Emergency Maintenance Complete - Please Read



  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    BTW great job on dealing with missed TW. b:chuckle The idea is EPIC when friday is missed but not saturday and sunday.

    Well i guess "bad luck" for friday guys b:victory
  • Posts: 161 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Thank u GMs

    Metal raging Perfect Worlds since 2007
  • Posts: 85 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    GM's should do a list of shame of all the Players who took abuse of the BUG, so we can all see and judge.
    And what if the player who took abuse of the BUG was making 10 new accounts , and providing money to a player that "apparently" is legit, by buying items and stuff from the fake User?
    The possibility of "Money Cleaning" are huge. So why the PWE staff did not do a roll back? This is to risky , one player is to lucky , if he was smart enough. And i kind of guess from what guild's they are from. 70 accounts hmm , only 70 people took advantage of the bug lets be serious , they only checked the flowing of huge INCOME of coin. What about huge income of ITEMS, HUGE income of small amount's of money, Huge transfers of small amounts of coins.

    Please i want to see a list of names and guild they where from so we can see who is cheating in this game.
  • Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Thanks for the good work GMs.

    But now i'm wondering, will those 70 or more banned players be banned permanently?
    I'm glad i didnt do it lol b:laugh
    Also, thanks for no roll back b:pleased

    people like you make me sick how can you thanks them for not rolling it back ? do you even realise what you are actually saying ?

    Ty for giving a chance to theses bug exploiters so maybe they have been able to hide tons of money somewhere ?

    Ty for making this TW weekend a real joke ?
  • Posts: 85 Arc User
    edited February 2009


  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I love you guyz!!! Good job and thanx for working so hard on it!b:kiss
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    first off i can totally respect a game that admits their faults and tries to correct them.. world of warcraft needs to take notes from you sir! this accidental oops is just that, an accident.. you learn from them.. and they don't happen again.. i just started playing maybe a couple of days ago.. so far the game is good im still confused but, i have a very close friend that plays with me and he will line me up when i need him. ;) good job on the update and ty ty for the honesty.. love a game that respects its players and not think of them as a dollar sign (slaps WOW)

  • Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    miollvynir wrote: »
    Do you even realize the difficulty that this entailed for all involved? Please, stop whining and get a life outside of pw. You do not have a RIGHT to play pw, it is a privilege, especially because it is free to play. No one got their money taken away unless they were the ones who caused this in the first place, so why don't you try gratefulness? It's much more appealing.

    You are one of the trash out there. You are the one who are whining and get a life for yourself before you criticize other people. Show your face before you speak, Moron.
  • Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Unfortunately, not everyone who used this exploit to gain was suspended, and were able to keep their exploited money. I know of one, I wonder how many more there are.
  • Posts: 85 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Unfortunately, not everyone who used this exploit to gain was suspended, and were able to keep their exploited money. I know of one, I wonder how many more there are.

    And why don't you report him?
  • Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Well just to let you know, next month there is another Friday the 13th...b:laugh
  • Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Well im unstuck and im very happy that ppl are being punished sorry for the TW ppl but there is another day. get over it. Big huggles from me i woke early and getting a bit done.apprechate your hard work,b:pleased and yah something like this would make you want to run away from anything near a friday the 13th. b:cute
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Part of me says I wish I used the bug and get 100billion.
    Part of me says I "Think" I want to snap those exploiters neck
    Most of all.. I say

    Roll Back is a must. This is not acceptable :( unless theres no backup file right before the update :( .
  • Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    oh so you know one so do i and tbh the peopel who sold gold for 500k/g even if they did sell that gold the legit way, fact is that money come from an exploit. In RL when you buy a stolen car what happen to this car when the police find out about it ?
  • Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Unfortunately, not everyone who used this exploit to gain was suspended, and were able to keep their exploited money. I know of one, I wonder how many more there are.

    Yup same here...

    If I don't see telecoustics later on saying "OMG I DIDN'T GLITCH UNBAN ME!!@#@$" I call the whole "70+ banning" BS... At least release some names ffs.
  • Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Thanks Xarfox and all the other GMs, MODs, Designers, maintenance crews, vending machine restockers and all the others who took the time to fix this problem, i take my hat off to you all..
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    oh so you know one so do i and tbh the peopel who sold gold for 500k/g even if they did sell that gold the legit way, fact is that money come from an exploit. In RL when you buy a stolen car what happen to this car when the police find out about it ?

    This has nothing to do with stolen car story, rather it should be with bank robbery.
    One robs the bank -> go out and spend -> he/she is done if get caught.
    One robs the bank -> Money Clean (easly done) -> he/she is hard to get caught.
    *One robs th bank -> go out and spend -> back to the future.

    * option can be only done in game. do not try to attempt by buying a time machine from ebay.
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Woohooo thx u guys u guys rock \m/ and ty for doing it the hard way , i actually think this was better then rollback b:pleasedb:pleasedb:pleasedb:victory

  • Posts: 85 Arc User
    edited February 2009

    CAncel TW for all . They can fight next week.
    This is unfair to all the legit players.

    We want a list of the so called "70 players" *from 3 servers hmm it's kind of to few for 3 servers*

  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Good Job!! Thank you PW GM's. b:kiss
  • Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    k, thats it, i just heard some player has 350mil.
    anyhow.. no exp compensation too ?

    k im quiting
  • Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    could we please have a list of the players that were using this bug as an advantage so we keep future reference of these people that "if" anything like this happens again, we will not trade nor buy from him or her. (Other games p2p and f2p gives player lists). Tho Good job Gm's on suspending the accounts.

    For Tw, can you please re-schedule the firdays tw to monday so that it is fair for the love of all guilds b:cry .
  • Posts: 271 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    This thread is intended in all good humor. Dont take it personal...b:chuckle

    I have noticed amidst the Perfect World community a few remarkable individuals I feel deserve special recognition for their azzhattedness; the conspiracy theorists, the trolls, the flamers and others who have made the forum so much fun these past few hours. And since I have no life I have scoured the threads and compiled a list of my favorites. Please feel free to add your favorites to the list.

    Shiningon - Sanctuary : first in forum to suggest GM gold conspiracy
    aoshi63 : first to cuss and threaten to quit/move to private server
    Raydoit - Sanctuary : first to call GMs lazy... hmmm was he right though
    streaker : general GM detest
    HatedSoul - Sanctuary : first to exaggerate the reaction time (10 hours)
    Klath - Sanctuary : quit, then proceeded to lamely argue basic economics
    Cosmos - Heavens Tear : quit
    Haloarcher - Sanctuary : elaborate GM conspiracy theory
    Kalza - Sanctuary : The rich get richer
    Ninnuam - Sanctuary : general GM hating
    devil85 : GM hate
    DevilCrys - Heavens Tear : GM conspiracy

    and the coveted 1 place azzhat trophy goes to... drumm roll please

    odb for his lame threat to sue

    Here is your TROPHY

    Sorry there is no prize money, just bragging rights.

    of course the greatest azzhats of all were the azzes that abused the exploit... but, alas, we may never know their names.
  • Posts: 85 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    k, thats it, i just heard some player has 350mil.
    anyhow.. no exp compensation too ?

    k im quiting

    Report the Guy don't quit!!!!!!!! at least he can be checked out.
  • Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    And why don't you report him?
    I did report him.
  • Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    how? i dont have any proof.
    one of my guildies still got more money then they should have..?
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Typically threads such as there are full of whiners and finger pointers. Seriously, some ppl need to grow up. Instead of throwing all your toys out of the pram and quitting, report those who are still in possession of 'ill gotten gains'

    To the GMs and devs who must have been working their butts off, thanks for getting PW back up so early, I was expecting a 24hr + downtime :)
  • Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Well.... Since i just finished reading some Diskworld books i was on my way to buy some new ones.
    But i think, i will just print out this thread and read it before going to sleep. It seems to be a lot of fun, drama and action. Maybe some natural scientist should make a NationalGeographic TV Documentary about MMO gamers in their natural habitat. I would buy a TV to watch it...
  • Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I personaly think this whole mess could have been dealt with alot better and quicker .

    Stick to schedualed patch days and dont implement patches close to weekends thats just asking for trouble.

    The moment they knew there was an exploit of this kind the servers should have been taken down ,a roll back implemented and the new patch removed (as in the last know working backup being implemented).

    I sympathise with all the people who are sill losing out but some one has to no matter what way they decided to fix it . "The fair thing to do" is never fair because some one else will be adversly effected by it its only fair for your particular circumstances.

    What action they take upon the people who abused the glitch is upto them not anyone else. Naming and shaming is not an option and not something the rest of the community needs not be told about. If you know someone who has got away with it then report them, do your duty as a good citizen of the game.

    For those that are ilegidly leaving well good luck in what ever game you play but 99% say it in anger and a few weeks further on there still in the game playing asthough nothing had happened.

    At the end of the day people try to remember its just a game . You will have invested many hours in this game but one day you will quit. When that day happens you will have nothing to show for it in your real life but memmories. The rest of the community will carry on as if you had never played the game.
  • Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    ok, 2 people in my guild got 30mil from an exploiter in our guild, the exploiter got banned but those 2 people who both got like 20mil and 10mil didnt, so i dont care if they are in my guild im gonna report them i got a screenie where they said they got 20mil from him.
This discussion has been closed.