Annoyance with the Veno hate >.>



  • tatakairyu
    tatakairyu Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    First off, it's easier to make yourself clearer than to have everyone else have to guess what kind of **** you put on the forums.

    Secondly, never agree'd with you, just stating a fact because I still don't think you play the same game as us.

    Third they are NOT sought after, seriously what game are you playing? They are underused but Factions and "groups"( still never elaborated on that by the way smart guy) only time I ever see them being needed for a "group" is zhen.
  • jalenstar4ever
    jalenstar4ever Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    tatakairyu wrote: »
    First off, it's easier to make yourself clearer than to have everyone else have to guess what kind of **** you put on the forums.

    Secondly, never agree'd with you, just stating a fact because I still don't think you play the same game as us.

    Third they are NOT sought after, seriously what game are you playing? They are underused but Factions and "groups"( still never elaborated on that by the way smart guy) only time I ever see them being needed for a "group" is zhen.

    You're a genius.

  • tatakairyu
    tatakairyu Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Thank you.b:shutup
  • MystiMonk - Sanctuary
    MystiMonk - Sanctuary Posts: 4,286 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Next month all the venos should get together and hate on another class.
    Any suggestion on a class we can spam the forums with hate. You know like they have been doing to us.b:sinb:sinb:sin

    Don't go picking on Clerics anyway I have no problems with Venos.
    Looking for a decent casual understanding Faction.
  • Celestyna - Heavens Tear
    Celestyna - Heavens Tear Posts: 629 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    And often are the times when you will hear WC shoutouts by groups seeking DD's (wizzie?) and clerics.

    DD = Damage Dealer .. Archer & Wizard mainly but sometimes other classes, as a cleric i can DD as well
    I played a wiz until level 30 and there was nothing depressing about playing my wizard.
    Nobody wants a wizard in a party?

    Now you have lost all credibility bud. We all want wizzies in our parties. Any group or faction would rather have a wizard over a veno, any day. That is fact my friend. Wizzies are THE defacto damage dealers in this game. Wizzies ask no questions, take no prisoners, and simply blast mobs into submission.

    its not that they are prefered so much as in short supply. I have played my wizard to lvl 60, she was a pain in the back side to level from 40 on, i died alot more with her then any other class. I also had trouble getting her bosses done most squads didn't need her, the wizard class is replaceable.

    when i set up zhen parties i cringe when we have arcane wizards for DD's.. id much rather have archers over a wizard in my party due to the amount of times lurers have had to stop while i drop bb and rez a dead wizard

    when in TT id much rather go with 5 veno (one with herc) veno's pets hit the bosses for full damage while peoples damage is nerfed against them. plus its like have 5 extra people in squad you dont have to mat share with!

    when doing FBs i have never asked for a wizard..just tank, veno.. and 3 others which can be any class
  • Ratinax - Sanctuary
    Ratinax - Sanctuary Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Regarding the people bitching and crying how we can tank anything with a pet and not get hurt. BULLCRAP! You try having a pet agro 2 or more mobs, heal your pet cuz its dying THEN say we got it easy. If you so much as TOUCH your pet when it agros more than one mob those other mobs not currently being assulted by the pet turn right towards you.

    So no, we don't got it easy. We get hit like mad if we don't attack at the right angle. Leveling after 45 isn't easy when you get no quests, forced to grind on flying mobs and never get invited to fbs or some other **** because 'oh, your a veno.' I rely on my faction's fbs to freakin do them.

    So all the flying **** about venos having so much advantage, if you truely play a veno for what it's truely worth, you'd know the limits. Not auto assume that veno's got it super easy cuz of a pet. Sure, we nuke em with magic while the pet does a few hits on the side, but without it to take the hits, we're better off quitting at level 15.
  • jalenstar4ever
    jalenstar4ever Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Regarding the people bitching and crying how we can tank anything with a pet and not get hurt. BULLCRAP! You try having a pet agro 2 or more mobs, heal your pet cuz its dying THEN say we got it easy. If you so much as TOUCH your pet when it agros more than one mob those other mobs not currently being assulted by the pet turn right towards you.

    So no, we don't got it easy. We get hit like mad if we don't attack at the right angle. Leveling after 45 isn't easy when you get no quests, forced to grind on flying mobs and never get invited to fbs or some other **** because 'oh, your a veno.' I rely on my faction's fbs to freakin do them.

    So all the flying **** about venos having so much advantage, if you truely play a veno for what it's truely worth, you'd know the limits. Not auto assume that veno's got it super easy cuz of a pet. Sure, we nuke em with magic while the pet does a few hits on the side, but without it to take the hits, we're better off quitting at level 15.

    Oh boy, watch out! you done did it now!!

    Better don your flame proof suit because all of the veno-haters are coming to get you now.

    PS - Don't worry I have your back b:chuckle
  • tatakairyu
    tatakairyu Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Regarding the people bitching and crying how we can tank anything with a pet and not get hurt. BULLCRAP! You try having a pet agro 2 or more mobs, heal your pet cuz its dying THEN say we got it easy. If you so much as TOUCH your pet when it agros more than one mob those other mobs not currently being assulted by the pet turn right towards you.

    So no, we don't got it easy. We get hit like mad if we don't attack at the right angle. Leveling after 45 isn't easy when you get no quests, forced to grind on flying mobs and never get invited to fbs or some other **** because 'oh, your a veno.' I rely on my faction's fbs to freakin do them.

    So all the flying **** about venos having so much advantage, if you truely play a veno for what it's truely worth, you'd know the limits. Not auto assume that veno's got it super easy cuz of a pet. Sure, we nuke em with magic while the pet does a few hits on the side, but without it to take the hits, we're better off quitting at level 15.

    Please tell me you're not 47 and that's just an alt veno or something. Leveling after 45 is easy, I can't say from experience how easy it is to level a 70+ veno but it's easy up till 70.

    FBs practically anyone can go, you only need a cleric and a tank and the tabber. Once you have those the rest of the squad can be filled with anyone, I've been in tons of fbs and a veno was almost always in them.

    People complain about venos AFTER they get hercs and/or phoenix's. Tell me you can't take 5+ mobs easily after you get a herc(shoot magmites are pretty damn good). Don't give me any BS about how much they cost either because by 6x you should have one if you know how to get money.

    If YOU truely knew how to play a veno, you wouldn't have any problems besides making that initial 25m or so for a herc.

    Also, nothing against low levels but if you don't have any class above 60 and actually played/grinded at that level, you really shouldn't be talking because you barely experienced any of the real money making/grinding perspective of the game.
  • mbrunestud
    mbrunestud Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Regarding the people bitching and crying how we can tank anything with a pet and not get hurt. BULLCRAP! You try having a pet agro 2 or more mobs, heal your pet cuz its dying THEN say we got it easy. If you so much as TOUCH your pet when it agros more than one mob those other mobs not currently being assulted by the pet turn right towards you.

    So no, we don't got it easy. We get hit like mad if we don't attack at the right angle. Leveling after 45 isn't easy when you get no quests, forced to grind on flying mobs and never get invited to fbs or some other **** because 'oh, your a veno.' I rely on my faction's fbs to freakin do them.

    So all the flying **** about venos having so much advantage, if you truely play a veno for what it's truely worth, you'd know the limits. Not auto assume that veno's got it super easy cuz of a pet. Sure, we nuke em with magic while the pet does a few hits on the side, but without it to take the hits, we're better off quitting at level 15.

    um unsummon + resummon if you're far enough away from the mobs, or change fox, turn on sprint and run circles until ur pet is done w/ 1 mob, or just fly. you can't say you have it worse when it comes to mult aggros, everyone has to deal with it and i do believe venos have a better way of coping than most. when you get to the 50's, you're going to watch as barbs get shredded by shrunchkins, pyros, all sorts of magic mobs that aggro from a distance and cast dots (dots that quickly stack to the 500's for barbs). and you're going to appreciate the fact that they dot your pet and not you.
  • jalenstar4ever
    jalenstar4ever Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    tatakairyu wrote: »
    Please tell me you're not 47 and that's just an alt veno or something. Leveling after 45 is easy, I can't say from experience how easy it is to level a 70+ veno but it's easy up till 70.

    FBs practically anyone can go, you only need a cleric and a tank and the tabber. Once you have those the rest of the squad can be filled with anyone, I've been in tons of fbs and a veno was almost always in them.

    People complain about venos AFTER they get hercs and/or phoenix's. Tell me you can't take 5+ mobs easily after you get a herc(shoot magmites are pretty damn good). Don't give me any BS about how much they cost either because by 6x you should have one if you know how to get money.

    If YOU truely knew how to play a veno, you wouldn't have any problems besides making that initial 25m or so for a herc.

    Easy there partner.

    Maybe she doesn't have a herc or a nix.

    See that's the mistake many of you haters make. You lump all venos under this PvP herc/nix pet veno umbrella. Every veno doesn't own a herc or a nix (or even a mag). Matter of fact, I'd fathon to say, although I have no doubt you veno-haters will debate this also, but a veno with a herc or nix is an exception, not the rule.

    My gf has a veno. She doesn't have a herc or a nix and she could care less about getting either one. She likes the cute pets. She has a rabbit and she wants a cub bear or a pup dog. See, she plays the game for fun. Not to PvP, PK, farm, grind, make money, get tt drops, or any of that other stuff you hardcore players do.

    There are two types of players. The hardcore gamer and the casual gamer. The majority of venos don't play the hardcore game that some of you play. It appears to me that the major problem with venos are the herc and nix pets, and their respective skills (ream). Rational and mature players realize this and draw attention to those two problematic areas.

    The rest of you are simply whiners who would rather hate and bash the entire veno class rather than take the mature route of identifying and addressing the specific problem.

    Anyway, I am sure you all are not through whining.

    So whine on, but try and be easy on that portion of the player base who may just happen to not take this whole thing quite as seriously as you do.
  • AndromedaB - Sanctuary
    AndromedaB - Sanctuary Posts: 1,376 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Easy there partner.

    Maybe she doesn't have a herc or a nix.

    See that's the mistake many of you haters make. You lump all venos under this PvP herc/nix pet veno umbrella. Every veno doesn't own a herc or a nix (or even a mag). Matter of fact, I'd fathon to say, although I have no doubt you veno-haters will debate this also, but a veno with a herc or nix is an exception, not the rule.

    My gf has a veno. She doesn't have a herc or a nix and she could care less about getting either one. She likes the cute pets. She has a rabbit and she wants a cub bear or a pup dog. See, she plays the game for fun. Not to PvP, PK, farm, grind, make money, get tt drops, or any of that other stuff you hardcore players do.

    There are two types of players. The hardcore gamer and the casual gamer. The majority of venos don't play the hardcore game that some of you play. It appears to me that the major problem with venos are the herc and nix pets, and their respective skills (ream). Rational and mature players realize this and draw attention to those two problematic areas.

    The rest of you are simply whiners who would rather hate and bash the entire veno class rather than take the mature route of identifying and addressing the specific problem.

    Anyway, I am sure you all are not through whining.

    So whine on, but try and be easy on that portion of the player base who may just happen to not take this whole thing quite as seriously as you do.

    on scantuary
    lv 50-60 20-30% of venos have nix or herc
    60% of lv 70+ venos have nix or herc
    lv 80+ 90% of venos have nix or herc, im guessign here because i havent met a single 80+ veno without nix or herc
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    on scantuary
    lv 50-60 20-30% of venos have nix or herc
    60% of lv 70+ venos have nix or herc
    lv 80+ 90% of venos have nix or herc, im guessign here because i havent met a single 80+ veno without nix or herc
    No offense Andromeda, but i'm guessing your guessing all across the board here. I see a LOT more veno's w/o either pet, than with.. but then, I keep my eye out for them. I am specifically looking for veno's with the legendary's.

    I'd say more realistically:
    2-10% for 50-60
    25-35% for 70+
    50-65% for 80+

    And I think thats a bit high even then. BUT... w/o server data it's all speculation. At higher levels it IS easier for a Veno to grind out enough coin to get the Legendary's than at lower levels... IF the Veno is willing to put the time in to grind it out. Key word is TIME. Hell, if I put as much time into my BM as I have with Saitada... She would be 70 now and possibly a lot richer than me. She seems to be able to make as much at 27 as I do at 70...

    BUT... do take note here before you all jump on me and say I fail as a veno.. I don't grind even remotely as hard with my Veno as I do with my BM so my BM is doing a lot more work for her level to earn good coin, than I am at 71 to do the same. If I DID... I would be a HECK of a lot richer than I am.

  • jalenstar4ever
    jalenstar4ever Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    on scantuary
    lv 50-60 20-30% of venos have nix or herc
    60% of lv 70+ venos have nix or herc
    lv 80+ 90% of venos have nix or herc, im guessign here because i havent met a single 80+ veno without nix or herc

    I haven't been around very long, but I'm willing to bet that hercs and nixs weren't part of the original game design when this game was first developed. Once they were introduced into the game via the cash boutique, it sort of threw the class balance out of whack a bit.

    The dilemma for the Devs now is, what do they do about it? They can't nerf the hercs or nixs because many people paid cash money for them. So the only alternative would be to add something to the other classes to compensate for the hercs and nixs.

    I imagine that is what is happening now. And in a few weeks we will all learn what that compensation will be.

    You think you're seeing whiners now?

    You ain't seen nothing yet.

    These forums are going to be drowning in crocodile tears b:cry !

    Myself, I'm going to stock up on popcorn, and get ready to b:laugh my A** off b:chuckle
  • tatakairyu
    tatakairyu Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Easy there partner.

    Maybe she doesn't have a herc or a nix.

    See that's the mistake many of you haters make. You lump all venos under this PvP herc/nix pet veno umbrella. Every veno doesn't own a herc or a nix (or even a mag). Matter of fact, I'd fathon to say, although I have no doubt you veno-haters will debate this also, but a veno with a herc or nix is an exception, not the rule.

    And I'm back!

    Rofl venos are fine the way they are.The only things they need to fix are flesh ream and air to ground damage. They don't need a herc or nix to be good in pve, magmite tanks just fine. The only time I'll hate on someone is when they try to say a veno is gimped lmfao, whoever thinks that fails at being a veno.
    My gf has a veno. She doesn't have a herc or a nix and she could care less about getting either one. She likes the cute pets. She has a rabbit and she wants a cub bear or a pup dog. See, she plays the game for fun. Not to PvP, PK, farm, grind, make money, get tt drops, or any of that other stuff you hardcore players do.

    Doubt anyone cares what your gf does.
    There are two types of players. The hardcore gamer and the casual gamer. The majority of venos don't play the hardcore game that some of you play. It appears to me that the major problem with venos are the herc and nix pets, and their respective skills (ream). Rational and mature players realize this and draw attention to those two problematic areas.

    Herc and ream nuh uh, smart people who actually know the game complain because a herc(A venos pet) can tank just as good as a Barbarian(An actual class) in most areas and sometimes better. I don't care much about that as I'm not a barb but it sucks **** for a barb. For the phoenix, like i said, just ream and air to ground damage fixed.
    The rest of you are simply whiners who would rather hate and bash the entire veno class rather than take the mature route of identifying and addressing the specific problem.

    Ok, good for the whiners, I'm not whining. I just want ream, air to ground fixed and pets to have reduced damage in TT aswell. Don't care about the last one much but I don't even know if it's supposed to be like that.
    Anyway, I am sure you all are not through whining.

    So whine on, but try and be easy on that portion of the player base who may just happen to not take this whole thing quite as seriously as you do.
    I don't care for whiners, but I don't care for people like you either who are just as bad as whiners. b:chuckle

    Oh and a veno does not need a herc or phoenix to be good.
  • jalenstar4ever
    jalenstar4ever Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    tatakairyu wrote: »
    And I'm back!

    Rofl venos are fine the way they are.The only things they need to fix are flesh ream and air to ground damage. They don't need a herc or nix to be good in pve, magmite tanks just fine. The only time I'll hate on someone is when they try to say a veno is gimped lmfao, whoever thinks that fails at being a veno.

    Doubt anyone cares what your gf does.

    Herc and ream nuh uh, smart people who actually know the game complain because a herc(A venos pet) can tank just as good as a Barbarian(An actual class) in most areas and sometimes better. I don't care much about that as I'm not a barb but it sucks **** for a barb. For the phoenix, like i said, just ream and air to ground damage fixed.

    Ok, good for the whiners, I'm not whining. I just want ream, air to ground fixed and pets to have reduced damage in TT aswell. Don't care about the last one much but I don't even know if it's supposed to be like that.

    I don't care for whiners, but I don't care for people like you either who are just as bad as whiners. b:chuckle

    Oh and a veno does not need a herc or phoenix to be good.

    hahahaha ...

    Whats the matter son, I hurt your little feelings?

    hahaha, Um Dude, relax ... you're acting like a woman scorned.

    Although this topic is not about me, by the sound of your post you would have a hard time convincing anyone otherwise. Unfortunately for you, I'm afraid you may never be able to get over me now.

    /fatal attraction ... ooooooh .... hahahah

    I have a suggestion for you kid ...

    ... seek help fast!!!

    hahaha ... umm ... hahaha ...

    Ok, ok, off to bed.

    hahahah ... I am loving this forum b:laugh
  • tatakairyu
    tatakairyu Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I have no idea what you're talking about, why would my feelings be hurt?

    Seriously, hypocrite much lol? you're doing the same exact thing to me as I am you. I'm just replying, I don't know why you're getting all offended or something.

    You just go by what you hear about venos and other classes, you never actually experienced anything in game have you? Seriously, play the game before you reply.

    Edit: Why are you attacking me anyway lol? Just curious is all. I talk about venos and how they aren't gimped as that other person thought they were and then you reply with me talking about you?

    I R bery bery confuzzled =p
  • Rosewhite - Sanctuary
    Rosewhite - Sanctuary Posts: 189 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Personally, this is getting rediculous. This thread solves nothing as usual with these things. All this did was cause more flaming and more QQ-ing. I normally don't bother replying to this threads because I find them stupid and pointless. But god people enough is enough. If someone wants to pay real money for a phoenix or herc that's their problem. I personally am a veno without a herc or a nix, and right now getting either pet is rather low on my list of priorities.

    And devs, fixed the damned bleed already. This will never stop unless the people with the power bloody do something about it.
    I'm just a vagabond with flowers for Algernon...
  • MentalEdge - Heavens Tear
    MentalEdge - Heavens Tear Posts: 629 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    tatakairyu wrote: »

    Herc and ream nuh uh, smart people who actually know the game complain because a herc(A venos pet) can tank just as good as a Barbarian(An actual class) in most areas and sometimes better. I don't care much about that as I'm not a barb but it sucks **** for a barb. For the phoenix, like i said, just ream and air to ground damage fixed.


    Problem with barbs is they are always in such high demand i can rarely get one when i need one with help for bosses and fbs,which is why the herc is so great it saves a lot of people from waiting 24 hours before they can finally get on with their game progression,but they don't replace a good barb!

    If theres a barb available i'd far rather take him/her in a squad a herc is not as good as barb...unless your a greedy so an so and want to keep drops between as few a people as possible^^
    Quit 100%...and surprised my forum account wasn't banned...yet
  • Mosz - Heavens Tear
    Mosz - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,181 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    actually herc is better then barb for most tt squads
    while barb can interrupt powerful boss aoes and give hp buff and survive some bosses herc cant
    using a herc in tt : much more damage then a barb, boss goes down faster, the mana cost to heal a herc is much lower then that of a barb(2:1), and it frees up the cleric for DDing/red ball, so herc is more damage, cheaper to run, costs the party less, and gives you an extra DD, wow win.
    and hercs have an easier time holding aggro on lvl 150 bosses
  • Chaotiic - Lost City
    Chaotiic - Lost City Posts: 498 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    No-one hates venos. We say u are over-powered because of the bleed skill and pvp. If u are from a pve server it doesnt effect u jus click the little turn off pk button and ignore the threads. The only reason the venos money making abilities gets mentioned is because people say phoenix is expensive when it really isnt especially for the veno class and especially considering its damage out-put with bleed. Venos other aspects are mentioned because stupid venos come to these sorts of threads and post **** about them being gimped in pvp.

    People would not qq as much about venos if phoenix wasnt soooo cheap (any high level can afford one with ease from just in-game gold) or if bleed was fixed.

    @Saitada i have yet to see a lv90+ without a phoenix/herc and have seen perhaps 5 80+ without either pet. Might be different for your server but for ours pretty much everyone and their mother has both or either. In previous versions of this game phoenix and herc were extremely hard to get costing 100/200 mil in-game gold and if u cash shop it you got it through eggs that were a 0.001% chance to have one. Maybe a legendary pet as you so frequently mention should be OP but if it is it should be difficult to get something you can just pick off a shelf.
    Official Guild History

  • AndromedaB - Sanctuary
    AndromedaB - Sanctuary Posts: 1,376 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    but barbs are cute :)
    and sometimes cool :)
  • Sigr - Heavens Tear
    Sigr - Heavens Tear Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    No-one hates venos. We say u are over-powered because of the bleed skill and pvp.

    No, the constant crying is over the phoenix, the hercules, how "easy" we have it, how fast we can do X the fact we can solo TT squad mode while ignoring it takes hours to do so.
    If u are from a pve server it doesnt effect u jus click the little turn off pk button and ignore the threads.

    You're so right, we should just ignore this because any veno who has a phoenix won't mind when the phoenix gets nerfed due to the crying on the forums.
    The only reason the venos money making abilities gets mentioned is because people say phoenix is expensive when it really isnt especially for the veno class and especially considering its damage out-put with bleed.

    What does the Flesh Ream have to do with how much the phoenix costs to buy?
    People would not qq as much about venos if phoenix wasnt soooo cheap (any high level can afford one with ease from just in-game gold) or if bleed was fixed.

    People are not complaining because it's "cheap" (which is an opinion of yours); people are complaining because of Flesh Ream and blaming the phoenix.
    @Saitada i have yet to see a lv90+ without a phoenix/herc and have seen perhaps 5 80+ without either pet. Might be different for your server but for ours pretty much everyone and their mother has both or either. In previous versions of this game phoenix and herc were extremely hard to get costing 100/200 mil in-game gold and if u cash shop it you got it through eggs that were a 0.001% chance to have one. Maybe a legendary pet as you so frequently mention should be OP but if it is it should be difficult to get something you can just pick off a shelf.

    You're comparing other version's in-game economy prices with this one why?

    "have yet to see"

    "perhaps 5"

    Conjecture at it's best considering only PWE actually knows how many venos have one or both.
    Lament of a Hybrid Veno: Where oh where did my spirit go? b:sad

    I hate ranged mobs. b:angry

    I <3 my cactopod. b:pleased
  • mbrunestud
    mbrunestud Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    no people are blaming flesh ream and citing phoenix as a particular example of flesh ream on a pet that hits harder. if phoenix gets nerfed but flesh ream stays the same, its probably not what the majority of pvp players wanted in the first place
  • Sigr - Heavens Tear
    Sigr - Heavens Tear Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    mbrunestud wrote: »
    no people are blaming flesh ream and citing phoenix as a particular example of flesh ream on a pet that hits harder. if phoenix gets nerfed but flesh ream stays the same, its probably not what the majority of pvp players wanted in the first place

    So, why does it take a someone else bringing up Flesh Ream before the focus is taken off the Phoenix (after much argument) if they were simply using the Phoenix as an example?
    Lament of a Hybrid Veno: Where oh where did my spirit go? b:sad

    I hate ranged mobs. b:angry

    I <3 my cactopod. b:pleased