Annoyance with the Veno hate >.>



  • Konariraiden - Heavens Tear
    Konariraiden - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,505 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    wizards are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo rare at my level

    i have only seen 12 wizzies lv 65+ out of all the people i have walked by

    And even though we're not on the same server, I'm proud to say that I'm in that same category. I chose the Wizard class for two reasons: because I'm always fond of magic-users, as I am more of an intellectual in real-life; and two, because of the challenge that came with it. I love my Wizard, even though he cannot duel or PvP for anything, it still warms my heart to see an 11k Sandstorm Critical, or show-off my Ice Dragon Strike while helping new players with quests. ^_^

    "Yeah, it's quite an honor to be a part of the few and proud race that is the Wizard...but you know what's always happened to those 'few and proud' people during the course of history, don't you...?"

    "Total annihilation at the hands of some tyrannical third party?"

    "Exactly." -- Konari Raiden, humble wizard of Heaven's Tear.

    Yeah, it's me. Don't read to much into it, though; I'm only here for myself now, killin' time and chillin' when need-be. So sue me. Tch...
  • Jestersig - Heavens Tear
    Jestersig - Heavens Tear Posts: 172 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Gotta love those crits. I also agree that I chose to play a wizard because I knew it would be harder. I'm not into the whole lvling as fast as I can which is the reason to make a veno. It's more about the journey for me.
  • HimeJunsei - Sanctuary
    HimeJunsei - Sanctuary Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Tear Valerin . one thing he said by himself: he is rich:)
    one thing i saw: he has a battle pet and he's proud of it.
    he is the type of guy that has the big bad wolf in his pocket and screams: "our sheeps are gone, i'll kill you all!"
    those being said, he loves to use his pk pe7%$// uumm... skills!
    and he is NOT capable of not talking too much about anything.
    he has vast knowledge of a lot of things, but has close to 0 knowledge of how to use them.

    about the thread, i read some posts of venomancers i admire, and THAT gives substance to it.

    someone sad: every "overpowered" quality of a venomancer can be countered.

    i suggest a correction: is barb hp an overpowered quality? no. can it be countered? sometimes:) (that was just a silly rough example, nonethe less, imo, true)

    so, play on, let the dogs bark, our proud golem keeps walking:)
  • Imuretay - Heavens Tear
    Imuretay - Heavens Tear Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    yeah i know, but alot of high levels on sanc just want FB exp for their friends and act kind of selfishly, its not fair even if its my friends FB, theyre like NO U CANT COME, THAT SPOT IS 4 MAI FRIEND.

    Then your friend should step up and say that YOU go on the run or you both find a different squad. Otherwise, I'd question if your "friend" is truly a friend. Let's face it, your friend with the token has all the power!
  • Ganiju - Heavens Tear
    Ganiju - Heavens Tear Posts: 319 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I'm not racist.b:cry lol I just think tigers and pandas are cute. The other two just look like they want to eat you and not in a good way.b:laughb:laugh

    lmao i actually have a nick name in the guild i am in. i am "The cute cuddly panda of death...from china" lol PANDAS FTW!!!!!b:victory
    probably one of the smartest in perfect world
    yet the lowest of level
  • davais
    davais Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I actually like the veno class, it has its advantages and disadvantages, I just don't want to be mostly replaced by a pet...b:surrender

    I know your feeling, I am a veno, a family member is a barb.
  • Kikuzakura - Sanctuary
    Kikuzakura - Sanctuary Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Only problem I have now is, how do I go back to enjoying playing my wizard knowing I either have to rest often or buy/manufacture mp pots or worse yet become reliant on heiros!

    You can also use apothecary remedies (Focus Powder, Jade Powder, Flourish Orbs, Soothing Orbs, Concentrate Orbs, Arctic Orbs and so on).
  • shield
    shield Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Lots and lots of whining here. The thread has been repeated no less than 20 times and is usually sealed.
    Reikara hit the nail on the head when she mentioned she has some very smart friends who role veno as an alt to make money.
    I rolled a Wiz, I'm 78 now. I KNOW about pain. My friends ALSO roll the veno's to make money for thier mains.

    Its simply not possible for any class in the game except for veno's to grind without repair bills or pot use. Veno's have a signifigant advantage in regards to money.

    There are 4 primary reasons why people complain about the veno.
    1. Flesh Ream which does PvE dmg in PvP situations.
    2. Thier pet dmg is not reduced in TT, The pets are tough enough to tank a boss and do 4x more dmg then they are supposed to in that instance.
    (also documented, you look up the thread)

    These are both documented BUGS and have been flamed to exhaustion. Read the forums, its all there already, and usually stated better than you'll state it in your new whine whether pro or con.

    3. Your able to grind like no other class, you can make money forever at no cost to yourselves except time. (purchasing\taming pet and paying for its skills doesn't count as every other class does the exact same thing) You don't require a special battle pet to do this, its inherent in the class.

    4. This is the really big problem. LEARN YOUR CLASS. BE SOCIAL. HELP PEOPLE. Veno class is extraordinary, its BALANCED in all aspects. The two above bugs are just that BUGS and do cause serious discontent. Most of the hate you get is because you invite it with your flames and hate. Every class has challenges, man up and deal with it. Have a good time.

    Before you shout veno jealousy, or flame saying that I should roll a veno, I DO HAVE A VENO ALT. Its not to my taste, there isn't enough challenge in it for me.

    Roll a Wiz, level it to 7x. I will then happily listen to your comparison knowing your not speaking out of your ...smelly region.
  • Kalii - Harshlands
    Kalii - Harshlands Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    shield wrote: »
    Lots and lots of whining here. The thread has been repeated no less than 20 times and is usually sealed.
    Reikara hit the nail on the head when she mentioned she has some very smart friends who role veno as an alt to make money.
    I rolled a Wiz, I'm 78 now. I KNOW about pain. My friends ALSO roll the veno's to make money for thier mains.

    Its simply not possible for any class in the game except for veno's to grind without repair bills or pot use. Veno's have a signifigant advantage in regards to money.

    There are 4 primary reasons why people complain about the veno.
    1. Flesh Ream which does PvE dmg in PvP situations.
    2. Thier pet dmg is not reduced in TT, The pets are tough enough to tank a boss and do 4x more dmg then they are supposed to in that instance.
    (also documented, you look up the thread)

    These are both documented BUGS and have been flamed to exhaustion. Read the forums, its all there already, and usually stated better than you'll state it in your new whine whether pro or con.

    3. Your able to grind like no other class, you can make money forever at no cost to yourselves except time. (purchasing\taming pet and paying for its skills doesn't count as every other class does the exact same thing) You don't require a special battle pet to do this, its inherent in the class.

    4. This is the really big problem. LEARN YOUR CLASS. BE SOCIAL. HELP PEOPLE. Veno class is extraordinary, its BALANCED in all aspects. The two above bugs are just that BUGS and do cause serious discontent. Most of the hate you get is because you invite it with your flames and hate. Every class has challenges, man up and deal with it. Have a good time.

    Before you shout veno jealousy, or flame saying that I should roll a veno, I DO HAVE A VENO ALT. Its not to my taste, there isn't enough challenge in it for me.

    Roll a Wiz, level it to 7x. I will then happily listen to your comparison knowing your not speaking out of your ...smelly region.

    End of thread.
  • jalenstar4ever
    jalenstar4ever Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Another necro of a veno-hate post?

    You veno haters never quit do you lol.
    So I go to harsh lands and roll a veno. All I can say so far is wow. In comparison to playing a wizard, a veno is a complete breeze. Not having to rest or use pots means I am blowing through quest at a speed I could never achieve using my wizard unless I crafted it nice gears and apoc mana items.

    Im not adding fuel to the venos are op fire since as I already stated I believe the crux of the matter lies in a skill fix as opposed to a class nerf but boy o boy do venos have it easy. Heck, not even a BM I rolled on lost can compare to this thing. I use the fox form veno though but still nothing gives me any problems whatsoever.

    I have to say here that I agree with a post I read in one of these threads. Nothing is wrong with the veno or its skills but plenty is wrong with those pets. So much for my previous statement concerning "the crux of the matter"

    but wait!

    Before you accuse me of QQing, don't. Leave everything as is, this is precisely the class I need.

    Only problem I have now is, how do I go back to enjoying playing my wizard knowing I either have to rest often or buy/manufacture mp pots or worse yet become reliant on heiros!

    down with all the veno hate, venos ftw.

    Note to developers, Wizards need a most definite boost. I've been to the other side and ...... I don't want to come back.

    I feel so happy for you but let me premise my post by asking what level is your veno in a 2-day old server?

    I know this isn't news to you, but all classes are fun and easy levels 1-30. Particularly after just having played any other class during levels 70+.

    Another question to you would be ...

    Why do you feel the need to come to the forums and brag about this?

    Why not just enjoy your newfound "OPness," have fun, and just go on your "happily-ever-after" way as a veno?

    Could it be because in reality, you actually realize that playing a wizard is perhaps actually more fun than playing a veno? And you just can't stand the fact that veno's can do a few things right, even though you Mr. Wizard, are fully aware of the fact that wizards, just as every class in PWI, have their own worthy advantages, and can also do a few things right themselves. In other words, as has been repeated many times in the thousands of veno-hater threads, every class has their advantages and disadvantages. To repeatedly pick on and complain about one class' advantages, while never alluding to their disadvantages, or for that matter never mentioning any other classes advantages is simply the epitomy of _fail_.

    I see right through your psychology Mr. Wizard.

    The truth is that deep down you truly enjoy being a wizard. You know that playing a wizard is more fun than playing a veno. You want to, and will eventually go back to being a wizard, but before you do you would like to see veno's nerfed. So you come to the forums, and can not resist the temptation to in a very subtle, yet calculated way, tear into veno's by substantiating the veno-hater claim that veno's are soooo OP, sooo easy, and sooo fun, as opposed to the depressing hard work and stress that you Mr. Wizard, and other classes, experience as the dull, fun-less, classes that you truly are.

    /throws you a napkin

    Although I quoted you Mr. Wizard, this post is not only directed at you. It is also directed to the rest of you who have posted, and who will undoubtedly continue to post, the similar "oh, I just played, or have played a veno, and I am, or was then, oh so OP while doing so" posts on this thread.

    You are all victims to the "all-powerful" veno, aren't you?

    pffft ...

    Cry some more.
  • Konariraiden - Heavens Tear
    Konariraiden - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,505 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Another necro of a veno-hate post?

    You veno haters never quit do you lol.

    I feel so happy for you but let me premise my post by asking what level is your veno in a 2-day old server?

    I know this isn't news to you, but all classes are fun and easy levels 1-30. Particularly after just having played any other class during levels 70+.

    Another question to you would be ...

    Why do you feel the need to come to the forums and brag about this?

    Why not just enjoy your newfound "OPness," have fun, and just go on your "happily-ever-after" way as a veno?

    Could it be because in reality, you actually realize that playing a wizard is perhaps actually more fun than playing a veno? And you just can't stand the fact that veno's can do a few things right, even though you Mr. Wizard, are fully aware of the fact that wizards, just as every class in PWI, have their own worthy advantages, and can also do a few things right themselves. In other words, as has been repeated many times in the thousands of veno-hater threads, every class has their advantages and disadvantages. To repeatedly pick on and complain about one class' advantages, while never alluding to their disadvantages, or for that matter never mentioning any other classes advantages is simply the epitomy of _fail_.

    I see right through your psychology Mr. Wizard.

    The truth is that deep down you truly enjoy being a wizard. You know that playing a wizard is more fun than playing a veno. You want to, and will eventually go back to being a wizard, but before you do you would like to see veno's nerfed. So you come to the forums, and can not resist the temptation to in a very subtle, yet calculated way, tear into veno's by substantiating the veno-hater claim that veno's are soooo OP, sooo easy, and sooo fun, as opposed to the depressing hard work and stress that you Mr. Wizard, and other classes, experience as the dull, fun-less, classes that you truly are.

    /throws you a napkin

    Although I quoted you Mr. Wizard, this post is not only directed at you. It is also directed to the rest of you who have posted, and who will undoubtedly continue to post, the similar "oh, I just played, or have played a veno, and I am, or was then, oh so OP while doing so" posts on this thread.

    You are all victims to the "all-powerful" veno, aren't you?

    pffft ...

    Cry some more.

    *blinks*'re like one of those conspiracy hippies I see around my campus every once in a while. Not everything has to have a deep, hidden, psychological, mind-**** meaning behind it, y'know? I introduced a few of my friends in college to Perfect World, and they got hooked. Their first class? A Veno...they admit, it seems a bit overpowered...but I told them, 'it's the soloing class of the game', and they seemed to understand. Yeah, I totally agree that there are some bugs that should be fixed damage-wise, but venos have to be a little bit more powerful if they're meant to be a solo class.

    Now, I've never played a Veno, alted one, nor do I ever want to. Why? Because my personality matches that of a Wizard, which is why I chose it in the first place. Not because of power, or challenge (though I admit, the challenged kept me going)...but because I'm the kind of person who likes to actually put himself into the game. That's how I roll. ^_^

    Others...well, there are many personalities out there. You got your strong-armed Barbarians, your devious and powerful Venomancers, intellectual Wizards, clever Archers, honorable Blademasters, and clear-minded Clerics. Not everybody is going to be after the same goal, y'know? That's why we have different classes; to match a variety of play styles together, so we can play how we want.

    Am I saying that Venomancers need to be nerfed? No. I'd only like their Flesh Ream and TT bugs fixed...and if not, well, hey, it doesn't really affect my gameplay directly. I got lots of friends online, and we all play and help each other out for the sake of the game...and I hope that you can at least understand that Veno's aren't there to hurt, and that people don't always have ulterior motives; contrary to what many might believe, most everyone I've met on PWI has be courteous, nice, and very respectable.

    Wishin' everyone here the best, in-game and out, Konari Raiden, humble Wizard of Heaven's Tear. ^_^

    Yeah, it's me. Don't read to much into it, though; I'm only here for myself now, killin' time and chillin' when need-be. So sue me. Tch...
  • True - Harshlands
    True - Harshlands Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    People are always going to hate venos until there is some other class they all get killed by. People can kill venos, I've seen it done countless times, even with phoenix, but those that fail at trying are all to happy to blame the bug. Now don't get me wrong, I'm all for fixing the bleed bug as it's definitely not fair as a glitched skill. I'm also sad that they would nerf bramble hood, a skill that worked properly, as opposed to fixing an actual error in the game.

    I believe that all the threads complaining about people complaining about venos, are causing just as many issues as the people that hate them. What's the point in stirring everyone up and causing a riot on the forums every other day? Either accept how the game is or don't. Make your suggestions, and try to remember suggestions are taken more seriously when the person suggesting them isn't behaving like a raving lunatic.
  • Chrometyc - Lost City
    Chrometyc - Lost City Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    People are always going to hate venos until there is some other class they all get killed by. People can kill venos, I've seen it done countless times, even with phoenix, but those that fail at trying are all to happy to blame the bug. Now don't get me wrong, I'm all for fixing the bleed bug as it's definitely not fair as a glitched skill. I'm also sad that they would nerf bramble hood, a skill that worked properly, as opposed to fixing an actual error in the game.

    I believe that all the threads complaining about people complaining about venos, are causing just as many issues as the people that hate them. What's the point in stirring everyone up and causing a riot on the forums every other day? Either accept how the game is or don't. Make your suggestions, and try to remember suggestions are taken more seriously when the person suggesting them isn't behaving like a raving lunatic.

    Wow, that's so TRUE! (Pun Intended)
  • Gasoline - Lost City
    Gasoline - Lost City Posts: 304 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    People are always going to hate venos until there is some other class they all get killed by. People can kill venos, I've seen it done countless times, even with phoenix, but those that fail at trying are all to happy to blame the bug. Now don't get me wrong, I'm all for fixing the bleed bug as it's definitely not fair as a glitched skill. I'm also sad that they would nerf bramble hood, a skill that worked properly, as opposed to fixing an actual error in the game.

    I believe that all the threads complaining about people complaining about venos, are causing just as many issues as the people that hate them. What's the point in stirring everyone up and causing a riot on the forums every other day? Either accept how the game is or don't. Make your suggestions, and try to remember suggestions are taken more seriously when the person suggesting them isn't behaving like a raving lunatic.

    Omg why are ppl so dumb they actually think bramle hood ever in this games 5 years old history did 200% reflect in open pvp lol
    Newsflash it always worked only as in 75% dmg reduction because it would be unbalanced otherwise.
    Imagine a barb hits multiple targets in TW with perdition - veno ha bramble hood up - he gets 200% of his perdition dmg back and dies instantly.
    Thats why it ALWAYS only worked as in 75% dmg reduction which still is an amazing skill in pvp. Dunno what moron told ppl it was "nerfed" and also dunno why all this morons actually believed it <.<

    Ppl hate venos b/c the class has to many benefits and no weakness. With nix and herc its the best class in both pvp and pve. I really understand why people QQ about venos since its unfair and unbalanced towards the other classes. And when a game its unbalanced ppl complain which is good.

    We only have to get 20 mil to get our own tank to solo TT party mode and get filthy rich ( with no repair costs and no charm costs)
    And than 20 mil more on nix to get unbeatable in pvp and being able to **** ppl 10-15 lvl above just sending a pet at them. Course that pisses ppl of.

    Still everyone has the option to play veno tho instead of just hating the class b:surrender
  • jalenstar4ever
    jalenstar4ever Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Ppl hate venos b/c the class has to many benefits and no weakness. With nix and herc its the best class in both pvp and pve. I really understand why people QQ about venos since its unfair and unbalanced towards the other classes. And when a game its unbalanced ppl complain which is good.

    We only have to get 20 mil to get our own tank to solo TT party mode and get filthy rich ( with no repair costs and no charm costs)
    And than 20 mil more on nix to get unbeatable in pvp and being able to **** ppl 10-15 lvl above just sending a pet at them. Course that pisses ppl of.

    Now here's a new one ...

    A veno hating veno. hahaha ...

    ... QQ b:angry being able to "****" people 10-15 levels above b:angry QQ

    ... hahaha

    Dude ... ~ NEWSFLASH ~ YOU ARE THE PROBLEM! You are the one who has leveled a veno to level 78, **** and taking advantage of people with a hercules and nix, that ironically enough, no one forced you to buy.

    And now you are hating yourself? lol

    I could see you now, gritting your teeth and looking hatingly at your veno as you angrily pound on your keys while "****" and taking advantage of other players 10-15 levels over you. And all this you are doing with a hercules and nix that no one forced you to buy.

    Here's a suggestion for YOU. If you are having such a problem with veno's taking advantage, stop playing one or atleast get rid of that hercules and nix and make a challenge of it.

    You sir are hilarious ...

    hahahahaha ...

  • Foxx - Heavens Tear
    Foxx - Heavens Tear Posts: 464 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I have to agree with the guy posting about Wizards to a large extent. They are a truly horrible class for many reasons. One of the few things going for them is you can grind very very fast if you use a mana heiro and choose the right mobs to grind on (and have very good equipment).

    Veno may be easy and cheap, but its not particularly fast once you start getting up in the levels. Herc and poison cloud can speed things up a bit, but other classes will still out-aoe you. (Due to the lack of an aoe taunt on your herc)
  • Ladyselene - Heavens Tear
    Ladyselene - Heavens Tear Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Someone posted quite a few pages back that an archer can lure. well actually if an archer trys to lure 1 mob out of a group of many, all mobs will come running. i have seen this happen and the whole squad dies. only venos can lure which is why they are needed so much for dungeons. I use a frog as my tank pet and hes awesome, pulls aggro off my BM hubby all the time and also holds aggro really well in tt1-1 and 1-2 even with a cleric and bm attacking.

    venos are fun

    Friends are like stars, you dont have to see them to know they are there

    We can't call people without wings angels, so we call them friends instead

    Friends are the roses of life: pick them carefully and avoid the thorns
  • mbrunestud
    mbrunestud Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Another necro of a veno-hate post?

    You veno haters never quit do you lol.

    I feel so happy for you but let me premise my post by asking what level is your veno in a 2-day old server?

    I know this isn't news to you, but all classes are fun and easy levels 1-30. Particularly after just having played any other class during levels 70+.

    Another question to you would be ...

    Why do you feel the need to come to the forums and brag about this?

    Why not just enjoy your newfound "OPness," have fun, and just go on your "happily-ever-after" way as a veno?

    Could it be because in reality, you actually realize that playing a wizard is perhaps actually more fun than playing a veno? And you just can't stand the fact that veno's can do a few things right, even though you Mr. Wizard, are fully aware of the fact that wizards, just as every class in PWI, have their own worthy advantages, and can also do a few things right themselves. In other words, as has been repeated many times in the thousands of veno-hater threads, every class has their advantages and disadvantages. To repeatedly pick on and complain about one class' advantages, while never alluding to their disadvantages, or for that matter never mentioning any other classes advantages is simply the epitomy of _fail_.

    I see right through your psychology Mr. Wizard.

    The truth is that deep down you truly enjoy being a wizard. You know that playing a wizard is more fun than playing a veno. You want to, and will eventually go back to being a wizard, but before you do you would like to see veno's nerfed. So you come to the forums, and can not resist the temptation to in a very subtle, yet calculated way, tear into veno's by substantiating the veno-hater claim that veno's are soooo OP, sooo easy, and sooo fun, as opposed to the depressing hard work and stress that you Mr. Wizard, and other classes, experience as the dull, fun-less, classes that you truly are.

    /throws you a napkin

    Although I quoted you Mr. Wizard, this post is not only directed at you. It is also directed to the rest of you who have posted, and who will undoubtedly continue to post, the similar "oh, I just played, or have played a veno, and I am, or was then, oh so OP while doing so" posts on this thread.

    You are all victims to the "all-powerful" veno, aren't you?

    pffft ...

    Cry some more.

    all classes are not fun and easy 1-30, wizards probably do need some sort of early-mid game buff, and i don't think it takes much debate to come to that conclusion for any of us. wizard is more fun? wizard is a very depressing class until level 60+, probably right up there with barb, except nobody wants a wizard in a party. if this wizard suddenly saw the veno light, its probably more understandable for him to talk about it than for anyone else.
  • Isala - Sanctuary
    Isala - Sanctuary Posts: 1,607 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    mbrunestud wrote: »
    nobody wants a wizard in a party.

    I LOVE a wizard in my parties. Absolutely LOVE. Having that extra power and kill speed behind the front lines makes FB's go soooooo much faster. I don't have Uber Kill speed like a wizard does. You give me a wizard, and I'll do a little happy dance. Wizards all the way. I hold mobs down, they smite, all is well in my life.
  • Missebil - Dreamweaver
    Missebil - Dreamweaver Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Man this is a split forum!
    I play a veno main, and I picked it out of all the other classes, not because it's too easy, but because it makes a good backup in party with my bf's barb, and we always play together.
    My few points are, yeah bramble hood it nerfed in duels, as I now stand NO chance against a BM 10 levels below me, because they can ignore my pet (phys res) and just take me out in a few hits (stun, whack whack, dead) and I don't even get time to get a spell off. A veno's only defence there is to run, run, run some more and hope to get a stun spell off in time, which, I might add, I have NEVER been able to stun someone with Lucky Scarab in a duel.
    I agree 200% is a stupid idea.... but please, leave us with some sort of physical protection!
    Point 2, if a veno is supposed to make money more than other people, why is my lvl 64 veno stuck with 300k to her name? If a veno wants money, they have to go out and grind like there is no tomorrow, just like any other class. You try to level up grinding higher mobs, they swamp and kill your pet and BOOM you're dead and have lost all the xp you just worked towards.

    All in all, quit hating venos, hate all equally. See, I even switched to a BM for the new server, as it's easier to just go out and beat on things than have to worry about being mobbed and die in 2 hits. If anyone is overpowered, its a BM, who's stun moves basically work 90% of the time.

    Oh yeah, not all of us can afford a Herc or nix, as some of us need the coin for skills, TT weaps, Armors, Charms and such, and some of us actually have to work for a living and need the cash too.
    Proud member of Midnight Faction!
  • jalenstar4ever
    jalenstar4ever Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    mbrunestud wrote: »
    all classes are not fun and easy 1-30, wizards probably do need some sort of early-mid game buff, and i don't think it takes much debate to come to that conclusion for any of us. wizard is more fun? wizard is a very depressing class until level 60+

    Depressing class?

    You are exagerating my friend. I played a wiz until level 30 and there was nothing depressing about playing my wizard. It was a blast. Furthermore, this is a game my friend. If a game is depressing you, I suggest you step away.
    mbrunestud wrote: »
    except nobody wants a wizard in a party. if this wizard suddenly saw the veno light, its probably more understandable for him to talk about it than for anyone else.

    Nobody wants a wizard in a party?

    Now you have lost all credibility bud. We all want wizzies in our parties. Any group or faction would rather have a wizard over a veno, any day. That is fact my friend. Wizzies are THE defacto damage dealers in this game. Wizzies ask no questions, take no prisoners, and simply blast mobs into submission. That can not, and is not, under estimated by anyone but you.

    I do understand your need to attempt and put forth this preception that wizzies need help so as to attempt and cement or otherwise justify the perception to the Devs to give wizzies a boost. It does, howerver, help to be credible when making these claims.

    Most of us know better.
  • mbrunestud
    mbrunestud Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    really? all instance runs need a DD? such high demand i had no idea! wait a minute guys we can't run this TT, we gotta wait for a wizard. HA! when's the last time you heard that?

    maybe you can give some backup stating otherwise.
  • Mosz - Heavens Tear
    Mosz - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,181 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    @jalenstar4ever really, what partys? fb59, fb89, thats about it for wizzys? yah grind party i guess but their water skill sucks there, but still good overall

    "Now you have lost all credibility bud. We all want wizzies in our parties. Any group or faction would rather have a wizard over a veno, any day. That is fact my friend."
    ANY day? really now? all fbs done at same lvl a veno is 10x more useful, all TT a veno is more useful, what kind of partys do you play?
  • jalenstar4ever
    jalenstar4ever Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    mbrunestud wrote: »
    really? all instance runs need a DD? such high demand i had no idea! wait a minute guys we can't run this TT, we gotta wait for a wizard. HA! when's the last time you heard that?

    Hmmm, where did you see anyone say this?
    mbrunestud wrote: »
    maybe you can give some backup stating otherwise.

    As soon as you can give some backup stating whoever said this, I, they, your imagination, whoever, will give backup stating otherwise.

    Reading comprehension FTW?
  • tatakairyu
    tatakairyu Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009

    Nobody wants a wizard in a party?

    Now you have lost all credibility bud. We all want wizzies in our parties. Any group or faction would rather have a wizard over a veno, any day. That is fact my friend. Wizzies are THE defacto damage dealers in this game. Wizzies ask no questions, take no prisoners, and simply blast mobs into submission. That can not, and is not, under estimated by anyone but you.

    I do understand your need to attempt and put forth this preception that wizzies need help so as to attempt and cement or otherwise justify the perception to the Devs to give wizzies a boost. It does, howerver, help to be credible when making these claims.

    Most of us know better.

    I rarely see any wiz in any of the fbs/TT I go in. They are not wanted but they won't be turned down.

    Are you sure you're playing the same game as us?

    Seems like you don't know better.
  • jalenstar4ever
    jalenstar4ever Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    tatakairyu wrote: »
    I rarely see any wiz in any of the fbs/TT I go in. They are not wanted but they won't be turned down.

    Are you sure you're playing the same game as us?

    Seems like you don't know better.

    My friend, where did I ever mention that wizzies are prefered in fbs and/or tts over venos?

    Do please tell me where you see anything about fbs and/or tts in any of my posts.

    The keyed answer would be ... no where!

    Read and comprehend.

    I merely mentioned that they are prefered in random groups and factions.

    Matter of fact, often are the times that factions and groups seeking members broadcast over WC for recruits and specifically request wizzies, or any other class for that matter, over venos. And often are the times when you will hear WC shoutouts by groups seeking DD's (wizzie?) and clerics. On the other hand, rarely are the times in which you will hear WC request for venos in specific, and some factions will not even entertain recruiting a veno unless they are level 60 or above!

    Now it could be due their awesome damage dealing capabilities, and perhaps those skills unique only to wizzies, that they are requested much more often to join groups and/or factions over venos. Or perhaps it is due to the wizzie scarcity as opposed to the girth of venos in population. That is not my point to make, and the cause of it is certainly up for debate.

    My point remains, when it comes to calls from groups and factions, a wizzie is more sought after, and indeed a more wanted commodity, than a veno.

    Again, comprehension is a beautiful thing.

    It is often the difference between those who think they know better, and those who know better.
  • mbrunestud
    mbrunestud Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    So, you rolled a mage. Well, I'll tell you right now you're making a big, big mistake. While I love wizard more than any other class, I'm going to tell you right now that you're in for a wild ride. Your class is considered underpowered by many (and they're right!), it is difficult to get parties until around 80 and you are basically food for any archer who notices you no matter what build you're in. (Well, until you have full HH90 light armor, anyway.)

    read the above quote kthxbai

    wut u said was "We all want wizzies in our parties" which isn't very true for the most part at all
    "Any group or faction would rather have a wizard over a veno, any day." wut i know for a fact is that our faction's veno-wizard ratio is 2:1, not counting the veno alts that we have. so yes, we don't need anymore venos
  • tatakairyu
    tatakairyu Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    My friend, where did I ever mention that wizzies are prefered in fbs and/or tts over venos?

    Do please tell me where you see anything about fbs and/or tts in any of my posts.

    The keyed answer would be ... nowhere!

    Read and comprehend.

    I merely mentioned that they are prefered in random groups and factions.

    Matter of fact, often are the times that factions and groups seeking members broadcast over WC for recruits and specifically request wizzies, or any other class for that matter, over venos.

    On the other hand, some factions will not even entertain recruiting a veno unless they are level 60 or above!

    Now it could be due their awesome damage dealing capabilities, and perhaps those skills unique only to wizzies, that they are requested much more often to join groups and/or factions over venos. Or perhaps it is due to the wizzie scarcity as opposed to the girth of venos in population. That is not my point to make, and the cause of it is certainly up for debate.

    My point remains, when it comes to calls from groups and factions, a wizzie is more sought after, and indeed a more wanted commodity, than a veno.

    Again, comprehension is a beautiful thing. Many readers on this forum would benefit wonderfully from it.

    Before you start trashing people on forums comprehension, I'd take a good look at your posts and be more specific then.

    ok by "groups" you mean what? FB's/TT and bosses they are squaded more than anything else you keep using "group" that fits in that category. Why don't you be more specific if you don't want people to misunderstand you?

    They want wizzies because they are like the least used class. They want higher level venos because they are the most used class.

    They are not more sought after if you actually played the same game we're playing. It's just that there are WAY too many venos.
  • Mosz - Heavens Tear
    Mosz - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,181 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    wizzies ar recruited so they must be used in groups!! of course
    yah zhen wizard and archer are sought after, wow no surprise there, asking for someone to burn charm please!
    recruited for factions mainly means for TW caty nuke squads, not for normal groups
  • jalenstar4ever
    jalenstar4ever Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    tatakairyu wrote: »
    Before you start trashing people on forums comprehension, I'd take a good look at your posts and be more specific then.

    ok by "groups" you mean what? FB's/TT and bosses they are squaded more than anything else you keep using "group" that fits in that category. Why don't you be more specific if you don't want people to misunderstand you?

    No I would not.

    On the other hand, people's inability to understand is not my problem. I think you would agree that perhaps it would be more beneficial for one to ask for clarification before making erroneous assumptions and forming ones' response based on those erroneous ssumptions.

    You do know what happens when you ****-u-me, don't you?
    tatakairyu wrote: »
    They want wizzies because they are like the least used class. They want higher level venos because they are the most used class.

    Thank you for agreeing with me.

    You could have said that from the beginning and not wasted my time. Not that I'm doing anything right now anyways, otherwise I wouldn't be here wasting my time b:pleased
    tatakairyu wrote: »
    They are not more sought after if you actually played the same game we're playing. It's just that there are WAY too many venos.

    Ok, so they are wanted more because they are the least used class, and there are way too many venos ...

    ... but yet they are not more sought after because *I* am not actually playing the same game everyone else is playing, and there are WAY too many venos?

    O - Kay! b:shocked