FBs show true colours



  • Seablue - Sanctuary
    Seablue - Sanctuary Posts: 261 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    In my experience all FB runs should be done with ur own guild and with people you can trust and that you respect, y'know genuinely honest people.

    But some faction like my own lacks high barbs which is not a problem for lowbies but highly problematic for about 8 of us higher lvls. If you take on account of time zone problems there is pretty much zero man power left to tackle high lvl fbs. I still haven't done my fb69 because I can't tackle my 20/20/20 due to this time zone issues. Even if i do manage to get them done the lack of barb will kill the party since i heard that there are two bosses that bms can't tank. I have no choice than but to enlist the help of other guilds.
  • bobbeh
    bobbeh Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Some guilds (In heaven's tears at least) have the ''Tabber gets all the 3-stars and mold drops" policy fixated. Doing your FBs with reputable guild is the way to go.
  • FionaCattail - Sanctuary
    FionaCattail - Sanctuary Posts: 405 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    someone mentioned earlier that another problem is not enough tabs to go along with quests.. perfect example of that is the new "expansion" quests..

    the quest starts at 70.. eventually, they have you kill a boss in FB79.. great.. I have the tabs to kill him so that won't be so bad..

    then, you have to kill a few elite mobs.. no biggie.. then, they have you kill the last 2 bosses in fb69.. AGAIN?!?! and no tabs this time? I'm a 79 veno.. I don't have a herc.. and I usually get outside help because I'm also the highest level member in my guild.. so now, I have to hope to get lucky to find someone doing a shout for help with fb69 in order to get the 2 bosses killed to continue this quest..

    also.. as for when my guild (Fusion) helps people.. we'll both keep and/or give the drops.. we will ask if anyone needs or can use said drop (even molds) and if someone wants it, they get it.. otherwise, we keep it to help with any repair costs we might have.. but we don't really care either way if we get the drops or not.. I know personally, I enjoy the fb19 run (wolf cave) because it's fun.. I've even run it for people without tabs, because they died right before the boss got killed and no longer had tab, etc...
    We could all learn a lot from crayons, some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, some have weird names (like chartreuse), and all are different colors....BUT they ALL exist very nicely in the same box!
  • Ashtel - Heavens Tear
    Ashtel - Heavens Tear Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    There are certainly a lot of stories circulating this thread about the bad FB runs they've had... I've fortunately never managed to get myself into one, due to always completing them with guild members on my own run/helping members, but the whole "Tabber keeps drops" thing is 100% new to me. I haven't had a high enough character on PWI yet to epxerience anything other than FB19, but back on MY-EN item distribution was always set on random.

    Today however I got introduced to it... a few guild members and I were finishing my FB19 run and everything went smoothly, me getting my quest mobs and picking up the Coin/loot with distribution set on random, since my party members were well into their 40s/50s. We finish off the boss and I am just about getting ready to leave, a bit disappointed that I got no loot out of the run (but used to it from MY-EN) when one of my party members requests a trade and gives me a 3* item. I'm very surprised and say "thank you", and he replies with the phrase, "you're the tabber, you keep the drops =)" and it just kind of makes me feel "warm and fuzzy" inside, this being my first time knowing/experiencing this. One other party member did the same thing, so I was rather pleasently surprised.

    As for the higher levels offering to do FB runs on WC, I admit that it had me curious when I sign back onto PWI after several months of absence and HT's WC is full of "___doing your FB19/29/39" etc posts... being the person that I am that looks for the good in people, I was hoping that they were doing this due to boredom/helping the newbies. However I see now that that is not the case... I wasn't aware that the higher levels got a suitable amount of EXP from doing FB runs. I still believe that there are some teams out there that do runs just for the heck of it. =)

    Just thought I'd put my 2 cents in... this thread is populated with horrible FB run experiences, and it just makes me a bit happier knowing that there are still people left playing this that do this as a favour for friends or guild members, and don't look upon it as a "pay job".
  • Tazuki - Lost City
    Tazuki - Lost City Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    as far as i know in lost city server we usually call molds in fb69+ for 19-59, tab holder gets all goods. And for fb51 dont expect ppl to help with ur tokens and spiritual cutli quest. They are not here to help you, we just wanted exp and rep b:thanks dats all. You should ask ur guildies or make party with ppl who need it for those kind of quest b:surrender
  • Cyanea - Lost City
    Cyanea - Lost City Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Honestly I'd have to say i'd have to agree with the original poster. I had an FB69 run on which I asked for help which came mostly from Outlaw. Yes they did help me that much is true but when I asked for my drops as tab holder they ignored me completely and left when it was all done.

    I have often seen other people get 3 star gear, and molds, on my FB runs, and I have never felt like they should have given them to me. So I think you should probably make sure your squad agrees with you before you start if you feel you should be getting them.

    Personally, when I have been on FB runs, I will give nice drops to my tab holder if he or she can use them, but I have had no qualms keeping other things that came to me randomly (and I never sell them -- I give them to friends if I can not use them). I have never had any be unhappy with me about my keeping gear, but I did have one barbarian asking me why I was giving him some 3 star heavy armor.
  • The_Wall - Heavens Tear
    The_Wall - Heavens Tear Posts: 500 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Architect is a Cultivation 49 boss and has no direct correlation to FB51. The faction(s) my character(s) belong to would have helped with both but I do tend to notice many and sadly much of the time terrtory owning factions will not help with the bosses or quest mobs that you need help with b:sad. Too bad you were not on my server or I could have soloed Architect for you because...

    RAWR! I'm a tiger
  • King_Solomon - Heavens Tear
    King_Solomon - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,341 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    In my experience all FB runs should be done with ur own guild and with people you can trust and that you respect, y'know genuinely honest people.


    i prefer to suffer and die a couple of times with FRIENDS than asking people that will ignore you totally and even loot items.

    there's no such a rule that runners keep drops. some people do it and some do not. few guilds care about noobs crying. that's the plain and ugly reality.

    If you're willing to join another online game do NOT join any hosted by K2 NETWORK. Want to know why? Check BBB complaints.
  • Shifong - Heavens Tear
    Shifong - Heavens Tear Posts: 409 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Ever since i joined my current guild, i've pretty much done anything together with people from my guild. FB's, bosses and TT. More fun that way, and no drama. And exp earned stays within the guild.

    It would be a good advise for people with tabs, who let others run it for you come to an agreement before doing your FB about loot and stuff. Only did my FB run once with other people, and their leader was nice enough to give me the mold that dropped, lucky me.

    If you want to get your fb19, 29 or 39 done. Pm me!
    Drops are yours b:cute
    Retsuko - Shifong
  • Xtonyx - Heavens Tear
    Xtonyx - Heavens Tear Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    god high level ****-baggery is a fashion in this game b:surrender
    whats new....
    ~sig by Saitada, a total badass b:laugh
  • XHappyBunnyx - Sanctuary
    XHappyBunnyx - Sanctuary Posts: 683 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    the language shown by those high levels in those pics is so bad.

    Wow, it appears they want some drugs or something.

    exp is a drug to an mmo addiction... intervention is needed and possibly a real life outside of the games.
    Its pretty serious.
    Q - How to win on Perfect World?
    A - Throw money at it.
  • Solandri - Heavens Tear
    Solandri - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    the language shown by those high levels in those pics is so bad.

    Wow, it appears they want some drugs or something.
    exp is a drug to an mmo addiction... intervention is needed and possibly a real life outside of the games.
    Its pretty serious.

    The explanation is simpler. In an MMORPG, time = exp = levels. Who has more time: The older mature adult who has to work 8 hrs/day, then come home and take care of the kids/dinner/bills before spending a couple hours in the game? Or the pimple-faced teen who still thinks swearing is cool and has nothing to do all day after school.
  • Novie - Sanctuary
    Novie - Sanctuary Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    exp is a drug to an mmo addiction... intervention is needed and possibly a real life outside of the games.
    Its pretty serious.

    Hey Happy =) I remember running those fb39's with you and Sky when we were all in our early 40's. Lots of deaths but lots of fun =)
    Sanctuary - Novie 84 Archer inactive
    Sanctuary - Avatea 62 Veno (with herc) b:victory
    Dreamweaver - Nova 60 Cleric inactive
  • DarkReCon - Heavens Tear
    DarkReCon - Heavens Tear Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    WOW.. this one hits home very much so..

    I got a squad together for my FB59 run (wined) and after we killed the final boss I started heading for the center for the culti part and Mysterous Fruit when all of a sudden Im in town.. I asked what the heck happed and got no answer for a minute or 2 when a bud of mine that ran it with me said he left the squad because nobody believed him with the last boss (the glitch which we ended up getting the failed message) but he was gonna help with the lanterns in the middle when he saw everyone leave.. By this time I am so ticked off I wanted to shut down the game and flame the &$*(%^#&@^! on the forum but I really wanted my 59 culti so I got up the items to make more wine and gathered another group (which I have to say RADIANCE ROCKS, thanks to you bro) and went back in JUST to do the mining and mysterious fruit at a cost of an additional 140K cause I had to restock a charm and pots.. I have learned my lesson and have to say I only run with certain people now, just did a FB19 last night for a friend of mine and only ask one guy to help, thx OMage for the great fast run.. If anyone want a RESPECTABLE, HONEST person to help with a run then look me up on HT, Ill always help and will fight for you..

    DarkReCon - Lvl61 Mage
    DarkReCon_C - Lvl61 Cleric
    DarkReCon_V - Lvl44 FA Veno
    LadyTank - Lvl 43 Heavy Melee Veno
    Why wont my sig work.. Not kool..
  • FoxRunning - Heavens Tear
    FoxRunning - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,048 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    sounds a lot like what happened to me when i did the frostcovered grounds. i wasnt in a guild that was able to handle tough FBs, so i thought i would try asking for help from one of the guilds who have chatrooms for FBs. i chose a *well known* guild, figuring they would be well organised, and have good ethics about drops going to the tabber. they assured me that i would be squad leader/setting the drops for me to pick up, and they jumped right on the chance, and a squad was put together in minutes. great..so far, so good. two bosses done. then, for some reason, i had to leave to get a third tab for the wyvern. so i had to teleport to get it...and instead of going to closest tp spot (dragon camp), it sent me to CoL. i flew back to the camp, got the tab, and squad member met me at the door, and took me to where third boss was. i needed to revive my tank pet, and asked the squad to wait a moment, so i could do this. by the time i had done this, i turned and found that the boss was beaten, the drops gone, the squad gone and disbanded.....leaving me with a completed quest, but no drops, and no way out of the dungeon, since my TP spell was still cooling down. i wound up getting back on the chat room, and finally someone squadded me, so i could get the timer to get out of there. but that was the worst FB run i have yet had. i got the quest done, but was robbed of everything else. i am SO fed up with greedy players robbing lower levels of drops, etc.

    Guys, i dont know what to tell other players who need to do FBs, but all i can say is that do all you can to put together squads of friends you can trust, rather than strangers. some strangers are wonderful and honest, like the members of BransPack, who were the first to show me that there really are good people in the game. but then there are others, who are out only to grab whatever they can, to advance themselves and their guild...very sad to see, in a game as beautiful as this one, named Perfect World.

    This goes out as a warning to all. When allowing others to run your Fbs, strike a good deal with them like making them help out along with your spirit cultivation. I ran my Fb51 on Sanctuary server yesterday with a guild that shall not be named. (Occupies Northeast Territories)

    Now that being said they did indeed help me with my spiritual cultivation, to kill the 3 elite mobs and I went off to get my tabs then. I realised i needed one more level 60 elite (Luminoc Architect) for my spirit cultivation. When i tried several times to get help from the said guild running my FB, I did not get a response. Then the 2 bosses in 59 were gone. I asked them for a response again and they said they need a tank. Fair enough I thought. Since the party in my FB consists of 3 level 70+ venos, 1 level 70+ cleric and 1 level 70+ Wizard, I thought a tank was necessary so I believed them that a tank was needed for Luminoc Architect (59 culti and not part of the deal then)

    I got in again after getting the third tab. My mobs were not finished yet. I needed to get just one more Mistrealm terrawrath magus in order to complete the mobs but the same party had to say that we need 2 RUNS to finish that. Next minute i know they were on the third Boss. Under the pressure i received from them to Tab it i placed in the tab, which i obviously did not want to because the deal was to finish the spirit culti (Done since luminoc is 59 culti), mobs along with the FB. FB was done and poof they're all gone. They gave excuses like going to sleep and busy and we need a tank and stuff and obviously expressed disinterest.

    Edit:Luminoc Architect is for 59 culti. My bad.

    Eventually Feyrana from the guild SkyRebelz helped me with luminoc architect together with the cleric, and then eventually she even went into the FB51 with me to help me get my last terrawrath magus.

    Kudos to that. Learn from my experience friends. Some people rock while some are just scum.
    (and hugs to Flauschkatze for the sig!)
    "Thanks for writing me-- it's always great to hear from a vet.

    Playing here since '08b:heart
  • Evga - Sanctuary
    Evga - Sanctuary Posts: 779 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    lol, people should find me, when ever you don't finish your mobs, i just kill boss, tp out reinvite, then kill starting mobs just to finish your quest :P
  • scionofchaos
    scionofchaos Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Ah yes. Idiots in FBs. High levels are called arrogant jerks and low levels are called leechs. Seems few don't care once they have been "paid". Find the good and use the bad for other things like cannon fodder works. Still really funny when you get the ones that fail and avoid the blame.

    One FB I was in the high level started swearing when the tab holder DCed right at the end and left. We killed the boss since we were already there then went and did the FB of the second tab holder we had with us.b:laugh

    On a seperate note. The item distribution in FBs. One idea I have molds and 3stars go to the tab holder while another is they go to the one who can use them for something other than money. Which one is actually right?
    Do not walk behind me, I will not lead
    Do not walk in front of me, I will not follow
    Do not walk beside me, This twisted road I must walk alone
  • Isala - Sanctuary
    Isala - Sanctuary Posts: 1,607 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I think you might be on to something with both, honestly. I just ran 39 with a party of 3 venos, 2 clerics and a barb. The tabber, a veno, set it to random, knowing that we could all agree on drops. We get through most things getting the usual drops, and after we defeat the first boss, knowing it's on random everyone grabs and seems happy with the drops. Except I look at what I've got and realize... I have no need for it. It's a 3star HP helmet with awesome bonuses. I immediately tell the barb, "Here, it's yours." Instead of just taking it for free, he trades me an elemental necklace neither of us can use, but I can sell for money. Hard FB, for him, though... Exploding mobs are not the friend of a Barb...
  • Bobncut - Sanctuary
    Bobncut - Sanctuary Posts: 419 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    ...leaving me with a completed quest, but no drops, and no way out of the dungeon, since my TP spell was still cooling down....

    This possibility may explain why FB51 has that big glowing exit door in the same room as the third boss.
  • Solandri - Heavens Tear
    Solandri - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    On a seperate note. The item distribution in FBs. One idea I have molds and 3stars go to the tab holder while another is they go to the one who can use them for something other than money. Which one is actually right?

    Whichever way the group agrees to beforehand is the right way.

    - If the group was started with the understanding that loot split is random, and the tabber doesn't get a mold that drops, that's ok.
    - If the group was started with the understanding that the tabber gets all drops, and the tabber doesn't get a mold that drops, he was robbed.
    - If the group was started with the understanding that high-end drops are called or go to whomever can use it, then that's what needs to happen.

    I think it bears repeating again - the presence of a tabber has nothing to do with the drop rates from FB bosses. If you're a high level FB helper and really want that mold, put together a group and do the FB without a tabber.

    If you feel the FB isn't worth doing unless there's a tabber, then you're saying "the most valuable thing I can get from that FB is the rep I get for doing it tabbed." The group is essentially a called-drop group, and you've called rep as your #1 choice. The tabber then calls the mold(s) as his #1 choice.

    But every group is free do set their rules as they see fit.
  • King_Solomon - Heavens Tear
    King_Solomon - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,341 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Whichever way the group agrees to beforehand is the right way.

    - If the group was started with the understanding that loot split is random, and the tabber doesn't get a mold that drops, that's ok.
    i can see you're a very kind person.
    - If the group was started with the understanding that the tabber gets all drops, and the tabber doesn't get a mold that drops, he was robbed.
    yes talking in very, very important. but what if you ask but no-one answers or few do? kick them?
    - If the group was started with the understanding that high-end drops are called or go to whomever can use it, then that's what needs to happen.
    then your squad must be 1 of each class. ops wait.. what if it's a weapon, armor, necklace, ring, belt or cape drop?

    If you're willing to join another online game do NOT join any hosted by K2 NETWORK. Want to know why? Check BBB complaints.
  • Nyhia - Heavens Tear
    Nyhia - Heavens Tear Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I had 3 bad FB run's, 19,29 & 39, just because they say tabber gets drops, it doesnt mean they will give them up. 1st FB was done by my faction, the leader was all of lvl 29 a BM he grabbed everything he could, wiped us at least 3 times, it took us nearly 5 hours to finish FB19 (silly huh).

    Now for my FB29 I see a shout in WC "We run your FB19/29/39/UNWINED 51wined tabber gets drops", they sounded like proffessionals so I whispered him, he said he had a squad ready, he invited and off we went. I made it clear from the start that all I wanted were boss drops, they could keep w/e else dropped, they agreed. Boss dies, and before I could even start picking stuff up, this chick BM started picking up ALL the drops, there was 3 star armor, a mold and other stuff too, she made kissing noises, and warped I was like hey! all I got was a 2 star cape from it that I could have made myself....

    FB29 the best of them all.....a HL group zipped me through it, I made it clear from the start all drops were thiers except for boss drops, they agreed, boss dies loot drops, thier BM picks up 70% of it. Leader tells everyone to trade me, they did except for the BM....The leader whispers me after a few min, asking me if BM gave me the drops I said no, he apologized, told me he would make him give me the drops. BM whispers me, tells me he NPC'D all the drops they were only worth 30k, and do I want the 30k? I told him, no keep it, seems you need it more than I do.....b:angry Leader of faction/squad whispers me again, apologizing blabla, I told him if I wanted $$ I would have taken the 30k, but I wanted some really nice armor, he then offered to pay at least 15k of what was NPC'd, nice thought but no ty I told him.

    Now I made a new Veno, I do FB runs for friends/people that need it, and NEVER do I keep what drops, regular or boss drops, all go to the tabber. I get xp and sp out of it which is my goal in the first place. So a word to the wise, even if they tell you drops are yours, it doesnt mean they will keep thier word, if you can, try and do your FB runs with friends, and above all have fun b:cute

    Oh and for all you PWI players that steal from others during a FB run, remember KARMA is a bish b:kiss

    P.S here ends my wall-o-text b:surrender
  • MistresShade - Sanctuary
    MistresShade - Sanctuary Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    People are *******s, they don't give a damn about anyone besides themselves, sadly thats what 99% of people are in any game.

    My personal policy on FBs is that the tabber gets the drops, because the tabber brought the highers along, they go exp that they would have had to grind otherwhise, personally they don't deserve anything else. FBs are a privilege not a right.

    And yes I have had many bad FB experiances, most notably recently my BM got run through FB 70 with a bunch of people from my veno's (lvl 77) guild, and they robbed me blind, a sakyamuni's light mold (allocated to the ******* barb), and a dark something or other of hades mold (allocated to the cleric), I asked kindly for the sakya, but I was blatantly ignored. Needless to say I will NEVER party with that barb again, and I'm not too hot on the cleric either. I left the FB with a couple DQ mats and nothing else...
    I am the biggest hypocrit you will ever see or hear, and I'm not afraid to admit it.

    Greed destroys even the tightest of bonds
  • xiaoyanzi
    xiaoyanzi Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I've had plenty of experiences getting robbed in "shared drops" or "tabber keeps all drops". I'm keeping a list of players not to squad with. Feel free to PM me name, class, date of robbery, description of what happened, level at that time, guild at that time, and officer in guild or not. I'll keep a blacklist and share it w/ whoever's interested.

    I'm sure some of the robbers will read this and try to mess it up. I'll try my best to avoid that.

    Edit: in my particular case, I'm on Heaven's Tear, so I can filter the list better if players are on the same server (i.e. false accusations, making up stuff).
  • Highestelf - Heavens Tear
    Highestelf - Heavens Tear Posts: 177 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    One of the earliest posts described his experience of being happy that he had help with his fb but had nagging feeling after words that he got cheated.

    Thank goodness my happened on my first and learning here now.

    I was happy to get through my 1st fb that I didn't care too much about anything other than getting out alive. After words it dawned on me that the guy that helped, leading the way as he was much higher LVL and i'm a weak cleric, as he did the killing he was grabbing all good drops. I was to be satisfied picking up coins.

    Didn't realize there was much more I should have gotten other than satisfaction of completing.

    Now I feel much worst.b:cry
  • Thewardog - Heavens Tear
    Thewardog - Heavens Tear Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I had 3 bad FB run's, 19,29 & 39, just because they say tabber gets drops.

    That's exactly what happened to me yesterday, I invited some guys to help me out with my first FB19 ever, they said I will get all the drops. Next thing I know they killed boss real fast then they started grabbing things, the only thing I got out of that FB was 1 mana potion for level 30 ( Which I couldn't use of course I was level 19 at a time ) and some coins. I didn't even get angry, just a little bit disappointed, it was rather funny to observe such a blatant case of pure greed and dishonest behavior.
  • Mizorie - Lost City
    Mizorie - Lost City Posts: 598 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I don't know why people would steal from you, they are just hurting them selves. I had a very nice group run me my FB59 (GZ) and they were fun, and helped me through all my quests, gave me all good drops, and the leader added me on friends. Now since I know they area good and nice team, guess who I am going to whisper for my next FB? or who am I going to recommended whena guildies needs a FB that I can't help with?

    So if your stealing you just ruined a perfectly good chance to get FBs from a whole guild.
    Dalamaar: Mizorie you have no soul.
  • mbrunestud
    mbrunestud Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    the weird thing is, during a lot of runs the boss just ends up dropping coins. idk y it does that but somehow i feel like the tabber's getting gipped but we didn't even intend it.
  • Isala - Sanctuary
    Isala - Sanctuary Posts: 1,607 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    mbrunestud wrote: »
    the weird thing is, during a lot of runs the boss just ends up dropping coins. idk y it does that but somehow i feel like the tabber's getting gipped but we didn't even intend it.

    It does that because of levels. The higher the level the more screwed up the drop rate. Get a lot of higher people, and it pretty much drops the drop rate down the tubes. I've tested it a few times in FB's I can solo. Alone, I tend to get some drops on average. With a friend, not so many. More than 2 and you would be EXTREMELY lucky to get any drops other than coins.
  • G_ree_n - Sanctuary
    G_ree_n - Sanctuary Posts: 248 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    It does that because of levels. The higher the level the more screwed up the drop rate. Get a lot of higher people, and it pretty much drops the drop rate down the tubes. I've tested it a few times in FB's I can solo. Alone, I tend to get some drops on average. With a friend, not so many. More than 2 and you would be EXTREMELY lucky to get any drops other than coins.
    I second that. The bosses in my fb39 only dropped coins and my squad consisted of me and three level 70+ people from an allied faction. But a fb 39 I helped out with the other night had me, the level 39 tabber, a level 50 blademaster and 2 of the same level 70s (all from my faction or our allied faction) and we managed to get quite a few 3* pieces and a mold. Turns out you are actually doing yourself a disservice by overloading your party with higher levels.

    In response to all of the posts about not getting drops or just getting screwed by random squad members or even your own faction members (WTH??) First off, I don't see why anyone would tab "under pressure." Your fb is almost like a hostage situation. As long as you don't tab, your demands can still be met. If your pick up group doesn't want to kill all your mobs, or even help with your culti, get a new group. It's not that hard to do, everyone wants your xp, obviously. This goes triple for faction members who behave this way. Perhaps I am just spoiled by the Imajica/Morbid alliance, but any faction whose members aren't willing to help with the whole shot isn't worth staying in.
    Roll a barb on Sanctuary for hot cleric action. b:kiss