Emergency Maintenance Complete - Please Read



  • XForbidden - Heavens Tear
    XForbidden - Heavens Tear Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    EPIC FKN FAIL!!!!! 70 people? your shyttin me, you know was THOUSANDS who used that glitched. This is the most fail **** up i have ever seen ANY MMO do in my life. And still no roll-back!!! I would rather lose my 50% than see someone get 300-400 for FREE! How seriously pathetic! The game has already lost several hundred people due to them quitting, and more will quit if there is no rollback! Goodluck but NOT 1 person from PWI's staff deserves anything of an applause. GG PWI
  • LloydAsplund - Sanctuary
    LloydAsplund - Sanctuary Posts: 3,899 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    So, no rollback eh. I heard some people have their skills maxed with the money. Also, 70 people? I'm sure a lot more than 70 people used this "bug". If even 1 person was missed in the process, its just not fair. I want my friggen money back. I had to use real money to earn coins to get my skills because I'm poor. Now, people just abuse a bug and get their skills to max level? That is just not fair.
    I was early taught to work as well as play,
    My life has been one long, happy holiday;
    Full of work and full of play-
    I dropped the worry on the way-
    And God was good to me everyday.
  • mistik
    mistik Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    First of all, I think the people who created and maintain the PWI games do a superb job of working with and trying to appease the total spectrum of people who play PW. They deal with issues we only take for granted. The only problem I have with the game is the language that shocks and embarasses me to hear supposedly intelligent people use. I'd like to include my kudos to the staff of PWI who worked diligently through the day to eradicate the problem that the abusers created. PWI staff....YOU ROCK!
  • Ethas - Heavens Tear
    Ethas - Heavens Tear Posts: 85 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    First. GM's you did a great job! I cannot imagine the extensive time you guys put in yesterday to go through all the transactions that you did manage to clean up.

    Second. To all of you on the rollback issue. GTFO it. Seriously. Quit and go away, or stop crying over spilled milk. The market is NOT that bad as you want to make it out to be in game and your cryign won't get you anywhere. Report the people that still have mass amounts of coin from their abuse of the AH and let the GM's handle them as well. To punish the THOUSANDS of people playing the game tho for a few hundred tho is absurd! You people are self centered and care nothing about the game or the market more than your own pocket book in game. Most of you are likely pissed because you didn't think to use the AH yourself and make coin off the ppl buying gold like they did.

    Third, for all of you threatening to quit or sue or whatever. Just do it already and let those of us who see the trully difficult task the GM's delt with yesterday as an job well done enjoy the game as we have from the start! It is a GAME!

    Fourth, it is just that... a game, a F2P game in fact. And yes, i consider it a trully F2P game because I came here from an RCE where I spent thousands a month to get to a fairly decent level of play even. You don't like the way it pans out? Don't put money into the cash shop and buy from the people that do. Find another game where the administration cares so little about the integirty of the legitimate players that they will spend 14hrs to weed through and attempt to fix issues as major as this and admit openly their mistake without wasting the other thousand or more players time and money spent in grinding and legitimate purchases.

    KUDOS GM'S!!! You guys are on the ball and took the time to ensure things were handled properly. While you may have missed some bad seeds that used another "exploit" of sorts in the AH I have every confidence that if they are exposed by us the players, that they will be delt with as well.

    Nice , you don't even show your real CHAR. How brave of you to make those accusations. GO AND GET A LIFE EXPLOITER.

    R O L L B A C K
  • XForbidden - Heavens Tear
    XForbidden - Heavens Tear Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Yea, No one would have quit over a 12-15 Hour Rollback, wouldnt be worth quitting, but watching several people get 300-400$ free is just not worth staying here anymore. Like everyone been saying in game on W.C, its time to find a new game and move on. Id rather not waste anymore money on this game!
  • k2n0twork
    k2n0twork Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    mistik wrote: »
    First of all, I think the people who created and maintain the PWI games do a superb job of working with and trying to appease the total spectrum of people who play PW. They deal with issues we only take for granted. The only problem I have with the game is the language that shocks and embarasses me to hear supposedly intelligent people use. I'd like to include my kudos to the staff of PWI who worked diligently through the day to eradicate the problem that the abusers created. PWI staff....YOU ROCK!
    hi bug abuserb:bye
  • Amnesie - Sanctuary
    Amnesie - Sanctuary Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Yeah ! Our Guild Master was ban.
    And yeah, i didn't exploit the bug directly but players gave me some money, and i have 2 molds, a robe and 1M that i wouldn't have without the bug.

    But WTF, i'm not thinking only of the one i know....that pisses me off.
    Like a player said just above, a tone of player have exploited the bug... a tone !
    What is this ? A public lapidation of few ones, for exemple ?

    I'm usually as peacefull has a lake...but for once, you just get me on fire. b:angry

    You ****ed up, that happens and we don't blame you.
    You ban people while you are responsable, your deeply ****ing up, we blame you.
  • zuleica
    zuleica Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Unfortunately, not everyone who used this exploit to gain was suspended, and were able to keep their exploited money. I know of one, I wonder how many more there are.

    If you know of one then turn them in. If you don't then you're condoning their actions by your inaction.
  • Ethas - Heavens Tear
    Ethas - Heavens Tear Posts: 85 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Guys pls sign up here for the rollback petition so we can see how many agree to a roll back.
  • Amnesie - Sanctuary
    Amnesie - Sanctuary Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Could make a new thread for that petition please ? :)
  • Domnorix - Heavens Tear
    Domnorix - Heavens Tear Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    LOL. It looks like "fixing these critical errors" didnt fix anything at all. It only started something much worse. well good luck PW team with this disaster you got your self into :).
  • Scryxalis - Sanctuary
    Scryxalis - Sanctuary Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Second. To all of you on the rollback issue. GTFO it. Seriously. Quit and go away, or stop crying over spilled milk. The market is NOT that bad as you want to make it out to be in game and your cryign won't get you anywhere.
    Well hello there, **** kisser b:bye

    LOL @ your "the market is not that bad" assumption!! :)) You honestly think that way? Well go ahead and tread along your happy lil perfect world when you know that everything around you is scammed, laundered and abused. People like you are so admirable for your audacity of thinking everything is good and peachy. Well done.
    To punish the THOUSANDS of people playing the game tho for a few hundred tho is absurd!
    To allow people like you with this kind of mindset to speak with such an atrocious remark IS ABSURD. For a few hundred? ROFLMAO! Take a good look around you, dear. Everyone has been hit by this bug thingamajig. There are those who didn't take part of this, but they suffer the consequences of the exploit. So you honestly think that you're speaking for the "majority" by saying GTFO to us and kissing the dev's asses? Hoorah.
    You people are self centered and care nothing about the game or the market more than your own pocket book in game.
    Look in the mirror, hun. People like you who can let such a flaunder like this happen are the ones who's SELFISH.
    Most of you are likely pissed because you didn't think to use the AH yourself and make coin off the ppl buying gold like they did.
    This statement is such a giveaway that you're one of the people who took advantage of the exploit. *applauses*
    While you may have missed some bad seeds that used another "exploit" of sorts in the AH I have every confidence that if they are exposed by us the players, that they will be delt with as well.
    b:shocked We have a CIA agent here!! ZOMG!!
  • zuleica
    zuleica Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Guys pls sign up here for the rollback petition so we can see how many agree to a roll back.

    They just spent all day yesterday working on their preferred solution. Do you REALLY think that they are going to take a look at results of your petition, consider it, then sometime today or tomorrow roll things back by nearly 48 hours?

    They've made a decision to follow this approach. While I wouldn't have minded a rollback last night, I certainly don't want to go another day wondering if they will choose to or not.

    There are two issues here;
    1. The TW issues with RoC.
    2. People that exploited the bug and didn't get caught...yet.

    Issue #1 is worth exploring a different solution to...EARLY and quicly before other TW results have to be considered.

    Issue #2 is probably still an ongoing investigation process. As I posted above if you have knowledge of specific people that didn't get caught then supply PW with the information to help them track them down. If you don't then you're simply condoning their 'crime'.

    "He who does not prevent a crime when he can, encourages it." Seneca, 1st century AD, Rome
  • rikuowns
    rikuowns Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Well hello there, **** kisser b:bye

    LOL @ your "the market is not that bad" assumption!! :)) You honestly think that way? Well go ahead and tread along your happy lil perfect world when you know that everything around you is scammed, laundered and abused. People like you are so admirable for your audacity of thinking everything is good and peachy. Well done.

    To allow people like you with this kind of mindset to speak with such an atrocious remark IS ABSURD. For a few hundred? ROFLMAO! Take a good look around you, dear. Everyone has been hit by this bug thingamajig. There are those who didn't take part of this, but they suffer the consequences of the exploit. So you honestly think that you're speaking for the "majority" by saying GTFO to us and kissing the dev's asses? Hoorah.

    Look in the mirror, hun. People like you who can let such a flaunder like this happen are the ones who's SELFISH.

    This statement is such a giveaway that you're one of the people who took advantage of the exploit. *applauses*

    b:shocked We have a CIA agent here!! ZOMG!!

    dude your such a freaking d bag get out of this fourm youstupid troll
  • bodgejobcass
    bodgejobcass Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Hello PW Developers. Just wanted to say thank you far all the work and effort gone in to get the community back online. Honestly i think that fixing the problems in less than 24hrs of downtime was a fantastic achivement, and it shows your respect not only for the community and players, but also respect for the PW project, for which i hope the repect is eqaul for you in return. Thank you all
  • XForbidden - Heavens Tear
    XForbidden - Heavens Tear Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Sorry but its definately not to late to do a rollback, even 48 hours isnt that bad. You have people running around now with maxed skills and +5 on all gear who didn't deserve any of that money. That is not good. The economy is falling hard and fast. I know of almost an entire guild alone on Heavens Tear that already decided to quit, and there will be more to come. This game was just an epic fail. They brought it to US and programmers here just werent that bright. Some of you may think this was just a minor mistake but the GM's and Programmers admit their EPIC FAIL! There is only 1 true way to solve it and thats to rollback! Its common sense and any other MMO would have done that same thing. Its called common knowelage, not just for the people who actually spend alot of money on the game but also for programmers of this game who would want to keep it fair. To many problems have been brought with all this. Only way to solve it is to start from step 1 after the patch.
  • XForbidden - Heavens Tear
    XForbidden - Heavens Tear Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Hello PW Developers. Just wanted to say thank you far all the work and effort gone in to get the community back online. Honestly i think that fixing the problems in less than 24hrs of downtime was a fantastic achivement, and it shows your respect not only for the community and players, but also respect for the PW project, for which i hope the repect is eqaul for you in return. Thank you all

    Looks like your another abuser. They didnt fix anything, they just made matters worse. Have fun with all your gold!
  • zuleica
    zuleica Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Sorry but its definately not to late to do a rollback, even 48 hours isnt that bad. You have people running around now with maxed skills and +5 on all gear who didn't deserve any of that money. That is not good. The economy is falling hard and fast. I know of almost an entire guild alone on Heavens Tear that already decided to quit, and there will be more to come. This game was just an epic fail. They brought it to US and programmers here just werent that bright. Some of you may think this was just a minor mistake but the GM's and Programmers admit their EPIC FAIL! There is only 1 true way to solve it and thats to rollback! Its common sense and any other MMO would have done that same thing. Its called common knowelage, not just for the people who actually spend alot of money on the game but also for programmers of this game who would want to keep it fair. To many problems have been brought with all this. Only way to solve it is to start from step 1 after the patch.

    If you know of specific people that exploited then turn them in. Why are you hesitant to do so? I would in an instant.
  • rikuowns
    rikuowns Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    looks Like Your Another Abuser. They Didnt Fix Anything, They Just Made Matters Worse. Have Fun With All Your Gold!

    Stop Trolling You D Bag
  • XForbidden - Heavens Tear
    XForbidden - Heavens Tear Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    zuleica wrote: »
    If you know of specific people that exploited then turn them in. Why are you hesitant to do so? I would in an instant.

    Actually if I knew I would turn them all in, but I dont. There wouldnt be NO hesitation trust me. LOL
  • zuleica
    zuleica Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Looks like your another abuser. They didnt fix anything, they just made matters worse. Have fun with all your gold!

    You are a little odd...you seem to think that anyone that disagrees with you is an exploiter. That is infamatory rhetoric and not based on any fact.
  • XForbidden - Heavens Tear
    XForbidden - Heavens Tear Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    rikuowns wrote: »
    Stop Trolling You D Bag

    D Bag? ROFL I can tell your just an epic fail yourself. Your definately showing you were one who used the bug. GG
  • XForbidden - Heavens Tear
    XForbidden - Heavens Tear Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    zuleica wrote: »
    You are a little odd...you seem to think that anyone that disagrees with you is an exploiter. That is infamatory rhetoric and not based on any fact.

    Yea anyone who is ok with this bug is definately not a gamer. Just a waste of space.
  • XForbidden - Heavens Tear
    XForbidden - Heavens Tear Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    And you all can call me ANYTHING you like, lmao. Im in the most hated guild in this game so yea, Im use to the attention and all the love. Keep wasting your breathe on me lmao.
  • zuleica
    zuleica Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Actually if I knew I would turn them all in, but I dont. There wouldnt be NO hesitation trust me. LOL

    So your comments about all these people with maxed skills and +5 refinement when they didn't have it before are assumptions and not based on first-hand knowledge?

    I absolutely agree there are ones that have not been caught yet...that stands to reason. But that's as far as you can go in assumptions without something concrete to back it up. Once you have that concrete evidence then turn them in.
  • XForbidden - Heavens Tear
    XForbidden - Heavens Tear Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    zuleica wrote: »
    So your comments about all these people with maxed skills and +5 refinement when they didn't have it before are assumptions and not based on first-hand knowledge?

    I absolutely agree there are ones that have not been caught yet...that stands to reason. But that's as far as you can go in assumptions without something concrete to back it up. Once you have that concrete evidence then turn them in.

    In this situation thats going on right now. I dont think first-hand knowlege is any part of an issue. Tell me what you would do with 30-40m in gold? Buy out the Item Mall Appaearl? Yea I DOUBT IT. Make yourself ALOT stronger? YEA I can see that happening for sure. Its common fawking sense.
  • zuleica
    zuleica Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Yea anyone who is ok with this bug is definately not a gamer. Just a waste of space.

    OK...who here exactly has said they are "ok with this bug"?

    And if a person is "not a gamer" by whatever definition you subscribe to then they are a "waste of space"?

    Wow...you're really are an odd one.
  • XForbidden - Heavens Tear
    XForbidden - Heavens Tear Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    zuleica wrote: »
    OK...who here exactly has said they are "ok with this bug"?

    And if a person is "not a gamer" by whatever definition you subscribe to then they are a "waste of space"?

    Wow...you're really are an odd one.

    Yea everyone calls me an odd ball =) Again theres not 1 thing you can do/say to hurt my feelings lmao. I get it all day long. Its just so nice to see that I can easily irratate others.
  • Domnorix - Heavens Tear
    Domnorix - Heavens Tear Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Yea everyone calls me an odd ball =) Again theres not 1 thing you can do/say to hurt my feelings lmao. I get it all day long. Its just so nice to see that I can easily irratate others.

    dude this is a serious problem youve got. lol
  • zuleica
    zuleica Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    In this situation thats going on right now. I dont think first-hand knowlege is any part of an issue. Tell me what you would do with 30-40m in gold? Buy out the Item Mall Appaearl? Yea I DOUBT IT. Make yourself ALOT stronger? YEA I can see that happening for sure. Its common fawking sense.

    The point, which you seem to be missing, is that you presume to know qualitatively how many that is...but you don't have any specific examples to back it up.

    I have NO clue how many they have succeeded in catching and how many are left. I have NO clue how much coin they've removed and how much remains.

    On the other hand I'm glad they've done something and I hope they do more and I HOPE that anyone that has knowledge of exploiters helps get them removed.

    The assuredness with which you talk though leads me to think you have knowledge about people left in game with exploited coin, skills and equipment.

    Now I know you don't and you're assuming the relative remaining size of the problem...without any evidence to support it.
This discussion has been closed.