successful hit on refining. now what about those scumbags who are gonna resell dragon orbs and cause that price to rise up?
    in all honesty You go grind TT for 50+ mirage stones or maybe do a couple thousand OMAs for celestone frags. me, i got a life and i cant afford to waste it on hitting mobs non stop just for gambling my luck on failed refining. clear?

    Then use the cash shop if you don't have time to grind for drops,and quit moaning.
    Quit 100%...and surprised my forum account wasn't banned...yet
This discussion has been closed.