FBs show true colours



  • Feinrel - Heavens Tear
    Feinrel - Heavens Tear Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    in fact, doing an fb with a team of the same lvl its much entertaining than just following high lvls. There are always bad people in game that just do fb to low lvls for exp and even they make u feel noob in the process, but that the way it goes. For my experience, i always gather a group of people, mixed guilds, and we go for fbs. i love to help low lvls on there fb19 and 29, cause i still remember how i felt back them, when nobody seens to care for you. One last thing, my fb59 was made for a group of ramdon people, i just knew one of them, and the rest were just ramdon people, and they help me with my fb59 "UNWINED". Now thats what i call good will, they really help me out, almost 4 hours of painfull mass killing, and you know what? thats the best fb i have done so far, all were lvl closer to mine, a true challenge, and the best friends i have right now b:pleased
  • swgs
    swgs Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009

    It's true that lower levels have no option than using high levels on the squad. Since the time it takes for a lower level group to finish the FB is too much and too risky since mobs are way stronger.

    A good example is my last fb39 in which my squad with high level was a total disaster and some of them even quit. you can actually see the tread here:


    I think is fare trade if high levels help low level to gain experience in the dungeon as well as completing the FB properly. As long as high levels get their experience and mats that they need as well.

    The issue is how many high levels have the time to do it? the low level want to enjoy the experience need to team up with players around their own level and take time to clear the FB them self. When I can solo FB59 and tank FB79 boss, what do you expect me to do in FB29/39/51, make my pet standstill wait for tab holder spend few minutes on each mob to get experience they need? Yes I did that before, but it is for a RL friend, there is no way I can do it for everybody. And when you talk about small mobs, why FB team have to help? I did my 202020 with 3 other player around level 68, those mobs are FB mob, they are higher level than me, I still managed to get the quest done, why cannot those level 5x do that? Those tab holder demanding this, demanding that because they think they are entitled for. Do not get me wrong, I do not care about your FB, I come here because a friend ask me to help. I come here to help you with the mob you cannot handle by you own which are bosses. You tab holder has no right to demanding anything from me. But who made this happen? ? It is not those low level’s fault, it is those high levels who are eager for reps, and those high levels who do not want to grinding make those low level think they are the god when they have the tab.
    I am conceder myself a pretty nice person, I help whoever needs help when I have time. If you ask nicely I will help bosses outside FB when I have time after the FB, but do not think I am obligated to do it for you.
  • guacanagarix
    guacanagarix Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    swgs wrote: »
    The issue is how many high levels have the time to do it? the low level want to enjoy the experience need to team up with players around their own level and take time to clear the FB them self. When I can solo FB59 and tank FB79 boss, what do you expect me to do in FB29/39/51, make my pet standstill wait for tab holder spend few minutes on each mob to get experience they need? Yes I did that before, but it is for a RL friend, there is no way I can do it for everybody. And when you talk about small mobs, why FB team have to help? I did my 202020 with 3 other player around level 68, those mobs are FB mob, they are higher level than me, I still managed to get the quest done, why cannot those level 5x do that? Those tab holder demanding this, demanding that because they think they are entitled for. Do not get me wrong, I do not care about your FB, I come here because a friend ask me to help. I come here to help you with the mob you cannot handle by you own which are bosses. You tab holder has no right to demanding anything from me. But who made this happen? ? It is not those low level
  • Solandri - Heavens Tear
    Solandri - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    also i completely disagree on the "noob gets the drops" thing. random distribute gives everyone in the squad an equal chance of getting the good stuff. i've done more runs than i can count and i do majority of the work and several times a mold dropped and i've never gotten one. i never get anything good in any of the fbs, and should i ever get something good.. i WILL keep it. not hand it over to the tabber simply because they're the tabber. the high lvls are there to help you get a hard quest done. the exp from the tabs and the drops are the only incentives for people to do runs for anyone. may not be nice or friendly but thats just the way it is.

    Nothing is stopping you from doing the FBs without a tabber.

    If you refuse to do FBs unless there's a tabber, then obviously the tabber is giving your run added value above and beyond what another regular player gives. He is not "just another group member" who deserves only what the random loot split gives him. He's providing the greatest value to the run, and thus deserves the greatest portion of the loot. Even if he is just a noob who sits back and does nothing except provide the tabs.
  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Nothing is stopping you from doing the FBs without a tabber.

    If you refuse to do FBs unless there's a tabber, then obviously the tabber is giving your run added value above and beyond what another regular player gives. He is not "just another group member" who deserves only what the random loot split gives him. He's providing the greatest value to the run, and thus deserves the greatest portion of the loot. Even if he is just a noob who sits back and does nothing except provide the tabs.

    It's good you reminded him that. LOL
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Contagions rule is simple. Tabber gets all loot except stuff like potions, DQ drops etc. All Armor, Weapons, Molds etc go to the Tabber unless they CHOOSE to give a piece up to someone else. The XP we get from running the Tabbed FB makes it worth our time to do.

  • Lucentshadow - Heavens Tear
    Lucentshadow - Heavens Tear Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I could not disagree more. The culture of calling for a high level player to help with anything that is not a simple quest is the problem. If you have the tab, you are high enough level to do the FB with a squad of people your same level. It is easier and faster to use the high levels shouting on world chat, but you certainly have the option of getting a squad together yourself (either drawn from your friends or from your faction). If your group is about your level, the FB will be a challenge. That is a GOOD thing. Unless you are oddly fascinated by the prospect of owning the absolutely coolest gear and being the highest level, the best thing an MMORPG can offer is these times of a group working together to solve a challenge. So, yes, you have an option.

    I agree with you completely on this one. The other day I was passing by the Elf FB 19 cave and some lower levels flagged me down. Upon joining their squad I noticed I was the only mid-ranged level among a 19-20 mixture of clerics and archers. Painfully aware that these were not alts but main accounts, I go through the long process of explaining what an FB is, the tab system, and why the tabber has to be leader. Once inside they ask he how long it would take, to which I reply: 15-20 minutes for me solo, but do you really just want me to do this for you? The general consensus was that they wanted to try it out for themselves first. Realizing yet again that these people were new, I explain the complicated concept of agro, heal agro, multi-target agro and the works. After 2-3 deaths each from a disorganized attack, I put forward the idea of teamwork and they figured things out nicely. 30 minutes and 10 mobs later I begin to add in some firepower to speed things up. By the end of the FB the lower levels learned a thing or two and got to try their hand out at a challenge meant for them. ( Hence the 9 hour limit ) I also planted the idea that it
  • Oldbear - Sanctuary
    Oldbear - Sanctuary Posts: 486 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I've found that FB's could be real fun when you're playing your second character. And then since you're leader, make sure you act as one. After all, you know the FB as your five fingers anyway. Hehe it's like LV19 super-newbie giving orders to mid-levelers "We're doing this my way or we're not gonna do it at all".

    After this it's good chance that huge ego's will leave. And you have good chance to observe what some of the known players are towards the smaller potatoes like your second when you're out of your usual shiny gear and TT weapon.
  • Oldbear - Sanctuary
    Oldbear - Sanctuary Posts: 486 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    also i completely disagree on the "noob gets the drops" thing. random distribute gives everyone in the squad an equal chance of getting the good stuff. i've done more runs than i can count and i do majority of the work and several times a mold dropped and i've never gotten one. i never get anything good in any of the fbs, and should i ever get something good.. i WILL keep it. not hand it over to the tabber simply because they're the tabber.

    That's nice to know. I'll keep that in mind.

    And on the other hand- Thank you all HIGHLIFE$ members for having exactly the opposite policy (well at least as far as my experiences go). And that means when we're on TT run again and I get too much mats while somebody gets none I'm always willing to distribute evenly with you guys.
  • Reikara - Heavens Tear
    Reikara - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,321 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I'd like to also add the reasons why molds and 3 stars and such are given to the tab holder, in my opinion is also because the tab holder benefits from them the most.

    Say level 80s helping a level 19 do his FB19, and by some miraculous stroke of insane luck (it actually has happened o.o) a level 21 mold drops. Now to the level 80s, this mold is nothing to them but some measly cash. The tab holder could actually benefit from this mold for a few levels yet. Bascially if the level 80 took it he'd just be selfish.

    Should you really desire molds that baldy nothing it stopping you from farming untabbed runs like alot of smart players do. Takes time, but farming is farming. Just like TT.
  • thanduril
    thanduril Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    its good to see that the **** population is higher in sanctuary, than in heaven's tear. leaves fewer asshats to deal with in HTb:laugh

    FB rule in HT:your tabs, your wine, your drops.

    if the squad of high lvls want dibs on the loot drops, then let them run the FB tabless/wineless. dont need tabs to get drops aye. so run the FB without having a tab holder to **** over, you steaming pieces of ****.
    if you consider running a FB for someone(guildie/friend/random) a favour for them, then the xp/sp and "REP" you are getting is a favour they are doing on you, so tone down your ego BS and get your facts straight.
    dont know about LC or sanctuary, but in HT you got half a dozen chatrooms run by various guilds who are waiting round the clock to get in on a tabbed run. some even sponsor wines. why they doing this? not to steal drops, but for that rep.
    ever wondered why radiance members got so much rep? now you know, so wonder no more. they are good people who dont steal drops. that is why they get the runs and the rep that comes along.

    while back, member from RoC stole a mold...FallenVeno or something was his name, dont remember too well. there was a big load of drama on WC back then, and hence why no priority is given to any RoC run FBs(brought this up cause some other RoC member said something about running away with drops)

    if you ended up with SOBs who steal your equips and molds, even tho they are like 20lvls above the marks, then its your bad luck mate, WC their BS intentions if you can afford a telecoustic at your lvl so that others will know, and consider yourself an unfortunate person who got the shaft(like i did in my fb19 long time back)
    but trust me, no matter how filled with BS your server is, there will always be a few good people who KNOW the FB(where mobs are/how many runs u need to do for quests/best possible way to run the FB/etc) "AND" who wont leave you high and dry after boss is dead.
    if your team seem like a greedy bunch of weasels, leave team and find another. and EVEN AFTER TABBING, IF YOU LEAVE/DISBAND TEAM YOU GET YOUR TABS BACK,so dont worry about a FB being a one chance gimmick.

    when its your tab, you are the king.
    just keep your ego/noise in check and you`ll be walking out of the FB with all your items(mold,3*,1*,DQs,garbage) and having made a few new friends.
  • Forp - Heavens Tear
    Forp - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,445 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    mentioning roc, i've been scammed by them a number of times.

    once in a hh2-1 run, once the boss was defeated and the drops were dropped, i was suddenly kicked. the members said "ty", and i was escorted out by the timer as they gathered the loot.

    another time i was in a fb59 with several roc members and a random tabber. earth boss dropped a mold, some ring i think, all of the sudden all of the roc members left the squad. why? i knew why. i re-partied with the tabber and we stood over the mold trying desperately to gain it, but were unsuccessful. they laughed and left, i helped him finish off the lanterns and dig the statue to finish his fb.

    just a few days ago, Velvetta, a level 69 veno had offered me a spot as her cleric in her fb69. i was pleased, a fb69 would level me. one exception, i had to help her get a few more kills for her 20/20/20. so be it, i figured it worthy. most of the squad was randoms from another guild, it seemed legit enough. halfway through it was obvious enough what she was doing, i never even saw her attack. we finished the 20/20/20, she said bye and logged out.

    **** roc.
  • Yunmi - Heavens Tear
    Yunmi - Heavens Tear Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I could not disagree more. The culture of calling for a high level player to help with anything that is not a simple quest is the problem. If you have the tab, you are high enough level to do the FB with a squad of people your same level. It is easier and faster to use the high levels shouting on world chat, but you certainly have the option of getting a squad together yourself (either drawn from your friends or from your faction). If your group is about your level, the FB will be a challenge. That is a GOOD thing. Unless you are oddly fascinated by the prospect of owning the absolutely coolest gear and being the highest level, the best thing an MMORPG can offer is these times of a group working together to solve a challenge. So, yes, you have an option.

    Well said . Good thing there are some people around that doesn't always rely on players with 50+ levels above their own to babysit them through their FBs and quest bosses . Seriously , those who allow high levels to run their FBs while they do nothing but tag along probably doesn't even notice that they're being pratically exploited , and worse , being denied of one of the few chances to actually get better by beating a challenge with their own effort .

    It would be nice if there was a limit to the level difference between squad members in this game .
  • Elvenalmghty - Heavens Tear
    Elvenalmghty - Heavens Tear Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    i would love to agree with the fact to not take high lvl ppls help fr FBs but the problem is no matter hw much i tried ... ican't solo the place or fr that matter any mon there and as fr a party .... never suceed to find 1 coz well.... i haven't found a guild i would like to be in yet.
  • Isala - Sanctuary
    Isala - Sanctuary Posts: 1,607 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Talking about useless squad members reminds me of another annoying adventure I had to put up with... A member of my faction needed the 49 cultivation bosses. Both of us venos, as well as bringing along our high powered mage veno, we proceeded to head over to the bosses. Piece of cake. We brought along said veno's brother, who plays a cleric, to do Omnipotent Drake easier. We start with the drake. Easy strat. Our mage veno has high fire defense. She stands there and takes the hits, firing huge spells, while the rest of us peck at it. Cleric heals her. No biggie at all. Well... Just as we're finish up the plans and are about to attack, we see a cleric and archer there as well... We have a party of four, so we do the nice thing, and when they ask for help, join forces... About this time, our Cleric has to go AFK, and while we wait, the archer hops on his mount and starts running circles around the Drake... Eventually luring him away so we have to wait for both of them to come back. Well, now everyone settles down... We explain the plan, the Drake drops fast. Next, is Kashu... We know our strat here as well, Venos send golems, heal the main aggro. I explain that to make it easier on all of us, everyone who isn't a veno needs to attack... Other cleric starts talking about being a healing cleric... I say, it's no big deal, any damage helps. During the fight, I see one or two plume shots zip past me, and that's it... We start to run out of mana, and then one of us lags just before he's dead... Our pure mage. 2 light armor venos do not good healers make. Golems start dying... He takes out the archer, and the rest of us scatter. Land, res the archer, and I explain yet again the tactics... She says: "I'm not an attack cleric... I only hit for 100 - 200 damage." I'm thinking BS at this point, but the archer was doing quite well, so I let it slide. I explain AGAIN that it doesn't matter how hard you hit, as long as you hit. Unfortunately, because of the way we set up, I couldn't tell if the plume shots that were flying came from her, or our cleric. But either way, it drops... We go over to Fugma. I try wording it a different way... "We need to use all of our firepower on this guy, he needs to drop fast." Well, we get in position, and as I'm spamming Heal Pet, I turn to look at her. She's just standing there, doing absolutely nothing. No spells, no movement, just sitting there. Unfortunately since I was not squad leader, I couldn't do anything about it. So, we killed him with her still in party. Well, we all know that Luminoc is coming, but at this point, I inform the entire faction that we are going to leave now, and explain why. Shouldn't even have bothered... As soon as the boss drops, they both leave squad... No thanks, or anything else, except for the archer, who as he rides away simply says "ty" And, yeah, we did do Luminoc after... But they were nowhere to be seen. I do wonder if the Archer got him though...
  • Yunmi - Heavens Tear
    Yunmi - Heavens Tear Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    i would love to agree with the fact to not take high lvl ppls help fr FBs but the problem is no matter hw much i tried ... ican't solo the place or fr that matter any mon there and as fr a party .... never suceed to find 1 coz well.... i haven't found a guild i would like to be in yet.

    Yes . While I encourage people to try and find players around their own level to properly go through the challenge of their FB quests , I'm aware of the fact that there aren't too many people willing to do it . Instead , most players would rather resort to high level people to do it the easy way for them .

    Oh yeah , and it's nice that you're actually giving it a thought about what faction you should join in . I've got a lot of invitations from random factions , and not a single one could come with a good argument on why I would even need to join a faction to begin with .

    Also , hats off to people who actually take their time to explain to newcomers the concept of teamwork gameplay in FBs , it certainly helps a lot more than the usual 'We do your FB pm me' stuff we see everyday in global chat .
  • Solandri - Heavens Tear
    Solandri - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I betcha that cleric then proceeded to post in the general forum about how venos needed to be nerfed, because they're able to take on those bosses without a cleric or a barb... b:laugh I think it's good that the game allows you to go pretty far with creative strategy.
  • Forp - Heavens Tear
    Forp - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,445 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I betcha that cleric then proceeded to post in the general forum about how venos needed to be nerfed, because they're able to take on those bosses without a cleric or a barb... b:laugh

    untrue. a venomancers pet can only tackle certain monsters and bosses. some bosses, such as kong and krimson, use incredibly powerful debuffs which destroy pets. only a barbarian+cleric can tackle such debuffs.
  • maverickteng
    maverickteng Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    TL:DR thread but in response to the OP... Luminoc is not needed for your 49/51 culti. Your culti ends after talking to the Celestial One to turn in the 49 culti trio (fugma, kashu and the drake). Luminoc, although given at lvl50 is actually the first step required for your 59 culti. Get your facts straight. And yes a tank is required for luminoc. A lvl70 herc =/= a lvl 70 magmite. Not to say a magmite couldn't tank him with another veno helpin to heal, but since he is a ranged mob he tends to run round, pulling adds into the fight. Which doesn't always end pretty. So less QQ right there. They went out of their way to help YOU get YOUR quests done, plus an unwined run in one of the trickier fbs around. And you turn to the forums in order to diss their whole guild because they wouldn't help you kill a boss you'll actually NEED 10 levels from now? Real smooth.

    And no, im not in the said guild, but I have had people from that very guild answer to a world shout to hop in in the middle of an unwined run to help out with the last boss after the person helping up to that point had to ditch to attend a TW leaving us hanging. I have had that guild run me through my fb59, leading me to every single token and staying behind to keep the instance open while I finished my culti (unlike say some people from a certain guild commonly abbreviated by three letters). I have had people from that guild help guildies with 10 bosses in a row and didn't even want to accept any sort of payment because they were doing it purely out of good will (and im talking bosses like garangatong, jewel, krimson, manta etc...) Shoutouts to Aka and Lynx and wifey while I'm at it, you guys own :)

    So again, before you go all out dissing one of the nicer and friendlier guilds on the server, take a nice long hard look at yourself and your attitude and start working from there. Not to say there aren't any black sheep in that guild, you'll find some everywhere, but given your attitude I'd say you got off lucky.

    Just my 2 gold. Keep the change.

    I just don't think i got off lucky because the deal I struck was to do a spirit culti as well as get ALL the mobs. If you say OK, finish it and don't do it half assed. Well since luminoc is not required for 49/51 culti, my bad. But the least that could be done was to finish the mobs. I mean just one last one and they wouldnt get it? Ever so eager to get to the boss and finish with the run I'd say. Of course, I was polite and and at no point in time did i act like boss man just because i was the tabber. Along the way I did remind them in a polite manner what I needed because i understand that I was being rendered assistance. For sure they should have finished their part of the deal?
  • swgs
    swgs Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    thanduril wrote: »
    FB rule in HT:your tabs, your wine, your drops.

    In LC, most of us (at least most of the party I have been) has been doing this for a long long time, ths issue now is not drops any more. Tab holders are now demanding much more then drops.
  • Fallenangelx - Heavens Tear
    Fallenangelx - Heavens Tear Posts: 182 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    there are lots of random rules for fbs but the best method is to determine the loot distribution before even entering the fb. if you're not satisified then no time wasted.

    i tried doin my fb39 with my own levels...it took 5 hours and countless deaths, i don't think i want to go through that again but if you say which is more exciting i guess being scared of dyin is, lol.

    I feel bad for some of the Roc members, not all are bad but those few that are gives the entire guild a bad name. When i see Roc member in the same squad as me in TT runs, i just say i'm busy and leave since i don't really trust them lootwise. It's better to party those that you know and trust.
  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Yeah, right.

    It’s the low level’s fault.


    Why are mostly the low levels posting the bad experiences here? Like squad did not help to finish to kill the other mobs I needed to finish the quest, They did not share drops, they did not explained me what to do, They left the quest half done, and blah blah.

    Why are always the high levels posting on global chat?: “high level squad helping with FB19-39, PM”.

    Why we don’t see the following messages: “High level squad helping with killing bosses like: Krixx, Shade, etc., PM”

    At least, I hope I will not get on these FB’s issues anymore since I’m currently in a good guild. But if I have to call for help, as I said before. I will follow these guidelines:

    1) No tabbing until my other mobs are killed. I will explain this to them at beginning of the FB.
    2) I will NEVER say thanks since they are getting: mats, exps and their REPS (this is a “paid job”, not a favor), unless they are my friends.
    3) I will try to call my high level friends first and if possible, I will schedule my FB with them so we are all online at the time of the FB.

    By the way, can a good Samaritan help this new victim of his own fault as high levels call it?

  • AndromedaB - Sanctuary
    AndromedaB - Sanctuary Posts: 1,376 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    This goes out as a warning to all. When allowing others to run your Fbs, strike a good deal with them like making them help out along with your spirit cultivation. I ran my Fb51 on Sanctuary server yesterday with a guild that shall not be named. (Occupies Northeast Territories)

    Now that being said they did indeed help me with my spiritual cultivation, to kill the 3 elite mobs and I went off to get my tabs then. I realised i needed one more level 60 elite (Luminoc Architect) for my spirit cultivation. When i tried several times to get help from the said guild running my FB, I did not get a response. Then the 2 bosses in 59 were gone. I asked them for a response again and they said they need a tank. Fair enough I thought. Since the party in my FB consists of 3 level 70+ venos, 1 level 70+ cleric and 1 level 70+ Wizard, I thought a tank was necessary so I believed them that a tank was needed for Luminoc Architect (59 culti and not part of the deal then)

    I got in again after getting the third tab. My mobs were not finished yet. I needed to get just one more Mistrealm terrawrath magus in order to complete the mobs but the same party had to say that we need 2 RUNS to finish that. Next minute i know they were on the third Boss. Under the pressure i received from them to Tab it i placed in the tab, which i obviously did not want to because the deal was to finish the spirit culti (Done since luminoc is 59 culti), mobs along with the FB. FB was done and poof they're all gone. They gave excuses like going to sleep and busy and we need a tank and stuff and obviously expressed disinterest.

    Edit:Luminoc Architect is for 59 culti. My bad.

    Eventually Feyrana from the guild SkyRebelz helped me with luminoc architect together with the cleric, and then eventually she even went into the FB51 with me to help me get my last terrawrath magus.

    Kudos to that. Learn from my experience friends. Some people rock while some are just scum.

    actually... thats all true...
    luminioc is very hard even for lv 80 without a tank
    and yes u usually need to run (fb51 i think...) twice to get all the mobs... once for your fb and one to help out :P
  • Dar_Malkier - Lost City
    Dar_Malkier - Lost City Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I can't speak as to how it's done on other servers and in other guilds, but one guild I was in made it a policy that all 3-star drops went to the tab holder, molds were called, and anything else went to whoever got it. Best rule of thumb is to make sure everyone in the party knows what is expected regarding the drops and that all agree to it prior to running the fb.

    As for FB51, if you have to make 2 or 3 runs to get all your mobs, then the party didn't really know how to run the fb. There is absolutely no reason why any fb should have to be ran twice to complete your mob quests once you have the tabs. We've ran fb51 well over 100 times and never once have we had to do more than a single run to complete all the mob quests (and no, it doesn't require you running all over the place).
  • jalenstar4ever
    jalenstar4ever Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Man, I am so glad I play on Heaven's Tear. With few exceptions, All of you Sanctuary and Lost City players sound like selfish s***heads.

    Sorry If I hurt anyones feelings with the above statement, but hopefully it will change the current selfish culture on those servers.
  • Oldbear - Sanctuary
    Oldbear - Sanctuary Posts: 486 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Man, I am so glad I play on Heaven's Tear. With few exceptions, All of you Sanctuary and Lost City players sound like selfish s***heads.

    Sorry If I hurt anyones feelings with the above statement, but hopefully it will change the current selfish culture on those servers.

    No not at all. You have right to speak what you think. And you decision to stay to the HT and NOT come to Sanctuary will definitely help to change the atmosphere in here better. So, you're right again.
  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Man, I am so glad I play on Heaven's Tear. With few exceptions, All of you Sanctuary and Lost City players sound like selfish s***heads.

    Sorry If I hurt anyones feelings with the above statement, but hopefully it will change the current selfish culture on those servers.

    is this case in HT?
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    untrue. a venomancers pet can only tackle certain monsters and bosses. some bosses, such as kong and krimson, use incredibly powerful debuffs which destroy pets. only a barbarian+cleric can tackle such debuffs.
    Not true. me at 69 and another Veno at 62 took Kong down with my Herc. I solo'd fb51 at lvl 57. Did most of the world bosses including Slitt, Empyrean Slither (did him with a lvl 54 herc), Kimsa etc with a pet 5 levels lower than them and my lvl 7 pet heal. Only certain bosses gave me exceptional trouble. Krimson.. I ain't even gonna bother trying. Kong.. not unless I have another Veno to back me up. But the majority of the other World and FB Bosses are no problem. Might take some time to kill. but generally not a problem. TT bosses on the other hand.. Squad mode 1-2 the Lord of Percussion with his nasty AOE that gets stronger as you get closer to killing him.... HE HURTS and I STILL can't tank his **** down yet w/o a Good cleric with BB. Have that and your gtg though.

  • thanduril
    thanduril Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Yeah, right.

    It’s the low level’s fault.


    Why are mostly the low levels posting the bad experiences here? Like squad did not help to finish to kill the other mobs I needed to finish the quest, They did not share drops, they did not explained me what to do, They left the quest half done, and blah blah.

    Why are always the high levels posting on global chat?: “high level squad helping with FB19-39, PM”.

    Why we don’t see the following messages: “High level squad helping with killing bosses like: Krixx, Shade, etc., PM”

    At least, I hope I will not get on these FB’s issues anymore since I’m currently in a good guild. But if I have to call for help, as I said before. I will follow these guidelines:

    1) No tabbing until my other mobs are killed. I will explain this to them at beginning of the FB.
    2) I will NEVER say thanks since they are getting: mats, exps and their REPS (this is a “paid job”, not a favor), unless they are my friends.
    3) I will try to call my high level friends first and if possible, I will schedule my FB with them so we are all online at the time of the FB.

    By the way, can a good Samaritan help this new victim of his own fault as high levels call it?


    on HT you got a few people/guilds who send out WCs, not only helping with FBs, but with quest bosses(krimson, jewelscalen, mantavip, raged wraith chief, yan traitor, etc) just for the sake of helping out other players. they dont get any xp or rep from doing this, maybe a repair bill and if a few grateful words from the people they have helped out.

    if your server is as bad as you pointed it out to be, then all i can say is that sadly you picked the wrong server to play on.

    @swgs:if you meant that tab holders are asking for coins to allow higher lvls in on their FB run for xp/rep, then its clear that an alt char is trying to sucker in a KoS guild while making a little coins on the side.
    dump the bloody alts, having an "undercover" alt dictate your every move and trying to put a leash around your neck is flame worthy.
  • Tigriss - Heavens Tear
    Tigriss - Heavens Tear Posts: 760 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    This is why I'm glad I went to the guild section of the forums and found a faction at lvl 15. My faction will help people not in the faction do their FB. The leader also states at the beginning of and several times during the FB that all drops are the tab holders. When all is said and done the tab holder gets everything.
    "Jesus fricking christ on a pogo stick. Your a mass of fricking idiots I swear!"
    Thankies Crystalynnex